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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03592-8 - Documents on Conservative Foreign Policy, 1852–1878: Camden Fifth Series: Volume 41 Edited by Geoffrey Hicks, John Charmley and Bendor Grosvenor Index More information INDEX Abdul Aziz I, Sultan of Turkey 220, 230n and Russo-Turkish War 267n, 268, 269, Abdul Hamid II, Sultan of Turkey 20 292–293, 313–315, 336, 348–349 Abdulmejid¨ I, Sultan of Turkey 121n Antonelli, Cardinal Giacomo 63, 64, 80, 82, Aberdeen, George Hamilton-Gordon, 4th 83, 85, 371 Earl 13, 55, 371 appeasement 30 About, Edmond Franc¸ois Valentin 170n Apponyi, Rudolf, Graf Apponyi von Nagy- Addington, Henry Unwin 61n, 63, 79, 371 41–42, 115, 175, 371 Adelbert of Bavaria 69, 77, 78, 83 and Italy 133–134, 137, 141, 144, 148–149, Adrianople 235 151, 154, 169 in Russo-Turkish War 295, 301, 318, 322, and Luxembourg 190 344 and Prussia 187 Adullamites 162n armaments, increased expenditure on 324n, Afghanistan, and Russian threat 18, 339 325–327, 330n, 332 Airlie, David Graham Drummond Ogilvy, Armenia 5th Earl of 107 and Britain 24, 300 Albert Edward, Prince of Wales 118, 177, and Russia 294, 307, 320 178, 267, 371 army Albert, Prince (Francis) Augustus Charles British 93, 97, 210, 318–319, 324, 339 Emmanuel of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha 371 French 17, 139, 140–141, 201 and Belgium 142–143 Prussian 201–202 and foreign policy 7, 57, 75, 77, 78, 125 Russian 146, 347 and Malmesbury 75 Turkish 321 and Napoleon III 113, 158 Army Enlistment Act (1870) 339n and national defence 92, 100 Augusta, Princess of Sachsen-Weimar- and political interference
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