The best general introduction to the whole period is: Thomson, D., Europe since Napoleon (Penguin, 1966). There are also a number of good series available: Fontana History of Europe, and Longman, A General History of Europe:

Droz, J., Europe between Revolutions, 1815-1848 (Fontana, 1967). Grenville, J. A. S., Europe Reshaped 1848-1878 (Fontana, 1976). Rude, G., Revolutionary Europe, 1783-1815 (Fontana, 1964). Stone, N., Europe Transformed, 1878-1919 (Fontana, 1983). Wiskemann, E., Europe of the Dictators, 1919-1945 (Fontana, 1966).

Ford, F. L., Europe, 1780--1830 (Longman, 1967). Hearder, H., Europe in the Nineteenth Century, 1830--1880 (Longman, 1966). Roberts, J., Europe, 1880--1945 (Longman, 1967).

For more specialist subjects, there are the various contributions by expert authorities included in:

The New Cambridge Modern History, vols. IX-XII (Cambridge 1957). Cipolla, C. M. (ed.), Fontana Economic History of Europe (Fontana, 1963).

Other useful books of a general nature include: Hinsley, F. H., Power and the Pursuit of Peace (Cambridge University Press, 1963). Seaman, L. C. B., From Vienna to Versailles (Methuen, 1955). Seton-Watson, H., Nations and States (Methuen, 1977). 540


For French history in general, the best source is: Cobban, A., A History of Modern France (Penguin, 1965-6) 3 vols.

For the French Revolution, a useful selection would be: Goodwin, A., The French Revolution (Hutchinson, 1953). Hampson, N., A Social History of the French Revolution (Routledge, 1963). Rude, G., The Crowd in the French Revolution (Oxford, 1959). Rude, G., Interpretations of the French Revolution (Historical Association pamphlet G.47, 1961). Thompson, J. M., The French Revolution (Blackwell, 1943). Wright, D. G., Revolution and Terror in France 1789-1795 (Long­ man, 1974).


Barnett, D., Bonaparte (Allen and Unwin, 1978). Best, G., War and Society in Revolutionary Europe (Fontana, 1982). Geyl, P., Napoleon: For and Against (Cape, 1949). Markham, F. M. H., Napoleon and the Awakening of Europe (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1954). Thompson, J. M., Napoleon Bonaparte: his Rise and Fall (Blackwell, 1952) Wright, D. G., Napoleon and Europe (Longman, 1954).


Hobsbawm, E. J., The Age of Revolution: Europe 1789-1848 (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1962). Kissinger, H., A World Restored (Gollancz, 1973). Sked, A. (ed.) Europe's Balance of Power, 1815-1848 (Macmillan, 1979). Walker, M. (ed.), Metternich's Europe (Macmillan, 1948). Webster, C. K., The Congress of Vienna, 1814-1815 (Bell, 1919).


Hobsbawm, E. J., The Age of Revolution, Europe 1789-1848 (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1962). 541

Jones, P., The 1848 Revolutions (Longman, 1981). Kohn, H., Nationalism, its Meaning and History (Anvil Books, 1955). Schenk, R. G., The Mind of the European Romantics (Constable, 1966). Stearns, P. N., The Revolutions of 1848 (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1974). Talmon, J. L. Romanticism and Revolt, Europe 18I5-1848 (Thames & Hudson, 1967).


Bury, J. P. T., France, 1814--1940 (Methuen, 1954). Lough, J., An Introduction to Nineteenth Century France (Longman, 1978) Magraw, R., France I815-I914: The Bourgeois Century (Fontana, 1983). Woodward, E. L., French Revolutions (Oxford 1934).


There are several general histories of Italy. These include: Carrie, R. A., Italy from Napoleon to Mussolini (Columbia, 1950). Mack Smith, D., The Making of Italy, 1796--1866 (Macmillan, 1968). Woolf, S., A History of Italy, 1700--1860 (Methuen, 1979). On the 'idealistic' period of the Risorgimento, there are not so many books in English, although there are several on Mazzini, including: Griffith, G. 0., Mazzini: Prophet of Modern Europe (Hodder & Stoughton, 1932). Hales, E. E. Y., Mazzini and the Secret Societies: The Making of a myth (Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1956).


There are numerous excellent general histories of Germany. These include: Mann, G., The History of Germany since 1789 (Chatto & Windus, 1968). Ramm, A., Germany 1789-I9I8 (Methuen, 1967). 542

Sagarra, E., An Introduction to Nineteenth Century Germany (Longman, 1980). Taylor, A. J. P. The Course of German History (Methuen, 1969). A selection should also include: Hamerow, T. S., Restoration, Revolution, Reaction: Economics and Politics in Germany, 1815-1871 (Princeton, 1958). Henderson, W. 0., The Zollverein (Cambridge, 1939). Kohn, H., The Mind of Germany (Macmillan, 1965).


There are only two general histories readily available: Macartney, C. A., The Habsburg Monarchy (Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1969). Taylor, A. J. P., The Habsburg Monarchy, 1809-1918 (Hamish Hamilton, 1941). In addition, Hungarian nationalism is covered by: Barany, G., Stephen Szecheny and the Awakening of Hungarian Nationalism, 1791-1841 (Princeton, 1968). Macartney, G. A., Hungary: A short history (Edinburgh, 1962).


Deak, 1., The Lawful Revolution (Columbia, 1979) Fetjo, F. (ed.), The Opening of an Era: 1848, An Historical Symposium (Wingate, 1948). Kranzberg, M., 1848: A Turning Point? (Heath, 1959). Namier, L. The Revolution of the Intellectuals (Oxford, 1948). Robertson, P., Revolutions of 1848: a Social Study (Harper & Row, 1952). Stearns, P. N., The Revolutions of 1848 (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1974).


The general histories of include the following: Freeborn, R., A Short History of Modern Russia (Hodder & Stoughton, 1966). Kochan, L., The Making of Modern Russia (Pelican, 1963). Sumner, B. H., Survey of Russian History (Methuen, 1961). 543

Westwood, J. N., Endurance and Endeavour: Russian History 1812-1971 (Oxford, 1973). The reforms of Alexander II are dealt with by: Masse, W. E., Alexander I1 and the Modernisation of Russia (English Universities Press, 1958).


Anderson, M. S., The , 1774-1923 (Macmillan, 1966). Crawley, M. Greek Independence, 1832-1833 (Cambridge, 1955). Gooch, B. D., The Origins of the Crimean War (Heath, 1969). Hibbert, C., The Destruction of Lord Raglan (Longman, 1961).


Bury, J. P. T., Napoleon III and the Second Empire (English Universities Press, 1964). Gooch, G. P., The Second Empire (Longman, 1960). Simpson, F. A., Louis Napoleon and the Recovery of France (Longman, 1965). Smith, W. H. C., Second Empire and Commune: France 1848-1871 (Longman, 1985). Zeldin, T., The Political System of Napoleon III (Macmillan, 1958). Zeldin, T., Emile Ollivier and the Liberal Empire of Napoleon Ill (Oxford, 1963).


Beales, D, The Risorgimento and the Unification of Italy (Allen & Unwin, 1971). Hearder, H., Cavour (Historical Association, 1972). Mack Smith, D., Cavour and Garibaldi 1860 (Cambridge, 1954). Mack Smith, D., Victor Emmanuel, Cavour and the Risorgimento (Oxford, 1971). Ramm, A., The Risorgimento (Historical Association, 1972). Ridley, J., Garibaldi (Constable, 197 4). 544


Eyck, E., Bismarck and the (Allen & Unwin, 1950). Medlicott, W. N., Bismarck and Modern Germany (Athlone Press, 1965). Pflanze, 0., Bismarck and the Development of Germany (Princeton, 1963). Taylor, A. J. P., Bismarck: The Man and the Statesman (Hamish Hamilton, 1955). Waller, B., Bismarck (Historical Association Series, Basil Blackwell, 1985). Williamson, D. G., Bismarck and Germany 1862-1890 (Longman, 1986).


Fieldhouse, D. K., The Theory of Capitalist Imperialism (Longman, 1967). Fieldhouse, D. K., Economics and Empire (Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1973). Gallacher, J. A. and Robinson, R. E, Africa and the Victorians (Macmillan, 1961). Kiernan, V., European Empires from Conquest to Collapse (Fontana, 1984). Owen, R. and Sutcliffe, R., Studies in the Theory of Imperialism (Longman, 1972).


Langer, W. L., European Alliances and Alignments (American Book Supply Co., 1943). Medlicott, W. N., The and After (Methuen, 1938). Taylor, A. J. P., The Struggle for Mastery in Europe 1848-1918 (Oxford, 1954). Waller, B., Bismarck at the Crossroads (Athlone Press, 1974).


Mack Smith, D., Italy. A Modern History (Ann Arbor, 1959). Salamone, A. W., Italy from the Risorgimento to Fascism (David and 545

Charles, 1970). Seton-Watson, C., Italy from Liberalism to Fascism (Methuen, 1967).


The biographies of Bismarck can be supplemented with: Balfour, M., The Kaiser and His Times (Penguin, 1975). Craig, G., Germany 1866-1945 (Oxford, 1978). Evans, R. J. (ed.), Society and Politics in Wilhelmine Germany (Croom Helm, 1978).


Bury, J. P. T., France 1814-1940 (Methuen, 1954). Bury, J. P. T., Gambetta and the Making of the Third Republic (Harvard University Press, 1967). Chapman, G., The Third Republic of France, 1871-1894 (Longman, 1962) Vol.l. Johnson, D., The Dreyfus Affair (Blandford, 1966).


Kochan, L., The Making of Modern Russia (Jonathan Cape, 1962). Seton-Watson, H., The Decline of Imperial Russia (Methuen, 1952). Shub, D., Lenin (Pelican, 1966). Wolfe, B. D., Three who made a Revolution (Penguin, 1956).


Crankshaw, E., The Fall of the House of Habsburg (Longman, 1963). Jenks, W. A., Austria under the Iron Ring, 1879-1893 (Virginia, 1965). May, A. J., The Habsburg Monarchy, 1867-1914 (Harvard University Press, 1965). Mason, J. W., The Dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire 1867-1918 (Longman, 1985). 546


Remak, J., The Origins of I871-1914 (Holt, Rhinehard & Winston, 1967). Schmidt, B. E., The Origins of the First World War (Historical Association, 1958). Turner, L. C. F., The Coming of the First World War (Warne, 1968).


The First World War: Ferro, M., The Great War (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1963). Taylor, A. J.P., The First World War (Hamish Hamilton, 1963). Turner, L. C. F., The First World War (Warne, 1967). The impact of the war: Carsten, F. L., Revolution in Central Europe (Temple Smith, 1972). Ferro, M., The Russian Revolution of February 1917 (Routledge, 1972). Ferro, M., October 1917 (Routledge, 1979). Hill, C. E., Lenin and the Russian Revolution (English Universities Press, 1947). Pares, B., The Fall of the Russian Monarchy (Vintage Books, 1961). Wood, A., The Russian Revolution (Longman, 1978). Zerman, Z. A. B., The Break-Up of the Habsburg Empire, 1914-1918 (Oxford, 1961). The peace: Macartney, A. A. and Palmer, A. W., Independent Eastern Europe (Oxford, 1962). Marston, F. S., The Peace Conference of 1919 (Oxford, 1944). Nicolson, H., Peacemaking 1919 (Methuen, 1964).


Dexter, B., The Years of Opportunity (Viking, 1967). Gathorne-Hardy, G. M., A Short History of International Affairs, 1920-1939 (Oxford, 1950). Gilbert, M., Britain and Germany between the Wars (Longman, 1964). Walters, F. P., History of the League of Nations (Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1951) 2 vols. 547


Carr, E. H., A History of Soviet Russia (Penguin, 195~64) 7 vols. Conquest, R., The Great Purge (Macmillan, 1969). Deutscher, 1., Stalin (Oxford, 1949). Deutscher, 1., Trotsky (Oxford, 1954-63) 3 vols.


Bayne-Jardine, C. C., Mussolini and Italy (Longman, 1966). Fermi, L., Mussolini (Chicago, 1961). Hibbert, C., Benito Mussolini (Longman, 1962).


Bullock, A., Hitler: A Study in Tyranny (Odhams, 1952). Carsten, F. 0., The Rise of Fascism (Batsford, 1967). Elliott, B. J., Hitler and Germany (Longman, 1966). Eyck, E., The Weimar Republic (Harvard 1962-4). Fest, J., The Face of the Third Reich (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1970). Hiden, J. W., The Weimar Republic (Longman, 1974). Shirer W. L., The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (Seeker, 1960). Williamson, D. G., The Third Reich (Longman, 1982).


Gelber, H. G., The Coming of the Second World War (Warne, 1967). Gilbert, M., The Roots of Appeasement (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1966). Hiden, J. W., Germany and Europe, 1919-1939 (Longman, 1977). Taylor, A. J. P., The Origins of the Second World War (Hamish Hamilton, 1961). Thomas, Hugh, The Spanish Civil War (Penguin, 1961). Wheeler-Bennett, J. W., Munich (Macmillan, 1948). Wiskemann, E., Europe of the Dictators, 1919-1945 (Fontana, 1966). 548


Calvacoressi, P. and Wint, J. Total War. Causes and Course of the Second World War (Pelican, 1968). Churchill, W. S., The Second World War (Cassell, 1948-54). Falls, C., The Second World War: A Short History (Methuen, 1948). Shirer, W. L., The Collapse of the Third Republic (Heinemann, 1970). Werth, A., Russia at War (Barrie & Rackliff, 1963). Wilmot, C., The Struggle In Europe (Fontana, 1959). Wright, G., The Ordeal of Total War, 1939-45 (Harper & Row, 1968).


Fleming, D. F., The Cold War and its Origins (Allen & Unwin, 1961) 2 vols. Lane, P., Europe since 1945 (Batsford, 1985). McCauley, M., Communist Power in Europe 1944-1949 (Macmillan, 1979). McCauley, M., The Origins of the Cold War (Longman, 1983). Mcinnis, E., Hiscocks, R. and Spencer, R. The Shaping of Postwar Germany (Dent, 1960). Yergin, D., Shattered Peace: The origins of the Cold War and the National Security State (Penguin, 1980).


Balfour, M., West Germany (Croom Helm, 1982). Chamberlain, M. E., Decolonisation. The Fall of the European Empires (Historical Association Series, Basil Blackwell, 1985). Daltrop, A., Politics and the European Community (Longman, 1982). Grosser, A., The Western Alliance (Macmillan, 1980). Holland, R. F., European Decolonisation 1918-1981 (Macmillan, 1985). Mowat, R. C., Creating the European Community (Blandford, 1973). Urwin, D. W., Western Europe Since 1945 (Longman, 1968). Werth, A., De Gaulle (Penguin, 1965). 549


Ash, T. G., Polish Revolution (Cape, 1983). Bialev, S., Stalin's Successors (Cambridge, 1980). Brown, J. F., The New Eastern Europe (Praeger, 1966). Childs, D., The G.D.R; Moscow's Germany Ally (Allen & Unwin, 1983). Cohen, S. F., Rabinowitch, A. and Sharlet, R. The Soviet Union since Stalin (Macmillan, 1980). Lomax, B., Hungary 1956 (Alison & Busby, 1976). Remington, R. A., The (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1971). Wilson, D., Tito's Yugoslavia (Cambridge, 1979).


Johnstone, D., The Politics of Euromissiles (Verso, 1984). Nash, H. T., Nuclear Weapons and International Behaviour (Sidjhoff-Leyden, 1975). Newhouse, 1., Cold Dawn (Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1973). Sheehan, M. The Arms Race (Martin Robertson, 1983). 550 INDEX

Abysinnia 260, 385-6 Arndt, Ernst 100 Acerbo Law (1923) 411-12 de Artois, Comte 70 Ackerman, Convention of (1826) 163 assignat 8, 11, 14 Adelfia 85 Atlantic Charter 458, 474 Adenauer, Konrad 466, 481, 489, 518 Augsustenburg, Duke of 106, 207 Afghanistan 339, 491, 519, 522, 523, Ausgleich (1867) 318--19 530-31 Austria (see Habsburg Monarchy before Africa 225-7, 485-8 1918) 368, 383-4 Agadir 341 Austroslavism 131 'Aide-toi, le ciel t' aider a' 73 A vanguardisti 415 Aix-la-Chapelle, Congress of (1818) 46 Avanti! 261, 264 Albania 342, 471 Aventine Secession (1924) 412 Alexander, King of Yugoslavia 383 d'Azeglio, Massimo 91, 202, 254 Alexander I, Tsar 23, 24, 45, 46, Azerbaijan 478 147-9 Alexander II, Tsar 152-6, 157-8, 171 BI 525 Alexander III, Tsar 298 'Bach System' 314-15 Alexandra, Tsarina 362 Backfire bomber 521 Alge'

Caporetto (1917) 357, 406, 409 Beria, Lavrenty 402 Coral Sea (1942) 458 Berlin 60, 105, 126, 135, 140, 462-3, Custozza (1848) 132 470 Custozza (1866) 132 Berlin Airlift 480 Dien-Bien-Phu (1954) 513 Berlin Conference (1884--85) 226 Eylau (1807) 24 Berlin Decrees (1806) 25 Falkland Islands (1914) 357 Berlin Wall 515 Fleurus (1794) 14 de Berry, Due 72 Friedland (1807) 24 Besika Bay 167, 246 of the Frontiers (1914) 356 42, 161, 171 Hohenlinden (1800) 15 Beust, Count 319 Inkerman (1854) 170 von Bismark, Otto 112, 135, 156, 178 lsandhlwana (1879) 234 rise to power 205-207 Jemappes (1793) 10 and the Unification of Jena (1806) 24 Germany 184, 207-15 Jutland (1916) 357 foreign-policy objectives 242-3 Konieh (1832) 166 Alliance system 242-52 Koniggriitz (1866) 209, 318 decline of the Bismarckian Leipzig (1813) 32 system 249-252, 330-31 Leyte Gulf (1944) 465 and the imperial political Lissa ( 1866) 209 system 265-75 Liitzen (1814) 32, 102 fall from power 275 Magenta (1859) 196 Bjiirko Agreement (1905) 338 Marengo (1800) 15 Black Hand 341, 344 Mareth (1943) 460 'Black Partition' 157 Masurian Lakes (1914) 351 Black Sea 161, 171, 172, 218 Midway (1942) 458 Blanc, Louis 58, 78, 125 Mukden (1905) 336 blitzkrieg 428, 453 Navarino (1827) 163 'Bloody Sunday' (1905) 305 Neerwinden (1793) 10 Bohemia 111, 117, 118, 131, 319, Nizib (1839) 166 321-2 Novara (1849) 137 Bokassa, Emperor 488 Passchendaele (1917) 357 Bologna 84 Rieti (1821) 86 Bolsheviks 305, 363-4, 389 Salamanca (1812) 30 Bonaparte, Jerome 98 Sedan (1870) 214 Bonaparte, Joseph 28 Solferino (1859) 196 Bonaparte, Louis 178 Somme (1916) 356, 358 Bonaparte, Napoleon (see Napoleon) Stalingrad (1942-3) 460 Bosnia and Herzegovina 162, 245-6, Talavera (1809) 30 320, 327, 333, 339-41 Tannenberg (1914) 351 Boulanger, General Georges 249, Trafalgar (1805) 23, 28 287-9 Tsuchima (1905) 33 Boxer Rebellion (1899) 232 Valmy (1793) 10, 24 von Brandenburg, Count 140 Vittoria (1813) 30 Brandt, Willy 518, 519 Vittoria Veneto (1918) 359, 406 Brezhnev, Leonid 516-17 Wagram (1809) Brissot, Jacques 8 Waterloo (1815) 33 Britain 10, 15, 28, 39, 43, 59, 65, 89, Ypres, Second Battle of (1915) 358 102, 135, 147, 161-2, 166, 168, 172, Bavaria 98, 125, 184, 423 180, 194 Bazaine, Marshal 214 and the Concert of Europe 45-9 de Beauhamais, Josephine 19 British imperialism 225, 226, 227, Belgium 8, 10, 14, 15, 59, 77, 125, 184 228, 333-4 Belleville Programme (1869) 284 and the end of isolation 332-5, Benes, President 445 338-9 von Bennigsen, Rudolf 271 and the E.E.C.492-7, 528-9 552

British Expeditionary Force (BEF) 356 Common Agrigultural Policy de Broglie, Due 75 (CAP) 496, 528 Brumaire, Coup de (1799) 15 Commonwealth 494 Bruning, Chancellor 429 Commune 216 Brunswick Manifesto 9 Concordat (1801) 22, 292 Brusilov, General 357 Concordat (1929) 414-15 Budapest 113, 115, 119, 136 Confederation of the Rhine 26, 98 Bulgaria 244-7, 252, 358, 368, 478 Confederation Generale due Travail Buonarotti, Filippo 59, 85 (CGT) 294 Biirgerbraukellar Putsch 426 Congo 226 Congress System 45-51 Cambodia 184 Conspiracy of the Equals (1796) 15 Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Constantine, King of Greece 358 (CND) 520 Constantinople 163, 167 Camphausen, Baron 135 Constitutional Democratic Party Canning, George 47-50 (Kadets) 306 Carbonari 59, 86 constitutionalism 5fr.7 Carlsbad Decrees (1819) 103 Continental System 25--6, 147 Carnot, Lazare 13, 15 Coppino Law (1877) 258 Carnot, President Sadi 289 Corfu Incident (1923) 381 Carter, President Jimmy 522, 534 Council of Europe 492 Casablanca Conference (1943) 460 Credit Lyonnais 180 'cash and carry' 456 Credit Mobilier 180 Cavaignac, General Eugene 133 Crispi, Francesco 259--60 Cavour, Count Camillo di 89, 91, 182 Croatia 119, 120, 121, 136, 141 and the transformation of Cruise missiles 537 Piedmont 191-3 Cuban Missiles Crisis (1961) 515 and the Unification of Italy 193--201 Curzon Line 464 Cattaneo, Carlo 89, 124, 132 Cyprus 491 Ceau§escu, Nicolae 508--509 Czechoslovakia 364-5, 445-7, 478, Chaadayev, Peter 151 509-10 Challenger 525 Chamberlain, Neville 443, 445, 454 D-Day (1944) 460 de Chambord, Comte 281, 286 Dahomey 183 Champs de Mars 9 Danube Control Commission 472 Chapelier Law 7 Danton, Georges 8, 9 Charles x 44, 72, 73--4 Danzig 448 Charles Albert 86, 87, 91-2, 124, 132, Dardanelles 161, 167 137 Darwin, Charles 236 CHEKA 390 Dawes Plan 378--379 Chernobyl 535, 537 Deak, Ferenc 317, 318, 319 'Chevaliers de Ia Foi' 73 Decembrists 149-50 China 228, 482, 517-18 Declaration of the Rights of Man and 'Christian Mass' 85 the Citizen 6 Churchill, Winston 454, 462, 464 decolonisation 485-8 Cisalpine Republic 15 democracy 57 Clemenceau, Georges 287, 289 Denmark 42, 102, 106, 207-8 Code Napoleon (1804) 21 Depretis, Angostino 258--9, 260 Codrington, Admiral Edward 163 Derby, Lord 234 Cold War 475-83 Deroulede, Paul 286, 290 collectivisation 396 detente 51fr.19 Colonial League 276 Directory 14-15 Combes, Emile 291-2 Disraeli, Benjamin 225, 245, 257 480, 501 Dobrowsky, Abbe 118 Cominform 503 'Doctrinaires' 70 Comintern 393 'Dolchstoss' 422, 423 553

Dollfus, Doctor Engelbert 384, 443 Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg 249 Dreadnought, HMS 338 Ferry, Jules 185, 284, 285, 287 Dreikaiserbund 243, 244, 248 'Final Solution' 458-9 Dreyfus Affair 289--91 Finland 42, 148, 155, 453-4, 472 (1879) 247-8 Fiume 327, 407 Dubcek, Alexander 509-10 Five-Year Plans 396-400 Dulles, John Foster 513 'flexible response' 536 Duma 307 8, 310, 362 Fontainebleau Decrees (1807) 25 Dumbarton Oaks 474 Fouche, Joseph 13, 14, 32 Dumouriez, General 10 Fourier, Charles 58, 78 Dunkirk 454 Fourteen Points 359 Dzerzhinsky, Felix 390 France 162, 166, 168, 360, 361 French Revolution 1-14 Eastern Question 16(}-72 Napoleon and France 19--35 Eastern Roumelia 247 Restoration France 43, 46, 59, 62, Ebert, Fredrich 365, 422, 423 67-79 Eden, Sir Anthony 492 and the 1848 Revolution 124-5, 133, Egypt 162, 166, 167, 184 138 1848 Revolution Second Empire 175-87, 213--14 causes of 54--65 French imperialism 225, 23(}-32, 285 in Italy 123-4, 131-2, 137 Third Republic 28(}-94, 454-5 in France 124-5, 133, 138 inter-war 376, 378, 379-80, 441-2 in the Habsburg Monarchy 126--31, post-1945 488-9 135-7, 141 Francis I, Emperor 115, 116, 117 in Germany 125-6, 133--5, 140 Francis Joseph, Emperor 141, 196 consequences of 141-2 Franco, General Francisco 441 Eisenhower, General Dwight 482-3 Franco-Russian Alliance (1894) 33(}-31 Elbe 97 Frankfurt 126, 140 Emancipation Act (1861) 152 Frankfurt Assembly 134, 135 Ems telegramme 213 Frederick William III 99, 102 Enabling Law (1933) 430 Frederick William IV 64, 103, 106, Entente Cordiale (1904) 335-8 126, 140, 206 EOKA 491 Frei Korps 100, 366, 423 Erfurt Union 140, 141 French Revolution d'Estaing, Valery Guiscard 490 causes of 1-2 Estates-General 2, 3, 5 course of 2-16 European Coal and Steel Community legacy of 38-9 (ESCS) 492 impact on Italy 84 European Economic Community (EEC) impact on Germany 98 objectives of 494 Fructidor, Coup de (1797) 15 and Britain 494--6 weaknesses of 496--7, 528-9 von Gagern, Heinrich 126 European Free Trade Association Gaj, Ljudevit 118 (EFTA) 494 Gallipoli 168, 357 Exceptional Law (1878) 272 Gambetta, Leon 185, 281, 284, 285 Garibaldi, Guiseppe 137, 190, 196, Falaise Pocket 462 198-200, 254 Falange Espaiiol 440 Gastein, Convention of (1865) 208 Falk Laws 271 de Gaulle, General Charles 454, 488, Fascist Party 409--15 489, 490, 495 Fashoda Crisis (1898) 237, 333 Gdansk 526 federalists 10, 11 Geneva Agreements (1954) 513--14 Ferdinand, Archduke Franz 327, 344 Geneva Conference (1955) 514 Ferdinand I, Emperor, 64, 116, 117, 141 Geneva Protocol 379-80 Ferdinand 11, King of the Two Genoa 8~, 87 Sicilies 123, 132 Georgia 164 554

Germany Herder, Johann 56, 100 during the Vormlirz 95-106, 113 Hess, Rudolf 425, 470 and the 1848 Revolutions 125-6, Hesse 98, 126 133-5, 140 von Hindenburg, General Paul 351, Bismarck and Unification 205-16 429, 430 German and Italian Unification Hiroshima 465 compared 219-22 Hitler, Adolf German Imperialism 225, 226, 227, background 424-5 228, 272, 336--7 the March on Berlin 426--7 Imperial Germany 216, 265-78 rise to power in Germany 428-33 and the fall of the foreign policy 383-5, 443-9 Hohenzollerns 365-6 Hoare, Sir Samuel 385 the 'German Question' 376--9 Hobson, John 229 Weimar Republic 421-33 Hohenzollern Candidature 185, 213 and Hitler 424-37 Holland 77, 125 post-1945 466, 469-70, 505-15 Holstein 102, 106, 134, 207-8 Giap, General Nguyen 480-81 von Holstein, Heinrich 213, 278 Gierek, Edward 507, 526 Holy Alliance 45, 46, 47, 48, 104 Gioberti, Vincenzo 90-91, 92, 189 von Humboldt, Wilhelm 99 Giolitti, Giovanni 262-264, 407, 411 'Hundred Days' (1815) 33 Girondins 8, 9, 10, 11, 13 Hungary 11, 115, 117, 316, 317-18 'Glasnost' 530, 532 Metternich and 119-21 Gleichschaltung 433-5 and the 1848 Revolutions 131, 134, von Gliicksburg, Christian 106 135, 136, 137, 141 Goebbels, Joseph 425 during the Ausgleich 324-6, 365, Goering, Hermann 425 368, 446 Gorbachev, Mikhail 529-32 post-war Hungary 471, 477, 507 Great Depression 381-2 Greece 49-50, 163, 358, 370, 478-9, Iceland 491 491 Ignatyev, Count Nikolai 157 Grenada 492, 533 Illyria 118-19 Grevy, Jules 284, 285, 287 India 166, 228, 487 Groner, General 365 Innsbriick 131, 136 Grossdeutschland 134, 136, 207 Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles Guernica 441 (IRBMs) 490 Guizot, Franc;ois 70, 75, 77, 79, 124, International Court of Justice 474 166 Iran 478, 522 Habsburg Monarch 132, 134, 147 'Irangate' 534 before 1848 95, 98, 103, 104-5, Iskra ('The Spark') 304 111-21 Israel 487 and the 1848 revolutions 126--31, !stria 201 135-7, 141, 142 Italy 172, 335, 341-2, 358 disintegration of 364-5, 368 before 1848 82-92, 112, 116 Hambach Festival (1832) 104 alternative models of Hamburg 97 unification 85-8 von Hardenberg, Karl 30, 38, 99 and the revolutions of 1848 123-4, Harzburg Front 429 131-2, 137 Haussmann, Baron 181 obstacles to unification 190-91 Heath, Edward 495 achievement of unification 181-2, Hebert, Jacques 10, 11, 13 193-201, 216 Heidelberg 126 Italian Unification and German Heimwehr 443, 445 Unification compared 219-22 Heligoland Agreement (1890) 331 Italian imperialism 225, 226--7, 260, Helsinki Agreements (1975) 519 263-4 Henlein, Konrad 445 Kingdom of Italy 'Henri v' 75 1870-1915 254-64 555

Mussolini and Italy 385-7, 406-18 Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov 155, post-war 471 229, 304, 306, 310, 363, 364, 390-91, 394 Jacobins 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, Leningrad 403, 460, 466 57 de Lesseps, Ferdinand 184 Jahn, Friedrich 100 liberalism 56-7 Jameson Raid 333 Libya 263, 264, 341, 533 Japan 332-3, 383, 465 Ligue des Patriotes 286 Jaruzielski, General 527 Ligurian Republic 15 JellaCic, Josip 136, 141 Linz Programme (1882) 322 Joseph II, Emperor 112, 113 List, Friedrich 105 July Revolution(1830) 74, 76, 77, 86 Lombardy 63, 82, 84, 86, 89, 117, 131, 196 Kadar, Janos 478, 500, 507 London Convention (1840) 166 Kampfzeit 272 Louis XVI 2, 69 Kanzel Paragraph 271 Louis XVIII 33, 69, 72 Kapp Putsch (1920) 424 Louis Napoleon (see Napoleon III) Kars 171 Low Countries 14 Katkov 298 Lucca 82, 139 Katyn 506 Ludendorff, General Erich 351, 359, Kemal Mustapha (Ataturk) 370 425 Kennedy, President John 495, 515 Lueger, Karl 326 Kerensky, Alexander 363 Lusitania 357 Keynes, John Maynard 377-8 von Liittwitz, General 423, 424 Khruschev, Nikita 503, 514, 515-16 von Liitzow, Adolf 100 Kipling, Rudyard 237 Luxembourg 102 Kissinger, Henry 517 Lyons 76, 180 Kleindeutschland 134, 136, 140, 206 kolkhoz 396, 399 Macedonia 247 Kollar, Jan 118 MacMahon, Marshal 282, 284 Kolowrat, Count 116, 117 Macmillan, Harold 485, 514, 520 Konia, Stanislow 527 Maginot Line 454 KOR (Committee for the Defence of magyarisation 324-5 the Workers) 526 Mahmud II, Sultan 165 Korea 336 Malaya 487 Kornilov, General Lavr 363 Malmo 134 Kossuth, Lajos 120, 121, 136, 137, 196 Malta 167 Kronstadt 392 Manchuria 336, 383 Kruger telegram 237, 333 Manin, Daniel 137 kulaks 300 von Manteuffel, Otto 135 Kulturkampf 244, 271 Mao Tse-tung 483 Kut el Amara, siege of (1916) 357 Marat, Jean 9 Marmont, Marshal 74 de Lafayette, Marquis 5, 6, 70, 75 Marshall Plan (1947) 479-80 Laibach, Congress of (1821) 47 Marx, Karl 58, 98 Lamberg, Count 136 Masaryk, Thomas 364 Landsberg 426 Maximilian, Archduke 184 'Land and Freedom' 156, 157 Mazzini, Guiseppe 56, 59, 87-8, Langson Affair (1885) 285 90-91, 132, 137, 190, 201 Lasalle, Ferdinand 272 Mediterranean Agreements (1887) Laval, Pierre 383, 387, 454 249, 251 League of Nations 374-6, 381 Melikov, General Louis 157, 158 Lebanon 166 Meline tariff (1892) 292 lebensraum 383, 427 Mendes-France, Pierre 514 Leipzig 97 Menshikov, Prince 167 'lend-lease' 456 Mensheviks 305, 306, 363 556

Metternich, Prince Clemens 57, 63, Narodna Obrana 341 82, 85, 91, 102, 123, 164, 206 Narodna Volnaya 157 outlook and principles 39-40, 62 Nassau 98, 102 'system' 45-51, 10~ National Assembly 3, 5 and the internal problems of the National Convention 9 Habsburg Monarchy 115-23 National Liberal Party 211 fall from power 127-30 National Republicans 287 Milan 124, 132 National Society 190, 193, 196, 201 Milan Decrees 25 nationalism 56 Milyutin, General 155 National Socialist German Workers de Mirabeau, Comte 3, 6, 98 Party (Nazis) 'Mittelafrika' 276 nature of 425, 426-7 'Mitteleuropa' 276 and the Nazi Revolution 428-33 Modena 82, 86, 132, 137, 196, 198 and Gleichschaltung 433-5 Moldavia 163, 164, 167, 171, 172 and the Nazi New Order 458-59 Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact Necker, Jacques 2, 3, 5 (1939) 448-9 needle gun 209 von Moltke, General Helmuth 206, neo-Guelphism 90-91 222, 340, 356 New Economic Policy (NEP) 392-3 Monroe Doctrine 49 New Imperialism 225-37 Montez, Lola 125 Nicaragua 534 Montgomery, General Bernard 459 Nice 10, 182, 195, 198 de Montijo, Eugenie 178 Nicholas I, Tsar 50, 149-52, 167 de Montpensier, Due 78 Nicholas n, Tsar 298, 362 Moravia 131 nihilism 156 de Morny, Due 182 Nivelle Offensive (1917) 357-8 Morocco 237, 336-8, 341, 342, 441 Nixon, President Richard 517, 521 Moscow 307 NKVD 402 Munich Settlement (1938) 446 North Atlantic Treaty Organisation multiple interdependently targeted (NATO) 492 re-entry vehicles (MIRVs) 521 creation of 481 Murad IV, Sultan 246 internal divisions 490, 491-2, 533-5, Murat, Joachim 42, 84 536 Mussolini, Benito 264, 460, 464 purposes of 290 91 rise to power 406-11 North German Confederation 209 and the Fascist State 411-15 Norway 42, 454 and the Italian economy 415-18 Novotny, Antonin 509 foreign policy 385-6 nuclear disarmament 519-22 Nuremburg Trials 470 Nagasaki 465 Nagy, Imre 507 OAS 488 Naples 84, 85, 124, 132, 137, 255 Obrenovich, Milosh 162 Napoleon I October Diploma (1860) 316 character 19-20 October Manifesto 306 .rise to power 14, 15, 16 Octobrists 310 domestic reforms in France 21-3 Ollivier, Emile 182, 185 and the Grand Empire 25-28 Operation Barbarossa 456-8 and Italy 84-85, 194-8 Operation Otto 445 and Germany 97-102 Operation Sea Lion 455 downfall 28-35 Opportunists 284 Napoleon III (Louis Napoleon) 76, 78, Ostpolitik 518 137, 138, 167, 172, 209 Ottawa Discussions (1932) 382 rise to power 138, 175-6 Otto, Crown Prince of Bavaria 164 character 178 111, 147, 151, 160, and the Liberal Empire 181-5 172, 244-7, 340, 342, 357-8 and the Crimean War 181 OVRA 415 downfall 185-7, 213-14 Owen, Robert 58 557

Pact of Steel ( 1936) 448 Quadruple Alliance (1814) 45-6, 47 Palacky, Franticek 113, 118, 131, 319 Palermo 123 Radetsky, Field-Marshal Johann 124, Palmerston, Lord 77, 166, 202 132, 191 Panama Scandal (1892-3) 289, 291 Rasputin, Gregory 298, 310, 362 Pan-German League 276 Reagan, President Ronald 522, 525, Pan-Slavism 120, 151, 157, 244 532-3, 535 Papal Infallibility, Declaration of realpolitik 220--21 (1870) 257, 271 Reichstadt Agreement (1876) 246 Papal States 77, 82, 90, 124, 190--91, de Reichstadt, Due 176 196, 200 Reparations 377-9 von Papen, Franz 429, 430 Reykjavik 535 Paris 5, 6, 9, 13, 14, 59, 64, 78, 124, Rhineland 14, 39, 126, 184, 384 125, 133, 176, 180, 181, 183, 214, Rhodes, Cecil 226, 333 216 Risorgimento 82 de Paris, Comte 281, 286 Rivet Law (1871) 281 Parma 82, 131, 137, 196, 198 Robespierre, Maximilien 8, 11, 13, 14 Pasha, Ibrahim 164 R6hm, Ernst 433 Pearl Harbor 458 Roman Republic 15, 137 Pearson, Karl 236, 237 romanticism 55-6 Peking 184 Rome 92, 137, 181, 201 Pelloux, General 262 Rommel, Field-Marshal Erwin 455, Pepe, General 86 459-60 Persia 339 Roosevelt, President Franklin D. 462, Pesti Hirlap 120 464 Petain, Marshal 356, 454, 455 Rosebery, Lord 232, 237 Petrograd 362, 363 Rousseau, Jean Jacques 2, 11, 56 Philike Hetairia 49 Rumania 172, 358, 471, 478, 505, Piedmont 82, 83, 85, 86, 87, 89, 91, 508-9 124, 132, 171, 182, 190, 191-3, Russia 8, 15, 42, 43, 59, 135, 161, 164, 198 166, 167-72, 338-9, 456 Pilsudski, Josef 364 the Age of Reform 152-8 Pius IX, Pope 92 189 Russian imperialism 227-8, 334 Pius x, Pope 292 1905 Revolution 305-7 Plekhanov, George 157, 304 1917 Revolutions 361--4, 389--90 Plevna 246 between the Wars 389--403, 448-9 Plombieres, Pact of (1858) 194 post-1945 471-2, 476-9, 499--510, Poincare, Raymond 294 516-17, 523--4, 529 Poland 14, 42, 51, 98, 148, 151, 156, 207, 275, 365-366, 368 Saint-Simon, Comte de 57, 178, 180, and Hitler 448-9, 453--454 181 post-1945 471, 506-7, 526-8 Sakharov, Andrei 530 Popieluszko, Jerzy 528 Sammlungspolitik 278 populism 156 sans-culottes 5, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15 Portugal 48, 49, 488 Savoy 10, 182, 193, 195, 198 Potsdam Conference (1945) 464, 470 Saxony 43, 104, 125, 140 Prague 113, 118, 136, 447 von Schleicher, General Kurt 429, 430 Prairial, Coup de (1795) 15 Schleswig 106, 134, 207, 208, 275 Pravda (Truth) 310 von Schlieffen, General Alfred 344, Pressburg, Peace of (1806) 24 351-2 Princip, Cavrillo 344 von Schmerling, Anton 207, 317-18 Proudhon, Pierre 58, 78 Sch6nbrunn, Peace of (1809) 30 Prussia 14, 24, 30, 43, 78, 98-9, 103, von Sch6nerer, Georg 322 104, 126, 134, 135, 140, 141, 147, von Schuschnigg, Chancellor 445 166, 268-9, 271, 422 Schutzstaffel (SS) 427 PSI (Parti Socialist d'Italie) 261 Sebastopol 168, 171 Public Safety, Committee of 10 von Seekt, General 428 558

Senegal 183 scandals 287-91 September Massacres (1792) 9 challenge to 292-4 Serbia 118, 162-3, 246, 327, 340, 342 collapse of 453-5 von Seyss-Inquart, Artur 445 Tilsit, Pacification of(1807) 24,98 Sicily 84, 86, 123, 132, 198, 261 von Tirpitz, Admiral 276, 278, 332, de Sieyes, Comte 3, 6, 16, 19 357 Silesia 131 Tito, Marshal 462, 478, 499-500, 503 Simon, Jules 282 de Tocqueville, Alexis 2, 124, 133 Social Democratic Party Todleben, General Eduard 168 (Russia) 304-5, 306, 307, 310 Tonkin 285 Social Revolutionaries (SRs) 305, 306 'transformisme' 258, 259, 262-3, 407-9 socialism 58, 59, 394 Transylvania 121, 136, 141 Solidarity 526-8 Treaties Spain 10, 14, 28-30, 72, 77, 215, Adrianople (1829) 164 440-41, 442 Austrian State (1955) 514 Spartacists 366, 423 Bardo (1881) 285 Spinola, General 488 Basel ( 1795) 14 Sputnik 1 514 Berlin (1878) 246, 334 Stadion, Count 141, 314 Brest-Litovsk (1918) 359, 364 Stalin, Joseph 482, 499 Bucharest (1812) 161 rise to power 394-6 Campo Formio (1797) 14 and the Five Year Plans 396-400 Chaumont (1814) 33 and the Purges 400-402 Frankfurt (1871) 214 'cult of personality' 402-3 Intermediate Nuclear Forces and the Soviet Empire 499-501 (INF) 537 'Star Wars' 525, 535 Kutchuk-Kainardji (1774) 161 Strategic Arms Limitation Talks Lausanne (1912) 368 (SALT) 521-2, 535 Locarno (1925) 380 Strategic Arms Reduction Talks London (1827) 50 (START) 525-6 London (1852) 207 von Stein, Baron Karl 30, 98 London (1913) 342 Stolypin, Peter 307-10 London (1915) 406 Straits Convention (1841) 167 Luneville (1801) 15, 20, 95, 98 Stresa Front 384, 387 Munchengratz (1833) 51 Stresemann, Gustav 378, 428 Neuilly (1919) 368 Stiirmabteilung (SA) 425, 433 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Sudentenland 445-7 (1968) 521 Suez Canal 184, 487 Paris, First (1814) 33 Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916) 370 Paris, Second (1815) 33, 42, 45-6 Syndicalism 293-4 Paris (1856) 171, 219 Syria 166, 183 Portsmouth (1905) 336 Szechenyi, Count Istvan 119, 120 Prague (1866) 209 Rapallo (1922) 380, 406, 428 Taaffe, Count Edward 320--24, 326 Reinsurance (1887) 251, 252 Talleyrand, Abbe 32, 33, 42 Riga (1921) 368 Tanlongo Scandal 259 Rome (1957) 492 Teheran Conference (1943) 462 Saint-Germain (1919) 368 Terror, Reign of 11-13 San Stefano (1877) 246 Thatcher, Margaret 495, 525 Sevres (1920) 368 Thermidor, Coup de (1794) 14 Shimonosheki (1895) 332 Thiers, Adolphe 73, 74, 76, 124, 138, Trianon (1920) 368 166, 183, 185, 214, 280, 281,284 Versailles (1919) 367, 383-7, 428 Third Republic 280--81 (1882) 248, 250, 331 Republic of the Dukes' 281 Triple Entente (1907) 278 'Republic of the Republicans' 282-6 Troppau, Congress of (1820) 47 weaknesses of 286-7 Trotsky, Leon 306, 363, 364, 390, 394 559

Truman Doctrine 479 Egyptian-Turkish (1839--41) 166 Tukhachevsky, Marshal 402 First World War (1914--18) 330-71 Tunis 248, 260, 285 Franco-Prussian (1870-71) 171, Turkey 368, 478-9, 491 185-7, 201, 211-14 Tuscany 82, 84, 85, 88-9, 124, 132, Greek War of Independence 137, 189, 196, 198 (1821-32) 47, 50, 163-4 Italian Unification (1859) 195-6 U2 'spy plane' 515 Korean (1950-53) 482 Ukraine 149 Libyan (1911-12) 341 Ulbricht, Walter 478 Peninsula (1808-13) 30 Umberto, King Russo-Turkish (1828-9) 163-4 United Nations (UN) 471, 472-5 Russo-Turkish (1877-8) 155, 157, Union of Liberation Party 305 246 Union of Struggle for the Liberation of Russo-Japanese (1905) 228, 305, 336 the Working Class 304 Second World War USA 184, 359, 381-2, 479-80, 491, (1939--45) 441-66 492, 517 Sino-Japanese (1894--5) 228, 332 Warsaw Pact 481, 482, 501, 504--5, Vandenberg, Senator Arthur 480 535 Vanguard I 514 'Watergate' 521 Varennes, the flight to 9 Weimar Republic 366, 378, 421-30 Vendemiaire, Coup de (1795) 15, 19 Western European Union Venetia 15, 63, 82, 131, 196, 200 (WEU) 482 Verdun 356 William I, Kaiser 206, 267 Verona, Congress of (1822) 47, 72 William n, Kaiser 251-2, 275, 365 Versailles Settlement (1919) 366-70 Wilson Scandal 287 Victor Emmanuel I, King 191-200 Windischgratz, Field-Marshal Victor Emmanuel III, King 262, 411 Alfred 136, 141 Vienna Settlement (1815) 38, 40-44, Witte, Sergei 302, 305, 307 146, 220 Vietnam 488, 490, 491, 514 Yalta Conference (1945) 464 Vihigos, Capitulation of (1849) 141 Yeltsin, Boris 531 Villafranca, Peace of (1859) 196 Y ezhovschina 402 de Villele, Comte 72, 73 Young Committee (1929) 381 Volga 147 Young Germany 88, 103 Vormarz 103-6 Young Italy 87 Young Czechs 321-2 Walesa, Lech 526, 527 Young Turks 340 Wallachia 163, 164, 167, 171, 172 Ypsilantis, Alexander 49, 163 Wallon Amendment 282 Yugoslavia 406-7, 478, 499--500, Wall Street Crash (1929) 381-2 503-4 Wars Anglo-Boer (1879--81) 232 Zabern Affair (1913) 270 Anglo-Boer (1899--1902) 232, 333-4 Zasulich, Vera 157 Austro-Prussian or 'Seven Weeks' 'zero option' 533 (1866) 184, 201, 208-11, 318 Zimmermann Telegramme Balkan Wars (1912-13) 342-343 (1917) 359 Crimean (1854--56) 152, 167-71, Zola, Emile 289 181, 194 Zollverein 104--5, 117, 214