Application for the modified reassessment of a hazardous substance Under Section 63A of the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 Chemical Review 2012 – 2014 A modified reassessment of a range of substances for which new information was obtained in the period 2012 - 2014 Application number: APP202482 Applicant: Chief Executive, Environmental Protection Authority Chemical Review 2012 – 2014 (APP202482) 2 Applicant’s details Name: Rob Forlong, Chief Executive Address: EPA, Level 10, 215 Lambton Quay, Private Bag 63002, Wellington 6140 Phone: 04 474 5403 Fax: 04 914 0433 Email:
[email protected] Applicant’s contact person Name: Asela Atapattu Address: EPA, Level 10, 215 Lambton Quay, Private Bag 63002, Wellington 6140 Phone: 04 474 5463 Fax: 04 914 0433 Email:
[email protected] Signature of Applicant 3 June 2015 Rob Forlong Date Chief Executive Environmental Protection Authority Chemical Review 2012 – 2014 (APP202482) 3 Background The Environmental Protection Authority regularly receives new information from stakeholders regarding the classifications and controls of substances. EPA staff also note where changes to approvals are needed. Where those changes are not minor or technical, these changes require a reassessment or a modified reassessment of the approval of the substance under the HSNO Act 1996 (“the Act”) The Chemical Review is intended as a means of making changes to a number of approvals at once, taking into account the new information available to the EPA. This is undertaken as a modified reassessment under section 63A of the Act. This application makes recommendations to change some or all of the following aspects of the approvals in this application: - The approval name of the substance - The hazard classification(s) applied to the substance - The controls applied to the substance The controls changes proposed are largely as a result of changes to the hazard classifications of the substances in this application.