Bosses Archfiend Family
Bosses Archfiend Family Scarmiglione (CR 9) Hunched over, the Blighted Despot lurches closer to you, but can hardly be seen beneath his long, dun cloak, only golden eyes that glisten with malice.– Manly Man XP 6,400 NE Medium Undead (Archfiend, Boss, Earth, Shadow) Init +10; Senses Darkvision 120 ft.; Perception +18 Aura Black Aura (10 ft., 2 shadow damage per round) DEFENSE AC 23, touch 17; flat-footed 17 (+7 natural, +6 dex) hp 270 [380] (10d12+70) mp 50 Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +12 DR 10/bludgeoning and magic; Immune channel, earth, undead traits; Strong Lightning Weakness Holy OFFENSE Speed 30 ft.; Climb 20 ft. Melee Bite +13 (1d8+9 plus Poison and Curse), 2 Claws +13 (1d10+12 plus Disease and Sap) Ranged necrotic feedback +13 (2d6 shadow damage, range 120 ft.) Burst Mode Oarsman of the Underworld Spells Known (FC CL 10th, Concentration +16) 0th (DC 16) – dark orb, detect magic, disrupt undead, message, penumbra, touch of fatigue, touch of lethargy, touch of torment 1st (DC 17) – bone armor, dark, detect undead, dread, enfeeblement, fear, summon undead I, undead touch, virulence 2nd (DC 18) – bone shield, dark II, death armor, death knell, false life, ghoul touch, lesser animate dead, spectral hand, summon undead II, wound 3rd (DC 19) – animate dead, dark III, darkra, dispel, halt undead, mass enfeeblement, pain, ray of exhaustion, summon undead III, vampiric touch, void aura 4th (DC 20) – bestow curse, boneshatter, burning blood, dark IV, dread spikes, enervation, greater false life, greater fear, raise, shadow projection, shadow step,
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