
April 28, I960 TORRANCE P RF S S Pag* C-7 Stephen White Pupils Harbor College to Present Sell Danish Cookies South High Open A sale of Danish cookies by pupils of Stephen M. White Jun­ House Tonight 'Oedipus Rex' Next Week ior High School is now in projf- As part of Public School Week, resa and will run through Mon­ an open house will be heUl at The Harbor College Theater Sue Han.ion, appearing as Jo- day. South High School today, from Art* Department: will present casta, has combined a career as The drive is sponsored jointly 7:30 to 10 p.m. William Butler Yeats' powerful wife and mother with college by the Stephen M. White PTA Various departments will dis­ Jl n H Rrippinjf prose vr rsion of study and active membership in under leadership of Mrs. Oscar play and demonstrate activities. Sophocles' "Oedipus R*>x" at 8:30 the Palos Verdes Players. Smith, president; and flip *s(u- All visitors will be free to move p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday in Hent council, directed by 1 o 1 a about the campus as they wish, Other mpmborw of the cast In­ Watkins. the Starboayd Theater «n the clude Jo* i All facilities will he open to the ROJHS. Jo T/ennik, Judy Money from (he drive will he rampui. Levin, |public, including the newly com- and Phil Ortii. The chonis used for student-body expenses Tickets for the two perform­ will he under the 'direction of 11 pleted cafetorium, library, sc­ ance* are available at nq charge and to support the. PTA program ience, business, and industrial* Kathryn Clauset, LAHC instruc­ of welfare work. in Tloom 601, H»rhor OoMefe tor of musie. arts buildings. ('ampus Center. ' The South High PTA will hoM The production is under su­ Use Press classified ads to Limited facilities make It nec­ pervision of Reuben (J. Plaskoff, its annual election of officer* essary to buy, rent or sell. Phone DA admit th* audience by director of the Harbor in the cafetorium perceding open ticket College G-151B. only, and seating1 will be Theater Arti Department. house. arr.-nged in the order of arrival. The presentation of "Oedipui Thtirt., Frl., Sat. Ho.x" will be an unusual theatri­ Pacific Ocean cal event, with actors and chorus R Mickey Roonty wearing masks of tragedy as the Park to Keep Mamie Van Dortn Greeks did in their great r«- FAirfax 8-6375 ligiouf dramatic festivals in hon­ One-Price O "THE BIG Policy, Wednesday thru Tuesday or of Dionyslus. Pacific Ocean Park's new pay- OPERATOR" Heading the cast are three one-price policy, which proved to ALSO Richard Burton and Harbor College student* who are be a success in its initial Easter A Barbara Rush in majoring in theater arts. week tryout, will be continued Victor Maturt Kugene Dynarski, who will ap­ during the spring season it was Yvonne De Carlo THE BRAMBLE pear in the role of Oedipus, has announced today by president D studied at the Horseshoe Stage Bc-n A. O'Doriaio. "TIMBUKTU" BUSH1 mid the Theater Studio, Holly­ The Park will be open Friday Also wood. nights, Saturdays, and Sundays. 1 (Color) Creon will he portrayed by Bill Beginning tomorrow, hours 'SINK THE Mclntyre, who has played lead- will be Fridays, fi p.m. to mid­ * * * Ing role§ at the Community night; Saturdays, 11 a.m. to mid­ U DRIVE-IN THEATER BISMARCK' Playhouse and the Off-Broadway night; and Sundays, 11 a.m. to Theater in T,ong Beach Redondo Beach Blvd. and made 10 p.m. Saturday Matinee Only several highly successful local M at Crenthaw DA 4-2664 appearances aj a folk singer. Use classified. Call DA 5-1515.- The Lone Ranger in

COLDEST TAP BEER IN TOWN SAHARA TURNS RED stan with Yvonne De tula torture and human lance targets, at Roadium tonight 'LOST CITY OF Carlo in "Timbuktu," featuring such delights as desert taran­ through Saturday. Co-film "LITTLE is "Big Operator," Mickey Rooney. GOLD1 STAGE" IRMMhf Also DANON9 AND INTIRTAINMINT Auditions SchtduUd THE 23820 HAWTHORN! BLVD. THEATRE TOM VITALE .'The Long; Beach Civic Lijrht Hill f avftMONTATMPUWIA WALTIRIA, CALIF. FR 5 9169 'SINK THE Opera Association, following Its Wadntsday thru Saturday recent production of "The Stu­ MOON April 27-28-29-30 BISMARCK1 Enjoj Western at Torronce Blvd. dent Prince," announced auditions Sal Minao-Susan Kohn»r- CHUCK Jamas Darren ENTERTAINMENT NITELY for their July production of "Mom Buy* All Our Italian Food it" THE GENE KRUPA WAGON CHOW I\ or veil Ran die "Plain and Fancy" will be hold VILLAGE Sunday, May 8, and Monday May STORY PISCIOTTA'S ml Hi* Pinna Sundoyi • COCKTAILS ALL YOU CAN EAT through Thundayi. 0. A Columbia Pictura SpMhotfl, Torpodot, Ravioli, e PIANO BAR Phone. Latatna, M»M Rail and Sautat* —ALSO— FAirfax S-UM Sandwichtt Al A pod lira A inesnajTP Watch for Grand Opening Adventurel Excitemcntl Lunch...... $1.15 TAKI OUT FOOD ONLY of United States Friday, Saturday, Sunday friend shin jroes with 1417 S. Pacific Coatt Hwy. Mystaryl 20911 Hawthorne Blvd. Trio rvpry CATCK ROBERT TAYLOR Ntxt to Pox Mark.t •vtry Friday .nd Saturday parknffp."Recipients Redondo Beach Dinner...... $2.25 FR J MM know the NICOLE MAUREY in sifts come from Americans. THE HOUSE OF THE 'NEVER SO Palos Verdes SEVEN HAWKS DON'T THE FEW NOW OPEN Sunday-Monday.Tutsday i Bowl GET MAY 1-2-3 Also 24600 Crenihtw Blvd. HOOKED Tht Most Diabolical Murdartr James Garner and THE of All Tiin« Torrance — DA 6-5120 with high BAY 90s Natalie Wood in prices RELAXING JACK THE RIPPER while out LUNCHEON —Also— en the SERVED Paramount Picture* Prasants townl HARBOR F3OM 11 A.M. THE BIG NIGHT • VISIT ——— MAXIE'S LOUNGE 24218 Crerwhaw Blvd. 2320 TORRANCE BLVD. for complete food Rendezvouz DA 6-9748 Torrance TORRANCE CHINESE AND AMERICAN 1879 Torrance Blvd. Ntxt tt Dtnni.'t Coftt. Shop ~ • Entertainment FOOD TO* GO • Fine Cocktails • Atmosphere to Pleas* Superb Food Muilc Open Daily lanquett ding how cafe FR. 7-1.547 1652 CABRILLO — TORRANCE —NOW OPEN- /llmoapftere or lli« 9.0' 20 (Banquet Room Available—Call FA 8-2001) VARIETIES Of OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. 'TIL 2 A.M. COCKTAILS * PUmo Bar * PANCAKES AMERICAN AND CANTONESE OPEN DINING DINNERS 24 HOURS ON THI OCEAN FOOD TO SERVING SERVED NIGHTLY VI PAIO» VHDCS I 3AN PfOtO DINING Choice of Those Enfrees PLEASURE ON RUSTY'S EASTER TAKE BUSINESSMENS NIW YORK CUT STEAK PANCAKE HOUSE PEGGY TOP SIRLOIN NATIVE ENTERTAINMENT 1666 S. Pacific Coatt Hwy. DELANEY SERVING WILL OUT______LUNCH STEAK 'N MUSHROOMS START AT 4 P.M. CHOPrtP SIRLOIN Riviera » « SKEWERED BEKF CHARCOAL BROILED TELEPHONE FAIRFAX 8-2424 VEAL CUTLET STEAKS, PRIME RIBS 1925 WEST CARSON ST.'.IET FRIED CHICKEN 'Cocktail Hour' COCKTAIL LOUNGE FRIED SHRIMP COCKTAILS TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA ORILLED HALIlUr 5 P.M. to 6 P.M. Moon Garden RESTAURANT AND OTHER INTRES 14217 S. Howfhorne Blvd. (near Rosecrani) FR. 6-6412 20% OFF from the four ront«»r« OS 6-3347 ON ALL DRINKS of the world 109 MANHATTAN IIACH ILVD. MANHATTAN IIACH • U FAMOUS IMPORTID THE BEST OF BEERS STEAKS AND SEAFOODS ON DRAUGHT • Lowenbreu • Flyinq Dutchmen • Tubourq • Wurttburgvr Hie Pr«»M rlnnnifiVd ads to • Carlburq • Ritt*rbraw buy, r«nt or «HI. Pbonw DA • Avoilofcl. Light and Dark nnH Dortmund«r Hanta leer OPEN 5 P.M. DAILY • 80 BOTTLED BEERS • SANDWICHES AND PIZZAS OPEN 11:30—2 30 A.M. DAILY

FRIDAY & SATURDAY Just Good Food" FREDDY'S - APRIL 29 and 30th WRAY'S 1741 Pacific Coast Hwy. Family • Car Service • Fountain Service LOMITA DA. 6-7010 GARDENA'S NEWEST RESTAURANT RESTAURANT • Dining Room %^* AAAafrJJ, • Food to Take Home 16421 8. Crenahaw t> Childran'a Menu Qardana, Calif. EDDIE'S CHICKEN O8borne 8-7344 Open 3i30 a.m. . 3 a.m. 24 Hra. Friday mtt4 teft. GAY 90'S 461 9TH STREET TE 3-5295 SAN PEDRO Catering to Families GABLE 15410 So. Normandie EVERY MONDAY BOWLING CENTER Just S«. erf Redonelo Btech Blvd. Family Night Special The COFFEE SHOP Specializing in Chicken Birkshire Hawthorn* A S«pulvtd« Blvd. Steaks and Seafoods Inn Ampl* Parking — Prompt Strvice 13518 Cranthaw Blvd. DA 99476 Gardtna LUNCHEONS-DINNERS Complete OO( WILLIAM DONATI TRIO Our Famous Buffe OPEN 11:30 A.M. TO 9:30 P.M. DAILY Chicken Dinner §g Wad. Thru Sat. ALL YOU CAN EAT For Tabl« R«t«rvations — Chicken To Take Out "0«flnlt*ly • Rtgular $1.35 Lunch 1.50 Dinner 1.95 family Aff«lr Includtt soup or salad, baktd potato a\ roll ARMENIAN FOODS AND 11:30 p.m. to 1:30 pjn. Phone FA 1-1433 or DA 3-0973 Radondo Baach—Pacific Coatt Hwy. a* Palos Vtrdas Blvd. •NTIRTAINMINT FR 8-4618 IVERY SUNDAY 5:30 p.m to 8:30 p.m. Ecfdfa) an Dratco lea) Draseo — From George's Chicken PROM 5 P.M. Mon. thru Sun., Every Day "Good Food and Prompt Service n*T Specially" COME IN FOR MAKE RESERVATIONS EAT WITH CHARLEY DINNER TONIGHT!! FOR MOTHER'S DAY 162S CABILLO Toffoo Shop & Bowling Alley Open 1M hrs 2 Downtown Torrane* SALADS GALORE ALL YOU CAN BAT —COCKTAILS— Phont> FR ftlftdS