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VOL. 13, No. 80943 KWAJALEIN , MARSHALL ISLANDS Wednesday, May 29. 1974 franco's Goyernment Nixon Opposes .. and Syria Agree to Mus; Accept Changes (ourt Hearing MADRID, (UPI)--The government WASHINGTON, (UPI)--President A Military DiSengagement today submitted to the Cortes Nixon has decided to oppose an , (UPI)--Israel and Syria agreed today to a military the first part of a package of early Supreme Court hearin~ on disengagement on the Golan Heights that was a historic VlctOry for political reforms amid warnings whether he must surrender Water- the marathon shuttle diplomacy of Secretary of State Henry A. that the 35-year-old regime of gate information to the courts. Klsslnger. Generallssimo Francisco Franco Should Nixon persuade the high The announcement came 32 days after Klssinger bepan hlS longest IS doomed if it will not accept court not to intervene in the overseas mlssion to arrange the same agreement between Israel and changes. case right now--as Special Syria that he brought about in January between Israel and Egypt, this The draft bill provides for Prosecutor Leon Jaworski has asked terminating the October war and opening a new chapter In the Middle the election of mayors, Who have it to--it could mean a delay in East. been appointed by the government the cover-up trial of seven former It wlll be slgned by milltary men from each side on Friday in the until now. Prine Minister Carlos top Nixon aides accused of plot­ Egyptian-Israeli military working group of the Geneva Peace Confer­ Arlas Navarro has promised fur- ting to hush up the bugging ence, whlch Syrla IS expected to join. ther reforns, including the scandal until well into 1975. The details wll1 be announced offlcia11y Thursday when Prime credtl0n of party-llke "politlcal The Supreme Court on Friday Minister Golda Meir wlll present the agreement to the Israe11 Knesset. assoclations," increased repre- received Jaworski's request to But government sources sald it includes Israeli withdrawal to a sentatlvity of the Cortes and rule on Nixon's refusal to sur- cease-flre line in the Golan He16hts, a buffer zone between the changes ln the government-con- render subpoenaed trial evidence forces of the two countrles, a thlnnlng out of men and weaponry on trolled trade unions. without waiting for an appeals both sides, a United Nations forct tc, polIce tiLe agreement and an Commenting on right-wlng court test. On Tuesday, justices exchange of prlsoners of war. reslstance to the new law and asked the White House to file an Pre"ident Nlxon made the announcerrent in ~;ashlngton at 7pm other parts of the promised "expedited response" within two Jer'_salem tlme and his statement was broat:cest by Damascus Radio. package, the Barcelona neTTspaper days on whether the Supreme Court Israeli approval was being announced a half hour later after a Vanguardia said, "Clobin!! the should consider the matter. White cablnet meetlng to glve the final approval. system could have sad results for House officials quickly signalled Weary from 13 shuttles between Jerusalem and Damascus, Klssinger the system It'1elf.'' the response would be negative. wlll start hlS thrlce-postponea return hOITIE. TllU~sday mornlng, stop­ In earlier comments, the Madrid "As far as these cases are plng oVer for lunch In Calro wlth Egyptlail Prebldent Anwar Sadat and newspaper ABC sald refusal to concerned, they raise constitu- arrlvlng back In Washlngton after dark. llberalize might create a danger tional issues that ought to O~ Whlle there were no officlal detalls, Ibrdell government sources of revolution ln Spaln. And carefully considered by the courts gave thlS plcture of what the agreement would contain: referrlng to the change of reg~me and I think it would be appropr~ate --Israel wl11 wlthdraw from the 325 square mlle sa11ent captured In nelfhboring Portugal, the that these matters not be short- ln the October war from a s11ver of the East Golan Helghts taken ln newsmagazlne Mundo asked, "Is cutted," chief presldential lav1yer 1967, lncludlng the former admlnlstrative capital at Quneltra. there any reason why the demo- James D. St. Clair told reporters. Israel wl11 keep three strateglc hl11s west of the clty. cratic experience (in Portugal) Added a ranking official at the --The buffer zone will be 1.2 to 3.6 mlles wlde, manned by about could not glve the same or even White House a short time later: 1,250 troops of a Unlted Natlons Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF). a better result ln Spain?" "The White House will respond to --Syrlan clvl11ans wll1 return to Quneitra and the vl11ages In the Spanlsh pollticlans have ex- the application and oppose the buffer zone under Syrlan clvlllan admlnlstratl0n. pressed fears that the reform Supreme Court taking the case at --There wl11 be a zone of llmlted forces on both sldes of the package may run into trouble in this time because the White House buffer zone, In the flrst SlX miles to each side, Syrla and Israel the Cortes, a bastion of con- lawyers feel the issues are of wl11 be 11mlted to 6,000 troops as well as 36 guns of l22mm ca11ber servatlve strength. Most members such importance the:' require and perhaps 75 tanks. In the remalnlng area, there can be 450 tanks of Parllament are representatives utilization of the full judicial and unl1mlted troops but no mlssi1es or long-range artl1lery. of government-controlled bodies process and the issues do not --The Un.Lted States lS expected to glve Israel lnsurances of or appointed by the government. justify short-cutting the judicial pOll tical su~~ort .Ln case of Israell reta11atl0n against Pa1estlnlan South Turns to process." guerrl1las wl.o !'11~ht have lnfiltrated from Syrla. Syria refused to _. f Meanwhile, Jaworski applied to guarantee sucn lnf.L1tration would not occur. New. aces u.s. district court to provide ~im Those uetalls could not be Interior Department '\lASHIl,GTQ:~, (UPn--The South extra evidence for two grand juries offlclally conflrped, but they are turned l' 'av from 010 facEs-- investigating whether there was 2. more or less what has appeared ln Le as e s 0 f f s h 0 r e J. 'ill.ll\aJ'l Fulbnpnt and Orval criminal White House conspiracy in the Isrdell press durlng the past Faubus--ln primary electlons 1972 to use the Internal Revenue few days. La n d for, I n d U 5 try Tuesday. But Oregon voters ~ave Service to harass its political , (UPI)--The Interior new llfe to the maverick politi- ~e~n~e~m=i=e=s~. ______~ france's Liberal, Department IS puttlng 1.4 milll0n cal career of Wayne Morse. acres of Texas offshore lands up The rejection of Fulbright Inil Fin.oncjol R~port Says New President for lease to the petroleUM indus­ after 30 years in the Senate and DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGES PARIS, (UPI)--Valery Glscard try today, but drillers were on of slx-time former Gov. Faubus D'Esta1ng lnaugurated his presi­ notlce to be careful of a rare by Arkansas Democrats, along 30 Industrials 795.37 off 18.93 dency today by orderlng 11vlng coral reef and an Alr wlth the defeat of veteran 20 Transports 159.39 off 2.29 suppression of all wlre-tapplng Force gunnery range. Democratic Rep. Frank Stubble­ 15 Utilities 73.33 off 0.71 and destructlon of taped conver­ The lease sale followed by Just fleld ln Kentucky, gave mounting 65 Stocks 241.09 off 4.69 satl0ns and by wldenlng rlghts to two months the March 28 lease ~a1e credence to the bellef that polltlcal asylum. in which record high bids tota11ng establlshed political figures VOLUME 12,300,000 shares .. "France lS a llberal country. $2.162 bl11ion were offered on 114 regardless of party are In grave France wants and Will have liberal tracts of deepwater sea bottom ln Jeop~rdy after Watergate. NYSE data Advances 315 pohcles," the 48-year-old head of the Gulf of Mexico more than 110 Though Morse is 73 and served Declines 1100 state told hlS first cablnet ml1es off the Loulslana coast. 24 years in the Senate, his Gold $155.50 meetlng. Fo110wlng a two-year moratorium campalgn was tailored to capi­ Silver Unavailable Glscard D'Estalng promlsed he on offshore lease sales due to talize on the potent lssue of would never ban newspapers and 1awsu1ts by envlronmental Inter­ integrlty ln government andm his own long record as a fiery dissen­ ordered two new meetlngs of the ests and because of the shortages ter against establishment POlltics. l6-member admlnlstratlon to of petroleum products, the The vlctory of Gov. Dale Bumpers in Arkansas was not a surprise tackle Inflatlon and seek to Interior Department has been because he had been leading In the polls from the start of his transform France into a "more follov:ing an accelerated program carefully planned campaign to wean voters from the Southern Just" soclety. of lease sales. traditl0n of putting top value on congressional seniority in favor During a 45-minute meetlng of Industry spokesmen say that of sendlng ne';] faces to Washington to push for change. the new cablnet, announced there lS usually a two-to-three But Bumpers' majority of well over 60 per cent was a crushing Tuesday, Glscard D'Estalng said, year lead tlme between a lease rebuff to the 69-year-old Fulbright, who left a university presi­ "France lS a llberal country and sale and flrst productlon from dency in 1944 to serve one term in the House and five in the Senate. must mark ItS orientation In thlS tracts obtained ln that sale. He had gained global prominence as the independent-minded chairman domain more flrmly. It is for John Rankln of the Bureau of of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and a leader of opposition thlS reason that I intend that Land Management's New Orleans to U.S. involvement in the Indochina war. certaln actlons shall be under­ offlce, sald that "there's always Bumpers, 48, serving his second term as governor, is regarded as a taken in three weeks." Interest In these sales." sure Wlnner in November, although he does have Republican opposition Interior M~nlster Michel A federal Judge In Washington from John H. Jones, a banker. Ponlatowskl told newsmen the Tuesday cleared the way for the Bumpers IS a Southern Democrat who turned away from the racial presldent then ordered "immediate sale to take place by disIDlss1ng polltics that dominated the party in that region for nearly a century suppression of telephone tapping a court actlon seeking an lnjunc­ after the Civil War. While relatively unknown nationally, he made a and destruction of archlves if tlon to halt the sale of the 245 splash in 1970 by whipping Faubus for the Democratic nomination and they eXlst, and the wlde develop­ tracts today. The action was unseating Republican Gov. Winthrop Rockefeller. ment of France as a country wlth brought by public cltizens and the Former Rep. David Pryor, another relative newcomer in Arkansas the right to lntellectual and Texas Public SerVlce Institute. POlltlcS, outpolled Faubus who became the symbol of Southern political asylum." resistance to racial change when he tried to block school integratior ee on

Wednesday, May 29,- 1971,L -__ -Hou:~.Gl.a.s.s _ D _ ;~~ Pase2 Hear, fig",ia, 0 rer Village Emmy Awards

.SAIGON (UPI)-- North and South Vietnakese armored forces are battling for ~ Given Yesterday village 25 miles north of Saigon in the heaviest fighting around the capital in (UPI)-- "Upstairs, Down­ two years, the military command said tod~. stairs", the British production showing The Communists seized Long Nguyen vil~age May 16. Government troops in ar­ Edwardian England on American public mored vehicles with air and artillery support recaptured it' in a surprise attack television, Tuesd8¥ won the top award early Tuesday with armored cars. for best dramatic series. North Vietnamese forces with tanks co~terattacked later Tuesday, with seven Alan AIda, irreverent surg on of men killed. Three government soldiers ~~re wounded, the Saigon command said. M-A-S-H, and Mary Tyler Moore, the per- .' Field officers said government troops' made their surprise assault across the ennial working girl of her own show, won' Thi Tinh River into Long Nguyen with t~-like armored personnel carriers because the Emmy Awards as the best actor and the narrow, light bridge could not support heavier tanks. actress in a television series of the Fighting broke out immediately in the! deserted village, the officers said. season. Long Nguyen's 1,000 inhabitants had left when North Vietnamese troops swarmed other winners in the 26th annual over it and two others, An Tay and An Dien, nearly two weeks ago. television academy presentations were All three villages are just southwest· of Ben Cat District capital 25 miles Michael Moriarty for best supporting north of Saigon. actor, and Joanna Miles, best supporting. The fighting was the heaviest since the battle for the provincial capital of actress, both in "The Glass Menagerie." An Loc, 60 miles north of Saigon, two years ago. An Loc is still cut off but Best dramatic series of the year was fighting there has been infrequent in recent months. the English import "Upstairs, Downstair"," produced by John Hawkesworth. ABC's Wide World of Sports won two Spinol. Will Use force awards for best sports program of the 1973-1974 season and the presenter was LISBON (UPI)-- President Antonio de Spinola, the leader of the armed forces baseball's Willie Mays who received the movement which overthrew Portugal's right-wing regime last month, warned today only standing ovation of the evening. he will use force to save the nation from anarchy. Cicely Tyson, who aged on screen from Spinola told the strike-plagued nation that unnamed groups "only envisage 19 to 110 playing a slave woman in "The destruction, anarchy, economic chaos and unemployment." He said these groups Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman," won were trying to create from the ruins of the old regime "a country different from the Emmy for actress of the year in a the one we all wished for." special. He then warned, "If at any time we are obliged to, we will~ without hesitatio'1, Hal Holbrook, playing Commander Lloyd "'espond to violence ,11th force, ,.,ith the legitimat<" au"thority of defending the Bucher in "Pueblo," was voted best actor Portuguese people." of the year in a special. As the president spoke in the city of Porto, the cabinet met in Lisbon in an Carol Burnett came out on top with effort to settle a transport strike that has upset the life of the capital. the outstanding music-variety series of Bus drlvers and streetcar conductors stayed off their jobs for the third con- 1973-1974 for her own show. secutive day to press claims for an increase of their monthly salaries. Bakers "Lily," starring comedienne Lily also were on strlke with similar claims. Tomlin, won the Emmy statuette for the outstanding comedy-variety show. Pat O'Brien~ the screen's perennial ford and Nixon Hare Good Rel.,ioas"ip Irishman, was voted the best actor of the year by the American Academy of CHARLOTTE, NC (UPI)-- Vice President Tuesday described his polit­ Television Arts and Sciences, topping ical and personal relations with President Nixon as excellent and said he foresa,r off the American Broadcasting Company's no change. nomination of c1R.vtime show awards. Ford flew here Tuesday for what was billed as two days of strictly golf and relaxat~on, but was greeted by newsmen as he emerged from the silver and blue Abnorm.I 'Happenings "Alr Force Two." He limited the reporters to only five minutes and initially decli~ed to answer questions on Watergate and his relations with Nixon. At Nucle.r Plants Newsmen persisted, however, and Ford said '~he President and I have had ex­ cellent political and personal rela.tions, and I see no change." WASHINGTON (UPI )-- A total of 861 abnormal events occurred at the nation's 42 nuclear power plants last year and Securit, Barraclcs Ope" two plants released radioactivity above permissible rates, the Atomic Energy Commission said Tuesday. None of the abnormalities resulted in health hazards to surrounding commun­ ities~ an AEC spokesman said. A report- summarizing the problems reported in 1973 said every one of the plants operating by the 'end of the year had at least one event. The most, 65, occurred at the Browns Ferry Unit 1 Plant at Decatur, Alabama. More than half of the problems were considered insignificant while 371 had some potential of being hazardous. Eighteen events were considered directly significant and 12 of them involved the release of radioactivity at rates above permissible limits beyond the plant site boundary although the total amount of radioactivity released was within the safety limits. A spokesman said 11 of the releases Pictured left to right: Jay Dietrich, CE; Jim Green MZC- MAJ Ron Cook, CE; of radioactivity, in the form of gaseous - Dave Gudzikowski, MZC; LTC L. Gilbreth, KMR; LTC R. Sulli;an, KMR. iodine 131, were related to leaks in the main cooling system of the Quad Cities On May 15, 1974, the Security Personnel Barracks on Kwajalein were officiall Plant, operated at Cordova, Illinois, accepted by the Kwajalein Missile Range from the Corps of Engineers with Jim Y by Commonwealth Edison and the Iowa­ G:ee?, Martin-Zachry Constructors, presenting the key to LTC Gilbreth, K~ajaleir. Illinois Gas and Electric Co. The other Mlsslle Range. The barracks will hallS personnel employed by Global Associate~ 1 release occurred at the Palisades Plant, Security. It contains twenty 4-man rooms with the most modern facilities for ~ : operated at South Haven, Michigan, by this t~: of living environment. Construction was accomplished by MZC with ~Consumers Power Co., and was caused b.Y supervlslon by the Corps ?f Engineers. Tony Moseley and Jay Dietrich rep- ,personnel error. resented the Corps of Englneers as ~onstruction inspectors.

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NEW YORK, (KFS)--Mr. Reg Murphy, the editor of The Atlanta Constitution, has lines on his face he dldn't have a year ago, as Amenca owes gratitude and If the U S wants to mvest m a An outnght gift of the liner would you and I have if we had spent most of 50 consecutive hours perhaps a rOlUld tnp to a head few proJects, I have a couple of "UOlted States" to Howard gagged in the trunk of a car breathlng a blend of carbon monoxide shnnk to Congressman John B my own Hughes for use m hIS swimmmg and fetid air, and being drJ_ven hIther and yon by a kidnaper who Conlan, Repubhcan of ArIzona $4,000 for medical sCience to pool If he will appear on camera qUlte coolly wondered right to the end whether he should take his He IS probably the only man, not ascertam why I part my hair on and wave bye-bye. big pistol back to the trunk and fire off a shot at the temple. cOlUltmg a few dowdy clerks m the right Side wlule other men Ten bllhon free tranqwlbzers government, who has read part theirS on the left for Amencan taxpayers. Mr. Murphy's general views on kidnapIng are worth more than most every Item m PreSldent NIXon's $1,500 to fmd out why my A free pohbcal road map for people's, one would think. And although one likes to believe that new $304 bllhon budget. relatives never speak to me John Connally the age is not coming when we will be carrylng cards in our wallets It's a garter buster, but no one except to call collect, long Two one-way tickets to entitled: "Hel;Jful Hints in Case You Are Kldnaped: Mutual of reads all of It Conlan burned dIStance With bad news Disneyland for an essay on why Omaha's Special Behavior Guide"--it pays to listen ..• the late lamp, and bcked off $1,000,000 to the PreSident If we are gomg to send $5 bi1lion For instance, on one pending matter Mr. Murphy is totally committed. some of the small stuff he feels he will accept It as severance more to forelgll countnes. IS Idiotic. pay Gold-plated cages, with He opposes legislation that would make it a felony to submit to the $19,300 allocated to fmd out $50,000 to change the name of copies of "The New York demands of the kidnaper. The theory of this law IS totally correct, why httle cluldren fall off the proposed Trans-Florida Tunes" bnlng the bottmns, for and the morality of it seductive. Crime should not pay, and there­ tncycles Canal to Watergate the smgmg canaries In the fore those who might be disposed to pay crimlnals should be prohiblted $6,000 to study the bISexual $20 to a professor of polibcal Wlute House. from doing so. But here is as go~d an example dS any of the collapse behavior of Pohsh frogs. science to explam to George $1,000,000 for a hilariOUs $203,979 to to fmd McGovern how he blew It. moVie of fIgUring of theory up apainst experlence. lost drivers on the freeways and A revolvmg fund for semi­ hIS mcome tax. In point of fact, the chances are overwhelmlng that a parent, or tell them where to go hterate teachers to help them to A hve G.O.P. elephant for e-;en an emplo"er, will put up money rather than hazard the life of a $70,000 for a study m India to spell so that they may, In tune, Senator John SteMis, c0m­ member of the family or an employee. It is true that in doing so-on-e­ dIScern the biology of Indo­ unpart the knowledge to yOlUlg muting from Mississippi to encourages the practice of kldnaplng. But in failln~ to do so ope Australian ants students Washington $121,000 to detenrune why so $210,000 for the Parks Condolences to the thousand increases the chances of harm to an Immediately ldentlflable vlctlm. many Amencans use the word Department to dig up the NIXon lawyers who have now retained It IS, quite simply, a dllemma. When a grandson of J. Paul Getty was "aIn't" lawns at Key BISCayne and San lawyers. kidnaped a year ago, Getty refused to submit to the kIdnapers' demands $70,000 to research the Clemente to fmd out where he A cellulOid frymg pan for that on the grounds that to do so would be to put Into jeopardy all hlS chemical properties ID the burled those coffee cans pohbcal vlrgm, John Dean. other grandchildren--the reasonlng is Inescapable. But the remote perspiration of Australian $35,000 so that we may give Sandals for Mrs. Kissinger. aborlgmes. acuplUlctunsts the needle A postgraduate course m problem is generally to be preferred over the Immedlate problem $20,324 to record and decipher A gold medal for a student thievery for Senators and in the calculatlons of human bein?s; and, In due course, Getty nald the matmg calls of Central who can write a logical thesIS on Congressmen given by Willie up. Amencan toads why any man needs $60,000,000 Sutton. No- it IS Mr. Murphy's pOlnt that If the pendlng blll become-; la'1 $375,000 to test fnsbees to see to campaign for a $200,000 Job Good-will gesture a nOlle job the result ~nll not be to estop paynents of cash to tde klGna:--er. If they can be used to carry The Iron Cross Third Class to for Klng F81S8l. flares Henry KlSSmger for proffilSmg But lt \"ill iJe to cease to coordinate these payment" wlth t].,e ;,oll.ce. Top flcbon award to Richard ThIS comes a shade lUlder to clean up the Suez Canal so NIXon before he starts to wnte And If this "a;penE', th!o:md. tinction lies In the dlfference between the Indlvidual and the state. (:n8 of h:;.s la.,t acts of offlce in early January, 1977, 'Nlll be to The grisly experience of the Israelis last week does not undermine the . rom_te Gen. A:exander Halg to flve stars, announce plans for his generallty. They were deallng wlth crazed fanatLcs, concernIng whom 1 ~rary _n Hhlttler, and reveal the publication date of his book, ''My no laws are reasonably constructed~ L C:-l",,",S." After leaving Ua3hlngton, he w.lll take up golf again, INTROD CING HIMSELF reJ Oln Lhe Qua:~ers, and the mellowlng years that follow wlll make him :r~~~j'j~ r'j~' l~ I' "', ~n~o an elder statesman as they did an even more castlgated former : 't;.!...... >7~ ,I ',' :: :- re~iQe.lt, Herbert Hoover. Franklln Delano R'Josevelt consldered two post-fourth-term proposals Defore 111S death. edltorshlp of a Ne'l York newspaper which his rlcher fr.le~ds promlsed to create for him to alr hlS vlews, or the post of permanent presldent of the Unlted Natlons Assembly. All Harry Truman wanted to do after he left the Hhlte House was to wnte 111S book, putter around the Truman Library talking to visiting chIldren, and dandle hlS grandchildren. Ike wanted (and did) play golf at Burning Tree, Washington, and .. ave cottages built for hlm by hlS fnends at the Augusta (Georgia) ~atlonal and the El Dorado (CalIfornIa) golf courses. He also liked hlS place at Gettysburg and his herd of Black Angus, both gifts of 111S frIends. He never spent much of hlS own money. He would drive out of hIS way to find a gas station that gave Green Stamps. JFK would have been only 51 TThen he finished his second term. He had plans for all those years that normally would have lain before hIm. He wanted\ to travel extenslvely, teach certaln courses at Harvard, and return to writing, hlS first love. He mlght Loday be, as he approached his 57th blrthday come May 29, America's outstanding columnlst. LBJ? Well, he did what came naturally. He took his deluge of papers and photographs to his library, built up his ranch and other holdlngs, and spent the rest of his days feeling sorry for himself. "They" had brought him down, he was prone to explain. But he could never explain who "they" were. '* '* '* The President as of now has a couple of aces up his sleeve that give him confidence he wlll rid~ out this ~n3ry storm and complete hIS term: 1. Henry Kissinger contilLU€S to -:emonstrate that the Nixon POllCY of detente with the Soviet Unlon and China is an historlc turn of events WhlCh will be in the baci~ of the mlnds of every man and ,,,oman. 2. If the House impeaches hlm, Nlxon IS absolu tely con­ VInced that he can get the 34 "nay" votes in the Senate trial--the ~plfrC~'l~ flgure he'll need for acquittal. KINO ITATUREI 8YNDICA.TF ce

Page 4 -----_lI'r _____ HOur~~'3S ______W:.:.e:::;,ci=n::;es=d:.:a:.yw,L...:Ha.=.ly:....:2:..::9:.J,~1~9:.!7.:!4~ -Hazardous Waters • Eello Pier Operators of both small and large boats are reminded that Martin­ Zachry Constructors will be working on and under Echo Pier. This ~~~------~~------~ project will continue for approximately two months. When a red flag is hoisted at the corner of Delta and Echo Berth, Prot stant Chapel Fellowship Coffee you are asked to reduce your speed to as slow as possible within By Jo Caskey safety reasons untll well pass Echo Pler. The same applies when As our lsland ladles arrlved for the "Fellowshlp Coffee", they approaching the pier area. Please swing away from the pier when were greeted by smillng faces S4ch as those shown ln the plcture the flag Is up. below. The hOlsted red flag lnUlcates ,that men are working under the pler on skiffs. The wake from your boat indeed puts the workers in an uncomfortable and hazardous posltl0n. Flshlng off Berth Echo should be discontinued until late July. We at Martin-Zachry Constructors request your cooperation and regret the inconvenlence to all islanders. {wa;a'ein Gardens · Up Area The Up Area is sltuated between Ocean and Lagoon Roads. This conslsts of quarters on Plne Street, Taro Street, Ivey Theater, Island Nursery and Quarters 219, 217, 205, 105, 103 and 223. There are three salt spray variations ln thlS area, heavy to medlum, medlum, and medlum to llght. The heavy to medlum salt spray area consists of Quarters 206, 204, 216, 226, 225, 229, 106,223, 422, 404, 402. The medium salt Left to Y"l-ght is AZioeBuok, Rev. Buok, Suzanne Blackwell, Mary spray consists of quarters on the west side of Pl0e Street, Taro Elgin, Ruth Gronosky and Sandra Duncan, special guest from MaJuro. Street, Ivey Theater and the Island Nursery. For the vlewlng pleasure of our guest there were flve beautifully The medlum to llght salt spray area conslsts of quarters on arranged dlsplay tables. Each table represented the work of one of Lagoon Road and from 5th Street to Quarters 103. the clrcles of the Women's Protestant Chapel Fellowshlp. On these The medium to llght salt spray does not affect the plantlng too tables were many handlcrafts, plctures and a few of the Blbles much because of the protectl0n of buildlng structures and tree that have been translated lnto the language of the people of Mlcro­ barrlers such as coconut trees, plne, mllo, heliotrope and scaveola neSla. In the plcture below lS a sample of what was presented by trees. the Kalan Clrcle. In the Up Area, one can grow a great varlety of plants. Bananas, papayas, llme, breadfrult, pandanus, elephant ear, panax, cratons, hlblSCUS, plumerla, and kamanl are some that will do well ln this area, lf not ln the dlrect I1ne of the salt spray. Where low ground cover such as mornlng glory, bermuda grass and desmodium canum wlll not grow, the use of vltex, hibiscus and croton hedges wlth bl-color wedilila ground cover is recommended. Such hedges and ground cover should be left low enougb so as not to lnterfere with alr clrculatl0n. Maxlmum helght of two feet along roadllnes, property boundarles should be malntained on the hedges. Alongslde the air condltl0nlng unlt alcoves plantlng should be discouraged because the area is used constantly for removal and lnstallatl0n of alc unlts. Access for repalr to units lS necessary. Shrubs are encouraged to provlde cover to the full height of the wall. Ground cover Vlnes should be kept at a helght of 4" for best overall appearance. Grass malntenance should be kept at a helght of 2" or less. Exterlor planting reduces power requlred tb alr concitlon quarters. It also adds to the resale value on alc unlts when you leave beautiful Kwajaleln Next week we wlll feature the Low Area.

On th~s table were the hand~crafts of Ponape. 4 B~ble (far left) wr~tten ~n the language of Ponape and many pictures of trips made to Ponape. Also shown is a poster with a br~ef h~story and state­ ment of relat~onship of the Ka~an Cirole to the Christian peopl~ on Ponape. Sandra Duncan, our speclal guest from Majuro, was statl0ned by the Eboleman Clrcle table to answer questl0ns regardlng Chrlstlan work on Majuro. She lS the wlfe of the presldent of Calvary Blble Instltute on Majuro. Later ln the evenlng Rev. Buck presented a most lnformatlve and dellghtful program of slldes on the many past actlvltles of the Women's Protestant Chapel Fellowshlp. The surprlse of Rev. Buck's progral'1 was the fllm, "All Is Well wlth My Sou1." In thlS fllm, Japanese dancers acted out the beautlful hymn, "All Is Well wlth My Soul." To understand and appreclate the beauty of the fllm you would have to see It. A blg "thank you" goes to all who helped to make the evenlng so very enjoyable as well as lnformatlve. We hope to see more new Pine Street - Lined with pine trees that were planted during the faces at our next event. Navy administration. The trees act as a salt spray barr~er. Duplicate Bridge KwaJaleln dupllcate brldge results fEr Sunday, May 26, were: 1. AllX and R1Ch Taylor, 59.n. 2. Gertle May-Dorothy O'Con­ nell, 58.9%. 3. Sally Gordlnler-Charles HOH, 58.3%. 4. Lee Standen-Betty Buehler, t 50.5%. I A club champlonshlp tournament wlll be held on Sunday, June 2, at 7pm. Prlzes wl11 be awarded I to 1st place Wlnners. What lS Jenny Medklff pOlntlng at? Come see June 4th or 5th at KEEP KWAJ CLEAN the hlgh school multl-purpose Dlspose of all trash ln con­ room. tdlners provlded. Keep area near dumpstEr contalner statlono Located on Ocean Road the area ~s shared by Mr. and Mrs. C. Blake clean. (MIT/LL) Quarters 226A and LTC and Mrs. L. E. Gilbreth (KMR) Quar­ Litterlng lS costly and unslgh­ ters 225. Once a barren area, frequently used by vehicular traffic, CONSERVE POWER tly. Use trash contalners for the area was closed olf by placing concrete bumpers (far end) and dlspusal. large armour stones ([ront of p~cture) to ~ncrease privacy.

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Wednesday, May 29, 1974 HOURGLASS page 5 TONIGHT'S MOVI,ES RICHARDSON - A TOUCH OF CLASS PG Ann Landers The 7:30 Glenda Jackson .. George Segal 'D~~;E~i~Wilkens: t\ Comedy .. Color W-S Dear Ann Landers: ======~ OCEAN VIEW - LW PG Call me petty, ungracious, whatever--but 7:30 & Jack Lemmon •. Peter Falk I must get this off my mind. Cleopatra's Henna Highlights 12 30 Comedy .. Color For years I travelled with crummy lug­ Dear Emfly· I was interested teaspoon of honey to each 8- YOKWE YOK - ARIZONA BUSHWACKERS G gage. Finally I decided to do without a In your article about using ounce glass The water-lemon­ 7·00 & Howard Keel .. Yvonne de Carlo few other things and b4Y myself some really henna to gIve reddish-gold honey can be taken straight of' 9:00 Western .• Color W-S classy travelling cases, a matched set, hIghlights to hair I would Uke to brewed as tea IVEY HALL - THE MIDNIGHT MAN R even if it took me two years. Which it try it myself and wonder If you After several hours, you'll did. can tell me where to obtain it look and feel shmmer If a 8.30 .. Susan Clark and how to use it. - Fran headache should develop, either Mystery .. Color In the past three months four relatives Dear Fran Henna was the Ignore It or take an aspIrm 6 30 - CINDERELLA G have asked if they could borrow my luggage. first natural colormg agent, The day followmg your fast, TRADEWINDS - SUGAR HILL I said yes, like a damned fool, to the , used extensIvely m Cleopatra's breakfast on a shce of dry whole PG 7·30 Markl Bey .. Robert Quarry first person. Although she took only one , day to unpart those rIch red­ wheat toast and hot herb tea At piece (around the world), it looked as if : gold hIghhghts Henna IS a lunch, enJoy a large shredded Actlon--Horror .. Color j powder apphed to the hair hke a cabbage and carrot salad Wlth it had been kicked at least halfway. Her warm pack or scalp treatment the jwce of half an orange for only comment was, "You know how careless It should not be used on dressmg and stewed fresh I~~-Believe It or~/l the airlines are." bleached or dyed hair Colonsts tomatoes For subsequent After that, I declded to say no to every­ experIenced m usmg henna also snacks and dmner on thIs post­ warn not to apply It to gray haIr fast day, eat fresh frwt and one who asked. So now they are mad at me. and not to use any metal bowls vegetables only The last sorehead is going on a trip that or spoons m preparmg It or A long-range reducmg will cost her $1500. Wouldn't you think you'll get green mstead of red program IS descnbed m my she could afford to buy some decent luggage hIghhghts "MagiC Diet" booklet To obtam instead of trying to borrow mine? Many beauty salons have a copy, send 25 cents and a self­ \- used henna for years and I addressed, stamped envelope to --The Target recommend you go to a Emlly Wilkens Diet Booklet, C/i professIOnal first Later you care of thIS newspaper ¥/~(/ A LETTER Dear Tar: may do It yourself at home 011 Treatment MAILED 6f EMANUEL EHRLICH Of I knaw af very few peaple who. lend when you fmd out how to use It­ Dear Emily: My grand­ JACKSONVILLE, FLA ,IN MAY.19't~ things and keep their friendships ~ntaat. tlmewlSe and otherwISe mother always used olive 011 on WAS RETURNED TO HIM AS THE o.~ Better to. say "na" and let samebady else The Water Fast her face when her skin felt dry. UNDELlVE!?ABL E BY POSTAL What do you think about this as SE:R'VICE 29 YEIIRS LATE!? be mad than to. say "yes" and be the ane who. Dear Emily. Please tell me SUDmltted ~ E Ehl"Llch more about your One-Day a skin care treatment? - D V. is. Water Fast. It sounds Uke a Dear D V I thmk It's a nifty, qUIck way to lose a few terrifiC Idea For years, I've used variOUS unsaturated pounds. Also, can I follow it for Dear Ann Landers: more than one day? - Vivian vegetable Oils for skm care I fmd they work as well as the I don't trust my own Judgment anymore. Dear VIvian My One-Day most expensive creams money Water Fast IS a good way to get Please put your bralns in my head for a can buy Among the most few mlnutes. rid of that bloated feehng as benefiCial avocado, almond, well as losmg several pounds I went wlth Brad for four years. When sesame, olIve and non· Many famous beauties use thIS a1lergemc odorless castor 011 I say "went with" I mean five evenlngs a water diet one day a week It If you're mterested mother 1?AJPUT l.v0ME~ week and sometlmes the "evening" lasted till helps them mamtam youthful, mexpenslve and effectIve ways hthe figures Of THE HIMALf1'rf~ ~ISTRICT the next mornlng, If you get what I mean. to care for your compleXIOn, OF INDIA WEAR A GOLD ThIS 24-hour dIet IS most We are both ln our late 20s and have you'll enjoy my booklet, WEDDING Rlt---IG talked about marrlage. convemently followed when you "Surefire Solutions for Problem IN TIiEIR. I/OS£ can plan to stay home for a day Skm "To obtam a copy, send 25 c ... ",.r... , 5, d" I 19/4 v" Id oh .. d Three months ago, Brad began to have You must put food out of your cents and a self addressed, headaches. Hls doctor sald he needed a mmd completely All you need stamped envelope to EmIly change. He announced bluntly, "I thlnk for the day's "formula" IS one WIlkens' Skm Care booklet, I need another glr1." I nearly dled of the gallon of water ( dlStJIled or care of this paper sprmg IS extra mce) plus lemon • • • Your Individual shock. Wlthln three weeks he marrled a Jwce and honey Throughout the EMILY WILKENS welcomes Ie' blonde from the steno pool at hls offlce. ters. but c.nnot undertake to .nlwer day drmk as many glasses of each one She Will use Questions of It nearly kll1ed me. water as you can, addmg 1 general Interest In her column Ad dress your letters to Emily Wilkens, They weren't back from thelr honeymoon teaspoon of lemon Jwce and l~ care of thiS newspaper FOR THURSDAY, MAY 30,1974 ten days when Brad started to call me, VIDEO TAPE SCHEDULE Look m the sectlon m which thoughtfully - for or agamst begglng me to see hlm. Yesterday he carne ROI NAMDR--5:00 CROSSROADS--S": 00 your birthday comes and fmd certaIn propOSitIOns The to my apartment, crled hls eyes out, said ~1r MILLAN & WI FE EMERGENCY what your outlook IS, accordmg emphaSIS MUST be on con­ to the stars he had made a terrlble mlstake, was getting tlANNIX fL~ IN THE FAMILY structiveness SAGITTARIUS ~JA. a dlvorce and could vIe plck up where we G.T. ARMSTRONG E*A*~'*H ARIES ~~ (Nov 23 to Dec 21) ~y left off. I asked hlm l[ he wanted to "THE CRISIS THAT 60 i'JIINUTES (Mar 21 to Apr 20) ~ Consult others before makmg marry me. He sald, "No. I thlnk we COULD HELP US" G.T. ARMSTTIONG Curb your mborn aggres­ ImpOI t." ' I'" ,r', Your should bet reacquau>'L..eJ." Is he ccaz.y? siveness now You can attam enduranc(' may be te:,ted, but "JAPAN" What sllOLlld I do? Y. Yo CLUB--5: 00 your obJectIves, even the you are used to tests - and "unposslble" ones, by usmg usually come through With --Undy-Slded CANNON OCEAN VIEw--5:00 subtle tactics flymg colors HAWAII FlVE-O KOJAK TAURUS tsg CAPRICORN ,~ t---¥ Dear Undy: SPECIAL: ~ADOON~ OF GO~E (Apr 21 to May 21) (Dec 22 to Jan 20) ytJ \trf Yes3 he's crazy. And ~f yau take up JULI~ & JACKH BANACEK Don't let false pnde hmder Saturn mfluences mdlcate a your progress If you feel day of successful moves and with h~m again yau are c~aZY3 tao.. rEEN CEN~~R--3:30/7:30 stymied m a certam area, don't plans, but all Will reqUIre know­ ROOr\:IES heSitate to ask adVice Even a how, dlligence and palnstakmg Jlf\ GI CIAt"l person less gifted than yourself care Don't launch mto un­ Dear Ann Landers: charted seas GUNSMOIG:: could prove helpful '" My husband has a need11ng sense of humor. GEMINI D ,AQUARIUS == ~ G.T. ARMSTRONG (May 22 to June 21) (Jan 21 to Feb 19) ~ He doesn't care what he says as long as it "SEX REVOi,illION" Don't let a tricky SituatIOn ThIS day could have Its tricky gets a laugh. Frequently, he hands me the dismay you Your mnate m­ moments You will do well to paper and says, "{~el1, here's your letter LITTLE PEOPLE'S PUZZLE tUItIOn, which often borders on mamtam an even, systematIc In Ann Landers' column." Today really dld real mSpIratlOn, Will see you pace and procedure, no mattel It. The letter \;as from a woman who needed through what pressures may be put upor a face11ft • • CANCER at:) you (June 22 to July 23) PISCES )(~ I am three years older than VlC and have IndICations of stepped-up (Feb 20 to Mar 20) ~ always been sensltlve about It. I have a action m certam areas Study You should encounter few good flgure, have kept my halr dark (with well and be prepared to grasp obstacles now, but be on guard a lltt1e help from the beauticlan), and my any opportunity to advance agaInst "lIttle" errors, your status miscalculatIons Romance and skln has held falr1y well. About SlX LEO .n,~ travel favored months ago, I notlced my neck was getting (July 24 to Aug 23) a little creepy and the pouches under my New prospects hIghhghted YOU BORN TODAY are eyes more notlceab1e. I flnd myself wear­ What you conSider an "ob­ extremely versatile and often lng sunglasses even when there's no sun. stacle" to your plans IS only an couple a profitable avocatIon IllUSion Proceed With con­ along With your regular hfe We're a 11ttle strapped for money but fidence work You have talent for I want a face1lft. Is It expenslve? Any VIRGO IIP~ mUSIC, writIng, archItecture, advlce? (Aug 24 to Sept 23) the law and teachmg - but. m --Fifty And Feel It Better advantages than you the latter case, only If you are may realIze at first An mterested m the subject and espeCially good penod for can control your normal un­ DeaF 50: revltallzmg projects whIch you patIence With those less gifted Dan't hunt far bargains. Cansult a may have conSidered droppmg than yourself. You have a reputable plastic surgean whase wopk you LIBRA ~ remarkable memory and the have seen. Get his ap~nian an what needs (Sept 24 to Oct 23) :O:~ la CUriosity and persistence MIXed mfiuences OrganIZe needed to excel m research to. be dane and haw much it will cast. talents and experience to You tend to scatter energies at Then if yau can affard it go ahead--if he promote your mterests more tunes, however, mostly trymg believes he aan achieve the desired effiCiently Some personal plans to achIeve m Widely separated results. may have to be deleted from fields Try to concentrate on one >I >I J! your program for the present thmg at a time Also, try to SCORPIO '*<'_ aVOid a tendency towar':' FRS-tM 100 MHZ ... MuS1C ~lnours dal (Oct 24 to Nov 22) nt,.f'M"' hypersensitivity Blrthdate of Classical Music: 9-11pm Tues &Thurs ~ 3),3 6 'NIVH1 L 'H3dd1Z !i '310N C 'S::I:ln:>ONVH ?; QualJty of effort must be Corneha OtIS Skmner, writer, ·················.. 'lddISSISSIW l-UMOO H:>N3HM 0 l '31d 8 'S1111S 9 stressed over quantlty now Use actress, Benny Goodman, News: lOam & lOpm Daily .... Community ! 'XO'ilONVS V 'Nn~ 3NIH:>VW l-SSOJ:>V SH3MSNV your strong Will power clarmetISt iBulletin...... Board: 12noon & Ii DailY __ • ee 00 Wednesday. May 29. 1974 HOURGLASS Page 6 up, Sports 8riefl, S.S. STILL UNDEFEATED (UPI)--A11 Cook1e ROjas had to do was h1t a sing1e---the bases Special Services won their 10th straight miniature golf match a~ were loaded. they destroyed GoJbal Engineering 159 to 180. ,But Rojas homered instead to glve the Kansas City Royals a 9-5 Russ Dempsey tied the course record with an unbelievable 36 win over the Baltimore Orioles in 11 1nnings. The win was Kansas strokes. City's fifth straight, while the Orioles have now lost four in a row. Reliever Doug Bird picked up the Wln for the Royals. DEMPSEY 36 WEISER 41 Elsewhere in the AL ... Boston topped Mlnnesota, 9-5 ... the New VANI, 37 PARTRIDGE 45 York Yankees nipped the Ch1cago White Sox in 10 1nnings, 3-2 •.• KAULUKUKUI 41 KIMURA 46 Cleveland shut out Texas, 8-0 ... Ml1waukee downed California, 6-2 DANKO 45 FZABO 48 and Detroit got past Oakland, 3-1. i59 l8O' In the NL ... Atlanta n1pped Ph11adelphia, 2-1, on Hank Aaron's homer ..• Houston downed Montreal, 8-4 ... Cinclnnati whlpped New York, 7-2, and Los Angeles beat St. LOU1S, 11-5. Wed. May 29th - 6:00pm - EHUKAI W~ITE VS. ANIMALS B BASEBALL STANDINGS 7'QOpm - EHUKAI RED VS. ANIMALS C NATIONAL LEAGUE Thur. May 30th - 6:00pm - PEPSI VS. PEPSI KOALAS 6:30pm - ROSS LEMONADE VS. ODD COUPLES EAST WEST 7:30~ - ANIMALS B VS. ANIMALS C W. L. W. L. PHILADELPHIA 25 21 LOS ANGELES 34 14 ~10NTREAL 20 18 CINCINNATI 25 19 MINIATURE GOLF SCHEDULE ST. LOUIS 23 21 ATLANTA 25 22 rlEW YORK 20 26 SAN FRANCISCO 25 24 May 30th - 11 :30am - S.S. VS. KMR II CHICAGO 17 23 HOUSTON 24 24 11ay 31st " S.S. VS. KMR V PITTSBURGH 16 26 SAN DIEGO 18 34 June 1st - S.S. VS. GLOBAL ADMINISTRATION June 3rd - S.S. VS. GLOBAL SAFETY AMERICAN LfAGUE June 4th - S.S. VS. KWAJ FACULTY June 5th - S.S. VS. SECURITY EAST WEST ------~~--Z~------=-- -::' - --- ~ - ~_~=------~------BOSTON 25 20 OAKLAND 25 21 KWAl. SPORTS RESUl1S IHLWAUKEE 23 19 KANSAS CITY 24 21 In the only sports activity on KwaJ. last n1ght, Ebeye Red DETROIT 22 22 CHICAGO 21 21 defeated the Dodgers in Little League action, 6-1. CLEVELAND 22 23 TEXAS 22 24 Attry had 3 hits and 2 RBIs for the winners with S. Brewn getting BAL TIMI)RE 21 23 CALIFORNIA 22 25 two hits for the Dodgers. ~IH' YORK 23 26 ~lINNESOTA 18 23 ======~-======~-- -- ~---~====~---~=====~======(UPI)-·The annual NBA college draft was held TU8sday, and there MOUNTAIN8ALL SCHEDULE \ • .;..>n I t any mystery about tr,e first cho1ce and few surpn ses among other p1ck5. ~ed. May 29th - Brandon - POT POURRI VS. BENCHWARMEK~ Bill Walton of UCLA was drafted first and already has slgned w1th the Portland Tra11 Blazers. In other too choicPs ... P~lladelphla selected MarV1n Barnes of LITTLE LEAGUE SCHEDULE Provld~nce ... Seattle chose Tom Burleson of North Carol1na State ... Wed. Nay 29th - 5:00pm - ANGELS VS. BRAVES Phoenlx [licked John Shumate of ~otre Dame ... Houston qot Bobby Jones of North Carolina ... Kansas City-OMaha selectec1 Scott Hpdman Thur. ~1ay 30t/, - 5: OOpm - ASTROS VS. EBEYE RED Fri. May 31st - 5:0Qpm - RED SOX VS. ANGELS of Co1orrlrlo ... At1anta oicked To~ H~nderson of HawBli ... Cleveland ct'lose C.:u·,py Russell of ....lich1 nan, and Golden Sta:e picked Keith \"lll(ps of UCLA. THE HAWAIIANS ARE HEREI (UPI)--lt wasn't exactly a surpr1se ... but Gord1e Howe of the Hou..;tor. AerJ5 was nuf1pd the World Hockey Lea~ue's Host Valuable HONOLVLV--Months of hard wo~k and determined effort are beginning Pl3.j(>r and h1S SOrt, Mdrk, Has named the Rookie of the Year. to pay off.for a group of ded~cated men, as the opening game of the ~t has to bp t~e first tlme in professional sports that a father season ~~dly approaches for THE HAWAIIANS, the Pacific'S first h~s b~~n named the MVP of a league the same year that his son profess~onal football team. .. dS nalded the L,J rookle. On July lO, 7-n Orlando, FZa., the Hawaii entry of the World Hmole wac; lurod out of ret1rement by the Acros with a six-figure Football League will launch its inaugural season. The club's first contract---and the opportunlty to play on the same team wlth his home gcne in Honolulu Stadium w~U be Sunday, July 2l. t.vo sons. THE HA~AII~NS wiU playa ten-game home schedule~ bringing Hawaii The COMb1natlon of Howe, Howe and Howe was a maJor reason that fans the~r f~rst chance to see professional football in person. Houston Hon the leaque championsh1p tflis season. Now the emphasis shifts from behind-the-scenes efforts needed ,0 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * start a football team, to the on-the-fie~ effort required to make the team a winner. BO~JL I NG NEWS The on-the-field future of THE HAWAIIANS is in as good as hands as the off-the-fie~ chances. And both futux-es are bright. The Friday f'lte Four Bowl1nq Lea0ue elected new officers May 24 Head Coach Mike Giddings is recognized as one of the brightest " as follows' C. Brzoznowskl, President, B. Wllkes, Vice Presldent, young coaches in professional football. He has been hard at work C. Knapp, Secretary-Treasurer. for months .guaranteeing the growing nurrU:;er of HAWAIIAN fani that = A 16-team, 16-week schedule was voted in for the summer league to the team w~ll be successful in 1974. henln June 14th with two Sh1fts at 6'30pm and 8:30pm. All captains "There is no question in my mind that we wiU have an outstanding please contact C. Knapp, 82040 or C. Brzoznowsk1, 82043 for year on the field~" says the former San Francisco 4ger coach. "THE scheduling teams and names of team members pr10r to June 14th. HAW~II~S are going to be a winning footbaU team." A short meetln~ will be held at 6'15pm prior to bowling at G~dd~ngs is also excited about one benefit of his job. 6'30plll June 14th. A team schedule will be posted in the bowling "I have dreamt about living in Hawaii for as long as I can all ey. l'ememb~r," says Mike. "This is reaUy a dream come true." Help~ng to make Giddings' job easier is an outstanding crop of talente~ footbaU players who combine professional e:r:perience PUSHOVERS PADDLEBALL CHALLENGE TROPHY along ~th the best of 'last yeazo's outstanding coUegiate crop. Lead~ng the way on offense is Norris Weese, all-America quarter­ This trophy, like the Stanley Cup, will circulate from winner back from Ole Miss. Weese was Most Valuable Player in the 1974 Hula to \..,1nner. The creat10n of the Pushover Challenge Trophy is inten­ Bawl. ded to provide and encourage all island residents to participate in Other top prospects on offense include all-America receiver Don championship competition on a dally bas1s. It 1S further intended ~tt from Boise State and all-stazo receiver Butch Veasey from oZe to develop the participants awareness of the rules and sportsmanship. Miss. assoclated with championship padd1eball competition. The team's defensive hopes azoe resting on the shoulders of such star ptayers as Hawaii's own Levi Stanley and all-America line­ RULES: hackel' Gary Baccus trom Oklahoma. THE HAWAIIANS also have a strong corp of veteran professionals led I. Winners of the doubles match w111 hold the trophy. by l~rmer San Diego star tackle Ron East and former L.A. Ram Greg Z. Wi nners wi 11 accept cha 11 enge rna tches from the conillun i ty. WOJC1-k. 3. INACTIVITY: If no matches are played wlthin a one month •The mo~ than ZOO ~ layers who wi U report to training camp June 1. interval, the trophy will be returned to Special Services. trnll prov~de some st~ff competition for the welve super pro stars ACTIVITY: If challenged, a minimum of one match per week is ",ho have signed with THE HAWAIIANS for the 1975 season. requlred. Leading t~at "Super Dozen" .are all-pro running back Calvin Hill 4. W1nners will ue responsible for reporting the match results to (Dal'las)~ t~ght end Ted KWal~ck (San Francisco) and quazoterb2Ck the HourGlass, indicating their phone numbers for future RandY Johnson (New York Giants). cha 11 engers . But tha~ is 7,975. And by that time THE HAWAIIANS will aZ!eady 5. In the event that the lncumbent loses the challenge match, be establ~shed as one of the best franchises in pro footbaZZ. they will yield the trophy at ~he end of that m~~~h. Both on the fie~~ and off. .Season tickets cost $80. For further information call L trry Finton at 83539 at HourGZass.

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Wednesday, May 29, 1974 HUURGLASS page 7

p ~1I~Er7L~;C~\l rI-~·-A-YE-A--6-ET-T-=~D-~-­ WW{ DON'T '1t)U HAVE "

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Tl-leRE- HA.S 10 Be Po. """1'-11'-1'" r;,o f'RA.C.TIC:AL. use. RJR "THE. I-MY6E. ""IRANsfbRTI\TION OOWN '-0 lHE. 'NKeeL- "THeRE. JUST' JUNl<:(I\R.D 'ARE YOU1Hc BIGtl'« '·LAW- YER .. IS THE. wRON & I\PPRO"C.H t HAS-rz:> ~o I-lPo.'iE: PI. THATSCOMIN'TOOINNEfN LAUbI-\S i' B Crosswonl By Eugene Sheffer C ACROSS 41 Beverage 2 European 11 Season 1 Of the ear 44 Sc work- leader 20 Occur 5 Dickens shop 3 Caesar's 22 At home character 46 Jab fateful 24 Psychlatrist'8 9 Lettuce 50 Frost date concern 12 Itahan 51 Ihstonc 4 Regaln 25 Mlschlevous ~.,~.,,~,~'"'p~'"'~"~"~"------__~s~ resort lSland COnsclOUS- chlld __---- __----.._ ",.,...----.:l=--.."",.,"""""--~_.. 13 European 52 War god ness 26 New comb. ___..------;r--...... -::.,----_ river 53 DlStress 5 Mark form s 14 Girl's name call hmlts of 27 Dancer's 15 Detall 54 Check 6 Harem rooms cymbals t 16 Renown 55 DlSpatched 7 Sucking 29 Blbllcal e 17 Buddy 56 Abstract flSh name V 18 Prescnbed bemg 8 Land 30 Menu item amount 57 Beverages measure 31 Letter e 19 Equal: comb 58 Wlld plum 9 Flowmg 35 Busmess form DOWN garment abbr c 20 Prumbve 1 Fetid 10 Elllpbcal 36 Shrieked a a.il~ crusel Avg. solution time: 26 min 37 Natives of n 21 Stannum Havana 23 SpanlSh 38 Conjunction y nver 41 SagaCiOUS o 25 Chant 42 Image 28 Regard 43 Headland n hlghly 45 lhs was an 32 Repast Insh Rose 33 Love god 47 RUSSian City THE i9ENEIlAL. L.JJt::EG 10 T~e GAP IS 34 Strategy 48 Game of pop IN Ai iIME$ iO GEe 37 ParlS and chance HOW ifole MEN AR:E FA~IN6' NA~~OWING .' Rome 19 Italian 39 Enemy noble b 40 Debatable family e sky wonder Answer to yesterday!s puzzle. 51 Epoch e t I e

...... ~~- CHIEF, HAVeN'T YOU LEARNED ANY POLITICAL. LESSON AT ALL FROM THE -PUSSYFOOrlN' WILL o HI5TO~IE5 OF HITLeR, ATILlA, AND ~eT YOU NOPI.ACE! d IVAN "THE TERRIBL.E!' r o p o u t s a They'll Do It Every Time n d y c a p p a r c h I e ee 00

Page 8 HGURGLASS Wednesday, May 29, 1976 ,CLASSIFIED' Comm u:n; ty Ann ou ncem en ts

THE REVISED KWAJALEIN SCUBA CLUB DIVER~ OFFICIAL DUTY ROSTER DIRECTORY will soon be available. If you For Sale have any changes from the past printed KWAJALEIN MISSILE ~~GE 13 NANCY DREW MYSTERIES $5, blackboard, information, contact Mary Pottratz at 82737 chalk and erasers $5. children's games 50¢ or at the KSC meetl.ng May 30. No addl.tional DATE OFFICER PHONE each. Call 82349. changes will be made after May 31.

NEW SAMSONITE CARD TABLE $12. old card table KWAJALEIN AMATEUR RADIO CLUB - The KARC will hold a mandatory meeting Thursday, May 30, at $5. folding metal table $6. set of 4 metal 29 May 1974 Cl-12 HANCOCK 84503 tray tables $6. Call 82349. 7pm in tte Ham Shack. The purpose of the ~O May 1974 LTC MCLAUGHLIN 82658 meeting is to vote on proposed amendments to GERRARD 4-SPEED RECORD CHANGER - type A. the by-laws. All members are urged to MEDICAL/DENTAL DUTY DOCTORS 82224 works but sick, best offer by 9pm tonight. attend. Prospective members are also See and hear at Tr. 883. invited. The KMR duty officer serves as the Commander's representative during other­ PACK· OUT SALE: Boy's 20" bicycle, 1 year ATTENTION YOKWE YUK WOMEN'S CLUB MEMBERS - than-normal duty hours. During the hours old, $10; boy's 20" bl.cycle $5, both avail­ Plans are firm for a fun-filled and exciting, 1130 to 1230, Mondays through Fridays the Commander's representatl.ve may be ' able June 2. G.E. vacuum cleaner, canister fall dinner-dance scheduled for August 17. f type, old but works well $5, full size mir­ If you are leavl.ng on Vdcatl.On now, and contacted at the telephone number 81419. ror for back of door, like new $4.50, G.E. will be off island for the July YYWC meeting If the duty officer cannot be reached hairdryer, bonnet & Cdse $4. 83758. be sure to get a friend to buy your tickets. at the number listed above call Security, Tickets will be sold at the July meetl.ng. 84445, to obtain the duty officer's tem~or­ ary number. WHIRLPOOL DISHWASHER $90, 30-cup coffee pot Watch the HourGlass for more information. $5, 1-9 cup G.E. perculator $5, popcorn popper $3, Webelo outfit $5, sleeping bag BARGAIN BAZAAR will be open on Thursday $4, baseball shoes, Sl.ze 4-1/2 $2, wall evening, May 30, from 7 to 9pm. Come 1n lamp, misc. toys, lawn chairs, 3 total $10. and browse and shop at your lel.sure. MAJ. AGC Call 82448. ADJUTANT LOCAL BOY MAKES COMMERCIAL UNDERWATER MOVIE! SCUBA rANK $20, lawn chairs $1 each. 84606. Don't miss MICRONESIA, KSC meeting Thursday, 7:30pm, Community Center. Be present to IS-BOUND VOLUME INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF elect new KSC offl.cers, to vote on con­ MUSIC. Original price $150, will sell for stitutional amendment and purchase tickets $50. 84696. to upcoming party. HourGlass PATIO SALE: ping-pong table $15, tennis CROCHETERS who have taken part in the racquet $12, lawn chairs $1.50 each, ladies' classes and workshops at the Scout Hut, the The HourGlass is published by Global dresses, size 9/10, tool box/tools, games, last workshop will be held at Tr. 561 on Associates Monday through Saturday at the comics, books, hot wheel equipment, records, Thursday, May 30, at lpm. Questlons? d~rection of the Commander, Kwajalein odds & ends, bedspreads. Come Friday to Phone Cindy 83414. M1SSl.le Range, Marshall Islands under Tr. 714 from 11 to 3 or call ahead 82684. Contract DAHC60-70-C-0001. The views J.C. IS COMING!I!! dnd opin1ons expressed ln the newspaper are not necessarily those of the Depart­ COMPLETE PATIO, dismantled, ready to take BLUE DOLPHIN SKI CLUB will meet Sunday, ment of the Army. This newspaper an away, reasonable offer. 20" boy's bicycles. unofficial publicat10n authorized' under Call 82689. June 2, at the Community Center. All new members are urged to attend and be~e the provisions of AR 360-81, is repro­ acquainted. A fl.lm wl.ll be shown. duced by offset printing. Communications Wanted should be addressed to the HourGlass, Box SMALL SHIPMENTS FROM TRUK AND PONAPE wl.ll 1733, APO San Francisco 96555 or by GOOD HOME FOR "BENJAMIN" - a gentle be featured at the M1crones1an Handicraft , telephoning 82114. Material appearing .tltcred 2 year old oranp;e & white cat. Shop Friday, 5/31/74 at 9am • in the HourGlass may not be reprinted House trained, no litter box needed, owner without approval of the Commander, Kwaj­ ledvlng soon. Please call 82684. JUST ARRIVED!! SHELL HANDICRAFT FROM EBEYE aleln Mlssile Range. Woven baskets from Majuro, stone & shell I EDITOR: Larry Fl.nton; ASSISTANT money from Yap. On sale Thursday. 5/30/74 EDITOR: Jack Rader; OFFICE STAFF: Pat Lost, at 7pm at the Ml.croneslan Handlcraft Shop •. J1PPl.t, Lisa Buck, Donna Jarrett. LONG BROWNISH BEIGE WRAP AROUND BELT lost around Surfway on Tuesday. If found please INSTRUCTORS AND TUTORS - Interested in call 84352. Thank you. teaching soclal stud1es, math or science l.n the high school equ1valency program? Community Announcements IF YOU LOST A KODAK COLOR PROCESSING KIT We also need qualif1ed 1nstructors to at the Yuk tennis courts call 83618. teach a qualifYl.ng course 1n Amerl.can History and government. Call the Adult PROTESTAliT CHAPEL CRUSADER CHOIR meets every~ TO THE THIEF WHO STOLE MY GREEN BIKE Educatl.on Center 82800 dur1ng offl.ce ~ednesday nl.ght at 6:30 in Room #19 of Georie ~eltz School. This choir is directed by regl.ster No. 2263 from the Surf bike rack: hours. Ask for the credlt coordl.nator, Lauren Buck and is open to all Jr/sr h1gh Thank you so much and I hope that some kind Mrs. Sylvia Hossack. school students. We are doing modern inter­ thl.ef can do the same to some personal estl.ng mUS1C so come out and sl.ng. property of yours sometime. BSA TROOP 314 wlll hold ltS regular / meeting at 7pm Thursday at the Scout hut. PROTESTANT CHAPEL CHOIR meets every Wednes­ WOODEN BUCKLE SANDALS lost at the volleyball iay night at 7:30 l.n Room #19 of George courts Thursday night. Please call 82108. BOYS AGES 9 TO 12 who want to play }linor Thank you. League baseball please call Mr. Tippit Seitz School. Th1s chol.r is for adults and 81596 day, 82806 night. is l.n need of V01ces. Come out and serve ~our chapel by Singing God's praises. =-...... ill...... CUB SCOUT PACK MEETING - The last meetl.ng RI KONONO TOASTMASTERS- - In a recent l.Ssue EMOTHERS - Please do not flush disposable E of Cub Pack 135 should prove to be an of "U.S. News and World Report" it was : diapers through commodes in your house or; l.nteresting and excitl.ng meetl.ng. The annua noted that many oil companl.es were enrolling : trailer! Z rocket derby will be held and awards pre­ their executives in speech classes because Disposable diapers a thin plio-5 § contai~ sented for several categorl.es of Wl.nners. they had fared so poorly in Senate inter­ ; film cover that clogs sewage lines and ; Awards will also be presented for the : burns out pump systems. Recent flushing :! views. Perhaps you aren't an oil executive ; of disposable diapers has caused sewage winners of last month's pack meet1ng but you can never tell when you are going i games. At a recent meetl.ng of the commit­ .shutdown resulting in an inconvenience to to need to be able to sell your idea or i i tee, Mr. Dick Daley, the new committee ; KMR resl.dents and a considerable cost' to defend your plans in an impromptu seSSl.on. i chairman, introduced Bob Gough as replace­ i the government. . See what the Toastmasters program can do 5 ment for Gary Signor as the 1nstl.tutional : Please wrap used dlapers in newspapers i for you at the next meeting of the Ri representative. The pack meeting will be : or plast1c sacks and leave them in gar.. Konono Toastmasters June 2 1974 in the 5 at 7pm on 29 May 1n the h1gh school multl­ Y k ' ' bage cans or Dumpster units. Do not o we Yuk s Banyan Room at 10:30am. 5 5 purpose room. Scouts and parents are urged ) flush them into the sewer system. 5 5 to attend . IF YOU WANT TO DRINK, THAT'S YOUR BUSINESS. . ; ...... t ...... \ IF YOU WANT TO STOP, THAT'S OURS. ALCOHOLICS TOASTMISTRESS: What's an "l.cebreaker?" ~~YMOUS,1lI.eets once each week 1900 through Come to Toastmistress on June 3 and find 2Q,30. For further information call 83505 , DAILY U.S. STOCK MARKET QUOTATIONS are now out. Not just one, but four "l.cebreakers" dl1t;l.ng working hours, 0730 thru 1630, or available at the Special Services Library. will be presented at the dinner meeting. white Post Office Box 8J4, Local. : They ~rll no~lly b one day behind and The social hour beg1ns at 7:00pm and dinner (SLAND NURSERY Imay occasionally be garbledtdUe to poor is served at 7: 30pm. Call Sandy Yost goes to Coral Sands Beach" teletype reception. This service is being 82817 before noon of May 31 for e~~~YbThursdai at 8:30am. The Nursery provided by .AFRS,. reservatl.ons. w _ e open or anyone who doesn't want to go to the beach •

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