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Vol. V, No. 36 U. S. Naval Operating Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Saturday, 22 December 1951 BOB HAWK SHOW HERE 3RD AND 4TH DIV. PRESENTED WITH IN JANUARY; YVONNE DE BASKETBALLTROPHIES E t IIYC C xEE tXC S CARLO NOT IN CAST Last Monday night a party was given in the Flamingo Room of the j The new year will be started off Recreation Building in honor of the winner of the Naval Station Basket- From the Base Commander in a big way at this Base Bob ball Tournament, the 3rd and 4th Division team. Rear Admiral and Mrs. Murphy Hawk, popular radio and TV star, Quite a few people were on hand to witness the presentation of trophies extend to all military and civilian arrives on the 2nd of January with as all teams participating in the recent tournament as well as personnel personnel and their dependents a USO Camp Show for a two day attached to the 3rd and 4th divi- their sincere best wishes for a stay. - sions were invited. Happy Holiday Season and a Pros- Much to everyone's disappoint- SANTA TO PARADE IN Before the trophies were present- porous New Year. The Base Coi- ment it was learned earlier in the NEWTOWN AND BARGO ed however, a few laughs were had manner is deeply appreciative of week that Yvonne De Carlo is not ______when Dick Rohland did a couple of the splendid support he has re- included in the cast as previously In an effort to help make this very humoroua impersonations. ceived from all Commands and announced in The Indian. No details Christmas a little merrier, the George Nichols did a very fine job notes their accomplishments with were available as to why her sched- Navalz Station Recreation Depart- of singing "Wagon Wheels" ac- great satisfaction. ule was changed. ment has arranged for Santa Claus companies at the piano by Wallace Touring the Caribbean area with toi make a tour of the Newtown Smith. Some fine music was heard THE WHITE HOUSE Bob Hawk will be twenty-one other and Bargo Areas. during the party with Wallace Washington, D.C. well known screen and radio stars. At approximately 5:00 p.m. Smith, on the piano, Lee McGary To the Armed Forces of the Included in the cast of performers Christmas Eve, December 24th, playing the guitar, and George United States: This year's Christ- are Richard Allen and the Taylor Santa Claus, his helpers and clowns Nichols on the bass fiddle, doing mas Season finds many of you in sisters, Beverly, Patti and Shirley; will arrive at Newtown. Entering the honors. far off places, away from your the latter three have appeared in via 5th Avenue, Santa and his Honored guests at the party were homes and the close family ties several recent movies. group will pause and invite every- Captain 0. L. Livdahl, Commanding which are always associated with One of four such shows now tour- one to join in the singing of Christ- Officer of the Naval Station and the holiday spirit. As representa- ing Armed Forces Bases throughout mas Carols. The parade will leave Commander J. M. Howell. Execu- ties of our great nation, dedicated the world, the Caribbean unit will via 2nd Avenue and proceed down tive Officer of the Naval Station. to the cause of true peace, may give performances at Trinidad, San Sherman Avenue to Bargo Point. Captain Livdahl had the honor of you find reason for rejoicing in the Juan, Roosevelt Roads, Ramey Air Entering 4th Street and heading presenting the trophies to the mem- knowledge that your unselfish ef- Force Base and Guantanamo Bay. into 2nd Street, Santa will again hers of the team, forts stand as a pillar of strength _1 ------a shows to be presented and the time People living in 2nd and 5th R L. Wood, T. F. Briggs, D. R. ing peoples of the world. I pray are not available at present. The Avenues in Newtown and 2nd and Smith, R. C. Geisler, S. R. Beards- that the God of Our Father will Recreation Department, of the 4th Streets at Bargo Point are worth, T. C.companiedoat Molson, theopianotbydWallace and LT E. A. watch over you and your families Naval Station, will announce the requested to please have their auto- Sandness. D. L. Banks and W. S. and that the New Year will bring program schedule when the infor- mobilesY off the street so that the Carson are on leave, but will re- us all nearer to a fuller realization mation is received. 2parade will have room to pass. ceive their trophies upon their of a lasting and honorable peace. Leaving Bargo Point, the proces- return. Harry S. Truman ANNUAL CHRISTMAS sionc will move down Sherman Ave- LT Sandness stated that basket- nueY to the Naval Station Movie ball practice for the Naval Station The Secretary of The Navy PARTIES Lyceum where it will break up. team would start in the near future. To the men and women of the Personnel of the Base who wish It is hoped that a large turn-out Navy and Marine Corps through- At 1:30 p.m. this afternoon, the tot see old Santa and all his clowns will be on hand for the first session. out the world: I wish to extend my annual Naval Station Christmas and helpers may watch the parade Watch The Indian and the Papoose personal, as well as official best party for children from ages 2 to as it moves down Sherman Avenue for further details, wishes for a Merry Christmas and 10 inclusive will begin. All children tot the Lyceum. a Happy New Year. of both military and American ci- Santa Claus will be riding in his Lafayette, Ga. (AFPS) - Some My special thoughts are with vilian personnel recreated by the traditionalt sleigh, while the clowns people save the first dollar they those afloat and ashore in the Naval Station are invited to attend. will either be walking, or riding earned, but J. L. Williams saved Western Pacific and Korea, who Sponsored by the Naval Station donkeys.C All of Santa's helpers will the first biscuit his wife baked are on the firing line for freedom Recreation Department, candy y, kbe on horseback, after their marriage in 1924. and our way of life. Your valor, fruit and gifts will be distributed and your devotion to duty are to all the children. providing hope and cheer as this At 2:00 p.m. Santa Claus will SANTA ARRIVES EARLY most anxious year draws to a close. arrive via helicopter to distribute To those elsewhere in the world, the toys. I also send good wishes and with In a recent interview with Com- these wishes goes the hope that by our combined strength we may mander S. G. Shilling, Command- prevent the spread of war. ing Officer of the Naval Air Sta- To the families and friends of the tion, and Commander S. Sterling, Navy and Marine Corps, on be- Jr., Commanding Officer of Utility half of these services, I transmit Squadron TEN, the Indian was the collective greetings of your assured that Santa Claus will de- relatives and friends of the Naval finitely be on hand at 2:30 p.m. Service. This year finds many of on the afternoon of Monday, De- them in far off lands and waters, cember 24th for the annual Christ- but wherever they are, they carry mas Party for the children per- in their hearts thoughts of good sonnel of the Naval Air Station will to all, and a firm hope and and Utility Squadron TEN. abiding faith in the future of peace The Christmas Party will be on earth. held at the Naval Air Station Movie Dan A. Kimball Lyceum. In the event of inclement weather the party will be trans- From Chief of Naval Operations ferred to the Naval Air Station To all Navy and Marine Corps Public Works garage (Seaplane men and women afloat and ashore: Hangar) in Corinaso Cove. I send a hearty greeting and my All personnel and dependents of own appreciation of hard work well personnel attached to the Naval done in the strenuous and challeng- Air Station and Utility Squadron ing year just ending. And to the TEN are cordially invited to at- families and friends of the Navy tend. Santa Claus has promised everywhere, I take pleasure and that there will be a present for pride in extending the Navy's own every child attending and has indi- warm greetings at Christmastide. cated that there will be a program May the New Year bring all of you full of surprises for the children. the renewed assurance that no The party committee consisted sacrifice you have been called upon of LCDR Sellars from the Naval to make has been in vain. Air Station as chairman and the Admiral W. M. Fechtler following members: From the the Naval Air Station, LT Tillman, Commander-In-Chief Atlantic and Chiefs Dillon and Oliver; From re-inspectiisitwas paid ths stiontb iSt.Nikon December none Fleet Utility Squadron TEN, LT Stewart, of vtos huge BM 5A's. Hsargoc d of 1300 Christmas trees which were To all hands in the Atlantic Fleet LT Jankosky and Chief Cork. Sown directly from WashingtonD.C. to assure an adequate soipply of superior trees wherever you may be and to your foe she holiday season. Commander SSterlingJr. Commanding Officer (f VuIss families I extended warmest Christ- Commander J. F. Cable were the pilots at the plane. The crow It's amazing how round some consdconsistedLieutrnant of L ant E. F. KingsleyLieutenant V.W.JankoskyH. ,tmas Greetings and wishes for a p et on three squares a day. AD1, and F. J ien, Jr., AL2. H (Continued on Page Four) og Gtmo.-2388J-17 Dec 51-2500 Page Two THE INDIAN

CHRISTMAS 1951 "c The Holy Season of Christmas is drawing near. It is and should be a season of great spiritual and social joy and happiness. practical Sunday, 23 December 1951 Editorial Office, Naval Operating Base C For the sincere and Administration Bldg., Room 113 Christian, Christmas means Catholic Masses Phone 8-304 "Christ" and Christ signifies the 0700-Naval Base Chapel R A of Saturday, 22 December 1951 "Savior", the "Redeemer", 0900-Naval Base Chapel mankind. Daily Mass - 0630 U. S. NAVAL OPERATING BASE The story of the first Christmas Confessions before all Masses Guantanamo Bay, Cuba teaches us the lesson USN in Bethlehem Protestant Services Rear Admiral M. E. Murphy, EN, hope which we should Commander I/ RS of joy and Sunday: 0930-Sunday Sshool two thou- CAPT Robert H. Wilkinson experience at this time, The heavenly 1000-Adult Bible Clasr Chief of Staff sand years later. Worship "Hosanna to God in the 1100-Divine U. S. NAVAL STATION chorus. Thursday: 1930-Choir Rehearsal Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Highest and on earth peace to men CAPT Orlin L. Livdahl No time of year seems so mys- of good will, for this day is born Chaplains at this Activity Commanding Officer tical as Christmas Eve. It is an to us a Savior", is a simple lesson CDR John F. Hagen, ChC, USN CDR Jack M. Howell eerie hour, so real that it seems which everyone of us may easily (Protestant) Executive Officer unreal, a stanza of poetry amid understand and appreciate. The LCDR J. J. Tschantz, ChC, USNR Editorial Staff gates of heaven, closed in anger (Catholic) Advisor the hours of dull prose. Even elder- E. A. Sadness, LT------Staff ly people, touched by some Heaven- by Almighty God, because of Adam Boyd Workhovcn. J03------Editor opened. R. E. Womble, YNSN------News Editor ly Spirit, do things divinely foolish and Eve's sin, is about to be weekly, fin- -learning for at least one day, Man is given another opportunity IS THERE A SANTA THE INDIAN is published for anced by non-appropriated funds, printed how silly we are when we think to accomplish the purpose CLAUS on government equipment, for free distri- that we are wise and how wise which he was created, eternal com- bution on the U. S. Naval Operating Base, when we fancy that we are foolish. panionship with his Heavenly Guantanamo Bay, Cuba by order of the (The scene is the editorial office of the Base Commander. There is a strange winsomeness Father. New York Sun in the year 1897. The editor INDIAN is published in compliance about Christmas Eve with its carols Yes, that is Christmas. The faith, in reading the incoming mail came upon a THE "Please with the provisions of NAVEXOS-P-35 and candles, its fun and frolic,- love, happiness, understanding and letter from a child of 8 saying: group tell me the truth, is there a Santa Claus ?" (Rev) 1945. touching us once more with the hope reflected in that small The letter was referred to Mr. Francis P. THE INDIAN uses Armed Forces Press pull of playtime. Age and child- gathered around the manger on that Church with the suggestion that he write Service material which may be reprinted morning reveal to a reply. Mr. Church accepted the assign- the credit line: AFPS. hood mingle with glee and memory first Christmas with they knew and under- ment without enthusiasm, but in a short blends with hope. For a brief time us how well time he turned in, as part of a day's work, at least, we take a glad vacation stood the significance of the event an article that is a classic expression of the CHRISTMAS EVE CAROL from ourselves. On Christmas Eve that they were witnessing. Christmas sentiment. The letter from the Peace, Peace on earth to men of child and Mr. Church's answer appeared CANDLELIGHTING our gray wisdom does not seem in the Sun in September 1897 and since that AND so wise for it shatters our towering good will. Peace of mind, peace of time have been reprinted more often than SERVICE pride and teaches us that the soul, heavenly joy and happiness any other article ever written by a news- ssshbl f heart lnno man hn in the midst of miserable and squal- paper writer.) A Christmas Eve Carol and to be happy. id surroundings. That is the story The Indian is honored to reprint little group is try- Candlelighting Service will be held Christmas Eve knows how to be and lesson this this magnificent bit of editorial in the Base Chapel at 8:00 p.m merry even in a dark world. It ing to teach us. writing below. heal Peace: what a contradition in on Monday, December the 24th. has learned a love that can "Dear Editor: Protestant Service the old hurt of our race. God be these our days of hate and war and This traditional being years old. Some of my by the Service of thanked that for a few fleeting materialism. The world is "I am 8 will be climaxed that say there is no Santa Lights. At the final portion of the hours we can hear a music which taught so simple a lesson by little friends and the world has Claus. Papa says if you see it in Service the Chaplain receives the will gather up our broken and little group it so difficult and im- the Sun it's so. Light from the Altar and lights discordant voices into Heaven's rendered candles of the Ushers who in own grand AMEN. possible to understand. "Please tell me the truth, is there the us. May He turn light the candle held by the May God help all of a Santa Claus? in each pew. He LADIES AUXILIARY TO send us back through the centuries Virginia O'Hanlon first worshipper little group. turn, will light the candle of his of time to join that 115 West 95th Street" in midst of that neighbor until all the candles of HAVE PARTY And there, in the are lighted. Then miserable and squalid splendor and "Dear Virginia: the worshippers we and all singing of "Silent The Christmas party of the heavenly beauty may "Your little friends are wrong. during the understand and ap- lighted candles are held Ladies Auxiliary of the Fleet Re- men learn to They have been affected by the Night" the fully the "Christ" in aloft and extinguished when the esrve will be held at the Marine preciate skepticism of a skeptical age. They returns his candle to the Site 1 Family Restaurant tomorrow Christmas. do not believe except they see. They Chaplain the blessing of the Infant Alnbtsar. night, Sunday, December 21 at 8:00 May think that nothing can be which - is not eomnprenenls'sde b'y 'ser 'i.- that same faith, love, happi- Virginia, Christmas Story are asked to bring a dollar gift. A may tie minds. All minds, Choir and the ness, understanding and hope of or childen's with the scent of candles buffet dinner will be served. whether they be men's mingled the first Christmas be reflected in this great Universe always makes this beautiful Serv- are little. In Chil- Success consists of getting up you and your families. of ours man is a mere insect, an ice an inspiring experience. Father Joseph J. Tschantz at this Service one more time than you fall down. ant, in his intellect, as compared dren are welcome about him, should be accompanied with the boundless world but they intelligence parents. as measured by the by their the whole of The Protestant Chapel Choir of capable of grasping 30 voices, with Howard W. Naylor, truth and knowledge. Director, will present a beautiful AS THE DUTY "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa He exists as certainly as program of Christmas Music. The the barracks was still; Claus. is com- 'Twas the night before Cbsristmas, love and generosity and devotion Protestant Chapel Choir g, as most Sailors will. depend- The Sailors were sleeping exists, and you know that they posed of service personnel, the locker with care. ents and civilians who all love good The seabags were hung by abound and give to your life its that St. Nichols as soon would be there. beauty and joy. Alas! How music and give freely of their time In hopes in bed, highest The men were all peaceful ly dreaming would be the world if there and talents in grateful service to each head. dreary As visions of Liberties danced in were no Santa Claus! It would be the Chapel. After the Candle Light- I in my sack his scivvies and as dreary as if there were no Vir- ing Service the Protestant Choir The Chief in wn with a quick midnite snack. will go a-Caroling to the various Hdjs oefo o ginas. There would be no childlike activities of the Base. When out on the deck thet re arose such a roar; faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. I ran to the porthole to find out the score. ex- ANNUALANNUALI CHRISTMAS pulled up the shade and sitarted to shout We should have no enjoyment, this noise all about?" cept in sense and sight, the eternal SERVICE, SUNDAY "Just what in the hell is with which childhood fills Chismsmoon vekow made forhwtob boondocksking shown on the snow light ______A be extinguished. out, bout seven below. the world would Protestant Services, to be held in It was pretty cold a floats, in Santa Claus! You like on: e of those carnival "Not believe the Base Chapel at 1100 on this What I saw looked four Navy goats! well not believe in Fair- drawn smartly by might as "Christmas Sunday". December 23, 'Twas a rowboat ies. You might get your papa to will be replete with Christmas In the boatwas a man whto seemed quiet and moody; hire men to watch in all the chim- Hymns, the Christmas Stor y, I knew in an instant St. Nick had the duty. neys on Christmas eve to catch Christmas Anthems and the Christ- As quickly as Monday, his billygoats came- Santa Claus, but even if they did mas Sermon. The Protestant Chapel He whistled and shouted and called them by name: not see Santa Claus coming down, Choir of 30 voices, under the direc- Now Perry, now Farragu t, Dewey and Jones, what would that prove? Nobody tion of Howard Naylor, will pre- What's the matter John Paul-got lead in your bones? sees Santa Claus but that does not sent inspiring programs of Christ- A now hold it up short, prove there is no Santa Claus. The mas Music at the "Christmas Sun- littl ohe or, you'll go on report!" most real things in the world are day" Service and at the Christmas those that neither children nor man Eve "Carol and Candle Lighting" He was in dress "reds" they fit like a charm, ever see Fairies his arm. can see. Did you Service. The following is the choir Had hash marks that co'vered the length of lawn? Of course pack, dancing on the Program of Christmas Music for he gifts to be issued were all in his no proof that they THAT on his back! not, but that's both Services:'Basmhohegti -with Nobody can con- nose caked with ice, are not there. "Cherubim Song", Bartniansky; is eyes, they were watering, his imagine all the wonders x, then sneezed once or twice. ceive or "Gloria in Excelsis", Mozart; "Gesu He wiped it with Kleene there are unseen and unseeable in Bambino", Pietro Yon; Soloist, e opened his mouth and started to yawn, ming up with the dawn. the world. Howard Naylor; "The Christmas tear apart the baby's rat- ThstmIt looked ofapeheelike the sun cc "You Bell", Richards; "Good Tidings", ld tight in his teeth, and see what makes the noise de Noel", Adam; tie Perry; "Cantique om a bottle beneath. inside, but there is a veil covering Soloist, Mrs. Mabel Warnock. I And took a small nip fro not the wasn't so big, but he nmnust have been strong, the unseen world which ______He ry long. man, nor even the united he'd been in ye strongest LIBRARY NOTES I figured , a right jolly tar, strength of all the strongest men ______He was chubby and plump, ey, here have a cigar." that ever lived, could tear apart: Laura Z. Hobson, author of The Who said "Evening mat thpresents galore, Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, Trespassers, The Other Father and He filled every seabag wit]charges there by the door. can push aside that cur- dis romance the long-to-be-remembered Gentle- And tossed a pile of tain and view and picture the men's Agreement, has just publish- Then out through the porthole and into the night, supernal beauty and glory beyond. ed her fourth novel, The Celebrity. The snow stopped fallingg, the landscape was bright. Is it real? Ah, Virginia, in all this The Celebrity is a novel about With an "Anchors Aweigh " he climbed in place, world there is nothing else so real Fame-or what passes for it-in A broad smile was creepping all over his face, and abiding. this, the golden age of publicity. One look at his watch and he started to frown, "No Santa Claus! Thank God! He It is a story of sudden success- ainly gettin' me down. lives and he lives forever. A thous- for a book, and for the brother of "T hit h sar d, as he drove on his way, years from now, Virginia, nay, day." and the man who wrote it. As such, it "Now I'll finish my rour nds and sack in for the ten times ten thousand years from is partly the story of anyone who now, he will continue to make glad secretly yearns, in a good twen- the heart of childhood. tieth-century style, not to do some- The E Be Somebody. oto Page Three 22 December 1951 THE INDIAN Saturday,,atrav 2D e r9T I Iae g s e SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PROGRAMS FOR WGBY

Several weeks ago, WGBY re- ceived a shipment of AFRS Tran- scriptions containing special pro- By Betty Radcliffe grams for the Christmas holidays. The Public Works wives held a Beginning today, and through Christmas Party last Monday at Christmas day, these shows will the home of Mrs. A. G. Terry. receive top billing on the local Christmas gifts were exchanged airwaves. and dessert and coffee was served. The big highlight of the entire Mrs. A. G. Smith was the lucky series, is a re-broadcast of a winner of the door prize. Canasta special AFPS production of the and bridge were played for the year 1945. Many of you listeners rest of the afternoon. may have heard the show in its Mrs. A. G. Smith's daughter and original broadcast. If you have it's son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold sure to bring back memories. Those W. Thomas from North , of you that haven't heard "Dick California arrived last Saturday Tracy's Wedding Day," or "For and will be here for the Holidays. Goodness Sake, Isn't He Ever Mrs. J. H. Hancock left last Going to Marry Tess Truehart?" week-end to drive to Havana where are in for a treat. she is to meet her mother. Mrs. What makes this broadcast such Hancock and her mother will stay a specialty, is the huge all star in Havana for a day or two and they cast. Bing Crosby has the lead as will then drive back to the Base. Bing Crosby, while Dinah Shore, of Personnel Office, E. Akers, SN, The school did it again! Every Left to right; D. A. Homman, chief in charge is Tess Trueheart; the Police Cap- liberty yeoman, A. D. Italiano, YNSN, service record yeoman, C. L. Schrader, YN2, year the school goes all out to rating yeoman, and P. J. Diernan, leave yeoman. tain is played by Jerry Colonna; present a Christmas program by is "Flattop"; the late the pupils and every year the AND ADMINISTRATIVE Frank Morgan plays the part of presentation seems better than the PERSONNEL "Vitamin Flinthart"; Jimmy Dur- previous one. Thursday night was OFFICES HERE TO SERVE YOU ante has the dubious honor of the scene of a very good Christmas being "the Mole"; is show. Thanks should be extended Is my longevity due? Can I get special liberty? Do I rate per diem? "Snowflake"; "Shaky" is played by to the faculty members, teachers Do I want to go to a naval school? How can I get a new Armed Forces ; and Cass Daley is and pupils and to all hands who I.D. card? How many days leave do I have on the books? Am I eligible "Gravel Gertie." You couldn't ask made the program a huge success. for shore duty? These and hundred like or relative questions are asked for bigger or better stars, and you I don't know if you have stopped of yeomen of the Personnel and Administrative offices daily. couldn't ask for a better story than to realize the extra work that In addition to such routine con- maintained; 1500 to 2000 pieces of "Dick Tracy's Wedding Day." The everyone from the Ship's Store cerns as quarterly marks, recurring mail are received and handled show will be aired over WGBY as Ashore has had to do to decorate reports, liberty lists, shore patrol weekly; and the fact that every the highlight of the Christmas day the store so nice and put out all assignments, officer fitness reports, sailor aboard considers himself schedule, at 6:30 p.m. their Christmas merchandise solely daily diaries, ship-overs, and trans- shanghaied on a deserted island Today, Saturday, the 22nd finds for your benefits. They have done fers (100 to 400 per week), the without a in sight. among others, these specials. At a swell job, and I, for one, ap- men in these offices act as aides If Fireman Herman Hatchcover 11:00 a.m. this morning, "Let's preciate it. in helping individuals with more becomes embroiled in an incident Pretend" will present the tradi- The first Christmas tree de- personal problems. This is no small requiring disciplinary action, the tional story, "Twas the Night Be- signated as the "Nation's Christ- task considering that well over 1000 matter is the concern of the Ad- fore Christmas." At 6:00 p.m. this mas Tree" was the General Grant officer and enlisted records are ministrative office. If Hatchcover's evening, "Amos and Andy" have tree in General Grant National their traditional Christmas broad- Park, California, dedicated in 1926, cast. In a very touching scene, The greatest horizontal circum- Amos explains to his daughter, the ference of the tree was 40.3 feet meaning of the Lord's Prayer. Tal- at the base and at 200 feet above lulah Bankhead's "Big Show" takes the ground, it's diameter was about over at 7:00 p.m. tonight Margaret 12 feet. The tree is 267 feet high O'Brien's reading of the famous and 3,500 to 4,000 years old. letter from the New York Sun, I would like to wish everyone "Is There a Santa Claus?" will be a very Merry Christmas. the highlight of the program. Finally, the big day itself, Christ- HOSPITAL NOTES '-r .-masn_a-'il Day,. i' Ir ,n Tuesday, the 25th of December 1951. Highlights of the Heirport News: Mary Victoria schedule include, "Red Skelton" at Bowman born 14 December to LT 6:00 p.m. At 6:30 p.m. the already and Mrs. M. K. Bowman. mentioned broadcast, "The Wedding LTJG 0. M. Searcy, NC has of Dick Tracy." At 7:30 p.m. "The reported for duty from Naval Hos- Bob Hope Show," presents Bob and pital, Mare Island, California; and his traditional Christmas guest, F. L. Babcock, HM2 from Naval Bing Crosby. A dramatic story Amphibious Base, Little Creek, titled, "Christmas for Carol," will Virginia. star Mr. Dennis Day, on "Sus- Congratulations are, in order for pense," at 8:00 p.m. The entire the following men upon their ad- "Showtime" cast: Gordon MacRae, vancement in rating: A. E. Sipple Lucille Norman, the Norman Luboff from HN to HA and F. G. Perkins Choir, and 's or- from FPFN to FPFA. chestra, will present their ver- LTJG G. L. Mrofka departed for sion of Tchaikovsky's "Nutcracker duty at Naval Hospital, Bethesda. Suite." Broadcast time for "Show- L. J. Lipkin, HM3 and N. E. Hart, time" will be 8:30 a.m. At 9:30 HM1 have returned to the States p.m., the old red-head, Arthur God- for separation. Left to right; L. G. Rihle, YN2 diary yeoman, R. E. Wingate, YN2, leading petty frey closes the Christmas parade, J. W. Bradford CSSN has return- officer and allowance yeoman. with a holiday package of talent ed from Stateside leave; the fol- on the "Talent Scouts." lowing have departed on leave: LT encounters extreme difficul- offices. Here you have a quick view of family WGBY's Christmas gift to the peo- T. B. Delaney, CWO B. E. Jennings, while he is on active duty he All of the above is merely to Miller, ties ple of NOB, Gtmo. In closing, the LTJG B. J. Murray, C. W. may call upon the services of the emphasize the fact that the Per- HN, E. T. Kaske, HM3, H. J. Rauch, for assistance. A sonnel and Administrative offices, staff of WGBY would like to take R. Personnel office HMC, S. N. Grejszak, DCSN, C. another personnel desk in addition to the work required this opportunity to wish everyone yeoman at of you, the "Merriest of Merry Moore, HN and E. H. Tabac, HN. will deal with Herman if he is in within the framework of Naval status. These examples Procedure, is available at all times Christmases." See you in the New a transient Year. FTC DOES ITS BIT FOR portray some of the more special- to help YOU with your problems CHRISTMAS ized duties performed in these relating to personnel matters. CLUB CARIBBEAN To make some of us realize that Christmas isn't as far away as it By Tuckett "One, two, three, dip. Come on seems the men of Fleet Training gotten together and gals relax. One, two, three." If Center have drifting by the Little Theater you constructed a Christmas star. Many probably already seen would hear the voice of none other of you have than Betty Wheeler instructing the it but for those of you who haven't at Stephen Crane Hill some fellows and gals on their latest look dance steps for the Club Caribbean. is really very pretty. The night. It Pieces of the zig-saw puzzle are star is constructed entirely of light 29 bulbs in it. The size beginning to fall into place as the wire and has As each is 40 feet from point to cast learns its routines. of the star passing day draws to a close many point. At the end of the holiday be taken down and new acts are added. season, it will There are still openings for any- next year. saved for one interested in offering their time Captain L. A. Reinken, Com- of FTC, E. H. and talent for this worthwhile manding Officer find that you cannot P. E. Perego, RD1 cause. If you Start, RDC, keep yourself busy and are tired and J. H. Pettigrew, RDC are the a lot of time of the same old thing come on out men who put quite to the Recreation Building, Marina into the project. R. H. Bergstad, Officer of Fleet Point. If you do not possess talent LCDR Executive as singer, dancer, or actor, Center drew up the plans maybe Training you can hammer a nail-in that for the star. case, the stage crew is looking Thank you for helping to bright- a little more. for you. en our Christmas A full cast rehearsal will be held (AFPS) - Park at 3:00 p.m. Sunday, 23 December. Cody, Wyo. See you all there! county has outlawed slot machines -but they aren't forgotten. In the bandits" used A paratrooper is a soldier who spots the "one-arm climbs down from trees he never to occupy several clubs have drap- F. Williams, YN3, and E. J. Mielosyk, YNsk climbed up. ed crepe. L right; a 22 December 1951 THEIDA2 Saturday, 22 December 1951 is, lay, 22 December 1951 INDIAN Saturday, 22 December 1951 MOVIE PREVIEWS LITTLE THEATRE NAVSTA CHAMPS TAKE SEASON'S GREETINGS HOSPITAL FIVE 51-39 The Desert Fox By Eddie Feeley (Continued from Page One) This might well be termed the With the Christmas season upon Happy New Year. I take great story behind the downfall of the us, and the New Year not far off, The Naval Station championship pride team which is composed of mem- as you should also in the one-time mighty Hitler war ma- the Little Theater wishes every- splendid performance bers from the third and fourth divi- of Atlantic chine which brought death and body a very Merry Christmas and Fleet units all over the world dur- destruction to so many nations the best of everything for the com- sions came back into action last ing the past year. Wednesday on the basketball court The devotion to during the full course of World ing year. The past year has been duty you have displayed with a practice game encountering and the War II. Primarily it is centered one of accomplishment, and we are personal sacrifices you have the Naval Hospital five. There was made around the military life of the so looking forward to 1952. in support of the principles and called "Desert Fox", Field Marshal Last Wednesday evening the Lit- much evidence of the teamwork and spirit for which handling that won the we celebrate this Rommel, and his position in the tle Theater had its Christmas party, smooth ball occasion do great credit Naval Station Champs ten straight to you plan of world conquest that might and it turned out to be a gala and have earned your country's have succeeded had it not been for affair, with John Naureckas presid- during the station playoffs and gratitude. a total of 51 the many errors in judgment made ing at the refreshment table. Paul again brought them Admiral Lynde D. McCormick at the top level of command. One Goldman gave an impromptu ver- points to 39 by the Hospital. may even find sympathy among sion of the famous Russian Dance During the scrimmage on the Commander Service Forces the ambitions and fears in the life 'steppes'. Louise Naureckas, better Hospital court Carson of the Naval Atlantic Fleet of this German warrior. It's educa- know as "Twinklefingers" did her- Station was leading scorer for both Commander, Service Forces, At- tional as well as exciting right to self proud on the ivory keyboard. teams with a total of 19 points lantic has observed with pride your the finish. There were about forty merry- while Blomberg was second high fine performance during 1951. Your makers at the party, and we all had and leading the Hospital team with continued effort during 1952 will Behave Yourself a good time, what with John's ice 13 points. be our best insurance for security Two new stars in the Hollywood dispensing and the grab bag pres- Shortly after the holiday season and peace. Well done and sincere heavens, Farley Granger and Shel- ents. Everybody brought a small there will be a schedule of playoffs wishes for a Merry Chritmas and ley Winters, will lead you through gift for the grab bag, and some of between the various Base teams Happy New Year to all. 90 minutes of one crazy predica- the gifts were rather surprising. to determine the number one group Rear Admiral J. E. Maher ment after another in a comedy Bill Tyler and John Naureckas on the Base. with murders. Along with the even demonstrated how to use their seemingly current trend toward presents . . . Let's hope the photo- WOMEN'S GOLF MEATBALL animal characters in the movies graphs turn out well. this one uses a trained dog as a Ester Tyler received a clipping By Phyllis Gilbert leg man in the laughable plot. And about one of our past presidents, On Wednesday the gals played since any authentic problem be- Evelyn Perdue. Evelyn is in the a very sticky back nine. In the first tween the sexes should involve a Norfolk, Virginia Little Theater, flight Phyllis Gilbert won low gross mother-in-law it has one of those and had the lead in "Home at and Nell Jester low net. Second too. Don't miss it if you are in Seven". She was very active in flight winners were Margaret need of a good laugh. Gtmo's own Little Theater too, with Parks, low gross and Martha Hunt parts in "Laura", Cuckoos on the low net. His Kind of Woman Hearth", Don't forget to read the "19th Here's a long and "Suds in Your Eye". one as motion The Playreading Hole" and watch for the announce- pictures go and it's packed Committee has with narrowed the ment of the Novelty Tournament romance play selection down suspense, excitement, and to seven Titles. on New Year's Day. We'll need all right up to the last fadeout. "Skylark", "Two The Blind Mice", the gals to participate. If your story involves the efforts of a "Bell Book and Candle", "Over 21", "Southern Ex- husband won't play don't worry, crime syndicate that is attempting there will be plenty of partners to get a racketeer back into this posure", "You Can't Take It with You", and lots of laughs. country, meaning the United States and "Angel in the Pawn- shop". The final selection will be May this Yuletide be a very hap- of course, by using someone else's "Do something, don't just stand published here in the first part of py one and the New Year bring us there!" identity. Robert Mitchum and Jane January, so be on the lookout for it. peace and good will for all mankind. Russell carry the lead in another THE 19TH HOLE fine job of acting for both of them. By Hunt and Ford Painting the Clouds With Sunshine PREPARING FOR OPERATION CHRISTMAS The Guantanamo There comes a time in motion Handicap Tour- nament has approached a success- picture entertainment between the ful close with the exception of the heavy stirring emotion of drama fifth flight where Welch and and the hilarious side splitting Wright finished even after 18 holes and had antics of comedy when we of the to postpone the nine hole play-off second balcony just like to sit back because of darkness. and watch a good colorful musical The Championship honors went production. Here's the answer, a to Brock, with Hale taking the runner-updjspot. Inthe first flight, plenty of sunshine in the way of Reissonkoenig the winner. Linden- entertainment from a group of born the runner-up. In the second talented and bright young perform- flight, Fein the winner, Diamond ers. If a musical is what you've the runner-up. In the third flight, been looking for then go no further Burnett the winner, Dobyns the because this is your answer. runner-up. The fourth flight honors went to McLeod, with Stafford in Submarine Command the secondary position. If you saw the recent showing The Blitz will resume play on of "Force of Arms" which co- the 5th of January and a meeting starred William Holden and Nancy will be held at 11:00 a.m. to elect Olsen then I'm sure you won't want a new Blitz Committee. All Blitz to miss them as they are paired players are requested to attend the again in an equally superb per- meeting inasmuch as there has formance in a story of similar been a long interval between play anxieties between love, honor and and suggestions for improvement war. The war action in the plot is of the tourney have been received carried over from the submarine by the present committee. warfare of the last war into the present conflict in Korea. Needless MARINE MUSINGS to say there is a great deal of sea. exciting action at By CPL John V. Mumford, USMC Come Fill The Cup Sport fans had quite a treat last This is one of the movies you Thursday night as they witnessed might find getting editorial com- the basketball game between the ment in newspaper and magazines Carrier Salerno Bay and Marines. throughout the country because of The final score was 61 to 44 in favor of the Airmen, but the Ma- its dealing with the problem of Scampering up and down chimneys is pretty messy work, but it doesn't deter Saint alcoholism. Here the producers have Nick from getting his "once over lightly." The four pixies are employed by Santa rines showed much promise, and brought forth a character with in his North Pole workshop. This is just about his last opportunity to rest until they will no doubt profit from play- many of the personal problems of Christmas morning. ing such a fine team. It would be a man so addicted. Of course they interesting to known that the Car- rier Boys held the Celtics, work out a solution through the NAS TEN-PIN TATTLER story of this man's life which brings a professional basketball team, to a ten point margin when the final to light in an interesting way what By R. L. Pavlenko can be done to help such people. gun sounded. There is a return "A" League "B" League game scheduled in the near future "Pip's Pin Busters" who won the "NAS Officers No. 1" is leading between the Salerno Bay and Ma- first round play-offs are leading in here with eight wins, no losses. rines so all you people who missed the race in this round with eight Right behind is "Baker Bohunks" the first be sure to come out to points won and none lost so far. with a seven and one. Temporarily Marine Site No. 2 for the return They are followed closely by the in third is the "Hatuey Hotshots" match. "Rum-Dums" with a six to two one match ahead of the rest of the Christmas is drawing near and Saturday, 22 December record. Two other teams of which league this week with eight to for the men who received their THE DESERT FOX one can tie Pip's outfit are "VU-10 four. orders last week it is going to be James Mason . Cecil Hardwick Officers" and "Flynn's Flames", The highest series bowled at a very happy one. The homeward they have a match to make up and NAS this year goes to Hampers Sunday, 23 December bound men that left last Tuesday both have lost no points yet. of the "Hatuey Hotshots" who BEHAVE YOURSELF are: Sergeants: W. A. Bechtel, S. Cook of "Cork's Killers" has rolled 184, 212, and 221 for a 617 Zavodny, K. A. Shelley, H. W. Hart, Farley Granger rolled the top series so far in this series this week. DeWing of the H. A. DiDomenics, Corporals: C. Monday, 24 December league, a 589 which will be tough CPO's rolled a 566 series with Reyngoudt, S. C. Cole, A. R. Wright HIS KIND OF WOMAN to beat. His series games were 206, George of "Baker Bohunks" hav- Jr., V. Bates, V. J. Brunetto, D. J. Robert Mitchum Jane Russell 172 and 211. Bergman hit a 576 ing a 554 for third high this round. Campbell. K. A. Dilgard, K. G. with 191, 216, and 165. Vaughn of Hampers also has high game at Graff, F. N. Manda, W. L. Peters, Tuesday, 25 December "Rum-Dums" rolled a 552 of 182, 221, next is Sanchez also of the D. B. Stucker, G. H. Wages, Pri- PAINTING THE CLOUDS WITH 168, and 202. Roschel of "NAS "Hatuey Hotshots" with 215. In vates First Class: J. E. Errett, J. D. SUNSHINE Operations" rolled a 519 and Hart- third place for high sigles are Jaggers, F. W. Coursey Jr., H. E. V. Maud ley of the "Comets" a 510, all DeWing, Pavlenko, and Hampers, Hogle III, R. D. Lavy, R. C. Lump- being in the "500 Club" this week. each rolling a 212. kin, and Private E. D. Howe. Wednesday, 26 December As of this writing, the shooters S A RINE COMMAND (AFPS)-Wife: "I was a fool have not yet fired for record so I William Holden Nancy Olsen Lady who objects to tobacco: Willam olde Nacy Osen "If I were your wife I'd give you when I married you." am unable to give you their final Thursday, 27 December poison." Husband: "I guess you were, scores. I would like to say that COME FILL THE CUP Smoke' "7 you were my wife, but I was so infiltrated at the quite a few will be in the "Expert" James Cagney James Gleason I'd ta time that I didn't coit." bracket.