w w . r <_ .....: . Vol. V, No. 36 U. S. Naval Operating Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Saturday, 22 December 1951 BOB HAWK SHOW HERE 3RD AND 4TH DIV. PRESENTED WITH IN JANUARY; YVONNE DE BASKETBALLTROPHIES E t IIYC C xEE tXC S CARLO NOT IN CAST Last Monday night a party was given in the Flamingo Room of the j The new year will be started off Recreation Building in honor of the winner of the Naval Station Basket- From the Base Commander in a big way at this Base Bob ball Tournament, the 3rd and 4th Division team. Rear Admiral and Mrs. Murphy Hawk, popular radio and TV star, Quite a few people were on hand to witness the presentation of trophies extend to all military and civilian arrives on the 2nd of January with as all teams participating in the recent tournament as well as personnel personnel and their dependents a USO Camp Show for a two day attached to the 3rd and 4th divi- their sincere best wishes for a stay. - sions were invited. Happy Holiday Season and a Pros- Much to everyone's disappoint- SANTA TO PARADE IN Before the trophies were present- porous New Year. The Base Coi- ment it was learned earlier in the NEWTOWN AND BARGO ed however, a few laughs were had manner is deeply appreciative of week that Yvonne De Carlo is not _______when Dick Rohland did a couple of the splendid support he has re- included in the cast as previously In an effort to help make this very humoroua impersonations. ceived from all Commands and announced in The Indian. No details Christmas a little merrier, the George Nichols did a very fine job notes their accomplishments with were available as to why her sched- Navalz Station Recreation Depart- of singing "Wagon Wheels" ac- great satisfaction. ule was changed. ment has arranged for Santa Claus companies at the piano by Wallace Touring the Caribbean area with toi make a tour of the Newtown Smith. Some fine music was heard THE WHITE HOUSE Bob Hawk will be twenty-one other and Bargo Areas. during the party with Wallace Washington, D.C. well known screen and radio stars. At approximately 5:00 p.m. Smith, on the piano, Lee McGary To the Armed Forces of the Included in the cast of performers Christmas Eve, December 24th, playing the guitar, and George United States: This year's Christ- are Richard Allen and the Taylor Santa Claus, his helpers and clowns Nichols on the bass fiddle, doing mas Season finds many of you in sisters, Beverly, Patti and Shirley; will arrive at Newtown. Entering the honors. far off places, away from your the latter three have appeared in via 5th Avenue, Santa and his Honored guests at the party were homes and the close family ties several recent movies. group will pause and invite every- Captain 0. L. Livdahl, Commanding which are always associated with One of four such shows now tour- one to join in the singing of Christ- Officer of the Naval Station and the holiday spirit. As representa- ing Armed Forces Bases throughout mas Carols. The parade will leave Commander J. M. Howell. Execu- ties of our great nation, dedicated the world, the Caribbean unit will via 2nd Avenue and proceed down tive Officer of the Naval Station. to the cause of true peace, may give performances at Trinidad, San Sherman Avenue to Bargo Point. Captain Livdahl had the honor of you find reason for rejoicing in the Juan, Roosevelt Roads, Ramey Air Entering 4th Street and heading presenting the trophies to the mem- knowledge that your unselfish ef- Force Base and Guantanamo Bay. into 2nd Street, Santa will again hers of the team, forts stand as a pillar of strength _1 ------------a shows to be presented and the time People living in 2nd and 5th R L. Wood, T. F. Briggs, D. R. ing peoples of the world. I pray are not available at present. The Avenues in Newtown and 2nd and Smith, R. C. Geisler, S. R. Beards- that the God of Our Father will Recreation Department, of the 4th Streets at Bargo Point are worth, T. C.companiedoat Molson, theopianotbydWallace and LT E. A. watch over you and your families Naval Station, will announce the requested to please have their auto- Sandness. D. L. Banks and W. S. and that the New Year will bring program schedule when the infor- mobilesY off the street so that the Carson are on leave, but will re- us all nearer to a fuller realization mation is received. 2parade will have room to pass. ceive their trophies upon their of a lasting and honorable peace. Leaving Bargo Point, the proces- return. Harry S. Truman ANNUAL CHRISTMAS sionc will move down Sherman Ave- LT Sandness stated that basket- nueY to the Naval Station Movie ball practice for the Naval Station The Secretary of The Navy PARTIES Lyceum where it will break up. team would start in the near future. To the men and women of the Personnel of the Base who wish It is hoped that a large turn-out Navy and Marine Corps through- At 1:30 p.m. this afternoon, the tot see old Santa and all his clowns will be on hand for the first session. out the world: I wish to extend my annual Naval Station Christmas and helpers may watch the parade Watch The Indian and the Papoose personal, as well as official best party for children from ages 2 to as it moves down Sherman Avenue for further details, wishes for a Merry Christmas and 10 inclusive will begin. All children tot the Lyceum. a Happy New Year. of both military and American ci- Santa Claus will be riding in his Lafayette, Ga. (AFPS) - Some My special thoughts are with vilian personnel recreated by the traditionalt sleigh, while the clowns people save the first dollar they those afloat and ashore in the Naval Station are invited to attend. will either be walking, or riding earned, but J. L. Williams saved Western Pacific and Korea, who Sponsored by the Naval Station donkeys.C All of Santa's helpers will the first biscuit his wife baked are on the firing line for freedom Recreation Department, candy y, kbe on horseback, after their marriage in 1924. and our way of life. Your valor, fruit and gifts will be distributed and your devotion to duty are to all the children. providing hope and cheer as this At 2:00 p.m. Santa Claus will SANTA ARRIVES EARLY most anxious year draws to a close. arrive via helicopter to distribute To those elsewhere in the world, the toys. I also send good wishes and with In a recent interview with Com- these wishes goes the hope that by our combined strength we may mander S. G. Shilling, Command- prevent the spread of war. ing Officer of the Naval Air Sta- To the families and friends of the tion, and Commander S. Sterling, Navy and Marine Corps, on be- Jr., Commanding Officer of Utility half of these services, I transmit Squadron TEN, the Indian was the collective greetings of your assured that Santa Claus will de- relatives and friends of the Naval finitely be on hand at 2:30 p.m. Service. This year finds many of on the afternoon of Monday, De- them in far off lands and waters, cember 24th for the annual Christ- but wherever they are, they carry mas Party for the children per- in their hearts thoughts of good sonnel of the Naval Air Station will to all, and a firm hope and and Utility Squadron TEN. abiding faith in the future of peace The Christmas Party will be on earth. held at the Naval Air Station Movie Dan A. Kimball Lyceum. In the event of inclement weather the party will be trans- From Chief of Naval Operations ferred to the Naval Air Station To all Navy and Marine Corps Public Works garage (Seaplane men and women afloat and ashore: Hangar) in Corinaso Cove. I send a hearty greeting and my All personnel and dependents of own appreciation of hard work well personnel attached to the Naval done in the strenuous and challeng- Air Station and Utility Squadron ing year just ending. And to the TEN are cordially invited to at- families and friends of the Navy tend. Santa Claus has promised everywhere, I take pleasure and that there will be a present for pride in extending the Navy's own every child attending and has indi- warm greetings at Christmastide. cated that there will be a program May the New Year bring all of you full of surprises for the children. the renewed assurance that no The party committee consisted sacrifice you have been called upon of LCDR Sellars from the Naval to make has been in vain. Air Station as chairman and the Admiral W. M. Fechtler following members: From the the Naval Air Station, LT Tillman, Commander-In-Chief Atlantic and Chiefs Dillon and Oliver; From re-inspectiisitwas paid ths stiontb iSt.Nikon December none Fleet Utility Squadron TEN, LT Stewart, of vtos huge BM 5A's. Hsargoc d of 1300 Christmas trees which were To all hands in the Atlantic Fleet LT Jankosky and Chief Cork. Sown directly from WashingtonD.C. to assure an adequate soipply of superior trees wherever you may be and to your foe she holiday season. Commander SSterlingJr. Commanding Officer (f VuIss families I extended warmest Christ- Commander J. F. Cable were the pilots at the plane. The crow It's amazing how round some consdconsistedLieutrnant of L ant E.
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