
Thursday, June 7, 1951 THE WESTERN JEWISH NEWS Page Seven Page .6-B THE WESTERN JEWISH NEWS ' ' Thursday, June 7, 1951 Parcnts'-Tcachers' association of June 11, nt 9 p,m, Reports will be Yiddish, and Engllsn, he also hos Talmud Torah, Junlor grades, will given and refreshments will be with, there should be no difficulty lladassah Leadership Group hold their social wind-ui> at Mrs. A. served. mastery· of •areek, Russian, Polish In arriving at a Just and peaceable and German , . . Incidentally-, in To Hold Social Wind-up Zaslavsky, 6 St. Johns avenue,_ on .------, U.N. Mediation On Huleh solution of the whole imbroglio. Saturday, June 16, at D p.m. For GARRICK honor of Ben Gurlon a New York Speclflcally, the Israelis hhve, for The Hadassah Leadership group By DAVID NUSSBAUM rcscrvatlons phone Mrs. Ann c IT ; AIR CONDITIONED By BORIS SMOLAR publishing house - the Bloch Pub­ some reason, been the only ones to w111 hold their annual wind-up PAYS lishing Company - arranged a win­ (Copyright, 1951, Jewish Tclegraphla Agency, Inc,) Sencnsky, 55 867. NOW SHOWING (Copyright, 1951, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) point out, if tne U.N. sticks to the meeting in the form of a social at TO dow display of the works written UNITED NATIONS. - The-slim ment was concerned, Rlley leaped only legitimate international inter­ I by the Israeli Premier .•• They in­ the home of Mrs, Kay Alper, 255 Mr. and Mrs. Isadore M. Rosen Mr. Nat Ludwig of Snskatoon was Icongratulations on the birth.. of a son RE­ nopes that the optimists clung to in where military men should fear est in the whole affair - the prob· ----·-·----·--·-"-•-- I ••THE GROOM CURRENT EVENTS: Now that dent Truman, the Israeli Premier cluded five heavy volumes, in addi­ Smithfield avenue, on Saturday, announce the engagement of their a visitor in the city. Robert Saul, at the Winnipeg Gen- COVER Premier Dnv1d Ben Gurion's v1slt discussed not only American fl.nnn­ when the Security Coundl adopted to tread and produced a pretty lem of a hand!ul of Arabs displaced "' elder daughter, Myrna Elo.inc, to • • • eral hospital, Mntcrnity Pavilion, on WORE SPURS" tion to his latest book " in the unbelievably punitive Anglo- fuzzy far-reaching opinion on the by the public works project - a June 9, at 2.30 p,m, Mrs, Estelle I to the United States is coming to an cial aid to the Jewish state, but also Mf. Joseph Stillwater, son of Mr. Mr. Percy Cutler, son of Mr, and May 24, Starrl!'lg ••• War" • . . The window display, American resolution against Israel, questions of sovereignty in a de­ proper agreement can be reached. Shapiro will present a report on the end, all kinds of estimates are being how the U.S. Government can help and Mrs. Harry Stillwater. The Mrs, J. Cutler, 315 Inkster boule­ BROADWAY decorated with Ben Gurion's photos calling for a halt in the essential mllltarized zone, pre-Arab war real The most stimulating and hopeful year's activities and will introduce • • • CUJhats GINGER ROGERS made of how much his' appearance Israel get reparntionS from Germany vard, arrived in the city from Grand Dr. Galli Safrin who has beefl ! and the Israel Flag, attracted a good · :iyedding will take place August 26. JACK CARSON In this country helped in raising for Nazi-looted Jewish property .•. Huleh drainage project, have been estate contracts and other quite com­ thing in Riley's return to the n!;.!w chairmRn for the coming Forks, N.D., where he is attending visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. UPHOLSTERING. deal of attention •.. strengthened by the return of U.N. plex matters which were as germane is that he has begun to put emphasis; year. Drapes - Slipcovi::rs with JOAN DAVIS funds for Israel . . . Authoritative During his stny in New York, Ben • • • • • • the University of North Dakota, Bernard Safrin, has returned to New Cor Uphelsterlng Truce Supervisor Gen. Willitim E. to the armistice agreement he is perhaps even primary emphnsis1 On -The engagement !Adult) Israeli circles here are certain that Gurion startled members of the FACTS AND FIGURES: Keep Engineering fnculty, York where she is going post­ ~ooking) 172 Osborne Ph. 43 809 Riley to the scene of the conflict, supposed to supervise as the question this aspect of the problem, Therein, The book titled "Sholom Means St, Israel will receive two to . three United Nations with his linguistic is announced of Irene Sylvia, daugh­ graduate work at Mount Sinai hos~ iJl 00 your eyes on Chicago this weekend • • •• l'---"'------11, , , •~• m•~-~-• ~IU• !llm-• times as much flnancial assistance There are some Palestine ,experts, of oil royalties to lbn Saud. and therein' alone, lies the possibility Pence," 'by Robert St. John, will be By TERRY ELMAN ___ abilities ... The Turkish delegates Mrs. Lou Laimon of Saskatoon pitaL ____ ter of Mrs. Fannie Segall and the ____ ..• One of the most significant and in fact, who have been wondering, Israel has pointea out rrom the o! peace between Syrtn -and Israel raffled. Buslness • nnd Professional AIR CONDITIONED from all sources in this country as discovered. that Ben Gurion speaks far-reaching gatherings in American late Peter Segall, to Mr. Morton was n visitor in the city. • • • (Copyright, 1951, Jewish Telegraphic compared to last year ... Inciden­ Turkish fluently , , . Not to speak of now that the beginners of active beginning that if. all this superero­ while the job of building the Jewish chapter of Hadassan· members will Mr. and Mrs. M. Kunein announce Jewish life will take place·at Palmer negotiations work has commenced DodE!k, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max • • • Agency, Inc.) Iii fWlahuunnil Iii tally, during his talks witn Pres!- the fact that in addition _to Hebrew, House there--; , , Community leaders with Riley's· return, whether a lot gation were dispensed with forth- state goes on. act as hostesses. Miss Clarice Cutler, formerly of the engagement of their youngest Dodek, The wedding will toke place Winnipeg, is vaca-tiolling in the city daughter, Annette, to Mr. Manny -•----,•-•-•-••-- ---•-• r'------'----'------,1from all parts of foe country will of the mess and trouble might not ill'auty ~alnn D in Beth Israel synagogue, Vancou­ with her parents, . Mr. and -Mrs. J. Axelrod, younger son of Mr. and ·Doing a story on a good friend is ing lnto two portions. Cut into flour gather ·to talk over U.J.A. matters have been avoided if the man in Bost Wishes for a Very Happy Shevueth to oll our Jowlsh Cultomor• and Friends EST WISHES for a Hoppy Cutler, 315 Inkster boulevard. I COLD WA VE SPECIAL B in the presence. of Premier Ben whom real responsibilitY lies for ver on July 1, Mrs, I: Axelrod. The wedding to not as easy ns one would thitl.k. If until it is extremely fine. Cut second Shavuoth to all our Jewish Gurion:, .. On the whole.- the U,J.A. • • • take place on June 24. you do a straight story, you feel you half of the shortening into the mix- HELD OVER! Friends and Customers, keeping the armistice agi-eements SOMETHING YOU'VE BEEN Miss Goldie Cohen and Miss Lil­ s5.oo is doing very well this year , •. strictly observed had been permitted • • • haven't done the artist justice1 or if ,ture until the lumps of shortening Those hilarious certoen charocteni QUALITY WOODWORK CO. LTD. WAITING FOR •• , lian Morris of Vaiicouver are visit­ He're are a few facts illustrating the to remain at liis post, 695 WASHINGTON AVE. , PHONE 505316 Miss Gertrude Feldman, of you emphasize a phase in his life, are the size of a giant pea. Place the SOFT _ SPRINGY _ LONG LA5TIN0 "Willie and )oo" camo to ing in the city, and are the guests life on tho screen In situation up to this month••. San The simple fact is that when the AIR CONDITIONING! Beverly Hills, California, and Cpl. you feel you will be criticized as mixture in the refrigerator and chill CURLS - SATISFACTION ASSURED "ANYTHING IN FURNITURE" Our nowlr-installed modern Air ton-, of Miss Cohen's cousins, Mr. and Independent Fish Francisco, which has passed the Se,cur1ty Council succuµibed to dltlonlng Sy1tem moons cool, comfort­ Ralph Feldman of Fort Lawton, glishy . , . So it ii:- as I sit here trying thoroughly. Remove from refrigcr- 1122 MAIN Cat Redwood) BILL MAULDIN'S SPECIALIZING IN: abl• dining during the hot 1umm111 Mrs. Max Shore, Westacres Ranch, a $1 1000,000 mark, is still· five percent Syria's insistence and too* up the Wash., have returned after visiting to do story on this fine young artist ator and blend in with fork .just • 1-1 Company Limited month1o Kirkfleld park, ahead of last year ••• Atlanta is case, this automatically produced a BUILT-IN FURNITURE You'll love the ultra modern etmo,... with their parents Mr. and Mrs. I. that J have problems, Because Mil- enough water to hold dough to- PHONE 56 844 ~ "Up Fr' ont" Fresh - Frozen now beyond $588,000 and maintain­ phere of this popular oatlngi plan, • • • Feldman, and their brothers and ton Katims is just about the most gether. Be careful not to get the Smoked Fish break-down in the only effective Store Fixtures Kitchen Cabinets Mora and more pooplo are regular!)' ing a five percent increase . , , machinery for handling local dis­ saying: "Meat u1 at • • • Miss Joan Calof will arrive in the sisters-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Phil modest young conductor in the dough too wet. Roll out •.. and line 1.------, (Classified General) 941 SHERBROOK STREET Baltimore· stands at better than putes between Israel and Syria, the Domestic and Commercial Modernizing city on Sunday, June IO, to spend Feldman and Mr. and Mrs, Irvin 'country, He dispiays a quiet com- pan, MEN'S SHOES li======a:.1 ~AMUEL'S several weeks' holidays with her Phone 22 331 Winnipeg $3,155,000 and is still running 8 per­ Mixed Armistice Commission and DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURER TO YOU Simovitch. petence which is certainly reflected BADE ff ORDER cent ahead of. last year ..• Detroit its parent body, the Truce Super­ parents. • • • in the quality of his outstanding :.~i;,~nr:;; nas topped the $2,900,000 mark and vision Organization. Thus, the in­ • • • Mr. and Mrs. r. Rodin (nee E~itn broadcasts with the NBC Symphony '']Jtlt rhhiunn •gx~}MEN ART UPHOLSTERING is running 15 percent ahead. • • tervention of the Council entailed [;f ;::~••·3,-;-,~:· Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Spiller, (nee Kane) are receiving congratulations _ the same orchestra that Toscan- 1tVI ~ , MOST CORDIAL SHAVUOTH GREETINGS TO ALL OUR Aileen Vinsky), are receiving con;­ on the birth of a daughter, Carol nini leads. Milton was chosen by JEWISH FRIENDS AND PATRONS Kansas City hns raised more than these three wholly uncOnstructive : /:th.·., BRAUNSTEIN-BELL CHESTERFIELD SUITES $1,000,000 and is five percent ahead results: It brought to a hall the gratulations on the birth of a daugh­ Lynne, at the Winnipeg General Mr. Toscannini to conduct the large :" ,,iJ!J MADE-TO-ORDER of 1950 , •• Newark nas gone by the functioning of the proper machinery ter, Susan Pearl, at the Winnipeg hospital, Maternity Pavilion, on orchestra when he needed a young ¼ ..k:.:·':r)<~~~~i 1·-• $1,350,000 figure and snows an In­ for dealing with the troubles; it General hospital, Maternity• Pavil­ June 2, assistant. You also may know Mr. Tufting - our specialty ion, on May· 24. Western Flyer Coach Ltd. crease of better than 15 percent • .'. pulled the top mediator, Riley, away r;::i~r,I "I ·I Bl ,B • • • Katims as the conductor of the Repairing, Remodelling and BRIDGEPORT, Conn. - Mr. and famed Eternal Light show over Cincinnati has about $9001000 in, from the scene (so that he could • • • Recovering SUCCESSORS TO with the increase standing at 12 participate in the long, disputations ~J,;,c11J ,;:",e .,,, Mr. and Mrs, Max l'tlliek, 378 Mrs. Howard Androphy, · (nee San- NBC for the past six years. A. SCHNEEBERGER Enniskillen avenue, are receiving dra Singer of Winnipeg), are receiv- He was born in New York City WESTERN AUTO & BODY WORKS LTD. percent ..• Clevelancl is just about and inconclusive Council debates); President A view of our new ultra-modern factory PHONE S4663 at the $3,000,000 mark and running ing congratulations on the birth of and made his debut ln 1934 as viola and it substituted .for actual negotia­ 87 EUCLID AVE. MANUFACTURERS OF 14 percent ahead of last. year ••• tion and · mediation on the opera­ a son, Ronald Lee, at the Waterbury soloist with •Alfred Wallenstein's New York City has passed the $20,- tional level all the extraneous and OUR HEARTIEST SHAVUOTH GREETINGS 33ar fi11itzooh hospital, Waterbury1 Conn., on April Sinfonietta. In 1935 he was Eippoint- 000,000 mark and is ahead of 1950 unpretty elements of cold-war 27. Maternal grandparents are Mr. cd as first violist and assistant con­ TO ALL OUR JEWISH FRIENDS AND Mr. and Mrs. Cecil N. Blank­ results in the corresponding period power-politics, there being no way and Mrs. S. J. Singer of Bridgeport, ductor at WOR In New York. Tos­ stein announce the Bor Mitz.'t'oh of Conn.; paternal grandparents are cannini, who has furthered Milton's Wallace &Wallace· • . . Philadelphia has raised more to avoid the impression that the CUSTOMERS. MAY THIS ANCIENT their son, Max Zoel, an Saturday, '. Mr. and Mrs. A. Androphy of Derby, career more than anyone else, still than $3,500,000 thus fnr and shows mystifying unreasonable British­ FESTIVAL BRING GREAT HAPPINESS AND June 161 at 9 o.m. at th·e Shoorey Winnipeg chapter of B'nai B'rith SAMUEL KARTASH, Owner PAINTING & DECORATING a 17 percent increase .•• Pittsburgh French-U.S. resolution was the re­ PROSPERITY TO ,YOU ALL. . • SANDWICHES Zcdek synagogue, Welllngtan Cres­ Conn, canit understand why he wants to women will hold their annual wind­ r WESTERN FLYER MOTOR COACHES • STEAKS and C::HOPS cent, At home Saturday evening, • • • conduct when he is such p.n out- 271 Burnell Phone 37 288 has raised well oVer $1,5001000 and sult of a Western anxiety to appease up dinner at Moore's i-eStaurant, in • SNACKS 268 Academy Rood, No cords. FREE F.STlMATES 702 BROADWAY Phone 37 284 WINNIPEG, MAN. is 8 percent ahead , .• Dallas has the oil-rich Arabs at oil-less Isl'8.el's • • DELICATESSEN and CHIPS PORTAGE .LA PRAIRIE. - Mr. standing viola player. He is married the Mikado room, on Wednesday, I and Mrs. Sam Medoff, (nee Molly to the beautiful and talented 'cellist raised more than $746,000 · to date expense, without any regard for the June 13, at 6.30 p,m, Installation of ,------, ~======• and is already ahead of last year's merits of the Syrian-Israel case. for EARLY delivery an SAMUEL'S Schachter), of Portage la Prairie, Virginia Peterson and they have officers antl annual reports will be final total . • . Memphis has passed When this resolution got down in DELICATESSEN SMART PEOPLE Man., are receiving congratulations two children. Milton comes by his given. A social evening will follow • 1761 MAIN ST. PHONE 53 069 THE ART MENDING CO. Ask Your Grocer For the $350,000 mark and is running 22 black-and-white before the public, on the · birth of a son,•, Robert musical talent from his mother who • • • MOST HAPPY SHAVUOTH GREETINGS TO ALL BUY Reuven, at the Winnipeg General sings with the Schola Cantorium. Reweavera of ••• percent ahead ... Houston has more even the U.S. and British delegates Branch 3, Peretz school Muter • Moth Holes • Cir. Bnrna .PONTIAtJ hospital, Maternity Pavilion1 on He says cooking· is a creative art than $540,000 recorded and is al­ could not feel completely unembar­ FOR YOUR VACATION MAKE at Farein will hold their wind-up at • Cuts In Woollem REX CLEANER OUR JEWISH FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS ready past the total arii,ount raised rassed, and although they refused to YOUR RESERVATIONS HOWi Juhe 2. and will putter around the kitchen the home of Mrs, Saul Cnernlack, 1«3 Donald St. Phano 1128 8211 Indispensable In th• Hame last year •.• Washington h3s ex• modify its conteiits, they soltened it • • • anytime J;te has a chance. A favorite 333 St. Johns avenue, on Monday• ceeded $1,300,000 and is maintaining in their verbal interpretatjons as to .,ii,~ Mr, and Mrs. George Turner are dish and r·ecipe of Milton Katims is: receiving congratulations on the . Apple Pie , an 8 percent increase , •• what it intended to bring about. Sir LAKEVIEW 310 DONALD ST. • • • GJadwynn Jebb, in particular, al­ birth of a daughter, Gerri Rowene; ·· 2 .cups '_apples, thinly sliced LEARN \ RITE-WAY SUPPLY PHONE 923 404 at the Winnipeg General hospital, 3/,a cup apple pie seasoning Announcing the Opening on June 11th TALKING FRANKLY: American though in unavoidably confused HOTEL TO ~ Zionist leaders are flabbergasted manner, sought to give Riley con~ Maternity Pavilion, on May 20. 1 level tablespoon flour OF i=-'-1 WATROUS SASK. CANADA'S FINEST ...... and confused now, after Premier siderable leeway i;h~arrying ~ out its order from . .. Equal, 111nounts ·whi~-and brolvn DRIVE SAFELY ' The Corl1bad of Canada - FLOWER SHOP & CONTRAC:TORS David Ben Gurion's visit to the terms. What_ JeY...nrv-1.ai.1:J.er t6rtuous sugar , WITH A naturol summer resort. ' . United States .•• It is very hard for paragraphs came down to in sum ¾ · teaspoon cinnamon Y.M.H.A. COFFEE GRILL ·C!tlubhttm NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CONFIDENCE LIMITED them to swallow some of the pro­ was: Well, now o'f course we mustn't Finest Jewish Summer 1/16 teaspoon nutmeg nouncements on Zionism which Ben be too hard on the Israelis and of ' Hotel Dvorah Drachler chapter of Pio- A few grains salt. L, PAISNER, Prop. (Kosher DJet) Mrs. B. A. Chmelnitsky course we don't really mean that CATERER ner Women celebrated their 17th Mix apples and seasonings to- Gurion made at a dinner in New e KOSHER STYLE FULL COURSE DINNERS WE SPECIALIZE IN York prior to his return to Israel such a good thing as the drainage in Western Canada wishes to announce the opening anniversary wind-up in the form of gether. Line an 8-inch pan with the VICTOR MANNING KITCHEN CABINETS and BREAKFAST NOOKS . , • Not only did he flatly reject program should be abandoned for­ Under Personal Supervision of of her cettcgo a dinner and dance at the Club pastry fluting at edges as for a cus- e DELICIOUS LIGHT LUNCHES DRIVING COLLEGE their conception of Zionism, but he ever. A. V. Pigott 7 Ook Street, Winnipeg Beach Copacabana, on June 1. 1ard pie. Brush bottom and sides Mr. and Mrs, A. Bay on June 15 "Wholesome Jewish Cooked Meal1- brutally told them that they should That's about what Riley has to President • • • .with about 2 tablespoons o.f melted 53 588 · Phone 53 588 1290 MAIN ST. PHONE 595381-2 ' For Reservations Phone S93 207 EXCEi.LENT BOARD AND ROOM. Ju1t Like Mother Malen" e CUSTOM HOME BUILDERS e REMODELLING work with, and it would seem from ALSO MEALS SERVED, Hanita chapter of Pitneer Women butter. Add apple mixture and dot not consider themselves spokesmen WINNIPEG or write direct to: for American JE!wi-y .•. And, men­ the way he has started out In the For reservations will hold their wind-up and election with more melted butter. If the 91 ALBERT ST. WINNIPEG e EXPERT CRAFTSMEN tioning the American Jewish Com­ taJks he organized promptly on'. his Coll ot 7 Oak St. meeting at a dinner at Moore'!! -apples are dry, add about 2 table­ mittee by name, urged them to get return b,etween the'lwo sides that LAKEVIEW HOTEL or Phone 55 151 restaurant, on Thursday, June 14, spoons of water so the apples are QuafU1 Oaarde~J MANITOU BEACH together with the American non­ he intends to grasp the ieeway and or coll at af 7 p.m. moist. Cover with pastry, top and LET US MODERNIZE YOUR KITCHEN Zionists first ... In non-diplO?natic play with it. If this is actually what SASK, 314 Collego Ave,, Winnipeg • • • decorate as with other fruit pies, Ml LK Erin and Richard Ave. language, he told them how he he has in mind and goes ahead with Rebecca Sleff chapter of lladassah .but bake In preheated oven longer, Fill Your Pantry w,ith flffd other Winnipeg, Man. value$ the political and financial aid such an approach, it will mean, of will hold their annual wind-up in about 20 minti.tes at 450 degrees, the form ·of a dinner at the St. then 40 minutes (or until apples are DAIIY which is being given Israel by the course1 that Riley's own position has ' PHONE 727 018 American non-Zionists •.. And the been softened somewhat, There is Charles hotel, on Wednesday, June tertder) at 350, Cool apple pie from PIIODUCrl 13, at 6,30 p,m. drafts, These Extra Specials! implication was that the non-Zion­ no point in forgetting that Riley At All Leading Grocers ists, through their influence ln himself contributed a little to Syria's • • • An excellent 8-inch crust recipe • REGINA, - Mizrachi Women's is as follows: 1 Washington and as 11 big-givers11 to successful tactic of getting the dis­ ~-----__ tin organization of Re_gina will hold CORN ~~-:!~ 16c the United Jewish Appeal, are pute before the Security Council by · 2 cups all-purpos~ flour a. Ylzkor tea at the Jacob syna­ • today more helpful to Israel than adopting anything but a firm stand aeth 1 teaspoon salt Phone 37101 gogue, on Tuesday, June 12, from 3 ' the Zionist movement in this coun- on the merits of the case so far as 2/3 cup shortening to 6 p.m. Mrs. Basin and Mrs. Malt 4-6 tablespoons lee water SOAP ~~fret ______Doz.1.10 (Continued on Page 8) , the authority of the armistice agree- The Pick of the Best - IN SALES AND SERVICE A GOOD will convene. Sift flour and salt. Divide shorten- SARDINES Brunswick - tin Sc NEIGHBOR OUR HEARTIEST WISHES TO ALL OUR JEWISH FRIENDS AND POLICY ... CUSTOMERS FOR A MOST HAPPY SHAVUOTH HOLIDAY. MAY THIS GUM 20'•-- Box85c JOYOUS TRADITIONAL CELEBRATION REFLECT INCREASED HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY FOR THE ENTIRE JEWISH PEOPLE Fruit Cocktail-~:.:~~,------tin 40c Co-operation in using the telephone Chicago Kosher CHEER :~::e. ___pkg. 75c means better service all round. '· Phone Phone "Blue Label" Salami ,,GNES • PERFUMES • Du BARR • El~UN & ROGERS ,\it WINNIPEG. MAN,· LENTHIRIC , MAX FACTOR · , 258 DUFFERIN AVE. PHONE 51 778 , ODTAIHADLI AT GOLDIH'I A CUSTOM MADE MITRED MIRROR OPIH DAILY •,JO A,M, TO 12 ·P,M. INCLUDING IUNDAYI AND HOLIDAYS ,,;:,/if J,l/it;;il