
MODERN WESTERN PHH 3460- 0001 FALL 2014 Tuesday & Thursday 4:30 PM – 5:45 PM

Dr. Nam T. Nguyen Phone: (407) 823-2273 Email: [email protected] Website: http://sites.google.com/site/namtnguyensite/dr--nam-t-nguyen Office Hours: T & Th: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM; 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM Psychology Building, Room 232 (second floor)

Course Description This course introduce you to some of the major figures of 17th and 18th centuries in philosophy. We will explore and examine metaphysical, epistemological, ethical and religious concepts and arguments developed and expounded by the rationalists (Descartes, Leibniz, Spinoza), by the empiricists (Locke, Berkeley, and Hume), and also by the transcendental idealist (Kant). The so-called modern is characterized by the debate between rationalists who maintain that not all comes from , and empiricists, who, on the contrary, argue that all knowledge comes from experience. And Kant attempts to synthesize these two rival movements. The debate between and will be one of the underlying foci of the course. This course is discussion based. We will read, examine, analyze, and assess the arguments in the primary texts by these seminally important of the period.

This course is a Gordon Rule Writing Course: three written exams and one eight-page written essay paper.

Required Text Roger Ariew and Eric Watkins, eds. Modern Philosophy: An Anthology of Primary Sources, 2nd edition (Hackett Publishing Company, 2009).

Course Requirements 1. Two Exams (200 points) 2. Final Exam (150 points) All exams will include short-answer definitions, terms, and essay questions; and they will be based on lectures, class discussions, and assigned readings. 3. An Eight-Page Critical Essay Paper (100 points) The student should select a topic that enables him/her to evaluate, analyze, compare and contrast, or interpret critically the writing(s) of the (s) studied. In addition to eight pages, a works cited page must be included. Minimum sources: 5.The paper must be word-processed; double-spaced; one inch margins; 12 pt. font. Plagiarism, whether intentional or not, will result in loss of points. Grammar, spelling, and clarity will be considered on the grade along with content. Special care should be taken to document quotations and paraphrases properly. Due Dates and Make-Up Policy 1. Missed exams cannot be made up except for serious illnesses (requiring a formal doctor’s excuse) or emergencies (documents must be given). 2. Any conflict with the exam’s scheduled date must be addressed prior to the exam date. 3. The essay paper is due no later than the assigned date. A late paper will be automatically deducted 50 points. 4. The student MUST make an appointment with the instructor to discuss his/her paper’s topic. Without the instructor’s approval of the topic, the student’s paper will NOT be graded.

Grading Exams, essay paper, and the final exam will be graded on a numerical scale. The student’s final grade will be based on the cumulative total of points.

A= 405 - 450 B= 360 - 404 C= 315 - 359 D= 270 - 314 F= - 269

Class Attendance and Preparation Class attendance is essential to your success in this class, for lectures and class discussions are a major part of this course. Assigned readings must be completed prior to class meeting. You can only participate in all class discussions if you are present in class and were prepared for class. If you are unable to attend class, please notify the instructor in advance.

Withdrawal My goal is that every student successfully completes this course; however, if you cannot meet the requirements and challenges of this course, it is necessary that you withdraw from the course. Students who discontinue attendance and assignments and do not withdraw will receive an “F” for the course.

Note 1. At the instructor’s discretion, during the course of the semester this syllabus may be subject to change. Students are responsible for informing themselves of changes announced in class. 2. NO computers, NO iPads allowed in this class. 3. The student who shows up late for each class meeting will have 10 points deducted.


8-19 Introduction to the course 8-21 16-20; 35-47 8-26 47-68 8-28 69-92 9-2 93-109 9-4 111-136 9-9 144-172 9-11 172-195 9-16 224-247 9-18 Exam # 1 9-23 248-264 9-25 265-283; 294-303 9-30 316-342 10-2 359-376 10-7 386-421 10-9 NO CLASS (Football game) 10-14 435-453 10-16 454-480 10-21 Exam # 2 10-23 480-503 10-28 517-555 10-30 555-600 11-4 Paper due. 601-627 11-6 627-653 11-11 NO CLASS (Veterans Day) 11-13 655-692 11-18 692-716 11-20 717-745 11-25 756-791 11-27 NO CLASS (Thanksgiving) 12-4 Final Exam: 4:00 PM – 6:50 PM