-• . . -VV. '^••r.T-.-.,3'^^Jfc' j.-- ■■ -i '■7i ->(';>«--i'"'Vt'5-7 1^ !#*■«};'. iH>' - jvttt ^ K" •' ■••''»

• I MONDAY, MAY 14,1951 The Weather m ^ : ' ■ A v «n g a Dally Net Press Ron rofooMt of 0. 0. Waathor EaroM fllanriitratfr lEpgntng IjgraUi For the Woeh Ending >AG**BWrt'nSEM May 13, 1951 of Bunahlns, Barbara Ann B ayl^ Today fair, warm, aanny; to­ Mlaa Betty Jane Crosier of Rua- Winners Chosen three year old daughter of M r 1 0 ,1 8 7 iU m trljp fitp r U p r a l u night fair; tomorrow fair, warm, Anyone intereated U ■ell street, whose marriage to Her­ and Mrs. Anthony Bayles of 87 aaoiyr.,.- ,/ a* ■ ifK!tur6 by Kstbor Jonn bert F. Kearns, Jr., of Maple atreet, North School street. Barbara Ann BUoihar of the Aodlt V KeJnedl M^ociate editor of the At State Theater has appeared on kiddle amateur About Town will take place at Center church on programs over Staton WON8 re­ Bureaa of OUanlatlons Manche$ter-^A City of Village Charm ratholic Transcript, on Sunday, Saturday. June 2, was honored Double Green w of 7 30 V. m. at the Con- with another misccllaneoua ahowr “ Uncle” Jack Sanaon brought cently and also takes dancing lea- J “ n? ^ ’ our^i^dy of the Cenacle, boi)8. Barbara Ann. dressed In PRICE FIVE CENTS vent of our ^ ^ Middletown. er, recently, by relatives and the aeries of kiddle matineea to a (SIXTEEN PACES) yellow, sang Tm a Lonely Little (CUteelfled Adverttetaig ^oa Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1951 friends. The party was given at close Saturday, with the awarding VOL. LXX, NO. 191 «u» fonn of • v*n«ty 5 r . r ; r . win's™™.,., -o.. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Petunia." May 17 at On Broadway. A. Daoust of 160 McKee street, of the grand prizes to the three Although there were only three Stamps ^ ^ th e Ma*»tc Tempt' ™ * who was Bssl.stcd by the brides top winners in a gala finale. With prizes to award, all the other coci- Miss Anna C. Sampson, chapman teataota deserve honorable men­ , v « . t ha* of fancy mother. Mrs. Harold Crorier. The ten candidates to Introduce, nf the Volunteer Nurses Aioes. hostesses used white decorations tion: Beverly Burger, Diane Car- . ,K.f it is most important “ Uncle" Jack kept the show going GIVEN WITH CASH SALES and flowers. roll. Donna Wlldman, Mickey Ro- JjJUSS to by the mern^rt »^n^ ?H*.f'*Re5 C r ^ v X n te e r Nurses at an even pace, and after several maniw, Jo Ann and Robert Vinton, /ferfs Rush ‘xides he ?n^r-printed for C.v Manchester Grange members are rounds of applause, the audience Marlette Gagnon and Glen Jorgen­ Buildup iBradley Blasts MacArthur their *f*“ 'j5;_!?*tee*’*and they DMen-se work, and requests all reminded of the supper, which is chose as the grand first prize win­ sen. t^a vviio can posflibly All Day Tuesday to be served Wednesday ner, little Susan Lanz, daughter of C ^dS^rw dU ble prices. report to Police headquarters this At 6:30. ill connection with the week, between the hours of 1.00 66lh anniversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. E. Howard Lanz of Job's Hill, Ellington. Mrs. Lanz IN Offensive^ _ and P:00 p m. Manchester Grange In Orange hall. For New is the former. Miss Eileen Blckley. St Christopher's Mothers f'"'c>e Mrs Waller Vernier of Ray­ Susan, who is only four and a half SERVICES years old, learns her songs by FOR SALE will meet Wednesday eveniuR at mond Ron


with the Varl-Typer Sale* and Ser­ Mr. Weltlich is aasUtant treasur­ was formerly assistant scoiitmnntbr er and deacon of Center Congrega­ of Troop 25. l,ecar Soldier Cominfc Exhibit Uorscfthoe Crab Store Executives Inspect vice Corp., he «er\’ed as office man­ PTA Officers Plan Defense ager of Aircraft Seri'lce Corp., tional church and has been asso­ He la married to the former MLss Kark From Korean W'nr At Police Headquartent Magazine Article Warns Assumes Post Bradley Field, before entering the ciated with the drama group, the Nomia Jane Appier and the couple LEWYT VACS, Hospital Corporators have two sons, aged 10 and four That wasn't an old Army Modernized Hale Store employ of Kohn'i. Thespian*, snd the Co-Wed*. He Pfe. Joseph Li. fadorette, of Are Reelected Of Indochina ' At Michaels 123 Helainei road, is among; the helmlt lying on the lawn In Of Dangers of Fluorosis front of Police Headquarters HOTPOINT Held Biennial Session srconil shipment of Army per -i.iinel returned frnn’ Kofea iiii this morning. It was a horse­ Against Reds Herbert House, president of the Passaic, N. J., acted as toastmas- Bowerfi Srhool Group at shoe erah. Ernest Weitlioh to Be REFRIGERATORS. RANGES. DISHWASHERS, der the cut l ent ro‘ ation pro­ J. W. Hale Corp., entertained over . **’'• Tltosc at the heail table In- . Re.sults of fluorosis and warning . that several valuable cattle herds .. , .u . eluded Mr. House, Mr. Nyberg and in Utah have become badly afflict­ oua to both patients and the ho.s- gram. Aniiiial Meeting Enjoy Patrolman John Turner was (UnnUniied from Page Ope) 30 executives from that many de- ; ^veden. that communities planning to : Assistant Manager of WASHERS. DRYERS. WATER HEATERS Ih e group li schediile 1 to ni- elamming yesterday at 8ton- ed with fluorosis to the extent Clarence T. Anderson piial. ' partment stores In the New Eng- All were very generous in their place fluoride chemicals In their ihco Fine Program Ington when he stumbled and British eommanders In Singa­ where they cannot bear drinking Local Jewelers The Manclie.ster Memorial Hos- | rive at the San Kin i fo il land area at luncheon today at , praise of the excellent remodeling, Elected to Group; -f Rmharkntioii lodnv nhonrd (figuratively speaking) onto pore. water supplies had better investi­ water below body heat and cannot pital Medieal Staff voted on .I.ann-. The fourth meeting of the Bow­ the crab. France's plans to resist Cliinese the Counti y Club. They came i job that has been done on Hale’s gate the matter thoroughly, are cliew hay. grow lame and have ' % AMERICAN me US,N’S I,t. Unv” oiul >t'‘Bii- here today to .see Hale's modern- ! main floor. Norman Weil, manager of Mich­ Board of Trustees Re­ ar\’ \ IPhl to endorse the torma- i ('omiminist attack have become contained In an article in News­ thick, enlarged bone and joints. tion of a Heart t'llnie by the staff. . doin. ers school raront-Teacher Asso­ Persons wbo turned the crab Ized main floor. These stores are Following the luncheon the feasible only in the last six months week magazine for May 14. While animals draw the bulk ot ael* Jewfier*. announced today STEEL KITCHEN CABINETS Thi.s was voted upon favorably by . ciation, which was organized this over on its back -saw many a voluntary buying group known group adjourned to the store snd elected; Summarj’ legs, claws and a long, hard, because of the buildup of Western In the article Dr. Wayne Binns, their diet from a few sources and thrft Ernest Wcitlich of 80 I>aurel __ Trustees and, therefore, another | season, was eomhined with the as the Fox Syndicate. The presi­ then went on to Cheney Brothers triangular, pointed tall. power strength In Asia. head veterinary scientist at Utah are easily influenced by irregular­ street has become a.ssociatcd with /-I.nsnea T AndeTson. secretary:r_ . ______aervlce has been made available to siirroiimling ■ft?« ha at all dent of the group. Arvid Nyberg. to see some of their manufactur­ annual meeting last evening in the Although Indochina is still far Agricultural College and Dr. R. h. ities in mineral content of their the firm In the capacity of assistant BLACKSTONE ' t’T' .1 .u- A D A Tool 1 the people of Manchester and jjine.s,' the report eonchide*hided. of J. Abbott & Sons Company of ing processes. « d twamirer of tho A.B.A. Tool | the people hcImioI auditorium, and followed a from safe, military observers here W’alker, director of the Utah Ex­ food, people arc not quite so liable manager. Mr. Weitlicb as.sumod his I _ rounding towns. iijif i ppm i of the auilitor.s, to affliction, with varied diets, it and Die Company, was electedeiec • tion at the delightful program preaented by believe that Peiping has allowed I _ , , ^ .. perimental Station assert that be­ duties yesterday. WASHERS AND DRYERS lladltrld. ItoUiwell, .Smile and Grades .'i and 6. Csebogar, Oh Su.samia and three fore taking action to put limited is pointed out. Wcitlich comes to Michaels from corporator at the biennial meeting j,f,.spital progres.«ed, it was evi- songs by Miss Kiitli Dodge's fourth the Ideal time for invasion to pass. | H | * l| 3 | | lg ^ (> S C U C l ( ‘oates. for Uie yeai 1B4B and n iie f omoiig the business mat­ Moran Opens amount of fluorine In local water However, the article stresses the Henry Kohn * Sons, Hartford of the corporators of Manchester | water pns.Miie was grade: selections on the accordlan Six months ago Chinese troops; ending .'-eptemliei .*11, IB.'iU was ters ol the evening was re-election with their Indonesian allies, the ^ supplies, authorities should "very dangers of poor control or over jewelers, where he has been em­ ABC WASHERS Memorial hospiUl held last night. ; msuffuient. This na.s biouglit to re.i'l and aeeepted. ol all present orflcera to aerve by Tommy Lombardo: May Dance use of the chemical forma of fluo­ ployed for the past four years and Tarantclle by Miss Mary Communist-led Vietminh, could, ISole On Iran Oil I^gal Figlil carefully” assay the natural Re-elected to the Board of Tnis- the attention o' the Town of Man- again next season, namely: fluorine content of water, food­ rine. A graduate of Ridgefield Park. Friedman's fifth grade; and Adven­ easily have brushed aside French I lees to serve six years were j che.ster, who coopn nted I’ lesidenl, Mrs. Melvin Long­ resistance. stuffs and everything else that Tonight, at a meeting of the N. J.. High school, he attended fellow : first vice pre.sidcnt, Mrs. tures of Robin Hood, an operetta, (CoDttDoed From Psge One) (Continued from Page One) Board of Directors, the members night courses of New York Uni­ Charles S. Burr. Howell Cheney, i fulle.Ht extent ami the condition De Lattre will be able to tell the i people In the area are likely to Kilwin I'onaldson: second vice by Miss Helena Booth'.s slxtli grade. will take up the question of adding versity. Studies included a course Judfe William d. Shea. Miss Mary! ha? now ht'On (orroar.i For this About Town The annouiicei. Paul SeliimiiU’i. Singapore conferees that the fire ingest. Chapman. Sirtney KWit^. Matthow i the Bonn! of Tn:«T.es wi.^^hr.s to pM'sifiei.t and chairman of room troopers today. Others were doing "The court will listen to argii- Otherwise, tt is stated, people a fluorine chemical to the Man­ on precious stones and related ABC Appliance Co. mothers, .\li.s Walter Anderson: thanked the speiml leio hern Miss power , of------his reinforced------troops in practlce parachute drops from ' ments if Moron is culled by the crystallography. Weitlich also at­ Moriarly. .lacob Miller and Mihj< | |t*^ st in< • r» tliai kia to t:.e Tins i.s till- tlnal d.iv the tirsi then has may find themselves victims of chester water supply as a (beans half of town taxes may he paiil 'senetary Mrs Phil Tangarone: Martha White. Miss .liilla Lyneh, j North Indochina since planes. government," Dewey said. of combatting tooth decay In chil­ tended the University of Delaware TEL. 2-1575 Anna Sampson. ' Town of Mnnohesler and Miss Hazel Lulz for llieit lielp I been nearly quadrupled, largely aching, mottled teeth and en­ 21 MAIM.K STHKKT wifhnnt addition of interest As ^ iren.siirei Mrs Ralph Hibbard: A War Office spokesman said ; Moran was deputy Are commis- dren. Urged by the State Board of before cyitcrlng the jewelr>' hu.s- ..\t the suggestion ot the nomi-1 ^-p,. ( onstnii tlnn with the operetta: Mrs. Helen En<-r bei uu.se of American aid. His Jlr larged, aqhlng joints and bone ill­ a publie avi oiiimodnlion, Revenue eoiineil delegates. Miss Helena nod eparture orders had been given sioncr at the time of the alleged Health, it is claimed local use can ine*s with his father in New 5 ork naling committee of the B o ^ of j .vdijt.t in Ml.^.‘< Wmd .s and mothers for making the cos- ' forre of about 100 combat air- the parachutists. meetings witli Weber. ness. Collector S.niniiel Nel.son will keep Booth. .Mrs. .Mfieil Sehlinmel and The article is based on discovery be rigidly supervised. ICitv in 1931. I __ at th X rn m Ihuig upper.nost ... hii nffiee open to 6 pm. tonight. Pr. Pase.ll Poe tumes; ami Miss Sylvia Claflin for craft lias liecn more than doubled. Officials said Britain has con-', O'Dwyer, sliortly before re.sign- Coming to Manchester in 191.) ing Pt^hlcnt. C. Elnu.re Watkins: j the imnd.s of the .... poialor.s .■iml A substanti.ll gift to the school her help in wilting the Anal song But the French union garri.son Biilted with the United States on ' **'K become nmliassador to Mex- and In providing the aceompani- of l.lil.iiOO troops backed by an (H err) Skinner of 138 Union / B r ' A .1 ^Al( *IOC - U II I vife president. Mrs, Anita Tinker, trustees is the new eonstrm-tlom Memorisl Lodge No. .IS. Knights was voted for the purchase of tts latest moves to save the giant | appointed Moran to a lifetime ise’d for muaic, 1 uient. equal numlior of Indochinese aux­ street who died Sunday at the secretaiw. Miss Jennie Wind; and I Because of the sueeess of the of Pythias, will hold its regular recordings to be British oil concession from being ! a water Hartford HospiUl. Rev. Forrest KniTTino (HI115 speech, dramatics and . physical | iliaries is still not strong enough taken over bv the Iranian govern- | commissioner. Moran has since Rockville treasurer. Manchester Tjust Com-j Building Fund l>rlve the hospital monthly meeting loinoi low evening Musser officiated with burial in O LD C O IN S NIMICHtSHR CR[tN CONN Also included In to fight more t,han a delaying ac­ men:. ' resigned. pany. William P. Slovcr was reap- ' was able to obtain a Federal Grant at eight o'eloek at Castle hsil on I ediiealion work Grove Hill cemetery. Besides her I the gift was a sum to purchase tum ii' the Chinc.vc Communists al- A jury of 10 men and two wom­ Bought and Sold— AppraUala pointed Buperlntendent of the hos- - $300.OOU m.stead of $27.1.000 as Golway street MiiK.s To lh‘ Many British officials believe ; parents the child leaves a sister. ’ two record cabinets each of which lark in strength. Tills force is dispute la rapidly approaching en Wius selected yesterday for pJtal and Miss Eva Johnson, comp- ; originally planned. Bids for Weber's trial in federal court. Anuiial Supper Nancy Jane and a brother. Alan troller. The Board ratified the nc-1 constmetlon were opened The regular monthly meeting of | will hold BO recordings. These gaged with Ho Chi Minh s army i ^ showiiown. h o b b y s h o p p e gifts weie made possible as pari For Poli.sli Hi^liop of more than 100,000, which is aid Craig Skinner, also her grand­ Put .your house In order n o «. (lond hiillillKK iimicriula are Krltliig ararerr. tion of the E.xecutive committee Oelohei 18 I9U' and the eon- the Army ami Navy elnb will be i Iran haa nationalized its oil re­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laither C. 6 Griswold St. Manehester Gno 111 Taugle operator of a rich nil conce.ssion Bv ( ioveriiiiieiil home when yon cant icies of the Board of Trustees dur- started on November 14. 194». u will meet at the home of Mrs Wil- ! On behalf of the srhool. Prinri- hold a requiem liigli mass at eight along the Persian Gulf. Father ami Son Bam|uct the past two years were sum-' "a s decided to use the additional liam G. DIugns. 169 Oak street, pal E.sther M. Grnnstrom ex- o'cliick tomorrow morning. in ",\ stitrh In time aayea nine." H wonid he good linalneHa lo hnrnm In pre­ by' money to build a winje to tnr east | tomorrow evening at eight o’clock, pressed appreciation for the gifts The British government owns ^.„vernmoiit has To Be Held in Rock­ marlxed for the corporators tribute to the late Joseph Padew- Daiiiuge Slight more than half of the jon im on , soroi2.08 in lieu of serve or Improve your property. Miss Jennie Wind, secretary. aa ' o{ the hospital. Constniction has | fnembers are urged to attend, j snd for the help given by the P. ski. who died in prison in Warsaw I ville at 6:45 O’Clock been held up by strikes of carpen- “ A and Its president during the •"if iL o T 1 "h the Orford Village and YOUR DOLLARS BUY MORE AT The eoat Is imly $5.00 s year lor eaeh $100 borrowed. Note the ehart helowl followa: I as Father Robert Carroll will be ! T Ia.st week. E,.m| Helm, 129 North F.lm p les a ^ u t 30 per cent of Brit- stiver Lane Homes federal rental tors, lathers and painters as1 well the guest speaker. i pa.'.t year In carrying out class Nurses were given six full holi­ Palher Pndewski was an A m er-, „ri,| pred W. Wood- Rockrille, May 15— (Special — ss numerous other delays. How- projects, trips, transporting pupils ‘d "' ; u"*' I projects. The payment rovers the days instead of alx half holidays lean citizen and a bi.sliop of Hie ^ biuise, 19 Benton street, were the the B n tl^ navj' l period October 1, 1950 to .'^eptem- OUR FACTORY OUTLET STORE Tw’o weeks sick leave waa granted; ever, the Aral patient was admit- St. Elizabeth's Mothers Circle for the operelts. and many other The third annual Future Farmer* things She said these were of Polish National f atliolic eliureh in i (p iver.s of cars Involved in a minor Some British officials are ques- her 30 19.51 mount M onthly M onths instead of one week. When private i ted to the North Wing on April will hold a meeting at right I’olamI for twenty years fJ'>i - ' sliortly after 10 a. m. to- tionlng privately the stability of | T h e' government each year of America Father and Son ban­ o’clock tomorrow evening al the great lieneAt to the ptipila of Bow­ Paym ent T o PaV duty nurses increased their rates 24th and the new operating J«iilte I ing World War II he was a pris-|,|„y aj m,. inler.seetlon of Main Premier Mohammed Mossadegh makes a payment in lieu of t'axe- quet will be held thi* evening at R orrow od home of Mrs. Anthony Giyk. 28 ers school. to SIO.AO for an eight hoUr day in In the West Wing was used for the j onor of the Nazis nml ronflnerl In They say the oil nationalization ! „ f appro.xhnately the current 30 Cottage street. Annual reports were made by ami Bi.ssell streets. Although 6; 45 p. m. Honorary membership* Beautiful S 150 $ .5.6.1 January 1651 the Board of Trustees Arst time on May I2th. i a p!isc>n in the Havtirian hills. He I Mr.s. WoiKlhou.se was shaken up in law was forced through Parlia- ; town tax rate multiplied against all officers and rommittee chair- . will be presented to three indivi­ .10 voted to increase the salary’ of returned to this country to rocu- ; the collision, no injuries were rc- ment by pressure of terrorist the housing project appraisal. No $ 200 S ’7.50 The Annex was closed on May 1 Miss Dorothy Prentiie of 35 men. Mrs. Herbert A. France. | i staff nurses to approximate the perat»‘ and rest, and Inter rrtuin- I ported. threats. direct taxes can be levied again:-d dual* who have given their assist­ 30 I, 1951 in accoManre with ,jreet .. on a 10-day motor piihllcity chairman. expressed i * .TOO $11.26 ■alary of private duty nurses. As previous understanding that it ; thanks to The Manchester Herald i cd to I’oland. *Slm e January of 1 Helm was driving sonth on Main These officials say the Comrui- i the government. ance in Co-Ag and F.F A. work. CASUALS of January 1. 1951 ofBce personnel vacation trip with Rockville $18.76 .10 would be discontinued when the j for its splendid cooperation in ptib- . this year Amchi'un dij>loniats ; .street and Mrs. Woodhotise was nl-st-sponsored Tudeh party has . The guests will Include Emmet S .500 was placed on a working schedule friends. They are visiting Wash­ wei e not allowed to see him. new wings to the hospital were , ilcizing P. T. A. news and the : I driving west from Bissell onto been presented with the oppor- , Shifted to Deulli House O’Brien, director of Vocational SI 000 $.17.52 30 of a 42 hour week. ington, Williamsburg, Fredericks- i Main when the aeeident occurred tunity for a coup. New York, May 15 - 'T' -Julius On November 1. 19.50 Dr. John fund-raising project. Mrs. Melvin ^ and R. L, Hahn, consulUnt in available I berg, Shenandoah Valiev Norfolk I.ongfellow. president, reported on as the right front of Mrs. Wood- "What are you going to do if ■I Rosenberg, c ondemned atom .sp.v. V. Hamblet was employed as a The '.Vomen’s Auxiliary is plan- I Virginia Beach. Agriculture Education, State De-1 the .Slate P T. A convention and Calliolie (gi*oii|}84 I liouse'.s car collided with the left the Communists seize Iran?’ one I will be transferred to the death full time pathologist. Previously all ning to open the Hospital Gift j ______partment of Education. 83 Borrower’s Hie la Insured at no extra eoat for the amount of the loan. front of (he other vehicle. Helm, official asked. "Just stand by iJionae at Sing Sing prison today pathological work had been done on the Hartford District Confer­ Blue Cross Notice REO. Shop in the Viain Entrance lobby ' ence which she attended a fori‘1 %•! at Cheney BroUiera. and let them have’ ve it.”It.” 'orI or tomorrow. by Dr. Ralph Kendall of Hartford To Sponsor Parlv Local .No. 58 t WUA-CIO has $3.98 on May 21»t. U Is preparing for I’lihlir llvvonln Winners of the PTA attendance I was driving a ear registered in the The Premier haa expressed fear j His wife. Ethel, was taken there or someone in his organization. Dr. issued a notice to its member* that VALUE publication a brochure to lie dis­ banner for the evening were Mrs ; conipanv'.s name. I for his life and has taken refuge i several weeks ago The husband's OPEN SATURDAY MORNINGS UNTIL NOON Edward J. Platz waa employed as they must pay on their Blue tributed at the Formal Opening Warrantee Deeds Helen Bohyk's fourth grade and Mrs (■ Lawrence Deinerltt of I in the Parliament building. Com- tran-sfer from the federal hon.se of • REO. MULTI a full-time anaestbeslologist on O oss Insurance for the quarter when the hospital will be open for William R Frazier et al to Ale.x- winners for the year were Ml.ss 717 Tolland turnpike reminds ! munist seizure of the government detention in Manliattaii was direct- • REPTILE SIMULATED LEATHER AND THURSDAY EVENINGS 6:304:30 January 1, 1950. Inspection by the public. At this would mean a loss of the rich oil ed yesterday bv V. S. aiithoritie.s. starting March 1, 1951. This will The law made it possible for hos- i .I Oder .larvi.>-. pmiiert y at .McKee Edilli Donotrio's sei ond grade. mernlier* of Glhhnn.s Assemblv. time it might be well to express I fields to the West and the shunt- Rosenberg, " ’ ' 32-year-i)Id— electrical cover the workers until July 1st. • ALL SIZES ______pital employees to paKicipate In { and West ( ’enter .street.^. A .special treat of the evening Catholic Ladies of Cnluiohus, who • GENUINE CALIFORNIA PROCESS CONSTRICTION were neveral selectlon.s Jilaved by have not already dope *o, to se­ Local Stocks ing of their produrtlon to the So­ engineer, and his wife, 35, were Those who are now working will theu>c Federal Old v^.v. Age Pension...... Plan, oiu’e Bgaiu the sincere apprecia- Marriage IJrensrs viet Union. b«^n^nK"on"jamiVry r iWl.* The ' tion and grntltud^ of the Board of Wllliiim Worthington Treii.Miire the excellent Stevenson druminei s I cure tickets Ihroiigli her for the sentenced on Apiil 5 to be exoi tiled be covered after July 1st by pay­ ((iiutiitlcins fiirnisbed Bv One s o t^ e .said the latest Brit­ S t C Set the Fisit. Jfnt' ’ "T it ®*«4 ’ ) hoapttal contribulcn I S percent 1 T r n s le ffo r the many flm* thing?* ami Margaret Clara .McCormick. who with their father were gue.st i (lesserl-rard party. Safiirday al 2 for conspiracy to comiT\it espion:$gp ment through the company. The ^ ■ “ ’ ■ ■ r— Cobiini a Middlebrocik, Inc. ish and American exehange.s over for Uiis-^ia during WorM War II. of the employees wages and s j which the Auxiliary has done for both of tills town; wedding May I performers o'clock In St. Joseph's Communtt)' Union urge* that all members WOMEN'S LOAFERS 18 by Rev Fred R. Edgar of Soiitli The ( hllilren's I'rogram hall. Farmington avenue, Hart­ I I*. M. Prices the sittiation centered upon how make their payment by the date GENItINE FIRST Ql'ALITY UPPER LEATHER 4 Telephone f - 44ii ■ImUar amount ia paid by the em- ; the hospital. far the L'nitcci States would .sup­ Methodist church. The children’s program opened ford. Bank stcieUs mentioned in the letter from Blue Msnthejier Conneciicui ployees participating. "It la expected that the new i Bid Asked port Britain in the .struggle to Aa of January 1. 1951 it wai Arthur Ijiwrence Turkington ol with three numbers by the twentv- The eomhined assemblies Cross. wings will lie completed shortly Fir.st .National Bank keep Iran's oil. voted to place the dining room on 16 Florence street and Dolores pieee ori'hostra eomposed of pupils tluo'ighoiit the slate are giving New Deielopmejit Announceal OftPMt noaifit MFOOr and with a modern building and this party for the purpose of rais­ of .Manchester 33 38 MMuihou ceOFoaavioa a “pAy cafeteria” basis for every- Winfred Kolstee ol 20 Wiiddell from Bowers and Mam lie.-.ter Plans for Fox- Hill Homes, a new new equipment in many depart­ road; wedding May 18 at Emanuel Green aehools leil by Robert .lohns, ing a fund to take care of Catlio- 'Hart ford Nat lonal Tehran, Iran. May 15 ,4’.— oae and salaries were adjusted for ments. if is sincerely hoped that Britain’s Ambaa.«ador to Tran. Sir development just east of the Henry parsonnel whoso meals were fur­ Lutheran church. instrumental nuisie lendier. Other lic Youth Aclivitie.s, B.mk A- Trust . 27'.. 29'., U i i M 14 Manchivster Memonal hospital Will Franeis Shepherd, conferred for an NOW ENDS WEDNESD.W Park Athletic fle'.d, extending bished prevloiuly. Harold Vincent Tyirell and Bet­ numbers wore "Mexiean Hat Members of the assembly who Hartlord Conn ri ust 79 83 be known as one of the Anest hos­ ty Marie Jennings of this town; fiance" bv Eilgar Nod's fifth gi’acle; wish tickets may telephone Mrs. I .Manchester Tru.st ... 52 hour today with Iranian Foreign AlihoH and Costello from South street to Fox street The new Blue Cross contract be- llinister Bngher Kazenii,. giving haa been announced. Th^ plana for icame effective on the first of Janu­ pitals In i.’onncctlcut. ready to wedding May 28 at 8t. .lames'* choral srpeaktng bv Mrs. Bobyk'a Demerltt. 8829. or Mrs. f'ain Ma- • Phoenix State- .Bank ".5JIEET IN VISIB LE .MAN" • LITTLE WAY CONSTRUCTION him Britain’s latest views on ----- r i . i ------this development are now being ary 1951 with changes advantage- serve the people of Mane he* ter and i reel or.v. I fourth grade: Swedish Clap Dance i honey, 8013 and T ru s t'...... 64 67 • DOUBLE ROW STITCHTNO ON SOI.^S l ire Insurance ('onipanies Iran’s move.s, to nationalize the (linger KogerH-.Imk Carson studied by the Common Council. It I Aetna Fire ...... 51 53 Britlsh-ront rolled .\ngln-lranian "GR(M).M WORE SP( US'* is planned to lay out 44 lota, most • OUTSIDE HEEL. Hartford Fire ...... 128 133 Oil Company. of them with a 120 foot depth. The «> RED. GREEN, BROWN, BEIGE. BLACK. I Neither British nor Iranian offi- National Fire ...... 56'« STARTS THI RSDAY property ia the former Horst farm, Phoenix ...... 74 78 j rials would ronuueiit speeifieallv I on the talk, whleh one .source said ■with J. Joseph Webster and Attor­ WE HAVE n iE SHOES FOR YOU Jfe and Indemnltv Ills. Cos. ““"i';:!','' “ SANTA F E ” ney Simon Cohen as the promoters. AT THE PRICE YOU WISH TO PAY ..\i Ina CaMialty .... 86 91 I was an Informal exchange of I idewa. Plus: "FLVINO MI.SSILE" Work will be started soon with M. .\etna L i f e ...... 66'- 68'a Joseph Webster building houses as Cortn. General ...... I l l 116 desired by the purchasers. AU Hartford Steam Boll. 32 3.5 Travelers ...... 56.5 585 KURN^K/I houses hav* city water. GaAjO--Jlee ^(xoicaeaA. Co-, PiUilIc ( tllltles .BURNSIDEr;AV(NU( Sponsor Bazaar Conn. Light A Power 14 IS'.j 'MTirffll I MTr« i Kiowa Council, Degree of Poca­ Conn. Power ...... 37 39 TWO Tt»P HITS hontas will sponsoi s bazaar Fri­ Hartford Elce. Lt. . . 45 47 day evening. May 18th at the Red FACTORY SHOE OUTLET 5 0 ^ 0 Hartford Ga.-c Co .. 3 7 'i ,39'i Tom KwrII l>kk PoHFlt Men’s Hall on F.ast Main street, Ja«ld Wiiync R. Firming Save So. New England Tel. 32'i 34’2 the event being open to the public. Maniifuctiirlng Coiii|ianlea ‘TP “CRY Dfrii Jerry Eastern Star MANCHESTER GREEN 19 21 XI Am. Hardware MARTIN I.F.WIS FRONT” D A N O K R ^ Hope Chapter. No. 60, O. E. S. Arrow Hart &• Heg. 51 >2 54^2 ‘*AT WAR WITH will hold a regular meeting this CORNER MIDDLE TURNPIKE. EAST AND WOODBRIDGE •\ssoc. Spring . . 32 35 t;IA C:33 • 9:40 or More imROIRY THE A R M Y” evening at 8 o’clock at the Ma­ Bristol Bras.a . . 16'!> 18'.i • a • — Aad — W>d.. “ Paimml On Oemmod’ sonic rooms on Union street, with riollin.s ...... , , , 195 216 s group of new members to be OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 • Tel. 2-4697 EmHart ...... * • a * 59 63 Kirk Marllya “ The Groom Wore ^pnrft” Doaglai initiated. Following the meeting Fafnir Bearing . 41'2 44TJ ••THE CHAMPION” a group of students of the Somers- 43<2 EASY FRKK PAttHlNO Hart A Cooley . 46 >0 Cartoon — Nemo ville Junior High school will pre­ Have your old living room set re­ Lander." Frarv i Clk. 25>; 27 sent a program. The event will I^Polnte rtaFOomold 3»4 44* ' rkildron niiHor It Froe be directed by Mrs. Dorothy New Brit. Maeh ■Co. 35 >2 37 4 Dowdlng and will be a Fashion upholstered and rebuilt for less than .North S: .Imid . . 29 32 Show, the group being sponsored Uns.'-el M tg...... 18'2 '20'. surtt “ MARINE RAIDEBS" god* ‘Te%*n Meet* CalAinHy dgne' i by the Home Economics commit­ .stanIcN- Wiirk.s com. .56 r»9 Fri.. tee. "Teeners Togs” wUl be the i the price of comparable new furni­ Torrinpton 35 37 subject of the presentation with Terrv Strain .. 102 109 Aedemv McCall Fa.shions being used. Mina k f / u ? y Union .\Ils 19 22 Award Ouellette of the ninth grade la In tu re . T^ S. Envelope Com. .80 85 Tonun tVlnaer charge for the evening. T? S. Envelope Pfd. 68 72 l y / i i D t j •I u (I > llrodrrirli Variety Night SERVICE Verdtr-Rrn* . 41 *4 HOLLIDAY t UAlVl'imii A Variety Night is being planned The atMUC qiiolailont! are not to A DO I BLK VRY:AT! for Saturday, May 26th, under the DsTid V %yme Dick Posxell BORN YESTERDAY FOR tie construed as aclnal marKels. l>n\ld llardinz auspices of the Maple Grove Select* from hundreds of sample fabrics but are armrnxlmate mnrUot^. Tom fCwell ia R. rirminf *!ml H it Rill Mauldik e f Ol NTEUM*\ •• Singers. The Ladies’ Chorus will CARE-FREE “CRY be featured U) several selections, SUMMER available — some specials to choose from at “UP there will be a mixed chorus, and Hospital INoles FRONT” d a n (;er” also a male chorus. Carlo Geno- MOTORING greater than ever savings. S;IO-6;-AO-a:»4 1:lj-S:l5 vesl will be master of ceremonies and other entertainment will be Wed. "PAV i«;N T ON DKM.4ND’’ start, ••Brdhi-ad aad the Cowlin.' " Patients Today ...... H " rri.. C*-III«, "IlewBr* •( WaadM** announced shortly. •Admitted vestenlay: Mrs. Caro­ Spoke At School line Hoff. 81 Campfield road; Mrs. Michael D. Dannaher of the If yau're in »h« markaf for naw fumihira it will b« WELL worth your Mary Baleh, 115 Waahlngton | Connecticut Emplo>’menl Service while to consider hovinq it custom mode ot o saving of 1-3 or more street: Mrs. Theresa Dorey, 833 visited the schools in Rockvilla on South Main street; Mr*. Elizabeth' S’l’A R T S Monday explaining to the students over comporoble stock furniture. Many styles to choose from. Carlson. 791 Main street; Charles j the need of their emplo>'ment on Neff. South Coventry: Mrs. Alma ! STATE TOMORROW farma this .summer, explaining Budget terms arranged. Knox, 106 Henry street; William, that students 14 to 16 years of y6 9 Bell. Bolton: Andrea Roberts. 28 1 . age can secure summer employ­ nit*- Durant street: Albert Sehendel. ment on the farms. The students 187 Garilner street; John Benson, Xhe stoiy o f will bo furnished transportation 19 Newman street; Mrs. Catherine to and from farms and work 'inder CLUB COUPES - SEDANS AVAILABLE Provewt, 14 Griswold street; A l­ Valerie and Ben the supervision of the Slate Labor *•' caidW'**’ a A bert Wilson. 295 Main street; Mra. Department. A representative of Doris Kanehl. .58 Oxford street. ' Hogan-/Ae f f t y the department will be at the Admitted todav: Andrea Har­ High .school office Wednesday \Y 0*»® * mon, 40 Drive F. Sliver Lane who never gave up from 12 to 1 p. m. to recruit stu- a****;, we*'*' TRADE YOUR PRESENT CAR NOW! Homes: Gordon Gesner. WllHman- The Manchester dents. . tic; William Reardon. 4 Pearl a n d th e grr/ w ho Daughters Of Isabella CLUB if DEIJVEKKl) IN street. A talk "Color Styling for \our t l It was n«vM> worth mere Hion it is RIGHT NOW! Discharged yesterday; Mrs. An- never let him* Home" sponsored by the Daugh- ™ 1 MANCHESTER I toinette Carablno. 18 1' i Oak down! te -s of Isabella will bo Riven COUPE street: Mrs, Elvie Johnson and evening at 8 p. m. at the VFW yy* Mod ckan '44-'47-'48«'49*'50 usod ears to M ponding daughter. 92 Laurel afreet; Fred Home on Elm street. Upholstering Co. Giroux. 47 Bruce road; Robert EQUIPMENT OPTIONAL Speak* Orange Sonday Little. 6t Summer street; Mr* Dr. George S. Brookes of Rock­ » Sadie Plante and son, Bolton. ville, pastor of the Cjolumbia Con­ 48 Purnell Place. Just o Fow Steps from Main Discharged todav: Mrs. Ger­ gregational church will address trude Charles. 41 Bigelow street; the New England Grange Sunday SkiUed Union Croftsmon. Satisfaction Guaranteed Anthonv DIManno, 57 Artlmore service to be held at the Grange kg A 1% « VI SUPER SERVICE road; Limnr Rupness. 84 Main SPORT ,tt DEUVERED IN Building on the Eastern Statea Ex­ street: Martin Rinehart. 77 Lock- position Grounds on Sunday. June MAPLE STATION ^ MANCHESTER wohd street: Linda Amsden, Wap- 3rd. Rev. Edith Preuase of Rock­ ptne. 14-DAY DELIVERY FROM DATE OF PICK-UP EXCEPT ville will occupy the pulpit at the “SALVE" VENDRI'.LO. Prop. It n SEDAN Births yesterday: A daughter Follow Ihe Sun" Columbia church on that morning to Mr. and Mra. Salem Naastff. 88 WHEN REMODEUNG IS INVOLVED Glenn FORD Anne BAXTER • - • ^oucy uHnEio telling of her experiences In India. 220 SPRUCE ST.—CORNER OF MAPLE ST. EQUIPMENT OPTIONAL Norman street; a son to Mr. and iM u iS /k ca ii' Mrs. Wilbur Hills. South Coven- Private Servlcea Private funeral services wage ; try PUTS .? " I.e« Goreev in “GHOST CHASERS" _ NEW TELEPHONE NUMBER 24196 Advertinc in The Herald— It Payo MANCHESTER TELEPHONE 5135 Birth today; A snn to Mr. and i held Monday afternoon at the I Mrs. TTieodore HIsdky. North C ov-1 Tpdayt -1 Waa • Communlal for the F. a 1."— Plusi S ausbande" IjSdd Funeral Home for Kathleen Ientrv. * Ann Skinner, three da.v ol*: daughter of Nelson and Marjorie V- - t

MANCUESTEB e v e n i n g HEBALU. MANCHESTER, CONN. TUESDAY, MAY 1^, 1951 / : PAGE PtVtf* >Xtt*TOui MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUE m i AY. MAY 15. 1051 Plate, Standard Oil (hfJ). Cities changed In their attitude toward Selling Rusb Service, Chrj’sler, Bethlehem Steel, side of Kaat Center street to Mun- Baruch Supports ■ the conlllctlng programs of Presi­ IF Y O U R WAGES ARE FROZEN.,*. propriating additional suma for dent Truman and MacArthur for and U. S. Gypsum. be given is that of a faith in God ro Park for the short oeremonloH refunds and claims and municipal there, counter-march west on the 25,000 SHAREHOLDERS OF the Far E ast. that ia adequate for the daya In Select Piper Drop's Stocks FINISH a t h o m e Sunday Sales buildings at $3,0(X) each plus *90,- north side of East Center street Head of School Board Global Defense J. M. Barton Diea HIGH SCHOOL Mother’s Day which they live. (K)0 for the Town Water depart­ SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND TCL CO. STOCK The minister referred to the to Center Park for the exerelsos. ment. the latter to l>e repaid hy Harold Osgood, renresenttng llie (Continued from Png* One) Bristol, May IS— ( ^ i—John M. book, "A l.ATttern in Her Hand." developers for utilltifs .Installa­ (iiicst Speaker WHY NOT lECOME ONE— (Continued from Pnge One) Joliii8toii Asks lARN A DIPIOMA-AND lARN FAST PROMOTIONS Church Topic Up for Debate Army * Navy clutf is parade mar- j Outlines Its Problems Barton, of IP Ridgewood road. West by Bess S. Aldrich, which he sug­ tions. about 30 minutes, many of the Except In rare cases, you cannot get a pay raise because of the wage But Baruch said that global de­ Hartford, plant manager of the gested should be read by every FiirtHer report will be made on l4«t IIS Show yo u how your Houthem New EngUnd Telephona Slroiif?er Curbs heaviest loacra rebounded from Bristol plant of Ne\v Departure freeze. Your best bet is to earn a h i^ school diploma — and thus quoli/y person in America today. It Loral Educator lo Deliv­ .tiemorial Sunday services will fense could succeed only by a their lowest points. for promotion to a better-paid Job. b m your diploma at home in spore Thai and Ollier Topicti the town insurance program, the Company 4loek Cam P»y Vonr Tax Bills. House resumed, "a great deal of tremendous increase In the military division. General Motors corpora- South MethodiHtH Mark points out how mothers, however public parking lot on rurnell place, be held next Sunday at the Sec­ time. It’i easy with our (SuidM Study method. Equals resident work. ' er AililresH at Memorial ond CongTegational rhiiiTli with conalderaUon haa already been strength of the Ifnited States and tiardest hit were , rails, Itlon. died shortly after 1 a.m. to- humble, could give to their chil­ To Be Dineuf»»ed hy approval of Green Manor Estates Itapid Expansion of the (Continued from Page One) (Jollege prep. Over 20,000 graduates. Standard text oooke lupplied. Low Occasion aw Special all patriotic and veterans groups given this project and I am sorry the rest of the free world. steels and motors. 'day at Hartford hospital after a tuition. Easy terms. Write for detaiU.' dren those qualities of a worth­ Addition No. 2, Highland Park Day Exercise# COBURN I MIDDLEBROOK, INC. I Town Makes Necessar> that at the present time plans arc Lower were Santa Ke, / Nickel j brief Illness^ while faith in God. And their Directors Tonight and auxilInrIeH al lending In a I^ k Military Support recognize existence of a national CRIMT rOR RIUDINT WORK g— —■--•*-■■■■-■1^ Services Arc Held Water (Company piircha.se and not completed or approved.” children in turn honor their Saturday morning closing of the body. Other services are plaiiiie.l rSVF.STMF.NT SEOimilnEfl Many Additional Class "M any l.s.siies have becom e In­ emergency. j , „ . • eOMMIRCIAl TRAMS INITITUTI | I.,ewls H. Piper, head of the So­ for' Memorial I'ay afteriKsin at Explains High School Plan volved in the raging controversy You can flniih full couree in 18 | leoo Av*., Dept. HD-4, Clilcoea 2a I mothers best when they live up The Sunday sala of liquor may municipal building. 818 MAIN ST. MANCIIF.STEB. COKN. TELEPHONE MSI Elaborating further on the ten­ Proposes Remedies Mother's Day observances were cial .Studies Department at Man- Soldier's Field in East epinelery over Far Eastern poliry," Baruch to 24 months. If you have some J i am intmiitd in •orning my high school 2 held in almost every department to the courage and dreams and be discussed tonight w^en the ehester High sohooi, will be the I Rooms tative plans for the new High He proposed that Congress pro­ high school, well credit you J diploma simu imd dotoilL • Board of Directors takes up con­ and a naval serx'ice at GoiiM's said. "I would not want to seem of the Soiith Methodist church. ideals of their mothers; for it is Rhee Aska RKO I'nlty .speaker at the Memorial Day ex­ school Mr. House said that there to be answering or dismissing vide the.se remedies: for work completed and tuition. i Noma------Aqo____ • well known that those who would sideration of the question on re­ Pond. "lUpid expansion of the town , were several courses open but the L. "l?as-as-wo-go" taxation to ® ..— I Sunday. The members of the High ercises in Center Park two weeks I them. Still. I would like to put have great mothers must be great quest of Attorney George C. Less- Pusan, Korea. May I.") 'te i — from tomorrow. The choice of ^ua an increase In the birth rate |i one he favored most and using the pump spending money oiit of cir­ MAIL COUPON TODAY I glty------5totO. x>vesv« - Srhool department of the (Tiurch ner, api>»‘aring for a group of per­ forward this one though of my Srhool, under the direction of Mrs. children. President Syngman Rhce today Piper for guest speaker was made prwents a real problem in Map-^ present facilities to the greiitest own. much of our trouble is the culation. See the I am glad thal we have Moth­ sons Interested in .Sunday sale. 'advantage would he the .so-called 2. "P ay -as-w e-g o cred it poli- Charles Straight, prcsenteil a bou­ The matter, which has been turned I a-"ked .South Koreans to unite in II by the Permanent Memorial Day Chester school expansion plans, result of military weakness. er's' Day each year," stated the j • Six-thror-lhrec plan ” This would elos" to avoid eredit which "mere­ qu et of flow ers to .Mrs. M innie (Jos- down before in Manehester, may the fight against (Communism and I eomniiltee at a meeting in the HEARING-AID said Charles S. House, Chairman "In our pre.sent situation, w h at­ 1S51 minister. “I wish we had it more Miinlripal building last night. mean the Hollister srhool would ly allows nioie people And more lee of Madison street n.s the "Sun­ get iii.suITieient sup)iort fmni "not be eonfused by partisan action AMESITE DRIVEWAYS of the Board of Education, apeak- ever is nttenipted on behalf of than Just once a year. I .say this I ('Inirles N Norris, past com- S IN C E IMO be used as a Junior High, grades huslnesst's to hid for a tightening day School Grandmother of the members of the Board to put it be­ by the politielaigs." a KF.nilCF.n KATF.S if before an open meeting o r peace, must fall short, heraiise of PHILCO because I know beyond a sliadow ' nianii)'r of Iillworth-Fornetl-Quey BATTERIES IVOKH 1 seven, eight and nine, Ihe |>resenl a lark of sii|)poiting military supply of goods. . . .” I Year." Mrs. Ooslee wa.s a sujicrin- fore public h earing. In th a t ca.so. Rlico i.H.sued a special statement sr.ltAIIINO FUKF, * League of Women Voters of High,school building would he an­ 3. Increased savings 'Tnronir j tendent in the old. South ehiireh of a doubt that if we rcniembmeii I Post 102, American Legion, will For All Henrinjr-Aids aPOWKK KOl.I.KK CMF.n JUJAIIANTEED St l ength. 1 • 1 * our mothers more and tlie Ideals .*ucti h earin g could only be forced in an effort to ipiiot his people, [anchester held last evening at other junior High and the third not spent does not put pressure on ' Re?r!f;erators over fifty year.s ago, and many by siibml.s.siim of a petition of at lie rtiief of staff aivl Rev. Carl K a FHEK. ESTIMATKH 41AI.L le Y M C. A. An analysis "We nre trying to enforce a wliich ma.lc them great, we would roiked hy political repereiissions Junior High would use the Frank­ prices. ...” of the parents of tlie hoy.s and lea.st live, per rent of the regis­ i Olson, pastor of Emniniel Lutlier- "Everend.v" "Mini-Max'" aTIfilE PAVMK.NTS MANCUESTEB lade in 194S bV expert,*, recom- global do( trine of opposition to be heiter chililrcn. and this would for two weeks. In llial period Rliee |an rliiireti. was seleeled to lay the lin and Barnard buildings. A Fen- 4. F.eni rai economy "Non-es­ g irls in th e d e p artm e n t today w-ere tered voters here. has flred throe cabinet miiilsteia. a SAVE 10% FtlH CASH 7601 landed the Bowers school, the ('oniniiintsni witli a military estab­ At Your be a better world."’ 'wreath and offer prayer at the trnl High for the remaining throe, sential eon.suiuption .and waste hy , in Mrs. Goslee's department years In a commiinieation to the his vice president resigned, and a SAVK WITH ’rrplanrk school and a high lishment whicli I.s sorely strained The music for the service was Worlil War II monument in Miin- vear period would he ronstmeted gov'ornment. hiisiness niiii tndi\id-| CASH YOU GKT ago, Sherwood Treadwell and Or- Board. A tto rn ey I.ais.>uier ask s th at geiieial feeling of iiiicertaiiily has ChMl by 19^.^ Tn 194-t ano her by the demamls of only one thea- ro I'arklet at Manehester Green. at Memorial Fi-ld When the | ual m u st b i c lim innt. il. I Local Philco mand West. Jr., iiiado the presen­ under the direction of Herb^ct A mo.mtcd over Korea's eventual arvev was made to hrinp ter. ISMo*. 20 Mat.* France, minister of mii.sic. The it cal! a public hearing, without Board of Education has concluded i "Many of the issues and 5. M aterials c ontrol Alloc a- Men, Women, Married, Single! tation for the group. prior petit ion, to act oil the siib- .fate. T he .'\nniU4l Ifiirade DeMAIO BROTHERS he.ster np to date on the school their survey ami come to n defi­ $245.80 $3I2J7 anthems were "Fheriibin Song" by I hoires raise.I i>^■ the I'ontroversy tlon of material.s for both clerciise Dealer's Now t h r c « ways to get cash from During the morning worslii]) Ject. I The annual parade w 111 com- | Call N oiie.—We PerHonnlly Supervise All Work roblem and according to Mr nite ronrliision as to what they ■ Tsehaikowsky, and "Magnificat" would solve tliernselvrs if more and civilian needs, with precdue- Jh tM m a i- Phone—for l>vUit loan. 349.22 451 AS service, a beautiful corsage was rvao.croi The Directors al.so will hold al The first official American flag inence at the south end terminus louse, the farts brought out recommend to tiie Tov n of Man­ by Wright. Sherwood Treadwell i.f Aiiieiicas stiength were mo­ tion of luxuries liniited to what Write or phone—for loan by mall. mmppmm f rmm #m—igt wnm presented to Mrs. Robert Wilson, for the! public bearing tonight at 8 o'clock rwas displayed Jan 1. 1776 In the and march north on Main street 873 Main St. Tel. bowed the 194.S survey to be chester, lliese re< onimendati'Ui.s aeg. W. Ab«v* foyownti cowar «vanrlMfM| w-as the lay a ssista n t bilized Fr,til w.' have mobilized, is left over. =j-4. Come in—get cash in person. president of the Woman's Society I in the .Munii liial building on ap- American lines besieging Boston to the ('enter, east on the south — I lodest in Its estimate will he made piihlic. A loan of $100 Mik PO.SO whaa pfa«pF^ .service. “At the present time, .said Mr. few it aiiv of 111.' issues whieh «. Strengthening and continu­ ‘'Yes’* to 4 out of 5! Phone, write, iRpOitf in 17 coniacwliea aienrMy ihi»oM- of (Christian Service, as a token More Ijuiil Is Needed have been raised can reall.v ation of din-c t I'ontrols. ------1 see/^tACFsn/. today. manh el ilO.OS aech. (4| of appreciation and esteem for all louse, "based on the 19S1 enroll­ One othcT item that Mr. House | ment figures, we have a tola en­ Lsolved I1 Cre-do On ( cintrolH Loam $3S to $900 on Signoturo Alona the mothers of the church. Her­ inenti..ned that was of interest |I "Then' is sIrcngUi in iinilv. Hut . bert J. McKinney made the pre­ rollment in the public schools of was the reason in hack of the ad- | The aefen.so M arshall. g re a t m olhi'rs, th ere an* to lie romnuttee, thanke.l Mr House for Bowers school It Is proposed 1 who eoniiiired vesterday about 2R j found qualities for living at its that these additions to the ele- H most ini .'I .’s1 u'.g and illiuni- I hour* of testimony spread over niiling presentation of the pro­ best which could well be copied by mtntarv schools be planned and ' seven d a \’s. .ie. lined to di.setis.s ps,-d school expaiiM .ui plans and all. put Into eonstrurtion at approxi- i f.' ace prooat).lities But ..tiler Sen- following this the n,.., 'mi; was It was suggested that at this matelv the same time When this (itors will! h.-ard his ti’Sliiunny| special season and Ihroiighout Ih- n.ljoiirned haa been HCeomplished ■ that Is, I liave 1 n ilic'iti til* i tliiiiK Mar.shall i year it is good to remember moth­ whrn the plans nre appro-e! the Iteiiies M nfer Hate Hike must have s.mie reason for what | er as the symbol of sacrificial love attention of the Board of Fduca- 1 they rrc.ii.le.l as relative optim- ^ and care. It was pointed out that tlon will he tiinied to concrete ism on Ins part ; AcfTOA/lATtO the word, "mother" in some ol H.irtfnrd. May 1.3 T The plans for a new High school M.aisti.ill s ii.Miathon te.stiinony | the older languages of the world Plans No! Completed Naugatuck Water company'.s re­ quest for a 2b per rent inCTca.sr in appafeiiMy left members of the is translated"m artyr", and this is "It should not be construed thal Si'nate Ai nil'll S.-rvices and For­ entirely fitting, for no other work no thought has been given to the rnt.'s has beer tnrne.l down hy the 'Stale Public Ftillties enmnus.sion eign Relations rommttteea little in all the world demands the lov­ need of a new High sehnol. ' Mr ing care and sacrifice that niolli- erhood does. Stories from the Bible and from contemporary liv­ ing were used to illu.strate the price mothers pay for the work th ey do. The congregation was urged to remember mother, also, as a sym­ bol of purity. "All of us are aware of the tremendous power of More enjoyment every mile Here for the the influence of a mother's love to keep boys and girls on the i first time in straight and narrow path. All of us know how easy it would have been to have gone the wrong ONE road had it not been that we Just could not bring our.selves to the Sensational places where we could let oiii oto mothers down. "ft DE S ! From earliest cliihlhoo'i thc.\’ ■ lOOK AT THE Refrigerator have been for us symbols of piiri- | CXTRA.VAIUE HATURES ty and .somehow wo can never | Ya», both of today’s most forget it. Tile restraining hand 1 DESOTO GIVES YOU I of a mother's love ran reach out i wontad fsoturat—Soporota a New OrtRew Shock across the years or across the! Doors for tha buill-in frooi- miles to prevent us from iloing Aktethen some stupid thing that we might a Gyrel Ftetf Drive er ond for the main food regret the rest of our liv.'s "Be­ comportmanll And Irua cause this is so, it is our fuayer j ;.'v , : ■ a lif. New Eafiac that the Influence of your a li | t2-kich Irakes Automatic Dofrostl Saa *ha m o th e r's love will follow yo«i to . •: ''JS i ‘ 1V3I Philco D"~l»v now. the ends of the earth to help each 'fi ' r : * a New faritkiD Rrake ■ A. a WeNrpreel IfRMefl of you be wh.it your beloved "f mother wa.s and to live up to I f e ’ Vff.ii.';?!-,-. y, - * fr ■' - Vi a Tla-Tee Skih what she wanted you to be." stat­ '. 'S ' , a l^Wkeefcese ed the minister. ■ s r y i ' ' a SflietT-Rlai Mwelsl Mr. Edgar further pointed out J that mothers should be rerjember- ed as symbols of a faith in God It.'A-'.K ...... ' a. .. ? NO that Is adequate. He added that Car detaiU at thown arc ufbjcct to change u tthout notice while moat people would like to leave their children great wealth, defrosting the greatest gift that could ever

NO OTHER CAR RIDES LIKE MORE FUN TO DRiVEI More BUILT FOR LONG LIFE! You’ll MALE HELP A DESOTO I Amazing new smooth power . . . and you go far in this great car ... and Anywhere! Oriflow Shock Absorbers drive without shifting! You get all the thousands of extra WANTED- ^ckards are built for priceless fo lk s .lik e yo u rs! give you a “boulevard" ride get a new , high-powered en­ miles of driving pleasure on roughest roads . and you gine teamed with De Soto’s that only quality workman­ APPLY can stretch out and relax! fam ous Tip-Toe Shift! ship can give you. LYDALL & FOULDS h e entire refrigerator PAPER C O . including the freezer COLONIAL BOARD Tdefrosts automatically. No COMPANY Those arc just a few highlights o f the mechanical-life story f r o s t scraping or melting. No When the folks you love arc involved . . . you could justify and firm, roadJutgglng .safety . . . It pays dividends with: More miles of enjoyment 615 PARKER ST, the purchase of a Packard on the basis of superior safety a “seif-controlling” broad-bcam suspension system that stays behind the hum an-life story of this new 1951 Packard. need to remove'foods. Noth­ sePAme alone. The fact is; you can't buy a safer car at any price! new for years—with no need for spring lubrication, no com­ They help explain why, of all the Packards built-in the last ing to turn on or off. Every plicated shock-absorber maintenance. 52 years—oner 50% are atill in aervicel morning you have a freshly And if you’re obliged to be budget-conscious—that atill needn’t • Packard’s exclusive Ultramatic Drive gives you more And they help prove that, even on a dollar basis, nothing with Expert Service! VOORS defrosted refrigerator. And it deprive your family of a Packard. Bear in mind that the solid, than swift responsiveness, and complete control under all short of a Packard is g(X3d enough for the priceless people works so fast frozen foods precision-built quality behind Packard safety has a dollars-and- for Huge 2 cu. ft. driving conditions ... It pays dividends with: No in your life! Come in—drive this great performer! stay frozen . . . no chance cents payoff in many important ways. Conaider, foF example: gas-wasting slippage when cruising—and no service Freezer and Main NO MATTER WHAT MAKE OR MODEL of thawing at any time. • Packard Thunderbolt engines give you more than complications. ILSK THE MAN V/HO OWNS ONE Food Compartment of car you drive, you'll always gyt ex­ trustworthy reliability, and safety-minded responsive­ pert service . . . reasonable prices . . . ness that keeps you in the clear . . . They pay dollar complete service satisfaction from a L UMBER dividends with: the efficiency of America’s Mghest- friendly De Soto-Plymouth Dealer. PHILCO 1218 DUPLEX— 12.1 cu. ft. compression eights—and the service-free simplicity of (8 and 10 cu. ft. uzm$ alto availablt) BVliniNG SUPPLIES a design with up to 25% fewer working parts than you’ll find in engines of comparable power! 4» SHINGLES • ROOFING niPYE' i CL c a r- it s cu • The famed Packard Limousine Ride gives you more YOUR CAR IS SERVICED FASTER by At Far Less Cost than Ever Before/ laaulatlon a Wallboarda a Doors than a matchless combination of gentle smoothness master technicians. They are trained Chl-Nninel Painta in latest factory methods and work Most sensational of all . . . Philco creative a 8uilt-in ZeroZonaHome Fraeiar with specially designed equipment Youngstown Kitchen Cabineft engineering brings you thi.s new double door a Fully Adjuitobla Shalvai FOR AS and factory-engineered parts. combination refrigerator-freezer at far leaa a Huga Ooubla Critpart LITTLE AS cost than the ordinary 2-door refrigerator of CALL 4148 a Ooubla Door Cocivanianca the past. In features and value it’s the most ENJOY A NEW 1951 PHILCO a Covarad Maol Sloroga Drowar See today’s best refrigerator buy!-—Philco DE SOTO PIYMOUTH DEALERS « GREAT CARS RME SERVICE * A SQUARE DEAL sensational new refrigerator in yeara. for 19.51. M odels from 7 to 13 cubic feet. Big choice of features. See Philco—compare. m e.ea/i^aa. Prim lo rhantr irUSout natin BRUNNER’S, INCORPORATED ROY MOTORS, Inc. SEE THEM AT YOUR PHILCO DEALER NOW! Open Dally 7 A. M. to 5 P. M. 358 East Center Street — Manchester 241 NO. MAIN STREET MANCHESTER ROSKIN DISTRIBUTORS, lne„ HARTFORD, CONN, Including W«l. Afternoons WHOLESAI.E DISTRIBUTORS Open ’Til Noon On Sat. I f’--^j.*.i

PAGE SEVEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1951 •- , h 1951 second service and the Senior the supper a film atrip. "Families MAInC H E S T E R e v e n in g h e r a l d . MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY. MAY 15, of the true qualities of life— the by law, sooner or later we will find out that the law does re­ Choir sang two anthems "Jesu. On Trial ” was shown and a panel PAGB 8 U accepfiflice of limitations and the Joy of Mini’s I>o.sirlng ” hy Hach, discussion led by Hyatt Sutllffe that this aesslOM will go homo Tells Duties holding fast to honesty and virtue." quire us to pay alimony and sup­ mors aucceaa than they deaarve that a poll among them would i\ml 'The King of lyive My Shop- with Mrs. Josephine Scher, Miss aervea to engage the minds and aa- aelf-aatlsfacttoM, and more dafan Mr. Simpson gave examples of port in boarding schools. Tender­ Where it largely an and to give worthy cauaea sonic- show that many feel that. Hi this ness is the extra attitude, the ex­ herd Is’’ by SlioUey. Helena Booth, John Mortimer. plrationa o f men, a poaslbllity session, they are more free to con­ to the respect of the state, two families wlio had lost their In the evening family night was .Miss Norma Strong and Fred IBanrIirBtrr American war. The pacifiaU *ay thing leaa than they deaerve. If thaa any aeaston we have ever O f Parents money. The first borrowed money tra word to those we love. Jesus which la already atronger than Connecticut this quieter atmosphere should centrate on doing a good Job for commands that with our enemies colchrnted with a picnic supper Bllsh HI. followed. that piou* labels mean nothtn;{. have the unfortunate effect of the State of Connecticut than has watched. to keep up appearances, would not This delightful evening closed many belike, and a posalblllty recall daughter from her expensive we go the second mile and turn the ' dessert and beverage servcil by Mie Th K::- _ , Contittii ^i^ralb But auch comment* take tome breeding indifference among the with more genuine and deserved y srceeded ^n get othfr check but for those wc loVc .C Y P Club. Singing led hy .loan w th a few comments by th* mln- which will grow In the field of ac­ been the case for legislators In Rev. Simpson Says Chil­ .school, and only luater away from the posalbiUt.v Yankee legialatora themselves. i debt. The second we must also give the extra kis.s'” ’rost>y was enjoyed liy all Alter ister Rev. Clifford O. Simpson. „Rr2rpm M s “ tNc many, many years. ting more inti I':* tion as It does grow In men's But oor guess la tlwt this dren Should he Given and go Uie extra mile. U WaMli involved, without, however, de- atmosphere, which l a ' Itself It Is all a matter of mood and raESGRIPTIONS family worked together lo cut MMirhMt*!. minda and aspirations. By A. H. O. strovlnfr It. The fact remain* thnt seems to us to derive In good atmosphere, and the Importance CkMnpooaded By Men Of down on their spending, all worked "A * for me and my house, wc ' ' THOMAS riKOtWOM. Spiritual Guitlauee win serve the Lord with forgive-1 I- the army fiKhting in Korea is the portion from the atmosphere of of It could be over-played, alid Many Veara Eipertaaoe according to their abilities and Pr»*.. T r«»». 0«nM Ma m ^ t contributed to the budget and ness, w ith humility and with ten- , yi> n i,^ OetobM-1. HP- Our Turn To Advise Caution II is possible to over-play the dignity and restraint set hy the the actual record of the seaslon army of a world organization - • V«a, It itumU.tm wMeim. Sunday mnmlng at thr Center gained greater love and under- derness. There we have the pur- | Importaiicc of sueh an abstract Governor’* office Itself, hM In is not In aa yet. But we are Arthur Drus Sfortt British foreign policy, which l« not averse to going out on a Congregational Church at both pose to mov'e towards God. to be I rubli»b*i iiery the flret *uch in hi*tory. The fart thing a* atmosphere in the state turn had an effect on the legtsla- "So wall stmplT raaind ro« .slanding one with another. m ■uBilty* »nd Holidays Biitdr«c *t llmh. a little early,f to predict like Christ. As we move in that di- ^ rcmalna that in certain respects *0 wlsif and chary In avoiding ex­ government. But. on the other tors, making them more con­ that (his professiooal phai^ services, the piustor. Rev. Clifford "The third way with, which to KILL WEEDS pS f^etV t M«ch«ter. Coan.. ■• r«ction we find that death may | gS a d M»U«r. thi* armed effort l» making im­ cessive risk in the Far Fast has a hand. It would be foolish to Ig- scious of their own dignity, and macT Is slwar* si roar ssrw O. Simpson, preached on a text serve the Lord is with tenderness.’ i ' m i shirting their deliberations away Pastor Simpson continued, FJvcry' come, disappointments may conw perfect attempt* to govern it*elf lough chestnut of its own cooking rfhra the possibility that the atmo­ AMIRICA'S PAVORITI STIRLINO BATTIRN icc. Coani on us lor obMtluu from Joshua 21. "As For Me and gUBBCWPnON RATES sphere of an administration can from the processes o f dramatic one. wishes"^to be loved and to be I frustration, failure, loss of jobs EASY SteOi.» ■ WAY out Te»i M*II ...... by new and revolutionary mod.-s In Iran. emotionalism toward those of accaracytfrssh. pouot drag* My House. We Will Serve the loving Tenderness Is the extra . sorlal position, but we know we t A«M be set—from the top— and that, Swish ocrosj your lawn —- DarK^*/j|: M*H And British public opinion, rational consideration of facts. and fair pricca Ramsmbar Ijord." He spoke of Family Hay grariousness which makes life ] are surrounded hy God's love an-l, On* cnofilh uy Mi*ti .*•••♦• I t.M of conduct. Uiat it ha* been both once it ts set at the top. It can Pb -.' i ' . . pfove contagious, and that the It was Interesting, for instance, wonderful end happy Tenderness: that He loves our loved ones, and' Suclthorn and ofher p^sky broad*lepY#d SID«I« Onpjr ...... I .« re*tr»ined and guided fiy the la­ which is .so crilleal of Iho.sc Anier- —next tiraa pieusa bring a* and the Day of Pcnto'o.-t. tlio .$ .m right kind of atmosphere can have to note that the House, the other takes lime but it la time that will I w move on With faith serving orp desiroyoc/ wifhouf horni Of c^ilCcior*a prcacriptioas. Birthday of the Church Snb>. DeH*«f«d. Ood T m Its very tangible resulta In the bring warmth and create love in ' Hlng" fo fhe grass. a* murh of this a* there should tle actions in areas of U'ouhic. Is conduct of state buslneaa. rather respected group lobbyist for Parents must provide mme than ti e family. Tenderness Is neecs-' WInthrop Conant was the lav MBMUBR of the essentials of food, clothing, and lieginning to show a tendency to In thla session of the General the threat of what It considered CENTER sary, and 1( all we give to those reader at the first aeiwice. Rev WEED S FEED Kills the wG«di and in th e assx -ia t e d « kkss be to make the nature of the ex­ ahelter for their children. They Aswinbly, a number of veteran undue pre.ssure. In a ntfrmal se.s- we love is that which is required I'orithy \V. Pease assisted at the. simultoneous action f«ed$ th# Qrass to The AhvC'*«'<' '• L’' periment clear. tuvor dra-stic action in Uie speci­ slon, such threats are a dime a must give them religious and •Blltled o the uee ol 7^“ “ ''“ " " " “ legialatora have commented to us. thicker growth ond richer color. It'» HI ne./» die:Mtche» credited to t or But that there has been some­ fic in.stance of Iran, where a pro­ with an air of puzzled relief, on dozen, so routine they pasa almost PHARMACY spiritual giiidiinre All parents P ^ ^ f l ^ .should say 'As for me and my bust applied with Scoffs Spreader. net o‘ her»'ie credited m Ule oepor thing in Korea which is new and perty of the Briti.sh government the fart that there has been a unnoticed. "Whera Ptaarmacr Is A ZTo . 1.0 .he loe.1 ne*e puhl.ehed rtinllvely quiet character to the Along with a completely new Prnlesslnn” hou.se we will serve the Lord.’ Box wrocii i feeds 2500 iq ff — $2.95 r , - , >;tf K'-. ” , b : 1 ‘: All rignte '-I rrpubllretion ol ot^ ’* different is .“Uggested and evi­ tlie conee.ssion to the oil fields of which mean.s that all iii the family legislative hearings. Mosf of the style conduct of party caucuses, «81 Mala St. Tel. 425S Bog, 11,000 $q ff -- ST 1,75 " ' r-. diepetrhre herein erf eleo rreerred. denced and proved tiy the very that country- is involved. and a completely new style of "CHANTILLf work, pray and play together to issues in this General Assembly Free Dellverr full eerelce iHent of S. E. A Sere argument of those who ptoilaim The question Is whether Britain are the same old Connecticut is- party leadership, this lowering of serve the Lord, I Flavor In Every Leaf Easy control for broad-Waved tc*. 1»^- Tt. will employ force to attempt to SUC.S, involving pres.siirc groups, the gauge reading on the state’s tS9.75 First, "W e will serve the laird " weeds Some potent element a$ Weed publi-here KepreeenUliree TO that of rourse this is a war, hut with forgiveness ('hildren slioiild i good and bad, Involving tdeologi- various pressure groups has. we one 6-pi«o* A Ford but without lawn food. Dry JUl'Ut Methewe speelel ** who 'proclaim this in order to retain pos.^sesion of tlie Iranian oil sen.se, made the legislators of thlj plaee-aetting in- be sure of the fr>rgivone.ss uhii'li Detroit end Btoeton. ral. political, religious, and sec­ ------Torh hiiego complain that we have not been | fipi.i,, tional dlfferejices, involving prlvl- session feel more free and respon- clading Fra. Tax God gives Iheni and " f forgiveness applied as it comes from the package’-* sihlo than normal. We are sure from their parents, .sisters and ^ no mixing or fussing with woter. MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU o» fighting it snd eondueting it a.s There are some in Britain who I leges always eagerly sought or A place-srtting i ’ :' UIRlTI.ATIllNS. controls ardently de.iflred, involv inclodsi kaii^ brothers. It le from tins forgiveness | Box 2500 sq ff $ 1 7 5 if it were a wsr. think that force is the only way A wsoderful era the gap i Ing claims on the stste's treas- i fork, taaapoaa'B, that they find a certain relaxing | flog M.OOO sq ff - $4.85 rh* H i»li- . rinllug Conip«ny. Inc. WTiat Is new and history mak­ to deal with thr rxrp.nr^ivi' Iranian ] ’90’s . . . the “horselese" aslsd fork, batter which helps them to oven onie their i AMiunes no flisncial rtnwnsiblUty for rriistakes in order tn do better and tyfKigrkpnicsl error* *pp*y'n» in *d ing about the Korean affair? nationaliam now In rvidenro. | Yet. on almoat all these tradl- carriagee . . . full-length tpraadcr, and SFfCtAl PURPOSf BLfNO of Scofft t»gd to fill In ipoh Uft bmro by MODERNIZE WITH to grow spiritually. *«rtite ent» »ad .iinei reading It is new and history making Bnt ju.sl as Britain hopx more i tional iasuea. the old lime ateam, bathing auits.. .‘Teddy’* cream soap tronqunhnH wetdi 111 foit grossing gscnllant f#r lota iprlng plontln^i, in The Msncheel-i Evening Herald. , . .. 1 , ' the old time fire, the old time pre»- spoon. HIGHEST Secondly, n family may serve I drinr lutlt Ipt'oiat ploy umoi t lb*~$l'35 S $6.1$ because it hss. .so long as we hold dearly thnn wc the nsk.s ol .som- generally larking Roosevelt’s famous the Lord with humility. ’ Pride” | 1, ' sJl Tuesday. May IS to it. prodiieed two a-ssuranees for American iiolines, so we .seem | in this session. There have been charge up Sen Jnen HilL Anericg ■aid Mr. Simpson, ‘,'is.the cause of, the future One assurance ia that able to see more cleaiiv thnn Bnt- . no great and dramatte pressure had saddealy “ coese ef age**. PRICE PAID much mi.sunderstandings and iin- , CS.*.-*- happiness A perfectionist is the When Is A War Not A War? am the ri.sks of such a policy In of F. T. Blish Hardware Co. aggression, anj-whrre. will be met. There has been no great pitch of Thi* was the scene in 1896 when Gorham Introduced now {am- most uncomfortable kind of person ' , For cloflii, Bsod cot* 7'»;i .MAIN .ST. PHONE 1121 In the debate over the nature The second assurance Is that it Iran. passion. There has been relatlve- out “ ChsBtaiy"*, g pattern reflecUng the French influence in to live with. Huniillty IS one of thei of what la going on in Korea a will be met by a collective force, .Sovlet Russia ha.’ for accuracy. And we use Patterns V Notions in Korea is not a war—if It is Despite Its recognition by such greater safety in traflic and on the op<‘n road. .After Down Payment some other kind- of thing—It men as Herbert Hoover, who wise­ fresh, potent ingredients. \/ Sewing Services, and The n e w D o d ge Oridow shock absorber sy stem lets represents a departure from all ly proclaimed that we fight In Please try us next time! \ Practical Sewing Lessons la H«ma Drassmab- risvor-S nviT Uiial Burnern . . • von "lloat" down roads that stop other cart. No wheel Aiitnnistir Top Burner Light­ prevloua history. If it ia not a Korea not to deatroy Communiarn iaa er Mm m DMarattoa Isiiflhl by werW-taaM«s MNOIB Tiop” or hotincc. Yonr Dodge rides le ir l over rough­ ing and t)ven lirnt Control . . . war. nothing like it has ever hap­ but to halt aggression, this vital m m i \erl-rirsn Broiler with I1I-I-* Yes, here we have tvtrjtbing for the woman est roads that "hammered" von in tlje pa^. pened before. concept Is slow in taking root in Sinokelexs Raek and Pan . , • who sews. Visit us soon-we will supply your sew­ In the second place, the pos- i men'a minda. You will find It vio- (XMdomi You get flaslimg perfonnanee from the big, high- Ileav.v I’lborgliin In.nliiUon. Pre-script ion F’harmacy ing needs, answer your sewing questions, help you slhlbty that it is not a wsr but Inteil in almost evri v piece of ora- enm|iression *’(.et-.\vvav I'ligine. And with Dooge to sew it yourself and save —sometimes more than Gvro-Matif, America's lowest-priced automatic trans­ some other kind of action, is not t'lrv on the Korean situation, in 901 Main St.— IVl. half —on your usual clothing costs. R ex. .'?219.79 firmly establisber) We happen to almost every remark of the gi n- 7CHEVROLET/S mission, yon drive without shifting. I.esK 20.00 think it is tlie pos.situhly whieii cral.s And Vet you will liml il C om e in for a “ Macic-Mile demonstmtion ride foday- .MOIlLI HH’ik t’ ISO should be estahli.-.hed and lionoie I present in the u hole atmo.siilie! e SEWI\G CEWER SpBciflcotionl ond Equipm-nl SubtMt lo Chong. Wlth.o« M99' As we shall endeavor to point out of the 'war, " which, foe all tin mm many considerations do honor it. exhortations of the politician.s and 8.12 MAIN STREET— TEL. 888.1 But our actual situation is that the geneials, rcmaina a curiously an innovation in history, an at­ dispa-H-sionBlc affair, a tiling id I tempt at something new, Is figh'- imp< r.sunal efficiency raltu r than ! Ing for Its life In the policy and a i rusade of hate and paaMions | the minds of men and nations. It [ against other human beings. I the Korean action is not a war in i Wc do not dare predict the final 1 fact, that ia a human experiment erystalliznlion of the [mlcntialities Herald Carriers Will Bring A Copy not yet confirmed, not yet brought ! of this pre.senl moment in history. Monthly to Bucce.ssful fruition. ^ We eannot pro, laim that the Payment So the militarists and the course of hi.stn'ry is irrovoeahly Of This To Your Home During * 16= Only pacifists who proclaim that what | set down sueli new channels ol AND goes on in Korea Is war and notii- thought and eonduel. The eom- .\fter Down Payment ing else are not to be blamed, par- The Week May 14 to May 79 billed drag ol those who do no' A wpiirate luirliecuo-roaster ticularly. for ignoring something i see sueh possibditie.s together with oven and lop-ol-stove griddle that IS entirely new. and not yet j the imperfections of such leader- are pill, tealures on this Glen- fully vindicated ship as may see them but not wood ICange. Complete with What IS new and history mak­ regulation oven, lop-«f-stove know how to eniiy them out fully This Is Amreica's Defense Bond Pledge hiiriier. and well arranged stor­ ing about the Korean affair? may operate to kill off this his- ! age space. What Justification does exist for torical experiment, and leave us I Your home . • .your car . . . your busi­ Keg. $118.50 arguing that it is not merely just back where the mihtari.sts and | ness? What would you do if something Less 20.00 another war? pacifists say we are anyway Just i unforeseen occurs to any of them? The first and fundamental one more war. | Could you reeoup financial losses with­ .MODF.I. 0041) thing, of course, Is that the ac­ ^ , *298» But we do have an opinion. It 1 out your inconie, savings and your loved e r THtS BE Y 0(//2 tion in Korea was undertaken by 1* that the ba.sic truths involved in ones suffering? vote of a world organization. In this experiment will prove more Insurance provides you with the one enforcement of a world law. There powerful than the scorn of the j • NaturoHy it's G A S ___ y o c k b e s t i n v e s t m e n t f o r t h e f u t u r b protection against such monetary losses. may be argument over the mo- ' T o back op O U * men and wnmen In nnlfonn by helping to knof AMEEICA skeptics and the imperfections of Be sure you carry enough insurance for tive* of the United Stales in seek­ ftnencinlly elrong


’ arliclea.Mn order that they may be I ly p'l.'iHible .s.'ilvaBc wui kei s uqubl a. m. to 5 p. m. in the Auction agHUi't the Chinese Communi.'«ta Villa, Unlonvllle, East Hartford. encouraged In their work, the ! not enter the four coiniiarlmbiita ’ Hoiiac. CliHiler Oak *lroet. This aa MacArttiiu auggests. Emergency Doctors Naw York City, South Wlndaor L(M*al Lions (Hub State Board .sella theac products T i u j s s k u t i n g Seaman Killed ; until after the Valeoiir goe.a to Ih* Wilson Raps ^ Bolton Chart Task High School Art 's U . S. 7. He favors economic sanctions and thia town. Mlaa PaaqualinI, sale is being held in connection ' for the pupils. Quite a few of I Hhtpyaril. | By \HKON Urecliuted Kaperte. againat Red China but opposes a Dr H. J. Lehmus, tel. 7249, Dorta Mohr D'ltniln E x h ih il, who la to ba an attandaiit at Mlaa To Assist Blind with the Linns Club Auction. i the blind are able to earn some- Kaeortlo on .\nuth*r Slil|) May 23 Baaba'a wadding, waa aaalatad In I ! thing toward self support In thle Alan AMonvInal HapporU. Elaa- nav al blockade - a.s advocated by adults only: and Dr. Frank In Navy Ship, Capitol Hill Tel. Mnnnhcnter 584A Cut by OPS Today's Radio J .Some of those who will con­ MacArthiir - because it "can be A facliir iniiklnK II ililTUiill In serving by liar mother, Mra. .Mary , way. The articles consist of many Hc Hnalery. and all types nl ear- Horton, 2-2001, children only, ^ ______U tribute Hillclos to the display are (4i'l a III Ml tlKiiic on Hie iiiimlici PaaqualinI and bar slater, Jean. The Lions Club of Manchester is ' forms of reed work with a variety Not Ready lalien as an act of war" and would are the phyalclana who will re­ The anniial Manchealer High pupils of Mias Isabelle Hlrhotir. the 1 gtcal appliances. #Wvate Fit­ Mrs Stephen Liebman will »•, Hardware Dealers, M sav Monday evening. Mlaa Pauline looperating with the State Board | j of sewed, knitted and crocheted not be effective iiiilos.' all I'hitcd spond to emergency calls 40- Collier Crash, of ileiid ami iniBriii); is thal the Foolishness School Art Exhibit, under the di­ home teai her of the .State Board, ting Rimm. .Nnlifm.-i nieniber.H Joined In it. Valci'iii's personnel records \v*rr [ hoatcR.8 At the regular monthly l Marshall and Mra. Cheater Ran, of of Education of the Blind In a sale ' who visits blind people In this sec­ goods, aa well as candy, leather morrow afternoon. 8. The Unitbd Slates "might pill aboaiil the Const Guard cutter ; meeting of the IsdidleR of St. Miu- Other Small Retailen Kdward R. Morrow. rection of Mlaa Hope S. Hender- Talcottville, entertained for MIsa tion In their homes. Miss HIrhour work and other products. These (Continued F ^ n i Pnge Onr) WDRC Beebe at the home of Mra. Doro­ of the prodiicis of the older blind Quinn'S Pharmacy For War 3 .stand the chance of loaing some | Chei-'kee yexterilay. The Cheio- I _____ ru e in O u ter church piiriRh room WDRO—Btrtk* it Rich. Newareel. .aon. Will be held Wednesday. May tesches her pupils to I’ead the em- products are of good workmanship Fhe iMinhiii)!, 1*) l(o»pi- Get AiiRwer on Protest WONS thy Wellea. As the bride-elect people of the slate which la to be of.»mir Allies" if It carried the vvar i ^l^rrHT—N«wa; W*rt«rn Round- One .Mana Family. 23. in Educational Square. In caac ho'Bcd type and to make useful and are moderately priced. k'-e wn.s one of ihe Hi at l e.acue uteel. copper and aliimimini ' 4in Wednestjay. M.iy Ift. at 8 p. m. WTIC entered the Welles' home, she was held on Saturday, May 19, from 9 lo Red China. tuli/.cfl: INiivy .\(l4‘iii|>l Ml'il's I" n:ich Ulc Val.miii nflcr wilaon said. WKNB Stara on Parade. of inclement weather the exhibit (CVintinued from I’pge One) I ^hr will he aasmted hy Mrs. Washington. Slay 18 — (IP)— W ^ b - B * c k iU f f c Wlf». pleasaiilly siirpriaed by being 9. Ruanaii forces stationed In T ,» I'',,!,,,. 1 " ’'•'''OIM .SH.iiitic !• Ircl "Don't order before voii need to 8 :00— will he held in the ait atudlo. T'o Kiil<*r f (^>iii|iarl- ( ’lixirlea Hn.dn and Mia, Vincent Thousands of small retail atorea. WCOO-Jluilc. crowned Quean of the May, with Asia "haVe the capability of caus­ Obitiiarv I 41 I.III4 I I 8 .4MII|l.iri- hendqnnrlei '. xii'd thexe record.' ,, y„„- ,,„ d jon Iona of Steel m WDRC Myaterv Theater. Diawings. pninlings. and craft Joint Chiefs of Staff have been Including hardware dealera,' wUi W K N B—Kewa; mui'le. a coronet of yellow daisies by Miss ing ns a great deal of dlfUciilty, to have M,,| been received from the AuRiiat. don’t pm a rose on your ' Krresuki. WTIC Cavalcade of America. work executed by the students overrldan." mriith 1a IN)At|M>iir(l probably be relieved soon — per­ Marshall. say the least." | < hcrokee. ’ pnrchaiiing SRent if he brings It In I Mrs John Frtrkaon. president of WTHT . Can You Top Thia ? . taking art thIa year will be dis­ haps today , of price control reg- The Welles’ living room was He did not attribute that ,‘itate- MacArthur had argued that, be- h ; ^fVnO—Stella t>«ll«« WHAY PoUah National Home. played Every art student will he Till- V.Tlioii! on.- towed In m June. The hoardliiR of stocks I the \ \ 'S('S of FnlTed Methodist ulstions requiring use of detailed WHAT— PlMlK* Pro(rr*m. converted into s large Maypole ment to MacArthuc, but ,M,n- can.se of supply difficulties, Russia Norft'lk. Vr . M;iy I.') T’ The 11.1.. 1pt n Riiids l.v.'l uij;lU. j could be slinost fatal to this pro 8:80— leprearnled by some of bia beat D p u IIi s j * !iun li. aniuniiui-.H th»- ginnp will charts. with rose and aqua alieamera and Arthur, when testifying before the coulil not iiiiilortnke any major Navy today poslpoiied attem pts iiSS— WPRC Mr^and Mra North. woik a< coiiiplislied riiiring the ....mystery keys w ill soon hit this town! W* pick up A i^npiiiR liiile 111 tile liiwv ami Rinm WDRC—Yankee Kltrhon. balloons. As .Miss Beebe punc- L'^ Senatora, said he uiulerstood the offrn.'ivc in Asia. luckm smmer at the 1 •‘’‘ •btUwtlon UTHT Mei'l Voiir Coiigreaa. year In all ahoiit 400 drawing', to enter four compurlmrnla of rvidi'ui 1 Ml severe hie d.linaRe Participating in Ihe day-long ” ' '‘"'k'’" P"' supper at me i official said final details of WHAT—Lorenio Jonra lui’ed ea< b bslloon. she found anil Vf4 •Joint Chiefa had endorsed bis pro­ 10. "Taking on Red China is not .Mrs. .Mary U. .Aspinvvall WTIC Hiiby Snooka. and ohieeta d ail will be exbihlled the hre-ravnged seaplane teni va. Red.“. iiuludiiig lanii.siuipe. atill-life. oiil- t-' the number of known (tend in her nWM piiwer al Newport .News are taking reseivatinns for Ihe Many small retailer*, and eap*- gifts hidden In every room In the Secretary Mar."shnll. and may not bring China to her cni as-sociation. .Nalloiial .Seeuntv It4S— : 00 — .loor aic'tchmg figure-drawing, H. As'pinwall, died yesterday. vest erday s I'nllisinn bet w i eii t lu' Hill Hierc w ,i" no .serious iiijiir- cially hardware dealera, have com- WTIC _Young WIdder Brown Welles' home. After the gifts had Bradley’ .said. too. the Joint knees. X my own feelings is Imliisli'tal asaoclatloii. Armed sii|ipci which will al'" fciiliire w n i’.c I.ife With I.iiigi. mialiuiii- porlifiit. perapeilive She leaves two sons, Jan u s As- vessel .-ind a i-ollu r 1 1 1 ., ,1 cw 111 n. luii'.hiil I'nl.il"''- ' eg.M .ihics plnined that the chart-keeping been Sdiiiii'-d. qiilr games proyid- Chiefs, who arc the to|i miliLiry X .\ vicloiy over Red Cliina I'orces Coniimiiili Hllniis n.s.siiciB -oo WTIC Rob Hope ■ 11 a '.V 1 iig '. ' I dcr t li e. ir v. eon i ii i* i ■ V. pinvvall of Stratford and Ernes' Atlantlr Fleet h**-’dfp:artctr sn- .\ “ h'u.tdii \i'-.>id, the Vnlcour siiliiii 'rnniiei'M' same lells ,'nf- mcthod.a of the retallera' margin- eri iiiui b fun planners for the Army, Navy and , would be many years away” Hon and National liefenae Trans­ 'w T3Rr- Newa: OM Record Sbop W TUT .\Uii-i H .1 ^ To\^ II Mcrt- . uil ll•l\elll.•‘.Mg and M l' I'llg. < "S- Asplnwall, and one daughter. Mrs pciuiued t "'ay tlu- lollowuip nlfr- la 31'' feel King Tlu' Trucy, op- fee ami lemon meiiugue pie type pilling regulation worked A dclectiible liim licoii ws* Air Force, were in a belter position Hradlcy said every effort should portation a.'sociBUon. WHAY- Story Queen r g c 1 tlic .\;r. liiii.e Ilesigu and uili II'U lii'ioia- George Bokis of Crystal Lake. cisl figure.^ one known dead ciatrd by the M and J Tracy I Ionaidcrnble hardship*. Th*y WTHT - Big .Ion ;ilui SpniK\ nerved by Ihe hnslc'si’s ivitli s BE ON THE LOOKOUT! than any theater commandrr to be made to settle the present con- The meeting was arranged In »;S0— non. a.h.daalic .oul'.'l pn7.e-win- five mts.sinp an«l presumed d^ad company of New York, la 424 I xant they did not have th* *taS* WON8 .straight .\rrow. • Fibber McC.ee and Molly large shower csk». decorated with asseas the risks of world war and flict w it limit extending it beyond Funeral arrangements are In Rive the heads of member com ­ ‘ to make up the charts and (ollow W TIC nera. and ' Mam h' sicr I'ainta ' ... anil D«liv«r anil 10 hospitalired feet long and di.Mplacr.H fi.tU.I tona WTIC - When a 'lul Marriee. Trill b or Conaeqiiencea roses, iisiiig the roloi sclieriie of the rountry’a military re.soiirees. Korea. charge of Killoiirey Brothers. V\ il- panies of the groups an oi'porluu- the iletalled formulas of the order WHRC 'Hie hc'iiJijuaiiers annomu-e- W*KNB -New.«: l’eque.et Mati­ I .mleal di awing' the eyeuing Guests were pres- ■y See War Risk I Blit he added that "If this liinanlic. A mass will he .said at itv to dim mss prodmtioii |diiii.' ,iml About Town ' m pricing their murierhlia articles. WHAY NTgbi W ati h. Illde aoap- nient cfljd 11*8 rnlisted men and I 'i all' pi OP' I.' IIP eiil froui Rockville. East lIsMford If you find a key oround .MacArthur had expres.sed doubt proves to In- impossible, then other St. Joseph'a church in Willlmanlic aims with spoke. for the nrim'd (II’.': cITiclal.a Indicated a new nee. »:48— ,,ite,l jda.'- - 14 offu-ers R tutal of UVJ n-.n ■ a I \ inp wli ’ 1111 111 di ' iFlliiigton. Mntirhesler and niani 1/Htduiim hia hit-at-Chtna proposal.' would measures may have to be taken. ” rhur.sday morning and hurlal will forces ami Hie defense BRencie' order talhired for amall retailers 1:15— . -, WTHT F.i-.Mii CHiiliam. Pi a> elet.s. had bvu'n 'Oco-n’t'd for. It e\ liidicalc Biiriiia Thirty ■five fftOM:B hR't been lie pih.s. eat I im'. ! friends fi oni Talcottville. bring on war with Ru.s.sia, and had IR'iiles .Appeasement he in .New Bedford, Maas. p* would be la.'ued well before the WTIC I’lUtM b ’: ' -a-i I'stnn.itc” Uint mn*' liati'.l mniiv Items of conaumer WTIC--'Ju.*t Plain Bill WDRC Lineup prescription to be com- bodies were u> ilie engine roinn 't'lirNrifl V in thr t o\\ 1n com t 1onin j opeip I d e 'i g m 'd lioxi"'. aall and ! next month. ed. war in Korea diirnlile goods wlilch ere aold In WHAY Muaii 10:18— rritii s of our slialegy Funerals Twai nn-tirs Found (C'niitiniierl ( ihmi Page One! | 111 ( rhs Tax her e P'.ano Portraila. ' i.,ip|i..i 'lial:''i' iiiiwii Mun b'dla. pouncird, and no one lo But Bradley said the Joint , liiige ami 'mall stores and In cer- WON.s Sky King. W DRC ‘eallP i- ilem.' and paiiit'-d plaH '. say It we do not immediately Thu.s 'S! llu' eng'114*-’ 4H»ii, loi - -Newa Mus:i'. Chiefs believe .\IaeA11bur's tilan , . . . . s.i el ! (I h.4\ • ! : ’ m d to I he I ’nil ed • lam ill / riiiients of hardware WCC<" I0:.80- Tile II'- ol ' a...... Mi' d.a 'III ii Dayton H. Drlggs not lx en rn’iued snd n sp'dies- .toe (I raml .Show. i ap.lot ('■loak Ri'om. send 10 a drug store, just for blockading Red China, bomb- i '" '" P >-’oncentrat on point (Contlmied from Page One) I'lir 1'onir'• D. Miblf ('liih of t hr st.-.ie.-. \\THT W DRC aa ml*, wal.u .olois. i.’iiip'ina, To Bo Speaker “ and Birhelds In Manchuria as The funeral of Dayton man snid the iiiidie* ‘»f crew men .SiHlr.* foi lICC appro.i'hei to Npnvs. N'lrlli .Method IRt C’hurch will The-e include house wares, floor w T in Dealer telephone us. Our mes­ mg Manchurian ba.ses and »»mg ! „,^Arthi,r' has advocated It 1* Drlggs. of 99 Walnut street. actually hail n<»t he mi seen there l:4A— Ppoplp .\ rp Fur' y. , tre.srol.s t exi .la pa nl I 'ek-.MI quickly...... Chincsr Nalionnli5l.R troops Ti:ndand liii-era' tax on randv and chewing* niAet F riflRv e\•cninR M«\ 1R coverings laWh furniture, aport- WPRC Ihjrt Ma.aaey. WTIC *appens«‘nienf.“ Bradley said died at hia home Saturday eve­ One tiodv ha*: hern rern\ - i ed WDNS Newa lark a W awvork* .■tiauiel'al piiiiil'. eliaitoni peni 11. At Youth Baiu|uol would inerrasf thr risk.N of \NOiid 'I'he p:4';ise .»ui>e < the re- ,;um. rt>:ht 41 I'liu'k At thr chiin li 't Wil mg goods, galvanixed ware and WHAY Sport .a senger will call for the Then alinthng again to the^ ning, waa held this afternoon at F.nrlirr i (m i n 1 • Imihc's he- 10:48— l*cn and lull VI H I'* .'Iiomp W ar HI. i' 1 tl'il M : l.« r I .ill .1 IB lint kllOU 11, 'i'he CO nnnUee now has run d.a Mint loii |...i III 1' .■» \sill It*' Alliivvn, 1 ooking ctonsil.. Other articles WTIC Front Page Farrell. ' PlP’ I .\hdiil .d 'ipeii at 3:00 see if it w ill unlock his rntifjj, Hifollrv W4'nt on* 2:3u at the Hcdnies Funeral Hnii nm I i 1'.-1 ; ' d 11 ■ '■! 11 d t.. 1 he a me W TH r Haitf (ird Cbiefn Re- prescription; deliver the ■‘Krd ('Inna s iml Un* [nrA4T- Ih.l L.ie R,.i .le.s, are lepurled lo potential collect ions fioni various it 0 t'N in Act ion ■ Hinl n- imlmle wearing apparel, cloth­ !:«.%— L . i |. , K W edi.' -.la \ I H '•! Ill" 'll. "In Harmony \8’tlli God will b'- *H we dn Tifit immedialelv .^et loo Main stir«*t Rev F'red R. i»nd\ Tile (Ic.i l irnii '• ji- 'd u;(ied Bi'hhy Ben>nr. aune. ful nation to Alonnnaic >.;*pe4't 111*' ('luinBF Naiionali-t exciwr tuxea to 1 .OdH.OUO.OOO nnii Ml ■•4 rt IV 1 ohuor! e<1 to ing. miinii .il Instnimenti and tele- WONS I May 2:i, and I'dl i' 11111.11 ..pi n iin- Hie theme of the Annu.-il YoiiHi !ip a hloikadi- of (''hinesc poit.« — F-dgar. pastor of the South Metlio- hv Nn\v oMninls mm I >,d' l•‘ucen^ 11:00— compounded medicines...... ill Thullund IS involved. the eHtimntcd added tiiki' in al) mnkr 1n't nniR on the «Rle of visi.in and radio sets. | ; 00— lll H 311 111 the iMMllIlg 8ieuil)eia Secret Treasure Chests of the world ' Hradlry iPm laioil. which to be snrce.ssful would have dist church. ofTuiated. (*nhv seaman ai'prenlM *’ . sc*n of .New a nil all at at lona. Rsnqiiet to be held at F.uiani.ie! kimla of taxes to 000,000. ■ I I'ndei the expected new regu- WDRC------Newa. I No extra charge. Be sure Adding: to in( hide British and Tlusalan ' A delegation from the Epworth Wnllare l*4 \ I ('nlrv, 2 2 ? Fast Til*' Thai govenunm l d<»e.s not slami's 11:15— of the art service arpiad will aerie Freauh*nt Truman a.sked for $ 10,- -Newa. Lutlieraii church on Saturday. “Frankly, in the op.nujn of the ports in Asia it is 'appesseniont,’ (hrcle of the South Methodist Ja* k‘4Mn sl*ei't l!i\erton \\ \»' re...^tii/o 'tiC ( ’lune-.r ( *nmmiini.‘d lalion. an official said, small ra- w nc- WTHT Sporta • na gpidi s .lining llie exlidulion. VALUABLE PRIZES! 000.000.000 additional this year. WONR—Newa. May 19. at 6:80 p m. to telephone us next time! Joint t'hicfH of .‘^tafT, this (Mao- These same critii'S would say that t hurc h of whic h the daughter of Attru'pts' tn ::ct int'* tin en­ li'fjim^' .^ .Muall f on! of tailcrs whose gross business doea WDRC Thr W irld Tor.:ght I'a: . 111' and f:,eiid.s an- urged Ser vetarv «'f the Tiensurv Sny­ .\li ,' KmUc Lev e.'iiue, iha,i - WTHT— Newa; .loe Oirand A delicious tiirkev dinner Wli. Arthnri .stratcg> uouhi iiu«>l\e if w*> flf> iifit prfivide the lf»gi.«tieal the deceased. Mi.ss Hazel iJnggs. la gine mum and thr4a’ nth e. PINE the (.'ommuiuHli* in Koiea. he still la hopeful that Congress I iiimnilttie of Hie Amerlisn l.e- WTCNB-Newa; Sporta. snd her assistants. NOTHING TO BUY!! WTon^ place, at the wrong time, ; ance to launch ( ’hinese National- I home last rrtght. A great many day. Salvage workers have hern would be exempt If the business 11 :.’MV— I i.st troops into (’lilna. It Is *ap- Aii'ericHn iiiploumls are uiuler- wdl piDVidc the full $10,000.00(1.000. Rinri unit, i.'iiim,!.- mtmiicis aiul WKNB -Newa. Sporta Rev Melvin Briers of Nevsrlng- And with the wrong enemy.” other friends also visited the fu-|kept out of these compart nu’iU.? thev do In Hi-' Hems named In WTIC Miiaic. PHARMACY I peasement ' .alood iti ha\e taken ip the prob \Nbich he baa said la needed to tiK'iiils of 111'. riiinma);i. .siile ton. Coiai.. wUl apeak, and Poger Here are olhtfcr high ,^pot» of n^ral home and the florsl tributes | beenuse of the pr< .srnce of high Hie n'Hiil rrgi.-liilion dors not ex- WDRC Pubic .Service Pro- S I l O H C r I s j “Th*\se rn tu s ignore the vital lein with (le^irrnllsmmo Chtang keep the government on a pny-ft.s- M'hr.lnteil for '*rulsv at :'.'i a WT»RC -Ja ck Bmlth. Sportaraat K Ixiurks of Oil oil Drive, wdl act 336 n o m a i n s t 664 Center St. Tel. 2-9614 were numeroiiR. octane gastdine fuine.g >iio,()(iii a \enr gram. THE W. G. GLENNEY CO. Bradleys testimony: qufstmns' Kai-Slu 1« a govt rnnienl of h ornio- voii-g(r bnala He ‘lul ivt ionimenl 111 Ml the Aii.iiicaii Lei^ioii ti,cue t:16— ss Inaatrfiaster Musical selection' Free Delivery Bearers were O o rg e !’r*Rf, Ar­ I Before the -paces f.in hi' f*n- .'(m ti nil i.is|»-r would not free Frvqiwncv Modulation I 1. He believes the atlnnnistra- “Will Uie.se actinns. if taken, .SH ->n s|>e( ifi' ptop'ianht ' li. ,v I )»e ri''.'lr.l l*v H"' W nC -Bob Steele will fearure a voi %1 ortet nnR« — I'M OS.! MC. !I Fin* BriRC ^ a c k Zalman ;iislruiiienlal quartet. WArd M fOulev. Bernird I.nrson O a n e v Island Neva! fuel -tniag*' trol Tliey w ould, use prices of the t\ IH \ —108.1 MC. I ing All out war with Huj^.sih at I “Hn these a> lions mean pro- 18 merrlv pasamg on the Rnrmese «1hv xMuild hnve hroughl m an atl- WHAY Supper Serenade All re.seryn>ons must h,' m.vd 945 MAIN ST. niid Wslter Aitken, J r Burial ' Inatallation to disthaice the re- ltd, tin .Ml' .\iiHiciiv .Si|ml,H gem ml 11 ee/e ' li.iie period— last 0 I f • this time “is paying otT ’ Inngatifin of the war by bringing i; *\einnn‘nt s «onniliunl r.Ttlu'r dltionnl $280,000,Olio annually WONS -Sporta I WTIC— FM 00.-8 M<’. Mir? I.uiillt' of by W'ei^psday evening I^A'l THE J. W. HALE CORP. was in the family plot In tha ^ mnining ga.ioline of the niMje than lote. .Ml- t‘"rimi Kiliiv .Mrs I'e. HI tail 2.1 The upcoming 2. “Our present statogy ‘ is no ihan iiiping (Tuang'.s ^^overmnent lliat on (andy, and chewing gum \^I>KC^— FM ox the air 8-10 p. m. UHH .sui p» with a ima- George Gentile. 782r, 1 thi Russia into the fight” 70.000 gallons ahnard wlien the I'ctri C.inio DomhIioms will hr guarantee that a world ar will Buckland reniflrrv to take action wniiUl have amountefj tr» ^230,• "rdi I ns sl-o iind'Tstooit to con- WDRC—Newa; Record Album WTIC— I'M on the air .8:2.8 a. ni.- 4 ♦‘llanfoin* ahouer at th^ homr of (Tiurrh office. 3080. Will these actions strip us of I Valcour and the *SP Thoniiis Tiacv |.c 'i|i I'll ei(m.'t liv .Tin of not be thrust upon us.' hut he be­ ‘I'he Ftale depart meni also up- out' ouo Inm sllernslive pru Ing methods • :t*— I a. m. Mu»r T’asciUHlini of Baldwin I our Allies in Korea and in other ' rolli a dcN.r* to .yi.so turnfil d-i\4n n propoa- of sMuple tvp'S WKNB—Weather. Same aa WTIC mafl Saturday evening. ' parts of the world'* |(’ar»c ll-'niv S’l V. tie Jm''li»!v ..'ll. >!c w .l Television termination without provfiking a ■'Kf4im a mihtjuv viewpoint, ap- iivopl the i-sii* hroi phi hefoii the al to iin re4(.‘H* the lax on lo»nl le, Tlu* luult 1-1 parkagea Reds Push South I Tim N’alio'u then will rclnin to .1 .■ H.sl liic.i t'inl I ili.ition.H nte nl world war whilo we improve out 1 'ndi d .NallO'’,s eplume servo e Irom ITi to Ju pri Among Hie iiiventioiia of Alex­ * WTHT—Sereno Gammell. WNHCl—T8 were plat rd in a lu-aulifuHy da .pioi. hall Tliur.aUuv rve- ander Graliam Bel), inventor of the W TIC—Kmll Cot* Glee C^ub P. M rati‘ * xf'linu and whit^ whp^‘lh4'«r* up something, which is rightfully 1 naval ba.ae am! lighter.*: will re- The Hurmeae governiiienl. offi- For New Drive ninp, an'l it wmihi be vx'ell if they telephone sre sii electric probe for WON8—Newa; Sporta. 4 00 Homemaker'a Exchange. r»iw. whn h \vaj< trundlfd into thr low. free, to an aggressor without put- I move her ammunition .^fte^\^a^d riaU RHul. apparently ta conrerned lOiilii linn); a aci'plv of Inrce locating bullets in a tiiimail body W KNB—«40 Club. 4 80 Fun to Know. living room aoon after 3. There is “real danger of Bus- j ting im a struc or making him I she w ill he tov.rd to the N-ufolk lest the pM.sence td .Nationnhal ' Rullerfhe.* housefliea nml water pap'r hnc' fci p.ciiii); mg Hie amt a ilev u e lesemhling modern 00 I.iicky Pup. Mi.'-s Mretir arrived. After open­ Sian intervention if all-‘>ul war is pay a prii r (Continued from Page One) naval shipyard at I’nrispniih. W'oii’cs iiu lie the ( ’hmese t'onunu- heclle.s have la-de huila on their B:8S— ii'.n lungs. WCOC,—Good Evening. Good .y 18 Time for Beany, ing and admiring a wide variety earned to Hed ('hina aMlU'Ugh it “Forsakini: Koiea withdraw­ I A spoksinan s.dd it u a.s entire- ni-sl.s to iii\.ide the tonntry. 1 ."R...... - n 80 Howdv Doody. Uualc. of L'lttc wore played It “anybo:45— 0 80 Lillie Show, a h«autlful!y f»«enrated sho\*.er i . S o proposed military dirac- ment to Aggression. Refusing to western front, by radar. WTIC—Three Star Extra. a 48 Spelling Bee. rake waa aerved to gue^ta from tire of the Joint Chiefs in the enlarge the quarrel to the point WDRC—Lowall Thomaa. On the western front 10 Allied 7 00 Kiikla. Fran and OUle. Rocky Mill, Glaatonhury. Tahoii- where ortr global tapahililieR arc WTHT—W’eather; Stock Market Only Korean war has bem disapproved .soldiers eight Arnoruans and 7 80- - Sporta. because of Slate department ob- j diniini.slu «l i.«5 .eertainly not ap- WONS—Evening Star. two Turks retuined tn their own 7 48—Newareel. Jection. although there were dtf- ; prast-nu nt luit ns a militarily ' line.s afler being reh-a.scd bv I ’hi- ■ :» 5 - 8:00 Milton Berle Show. ferenecs over Formosa before-1 sound . mii 'e of a. turn under the neae Thev were tak**!! pri.'oner WTHT—Edwin C. Hi'l 9 00 Vaughn Monroe. Buildings Moved fighting broke out | present ' Irrumstances. April 28 in the Red?' first spring |:oa— 9 80 Suapenae. .8, The "first intimation ’ the , "It is my sincere hope that ' offensive. AP Cktrrespondent John WDRC—Baulah. 10 00 Original Amateur Hour Buildings Tom Down Joint CTilefs had thal Re"any men died in World War I, I Enter (Tiiinrhon WDRC—Jack Smith. . limited use in offenaive operations ” 1 Woild War M, and in Greece, In- | Heavy artillery wa.s directed on WTHT—Elmer Davia. Something— Call ;i2.‘l.‘l E. J. CAMPBELL If they were brought into the fight dochina. Malaya, and K orea" Red force* of undetermim-d hiz' »:»— !5 miles east of Chunehon. Tin- WTIRC—Club Flftaen. 2 9 BissoN S t. v^e rs fine car Y-8 Power HOIIY SHOPPE Reds apparently had wiiieni.d WTIC— Newa. their bridgehead south of the WTHT—Jack Armalrong. 8 (irlawold Mi. Manchester Phono 4 7 4 2 Choyang river In this area. WKNB—840 Club. Classified Advertising But a tank led patrol entereii Chunehon again without finding v^ffers Automatic Ride Control trace of the Reds. Chunehon i.s j SEE PAGE I-XIURTEEN I about five miles northeast of tlu ' I Kaiyvong penetration j Houses for Sale 721 I In two sectors the Reds rapidly ' l/Ot* for Sate 73 built up a.saault forces capable of G REEN aECTTION—Charming ft- .'trikine over the soggy ground V^ffers Automatic Mileage Maker economy SEVERAL CHOICE .Some r N. officers said the (7ii- , room Cape Cod one unfinished i. Fireplace, oil burner automatic m ILDING LOTS IN ALL lU'.'e finally have massed enoiigli I hot water healer, combination SECTIONS OK TOWN. strength to fore* a military di-ci- ' arreens and storm windows. Ga­ 81011 in Korea. Others said tliey rage. Deep lot with outdoor flre- I never cnuld supply a sustained of- I A. BEECHLER I fensivo. But all agreed the atead\ plai e. Immediati occupancyk $ 12.- O ffers seats with five-foot hip room Realtor j petting rain favored the Commii- , .800. Terms. W i. Goodchild, S r. Phone 6969 - nists \ Realtor. Office 1.8 Forest .street. I 792,8 or 8891. IN tXtUN’l’KV n k e almoapbere, Three Buildup Sites I - _ ——------! large building lot* wiiii ahad* Communist forward element.- ' LIVE IN Historic l^banon. 141 u,e. Overlook Orlv. W m stiffened against probing Allied : ✓ offers Double-Seal King-Size Brakes room*, 2 baths, modern kitchen, Kanehl. buCder. Phone 7778 units In front of the buildup areas. 1 oil steam heat. 3 car garage. The main Red battle forces were I |Centiauafl*a of ifontferd equipment end trim WutlrotpS sheds. Approximatelj 20 oeaiitiful DOUBLE LOT on waterfront. Cov- maasing in the Yanggu area U d*pond*nt oa availabiltly of fflotonot.) acre', trout stream. Easy com­ entry Laki Cal, 8480 after 5 p. l^e eastern fron alnd north of muting distance. Suburban Real­ m. j Chunehon on the central sector. ty Co. Realtors, 49 Perkins I A third concentration wa* north D— «U— .a* 111.... . ~h».< » ..Ua* • t^offers choice of 3 great drives: street. Call 821.8. CHOICE l o c a t io n , 78 x 140. of Seoul, former South Korean $1,600. Madeline Smith, Realtor. capital. E X C E LL EN T luocation, on bus 2-1642 or 4679. There waa fighting around Inje, Conventional • Overdrive* • For demotic* line. Seven pleasant rooms and 10 mites east of Yanggu In the aunpoich Large lot. oil burner. eastern sector, and northea.at of Many fine features. Shown by ap­ Kesiirl Property for Sale 74 Uijongbu on the approaches to pointment only Madeline Smith i I Seoul in the west. And Reds worked Realto.'. 2 1642 or 4679. , ANDOVER LA K E— Partially built 1 1° expand a bridgehead *outh of Greater advantages (or gou cottage with material* to co m -' Choyang river, between InJe MANCHESTER Two-famtly flat . plele it. House can be wlnterlted. I Chunehon. 4 and 4. Convemenceii other than ' Small down payment. Balance on Fighting was on a small scale | Chetk it feature for feature—. heat "rood lo at.on Full price, gcneioiis terms. Madeline Smith, .Monday. Nevertheless, an Eighth $7,800. Alice (laii.pet Agency. 843 Realtcr. 2-1642 oi 4679 Army briefing officer said about in these great truck features Mam street. Phone 2-4.843, or 1,600 Reds were killed or wounded j j e w s t d d e b a k e r Mrs. Wagner 2-0028. | during the day. Another 75 were Wanted—Real Batata 77 taken prisoner, including some WOODLAND Street—5 room. 3 ! deserters. bedrooms, living room 12 x 24— i URGENTLY Needed. Modem He* All-Out Drive Fow«r-wia«, atamina-wlae, economy-and-handling- only 4 years old Fireplace. Alaco I homes. 2 to 4 bedroom*. Cmab The stubborn manner in which wise, you gel every advantage when you have a Chev­ storm window*. Priced reason- ■ buyers watting. Call Suburban Reds held their dug-in po.sitiuns No other truck offers all these GREAT FEATURES a lie. rerm * arranged. Immedi­ Realty Co.. Reattor*. 49 Perkin* »uPPorted the U. N. theory that a rolet Advance-Design truck on the job. That's a fact street. Phone 8215 I ••cond Chinese spring offensive is ate occupancy A S. Burke Agen- | because the Chevrolet truck you choose— whether It’s 1 V, Hartford 2-7806. Evenings | ______1 imminent. Some Allied officers ORIAT mOINI SInglo-UnIt Raar Axia Houtinge '• Improvad Full-Width Cab S u t CUNSIDERING SELLING speculated it might come in a week. Mr. Johnson, Manrhestei 8741, for light, medium or heavy duty— »i engineered for tho Wide Range of Springs • Adjuatabla Seat Aaauru Propar ------i YOUR PROPERT*? Some officers held that when FIATU RIi the blow, comes it wlll'be an all-out New Twin-Action Roar Broket Eya Laval ' *• SEVEN ROOM * home. Porter | Without obligation to you. w* job. It’s built to do your job, do it right, and keep on offensive intended to drive the U. • Two Qrost Englno* (bMvy-^wfr street. Available early July. First will appraise ^or make you a cash • Larga Daor Oponkisa floor, large living roon. with fire­ N. army Into the .sea. One Eighth . doing it, through the roughest, toughest kind of service. • Vtlv*-ln-H*ad Cfflcloncy I Now Dual-Shoe Parking Braka Jffer for property See us before Army offieer said: (iMOvy-^ufy (RoOaft) • SIda Doora HaM Opon fey place. sun room dining room, you sell. Just check the features you get when you choose • Blus-Flams Combustion Ovar-Cantar Stag America’s grand new driving thrill! "They have more tanks, more I Naw Torqua-Actlon Braku paneled kitchen with pantry, and Phone 6'273 • Powor-Jot Carburotor aOMlia. V4i artillery, more reserve.-, and nio.st ; Chevrolet— see for yourself what they do for you— and mlktU) • Sturdy Staal Conatnictlen SedHi lavatory. Second floor, large hall, BRAE-BURN REALTY I m * M. etlMt e Amm ' important, more airplanes-baHod j ■ Perfected Cooling I Fool-Oparatad Parking Braka • Unll-Oaaifn Bodiu three spacion.' bedroom.- and tiled in North Korea- than at any time you’ll know that this is the truck for you. Thon come in ( mbObO wHtt 1-ipesd tronaoHaMaal An exhilarating 120 horsepower! W A.N'rED - 8 our property to sell • Spociallied 4-Way Lubrication Mof is Mntiw i Car bath room Newly redecorated, since they entered the war last ■ Staaring Column Oearahlft • Pick-Up BoOta with Fhnh SkM oil burner hot . ater heat, large Reliable .buyers wailing with ‘ winter and look over these new 1951 Chevrolet trucks. • Tharmoatatte Haat Control (■wS»fc -SS i isnS mnuriuM*! Strips Safety Clwek NUath. cash. Finances arranged. W* j But' AP Coirespondcnt Nate In thur-Jif basement with cold storage cel­ • Cam-Qround Cut Alloy Iron I 4-Spoad Synchro-Mooh • Insulatad Panal Bodiu New type valve-in-head V-8 engine! lar full attic with extra semi-fin­ need 4-5-6- 1 ro om singles and 2- Polowetzky reported other officers Pliiont Transmission VmpMrhrmmMl Qwik Taar Car^ ished room. Two car garage, well ' fami V boiises Howard R. Hast- 1 held that the Chinese never would • Extra-Stronp Stoke Bodiu Ckadk AuMgati. landscaped Jot. Buy from o.vner, i mgs I’hone 2-1107 i be able to mount a sustained of- • Full-Width Qravtl ShMd Tops in thrift! No premium fuel! $19,900. Manchester 2-q031. ! . •L'.Ki.o.'o ... . » . K'i'Sive. These officers said the ORIAT CHAfSIS ORIAT CAO ANO RODV LISTINGS \\ A.NTED. There ase Roils couldn't supply their forces CHEVROLET • O n e -n a u Pandora specialists b all ones of business, with food and ammunition for i FIATURU PIATURU GREEN SECTION—6-room Cape ' • Countorbalancod Alligator-Jaw Why not employ one If you intend more than a week. Without rice r L 5 S 5 5 S ) A femarkably moderate price! Cod. 8 years old. FircpllKe. • Rugged. Rigid Framec • Now Vontlpanu In Cabo H atd 2-car garage, ameaite drive, oil to sell? Contact Alice Clampet | and bullets, the Chinese have to ADVANCE-DISIGN TRUCKS • naxl-Meuntad Cab • ChtiupMSCNert heal. Excellent buy. Owner leav­ Agency, 843 Main street Phone' fall back to regroup. • Hypoid Roar Axlu 'Test D rive” the 2-4543 or 2-08«0 ing state. Terms arranged. Al­ ------I Rita tn Quir Alv, Asks 8 Million bert S. Burke Agency. Hartford Ctmmofu&tVSM O 0 / WANTED to buy-2-fam ily dwell-1 New York, May 1 5 -OP)—Rita MORI CHEVROLET TRUCKS IN USE THAN ANT OTHER MAKII 2-7806. Evenings Mr. Johnson. mg, Manchester or vicinity, from Hayworth Intend* to divorce Aly Manchester 8741. private owner Call 2-2353 be­ Khan and aak him for $3,000,000 tween hour* ot 9 a. m. and 2 p. trust fund to raise their daughterr CHORCHES MOTOR SALES DILLON SALES and SERVICE Lots for Sale 73 m. Taamin, aa a Moslem. CARTER CHEVROLET CO. Inc. 80 OAKLAND STR^T MANCHESTER The film actress's attorney. 319 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER 13' j ACRE.S, bari'. poultry htfu.sea T H R EE OR Fom bedroom home, Bartley Crum. last night revealed 311 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER I Ideal view. U. F. Von Ecker, 509 Country Club section. Write Box her decision to dissolve .the two- Keeney •t’-eeU. 1 E, Herald. year-old marriage. r

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. OONN« TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1051 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY. MAY 15. 1051 PAGE ELEVBH *F A dl 1 W C. 8. C. A foreword In this book among them "Triumphant Hour” It waa announced that Com­ states: "The daily paper proves and "Hill No. 1". munion Sunday, May 20 at nine display waa aponsored by Dante Evening Herald will be found ads seph Kowell, Anthony Oeorfe, Wiii8 Scholarship Circles Unite that the dignity of marriage In Mrs. Arthur England will suc- o’clock will bo at St. Bridget’s AUTO GLASS PaganI, well known North Knd pertaining to this day. George Marlow, Anton Kanak, HATS CLEANED Probate Court A uthorizes the family has been undermined. reed Mrs. Dolorea Trudell as chair­ churfh for the combined clrcfes. Palsy Drive Manchester Failed to Reach Armr^l Forces merchant and a member of tho lo­ The local committee in charge Fred Baker, tJnl. Chrlrty MoCor- The feasoh for the failure la the man of the combined circles, and Refreshments were seiwcd by MIRRORS cal Armed Forres Pay commit- of this Arined Koreos Pay consists mtek, Harolil Oagood, Rev. Rdfrar, AND BLOCKED For Services lack of God. A house cannot be Mrs. Catherine Franzoaa will re­ the Holy Innocents Circle. lee. of the following: Rus.sell llatha- Mrs. Mary Ilrosnan, Dante Pa- if ’? Sale of the Johnson Block bright and aunny when the shades place Mrs. Kfary Garaventa who Is Under Way Quota in Blood Donations Day Saturday Later tn the week It is hoped way, Vincent MePadden, William ganl. Miss Emily Smith and Theo­ H E N R Y*S^ are down, so marriage cannot en­ waa co-chairman. Both Mrs. Eng­ Dutch Bar Red Dean > that the Mayor will issue a pro- Stcvcnfsin. John Jenny. Francis dore Fairbanks, chairman. Tha Catholic Groups Oh- dure In peace anti happinesa when land nnd Mrs. Franzosa are mem­ rlamntlon regarding this Armed Miner. Father Gadarowskl, Rabbi eommittee wishes to thank all t2»15eb*Mala*m!*^ nepotsL Wind, Jessie Reynolds. Fred Fem- those who made this program pos- God Is shut out.” ber"; o f the Infant Jesus o f Prague The Hague, The Netherlands, I.d>tter8 o f Appeal to Re Although Manchester failed W*. Johnson. Mrs. Phyllis Blow, Mrs 4'o B p Ohsprvpil Hrre by Fon'es liny, and also tn the week­ •ate of the Johnwn "■ f^';^J.^{]ng"«"trm>rbu Hcrvc a Holy Hour and Circle which now takes its turn end edition of The Mnneheste, inia, Robert Pougiin. Captain lo- ■slhle and who took any part. Esther Peyton's book. "The Ear May 15 i/Pi The Dutch today meet Its quota for the Blooilmohlle Ed Goss. Kverett Kennedy. Uii.s- l)is|»lays of Flug8 aliil tenaltre prtiperty fl-ontlnR on M «in Morrh i:i the heirs rrfiisod to V Hold Special Meeting of God" reaffirms the message, in leaning the work of the com­ cla,s.sod Dr. H ew lett Johnson, the Fill in the Mails D u r ­ vnut on Friday John D. LaBollc. sell IVrkIns. Michael Kiiti ii. r, , atroH on "The family that prays together, bined circles. "Red ” Dean of Canterbury, as an Blood Program chairman, said to- Vincent Ingraham, Mi-s. .Marjorie l*raypr« in CliurcheH aathocUed after hearing in probate blit at that time were naked 1)> stays together." Father Peyton Is Mrs. Marjorie Minor of All "undesirable alien” and' barred ing the Week dav that the public response to I'aprilozzi, F’aiil Willhide, Thomas sale Combined Catholic Mother* Cir­ hv Iiidtre Iiidec Wallett to agree to a the promoter of the family rosary RainUi Circle is the new chairman him from entering the country. last week's appeal for more voUin- David.*on, Roderick 'Mct-ann, Jean , t jrcoterday — ...... ,, or he wouio iiirn uif }'n»i'vi»» .#*«•over cle* of M«nche*ter held their an­ ' ' M a s t c o o it; to sfjl ^ or he would turn I he pro,.erty crusade. He has journeyed through of organization succeeding Mrs. The Dean, noted for hla pro-Soviet Th* campaign for funds for the itcer donors was very gratifying. , Oarrity. Fritz Noren, Wesley 1 "Armed Fori es Day " will be ob­ John J. WaUet^ AppUcatlon . J1 ^ ,bp heira to settle nual Holy Hour In St. Bridget'* views, had been scheduled to ad­ "W c had only 75 appointments Bulla. served Satiirdny in Mnnehester as waa matte on behalf of the heir h present art Ion fol- church, with Rev, Frederick M c­ England and Canada and re- Vivian L'Esperance of St. John local Ccrebrnl ral.*y drive i.s gi't- j .'eived pledges from the people street. Mrs. Gertrude Hagedorn dress a "Peace Committee" meet­ 'made when Mrs. Charles Peck- The following donors .nine In well as all over the nation. The Um Mancheater fnist ‘’'.p'd The hens are Irma Hnrris.in Lean. formerly of St. James’* 111 Vi Center 81. Phone IWM ting under way this week, with to use the-rosary daily. Moneys ing here tonight. 1 ham's group of staff aides finished without appointments: admlniatrator of the Aaron .lohn- and Mildred J. We.st of thi.s town. church and flr*t chaplain conduct­ of Immaculate Conception Circle committee In charge lias released received through the sale of this will be central librarian, a.f radio and television pro- Mrs. England the new chairman added to stainless steel to make It grama which many have enjoyed, closed the meeting with prayer. easier to weld. tnall* the followlne Hbv xhe Uhomselves our appointments final- ma Kaiser. Gladys Kornso. W.l- inaiU'd ii. all the elnh.s, veteran, Hartford. It U West Hartford and C.ertnide .1. Carroll of the latter chureh, who F.veryoite knows that Pontiac is rlentand. True, it\ She moat beaatiAd Inc with other parties. The com Kmsell.i of Hollywood Heneh. Kls. Is the present chaplain of the S g o f the Z ^ e lo m s has bleu ‘ "tailed 123." said Mr. LaBelle. lian. Lautenbaih, .N’aney Rowe. service eivie nnd faleiiial organi- merclal block on Mam Mreet m- It i.M understood the block re- combined circlea. The Holy In­ dOTe^bv Miss Eileen McC i. I hv’s ' course, cancellations and re- Ruth Rowley. Jacob Cheney, Paul zalion.s a.‘"lng, tiouble-frea operation ia a big acquired mnnv inici c.^o«' liver of the mothers by saying the I whub wdl now be celebrated each reason why dollar for dollar, jrou can’t .lecorativc ohjcd-, ..slum, s an.I .MIhs Olga Kni|M>n rosary daily In the family group, . „ v . 223 Cl) W orkers I year on May tln> ML I^etters have lluit's an important reason why the beat a I’ontiact Come in and get the fabrics The-. Ih. y will iii.*play lion dollars has been establi.shed Dance (.ariiival through the holy acriptures and June visit will be June 19. nnd we I also been sent to all the clergy in facta and figure* that prove it. and some of the .sans or other Distinguished honor has come by the United Cerebral Palsy, of 1961 Pontiac ia in such trenMndoaa the mass, receiving communion hope that we will continue to re­ 1 town asking them to advise their garments w.i he modeled by sev­ to Manchester s .Miss Olga Kru- which the local group is an affili- Are Fin«ierpriiile! a submarine The.se ford. supper. The scholarship, set up with retiring ehalrmsn of the combined Totme people from Kast H art­ federal fuiuls as a means of pro- elrelea, opened the meeting with o f the moat expensive of all the ' Carl Hiiltgren. Charles Case. Aus- model.s liavi* bren loaned for thi.s Miss Edith Preusse of Rockville, ,, II 1 n...iii„ qii.irters hotwoen 1 p in. and 9 p in ford. Wlndaor. Glastonbury and moUng better undersramJlnjf praver. Rev. Robert Carroll waa j ailments which beset mankind, tin Sehillinger. Mrs. Paul Dulllle. i V ' ' I di.sfday thmuph Uu* courteav of Al a mi.s.sionary in Irdia. home on and a large amount of money is _ , ,, D__'this week, through to Salnrdav. Mancheater will also appear th amnnfj nations. Is hardly ever re-elected chaplain. Mrs. Bertha Burek. Mrs "rs Bertha . o Molli.’Uer who H|>»Mit many hours in furlough Will entertain the chll- needed to train per.sonnel and fiir- Ea( li member ha.s only to have liim- ballet, tap. tumbling, aong and ^?ranted to an underjfraduate. be- Speaks About Booka Groobel. Ravmonil Marshessault. I tile malunp i>l the.se ships. Al.so drer with stories an.t games of nleh facilities for care, treatnnuit self fingerprinted nnd photograph­ dance numbers. Sonia Morrison inp u.sually reserved to honor Mrs. TTiidell spoke of some by trading in your did radio Ernest Binlth. Thomas Totten. ‘ will be found a very fine display and education for the more than a ed for ideiitifirnlion enrd piirpo.sos, o f Mancheater. a member of the India ^^raduuN’ students. In seeiirlng highly recommended book*, one Mrs. Patricia Westbrook. Anthony ' of army equipment in Watkins half-million children nnd adults , and tins takes only a few minutes. Royal Academy of Dance and Gold the a^'ard. Miss Knipen becomes of whlrh was entitled. "Three Bavles. Clarence Maron. i window, the equipment for thia dis- bom with cerebral palsy and tin- Si liendel urges that lliose who Medalist Teacher, has held classes the only woman In New England Minutes a Day," by Keller; which ] I Arnold Clark. Mrs. Ruth Spen­ ! play was serure»l by Fred Kommin told hundreds of thousands affect- , have not yet been processed do .so at the YWCA throughout the year so honored, and one of less than contained Christopher’s Thoughts cer. Carl Harmon. Cyrene Booth, n member of the committee. Thanks ed later tn life.” sometime ’ tills weelc The work and wlU direct the young people Manchester 50 In the natmn for Daily Living. Mrs. Mary Mrs. Hazel la-iveland. Mrs. Doris staileii last week. . to the I'ionecr T*ara( hule f'o.. for I)urm g her four years st (?on- by trading in your 7 in. TV set Inadequate Personnel Bradley. Mrs. Helene Fee. fTiarles the loan of the pnrRi hule whn h in their recital. Garaventn, co-chslrman. read the Although 77 per cent of the nertluut. Miss Krupen has helft a thoughts for the day. Felher. Robert C. Baird. .Norman I w ill be seen in this display. In Rgw^qmsnt. ■ipsssgnsi amd tr%m M m M ra isd «r« ombjoet to oA—#a tMiAaiti ngtisOb Dale Rook Swnyze Sch'darship. has been on cerebral palsied have normal or P. Paiitler. John Shorroek. Fd- | .Marlow's window wnll be fottnd Another work. "The Catholic superior intelligence, and practi- Wom an l)rivc‘r the i>ran s List for four year.s, and 1 ward Lithwin. Mrs Dork* Hanson. .Houveniers from tv»th wars which Book of Marriage," was recom- caily all of tho cerebrsl palsied | To Sene Supper was thi.s year oliM ted t" I'hi Heta Miles Densmore Joan Meehan. I were loaned throuiigh the rourtesy rhtirKday, May H memled. It is by the pen of can be helped by proper methods. Kappa i.s a memtier of the by trading in your Radio-Phono Combination I Dr. Donald Morrison. George Is Arresle Artemis Pazjano.s and Hetsv n $2(8< bond pendinL^ her ap]>ear- in fTennany during World War 2. Social Action a. d Missionary com­ Satiir(hi>, >lay 19 going to the United Cerebral Pal- 1 Rose Oottfri#*!'!. N rllir MrAMistor. ' Slttvrr. Mis-’i I'.'i/ianim, fiaiijjhter HOBBY SHOPPE NEW beauty ance in Town Couit tomorrow. Luneal-rrlred t er with t.M n.idra-Vlallr arive mittees of Centei church m ar­ sy to provide .scholarships and Mrs. Mijilrofi MillfT. Mrs. Howard Thi.s js the setond yetu UiLs di.^ fOptionai ot ortrm eoatj Inf Mr nn«l .Mr.'* ijenr^r I ’HzianoM. 6 Griswold Street ^Innehesfer Palroltium fleorjr*' P MrCaiiKb* play iins been shown rangements for ai. India .‘'aenfl- .32.3.1 traineeships, rcse;\etj, treatment, | Tattle. Rotty Majorra. Edward 2.3' am) 8.30 p. in. I of 4 T'carl stTr«’ t. i.«» attentlin^ ey re^Kirteil that .Mrs W»iri)o<*k .\l (itis C ompany OfTit'e Veer fhelre al SlI.rr Mrrak Kaglars- clal Supper in Woodruff hall of the education, 'clinics training. MrCnuKhev. SlanUy Baldwin, Annual y'uith hampirt at Fman- I V\’elN‘«lcv uh**re phe ha«* won hiijh and I church, Sunday. May 20. at 5 30 BETTER pictures Locally there will be no house- Forreat Martin. Donald Cowles. .struck the rear of a car ilriven by Tn tile Manchester Divisn>n of gfralght Right er SI* url Lnthrran rhnrrh. I hnnnfp. u n.p eleitetl to Sijrnia Xt p. m. Mrs. Am y Carlson, one of to-house canvass, and with the ex­ Mrs. Fsther Foley. M. Jones. P^ayniond F!. Bushev. 34. uf 132 the Hartford Ga.s ('ompany, a U rdni'Miay. May I RTvl I’hi Kappa arul obtained Milliard street 8h«> failed to .small «li.«plny will he shown of mm the eacellent cooks of Emanuel ception of two days when collec­ Da\nd Abeam . Mrs. F. R. Mellen. Thr .Ma»l Heaalllel Thleg W heel* P o n t i a i C M, H. S. annual art txhiOil, Ed- I tbe ScriiMT Ibiiarit Srhnlnrsblp, Mrs. M. Law'rence. Gerald 1 f'top, police sail, until nvertak«*n flag.s ami guns and po.stcrs. this Lutheran church, will prepare the luationnl Sqwaro. 3 to K:30 ju m. GREATER value! tions will be taken at the local She plan:- t»» bt‘ a doctor theaterA the campaigning for Chapelle. Robert H. 5?mitb. Tier- , by Biishey. ili'play IS Uie responsibility of meal which will feature a hot Thiinwluy iinil Friday, May Mi'is Slo\tT. dan;:htfT f>f 5fr. $50.00 funds will be done entirely through man Meek. Mrs Reva Mermon i Two Bii.-^ihry rhd‘lr»n Hetty 1**n d Biiker. At Depot Stpime in macaroni dish, a salad, apple crisp ‘lA and 25 and Mrs William P Sb'Vrr. of 160 Ui»‘ window n‘ for daasert and other items. May Fair at St. Marv s rhiirch. Ntain .“Ircel. is aUt'ndmn the be found a display df guns, imstru- mailed to EJverett Moore, assistant M ae Roberts. R av ColpilU. |.‘Shaken up in the colli.sion, wer»* Reaenratlona should be made at Friday, Ma> 25 Si bool (.f Nursini: at Syracuse ments. an dance, at the t-niversit y ; ou.s branches of the s**mr<*s This Will be paid to anyone Trust Company. I Uki. Doris IvaFraneols. Mrs A lfle ] hospital and then discharRed. Children will be aerved for about Community “ Y. ' 8:30 r> m. She a1*in has won hlph academic BALCH-PONTIAC, Inc. half price. Sunday, rliin«‘ 17 bonor«. I'i of the Honor furnishinR information 155 CENTER STREET MANCHESTER BriliMh-A merii-an chib annual | Pnriet v ard bus been cho.Ren to Mr and Mrs. Mct.*iighlin diir- leading to the arrest and t t (ill day spnnR out. TtMiden I'.rove i receive t>u , diinr 2l> Ltf Nnr '*i;'r c1h.«<.8 in the pradnatlon St. Bridget a strawberry festival crrrniomcs thi.«^ >THr. She ha.« been sons commiKinK theft or 6 to 8:30 p, m. on the Dean> Llal during her willfully and unlawfully Personal Notiees cour.xe. damaffinR property of the Motorola TV Find Two B^dlea Card of Thankn W * wlih te thank all of our nelifh- Mamin. May 15 V The hullet- JARVIS bora. frlemla and relatives for the liddled hodiea of two of tbe five maHT acta of ktndneiis and s^mpath\ j policemen kidnapped Sunday by 12.HOUR ibown ua in our recent hpreavemet.t. Communi.st Mukbalahapa were REALTY COMPANY Most engine wear conies from Wa etpecUJly thank all |ho»e «'h<> sent found today Fate of the other three VAPORIZERS Write or Call The Above the beautiful floral tr hut^e Knd loan- .Automatic Shut-Off ad the uae of cars. Is not known. Named Company At The Huka raptured the police as Do You Need A Mm. Adeline Schmidt they watc hed a cck k fight at Del Arthur Drug Stores 5 Dover Road—Tel. 4112 and family. Ciallego, BIC engine deposits—Amoco-Gas leaves inch Visiting Nurse? scrG«n Prompt delivery! SERVICE GIVEN W lllyi hot tped up product'ion to meet demand for th* top-ielling station wagon. miivs The care jriven includes .ill forme of bedside nurslnjr, Insfrucllon In ex- peclani niolhers ns rcKurd.'' their own health and the after care ot the baby, Top trade-in value! in>t ruction in the rare of tiilierculosis patients and Renenil lid vice rejrard- iiiK the prevention of disea.se. 'Fhe nurse will teach some member of the Top allowance on your trade-in . . . it will probably make your down payment. hou.-.ehold how to cure for the patient during her absence. U Equipped as you choose! REGULATIONS FEES You do r>ot hove to buy on* piece ot 18th Century extra equipment, buy only whot you specify. 1. The nurse doe.s not prescribe for lli(>se who •SI.2.') Tor Hypodermics Mahogany are ill and renders no treatment except upon the advice of a physician. .Sl.T.'i For Kedside Care Half-door Cabinet 2. The nurses are on duty week days from 8 If the patient is unable tn pay all or part oi! A. M. to 4 :.30 P. .M., Saturdays from H M. to 12, this, the expense is borne by the As.sociation. j Noon. M O D EL 20K 2 3. Only emergency work is done at night and on Sundays and holidays. Tfie kind of gas you buy has a direct connection with the bills you have $ J Q Q .9 5 ^ to pay for engine repair. CLINICS For science now knows that most engine cylinder wear is caused by The followiing clinics are held In the Clinic Rooms of the Hospital on deposits remaining after combustion, and contamination. These cause wear, Haynes Street. serious wear to pistons, cylinder walls and valves. Telephone .’14‘26 For Appointment . LESS TRADE-IN ^ Pre-natal — Well Haby — Tonsil and Adenoids ALLOWANCE Amoco-Gas helps prevent this wear because it contains no harmful Chest — Tumor ingredients. It leaves no metallic deposit. A SMALL DOWN PAYM ENT BUYS this beautiful addition to your home! Larger-that\-iife-size pictures with great­ Moreover, Arooco-Gas can bum completely because it is all petroleum HOW TO CALL A NURSE with no harmful ingredients added. This hieans more useful power, superior er depth, detail and contrast. Bilt-in-Antenna eliminates outside EMERGENCY PHONE 5933 antenna in ^ood signal areas. Just see this New Motorola; you ♦PRICE INCLUDES performance and mileage. TELEPHONE 3426 FED. EXCISE TAX ■ High gm mllMga and lowor eporotlng cosHl won’t be satisfied with anything else. Use Amoco-Gas—for longer car life. There’s nothing like Itl ^Smoolli and comfortablo—oaset out the bumps! •• ntoneover In traffic ; : ; easy te parld SiaffO K Ih g iu Manchester Public Health —Duol-purgosa cor for pleasure and business! WITH HIGH-Com mssion HUKHKAMS tUGIHt ^ t d m k r TELEVISION AMOCO leaves no metallic deposit Nursing Association

DeCORMIER MOTOR SALES, Ine. wua±; AMERICAN OIL COMPANY Z2 MAPLE STREET MANCHESTER Mak* rberks payahl* to Mr*. W. <5. Mnnegan, Assistant Treaeorer. IM Woodfarldga StreeC 401 I. MIOOtl TURNMIl ««NCHfSTIt Mafng to Florida Thie Adverllnemenl Paid Fur B.i .\0Jcr ,ni>l Dohkln and Maneheater Medea, lae. MAN1:HKSTER e v e n in g h e r a l d . MANCHESTEPv. a)N N .. TUESDAY. MAY 16. 1961 PAGE THIRTEEN

.MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN* TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1951 FAGS TWKLVB Note Decrease Manchester Defeats Rockville Nine^ 4 to 2 In Idle Here Bninner’s INCORPORATED Hamiltons Defeat Bombers in Twi League Thriller^ 3-2 Total Benefit Claims r r i a Ex-Minor League Pitcher (soaii Assum es Score Three l i m e s Three Straifshl Only 233 W eek; “Hi-Valu** Coon Dog Field Mnnehentor <4) Batting Lead Drop o f 39.6 Per Cent Three Dodgers All Major League Teams AB H H ro To Face P&W for BA s Blanchard Scatters ... tf 1 0 (v LOCAL AW'tiuny. c I- ■ -■ I After having risen for alx weeks, Among Top Ten Trials Sunday Iv.iftsakowftkl. 2lt .. ___ S 1 3 Must Pare Rosters to 25 W i t h o u t a B a s e H it .; 'nrli. .... 3 1 Tho BA 8 will unvfll a former ! WiiHliington Outfielder, state unemplnymenl benefit claims .'.iiiiU urt t. rf ...... 3 i) 0 0 Used Cars The baying of Coon dogs will be .1 ('iass (.’ ptt('hor tonight when they appeared to havr, levelled off. In S P O R T C H A T T E R Nsw York, May IB—(4>)—Jackie Four Hits at Oval .loht'i.thr. , n> ...... ( s BA Newcomer Bou8l8 .'112 .tveruge; heard Sunday at the Manchester one rtm canic home. Tills being the t ’t*r« '‘1.411. if ...... 4 a A *■' fn e the Pratt Wbitiioy nmo in Manchester, the local office report­ Robinson, Pee Ws« Reeos and Oiitbiirht in Fiftli (.ivrs I'f ...... 2 0 0 1 GET ACQUAINTED . By New York. May 15-(iP>-Major». Philadelphia (28) —Pitchers Coon and Fox Club grounds. In second out and the local.s ahead by M .■» u \i 1 ru, ,, a Tw\ Lf'aguo enrountor at tho Dick krylio^ki Second ed decrease of 30.t, per cent The Duke Snider are three eolld rea­ league baseball cluba sharpened , Hank Wyse and Ed Burtachy Md North Coventry where the annual 'ai .f ...... \ 0 2 EARL W. YOST two runs. Maguire played it amast. ... . i u 0 0 u ■ Oval at B o ulocK. HIM Brnem, who their butcher knives and trading Inflelders Billy Hitchcock and Coon dog field trials will be held. Showboat Porter CHouts liidiaiiH Fourth Win KiikI'’ '*'' ...... total benefit elaims filed last sons why the Brooklsm Dodger* Inslcad of uitcorlung a throw to toiled lor LHiluth m the Northern ATTRACTIONS Syortn Editor wits today in a rush to get within Limmer candidates for the knife, As In past events held by the Gets Big Blow Uhiiago. .May 1.5 A' W a.'li- week here were '233. Including 164 lead the National League. In Seven Contests; the plate, he lot the tally score and T'-tals . . :i2 h 77 ^ I l^'aguc last seaHoii, will make hi.s the 25-player roster limit before; Cleveland (27)— Two pitchers club a large entry Is expected. The Two Run Homer for inglon's fleet oiitfieldef, Gil Coan. lemales. There ware 53 initial Robinson, Reese and Snider are raced bark to the infield to make R ofKtille ^2) Q I lirsl stal l in loral uin les. P A: W tomorrow's midnight deadline. to go, Gerald Fahr to a farm club. races will be run through Epical Englaml (hies Konte Uailsl*njl»nf i c - (1 u 1 ( forged into the Aineriian I.eagiia'1 elaims and 180 rot tinned. the Dodger contingent In the top Winners in Third; sure no other runner advanced. 0 j is o.xpeuloci lo send otllu r Fetl FOR Half of the 16 teams already Jesse Flores or Johnny 'Vander New England racoon country. The Pl.rnting the ball in Harold Carl- Bnrki. (1 .* 0 u II halting le^d with a lofty .412 mark Women claimants ntimhered Bin mu™ . ™ n.“ 10 hitters with Jackie showing the fi 0 ! Ml iizowNki, Hob FM luson or Bob shortatop. Is nurainjf a broken . CarJaon. Carlson sneaked arc down to the required size but Meer will be the other, heats will start at 10 a.m. and will Bobby Knigbt Triples .son's glove, the defense got set for li. ,il. Ill A through .''unday's games (’>5,5 pet cent of Ihe slate total of way at .409. Robinson added nine By Hal Tiirkingtori t >'\pjlOFk . rf ... 4 1 1 •'! .Vntbvws to the lull In the sooond Bill wa. used “X*'H.rnofs E d b«e nmner Jimmy Horn points during ths week while the other half have some slick | Boston (25) — Already Inside run throughout the day with the tho next batter, bnt Carlson sneak- Coon, who will he 27 Friday. 15 ('01 filing claim.s I’hla was the b u d g Et e e r s In t h o opener spainst the H^mon when Horn finals being held late In the after­ Making good u.se of aomo poor lirfiii.'’..'! Jb ...... 4 0 3 .{ • i gair.o ft»i rm li chib. whacking Cardinal, Cub and finagling to do In the next couple unjit but seeking hard-hitting Standings ilv stole in behind Jim Horn at Ki'\. -Ml . . . 2 (1 '2 0 held an cighl-poinl liujge over He- j filghest percentage of women noon. Ihiuni hiul a pi**M> (air on May 6. A ' stepped off the base he was a dead Braves pitching. of days. Chief of these are the j catcher. Team W. L. fielding by nocltville High. >lan- .,,nj' ;,iiti i)ulicd the am-ienl old i1im ;i. n . .. . 1 o 0 2 troll a Dick Kiyho.ski who had .404 , this ye^r. reflecting the to take his place m the starting n A Canteen will be set up in the Pet. „ i with a chib that won only ' 50 Averages. Including Sunday's world champion New York Ynn-| phicago (2 5 )-Down to limit, BA's ___ ...... 1 0 chcalt )■ High's Indinns h po.st' il the play end)ng the game, • Mio'wskI, If ...... A 0 1 for second p ace. Both t’onn, a 303 1 Neaional slump In Lite clothing and 1947 PACKARD ‘T club house where soft drinks and 1.000 0 1 0 nigHims in 1211 iiil.s ami \v >und up lineup shortly. ______games, show Reese third at ,372 kees. with three surplus men, and ^0^,, (24)— Reduced list P. * W...... 1 0 season record over tin' 50() mark Carlson's single in (lie aocond Owirc. SF .. t. ... . 3 hitler for the Nat. la.-t season, and i .^^.,-,,.^gorles and textile Industries. 4-DR. RUrk. Aliigl^ own^r. I sandwiches may be obtained. 1.000 ,\rfi u ano. ___ 3 0 1 4) 1 j .^e\cnUi in the league, llv loMetl in Eastern Professional Baseball and Snider eighth at .327. the St. Louis' Cardinals, with four. . below limit by sending Bombers ...... 1 1 .500 for tile first time tills w ar wanning s'oicd (tic flrst rtni. Binky Hohen- l> ...... Kryhoski broke Into the top ten ^^e taken Nice. I Manchester Chapter of the State i-\V....t|. . . . 1 {) a 0 'J I Ib.'l .‘‘i an.'-.'', .''limk out k7 atul po.sl- | League wifi hold Its annual spring Boston's Bob Elliott Is ninnerup The Yankees are reported anx- | jcthanded pitcher Irv Medllnger Aces ...... 1 1 .500 yesterday'.s .'ii honlbny I'ontcst. 4 th.al sl ashed a wicked dttvc off the .... 0 0 0 0 Board of Baaebail Umplre-s will i.-n rn : eri SIN wins ar.tl cli veu K»s.st‘s. But. ' leaders list lo, the first time start of uncir.pl'jytneiil meeting Thursday evening at 8 to Robinson at .390. A week ago he ious to pull a 3-for-l or 4-for-l to TnmntnToronto on ontlon.option. Hamilton ...... 1 1 .500 to 2. Billy England got liis haptis- | llnid ba.'wman's glove. He moved ^ ' hi.-i rjiuu'd run marl; u a.s third ; t’ revioiikly they had too few limes hold a meeting, Monday evening at o'clock at the New Haven Cham­ deal to land the Philadelphia Ath­ mal on the mound and went the lo second when Tom t'oreoian a 2 n 24 creased from the prevlou.s week was only thr^e points behind but Detroit (25) —Dowm to limit Ridges ...... 0 2 .000 r.'tiiift 31 ; l)t ;d in the Icagiiv ti.s In* allow ed lull at bat to qualify. Bridgeport offlre remained 8 o clock at the Ea.-


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TXJESDAY, MAY 15. 1951 BY GALBRAITH CARNIVAL BY DICK TITRNER OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS SIDE GLANCES p a <;i ;i f o u b t e e n Garden-Farm—Dairy Wanted to Rent 68 AHtomnbilc9 for Nai» 4 Florists— Nurseries 15 Help Wanted— Female SS Help Wanted— Male 36 HAH/ CAUGHT A N D TO THINK. ’ Autnmiihil«i For Sale 4 Products SU WANTED -8 dr 4 room rent by WITH TH G(X)DS.' W E DAREN’T Sense and NonsenHe PANSIES, Swiaa GtSnU. SSc bas­ W AITRESS Wanted. Steady work, WANTED PIDWT GCTTH’ DO HOMEWORK TOMATO, Peppet, Iceberg lettuce 2 Adults. Kefereticea. Write Box SI PcCORMIER MOTOR BALCH “BETTER BUY" ket. perennial fluwer plants, good pay Apply in peraon. The STUFF BACK. IN HERE - OR and cahbage plants for sale. Also S, Herald. aiTO TH’ KITCHEN EAT, OR WIPE The Dlffereqcie 8er\-lc« SALES, tnc. gladioli Duiba, osnna bulbs, Prem­ Tea Room. 883 Main atreet. EX PE RIEN C ED A-1 Qatsified USED CARS hot bed glass panes 57 Florence IN TIME —HAH.' DISHES, O R One i.s toil that la tedious and ier strawberry plants, aaparagua WANTED--3-roon. apartment by Women may have many faults. I fl SAYS: "Thp riirlit car for the BOOKKEEPER-Cashler for credit MECHANIC street. TH’ VERTV THING HARDLV ANV- But men ha'ye only two: tiresome without any hope of re­ roots, flowering shrubs, ever­ young couple^ no dependents. SHE DON’T THING.' OH, right price." 1951 Mercury 4-Dr. Sedan clothing store Kxpcrlcnce pre­ Everything they happen to aay ward: thta Is drudgery. Another Is Advcrtisemgits greens Wuudlanr. Gardens, 168 Phone 4881 altei 5:30 p. m. ALLOW U S WHAT A f in e ferred but not necessary. Will Due to an increa.«e in serv­ And whatever they may do. activity that la unpleasant and Such as:— 1949 Buick SedaneUe Woodland street John J. Zapad- Hfiusehnld (iouds 51 TO DO.' HAH.' EXAMPLE.' CI.ASSIKIKU A im . train. Married woman, or will ice volume we have need for COLLIcge Graduate’s wife to — T. J. Mclnerney. tedious but carries with It the ka. 8474 hope of reward; this la work. Then NEW WILLYS STATION 1949 Plymouth 4-Dr. Sedan consider .-Ingle girl. Call at Sll- another experienced mechanic. 3 Rooms Slightly teach In Verplanck school, no chil­ U E in HjiMIKS: dren, no pets, desire 3 or 4 room there Ls the kind of activity that la 8;*0 A. M. to «;45 P. M. WAGONS broa, 881 Main street. Do not tele­ I f yon think yon can qualify— Used Furniture Vacationist—W e’re planning on 1948 Pontiac 4-Dr. Sedan Koottnt—Siding 16 phone. unfurnished apartment. Call going fishing tomorrow. Can you so enjoyable Ihul one la eager to apply in persoti to Mr. Ga.v, Includca: — do 11 regardless of the reward or 1051 GREEN 4 GYL. 1948 Chevrolet 4-Dr. .Sedan WESTINGHOUSE ELEC. Hartford 33-2272 collect. tell how the weather wllltbe? WK SPhk.'IALIZK In rorjflng and GIRL FOR Typing and general compensations; this Is play. Bvery (I STATION WAGON Service Manager. REFRIGERATOR. BENGAL 4, 5 ROOMS unfurnished. Family 0 Hlllbllly--Usod ta could, son. L«wt mvm P ooikI 1 11(47 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sedan iildmg Highest quality materiaJa. office work The United Tool and But since the government look one of ua can clioose which of the Heater and ovcrdri^•e. RANGE. BEDROOM SUITE. of four. Grown children. Be.st ref­ three we will make of our own Workn amihlp guaranteed A A Die C o . 1031 New Britain avenue. LIVING ROOM SUITE. over the weather ya can't tell what LOST— PASS BOOK. Notict lo 1947 Oldsmobile Sedan Coupe West Hartford. (Elmwood). MORI ARTY BROTHERS erences. Phone 2-9619 until 1. work. If we make it drudgery, we 1051 rOI’PER BRONZE .Dion. Inc 299 Autumn street. DINETTE Call 2-4697 after 1. it's going to do. her*by uven that Inutallmfnt Tel. 4860. Lincoln-'Mercury are slavca; it we make ll work, wr 4 CYL. STATION WAGON 1947 Mercury Club Coupe W ANTED -By lunc lst--<7apable. * Everything Onlv 3400 I Shaw Book No. 14B57. iaried by SERVICEM AN'S wrlfe and baby The state of South Caroline are men; If wo make ll play, we The Manchester Savings and U>an Heater and overdrive. congenial homemaker for country Ea.sy tei'ms. free storage until are gods. All great geniuses have I 1942 Dodge 2-Dr. Sedan GUARANTEED Roofing and roof WANTED- Experienced carpenter wanted. All this mcrchnndiac used In need of 3 or 4 room apartment, could organise a United Nations of Aasociation. Inc., baa been lost repainng. Cutters and conduc­ home near Hartford. General and carpenter.-- helper. Top l.ts own If it wanted to. It has made their work play. "1 never I 1051 2-TONK GRAY a short time. 325 reward. Please call 8782. woiktal a day In uiy llle, said and application has been made to 1938 Buick 4-Dr. Sedan tors. Coughlin 7707. hou.-ework. som driving. Very wages. Apply V’'etstone Tobacco | SHOWN BY APPOI.NTMENT communities named Norway, Den­ " to - I 4 CYL. STATION WAGON Ison, "it was all play."--Dr. Rich-i said Aaaoctatlon for' payment of srpall family Own room, b a th - Corp., Elm .street, Manchester. i ONLY DURING D AY OR YOUNG M ICHIGAN couple, no mark, Hwllserland, CTilna and the amount of deposit. Healer and overdrl^•e. BALCH PONTIAC, Inc. 385.00 month. Wilte, giving par­ children, desire 3 4 rooms. Furn­ Sweden— Mrs. TTigar DePaas, ard CTarke Cabot. | Roofing IffA DUMP TRUCK driver wanted. EVENING ticulars and references Box F, Phone Mr. Albert ished, unfurnished, Mr. Powers, (Jamden, 8 . C. l o s t —PASS BOOK. Notice Is USED RUT NOT ABUSED i 155 Center Street Apply fo lia Construction, 84 COUGHLIN S Roofs slay on! For Herald.. Hartford 6-0358 Hartford 89-9351. extension 20, a Amos -When 1 w as five years herebj' gl^'en that Installment 1040 6 CYL. WILLYS Telephone 2-4545 Middle Turnpike West. old my father look nic to Hie zoo. guaranteed roofing call Coughlin After 7 P. M. 46-4690 before 5 p. m. Every married man has three ] Share Book N0..K 6IS. Issued by STATION WAGON wives—the one he thinks he has. J elf—What happened? Open FJvenings Until 10 P. M. 7707. SALESLADIES WANTED FUI.L TIME route man. Experi­ The .Manchester Savings and Heater and overdriw. WE BUY iiO sell good used furni­ the one she thinks he has, and the Amos— They rcUised me enced preferr-Hl but not neces­ Loan Asj«oclatlon, Inc., has been 19.V) NASH four-dcor sedan with ROOFING .Specializing In repair­ Full Time (40 hour week) ture, combination ranges, gas husinvfw Properly for Sale 7(1 one he really has. lost and application has been sary Call 8.537. g-is 1047 CHEVROLET 2-DB. all tile extras Hydramatle drive. ing roofs j f all kinds. Also new or ranges and heaters .tones Furnl- ^ % PV CfOWlLU'VM^-, I Tlie tiailei owner takes a long made to said Association for BUILDING FOR saie. Manehe.ster W/HV MOTHERS GET GRAY chance these days when he tells pay­ SEDANETTE. FLEFiTLINE Twin beds Car is In excellent roofs. Gutter work, fhimneys Part Time (30 hour week i t’lre Store .36 Oak Phone 2-1041 'jjs u The real feminine touch— that's ment of the amount of deposit. condition. Rea)iSI-. with MA.IOU IIOOPI.E car. Priced well below the present worked out with housewives. Dnlly Bring on the FF. 1041 PLYMOUTH CLUB gtd.d condition One owner. Call job in Manelie.ster. Available .bine try nouscs. $12.60(1 Madeline A6 THE eUM OF THe MONTH e o v f I KNOW) M ARTH A ' A Virginia man of 98 never Many sallafled clients. per watei : iping, new construc­ condition Call .5517 after 5:30 p had a doctor He's the kind of peri. Now may we please squeeze ' 2-3326 ■ EM PLOYM ENT OE'FICE 1st. Pleasf write Box J. Herald. Smith. Kesltoi. 2-1642 or 4679 - V^HEN X HEAR HtR VOICE l i r e a g e o l o g is t 8:N0W^ COUPE tion Estimates given. Tima pay­ m. a gent who could cause sn apple our grapefruit Into a spoou ’ i “Oh, we'll stay with you folk* a while after we're m arried ‘It's not that I minded your going to eleep, Pet—^ut did Radio, heater, defroster, Rxeep- FEEL LlKe_^ STALLED A VOLCANO — X’LL WARN 5 ments arranged Rklward Johnson W T GRANT COMPANY LOOKING ruR a home or proper­ shortage. __to you won't be left with a big house on your handel" you have to keep nodding your head?” Pcrannals tionslly clean. ?/ou w h e n ^HE’S Garages—Serrieea— Phone 6979 or 5044. W ILL DO YOUR laundrv and Sen.sational mark down on all ty in and around N'lanch* sler Sympathy is flu« for every- TCACK WITH ■' *43'^* ABOUT TO ^ ^ rt bofly until It you Into Ihe^ THE PROSPiCvn HUl School for ironing In mv home. Coll 2-1783. furniture, ranges, refrigera- Then .ontai ( i J Crockett, at e e u F T f y — "Nobody wins a law suit." Di­ 1030 RUICK 4-DR. SEDAN Storage 10 WOMAN TO vork as checker In - - ' - - - ______tors. wH5hrrs nnd teVvision. TRAIN habit of wanting It. I young chUdren Pre-kindergarten, PLUMBING ano Heating Furn- his office .1 981 .Mam stieei or vorce cases; "The funeral service BUGS BUNNY FUNNY lU’SINKSS BY HERSHBERGER SPECIAL dry cleaning department. Experi­ WHISTLING of a dead marriage." "You are In­ tandergarten, ftrat grade Monday acea, oil burners anc boilers. Earl CHAMBERS WAREHOC.SE phone 5416 Many huu.-cs foi sale through FTlday. Tranaportatlon Radio, heater, defroster .lust OARAGF-. Rear 17 Pearl street Van Camp. Pel 57-44 enced preferred. Apply in perron. Mngn— rtirffA—Pete 41 I viting tnnible when you think you A pickle la healthful. savs a ! SAI>ES some miilding lots, choice land furniabed. Mra. Lela Tybur direc­ overhauled. Phone 8506. Fischer Dry (Tneanser’s. Broad ran let your children work out | pickle aasoeiatton official Me ' i f S i M e ^ P p — KFFUnENT Plumbing and beat­ street. COLLIE PUPPIES. A K C. Rea, | :n Talcolt'.lllc and Boilon; some their problems for themselves." 'ahmild tr>''gettlng Into one. tor. Phone 4367. At The Green 1937 DODGE SEDAN ing. Plugged drama machine ______1_ sonable Porcheron. Demlngl invcstmeni property 'heck with rO R TOUR Spring housecleantng Radio, heater. Motorcycles—Ricyclcfl 11 cleaned. Carl J. Nygren, 303 C APAB LE Baby sitter several street, Yapping (off Biicklandj 9:'10 to 9 :30 to 8:.30 Eves. Crockett oetorc you sell or buy. Q needs contact the Stanley Home Oakland atreet. Phone 6407. morning's or afternoons a week. roadi .Manche.-tet S370 DAILY CROSSWORD I'UZZLE Products representative. Ruth See These Soon At 1948 HARLEY-DAVIDSON motor­ South side. Call 2-3609. Houxrs for '»ale <2 Casein. Phone 2-1169. cycle. 74 overhesd. Low mileage. DON’T WATT until fall to have an PEDIGREED MALE Irish Terrier DeCORMIER MOTOR Excellent eondltion. Loaded with W ANTED Girls for part time of. puppies. 8 weeks old . I Rca.sonable. Phone 2-9261. Answer to Previous Puzzle ailing furnace repaired or replac- A K C regis MA.NCHESTER GF.FILN SALES. Tnc. accessories and chrome. Call flee work. Apply In person. Em­ tried Phone 1669. ed. We have the materials and i MAGIC CHEF g-T.s range. Four With a small amount of work to Producer Emcee nML$jiiL-jniui2)r.’i AatoaoMIc* ^ 8al« 4 24 Maple Street Tel. 8854 Bristol. Conn. 2-0155 after 5:30 p the know-how to put alt *yper of ployment office, Mezzanine J W. burners Very good eondltion. n r r ii Hole Corp. be completed, oh the second floor, Manchester m.. or Inquire 299 Middle street, alr-heatlng systems in first class Reasonable horn 4796 i thi.s home will have 6 room.*, recre­ b u t NOW! Save 8H % price In Live Slock—VeMrIe* 42 HORIZONTAL VBE’n C A L e,'. We Buy— We Sell and We Bristol next to sirport. order. Coal. oil. or gas. T P. EXPERIENCED Woman to clean ation room, enclosed porch with craaM on new Hudson automo- G ENERAL ELECTRIC wa.rii ina- 1 Wander Mlen In our atock. prior to new Service All Makes Aitkin, Manchester 6793. new 6 room home weekly. Hours bADDlJC iCKSEs toi rent Also iwning.s am] scircn.'i. Ful: bath on JH E'iS ONLY 1,6 Deplctei] HAS OP for saie ji trade Cedar Hill ehine, wringer type, with pump, first floor, Invatory on .-second flo r. 6 T A R T IN (3 wireleu 2 Operatic tolo government increase which waa Wanted Autos- PLUMBING and hearing. Jobbing 9-2. Permanent. Call 7136. 1940 CHEVROLET) Sperla) deluxe Ranch 24 Bush HU) Ruad Man- fine eondirion. 111 dclivei $30. | fueplnee, oil bunrer. 80 gallon elce- TO sm o k e a emcee 3 Youth allowed al' dealers. Cbolee of Motoreyclm 12 a specialty Ai.tomatlc water LITTLE MOW- oolors and modela. Top dollar for tudor sedan. Radio and heater. WAITR.ESS wanted Apply in per­ chest ei .VJOt. Phonc 3375. Uric hot water healv. An extra 13 Papal cape 4 Place (*b.) heaters shl I and Installed. Esti­ Also \Trc- 14 Make ready 5 Give ear to your automobile. Can purchase Ebccellent condition. Terms, w a n t e d -U sed cars. We pay son. Silk City Diner, 641 Main EOI'R-BURNER ga.s range. Good 1 " " mates-given. Call B T Peterman 16 Help outright without trading your Clarke Motor Sales, 301 Broad top prices. Tmmedlete cash Cole street. condition. 3 vear.s old. Call 2-9.592 6 Roof flaial n atreet. Phone 2-2012. Open eve­ 2-9464. Poultry and Supplirs 43 18 Exchange car. McQ'ire Auto Co., 673 Main Motors. 4164. after 5:30 p. m. ?se< T ISM »4*ve.4 SICr «e etc w % Per ( s-is 7 Let fall nings. ARTHUR A. KNOFI.A premiums 8 Direction L-jn LJU l IRlLr:L.-4L=. street. Tel. 2-9442. EXPERIENCED Waitres.s Apply ERE.SH KILLED and fresh frozen rX)OD USED sto\ es, kitchen .set?, Reallci 16 Number 9 According to 47 Minute akin 1941 IbORC 4-doo- sedan. Radid itlovinff— I'mckinf— turkeys ready unytime. Al.so 28 Respiratory 1948 PLTMOUTH deluxe 2-door. Boslnen Remeaa Offered 18 in person. Center Restaurant. upholstered ehairs and new 875 .Main St reel — E.-f. 1921 I TOONKRVILLE FOLKS RY FONTAINE FOX 19 Parent (ab.) and heater Excellent condition sior«(t« I® chickens and fre.sn eggs, Schaub'.s Phone .5440 or .->938 aound opening Exceptionally nica running car Aristo-Blit unpainted tviokea.ses, 20 Blood money 10 Common 30 Labor 48 Slipped all around, (^arke Motor Salea REPAIRlNa BY .«U.uart R Wol­ FTJLL TIM E and part time sales­ Turkey Farm. 188 Hillstown Home Listings Wanted iKelefiMd by fte teU tr«4ic«ie. I Good Uree. Pull prica only $995. MANCHESTER . ackage Delivery ehests and kitehen table.? The r LASSOO 21 Liquid rodent 31 "Emerald Isle' 49 Century plant 301 Broad street. Tel. 2-2012. cott on washing aachlnes, vac­ women wanted at Burton's. Ex­ Road measures (a b .), Dougtaa Motora, $33 Main. Local light trucking and package Woodshed, 11 Main street ! BR.Y.N’ D .N'F'W Curlom built Cape 35 Disgorge 51 Hen product Open evenings. uum cleanara. ..lotora, amall ap­ perience preferred but not neces­ 23 Weight (tb .) delivery. Refrigerators, washers I CoU Ju.st complelecl. Si* rooms 1 37 Shade tree 53 French plural ' * i m LjARGEST selection of used pliances. Welding and cutting. sary. Apply in person only. 24 Symbol for and stove moving a specialty GLFJNWOOD Combination range. with four tinishci' rooms and t:le CK? 41 Mix article can In town. An prices. Easy 1949 CHEVROLETT Deluxe sedan Motor replacements A-1 Repair. TURKEYS for .sale Tuo week.4 0 ^ praseodymium Phone 2-0752 4 gas. four oil Duf' oven. Perfect bath downstairs Living room 42 Fork prong 54 Cretan tarma. McClure Auto Co.. 378 radio, heater. A real beauty, noth­ Salea 180 Main. Phone 8697. old. Call 2-0282, RELIAB LE Housekeeper. Live condition. Phone 2-0570. I S S w f u l 44 Verbal mountain Main. 3-9443. ing Ilka It anywhere. Immaculate wi’ h fireplace and open .stairway WINDOW SHADBP made to ordtr CALL P H IL for moving, light out. Phone 2-1244. Kitchen eontaiti. custom bui'.t » S 3 24 Freebooter 45 Carry (coll.) 56 Egyptian sun condition. Douglas Motora. 333 trueklng. ashes, rubbish removal. and UiataUed. Venetian blinda I Art tries (or Sale 46 cabinets Od fired (orced hot waler rinonA 26 Analogical 46 Indian god ___ S ir 1960 MASH Anibaaaador aedan. Main. Specialize 'r movlnf. Good work, Marhinerv and Tools 52 and curtain rods. 24 hour aervice D E N TA L Assistant wanted. Re­ .sy.stcin. All ,dumbing fixtures mulberry 58 Average (ab.)! 14,000 mUaa. Has radio, heatar. ( i l l 2-3774 anytime, or 2-9248 M esc • ft 867 OP* CQPt IVM IP Wift MtVICI, INC T to HR g \ PftT. 0*^ hydramatle., twin beds and other 1946 OLDSMOBILE Model •'78 " BsUmatea gladly given. Fagan cent experience required. No eve­ ROYAL AND .Smith-Corona port (7LOSE-OUT on brand new equip­ ca.=t ron with t.,as.s and copper after 5 ning hours. Write Box B, Herald. able and arnduro lypewritara 33 KingfFr.) axtraa. Excellent financing. Terms hydramatle. Original owner, 3900 Window Shadw Oo.. Route 44 at ment for Ford-Ft rguson. Ford. piping A 21' X '.‘2 area in base­ 34 Note in 1 i r - | VT 1 S 9 to II If AJI makes ot addmg macnine? 'Doormats! Now I know the wife finished housocleaning availahle. Phene 5416 during the 71 Sfiencer street Bolton Notch Phone 2-4473. THE AUSTIN A Chambers Oo.. F'eiguson in lultivators, mowers, ment for future i;cvrealion room. Guido’s scale solo or rented Repairs on ai today!" day. local and long dlatanee moving, corn pl.anters. spring, bog, dl.se Rooms on seconr floor can be fin­ 35 Prince 15 FLOOR PROBLEUxS aolved with Help Wanted— Male 36 makea Marlow'b packing, crating and etoraga harrows. CaU us for vour imple- ished off with a floor area ot ',4' 36 Distribute u 1960 CHEVROLET sedan, like CLEAN CARS linoleum, a>-phah tile counter 15 A i n A BELOW CEIIJNO Service to all pa >-a at the U S. m.eiit neeil.s. Large .selection at.all X 16 and 12' \ 11 ' Located in a 88 Man BY MERRILI. C. BLOSSER nsw. (Douglas never exaggerates) Expert wor. uanatup, free e»U- BOLTON - Building stone ana i FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS No Free f.i^l A and Canada. Call 5187. Hart­ CARPENTER for rough work. Ap­ times. Dublin Tractor Co.. North coiintrv like almgaphere With a 89 Measure of Powergllde, radio, beater. We Written Guarantee# mates Open evenings. Jones Fur­ flagstone Also dwh dniling IS u XL 1! 1942 FORD CLUB COUPE ford 6-1423. ply 218 Parker street. W'ndham Ro-ld. Willimantic 3- fully land.-,( aped lol 60' x 200' w'tn cloth select our cars. Douglas Motora, niture. Oak street. Ptione 2-1041. and olaating Bollor. Notch guar Lo o k . CHUM I Asaaloa- MOW MORBO 1941 CHEIVROLET SEDAN 3217. live shade trcis and two fnnt 40 Symbol for H t i WE CACH BORROWED IS ir veah.' the |t!s all set... M^moN, 833 Main. MAN AS HELPER In wash room. ry Phone '2-0617 Stanley Patnode T LITRE USURER CXIRN. 0005. AS A STDCK- JED (JORM ABOUT 1941 CHE\'ROLET TUDOR ALL AJ*PL1AN11ES oervtcad and trees. Ame?iU driveway so locat­ illinium L m ■M TtXI BUCKS FCOW? TRUE Good hour.-.. goo<. working condi­ OUB HECTOR GETS A cur everything I HCX-DER DONT EXPtODtN& 1941 FORD SEDAN R cB ain n c PEAT HUMUS, excellent soil con­ ed as to receive a 9' x 14' breeze^ d u a . DADS' (jORP ALLOWS YOU MALIONAMT, repaired, bumera, refrigerators tion. Apply in person. Maple Dry Musical instruments 53 kCKEO OFCXre , 1 rate cre< SUPER USED CAR VALUES 1939 FORD TUDOR ditioner and top dressing Man­ way with a one or two-car ga­ (ab.) i.x fe FBOHTS / CORN AND MUNIOPAL ranges, waahera, ate AJi work MATTRESS. Tout old mattreaacs (Tleaners and Launderers. 72 it IN WITH NO free m e n a c e f 19.39 PONTIAC TUDOR guaranteed. Metro Service Co- chester 651.5 rage. Approxiniaiely 34,000 cash 43 Wittidsirt U. CIVE? ftCy/ERS? DiVIOENOS, ■Wrlttan Quarantee sterilised and retnade Uke new Maple street, 1939 DODGE SEDAN Tel. Manchester 2-0883. P LA Y E R PIANO for sale In good required Shown by appointment 46 Qualified ■7- BUODf/ ri< call Jones Furniture and Flooi Symbol 1960 PLYMOUTH CLUB .COUPE 1939 CHEVROLET TUDOR AUTO .MECHA.NIC—Good work- condition. Reasonable, Call 8296. oimy. Call bulldci Tel 1836. .No 48 for 1937 CHEVT30LET TUDOR LINOLEUM KemnanLs, 50c square (Jovetlng, 36 Oak Tel 2-1041 LOAM. No gcauc at 32 a cubic samarium — Radio and heater, low mile­ ■ng conditions. Apply at Dillon's agents. ^ ______u V 1937 PONTIAC SEDAN yard. Asphalt tile, w ^ covering. yard in truck load lots. Tel. 3408. 50 Bind age. Just like new. R EPAIR and trade on sewing ma­ Sales and Seivice, 319 Main SAXOPHONE, Buc.scher. tenor. Done by reliable, well-trained Gold lacquer, excellent condition. AN OLDFli; Home with three down 52 Masculine 1950 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4- NMee Selection 1946-1951 chines and liiOto.'s. House Ap­ atreet. W h6 men AJI Jobe guaranteed. Hall 87 Walnut street. and two up Extia lol Owner has appellation DR.— Radio and heater, dark Beat Terma—Best Trades pliances. Pendulum and electric FT..AT WAt-I. .ato.ie 315 four yard Linoleum Co., 33 Oak street. W AN TE D --N igh, counter man, 12 to sell. House is heated by on. 54 Sick Hi •rt % 17 r TT green. Sun \dsor. COLE MOTORS—4146 clocks. F X. Dion, 2 Ridgewood. load. Call 7083. i.a>onar1 Giglio. / Phone 2-4022 evenings 6166 or midnight ‘ o 8:3u a, m. Pall 2- Excellent condition Purchaser 55 Thankless 1949 CHRYSLER 4-DR — Radio, 7779. Wanted— To Huy 5« can move ir imriiedialcly Priced person SO 5i 1^ 8109. 8131. RICH FARM top soil. $10 per a (3) heater. Jet black, white-Urea. 1940 PLYMOUTH four-door sedan, right too For delada. call T J. 57 He is on truck load. Delivered within three ! W ANTED Good useo furniture i Good trader. radio, heater, two new tires Pri­ DOORS OPENED, keys fitted, W AN TE D - Fir.st cla.ss tool mak­ CTrockeil orokei. at 5416 th e ----- u 1948 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DE­ Coursee and (lasses 27 mile limit Al.so gravel and sand Any quantity W* offei you blgti- vate owner. Can be seen at .5.5 copied. vacuuM cleaneri. Irons, ers and lathe hand.?. F'ull or part 59 Entertains LUXE 4-DR.-—Jet Mack, new for sale (.'all 7195 between 9 and eal pncea Woodshed Phone 2- Bllyue road. Manehoster after 6. guns, etc. repaired. shears, MANCHE-STER Immediate occu­ J-- I S - 5! sumptuously w Urea. Extra clean. WOMEN Y’oiir help la needed. time. F'lr.st or .second shift. Em­ 5. 31.54 15 knives, mowers, etc. put In con­ Fb-epare now fot essential work pire Tool Mfg Company, Stock pancy, 6 rooms nmpletely tini.sii- 60 Elude 1 r 1947 CHRYSLER 4-DR. — Dark ed. Oil heat, automatic gas heal­ .\ccept No Substitutes BY AL VERMEER dition for coming needs. Bralth- as a graduate Practical .Nurse Place. USED BEAUTY parlor furniture. PRISCILLA’S POP blue, radio, heater. IN TE R N A TIO N A L '-j-ton pickup. walte, 62 Pearl street. er. vtnetian blinds. Also rtne-;ar Enjoy financial and .social success. Reception ••oom furniture. 45 gal­ UiHidi- Diitioui Hoard •'>'i MICKEY FINN Here's Hoping;! LANK LEONARD 1946 PI.YM01TTH CLUB COUPE 375. Call Manchester 2-9997. FTJLL OR Part time meat cutter, garage Lol 100 x 140. Excellent OM.THAT'S a t o o t h WHY? WHAT’S WRONG WITH A N TlgU E S ReUnUhed. Repairing Train at home — In your spare lon automalic ga.? heater. U.Hrd GETTING A WISDOM TOOTH YOU —Radio, heater. Jet Maek. time -earn as you learn. Train­ counter man. Ai)eation for chil­ r WEa.REP-TOUHNOW POR "SYOU'LL GET WHEN PRO M ISED Good condition. 1950 STT’ DEBAKER CHAMPION done on any furniture. Tlemann. electric clipper, also used hair RE0ISTAKIN6THE VfE'RE GOING TO BE W HEN YOU'RE 21 .P ing prepared D> physicans and Market, .532 Middle Turnpike. I tor two. Complete light house­ dren. Full price $13,500. Alice MARRIED, P0P-B-6UT WHAT JEAME MEANS WHAT'S X.YOU’RE O LD ER! ME A 4-DR. SEDAN-31.49,5. 189 South Main street Phone dryer. James, 113 Main street ELEVEN O'CLOCK TRAIN A WRIST WATCH 1946 CHRYSLER RO YAL 4-DR — under supeiwision of a Registered East, mornings. keeping facllitic available. Cen­ (Tanipet Agency, 845 Main street. INSTE/COFTKETENJ HE WANTS TO TE U TO m e; 1 HOPE IT 1948 STUDEBAKER LAND 5643. tral. Reasonable Mrs. .lerome, 14 WISDOM n Heater. Everything In good Nurse. Cap and professional out­ SHALLOW W ELL pump and tank Phones 2-4543 cr 2 0880, Mr? he w ants id talk YOU HIMSELF/ TURNS OUT OKAY/ TOOTH condition CRUISER—Overdrive, radio R E LIAB LE Man for installation SIGN PA IN TE R desires truck let­ for -ale. Very good condition. Call Arch street, Ijt floor. Wagner 2-00’28. TO YOU,FOP-HE’6 1949 CHEVFtOLET 4-DR - New and heater—31.465. fit Included - phis beautiful and maintenance work. General tering or any small sign work graduation pin Send today for 8918 after 5. RMIT1NG IN THE , paint. Excellent tires 1949 OLDSMOBILE 88 2-DR. DE­ electrical and mvchanica! knowl- SUNNY ROOM for gentleman. PRESENT Owners have outgro.vn FTofesslonal of long standing CA8J LUXE— Radio and heater.— free information on the oppor­ edg'e desirable. Trcvlous experi­ Next to bath. .Near Mam street. thl.s two-year o il cn.slora built 1940 DODGE 2-DR. - Everything Phone 6981, call evenings. Is In good (mnditlon. 31.695. tunities In Practical Nursing. ence not essential. Will train man Boats and .Accessories 46 Phone 2-6659. five room '-onse. All five room* on Write Glenwood Cbireer Schools, 1948 OLDSMOBILE MODEL 76— selected. Pearl’s Appliance, 649 one floor wilii ample space to fin­ Open E-very Evening 'Til 9 P M . CABINET MAKING, reflnlsh and 7050 N. Glenwood, Chicago 26. FOR B'YATS motora. tackle, ma­ PLEASANT Room, private home. Radio and heater.—3! .395. repair furniture. Screens made to Main strecR ish two large rooms or the second Illinois. rine Hardware and paints Mc­ Next to bath. N ear’ Cheney's and order. Phone 2-9533. John Hahn. floor Situated or a lot 100 x 140 1948 CHEVROI.FTT AERO SE­ Intosh Boat Co.. North end Pur­ Center. Call 2-2044. BROWN-BEAUPRE. Inc. D A N — $1,265. that Is wei landscaped. Ha^ an HIGH SCHOOL boy to power mow nell parking lot Chris-Craft. artesian \?ell a:.d city sewerage 39 Bl.ssell St Phone 7191 STENOGRAPHIC aenlcea, typ­ Privete Infftmrtinius 28 BEAUTIFULLY furnished room |*INK lAim’ ing. letters, reports, composed, and trim lawn Call 2-3609. .Mercury. Cliamplon. Scott-At- bus line. North End. Private Llvjng room Is 'wl x 13 and has rv 1948 S-n-PEBAKER CAB and water jila-stercrati trailers Phone on 3 1948 CHEVROLET Fleetmaster 6- answered. Telepooned dictation, W A N T A Better Job. Study in ROUTE M AN for established home.1C. Gcntleineni preferred. Call flagstone fireplace. -o P CHASSIS m TON. 2-3 lo i Open fron. 9:30 a m to 8 "step-sav r” kitchen Good sized passenger ehih coupe, beautful delivery service. Mailing lists. All your spare time Machine shop. route. .Steady employment. Blue 3702. 1947 DODGE PICKUP i-j TON. p. m dining ’"ooni. Tv’ o bedrooms with condition In eveiv respect. Open accounts strictly confidential. Auto mechanicb, mathematic, Ooas. (jroiip insurance. Vacation Samuel LInsay. 2-4731. FURNISHED Room for one or plenty of closets Purchaser can Prop Man BY LESLIE TURNER till 9 p. m. Douglas Motors 3.3.3 drafting, engiiivering. building with pay. Othei benefits. Apply 14 FT THOMPSON boat, 17’ -j h. IWASII TUBBS CHORCHES MOTOR SALES two. Central, near bath Inquire have immediaio occupancy. Prlc- pools ,\M) NEK BUDDIES Out BY EDGAR MARTIN Main. business Hundreds of other In person Manche.slcr Coat. p. Exinrii'lr 4 cylinder motor MgAMWHiie.Tie RMPWKK f t m m ______Studehaker Sales and Sendee REFRIGERATION service. Com­ 224 Charter Oak. or 8368. IS 31.5 900 Shown by appoinlincnt courses. G. 1. approved. Phone or Apron and Towel. 73 Summit Complete. Ha.? been run approxi­ ! EA9V RC70E lU Vbu BLAMED CKCU5 FAMIUES 1941 niEVROLFrr special deluxe 80 Oakland Street mercial and domeatlc. We do not onlv. T J Crockett, broker, office y o o MftIWA VdtV V .Y DOY^'T WKVST t o K YviODV- I "SPBCTONKSHT ARE 6 0 CLANNI9H. AND AlOOF “ r'P H V U IS .I \AM0S.tl9TEMl THAT CRUtVlft , write Harold E. Manlon. repreaen street. mately .50 nour? Call 2-8025. LARGE Pleasant room w-ith twin y o o R t ’ BEE THE STOCK IPtiWON TOD TR«P TOCOmtCT four-door sedan Call 7363 after sell household refrlgeratora phone 5416, reaidence phone 3751. yoo'wfc DViDW ,«>OT VT TO TAX VOO'ttt AND (WT9AW0U5T TO T0WNE(t», I HAP TO 60 WIIH 1950 (TIEVROLET deluxe 4-door tative. International Correspon beds. On'bus line. Gentleman pre­ m TXfeW'NG MARKET— y 15 A PERFORItf R IN IRE OtCW George H. Williams Associates. [the show to KUOW you BETTEg! ■5 p. m. dence Schools. 607 Main street, 10 H P MERfTURY’ outboard (XST DOVtAft fS LOT 03 V4V«VfTWN<5 TWt«3t IN HI9 9H0ES! SO .«edan Beautiful grey car Fully Telephone, days 2-358.5. evenings ferred. Phone 5705. WOODBUIDGE Section. Excellent ME ,— I ME 0 E T9 A JOfi THATil C6MIMG TO WASHMOniN motor U,srd two seasons. I^’ss oeweH“\xcw t r-— =t/c5------1947 PONTIAC SnT four-door equipped Positivelv Uke brand 3622 Hartford 3, Omn Tel. 6-9955. ROUTE DRU’ER 6-room ranch home. Must be sold. I FROM TH’ PROF sedan Fully equipped. Five white new. Douglas Motors, 333 Main. than lOO hours. A-1 condition. LARGE ROOM. Twin beds. Con- June ocnipanry. Priced right. A. VO<& ? B 0 9 »! sidewall tires plus two snoweaps. ELECTTRU; Clocks, irons, toaatera, Mufit have good driv­ Price $200. rtepiacoment coat tini'ious hot water. Central Phone S. Burke Agency. Hartford 2- 1 mixers, lamps, \-acs and sewing Help Wanted—-f'emalc S5 $385. Phone 7707 4724. 7806. evenings Mr. Johnson, Man­ Eixcellcnt eondltion. Price 3950. Brand new 1951 Dodge Pick-up. 7 ^ machines expertly, promptly and chester 8741. YVit Call 2-0854. G IR L FOR pressing shlrta on two- ing record. Salary TWO DOUBLE room*, also one List price 31.485, now 31.295. economically repaired. AB( Ap­ girl unit. Good wages and hours 1948 M ARTIN 60 7 '- h. p.. Good light houaekeeping room. Inquire rWO-FAMJLY 6-4 rooms »,-acrc 1949 HUDSON Commodore 8, pliance Co 21 Maple. 2-1575. Apply In peraon. Maple Dry plus commissions. 195t Dodge Panel. List price condition. $75, Phone 7140. Nichols News Shop, .Depot lot. with large garden. 2-car ga- four-door sedan. New tirea, 31,- (^eanera and Launderers. 72 31,606. Special 31.345. Square. ' lage, overnead neon, shade trees. 500. Phone 8840. lANDSCAPTNG and grading. Maple street. Bulldozer for hire. No Job too Apply In Person Price 311.250, dqwn payment $3,- Best Terma—Best Trades Kiiitdine MnierinlF 47 '.'il 1948 CHE'VROLET FleeUlne 4- large or amall. Macri Brothers. SHARE HOME with widow. Full 800. In-ximc from 4 rooms $36.50 EFFKJIENT Girl for wrapping house prlyrllcges. Call 5451 after door sedan. Radio, heater and new COLE MOTORS—4164 5305 or 4523. and laundry. Good opportunity LUMBER, boarda and dimensions. pet month. Immediate occupancy MANCHESTER DAIRY 3 p. m. Urea Just like new and loaded for advancement Apply In per­ Paul F. Sehende , 187 Gardner 6 room single, large lot near with other accesaorles. Under school and bus. Price 118.500. 19.50 FORD Oislom deluxe 4-door HolwehoM Serriew son. Maple Dry Cleaners and 113 Summit Street street. Phone 2-0465. celling Terma arranged. Open sedan, radio, heater and other ac- Launderers. 12 Maple atreeL Buainetip lAiraiKins down payment 34,500. 5-room sin­ Offered 1XA evenings. CTarke Motor Sales, cesaories, lO .kiO miles. Cal! 2- For Kent 64 gle and garage 312,600. Cash Sherry Gets Help BY MI09AEL O’MALLEY Broad atreet. Tel 2-2012 SALESGIRL. Second or third year lM6miinrt!<— »Valche» needed 34,000 2-famlly flat 5-6 VIC FLINT 3526 after 5 p m FLA T FINISH. HoUaad window WANTED—Man for part time Pain, Huh? BY V. T. HAMLIN high school girl, for Thursday yvork adjusting sewing machines Jewelry 48 rooms, steam heat with oil, 2-car ALLEY OOP shades mada to meosuro. All OKKIU.E IN Orfurd miilding Real HOWASOLn’ TMOgftA night and Saturday work. Also and helping In atock room. Must garage. 5 rooms available. Price ^SHenev ea r ajaav.' s o m k m ill- IN INSPeCTDK SKOWL'S metal venation blinds at a new estate protesslonai ate Apply WELL, HOW D'YA) you \rrvu4^N0THftJ®,MvP»Air. X for aummer. Apply In person be­ have some mechanical ability and LEONARD A YOST, Jeweler re 315.000. Ca-th down 36,000. Very s illy LET /VIE HAV E IT WITH A OFFCE- low price. Keye made while you Marlow’s 5AVB1 Jk APFEN tJffiONBOFTHE ■Jl fore 3:30. Federa' Bake Shop, 886 ba able to work mornings. Singer pairs adjust watches expertly good grocery businesa with 6- KlR.6/ WE g o t t a 5CCAM/ WHWr CO "(OU WANT AAft wait Marlow’s. MV ' B69T rifle SHOTS IN THC i 10 PC, FUA^rr >TyEP065V\ Main atreet. Sewing Center. 832 Main street. Reasonable prices Open daily LARUE, ROO-Mt front offices room apartment and garage, fix­ COUMTir/, PROIlAftLV IN TV46 Thiireday evenings 129 Spruce available- xceltent location tor ENTR* UNPVMBft,W0A/Ty0U >MKACLESf t FUTOUTAN Ed Snllivan’s Special! W EAVING of bums, moth boles A REAL oppiirtunlty for the right tures. all foi 818.000. Cm >» down Ia l a KM fO K 5HEgRV FUPF and tom clothing, boelery runa YOUNG WOMAN. LuncheonelU street Phone 2-4.^'( professional use CaU Burton’a 810.000. Package store and grill work. Good pay. day work. Apply naan. (1) Salary. (2) Commiaslon /aNP THOSe TWO ®UV6 handbag* ropaired, xlpper r*- (when qualified). (3) Employees Inc. 5177. for sale. For appointment please I THAT NBAICLV KIUH? VOU Arthur Drug. Roy Vaughan call Howatd R. Hastlnga Phone MORIARTY BROS 1949 KAISER placement, umbrellas repaired, benefit plan. (4) (Jar furnished. Garden — Pnrn— Dairy STORE FOR Rent Inquire Diana’a 1 srr R3WN A N P BAT/*----- men’s ehlrt ooUars reversed and EXPERIENCED Sales clerk for (5) Vacation. (6) Unusual oppor- Producta Sll Soda Shop. 218 Spruce streeL 2-1107. replaced. IfarioW a Little Mending portunlty for advancement. You full time employment. Apply in Pnone 2-8093. O O LO N IAl 6 'Joms with 8 bed- 4-DR. SEDAN Shop. person. Marlow's. 867 Main atreet. must furnish ( 1 ) selling abiUty, PREMIERE strawberry plants (9 ) amblt^n, (3) permanency, 11,25 hundred, $10 per thousand. rootOM and two baths. Recreation D ESIRABLE Oftice iP «ce avail' room In basement has fireplace 8et Black. TWO WOMEN, good chara(;tar,' da- (4) driver’s license, <5) refer­ Rhubarb roots, 3 for 35c, rhubarb able Recently redecorated. Ideal Florlito—NorMriw IS and bar. .OU fired hot water heat. U s I • H J pendable, capable (general house- ences. See M r . Crocker, manager for canning, 20 pounds 81 Main street location. See B. D, worker and children’s nurse. A t­ Singer' Sewing Center, 832 Main Charles 0 ’Contio». 171 Union Flagstone terrace - awnings for . Pearl, 649 Main street. all windows. Attached garage. \ A PANSIES, Oeratduma, lettuce, tractive country home, modem atreet. atreet. Phone 5698. June occupancy. Price $19,000. $1195 broccoli bruuel liprouU, cauIL equipment. Own room and bath WANTEDi—Man to work In gaa SMALL Building for rent on flower, tomatoee, etc., at Oder- for each. Other help. Apply to- A L L KINDS Tomato, lettuce smd Sfruce atreet. formerly used James J. Rgh^n ft Son. Rectors, station, experienced man wanted. S17r»Hartfoi^ Road. Tel. 74$8. m, ■» 1* M«*

' \

TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1961 ATcraf* Doily Net Pt sm Run iHanrlF^at^r lEtt^nfatg If^ralb Fee the Week Ending May IS. 1951 of a newly organised Girl Scout McClure. Hoetessee for the evening LSkota OounclL Degree of Poca­ troop at Lincoln school, made a were Mrs. Fred Best and Mrs. Sam­ HOBBYS AND CRARS hontas. will meet tomorrow eve- Loral Wan Receive* P&W-Award Lincobi PTA subatantial caah contribution to uel Brown. 10,187 About Town Stag^t 7:30 in Odd Fellows hall. the school, and worked continually Miea Goodrich’s second grade Social activllies after the business toward completion of much-need­ again won the attendance banner HOBBY SHOPPE Member et Om Audit meeting are a secret, but a good Has Election ed new achoola. and will be given a party for hav­ Boreao ef OUenlatlone tiilliT T n li «< Cmmnii*! Luther- ing won it the greatest number of S Griswold St, Maacheater Mftncheater— A City of Village Charm time 1* assured. After the buslnesa meeting the w dSeSiwffl wMt rrt students who have been FOR COFFEE MAKER across the border in Chile. He left 8. Coast and Geodetie survey say Bradley, apparently looking on KEMP’S, Inc. adhe.sion of the fln braces when invited to the Rotary Club meet­ STARTS .AND STOPS this statement: the new moon comes next Mon­ Sigouniev 'I’tiol Aitle the Issue as having political impli­ FINE BEDDING applied after the sandblast and ing are the Mi.s.ses Arlene Peter­ RADIO SET OR ALARM To Grand Jury "In spite of my constant efforts day, i cations. told the Senators he waa Allied Intelligence offleers said Hurt in Fight With neither a Demorrat nor a Repub­ TEL. 5880 metal spray operation. son. Pat O'Hara. Carol Howes, REG. $42.95 to keep the political struggle 768' m a i n s t r e e t Eagleson haa been a previous Ruth Gib,son, Connie Glenney, within peaceful and tranquil pro- a striking force of 3t>n,000 Reds llnmuskrd, Arnird lican and had never voted. He winner of several minor awards in Janet Bradley and Je.s*le Lathrop. Manchester Youth Held ceaacs, V have been unable to ex­ was ready fir the signal to begin added: I the monthly suggestion contest* Also Freil Bllsh, Jr., Adrian tinguish political passion.* and the their biggest offensive of the war. Bandit Who FIcrs "Now, the statement has been Schniidhauser. Harold Moore, On a Charge of Draft country again finds itself in the One United Nations divisional made here to the effect that an but the April euggestlon mark* hi* Rotiert Naumui Photo entry into the major award cate- George Ca.se, Jr., Andy Gibson, Sale Evasion in Hartford dilemma of saving democracy or officer said the i ommunlsts "will Hartford, May 16— UP) —A Iron thirtaln' has been pulled Rudy VIgnone, Peter Plikaltls and $ 2 0 9 5 have to do more probing" before down over my testimony. 1 do not Your now be sent to the out of town rmirngeous official of the. Sigour­ .Jame.s Warren. Dinner will be (Oonttaned oa Pag* Twelve) Pictured above are the winners I the Development Commtsston; the attack. "They are not too think It has. Mr. chairman. Hartford, May 16— A 28- John E. Rogers. Richard Martin, judges, Sidney Edward*, Manag­ served promptly at 6:30 aa usual. of the second contest sponsored by familiar with our defense line*.” ney Tool company frustrated 9 "I have only declined to answer year-old Manchester factory the Manchester Development Com­ . and Mayor 'im'klngton. ing Director of the Connecticut I'Tnbe (YUnese Bnlldup daring payroll holdup by a lone worker who claimed memptlon Development Commission, Carle- mission with some of the mom Prizes of twenty-five dollars Allied patrols reaching across armtHl bandit in front of the com­ (Continued on Page Twelve) CARS WANTED AiiolKer Arrest Home Loon . .. from military service because of hers of the commission and Mayor each were presented by Mayor ton Sharpe, City Manager of the Hunt Red Cell the 10 mile wide no-raan's-tand pany's office on Sigourney street ALLESON’S 16-FOOT religious beliefs today was bound Harold Turklngtnn. Reading from Turklngt'on to the four wtners: City of Hartford, and Richard S. also probed continually Into fflil- MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR We will pay lop prices III Theft Case oyer to the Grand Jury on a left to right, in the front row, arc Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Correa, Mr. Childs, chairman of the Executive nese buildups. Deeper penetra­ this morning. FAMOUS MAKE eharge of draft evasion. In Navy Yard Mrs. Allan Taylor, one of the win­ Itogers and Mr. Martin. The Committee of the National Munici­ The official, H. R. Goodwin, 723 MAIN ST. (Corner Bissell SI.) Tel. 6G14 for Root! clean 1910 and . . . is our principal form of investment. Long experience makes tions ran Into artlller>' .fire from Police Hold Harold W. Hodgkins, 23, of 14 ners in the first contest also; Mrs. papers of these four prize winner* pal League. »elf-propelleIaJ. Gen. 3Iax\vell I). Taylor (OonUnued on Page Twelve) (Continued on Page Twelve) SAVINGS She said he did not appear con­ Cubic Yd. in Truck ORLEY. public yesterday by Frank Saw­ Ageiiey Funds Go to what the people In Japan Holy War If British Arias himself Is in Jail and will regular shirt styles. Blue, maroon and green, washable. Load Loti firmed Hodgkins’ testimony that yer, adjutant of the New Hamp­ thought alxiut the Mar.-^rthur stand trial May 25, charged with he failed to submit to induction shire American Legion. Purehase West Reich Blork Efforts to Na­ abusing hjs Constitutional powers. Screened Sand, on the March 14 date and in an­ dismissal. Sizes: Small, medium and large. and LOAN 963 Main Street FREEZERS At the same time. Sen. Bridges “ Well, all I ran say I* what Ex-offlclala picked up early to­ Stone, Gravel swer to a question by Asst. U. 8. (R., N. H.l said he has asked the Supplies from Greece tionalize Oil Fields KELLY'S Phone 2-1632 they say the GI's are naying,” Slash State Deficit day on government warrants association, inc - - Atty. Thomas J. Birmingham said House Un-American Activities were Foreign Minister Carlos N. NUSSDORF he did not appear for service since said the a*sl*tant Chief of Staff ALL ON SALE committee to Inquire into the Washington, May 16—(A*)—A of the \Ttny, "and that'*— Tehran, Iran, May 16 -oPi - A Brlnn, Finance Minister Rodolfo CONST. CO. • UU ANNIVERSARY YEAR • that time. charges. government offieial denied today Moslem terrorist was arrested TROPICAL Atty. Marvin D. Karp of Hart- ‘Good old Mar, first In rotation Herbrugor. Public Works Minlftsr Phone 8408 An aide to Senator Bridges said that the Economic Cooperation ad­ as In all things.’ ” after a gun battle today with po­ By Nearly $500,000 Cclso Carbonnel, Education Mini­ lice, who said he was plotting to fOontlnued on Page Twelve) ministration is discouraging the ster Cristobal Adan Urrlola and AQUARIUM (Continned on Page Five) use of ECA funds to buy U. S. to­ assassinate Premier F. Moham­ Jose Ehrman, Presidential secre­ bacco. med Mossadegh. tary. 29 SUNSET STREET 16-INCH ECA Deputy Administrator Cliiaiig Urges The Moslem was identified as Budget Director ReporiH Seeoiid Downward District Attorney Dario Sando­ Richard M. Bi.ssell, Jr., wrote Rep. Abolghassm Rafiee, the Number val said he had ordered the min­ Abbitt (D-Va) that ECA "is fully T3vo man in Fedayan Islam, the Revision Since I.,o4lge’ » Feh. 1 AsHeiiilily Message isters’ arrests because they were TROPICAL AND ADMIRAL U. S. Proposes Greeks, co-stgnera with Arias of the de­ FOR SALE prepared to consider most sym­ Use of Troops fanatical religious secret society pathetically any request for such which Is held responsible for the state Capitol, Hartford, May 16 appropriations of nearly $1,000,000 cree scrapping the 1946 Constitu­ GOLDFISH WEDNESDAY CONSOLES use of its funds.” slaying -o f former Premier All ilVi— A downwarxl revision of needed to finish the biennium. In­ tion-the act which touched off MEN'S SECOND-HAND Abbitt recently wrote the ,ECA nearly $500,000 in the State's an­ cluding $7.60,000 for payments to the violence and brought the Pres­ LIST PRJCE $439 Turks in Pact Sphere On Mainland Razmara in March. ident’s downfall. AND REBUILT concerning a report that officials Premier Mossadegh has taken ticipated deficit for the present towns for state paupers and $16.5.- of that agency had aided In a refuge behind locked door* in biennium wae reported today to 000 for the expenses of the General MORNING < Treasury Balance Proposes Counteroffen­ parliament, fearing threats against Gov. John Lodge Ly Budget Direc­ Assembly: 91 Sole AgenU Id Mancheater (Contlnurd on Page Five) his life. tor Robert H. Weir. Weir told newsmen it was hla Britain Willing to Open Talks on Extending Washington. May 16—(ff)—Ifca SHOES ONLY! sive from Formosa to Police quoted Rafiee aa saying The Governor announced at his "prime objective" to achieve MILKMAID Sale Atlantic Alliance Security to the Near East weekly news conference that the I balanced budget for this biennium position of the Treasury May 14: Defeat Resed to extending the treaty sys­ ed budget for the current biennium CONSUMERS tem into the Middle East and some Alternate Plan trooper in Fairbanks, Alaska, falls Your Clothes TABLE MODEL (Continued on Page Twelve) (Oontinned on Page Uva) may be attained." (Late BoilMlM ot Om on WIra) of the best Informed officials here six stories, lands on concrete side­ Britain and France are two of The new deficit estimate was the LIST $219^95^ doubt they will change their the chief members of the Atlantic walk—and lives t< talk about It. positions readily. American Broadcasting company second downw.»rd revision since Dazzling white, color bright as only the PARIS CURTAIN SHOP alliance. The State department re­ Lodge submitted his budget mes­ However, foreign diplomats In­ ported that "because membership wU remain under Its present VOTES TAX ON BOOKIES, LOTTERIES 829 MAIN STREET ownership, says ABC Board sage to the General Assembly on finest, most modern laundry equipment dicated that upon U. 8. suggestion In NATO would be one method for Pledges Britain to Back Washington, May 16— (iiP)— The House Ways and Means GREEN the British government was willing Chairman Edward J. Noble. February 1. He estimated then Sale providing for the security arrange­ can do the job. Our modern machines treat to review ita oppoeitlon and con- Arab League’s Political commit­ that the deficit a'ould amount to Ckimmittee voted today to impose a special 10 per cent tax on LIMITED QUANTITIES • ments, we expect also to discuss $7,400,000 and that the new bud­ your clothes gently, wash them thoroughly aider a change. This may also be the subject in the near future with tee is asked to undertake mobiliza­ U. S. in War Against Reds bookmakers, numbers operators and lottery managers. Under true of other member governments. tion of all Palestinian Arab refu­ get for the blemilum beginning the committee’s plan, the government also would collect a and Iron them neatly. If you haven’t yet THE SMART DRESS The fact the U. 8. la undertaking the governments of all countries next July 1 would have to provide In NATO." gees to support Syria against any 350 a year occupational tax from the operators of such tried NEW MODEL call 8072 now. You’ll SLASHING REDUCTIONS STAMPS these talks at all means this gov­ aggression by laraeL New York, May 16—(JP—Sir can do, short of fatally weakening money to wipe It out. SHOP If tha Washington idea of broad­ gambling systems. Race track pari-mutuels would not be like the results. ON ernment favors membership for the Spain, Japan and Weatem Ger­ Gladwyn Jebb, chief British dele­ our main position, to aislst the Democrats have contended from 1018 BIAIN STREET two Near Eastern oountriee—and ening the treaty—which requires the outset that there will bo no taxed. unanimous agreement of present many are formally admitted to gate to the United Nations, has general effort, we shall do, even If a a a DIVEN W ITH Brunner’s perhaps other Mediterranean lands membership in UN World Health pledged that Britain will stand that rcBuIta, as it may well result, deficit this biennium. Thus, they —as the best way in ita view of members—does not go through iPo* 78 RPM RECORDS 1NCX3RPORATED Organization. "whole-heartedly with the United in some lowering of the standard have insisted. Lodge’s proposed ap­ SENATE FOR LOAN OF WHEAT TO INDIA save meeting their continued demands then the government here proba­ States In the general struggle of living In Great Britain Itaelf, propriations for the next Biennium for American backed protection bly will fall back upon some alter- International Court of Justice Washington, May 16— (/P)— The Senate voted today 52 to POPS. POLKAS. COWBOYS. CLASSICS recognizes Cuba’s right to Inter­ against Communist-Inspired ag­ which has been so laborioualy built can be cut by at least the $7,400,000 TOTS TEENS, INC. 358 East Cantar St. against the threat of Communist nstive plan such as a Mediter­ the Governor said would be needed 32 to put the proposed aliipment of 2,000,000 tons of 956 MAIN STREET vene in dispute between Colombia gression." up since the war.” DON’T WALK— RUN TO CASH attack. ranean or Near Eastern alliance He said that Britain early in to take the State out of the red. grain to famine-threatened India on a straight loan basis. Jebb defended Britain's record A London etory yesterday aald and Peru over asylum given Peru­ supplementing the European one. vian revolutionary Raul Haya De In the Korean war and her trade the war halted exporta of strategic Weir reported that anticipated a a a the U. 8. Ambassador there, Wal­ Greece and Turkey began press­ Increased collections from the sales iiM Opwi La Torre in Colombia embassy In policy toward Red China In a mat'eriala to Communist C2ilna, SAYS ARMY NABBED SPIES IN TIME ter Gifford, had asked the British ing for membership in the Atlan­ Lima. speech before the New York City particularly petroleum products, and corporation tax made the down­ SALES government for support in an ef­ tic treaty system more than a Yal; University announces that Bar aaaociation. but not rubber. Now, he said, ward revision of the deficit possi­ Tokyo, May 16— (4*)— A prosecution witness in the spy trial Wm Im Thur^ FrI. fort to include Greece and Turkey year ago. The subject waa dis­ Eldwdn J. Beinecke of New York Great Britain, he declared, “la rubber ahipmenta also are em­ ble. of 16 North Koreans and two Japanese testified today that Potterton’s AT THB STORES USTED AT LEFT an full membera la the North cussed when ths NATO foreigil City, member of class of 1907, has wholeheartedly with the United bargoed. The combined total increase Army agents nabbed the suspects just in time. H* said thf LARGE STOCK— ALL SPEEDS, 33. 45. 78 Atlaatie Treaty organisation ministers met in New York last presented his collection of Robert State# In the general struggle The British diplorngl prediettd from those levies, he said, teae TII P.M. $1,500,000. From that figure, he accused had collected a vast quantity of military secreta bat AT THE CENTER 539-541 MAIN STREET 9 (NATO). After firat declining com­ Lm 6s Stevensoa to unlvefsity U- against Communist-iaaplred ag- greaalon. X X X Evaiythlng wa (OoattMed ea Faff* Twe) irajx>rt^ must be subtracted wctraHiad hot yet relayed them to Ckunmunist Korea. ment, the State defartment said (Coattausd w Paca Twa) brarr. A