Cwa Arlf'''si
t8m1i.,folie cWa_arlf'''SI::rh,~ '_~ul~ri~, _~~e~te~, ~,il'l: pe~(Jr~:",' ,r~c,~h~'l.~~,<~ ':~~~I~n~n has ~~p~ar~d ::- .. .Gear;g,e: Berl"!ard., Shaw's :.,masterfv"" il1;:.,the. s~ap." p~.=_ras :."GenE!ral: ., .. " -II ,o~ stage' at Way~~,St~fe!::" ,H~~,p.~t~I,(,,:','":~~~Y~' :',~f,_··o.~t-'::~~y~_:,~~~~~~~ ebr~skcf.M~r,ch 23t'The'~-"The_ Young,:"C:'ntJ.:,"tne, R~5.t.1~,ss".~':Id old :"Serle~' ~rfor,m~n_~e~1 't~tar~~n/, 'Jo:h,n:"pr,qskY,t,,, W~~ .. p,lay~ I _ "",,' at. 8 p'.m., in 'Ramsey' ~ex~ M1II, ~p"p.~~red, ,I~.- th~" ',Pars:. 'rh~_tre_'ln,·_the Val ',Peterson ,Fln,e] .~c:><un,t, ",f1I',rn<,.,,·:r.ll~, 'Lord~,,_ of ~A~Js::C,ent~_r.. '··.>_.l~,,,L :Oi_S~I~Ii~:':~,~d.',S~S'."Th~ ,-C,~~,e, Ii,f ,_,~h~WIS :~Candi~~u is a. varlati,on'ot. Oe,~dlt: ,F~r~e~'j ',,~9hn ,M~lloy, .~;ho,' .'the ;:?ti,me1ess :"themes, ,Qf a, ~over(s:- pla~s ~~,;:~~rgesS)n"thepn:~ductlo~, trla~91e",oC~ida'(p,ltwed 'by actress' has :b~n "in, ,i50ni~" ',31000' ra,cUo, and M,ary''c?fBra~Vl Is, t~ Victorian wife felevls!on, ,,~et1lme~clals, ,ind,udfng ,a ofa,sc)clallst minister, (actor, Tere~ce year asTY'~ ::,M~;'~G~dwrer;Jch.'; - ~ -'~'artriant,wtJo:tri~~p::-hts-WIfe::~" - :the,:~u,r::I~gpr.~~uct,lonof:,Guthrie's f,rQry;, \J~Ulng: :for 'a ,young" c'stroog_' "Candi.;ta'~: ,IS ,h'l,t~e ,~,ldSt·,pf iI' fo~.r w.l.l.led.~oet (act~r Peter Toran).,,~an·; mo:nt,~' 29"sta"te, t~ur: th~t ~~retches I' dlda,' as t~,~ audience' wm, ~iS: the' from, New, Ha"':lp~h,l,re:Jo, Sap" qlego_ ~ .'ld8.".
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