-• . -VV. '^••r.T-.-.,3'^^Jfc' j.-- ■■ -i '■7i ->(';>«--i'"'Vt'5-7 1^ !#*■«};'. iH>' - jvttt ^ K" •' ■••''» • I MONDAY, MAY 14,1951 The Weather m ^ : ' ■ A v «n g a Dally Net Press Ron rofooMt of 0. 0. Waathor EaroM fllanriitratfr lEpgntng IjgraUi For the Woeh Ending >AG**BWrt'nSEM May 13, 1951 of Bunahlns, Barbara Ann B ayl^ Today fair, warm, aanny; to­ Mlaa Betty Jane Crosier of Rua- Winners Chosen three year old daughter of M r 1 0 ,1 8 7 iU m trljp fitp r U p r a l u night fair; tomorrow fair, warm, Anyone intereated U ■ell street, whose marriage to Her­ and Mrs. Anthony Bayles of 87 aaoiyr.,.- ,/ a* ■ ifK!tur6 by Kstbor Jonn bert F. Kearns, Jr., of Maple atreet, North School street. Barbara Ann BUoihar of the Aodlt V KeJnedl M^ociate editor of the At State Theater has appeared on kiddle amateur About Town will take place at Center church on programs over Staton WON8 re­ Bureaa of OUanlatlons Manche$ter-^A City of Village Charm ratholic Transcript, on Sunday, Saturday. June 2, was honored Double Green w of 7 30 V. m. at the Con- with another misccllaneoua ahowr “ Uncle” Jack Sanaon brought cently and also takes dancing lea- J “ n? ^ ’ our^i^dy of the Cenacle, boi)8. Barbara Ann. dressed In PRICE FIVE CENTS vent of our ^ ^ Middletown. er, recently, by relatives and the aeries of kiddle matineea to a (SIXTEEN PACES) yellow, sang Tm a Lonely Little (CUteelfled Adverttetaig ^oa Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1951 friends. The party was given at close Saturday, with the awarding VOL. LXX, NO. 191 «u» fonn of • v*n«ty 5 r . r ; r . win's™™.,., -o.. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Petunia." May 17 at On Broadway. A. Daoust of 160 McKee street, of the grand prizes to the three Although there were only three Stamps ^ ^ th e Ma*»tc Tempt' ™ * who was Bssl.stcd by the brides top winners in a gala finale. With prizes to award, all the other coci- Miss Anna C. Sampson, chapman teataota deserve honorable men­ , v « . t ha* of fancy mother. Mrs. Harold Crorier. The ten candidates to Introduce, nf the Volunteer Nurses Aioes. hostesses used white decorations tion: Beverly Burger, Diane Car- . ,K.f it is most important “ Uncle" Jack kept the show going GIVEN WITH CASH SALES and flowers. roll. Donna Wlldman, Mickey Ro- JjJUSS to by the mern^rt »^n^ ?H*.f'*Re5 C r ^ v X n te e r Nurses at an even pace, and after several maniw, Jo Ann and Robert Vinton, /ferfs Rush ‘xides he ?n^r-printed for C.v Manchester Grange members are rounds of applause, the audience Marlette Gagnon and Glen Jorgen­ Buildup iBradley Blasts MacArthur their *f*“ 'j5;_!?*tee*’*and they DMen-se work, and requests all reminded of the supper, which is chose as the grand first prize win­ sen. t^a vviio can posflibly All Day Tuesday to be served Wednesday ner, little Susan Lanz, daughter of C ^dS^rw dU ble prices. report to Police headquarters this At 6:30. ill connection with the week, between the hours of 1.00 66lh anniversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. E. Howard Lanz of Job's Hill, Ellington. Mrs. Lanz IN Offensive^ and P:00 p m. Manchester Grange In Orange hall. For New _ is the former. Miss Eileen Blckley. St Christopher's Mothers f'"'c>e Mrs Waller Vernier of Ray­ Susan, who is only four and a half SERVICES years old, learns her songs by FOR SALE will meet Wednesday eveniuR at mond Ron<l. who h,as been spend­ HALE’S SELF SERVE Tokyo, May 15—(AV-Chi­ , elKht o'clock at the home of Mrs. ing several weeks in hoi I Pierce, listening to records and takea Policy on Korean Conflict That Inteppret tha wishes ' Kdward McGrepor. H I Drive B. Klorida, expected to leave that town dancing lessons. nese Communist troops were U. N. Troops Await New Assault in Korea MtN'S SECOND-HAND today on her return trip home. Close second prize winners were of the family. reported tonight to be cross­ a cowboy duet, Wayne Keith, son AND MEAT DEPARTMENT a n d r e r u i l t ing two rivers on the rainy Tlie county convention of the of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Keith of 56',i 0 i p International King's DaugtUers Birch street, and Ralph Barber, central Korean front around • Sinave STATUTI Mills rummage sale son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Barber John B. Burke tp }\ Tender Afire After Collision and Sons will he held at the Cen­ Mlaa Helen Smoluk SUNUGHT Chunchon in front of strong Plan Defense Says U . S. SHOES ter Congregational church tonior- of 36 Cottage street. Wayne plays FUNERAL HOME U. S. Positions. PokVye^ NORTH KOREA FRIDAY. MAY 18 i row. the flr.st meeting starting at the qultar. These two youngsters Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smoluk of presented a little skit before going 9:30 A. M. I 2 .30. supper at 6. and 116 Oak street announce the en­ S7 East Oeator Bt. Ib L SSSS BUTTER Lb. 73c Tokyo, May 15— (/P) — S ib y o o ^ Kumbws.*^5Hw^ Hwothpn j i" ^ Of Indoehiiia SAM YULYES nlng meeting starting at i :.30 Into their novel arrangement of ' c R t u r v ir \ r- •' Not Ready Amarican L•9^on Hall gagement of their daughter. Miss "On Top of Old Smokey.” Rain-drenched Chinese troops • i * Auspiers American I.eglon Aux. Helen Smoluk to Leslie W. Florek, H A U ’B 701 Mailt Stroat Third prize went to a wee bundle son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Flor­ plodded south through cen­ Hwachonj' Asaiiisl Reels Local 'r<‘acluii*s ek of 82 West street. Lb. 77c tral Korean mud today in PARALLEL'^ For W a r 3 Miss Smoluk was graduated COFFEE their buildup for a new of­ ^•Kaeiong' from Manchester High school with fensive. High U. S., Frenrh, Brit- At Health Parley the class of 194.6 and Is now em­ 46 OZ. C AN LIBB'Y’S C h u n tb o n l Washinglon. May 15— (/P) ployed hy the Aetna Casualty and Spearheads of a growing K ap yo n g i»Ii Military Meet in An Important conference on Surety company of Hartford. PINEAPPLE JUICE 35c Red force facing the center J — (Jen. Omar N. Bradley said ■Health Instruction in >''e Kic- Mr Florek attended Enfield of the 100 mile United Na­ I - Singapore to DiwouHs today the United Staten is not High schiKil He served three years lU ijo n g b u M HonGchon • ^ menlarv School " was held at the GREEN GIANT tions line were reported 12 prepared for a global “ show Panhurv Slate Tea. hers t .illege with the Coast C.iinrd and Is now Anii • Invasion Moves Saliirdav. n.def;ates from_ all employed hy the Bigelow-Sanford miles south of the 38th paral­ down " with Russia. He testi­ Cans over the slate were present in- Carpet company. PEAS 2 39c lel. HoonGionG Singapore, May 1.I - (,Pi-High- fied that to strike directly at eludtng school health consultants, The wedding date Is set for Sat­ United Nations patrols spotted Chlp'yonG f- "i -•'A ranking Army, Navy and Air com­ Red China would “ involve us school nurses, elemenlaiy teach­ urday. August 18. 9 OZ. CAN DEL MONTE SLICED OR CRUSHED Communists in units of 500 or 600 H P ' Pyongchang manders of the United States, in Uie wrong war’" with “ the ers and administrators. slogging through the hills east of ^ S\< WONJU Britain and France opened talks wrong enemy." Those attending from Manches­ Kapyong. The U. 8. Eighth Army ^ ^ .- . ,-o.lcboo ter were Mrs. Cecelia Wandt. Mls.s PINEAPPLE 2 c . n . 33c did not indicate how close they SUWON here today on overall military Nothing would “delight” HiiMah Riiller, Miss Khr.ahcth were to U. N. lines. strategy in southeast Asia and the Kremlin more, Bradley Krspowicz. Mrs Melhe Farr. Miss Kumyangiaog .'^ 7 The name HOLMES ha« Ua , iip, SUNSWEET But no fighting was reported what should be done to counter told Senators, than for this Har.cl Hooev and Miss Fli.saheth from this area Clashes elsewhere any new Communist aggression. country to adojit Gen. Doug­ follest meaning in the Bennct They spent a worth- THE FINEST Q L on the rainswept battle line were SOUTH High on their agenda, it is las MacArthur s Korean war it ha-«; served since 1 I while day. PRUNE JUICE 33c between groups of 100 or 200. known. Is what disposition should strategy and carry the fight­ HOLMES FUNERAL HOMES The visiting teachers had the The Eighth Arm y said the Reds KOREA T an yan g be made of Allied armed forces in ittlvilege of a personalty condiict- IN the event Communist China inter­ Founded Sn Se^ice . • Succeeding on Sert.ee NO. 3'/j CAN 8UOARHEART » east of Kapyong were south of the Vs -> ing to China. Directors , , ' ed tour of the ultra-modern new Pukan river. This would put them venes in Indochina, gateway to Tho chairman of the Joint I .science building They also viewed 85 to 40 miles northeast of Seoul Black arrows show approximately where IT. N. troops are dug In rubber and tin rich Malaya. Chiefs of Staff was before the M .ric H o lm ,. H o w o rt C. H olm e.
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