Confracfor on New Road P'e1·forms in Big League One'· of lho nntlon's hlggm;l rl~:lrl PfiHJIHIIIfur·tion lnst;, C'ounty hlghwiry c~ontnwlnro hnH tho non· The Ingham on, cqulprnrJnl nnrl fl· tmct on tho Mnsnn·Ln~lln Hnnllnn nlrrH!Inf:, Ninety-Seventh Year, No, 16 rtf US'I 27. S. ,), Groves & SnnH, 'l'hn stnlo rrrlrnlnllitt'ullvr. bonrrl Mason, Michigan, Thursday, April19, 1956 with nn nfflrm In Ann Arbor, hn~ Hfnrnpnrl Its llflfJrovnl nn 1110 4 Sections - 30 Pages Its lwurlf]llfll'tOl'S In Minncapnllt;, Gmvrs mnli'iH'I '1'11rsrlny, Tlw It Is rloflnllnl,v big Jnngrw, It Wloll eontr;wls wn1·o mnllr.rl nul nnrl nrc lmu·twr.l nt 1110 slntc IJighwny ric· Council Gives pnrlmcnl, P.XJlCf'lml ln. h~ slgrwrl within il wrc!l<. 11lon~: with llw hnnrls r·r.· J]ermtse of llw size of the .loll, CJLtlred, Worl< will Ill! stnrtorl ill $1,fl7~,28!l,GH fn r t hr. 7 mllcr; of onm, llw hlghwny rlr.pnrtmcnt Fill Dirt for Firemen'· Hold Loss supm·hlghwuy, hlddrm; harl to nnnnuneerl. At Its morotlng Tllr.Hrlny llw slnll' nrlmlnlslrnllvo hourrl uiHfl State Highway nppmvcrl IIH! nwnnl of n r:onlmet Supreme Court tn l3nrmr. & l3oono, Trnvnrsr. C!ly, ' l~nur city councilmen 'nt a To About $30,000 ' . For lhr.\ F'ltl'ilhllr~ rmul hrlrl~:e sneclnl meeting Monday night across 1 Port11gn river. Tlw pri~Je gnve nwny nn e:;tJmuled 100,000 Is $:!7,fil!J,•I!l. Altllough the hrlrlge cubi!J ynnjs of 1111 dirt. It will he Grants Woman Is on n cottnly I'OIIfl, tile Hlnll! used In the Mnson·Leslln supeJ' hlghWIIY rlopnrlmont llllnrllorl llw highway. They rcvcrscrl t11e de· In Ball-Dunn Blaze Chan(e !Pitln~ hr.r:rJJtSr! f«!rlr•ral funrls am l'!slon of the council Monday Appeal br!lng user! In llw financing. nlglll, What. could well have been a $]00,000 fire at. lhc Ball­ By actlnn of tile Michigan su· Others supplying dirt to the Dunn furnitu1·e sl.ore Tuesday aflernoon came! out between stnte will he paid 6c a yard. premo c:ourl Mnndny, Mrs. Mar· ~20,000 and ~30,000. Quick uclion on the part of fit·emen, garcl ,Jordan, 40, mny get r1 new reuJ rllrl will he mined from trlrJI. School Board n top clty·ownerJ property on headwot•k by employes and help fmm the [HtiJiie choked off Slw Is nlsn gettln!: n taste of Bnrncs street ncar the city limits. $70,000 01' $80,000 of IOHS. frecrlnm while nwnlllng decision The dirt will he lruclement Ill'· night. Mnrrb claimed that the was unclet· control anrl I he flll'· Entire Stock •• with r:nusing tile rleHih nf Len· twc•r>n lltr. Mnson ho;rnl rof Prill· eii,Y Is running out of gravel in nitum which harl IJocn t'e· wnorl Stowe on Dohlc road Mny 2, c·atlon anrl tho superitltenclent the r:lly pits west or Barnes moved was all under shelt.e!'. 1!)5,1, by striking him wllh her pmverl unfrn111rled. By unanimous street. He estimated thnt there car. The c:hargc wan murder. The vnto WerltlC'sday night lhn hoard arc about 20,000 yards left anrl, But it wasn't as easy as Ihat. Of Furniture jury tosser! out I he counts of both nffcrcrl Supt . .Tnmes II. Vamlcr he deelnred, the supply won't Schuyler Smith anrl ,John I low· first rlegrc:e and second degree Yen a new conlraet frll' the eom· lnsl more limn a couple of years, lett had !Jeen burning packin~ murder and convicted her of man­ lng schnol year. Tlwy also vnir:ed Jle recommended that the city malct·lal behind the store a/HI to Leaves Town confldenr:c In his arlmlnlstratlnn. tnlcc the opportunity to get l"id of slnughlcr. The appeal for a new the west of the worlt shop and ' Ball-Dunn will h11Ve no lire sale trial Is hnscrl on the contention builrlln~ For n wr.el< rumors hnrl the fill dirt locnted over possible storage room, a f1·ame as a result of their hlat.e Tuesday. that negligent homlclrlc should current IIHtt thr. faeully was snllt gravel deposits. At the meeting coated with lin, They wcrr. ccr· have been Included In the charge tain thnt the fire was out. How­ !~very st ide of flll'llilurP, all mal· over nclminislratlon pnllrlcs anrl Monday night, councilmen first tresses, floor lamps anrl every· to the Jury. That's n lesser of· thai the sehnnl hoard was also approved the plan, and then lett went to school. Smith went thing else ( Beers, 14, Sidney Morrison were trying their hands at the during the afternoon stopped long clo~ing the doors to keep the fire mills. general contractors for the high· ancient m·t of mailing candles. enough so that furniture on the from rcad1ing the main part of Sid · Morrison, former Mason The 10·mill t11x will ralsc nhout way· job, claimed that this Is an mayor, was hired by the city They h<~cl IJuil! ,a fire in a small street could be moved to the the store," Dunn said. "The flre· $111,835, wl1ir:h with slate aid, unusually good opportunity to laundry stove in -a playhouse at empty Swartout. building without men were on lhe joh in 11 hurry. council Monday night to admin· will add up Io $508,852 for oper· gC!t rid of the dirt for free. lster the new building code. No the CJ·Ibley fnrm on Ewers road. suffering moisture damage. Scores nf men and boys helped salary was set. Morrison said he ating. Ferris stated that he has The Paraffin exploded, smcmlng Dunn moved his accounts t·c· move heavy plc!'r2s of furniture wanted' to do some inspecting and For the school year the· agreed to sell an estlmnted 47,000 the fncc of Gerald Cr·iiJicy with ceivablc and other records to the out of the smoke." see what was involved. rlistrlct had 9.23 mills for opcr· cubic yards of fill dirt to the the flaming liquid. One side of offices of the Da1·l National com· "Unless yoLt'vo hl'l'll through a The former mayor retired from ating. slate for Gc a yard, plus hauling the Beers !my's face was also pany. lire," Dunn continued. "you may the Wyeth Laboratories Inc. en· The hoard nulhorizcd the super· charges. The Ferris pit adjoins struck. Firemen, Dunn ami Smith not appreciate the services of ginecrlng department 3 years lntendent to issue teacher con· the city's. The JTlOthcr of the 2 Cribley agree that sparks from the ruh· insurnncc agents 11nrl mljusters. ago. tracts. He said that 8 t eachcrs Some of the proposed digging boys look all 3 of the cnndle blsh fire started the blaze. 'l'here We llnvc founrl that lhe agents Morrison Is wr.ll·vcrsed In all have Informed him of their lnten· will be In A residential property malale: Council Mayor Alfred Forche declared organization of the Capital Clr· tentton of mining ftll dirt or GOOD WORK by firemen not only saved Ball-Dunn from a an officinl county highway milp thnt low officers would be on the stupendous loss Tuesday afternoon, but it saved others in the block, of the Ball·Dunn store anrl had t•nnm•. l'•·ldny evening, 'April 20, and all cull after the departure of 3 Ea· gravel below a level appropriate and you can't lose with an Ing. reached the AI Rice body shop il ilny Sntuo·dny, "'"'~!_1 _· _ 16wl loolwut for violators of the code l.oo. Mason City b11kery on the west and~A. A, Howlett & Co .. on ham County News want nd. You ton county teilms after next year. for house construction on the 2 block west when he heard the HCA-Vi<:loi'-Snvc on I'C""'' coupon and their names would be turned Members said they needed more lots. In the resolution passed at the east would likely have lost heavily had the flames reached the can gel hoth fo1· the price of one. over to the. building Inspector. fire siren. Then smoke was bil· hoolt" nvniloolole "'· MooKOH Home AnPII· time to study the situation, the special meeting Tuesday, main Ball-Dunn roof. As the firemen were rolling up hose, Glen Place a 50c want ad for next towing out where he had seen no UIII'C, 16\\'l I o, -~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~- digging on city property will be Dunn (left) took time out to voice his appreciation to one of the week and you'll get the map trace of smol~e a few seconds he· Sl. JoomoH Alt'"' Srwiety linked Good• firefighters, Chet Smith. free. Snlc nt. c:ourL hnu:io 2~r; un l'riclny, April under the supervision of Wayne fore. 2n. !Gwl Mason Band. Goes. On Early Curtis, street superintendent; The • F • / Ferris Co. has 30 days to act on Sh t E h • Republicans Choose State Delegates At ·Sf at e M_ USIC es 1IVG the city offer, according to the o mp as1zes News Index Mason's school band wlil per· resolution, It also requires th£! R L Wanl ads, Pages 6, 7 anrl form 'bright and early Saturday performances between 8 a. m. comlpanyh to malnttalln Ktpdp I"Dad . equest to eave 8, Part l. mol·nlng at the annual Michigan 'lnd !) p. m, The university audl· dur ng t e excava on an to re· So~al news, Pages 4 and 5, torlum will be supplemented by store It to its present condition or Part ; Page , Part . President's Leadership Wins Praise stale school bnnd and orchestra 1 4 2 festival. It will be at. Michigan the use of Jenison gymnasium, better when the job Is completed. When Celio Ichlnni of Stock· Letters to editor, Page 2, "It's difficult to comprehend Fraser declared. Eisenhower's to be Individuals ahd not just an State, The Mason band Is sched· the music building auditorium Councilmen also stipulated In bridge suggests to a guest that PaJ't . . any intelligent Individual not own religious convictions·, spot· unorganized, hungry and cold h I tl · th t If tl It's time (o leave it's a good idea 2 h h 1 1 t it d t 1 f bj t 1 " uled to play Its concert at 8:30 and East Lansing high school t e reso u on a ever 1e to hid farewell. Editorials, Page 2, Part 4. than!~ 1ng God t at we ave ess n egr y an s rang c mr· mass o su cc peop e. In the morning In Jenison field auditorium. state decides to pay for. the city Classified directory, Page 8, Dwight D. Eisenhower in the acter have led the nation down a Herbert R. Bnlley, Leslie, was house. The public may attend any of 1111 dirt, then the money will be James Arnett, 55, of Stocl<· Part 4. presidency," Archie Fraser, Ol~e· path of righteousness, he added. elected delegate to the state con· Milson Is In Class·B,.·qualtfylng the concert centers free of turned over to the_.cltr.. bridge ·didn't take the hint to Legal' notices, Page 8, ·Part mos, told 200 Republicans at a He said that more people are vention to represent Alaledon and by winning a superior rating at charge. Information about any o! · depart, not until he was nudged ' 1; Page 8, Part .2; Pages 6, 7 county convention ln Mason making more money, saving more Vevay townshlps. Walter R. Car· the district festival at- Charlotte groups taking part will wltli.a .32 calibre bullet. The shot and 8, Part 4. · Wednesday night. and spending more than at any ven was elected alternate. Other on March 17. . · he available at a special desk set Lesl•"e Awa' r-ds struck Arnct in his, right knee. Farm news, Pages 3, 4 and The convention met 1\t the high other time In history. delegates and alternates ele!.]ted Each band In. the state festival up In the lobby M the MSU Mu· No warrant has yet been Issued 5, Part 4. school to select 50 delegates to In contrasting the Democratic In caucus were Aurelius and On· will do a warm-up ·march, a re· qui red selection· and :a .free se\'ec· sic bullcllng. s· ·( · for Ichinni and none may be, it · the state convention in Detroit party and the Republican p liy jlltJJrtl fill' illl'rl\\' h,lf k lr1 ofllrtal whose cll!IY II sluill hP lo l'llfm·r•p 1111' provisions tltcrf'of, 1o 1B·yenr-nlrl soltller nltcnriNl Elsie !'llllh. 11 Sll'lll'l! lltr> IHill 1111111 ill pi'IIVtrlr• fo1 n Bour·d of Appcnls, lis pnii'PT'K ttnfi rlu1les, nnrl the pro· till' II'PIIl, <'lii(tplng- oil 2 of lill'lll y hoy <~nil )'llllllg nr•w.1i of this inll'rlrn OnllnnnPe, llill) Carl hurl 111'1'11 slroflllo~' 'I' I II~ '1'0\VNST!IP BOARD Ofo' VI~VA Y 'I'OWNSIIJP, INGHAM Jaycees Meet at St. Johns l/r·nws high 11p tntn tlu· "inrl dill! < n!IN'I'Y, MICHTCAN, ORDAINS: I !1 tt II ll liH'llillllllillgloti'.Jr•iJIIu•.rtlri\Vs MOJ'C I HITI 17 II t'!nr f!( lC dS !Iii'\' fpJI ' ' Alt'J'ICU~ l seventh rllst 1II' I Junior ChnmhCl' 'rT'rU~ ANlll'UitPOSJo: :-;,., llou 1.1-'riTU•: nf Commet'I'C clisiJ ll't mc<'ting nl 'l'lils Ot·dinrut•''' shall be lmnwn nnrl ritr.rl its Vrvny 1'ownshlp St ,Tohns Monrlny night. From Pearsall Joins Board I ntPrlm Zonlnr, Orrlmnnce No 2. Mnson, attending 1he dinner llTld Sl•f•lion I .2 -l'Uili'OSE evening session, were Drrn Lelt· Gilson l'r.;u sail J'I'Jli.H r•H lilt'S 'l'llf• lunrlnmentnl purpose of this Tnlerim Ordinance Is to es·, man, Dcwuyne Evans, Glaude F'rr.rl Bunnughs us riTII' nt :l on ta!JIIslt zones, ?.oning regulallons anrl general 1Htildlng resJt•ictlons, JI;[J~i:.(~,;;:,:;.~2/.J.~. .;.,....::.:.~£::~~ Curly and lierman G, Walt. Evans t'he dty •·enll'lt•t y hw11 ri 'I'IH• :qr· "'• .111t hlll'izerl hy i\C't Jfli!, Pub II(' Ar Is HHa, Its umenclerl, for nn In· gnvr. n t•epot·t from lite Mnson polnlmcnl !Jy 1\lu,Vor· i\lft'l'ri Frrt t••tlm f•Prlorl of one yenT from effePtiVI' rlatr herr.of, fnr lh<' pre~r.rvn· r:hnptcr. Mnynr M. H. Colelill wei; dJC ll'.ts npptovr•rl 11,1' iltr• r olltH II lion ot IIH• pllhllc> pe:ll'r, ltunllh 1111rl safety, I'Omerl tile gueFts. During the Monrl.ty nlglrt. l'rnrs:tll will Sl'll'<' All'l'JCU>: II httsiness session, Joe DuCharme will! Huymonrll\11 LP.IIl, NON·CONI•'Oitl\1 JNO USES of Granri Ledge was elerlr>rl stale of lhc hoo~rd, .11111 llon.ild {',rdy Sl'l'flon 2.1 -l•:XJR1'1NG USES vicc-pr·eslrlrnl for lite Hevf'nlh Mr~. 13un·ouglls ll'.ts 11111 ,, ••:rrull At tlw rlisr•t-cllon of the nwtwt·, the lmvful use nf any parcel oi district. dntc fnr· r·enpfmlnlnwnl lanrl lntllrltnr,, nr· stntr'lure exu;tlng at lhP tnnr of 11tc enactm1•nt of 1 till•, Or·rllnmt<'P, all hough such use rlncs not I'Oilform to the provision~ ol tills Orrlitwnroe, m.ty he conlinttPd us a non·C'onfot•ming use, Any hullrllng whic·h Is under pr·o1•ess o! r'onstructlon on 1he ef· Justice Courf Actio111s lr•r•ftVP rl.tll' nl ihls Ot'cllnanr•c may he r•ompl<'ierl aml occupied ~s if 111 mmpli.rrwr• wllh IItts Or·dlnnnr•e. Roy W, Adam~, Justice of Peace H111 irli np;s whil'h 1ve1'1' lnnll n nil OC'('tl plrri hcfm•r. I he adoption of tlti~ Onlrn.tnl'e, whlr·h do not meal the slr'tHturaltcqulrmncnts of tl~e 1'rafflc violation ticltels report· Gr.ot·ge W. M<'lllll'll', 1\l.isnrr, • • /filii' 111 wltll'll lhry arl' loPalcrl, m.1y hP improver! if they ltave the eel settled in MaRon justtcc court spccrllng, running Atop sWtl, $10 fll llJH'I' fmtnrta11on and ~i(itng. Pmvtrlecl, however, that any new adell· during lite WI'Cil listed as: Rrdtnrd 13.1tllrll, l\l1son fatlrtrr• IIfill In stll'h hullrlmg must be mnrlc upon proper· permll and mw.t r r11npi1' wilh ail slruclttr·al requhr>mr>nls for the zone In whif'h It is Willanl .lames, JO:alnn Rnprrls, tn hnve ,.,,,. unrlr•1 l'll rnrtsll'llf'llnn of lhr new lnnldlng rs .1s gonri as or beflet•than the sllll<'lllr<' which was damaged or rleslrnycd. If an) hurlding not user! for husmcss pttqJoses Is damaged to llw I'XIc>nl of m,cH'I' thnn sixty rGor~) per· cent nf rls appraised value, II slr.dl not he remnslructcd or restorer! exccpi in conformity wrth till' rrguinlinn~ rrf tire zoning district in wltlclt lite huilding Is situ· .tier! In .111 such !'nscs appltcalron to tlw of Appeals shall he m.rrlt• and nppl'Ovrrl and permll issued before restoration is begun. Any such huilrling damaged to the extenl of Jess than srxty !60'/r) pl't crn1 of lis appraised W•luc may he restored upon 1hf! issuance of .r Burirlmg Per m11 by the Bnnrrl of Appeals. The extent of the rlam.Jgt•1 as herein contemplated shall be determined by lhe Board of Appr'.lis :mrl ils deeis1on slwll he frnal, suhjccl only to juclicml re· l'll'll 111 the i'Vent nf nhusc of discretion hy smd Bonrrl. AR'I'ICLI~ III USI~, 11EIGH1' ANO AIU>:A HJ>:GULATIONS l'il'diou :u -"A" lmSIOEN'fJAJ, ~ONI•~S 111 lrt zones drsrgnatcd ns "A" Rcsirlcnlml, no tnrildmg or !ami Fl nrll hr• and no lnulding sit a II he here a rtcr crcr·terl, converted m· sllll<'l UJ ally ailcrcri, unless oll!f'r wise pi'OVIdcd In li1is Ordinance, ex· r·ept fot· one OJ' more o! the following uses: Ia) One anrl 1wrr fnrnily dwcllrngs provrded lltat house trail· C'I'S sh<~ll.rtot he permitted Pxr·ept as spcr•tfirall~· provided for in I Ins Or rirnance thl A!'cessmy buildu1g~. such a5 private garages and huild· rngs for lcmponn·y use in(Jdcntal to construction work. let Uses customarily inctrientlo any of the above uses wh'2n lrJc,lleri on lhP same lot and not involvmg the conduct of a home '" cupntton, provrrlerl however, that file practrre of his callmg 11:, u pl!ysicran, dentist, lawyer, arti~t or musician shall hf! per· AllTICLE IX rnrtted when carrred on in a dwelling Thr> lea'!ng of moms hy AIUENmn;N1'S 1 1csrdenl fnmily slmll al~o he permitter!. S~ciion !l.I-Al\IENDJIIEN'l' OF IN'J'J<:Ril\1 OJWIN.o\NI'J>: 121 No hntlding shall: Tilts interim Ordinance may be amenrlerl rn aaorrl.tnrr wrlh till' lal Be crecled on a lot hnvtng a frontage of less than eighty provisions of Act 1R4, Public Acts of Hl 13, as :uncnrl<'rl I SOl feet anrl contaming Jess lhnn eight lhousand (8,000) square Ingham County News AR'l'ICJ,F. X feet in area. exclusive o! any part tlwreof lymg wrthin the SEVI-:RANCJ~ CJ,t\l'SJo: Norl heast of Sectror! troundarres ol a public highway Thrs l'estrrction shall not pre· Section !tli-"D" AGRICUI.1'URAJ, ZONES 1'. 6 Seelion 111.1 -INVAUH SEC'J'IONS vPnt hutlding on lots that have been accepted in any plat here­ Section <1,4 -JNDUS'l'RIAJ. ANH 1\JANUFAC'rUJUNG ZONE Should any scctron, clause or pmvision of' thts Orrlin.lnt·c be rll' tofore Jceorrled which have less area than provrded for herein. rl l In "D" AgrJCultural Zones, the land shall be used for farm· dared by the Court to he lllVaitcl, the s,Jmc sh.ill not lllfr.('f flu• v.1hrl· ing and residential purposes only. No dwellings hereinafter erected The followm~ land shall he mc]u[Jerl in tlw fnrlustrial anrl lbl Be closer than forty t mvalid. ~hail be built on a Jot whtch has less than one hundred thirty.two ',~ of Sectton 16 lying east of the rrghl·nf-way of fill.' NI'W Yorlt Cen· mgs ~hall ARTICI.J; .XI he erected in conformance with extslmg hllllding Jines (132) feel of frontnge on the I'Oad or street on which it faces and tral rarlways. or such huildrng lmes as may he eslahlislwd by offrctal action of nm·r~AL wht'h has nn are.1 ol less thnn one·half ( ~~) acre. No httllding shall Secl~on 4.5- "D" AGitiCUI.TUitAL ZONg govemrng body having iurisrh!'l ion in stll'h matters. 81•r•tlon 11.1- RI~PEAJ, OF CONJ<'I.JC'J'ING OIWINAN( Fs .r be erected closer lhnn twenty-five (251 feet to any lot line which Ail lands m the Town< hip except those speer ric ally dc.o;cribed lcl Be closer than five (5) feel to any lot line which does All ordmances or parts of Ordinances 111 confltl'l 1\•tlh \Nll HK\'J>:\\'i\1, slunglcs, alum1num siding, brick, stucco, cement, insulated imi· r.ept those used by seasonal labor·, shall otherwise comply with the ARTJCJ,J~ V •rm~RJWF 1.11ron brick or shingles, asbestos shingles, stone, lime materials use, hctghl aml area regulatiOns preS'ctlbecl for "B" Residential DUIJ,DING l'lml\ll'l'S ANil FF.J•:S Ser•tion 12.1 - HURA'I'ION nr· a combination !hereof; rrr any suitable sirllng approved hy Zoo~ - ~etrlon 5.1-Al'PJ.ICA'J'ION ANO FF.l~S This Interim Orchnancr. bcrng an emergency measurr• 11 sh,tll !he Vevay Townsh1p Zonrng Bnarrl. (3) Burldmgs ttlrlrwd for· dwelling pmpo~es for seasonal labor The Township Clerk rs hetcby authorlzi'!rl to 1ssue perm1ts lot· remam in effect for on!'! Ill yenr· followtng the eftcclivc ri.IIC lwrcnf. r ~~ No dwelling shall: mny he cr·ected in Agt'fCltllural Zones and shall not be subject to the the construction, alteration, repair and enlnt·gcment of buildings Section 12.2 - RgNI~\V AL ta) Contain less than three (3) rooms rn addition to a hath· provisiOns of lhrs Ordrnancc, except as 1o set·hack from the highway within the Township of Vevay upon proper application being made, This Interrm Ordinance may be renewed for· .1 pct·iod of two l:ll J nnm ot· Joilet room. right-of-way line, proVJ[lcd tllnt such dwellings are maintained in a together with the payment of such fees as the Board of Vevay Town· additional years by action of the Vevay Township i3o:ml 111 nu or ri 1hl Have subsrdlary or accessory buildings closer than safe aml sanitnry condrtion, arc furmshed wtth a safe and sanitary ship shall require. It shall be unlawful 111 proccr.rl with the con· ance with the provisions of state law. fifty (50) feet to front lot line, except garages attached to water supply, and wtlh snfe sewage disposal facilities that do not struction, alteration, repan· or enlargement of any building, without AH'l'ICJ.E XIII rlweliing. adversely affect health conclitrons; provtded, further, that the loea· tlrst obtaining such a perm1t; provided, however, that no permit J~I"J•,I~e'tlJVI~ UA'J11~ I'll Every dwelling shall: lion of such buildings shnll he approved in writing by the Board of shall be required fot' the' construction, alleration, repair and en· S1wlion 1a.1- l~FFECTIVJ•: ])A'l'J•: OJ<' OIUHNANC:Jo: (a) Have a minrmum ceiling height of seven and one half Appeals ~s being 111 harmony with the purposes of this Ordinance. largement of any bmlding othet· than a dwelling in !he Agricullural This Interim Otdinance an emergency Jnl'astll<' 11 sh.lil (7\h) feet over the entire first floor and seven (71 fcet over at (4) 1'hts section shall not be construed so as to prevent the con· Zone If said butlding is situated more than fifty (50) feet from any become immediately effective upon passage hy the Vcv,ll' Tnwnshit> least fifty l50%l per cent of the floor area of thf! second and struclion on a lot which does not comply with the aforesaid area street or highway. · Board. nl her floors. reqmrements of a dwelling for pHsonal use and such accessory Section 5.2- INFORl\fATION AND DESCRIP1'ION The ahove ordinance was adopted nt 11 mr.eting of tire Vevo~y 1hl Have wmclows with glass area equal to not less than ten hurldings as may be necessary, provided that said Jot is individually Township Board on April Hi, 1fl!i6. r Iort,. l of the floor area of each room. Such application shall be accompanied hy information stating WILFRED .JEWETT. SiiJICI visrll' owned or bemg purchasl'!cl on a contract by the person constructing the legal descrtption of 1he premtses on whrch the burlding is to be r c) Have a minimum area included within its outside dimen­ said dwelling as of the effecliVI'! date of this Ordinance. BLANCHE \VI!EELEH, Cieri, sions of six hun .1 years, rrn waH nlf'l'· Supr!J'Vi~nl' Alvn C: Cmn,llhlto I lniJllliJIH'. 'I'Jw rll'lllnruwo will not lrlelnn, Hr. WnR n lllf'llliii'J' of lllf' For Three Areas illlrl liw nwmlwrs oJ lhe Slndi· lwr·orno offor!IIVr. lllllil 111"11 PimtHIInt f"11ltr Mnlinllir• Inrig: II II'IIS nnl rlr•i!irlr!rl, nn or Lrslln; nncl ln·ol htlt', Hnrolrl iJHVI! iJr:flll lljll'l'illf'd Ill 1\JiiHIIII Hlld whnl rnnlw nr dJn:;sln II will Ill! Stylus, Lesllo, Sc•rvlrns will he al Stodchrldgr, AI II IIWI'Iillg ill lllnttnlr•d, The r·nst will hr. HPili'IIX· lhr. .111!111 funeral hrunl' Snitll'flay :-ito('kbl'irlr:r l'l·rshylr•rlan r·IHII'<•h imnlr!ly $fl,OIIIl for llw l1nrly, Former Justice nflrmnon nl 2, w!IIJ hurlnl in l•'rlrluy 11igh I llw rledsirm was l!fJllijllllP.IJI. 111111 f'iiiiSSis. Wonrlluwn, llr.v. Snmllf'i B. Wnng· ri!!Jrhed In r•pmhlne tlw fli'<•.IP<'ts A loii'IIShip l'llhblsh dump wn~ Gets Probation, er· or LrHiir Cn ng rPgnllnni11 unrlt'l' llw nume or tho liigham !!~liihlislwrt. It wl)l hn npr•n Mny chtll'l'h will offlrlatr.. C!Junl.l' Mlgl'iilll l\llnlstl')', lllt'lll· I, lo the lllif' of lllll I'Psirif'llls nf hr1· of lhr 1\l!Phigun ~llgmnt thr1 lownsllip, exd11sivtl of thn~r! Must Pay $t200 MiniHii'Y nnd utrilluterl wllli till' in the vlllngr!, whid1 haH iiH own. PJ·ohnllon Cor 2 yr.ars nnrl puy. Mic·higun C'rn1ndl of Chill'dlP.':, Oumplng will hr fi'Pn or r·lmrgP. men I of $1,200 in eourt m~IH was Crash lnjur,ies Tilt:' program is ~1!1 lip Cn1· ~ Clif'HIPI' l'alrit'i(, fJ•nnJ whom llw lhr. senlener. pnsserl on a fnrmr.r monlhR, from .funr H\ to Atlt~llst lunrl i.~'r:rl, witt lw lu f'bnrgr. Leslie justlre of lhc peara i1i an Result in Death lfi. nf mninlena1wr.. embezzlement case Frlduy. Clr· Migmnl~ r•omlng :o Mu.4oll will II wnH nnnnuncP.rl lhn.t...!he I'C· cult .Tudlle Chnrlcs H, Hnydon One youth wns fututl.y und an· ali be from nlrl Mexlm, 1:111 IIH'II cently nrlop!Prl huildlng 'Niilr! fnr JIIIRscrl seniencr. on .John w. oiiHll' \VUS seriously lnJlll·r.rJ In nn wlihnut fnmllll's. l•'amlllros will h~> 1he township wilt go into l'ffpc•l Gi'll!(el, fnrmcr· T..cRilc Justice, nccldcnt 011 lhe M·lO!i ~~Lil'VC ncar hrs i11 unrl his hlurlr!er wus Jllllll'llll'erl. Sf nterpJ·ises ·in Mnson. SwineiHu·t pincer! in the money in April Hi ...... ::ll ·I~ Darling anrl .John McCune, al1er- Sleinfnll, Mr~. Pnullne Farman, huming wus a bane! of trash. the ciOlibles brncl

I.IIR Oi ns vV111 sr.11 rlronjr J{on rvrA Y'T'!Il ,-WnHhm H 111rrl r11 yor H Anlrs, RR'i N C'lnilcrnnrl, Pnns AliiiJrulzr.r) rlrmlrr Sllshy frn Kll i\1 Rf'S [(OOij )oyo) JnnrJ, lnJ•ge Reai Estate lnoham County News r April19, 19 56 vllln llwlf plnmPnl c•o 211 f'llnln slrrrt ------hnnsl', 7 1noms 1111rl hn/h nice Page 1 ------rJIJOno Mnsnn OH. 70141 H!wl ACHES-P 1~turo n1 hnllrllng lr11gr h11111 ~rnwnt atnvo lllln, C)jjr I< I'll CIHIJl I 0111 CJJIJ ll!H/ OI/Jm• I \ Sjlrll nlon~ q rrlt on 0/ds 1nnrl 40 ACillES of lnnrl Snllnllln frn J,AI((,J' ON! Ill DltoOM mnrlf•r•n Son lvnn lrllltrl phnno LcslicJ llllllrllllgH on gn11rl hlnr lt/np Jnnr/ 1111d IIPIII sr/wnl Pr/rerl for qnh/c fn1 mlng hullcllng Rlln or Hllh hnnw, nlluhrrl 2r111 g11111gf I U I) 111'1 Hrll' I dlvlrllng, Onr. mllr. 11011 h of MnHoll ~AVP. TN MASON H/1/r• IIIII! II Ill rfvp qnlr It (IORSf!S I Ill gl' /of C /osr• In 1'1/llson 'I OllllH slnn C'rn/ 0 rr lmsnn, lnn/wr, on Phllllr~ 1oFJrl Phnlll' Mnson OH (' L ,lnfrllKIIII 1\J IHUll OH h 'ifi7,J 77173 llw! JllllliH' LllllHillg IV I Rfl12 01 nvo <' lr•11 r 11 ngr r1c,\ 1hw 1p Whipp Farm Agency nlngs r111/ Lllllsing IV •I 'i'iil2 lliw1 llLAL ES'T'A'rE LTSITNC1S nm1 ! J\Cili'S :?hPtlroncn h11nw wllh llrlng ru~lefllr rl LIHI yrnn Jll fiJI posslhlt• lliilrl, I miiPs from mly With IIA fm quirk urtlon Jet DJ~~IIlAilLI I 0 I' f111 ~nlr., In ~~I NOll f'J 111111 JlfOIV I'll go II ffh ,,,lrrl In M.rsJd) 1\lolrns norl TPI plnnt JCIJJerlmun's rl1enm M du• It Into M11:r \V til <'I srlru f fl2h S Bnnws n chlclcen ~anr>h '!'hi' p!lce if; I ANJ1S( ;\PING <'fuming or Phom M.mnn Of( li 1fl73 1 lght, only $10,!i00 T1>l's luke u lol\VIIH IIIII! gr•Jlll II IIIJCIHI aping loolc nt this •10 ncJeS Gonrl lnr ,, l"n1 s 1llsf 11 !111) 11 nJJ, plw11r> M111 lion nPnr town unrl s1 hnnls F.VI'J son on 7 87'17 1"iw2' I~ ATIM- Nrw hsllng et l M Mm Jell, hrnlwc Call Cl11 pill I rl llghl llf'lll LllllHJng nnrl M oil C'IJSIOJ\1 IW!Ot ILl lNG hy lim Muclr.tJJ\grcH) lfiW1Jl lwnt nenr school l'mnllcne 1f ric> jnh 111 lu1111 M rnsll I! 1ymoncl s1rer! l'l'rms Call C L .lolmsrm J!hOIIP 1\JJHOil (Jtt 7Ritl Jfiwt Mnson OH li ~on c ,rewetJ Og'C!IlCY 11>\VI Jl r,AJWI N 1'1 OW!Nf WANTE:D Nn11, 111o sm1ll t ill Musnn on 71l12J l'iw4 Business Services

'i ACRES nr 1 nr1r hullrllng sltrs Austm rinse to MaRon, ,.:nnrl fll\1 rl Sharpen Shop 1o Ills wll h sr hnol hus h> rlom I Drpns-11 will holrl ( ell C 1. IIIN 1\)IHOilSIJrf'l lol1nson, 1\Jcson 01! r, '11•7! 1 ~~ IHflll lr:>WI') I Agrnr} I'IJOIII' Oil lr 'i'i72 lfll\ 1(l \Vr• Sl1 11 prn Am tlnng llw~

GENJ~RAL HAULING and light l1 ur king C lll Glr.n Williams A 0 GREENOUGH IlEAL Efl afll!r 4 p m M.1son OR 7 4261. TATE SPECIALS - tOO nr1e 41wtt daJiy farm, 2 hottsl!s near Fow let ville, 280 acres tillable, hnlance [NCOME! rAX nssJstance InrlJ· woods and pasture, level, good vcdu.tls f,n mm s husmess men. black soli, well drained Barn 38 Also booldmepmg .mel busmes-s x 84 (Lowden) 37 stnnchlons servccl! l!allll! HaJime~s. 872 S NEAR DIMONDALE 74 ncre Bm nes Phone Mnson OR 7 0931 f 11m, 71 oom mnrlm n house 35 tall to tall new ell mlnng cups, x 7'i hm n 2 c:-u gn rage other calf pens, 2 young stock cm1 als 52w15 hllllrl•ngs $1 'i,ooo clown ni!W steel tool shr:!d 2 14x40 sclos CUSTOM SAWING Wcll set logs House I, Modern has 6 1oom~ Frank Wcllcl Ins! fum soulh TN ITOL Nr.m mam 4 COllie! s r mce Intchen, 011 flu nace, Hmcsl! )f IT~ I JlPI srlwol on US 127 at G1oom house, morletn 1mmerll II has 8 rooms, needs soml! 1e Bulle! s Hest,rurnnl Phnnl! Lan ate possesscon, $1i ROO, terms pa1r, space! 01! hr:!ntm tunnJng ,mg IV 1!l2!ll 42wtf l•~' ptnslrlenl: Nllnc:.• Norton, aecrr. Polly Din monel WIIS nl~r ted I 'AWN 110LI.;~RB tdr rent, rfer• Mrs. Duling, o2, tf\r)'J unrt Ahn1on Stttblmrt, Irons prcslrlenl with 11111:. Dlnmoncl, l1lns 1 I!nrdw!lrr., Mnson, tiiCl MIS. Lntunnce Pmltct nnrl vlco prr.slrlent, Tom Sclt tcfJct, James Thorburn l4wlf Brownie Girl Runt Is of II oop which lllP.Y (llnyerl ~::nmr.n outside Ads Mts 11. L Nlr.olnn 010 lenrlnrs of 11nns111or, nnrl Toe Stir!, HOI II' No 'ilfl mnrlr lillY fnvop; for tho Mt s 11ol! Htrlhlcy, Mrs, F, II I'IHIIIC Mn~nn OR 7 li301 nr Dies at Home hospltfil nt theh rogulm m< o1!11g Tlni1Jer nnrl Mrs, Rnhctl Cone ilw ttonp with flue Phillips 116 IHtY .Tnnlnr lrnrlm, 111r• 'l'nm OR 711001 l"lVE! ROOM mnrlmn npnrtment ptngrum nlrl lldtrlnnlng Bill, riHitl'ing, 1111d F'ttnopll services wm P r onrhwl l~rlrlny nt Steele Stteol sdmol ruo lenrlm~ nf tho lrnop. PrtOMI' 1 ~r ltVJL!J~-1 H!'JV 11wtl F'tnnlshr.rl 01 unfurnl~hed, prlv I Polly rool1lng r v orl Monrlny nflernnon 11 t ITo II Pill McCutu, ptngtolm alrl, 11111ght Ice nil m,ti\I'H IH'A Motorolu tte onlrnncc one In fron1l nnd one Multlng PHfH!I' hugs for the AI tlwlt reguJ,u mectlnr~'llultH Proshyterhrn ch4rch fnr MrH the gh Is some prnycr Hongs, .tftor rlny, Brownie Girl SrottiH of troop 'I hn rwxl tni'PIInr< will h1 Mon 1!~1!1!'1 Hllll, (;J,, Hpullnt• i\rtrntr ul IVAN'I'l J)-i\JI l1lnds or ~crn1 n renr, ptlvate parldng for onr Cnrnl II c r 1 g u l h convniPsu nt Maurie C Dullng, fi2, She rllerl No •1:11 mnrlc cllfHaliPH, whlrlt rl11 ~lal7,ntllwbttlll!'ofllnl DuMont, Munt~ .trtrl z~nlth lion lrnn lin, c.trH anrl trur Its Als \vnllnhlo, hut cull In person nt F'rlrlny night at the realrlencc, home was tho orrlet of the lntsl •lid f.trtn mn1 hlnPt y W 1 I t >0!1 West Colttmhln slreet, MnHon Wnrl1 on Sl'lwol Flhu (S ne•s nt the mooting nf nrownlr thny nto lUI~ Wllh !PmonllriP h llol oiiHI lltnm1 ry L l~rlcs 127 N Lolllslng St HJ81 W.tlnut slreet Conijtruetlon on tile new nrlrll Mullon ,lust weHt of Mld\PIHorr r'hrnh•~o \1ulllns DunHvllle or ca Girl Scout 11 nop No 110 last !'hey gnlh Dny Arl llwy Wf'rP. nwlllng IVIIX olltrl II Postal Workers the lcnrlr.r, Mrs llowlnrl Sr.lhctl, 1 1Gw2 children venll~t. Legion lmll, Sonlll Put cxplnrlcd lo~st Tuesrlny L.twrencr. 'lrtpp, of WELL DRfU,INn olltrl m,m str~nt Howntrl n111 h.tnk n till rc J'OR--ft-TC-N-'l-'-.- Rev Vctnon 1'. Smllh olflcl.tted the Soil rOIIHC'IVolflnn dtsftJtl lust Aluif•n Rapids 11l'i21 2Rwt rrlffln, 112 Olrl l'lwnc D.lnsvllle MA .3 Jl14 Mason OR 76191 16wl hr11rlnl!' Hnhl 1 clition nnd thut all '" r tiOilH lntnr, ~tml In Hnld 1 HI/Ill! 1111 r-nr h ,md m.lrlu posters for the PIA ftorn lill' Jngl 11111 ('hlslltosplf,tl llwll ------The basebrlll team wlll play rort t~nlcl cnu1 t, 1 t Htdtl tlmtJ nnd ulur' h.l~oldl' 'llw gtrls .rre 1lso m,li.JnJ; 11 st 1 hill, tf,1y 1lr! l'IIIPtl'cl Sp.u Work and Workers Chatlotte nt Holt, Friday, April In HIHm cnwu "hy n lie ruw tu Hell the lrrty faftkll Oestetle .ttl! lc.tdPts of the on f,lfm hv mont II PXpr>ttCtlll'rl 'lnt th of Holt Call Lansing '1 U ern Dry Cleaners and Wyeth Inc ha Mts lGwl wick. let IJoll 1'iw2 t:. News 16w3 potluclt supper In thetr honor ,J oily 4 II'cr s h.HI I IH'I! l'frmmu Ch.lllcs R11 II ,llld Lots Jl,lltmgr oiH, 16w1p Tuesd.ry, April 24, to be given by APARTMENT- 3 rooms unfur ntly mcetmg oil lhe Dl lhl town dolllllillPI of Mts Boll It II I B.lllm· PART OR I ULL 'I l~H: H.tlcs gtrll WANTED to rent pasture fm the Jaycees nlshcd, upstairs, private en h.rll leccntly, Prcstdcnt Q,u; I' IY ,.:ro~s w.mted .tl M.1son Ctly lwspil.ll nus 1 ~W2Jl S Waverly road Phone Lansing press my sincere thanl,rl eslatC' WANTED-Da old ralves !i'OR RENT-Modern Mason rodeo Judges wet e Harold Batn ftnd someone to tcnch squ.ue ondtg1, Lmry C.Ht son of M1 salesman C.u essen I I II Excel PI 1\l ORY I store bttllcling on West Mapln my slclmess Jasper Nichols hill, Sgt R L Ntcolen of the I h I tone ason 7 381 6 '· 16wl dnncmg to the rlub The Cham ,rnd Mt s Geor r::e Ciltl of Stod\ ent c nne c to mn 'e Home money lGw1 1 Excellent locatiOn, plenty of stnte pollee, Pollee Chief Harry berl,un anrl Emens famtltcs lmdr::r. olltrl Mrs Tlr.,llllrP Buxton C,11l Artv,1n1 e Rl' 1lty Co, 1enltor s ______toom r::oocl pmklng facilities in Chandler Phtlhp Marvllle and PATRICK-I take thts way to served refreshments oil tile close Mrs llu,.:h Ausltn !\Its !'1.111k L.1ns1ng TV 21121 1'iw2 WANTFD- S.tddle horse, sutt rear Also 40 acres of lund for Donald 'frowbndge Thomas Sts of the mcetmg (; rtcs, Rnbrrl Scoll .It snn of Hyear old chtlrl Also JTCnt See Earl Dunsmore, 3042 thanlt the many friends who son was chief scorer sent fruit, flowers cards and 81m<•lpr• Hill I Mr nnrl 1\Jrs Rohm t Sc olt St , WAN I' F: D nelio~hle m.llttrcl Phone II oil OX 9 21 '581 West Columbia, Mason 16w3 lovely Iettets whtle I was a pa 'lwcnt:,threc memiH!ts of M1s If J TlQIIr:>rl 1\l.utm m.m for rloiLIY fatm Must be 16wl expencnc eel rmll,et House and FOR RENT-'frt~ctor, drng, dtsc tlent In Foote hospital. Your Sl

7 P. M.-10 P. M.

JOIN THE LEGION ROLLER CLUB Refreshments Avadable 250 Pairs of Skates Available Skato Rental - 35c Admisston - 65c

fliTao.&~, ..•

a ma'lt-ii [ . f,/N/1'~ ko'

WAN rED-Gardens to plow None too small Bert Wnt ner Jr 609 W South slteet Phone Mason OR 7 8ll2 01 OR 6 5636 16w4

ARROW DART the c:ollar that's always right in fashion Look smart 1n a Dart, the shtrt with tl1e famous non·wllt collar tlut stays fresh•lookmg through the busiest day. Cord-edge stitched regular length points, ens) -to-iron French front. M1togn·tatlorcd 111 Sanfonzcd broadcloth. $3 95 Wanted For Rent Arrow Dolo, 111mt as Dart In luxury grado broodcloth • WANTED-Logs anrl standing l'LOOR SANDERS [or rem timber Howe Saw Mill, Rives Perlassocl sentence sloraJle lank and dispcnsinl'( Mts. Ro~l~l,l H. McNitt of 2179 Is the editor this year. Slw I~ a member of the Service club. She on the others Monday. He sen­ pump from tlw Slanrhml 011 Co. Slwwncc I rails, Okemos. She Is 1 memiJer of the Okemos chaptet also pnrtieipnted In bnnd for 3 tcncerl Hardin anrl Shnni' to A contmct was marie with Jason 'I memhcr of Okemos chapter of of the National Honor Society, years. This fall JoAnn plans to terms of 5 to 15 years. Shank Oil Co. for gasoline and JuiJt'leal· lhe National Hnnor Society, class the Dramatics, Lltemry, Debate ing oil for the balance of the erlitor· for the yearbook staff on enter Michigan State university harl been on probation for 2 years ALL SMILES- Mason's new council looked like this Monday night as 3 of the above began serv. club, and the Service club. She to study medical technology. for an assault upon his wife. His year, which she has served for 3 years, was a band member for 3 years ing their first terms as councilmen. Standing behind Mayor Alfred Forchc, left to right, are: Coun. u member of the Dramatic, Liter· Other lop 10 students include probatJon on that charge was rc­ 1 The boa rei voted to Ia l>e de­ and participnteclln the junior and Clarke Harris, Anne Warner, vol\ed and he was given 2•, to cilmen Clifford Walcott; Paul Richards, newly elec tld; Bernard Cady; Nels Ferriby, newly elected: livery of 2 new buses bough 1 ary, Debate club, the Service senior plays. She plans to enter 0 eluh, Future Teachers club, and Marianne Bosworth, Garth 10 In run concurrently with his ~ichard Morris, re-elected; and Dewayne tvans, mnvly elected. Previous to the time this picture Wll5 from England-Cool<. Michigan State university in Sep· Richey, Tnya deMartelly, Imo· kidnaping ~entencc. I Contracts for· tl new teachers the !3ihle club, She plans to enter tember. gene Shaull and Bruce Robinson: taken, Mayor Forche received a unanimous vote as mayor for another one-year term. (ICN photo.) were approved. They nrc Joseph and Mrs. Norma Lau, Detmil. Walbridge, scienf'e and English; cilir:" has a douhle romantic ' The stepchildren am Mt·s. Betty penrlenl hal\crs In ;m stales have I Mrs. Loul~e Kenworl hy, IJiology theme as it examines the love Hilliard, Oai{Janrl, Calif.; Mr~. and English: Max Updllw, 711t nl'fnlt• of a navy nurse from Cancer Cl.aims Bert Smale, former! a cnoperalive and will sell' Marjorie Poole, Birmingham; Jackson Bakery lhn•arl umlcr the Ilolsum label. ·Woman Cyclist grade seicncc, reserve football Arltansas and an C)(ilcd French· Gerald Eifert, Mason; and Cap I. The new loaf is· ~upplemenlecl cnach, 7th grade hnskelbnll coach man tumcd planter in the is· Road Commission Foreman Donald Eifert, serving with tlw with vitamin D. and nsslstnnt lmclt coach; and lands. A sub-plot deals with the Adds to Line Suffers Injuries Sally Nohle, second grade at romance of a marine lieutenant army at CollrmiJus, Oltio. Tl.te llPII' s~1les yr•:l'(r<~m . was i i\li'S. Colleen .1. Stuyvenburg, Cancer claimed Albert (Berll a wide circle of friends. He was Services were nt Jewotl funernl Way 11aldng company of .lad\· outlmcd to COil!Jhlll) s<~lesmr.n ;, of Lanslnl'( was injured Sun· Wardcllff school. for a Tonldnese girl. Both ro· 2 mances, set against the disloca· E. Smale, 61, at Ford hospital. a member of Mason imlge.No. 70, home Wedne:;day afternoon with son, otw of Miehigan's oldest in· a!trl .r?pt·esentatrves of pres~, .ra- day afternoon on Eifert road, a lions and horedom of war, are Detroit, Sunday. The foreman of F. & A. M. burial in Maple Grove. Rev. Ray· dependent balwr:;, starter!. 1\lon- rho, IV anrl outdoot· .advet·ttsmg half-mile south o[ CPrlar. While lnuchccl with rueful heartbreal< the county road commission sign Survivors include IJrothers and monel L. Norton of Ma~on Meth· clay morning with a new brand o[ concerns at a meetmg at the murHiing a curve nn n.. sity youth conference last Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The 3-clay The car says (}() and the price won't stop you! conference on the campus at Up­ ready land, Indiana, was sponsored by studcnls to present the chal· lenges of the Christian faith. Youth from 12 stales attended for the conference. Three discussion group sessions led by Taylor stu· dents were scheduled. These dealt Spring!· with_ practical Issues young peo· pie \face In religious experience. Other features of the conference included slngspiratlons, a concert by the Taylor a cappella choir, a special missionary service and de­ votional periods.

New coiQrs I New. featur~sl All-new Driz:zler Jacket ,by .· roo~wmm(£®ll O&tdoorsmen made Drizzler th~ '~9r!d's biggest. s~lling jacket! Siliconc-fit\ishe'L shrugs off wind, rain; spots, stains! 100% washable ... Now, little ironing or· none! . ' . Push-up sleeves. Conrnatic quick-start zipper can't jam! 20 fabu· · ious ·new colors. $10.95. · ~PONTIAC

.I ''

Leller,q to ike .EllUor lhn strllm h~:fore the fiflr rnhw ,. FIOI"Itla Pra·ises 1111h} Is lhr hfghesl or nnr rom· Bunilns Jrll' spnnt a few r!IIYR wit11 Ills SOil· Grrll'l~rl l'liPJliiPliS Jlllll MrH, Lylo now paying 1',1:r! mom Jll!l' qllart, l•'ll;l'lrln IH tiln ''hest IHil'gnJn frll'l 'rlwrn's llll 111nn• ill'althfut wr>rr! Sunrtn.l' rili!IWt' f.:llllsts of ln·lnw nncl rlnllghtcr, Ml', nnrl Ml'·'· GI'OW nt fnnr!l'rl t11c vncntlon Creameries Keep the Cash some Jllnces, 2r•, Who hnrl IIIII I Jl] r·r IIHII1 In I 'Ih•t·Irlll wltii ifs lllPil' HOII·In·l;llv llllrl rlaughil!f', Sfophcn HIIPy, · , ('lllll'f'h R'l'hnol frnlnlnr. lnsfllute pleasure of telling lhe JIIIIIII" IIHII IJr•altiJfr•PI 11 IHlllld fhro lilfiJlillOHs."f.:HI'rlen or GnrJ.1 l'f!nlly snlt·wnshorlll J llli',••• \ ·:lis sttnsl11nn' ' Ml',. , .lllld Ml'S, lllil'l'lld rrmvl!l11H, Ill l\11·~. Ellznhoth ,Jnr.i>snnnnrl M1·. 111 thn l~h'HI Met!Jmll~l dllll'r•h In 1 wrnlirl lllce fo hnve this lei· Thus nftm· one yont• n CJIIIII'I of mill\ went up 2c? What llPI'IllllPH . (Vilnmin Dl citi·u;; rnlit !VIta· ·1 "11 ,son .. nnrl lVli'~. ,fohn llmwn, nil of ,Jar•lt· ,Tndtson Monrln)'. 1£>1' fliihl!shod ns 1 hnvo become mille rost .!nsf whnf it hnrl tile of the rllffermwe lw!WI'Pn thro f\flf' i\rtr.r hnvlliP: Jll'elwiJcrl '12 years ll1ln Cl nnrl 'thi'IIIi"liollt the )'Par AnlllllliVPI'HIII'Y rllnJWI' WIIH giv· Hnn, r•illh~d CIII MI's, 1\Prmlt Cl'llrt M1·. aiHI MI'H, Lylo Gmw nnrl 1 1 1 1 11 t 1 1 t1 e year before, IH!f the fnrmers were nnrlthe 7fic? Mtlltiply lhP mns nl' In tho Mh!hlgrlll roonfercnce, 1 ·1 •'tiprly of fi'L'sl! Vl'~l'tnhtr"' WI Sundrl.\' In hnnnl' of Mr. Hllll Snfurdny rwrmlng. Mnrlon spr•nt Sunrlny nvcnlng r~ .:~:;~;~;·\~ft,r st~li~e~~~~~ ~~:~~ner~i receiving !lOr. tess per rwt, mill\ shipped hy that tril: 11nrt retin•ri nnrt r·amP 10 l~lorirln In ire;·n In tlw wnl'l;, ~unshiiw v~r:; Mrs. Wn!IPI' S. Strnnr,l! hy Mr. Mr. IIIHI Mrs. Monrl nunltrr with Mr. nnd Mrs. lctnyrl Smifh or. It I r 11 hli 1 d !!gum out. wlw Jll'flfits most fro/IJ ner·up,v llH• lwnw lhnt we hnd C'I11 mhx 'liHI l'P'illy r•nlny living lii!HI MI's, ,Jnsrph L. S!P!fP.~' nt spr.nt llu• 1\'r>PI\ r•rul wltli Mrs ..lnf'itHnn. ntf IIC r n lP. constlmCI' Pll r. Anothl'll' exnmp e or our goo the rAise. hnlll(hl tho Jll'f•ViiHis yenr. We I:,.li"•J,; n' rl'.": IYIItn·,·.. ,.. ,· ·, '"·' f . ' ,fl'l'lll11!'. llfiss Gr!I'II'IIflr! Cnnl111111 blnmlng the fnrm'cr for the- In· Intentions wnfl the long fight hy 1 1 1 1 It It! - ,~ 1 o c o ·' ,, Bunlwr's slstr>r, lllrH, ''~~IIJri' B.11·· Hnhrrt L. Ilnmrnonrl of thP. 1 11 1 11 111 111 111111 I'I'r•nse In I'r.fnll mtllt prices, 1'hlA fnrm or"nnl~afions to Jegnllze the I'll ngree tim! tin• $1i.IJO unrt I' lnsc> " w nne wrn He s 11 • deep wells rtiHI Is nH gr;orl ns ttw II'IIH 11 1so prrsrn 1· , tot II, nt Norvell, i\lld!lg;rn 'l'empm'llllf'e Founrln· h I " II! 0 1 i <'t t i II It l I I I · MI's ..litll11's IVkC.nnn IIIHI the is, nf rourse, n result of t e 11· rllS'pr.nslng or milk in hulk con· •pfi.5 IIRI\er by Pn r ·" llll'r• Wils too wiH•I'c> It !Hid gonr• for 2:i ,VI!Hl's. wn ~'r 11 lwf noi' .1· "n ·'/! "/.11 ;s I\11•L'nnn's Ilf'W son, DP1111is ,Jnmro.~. Mt·. nnrt Mrs. Chi Lilli" Lnms nnd lion will IH• i(llPHI pi'onf'lwi' nt thP. formntion they received from the lniners. This wns supposcrl to cut high, hut the rnmwr slmnld not Fnnn t!lis nr!lp;hlmrhoorl ntnne ~v? 11 I~nnw~ 111' WI.'',!.111 I H .'.m 1,~ I'<>lll!'nf'l! hmne r~rlllrw nflei' ,qnn, Mr. anrl Mrs. ,Jer·ry Smii, l~itc·hhurg, J\tuuith tlllrl Plcnsnnl: llf!WSJ!IIpm·s, l'ndlo, T.V., et·c, the pl'lcr. thn ronsumm• woulrl gel less· fhnn $:i.li0, or $:i,t10 itl 2 fiiJ'IllPI'H whose milk was going "~e l.l, lli' •.IUtlful .t:I~\r.:~·. oJ,lrngc spr>IHiillii wr•Pi' with Mrs. Ml'· Mr. r1nd MI's. ,fohn Bmwn and Lalw r·iull·r•ht>s Sunrlny. His HPl'· ,1 1 wou!cl lllte fhP.}Tl to ltnow have to pay. 'T'hls mensure has the mille house. Tf rnlght llll'illl a 10 .lal'i\snn f!Vr>ry rtny helper] to, wlm rut tuhisl liH o~ncl Jllln· (';run's tun·rnts,11 Mr. iiiHI :\·Irs. Er· Cnmt and MI's. Elizntwth ,Jnr·J,. 1mnn tnpl1· will hP. "\Vhr.n Gorl mnrc nf the slttmtlon. !Jeen rlefcnted because marly re· bucle ot' so from ynur llil.l' d!l'c·k lePr>p n111 . milk nwny fmm Mnsnn, ~~eltins, nnrl llnuh•vanls linPd win Nntl. :mn, nil of .rnf'!\~on, vlslfert Mr~. 1\Vns Snl'l'y." l~lrst, the rlnlry farmerS' have t·nilers still chnrg~: thP. same price huf It is no more than tl!r> fnr111· nne prisnn glllrnl ni .rnr•lcsrm, who with palm ll'ees In ndd a tmpwal Sundny rliniii'I' gurst.-; nf llPV, 1\PI'mit C'I'i'ft Sunrtny c>WH!Inr~. The\\'. s. c. s. mrt nf ilw home r•nrtrmvorerl to sell mo1·e milk by ror millt In 11alf·gnllon containers er is entiflerl to, is unclri' Civil Srrvlr·r1, wns on lhn • charm to .ttw sc'I'Ill'ry, anrt Mrs. ('nrl Barnes wr.rr. Hev. Mr. IIIHI Mrs . .Jnl'lc Dnvls •:·s· nf JIII's. GJ•I'Ilid Gnrflr•lrl l~rlclay voluntarily accepting cuts in as they do ror 2 sepnrnl'e qunrt·s. Y'ou folks In the Pity, fnl!1s o11 pil'kr•t line ilw lmH no. cowlil; nn· The IIVII1g ,c•xt~e',Jsf'; ."l'f' nt a !)nmt!Jy flr>lrtrrmnn nnrt fnmii,l' lferl Irene BuniWI' Saflll'rlay 1'\'P· nftemm , Thr> fnllowln~ offieer~ 1 111 tiii'li' priee. As an example, 2% Now as n resulf of the recent the farm and hJ•nss lwts of tlw otlwr wtw ltrrr! hi~ JIIt'fUrr. tntwn,mlnlmum. \\r1 h.tlr ch,~!!J food •lf Jo::rton H:rpill!;. nlng. II'PI'f' f'll•r•trd: l'rPslrlrnt, Mrs. ~·r•nJ-s ng-n we volunt·nr!iy ncrept·ed mill< s-fJ·ilw If hns been publicized MMPA shouirt hegln In thin!< to· wh!!P 011 tho pldwt tine In Mnsonl anrt rtepnrtmf'nl stores. I o t!Jnse On Mnnrla\' M". nnd Mr~;, Er·· 1111 Lyle Gmw; vii'C·Jl!'Oslrlrl1t nnrl a ~:, ... cut pe1· cwf. with tile ngi'Oe· that the fnrml!rs are to receive get·her. T~Ol' 1111' gnnrt of IPI'>' has hPr•n wnrldng- on his fnther's- whn own niiCt. lll'I'IIJ!.V IIH!h' own IIPSI .Jenkin.,· vli;itf'CI Mr . .TPnldn's . hb spll'itunt lifr> ·"''l'l'f'tnry, MI's, For· mr>nl lhnt the prier. woulrl. he cut $ri.OO pm· ewf. for 1'111llr milk so loolt to the futurr1. 't'lwrr. I'IJU!d, rnrm, hut nnt sending mill\ In homes, there 1.~ a homP~tr>art PX· _ __ ;-- _ ·- _ FIt( Ufg 11st l!aJ·tlr!,l'; sl'l'l'l!lary, Mrs, Hugh ,,. on 1'\'rry qunt•i of milk solct. the creameries have raised there· h<' nnothel' storm. T prefr•r pe:rr'l', Detmlt nnrl lnst, the supervlsoi' emption aet whr.rr>hy fhe. first pmrtur·c 70';f ol' all the phosphnlr 111'rs. J,ylo (lmw MnrehrnJsP; ll'Pn~;UIW, Mrs. Wen· 'l'hls agrr>emenf wns !'Al'rlerl out. fnll prlrr nga1n and nre blaming nncl peace llwre f'llll he• if Justii'P fmm Bunilei' Hill tnwnship, who 1 .~5,000 of assessed vnluatJnn Is user! In ferlill~ers foi' Illf' fnrms clrll Gel'; scr•rr>lrti'.V of Chrlslinn A fuw months lnlP.r a federnl or· the fnrmer fm• this lncrense, prevails, ' .., • Is supJmserl to he the chil'f mwcu·lnof laxnl!tc. Fuel anrt wlntei' of Olll' g-renl r·ounii',\'. 'l'ho Jc(Jehhurr:: W. S. C. S. will soclnl I't'lnlions ami lrwnt church rlr>r r•111 onr price an ll!lrlltion·fll .Tusf fills morning we t•ecelved I HARHY H. D?E.S!li•Jtc,, livr nf the township, wns Ihere! clothing cm·ts arc• nr!g-llp;lllil', Wild duel1s find tlwlt• wlnfrr sPrve a rhlelcen supper nt tho hall ar·tlvltlr.s, Mrs. Ln'11ls Wild; sec· ~t~r· !Jut lhe crenmorles did not 11 letjer from the Michigan Mille Stod,llrlrliif> Jt Sf'PII1~ 10 mr. thnt's fni· he·j'l'hl'Oughout 1111' )'Pill', tlw Hf'llii!g i111bltnt in nnr Jnlers. Stntely white Snturrlny, April 21. Sm·ving Rtnrts rrtni'Y of r•hilrlrr>n's wnrl\, Mrs. pnss this snving on to the con· Producers nssnciatlon stajlng l'wrrth 11 n)·nnr in h!H poHition. HUn brings mol f'VPnlngs 111111 111 r·r·a1ws ai'f' fishing- iilnng the JJI !i;:JO. The public Is invitccl. HohPrt· \Vi!Hon; SCC'reflu·y or .~lllner. thnf though we m·e supposed to· Anofher View Till' ~tril;r i~ nvc!J'. 'rtw FAil' summer the warm rtays nre shoi'Ps. ThiH Is a roal ~nneltmi'Y The M. Y. Ji'. met nt the hnnw yn11th worl<, Mrs·. GPl'IIlrl Gar· TI!Pn11111101 during thr. summer It receive $ri.OO per cwt, for Class I Shan• gnnp;s are flr.:llllng amnn::.: cooler] hy gcmtle lli'Pc•zrs fm111 thr foi' the feathmwt folic We, who of Mnry 1 nu Hclhl Sunday 1'\'C'· rtr>trl; ser•rPtnr.l' nf lilf'I'IIIUI'C, Mr·s. WiiH 11Jeerl fhAt heenusa Uw milk there Is such a large supply We Wf'I'P. vPry lntr>rrstPr! in tiF•Itlwmsr.tveH, 1!111 if 11w MiC'hlgnn gulf nnrt nc•eilll. . arc get tin>: olrtcJ·, nrr Jenl'llin~ nlng. 1 . 1\nte flilll'lr!,V; srr•reiiii'Y of HliPt>ly J'JII'lllf'I's lmrt sufferer!10 a dl'Oilth of mlllt that nol an of base mille Jetter hy "n fnrm tJHml." WP WPI'I' ('f() r·nniwil tnl\r.s over, we fn1·m· Huge truC'I\s ill'£' Jl.nssin.g our ti!C' IPs~mns fnught by the migrat· Mrs. Br.rthn Wnrnei' nncl Mrs., wnrl1, MI'S, Gr•ni'gr Stephrns; nnd !liP prir·P would have he raised will he- neederl hy the cronmcrles tho vlcllms nf tliC' wt''ll he !wiping supfWI'I their oranges 011 their way to the Jll'll· sr>ok I he warming-, more health· rlny afternoon enllers of Mr. and Gmsshans, Thr> ltnwrr PommiltPf' PI'S rtld. not reC"CIVC ihe henefi1s till: qiwrtl insist~d on exercising- our right.~ tr>adPI's in fliP mnnnei' tn w1Jif'11 eesslnp; plants. _Our Pot!' c·otn!ly [nl l'ilm1riP of Central Flnrlrln. Mrs. Lyle> Grow and Mnriml. lis Mrs. Llo.l'd Ceo, MrH. S. V, nf this Inr.t·ense, though I imngi~e j 1 f tl1 1 tl , "SI .. of markefing our mttk Pvrn if II tiH'Y hnvr hr.r:nme nceustomr.rt has n mittlon nr;Ingf' II'ePs, 1,000 1 ili<:NRY LIDDICOAT, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chni'ies \Vchh r.11· LnwrPnr·e and Mrs. Mnx Tleehf. most Jll'nplc assumed they rltrl. ti CJll? c rom 11 e c er, h,_hnacl! 111 ennf sPmling It tn 11 rtift'ri'r•ni lliHI tiHII's nnt ;1s farmers live. 1 miles of pnverl I'flrlr!s, r1nrt !00,0()() fl20 McDonnlrl St. ·-·------1ere Is more Hll1 enoug se · · · . · [ M · c• \ r.o II f f \\' 1 1 1 1 1'1 .' ' milk to supply t11e Clnss I sales plnr.e from I hr li'o1 W1!snn '-'"· i\ FA H. l~R.-. VT ,. 8, war 1 o eat 11 e on t1 1e nrms. P .a !P illH , · n. farm Bill Vole Ithe hase price f01· April mllle will 1 Ingham County News Aprill9, 1956 Page 2 /\ year ng-o rarmorR in my ells· he somewh.n~ helow , !'he $~.00 1 · .• t ri1·t inr!ii'HII'rl hy n vote of 2 to 1 Class I PI I((', The exact plice ------llmt 1 ,.llfluirlnot support H. H. 12 cannot ,he rlcfcrmlncrl at ~his r lix1•1f, hig-h priee supports). r time. i 011 will howc~er, receive \'olr•d 111 -cni'cllngly, a complete expinnnllon nt the Tll'o wecl\s ng'o, when 1 wns In time r,aymr.nt for April millt Is 1\lit·hig;lll, realizing this woulrl made. . al(ain nrisP, nnrl wifh many mnrl· Thus the cr~amcnes are n?w lfil·ntions, I tatl· l' will help us out inclefi. HT·NABOR FARM 11itely into the future. l3UHEAU GROUP ' I !wet ant ielpatecl that this leg- islative situation might arise, ami Jusf•"ce Asked had \ctiscus~ed it with farmers. ThPyl generally indicated they thoug!Jt this vote on my part Down on the farm with the ll'nulcl he desirable, if there milk pail on our ar·m, let's count seemed to be no of her way to get the cost in friendship that can be the soil bnnl\, No nne I Jalleed charged lo the mill> strike. with was wholly and flr·mly Friendship has been a great against it. he1·itage, especially among folies 1r tlJCI'C had been time to mime· on the farm. ograph and mail ballots to fnrm· Have some of those once crs and have them returned. I friendly doors been partly woutct have clone so. I could not closed'? Does Charlie s'till wave g-el the conference committee re· when he passes Joe's house? ·noes' port until April 9, ami we voted Tilly still wave her hand In greet: vVeclnesday, April 11, But I feel ing to a neighbor across the field BLII'C the action I took represents as she hangs out the wash? Are t tw will nf fhe farmers of my there vacant chairs where friends ( distJ·ic•t. once sat side by side?·Was there any need for all this? DON 1-TAYWOR'T'H, I l1ave read both the pros. and

1 the cons about the mille situation. I wish more folies would come to Smear Attacks I the front with their opinions. TJ1e Truman penci1ant for We had what was known as the smear attacks on anyone In Re· Fair Share group. The opposition publican ranks has never been was the Michigan Milk Producers hctte1· illustrated than ·by his last association. As· the Fair Share week's hroaclside. again President were called rebels, I shall call the Eisenhower. He said, "One of the others the Unfair MMPA. most nmnzing records of political The .rebels mentioned during . ' · llct raynl I have ever seen in all the slnlte were farmers who toll my years of public life," was 11 in the soil fo raise the grain, to pi'Opcr description of the admin· feed th? cattle, .to produce milk, i~tration's farm program. for babies, for Siclt folks and for Now, it may be true that I he others who should drlnlt 3 glasses perfect answet• to the farm prob· a dn~'· . lem has not yet been found but These rebels· work from sunrise to call the recommendatlo~s a to sunset, 365 days a year. Should A LittleVacation In EVery Day "betrayal" is to say that the they !Je called rebels or sl:ould it • president is a deliberate liar-or be smd that they are aslnng for even worse. Truman was trying a me~sure ~f justice. for their ef· I to create the that this ad· forts .. Public utilities seem to ' belief ·what's it like to tal•e the wheel of a 1956 And how quiet and restful it is. The car an in'terlude that refreshes a man . and ministration promised something hav; little trouble ~ettlng what Cadillac? . in 1952 which it had 110 . Intention the) ask ~~r. That s along the is so smooth and silent in' oper·ation that enriches his spirit. of doing-that it was consciously line of· pohtlc~ and we .. all know If you don't aheady lmow, then we hope your only sense of motion comes ft·om the doing this for purely political that cows don t vote. . As one of our friends put it-"It's like purposes. I h~ve ~o hatred, not one oun;e you'll come with us now .on ~ little imagi· sound of the wind and fr·om the passing Well, Truman, as· a lifelong of In my heart, but I II having a little vacation every day!" ammo~1ty nary jourriey in the "car of cm•s". landscape. .·· member of the Pendergast politi· malte thts ~tatement: The re· ... cal machine of Kansas City, grettable mtlk strike trouble Stippose, if you wilt that you're in the­ Driving? Well, what could be more relax· * * ·should remember the 0 ld could have been avoided had the Beller come in for. a vt'.Yil ,rome day .roon, ' saw brass hats of the MMPA recog. driver.'s scat. The hour'.,is early mDI'nin£; as ing! Starting .. , stopping •. , turning-all : about people living in glass nlzed that the farmers were get- ' . houses. He seems to believe that tlng restless, that· their ·incomes y~m turn from the driveway and sweep out arc r·egula,ted with the lightest touch of toe Ij ,IJOtt .rlwuld deci'de to move up to a . p.eople have forgotten his decep. were: decreasing while they had into the br·oad, inviting boulevard, and hand. You simply lean back and enjoy Cadillac, t't will be our to make you' Ions .. in the 1948 campaign, He to pay increasing prices fo'r eve ·y· 1 the ride . , , and the car docs all the rest. a.r wt'llz yoitr relalion.rhip with u.r, a.r . hopes the people Will· not com· thing they bought to produce the How wondetjul you feel. Those deep, , pare his sorry t•ecord with the milk. The MMP A should have your deal~t; a.r you are certain to be with /he , present...... · . , .gone to the rescue· of th'elr fellow· luxurious cushions hold you in . p'erfect What's it lilte at the wheel of a 1956 car . Every·.ttme he speaks .. tt .seems men, Those rebels .they' speak of;• comfor·t'77y'o.m· hands reli!t naturally on the Cadillac?' , more and· ~o~ as· tl1ough · ht; they were· all' brothers in the ',, T/ze Cadillac name ha.r long been a .rymhol :craves anothj!r nomina:t!~n: ·~h1~· 'snme' orgiuilzat1 i, . · slendet• ~vhcel-and all about yoit are vision 01 Well, heard it said that in , he Intends making the :-dirt for · In a letter In last .week's Ing· , ...,and b~~uty. ~ .and lu~UI'J'. . . we'v~ a driv~ of automotiiJe integrity and lwne.rly of · , the party, It perhaps would. b~ l:l'am County · News the writer •. a new Cadillac isn't l"eally a drive at all, we make e1Je1y effort lo have · best to I~t him carry, the. banner. mentioned outsiders helping·. on . It's an inspir'ation j' the miles in the normal sense of the word. It's a time he would· di~covet• that the picket line at the Mason ~ ·go by. ·'• · . · .. ·. -.... ~\. -· 1 oitr own hu.rine.r.r r4fect the .rame ideal.r !in .', . for 1·cst and l)lensnre and relaxation . , ; smears have a way of back· plant. Did the MMPA use ·aftl'· /" ow; deal/ng,r with, H~ would find that his fol· outside ·help to defeat the rebels? I :.:~·'~!{.l,~i:Jo;lvlrllr · js mu~h:. smaller than he Let this be clear, I detest violence · '. ' · · · :..,- · . . . \!1 any .affair. U there. wllli 'such a -··.,KIT:, CLARDY,: tlling,·I ask,,why did the MMP.A Robinson Motorr.:.:Sales 1 ~ ~ ' • " I , ' ' • l > \ ,•, \' :' : ' I ~·: : ' ' • • • ·" ·East Lansing brass walt 1unttr 'later stage bf 0 1 .· ." . \. ' ,. . . ' r Ingham County News April19, 1956 Page 3 T.rmnw Pt·r~wllls T1•ophlrR Holt Librarian Fire Department Kiw~nis ·club Nlghl Owl lmwllng IP.nguo hnrl ' Holt News IIH lllllliiHIIHlllCJIWI nnrllllentlon or. Plans Book Fair ni'l'll'r!l'.~. 'I' 11 Ill's rl n y night nt Makes 2 Runs Mrs, Alh>n Kinney Plans Show llllll!!l''~ Ill TlniiHO In Lnnolng, 'l'hlll'Hrln~, Muy il, lhrro lVIII iln I Annn Md(Jnnry -\VIIS lllnr!t(!(J /l hool~ fnh• In tho llhrnry nf Hr1lt Leslie News '!'he Leslie fire rlepurlment 1111• Hnlt Klwnnls C!luh hnrl n prnslrii'Jit: Mllrlrr.rl PrJI>J'ul, sot!m- high RDI]nol. HrnJrs .fnl' vl~ltnrs Clara C. Strange swoJ'r.rl 2 Om c!ulls Sunrlny rtftor· ncnvlrw~ Uuvn llunqtwt• wrJellly mnotlng- 'I'IIDHrlny evening tnl',Yl Mrs. Rkharrl Pi·ntt, IrenA- will he !Hi nnrl 7-fl p, m. Pnrrnls, noon, Hnll Mcrclmnl Women's howl­ nt tiJD llnlt llntwry nnrl D B t tDunhiJJ'S a~lrJ sturlents of Jlnlt: ~ (1J'IJI. lll'fll'l 11111 1 Treno 11 _nB, 1 Hergr.lln. 'l'hc fh·at was on tho Mnx Smith Music Boosters Ing lengJifl rnncludcrl llw scnsnn's 1 ' 1 nn 1 pi'Oplll'flt 1nns worn mnc 1n of arms. 'l'mphlllH wem Jll'(lsentecl cnmrnunlly (lliiY nttenrl tho 1'1'"'' hrlrlgo, plr.nrlerl guilty hefnre fri rm 11 t. 3000 West JJollovuc, nr•llvll!CJs 'I'hursclny evening with fnr the 1\lwnnls lnlnnt show 111 Mnry gvans, Ann McKinney, mlucnttonnl ex)llhll of new honlcl guill;• In I'CJc!lt 1111 1\TI•rlis spl10ol llhrnrinh, nldecl hy lhe Rill· If the)' pny lhc!h' fino lind costs. his wood lnl. Mr. anrl· Mrs. Hny Chrrl<: mnlhrr vke·presl­ nnrl prizes will lo!Lll $75. 1~1'11111\ Wonwn's Assorlntlnn nf Hnlt rlf!hl .Hlirarr nsslstnnls, planner! dJ'JI'lllf:, l'ri)JJnlnr·iJy HliiTCIHifJJ'ecJ president; Dnnnn Cnrl, vice· Arnold Sheppard, .21, Le.~Jjc, Smith hncl nlmost extengulshecl clent, Mr.~. Hnllm·t Arnlz: sr,~rr?­ Bmwn Is rhalrmnn. Sal Aynuhe<• PrP~hytc•rlun dllii'Cil wlU meet nnd nnaligecl the fnlr. IJJs Jle•pnsr> f·s drlv· from the em·! Scull fnrm on \Vonmn's fJluh \VIII l\r4!1\j nml posls nrc pnld. means, Mrs. ftiC'IHll'd Jo'ny. Flflll cfJtlulizallnn of pJ·npr'J'Iy l'illllr.s sunw clnlc fn1· an evening meol.- nnd tn expl'es-s their prr•fr:·l'nc•c• ing I'!JaJ-gr! In ;rnnii!C'I' r·nunly. Aurelius I'Oarl, where a cement Tlnll Woman's dub will meet Mnrlin w;rs npprr•lwnrlc>rl I~rl­ Mnrshnl Hnynes apprehr.nded block garnge and to!Jls were lnsL nnd slxl11 gmrlr• hand slurlenls, from llw slalr! lnx enmmlssinn. lng at llw home of Mrs, Hobart for pnrt!culur tYtles of I'P;111lm;, tilt! In Ouslny's nutomohlle at under llw cllrcl'l inn nf Gera lrl Tuesrlny n!ghl, April 24, nt llw The r~luh will mrrH with offleet·s Ma1·lln, ·m7'1 Mnpln slrect. Miss MIFlH Cnmpl\cll Hnld. rlny C'I'Pning wlll•n rf'slciPnl.~ of a Worl( was being done nn stocl• Delhi lnwnHhlp lmll. There will Hciii'VtJr Palh•cl Murshnl Donnlrl .1 :00 n. m. Snturclny, Ousley nnd cars for racing, Firemen snlrl Wln!rrs, r,n1•r n muslerli progrmn . of I he Kay Chill fnlnwlng n Ng· Enid Lewis Is In c•harge of de· Plans fnl' lllc HJHing music! Jr.s­ he a ,picnic men!. Slate Fedora· ulnr mcel.lng April 2·1. vnt lnnH ancl Ilin p1·ogmm, "In· M1·. and Mrs. Melvin Corsr!l' of :Jinync•.s saying n was Rl'ttrlley hncl hecr In theh· posses· that n sparl< from the welders linn nnd women's llnmc reports sion. Shr.ppnrd ndmlttr.d buying tlvnl nrc lll•ing mnrlr. for Mny ·18. illan Amorjcah," wl11 be present· Lrill of hi.s C'lll' the cement block walls be umlnm­ al family nlgltl Friday ev1•nin~-: Senlm· elnss of Hnll high In a stnte nfflc~e. Sl1n is tlw rlaugh- Cluw1'11 of the Na~m·c•nc hitcl a lci.wl.vlerlge nboul the fl:'rcling­ 11nrl ~l

)dns • . ;1\'ill(t' 1\ll• .Tusl iee Rouse nnrl wns assessed appmving work done to dale. Samuel 1\rlmd\, l!l75 WaiJiul tritiou~ )'l'il:-rm1nd $.3'1.:10 and sentcncecl to .inil for A buffet supper was served, strect al 7:45 p. m. "CIJrislian ) j ;IJ: t' l' fl i I l' I d s .3[} clars, with 25 clays suspr1Hird ennslsting of potato salad, bal

W!;en "I say the real and permanent gran­ Mr.c;. Vi"r~inia N••mcr· n ••rl -' 1 'hli'!IHer. Sally, atlf!IHII'rl lh" You ··~.:i .• m:t r:m:r of tho>e S!atlls must be their reli­ Mir!hir(an F'lllllrl! ll('mcmaltors rtf ~· gion." 1 i\mr!rka mnvrntion in Gmnrl of -Walt Whitman I Jlapids Thurscluy anrl Friday. TIH' Dan~villr. girls nttnrtnl of whicl1 insurame Sally ls a member, sang there!. Don Williams attenrlerl a stnte· L•·t us ••xplain the ncu broad wide offi~ers mectinrr r1f t!JP. .J11:1· Think fonn r.-sidmw•• insuram't~ - ior Farm Burcnu helrl At Michi· \"ou'll b•~ amazed at the cover· [:<111 Sl:ll" university ~atlll'rlay. of Mrs. Ell,.,n Damnn. Mrs. Mngrrir: Scriplcr, Mrs. .Juanitn Stowe, Mrs. Gcnevn RiPe anrl Mrs. Pnu· line 0Pstr.rlc all!!nded n district W. S. C. S. meeting at Ann Arbo~ ~~~cCowan &. McCowan Friday. .-\ollturiZI'II Al;<:lll t'CII' Auto OWJWI'b IIINIU'IIIIC~ 1,':), Mrs. Bertha On~ll"rle, Mrs. Rer· l•mt-:- 1-lt\HILI'J'\'- WINI>S'l'Oim- 1\CCIJli~NT niee Oesterle anrl l\1r~. Vela Wil· Iiams at lendPrl a calendar ten 11!1 1•,. 0/Lk Phnnl• 0Rdmrt1 IJ. I 261 '!'iven bv th0 Kin'!< Daughters nl the F'oWIPrvl!lr. Methorli~l church Monday nvnning. , Mr. rnd Mrs. Williilrn Orslrrl;• "'~rr.. rllnll"" rTIInsls· of Mr. anrl M''s. L. P. '"illi~m~ F'rit!:w eve· nil''!. Mr. ,..,, Mrs F.rnc~t· Til us ;:nrl 1\lr. ""'1 Mrs J,ou;s Hamilton :mel rlan-rh•rr. Barhll''i1, anrt WiJ. lia,.., Hamilton W"l'l' nlso visitors. Mr.o.. (inr'llrl Dnnglas cntC'I'­ Iaincd 16 rir's Satnnl~v ~ftnrnnon COMPLEfEI.Y N&:i'Y ~NAt.:K /jr~l< IVVrt" U/'1:11/ in honor of h,.,r rlilltl"1~ of M1·s. C!arn C1•oss· seconds so till'y'I'IJ nlrnoBI. iiiiJII'I'ccpti!JI,!! ln other words, Jctawuy sccon•ls the motiou-~:;ivca · lev ~~ Wr>hb~rville. S~;j~cial Midnight Showing Leslie Mead stepncrl on n mil you all the jlmv of Iluitl, yet retains all the solid, thrilling /JO of gear~! Thursday, running it through his t 'i'ee~age Crime -wave tor. I NEW DUAL DOWNSHIFTING FOR EXTRA S~FET'(! · Miss Br:w•rl:v Hr:neslint rnorl~lerl i:he 1 rno1:ion • Wlml's morl!, .ll'la way fcnt1u'cs new dual ilownshiCt action-at traffic uml cruising speerls 2. Red SMndown at il dress revue at Jncl,son Sat· -In sJ•Lil·.<~'l'llllrllhc motion, too, Just wait lill you try it, teamed with Oldsmobile's new urday. ]locket Enginc-2,10 hnrot'powcr sll'Ong, cltnrged with il 9.25·lo•l cowpressiou ratio"'"'! 3. K:Vtiel on Mississippi dclivcl'ing a ltt·cath·taking 350 lh..Ct. of torque! : SUNDAY.~AONDAY APRIL 22-23 Hoytville {. '~. and· America votes i1: JETAWAY SMOOTHNESS ... BEAUTY TO MATCH! TWO HITS lUi'S. III. V. Uutler You'll go for tlw glamor of Oldsmohile, too! Rev. nml Mrs. Rnh~'rt Hewitt 'The Gear o'f 1:he Year ) 1'lw1·c's mrissivc magnilicenee nml solid assurance and family .of Mulliken were in lhc :ulv:nll!l!·dcsign "inlngl'ilic Bumper." It's Rose Tattoo :' rntcsts at the Ray Campbell home ./ 111:o fi'Oul. illlllljll't'S in mw fnr11rot•~clion high and with Burt Lancaster - Anna Magnani Snnday for dinner. low-an Oldsmnltilc Iii·; I, till Oldsmohilc exclusive I Mr. and Mrs. H. Schroeder ;mel -more nnmistakaltlc cvid•·m·c of Ol•lsmohilc's PLUS Mr'. and Mr·s. R. Yeckcy of Lfln· IT'S AN ECON'OMY CHAMPION, TOOl ~tyling lcad•·l·ship! A1ul it's nil underscored hy > B 1-L cyclone damage at Hudsonville i /_ PLUS and Standale and alsn called m1 --~----.;..· A QUALITY PRODUCT broudht to you by AN' OLDSMOBILE QUALITY DEALER!-;.;,;,_;;-.---- Mrs... Mary Warner In Gr/and Rap· ·· ·· ··, ·L ·· d ids. . ' ,Allc and_ .. Mrs .. Bruce Eastman' T·exas·. . : · ·a· y· and daughters returned .to Wind~ ·, ''. · •. ·'· .. •• · ·' ·• 1 .- · • .·: · •· ·· · · sor, Mis!louri, Friday evening aft· 222 5.. Cedar-Phone OR ·7-~96ar· .... ; I, McCarn: Oldsmobile·- , with Cl~u.~et.te Colbert; _.. · er n lO·day leave. .. . · . . .' : · ·· ·· ·. · / · ·· · r ·) · '.-: · .. ' · ·~,_ 11, ilntl sut)S -~·I!!!!!!B!!!!I!II!IIIil••ill•lil••lll•lillli•llllil••••l -"· 11-tr·~. _11-~HI'Yli Par~on ·.. ---·--·-'.------·GET: .OUr·: .QF···THE: ORDINARY·~. t ..·.INTO AN OLDS! .. .. GEl' TOP' VALUE TODAY,_. TOP RESALE TOMQRROWI·----'--- /

i'nri>b nf T.nnsing.' Gur.sls warn Vari~ty Show South Leroy fl'orn ,J lll'iiH!ill, 1•1nl on 11nplcls, Stoclst 111 Mm;on lltf' MJ•. nnrl 1\lrs. ~lrrtnll Hlt•P sun· tlnns of 1'111 J'r•ll!J'itlng rwxl yr>;u·. 1 1'ic·l1, Chrlsrn, clrunil cll'ivlng, $62 hy Mnu1·im Lnlimrl' 111111 lhr• JHIHI 2 wrrl1s. ci:Jy night. '1'\H'y nn•: Mrs. Lr•ls .il!Pngr!l, r11· :10 clays, palrl nul; Dnn Snlyf'l', sprr.<•li cleparlnwnl. HISTORICAL-Freighted with memories, Ibis Conestoga wngon Is posud nt cntrnnce to the Mrs. Mr•i'lon lllr•f' entr.rlamrrl 1\JJ'. nnrl Mrs. rrarnlcl Orstorlr! l1omenwldn~:; illlli l•!va Knol'i1, SlodnlnJ'Y exr:osslve speed, $10: Henry Phil· plnlns fl'Din 1750 lo 1850, the Concslogn w:rgon was usualiy about 24 feet long nnd could trnm· r.hnngP tn rnhes nnrl spr.dnl ens· On Sttnday PI'Pnlng nt R p, m. n trrlr. tr.ndJers. ll[tS, Gmnd nuplds, IIJsohe;rerl tumr.s, Speclnl lighting nnrl singe port a load a[ tip to live tons wlwn tied to n six-horse hitch. Save for its cloth cover, thts relic or nnothcr :rge is in n remnrl1nblc slnte or prcscJ·votlon, Pl'll,Vel' ·'~'''Vir-e will lu• liPid. The 1\lrs. Alir'P 1\lnlll'llf! nf \Vel1hcr· Sttpl. .lr!ssn llnlr•lil'lor is lntm·· slop sign, $fi; ,John Davison, r.ffrr.ts will ariel to llw show. viewing JII'IISJH'I'IivP tl'nr·hers foJ' Brlghlon, spr.<'ding, $1~: nnd Ed· l'llllrch f'\w!J· Jll'ilf'lkr.s c!vrry villr. callt>rl 1111 1\li'S. (:enevn IHr·f! 'fhe show opens with "Rrrl ~he r·nrnlng year. A IHimhr1· or re· ward ,T, .Tcz, ,Tnd1son, 1llsohcyr.rl 'rhut•sclay evening at 7::!1l p, m, Monday. plar:rnwnls lll'r• sill! IH'Cdl'd In tlw stnp .~Jgn, $fi. ' Fnrlng ami His Wolverines" J1l'C· Pra~lic'e Is CollowPcl hy a rllhlr.j Senti Noblr allr!JlliPcl the 11fllh!r,ry sdi/Htls. l•'nlll' arldi· :-:entlng Rll<'ll fnmlllar numhrn; as study hotiJ', fielrl nrii\Jery rPllltion hl'ld 111 the "rt's n Gl'lln hl~-:h nnrl "Lrt M<' Cnll You Swr.el· Mr. iillrl Mrs. Elm<'l' Lehman henri.." The CIHli'In C:iJ·Is, llw 1n11·n where tlwy plan to oprn a Whitedog District schnnl iluilrlitl!( i11 tl11• lull nnd 011rl f'hllrlren visited liw Rnhrrt lwnuty and llat'her shop. Cathedral Holwr\ r:hoiJ', l•'unm• Jill'S, 1\1, V. llnU•••• !his will allow lltl' Plllii'P lttJily llrr• j11nirtJ' nnd sr•n· 13ones 13nnrl, the Bnllacle: will cntel·tnln lor iliJ!Il sl'illlrrl slltriPIII.;, blrlhdny party fm• llwir grand· :. By rec•r•nl ur·thon of till' hoard nawxlllll'St Sunday Ill rllllllf'J' plano, nnd show hnnt tunPs arr• lhr Sunll,\'Siclet·s I'XI<'nslon l'illh at WPI'f' M1·. nnrl Ml's. ninl .Tnhnsnn rlaughtPI', Linda Nowlin, ai tlw heJ' home on lllil'l\lf',\' I'OIId '!'tiPS· of <'rillralillll :rll Jlllli·riPgn•r lf';wh· nmong the 111'1~. and llC'rvllle visited !loy anrl l'lli~cs of $:11111 i11 Hoiriil inti In tlu• Dnul(liis Barton, $2!10 liii'I'I'IISI' gl\'1'11 ill ,J:rl\li:JI',\', Maldtn Brol hC'I'Ii bowling tram UuJUjlll'l Js PIILillll'll daughlr1·, 'l'el'I'Y· Br!i'l\111 ShnWPI'man Sunrin~:. The hasP mitrirtrtlnl p:r,v l~>r ril'· tnPmbrt·~ nnrl ., hrir wlvrs hnrl din· Gnlclen nnniverHary eommil trr HYSTERICAL-Timt's a good wo1d to rl~scribe your probable condition following n fnsl trip grer. t•.'ilf'ill'l'., ll'iiiJrrltl r•.xp<•riPtll'l' JH'J'ill til<' HPgPnl r·afc In .T:wkson of Pm~hytet·y hns completed its over n rough rond while l'icling the ecnte1· sent of !}tis triple buckboard. Circa 1085, the hus IJel'll raisr•ri frnm $:1,!'•110 to Saturday night. arrangcm<'nll'l fnr thr. pl'Ogrnm wagon is just Dill' of tile: m:1ny horsc-clniwn vehicles oi1 displny 'nl the famous Shelburne Mu­ Congratulations to Mason on tho seum, SlwlbuJ'JH', Vl. 'l'lwy mcmm·nlizc- the day:; when nel·cnt was on "hoJ·sc" in ho1·sepow~··. $3,!10() for ll1r• r·r11nit1g ,\'1':11'. As •Timmy T\ldntyre nf Dclroit vis·· all(J hanqtJet April 2G n 1 fl::JO p . wonderful bond-free ~chool system, The yet, no lllllXitllllllr ;:;rl;r>'l' Jras h<•en ilcrl l1is sisleJ·, Mrs. CIH'is Win· m. in the high sel1ool gym. Dr. new Steele Street elementary school is a set by 1111• lrll:rt·ri 11111 il is r•xpri'IPri IPJ'l'OII'fl, Salunlay. Holwrt .J. Cardigan nf Philnc\PI· nlty, rlierl on Sunday evening. fine hibutc to a remarkable community. that it will f:rll ltl'iii'<'Ptl $R,OOO M1·. :uul Mrs. Malorrl 'J'iltls and phia, crlitnr nml manngrr nf Pn•s·· Funeral services will be held on nnrl $:i,r,nn. l'hilclrcn arf' moving In L'Anse in hylllJ'ian Lifr., will be the guest Wcclncsday at the Lt!ccht ftll'(Cral Thi'PI' Ill'\ I' hu,.;r•.s ll'il h Suprriol' Kenwer.naw <·nunty 1his week spenkcr. Dr. Willinm Wimbrrly Onondaga SAL AYOUBEE home in Leslie. Burial will he nt horlirs h:ti'P IH•r•11 ptn·f'imsl'rl from C'IHI. of .Jackson will preside, \ViiJI;ni1 Lanes cemetery on Br.llevur. Rrl. Wright will prcsf'nl the f'hurr·h Mrs. Burton Baldwin Sun T.Jil., .-\.ssurnnr.ll Co. or Canada story, and ncv. Paul Arnold nf Mr. :mel Mrs. Gernlrl Martin ll:l W. IHkhiJ:'Illl, J.JUJ~In~ Ingham County News April19, 1956 Page 6 Mason will al'illin~-: words: Hnwarrl HPI'ior, · thr. junior high room, Mrs. MJ'. and Mrs. Lm'I'Y Doy\r. :mel • 1ant apactty. Sunday r>vPning. Dixir. Haytrr, Sandra Clark and Helen Lynd1 rr.ports the follow· sons rnllerl on Mr. :tncl M•·~. Hctt· f.ionlh .Jc•l'l'~>rson SIJ·c•r•l, !IInson • Top Speed with 2·plow tractor. Honoring Mrs. J\-lary Ellen Patty Balrlwin. The! following ing ha1•e heen neither nbscnt nor ben Critlls, S1·., of Hastings Sun· • Only one main moving part. Barllf'tl, wi1n leaves April 25 to liavr. lwrl perfect atlenrlan~e: larriy: Waller Wireman, John o Smoke, David Norris, 1\'Jar· Gray, Donna El JIIH'CiliH, l\11', nnrl nnrl llohhlr>, Mrs. Dell Woll', MrH. lms IH!en postponer! fm• 2 wnelnrlerl 11 MhTo-Mnllc rl1•nwnslr·n· 'l'lw lemtm'i·nlure of sea ,wntnr M1·, nnrl Mrs, Rny Rnymonrl of ITnnnn In Hopl1lns Runrlny nflr!r- Ed Wlelwr·t nnrl Mrs, Gilbert Wnrl· P;rnwln nnd Sinphrm 'l'll'l'any, Mrs. linn rllnmw nl hnme of MJ•, nnrl vnrleH fmm 2R llcgmcs to !10 qe, Erlen caller! ul !he home nf Mr·. noon. Lnl'r~r lho Hunllnglons vis- rlnlnglnn, all of T.. nomls, enllcrl al Did' Drursmnrr! anrl girl~. Mr. Mrs. Ji'Joyrl Bndms' Sunrlny nftel'· grecs, fmm nretle ~ons to iropl• nnrl Mrs, CJyrJe Hill Thursclny lll!d llw spniH whr.rr. the tomnrlo ilH! home of Mr. nml Mrs, A, E, ntH! Ml'H, Hnhl'rl El.rlrldgP ar11J llOflll. r•nl, lnnrl·loc•lwrl lmys, (Snit eon; nfternoon, hit·. Hnrllg SEIIurrlny nflcrnoon, Mr. iliHl MrH. Hnh Mills. I Mrs, Allrt' Grelll'nlwrgrl' nnrl IPIJI of HOfl Wilier lHJ' N1•w Anwrkan L1·~iun Builllin~) Ganaway Snllll'rlny aflcl'llonn. of Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Greenlee Sunday dinner guests of M!', and Mrs. Charles Rich returned nnrl sons Sunday evening, Mrs. Clarence Irish. . '. I ·home from the Mason General Hoherl Baise!, who is employed Mls.s Anna!Jell Nelson Wa!'i. a ' llospltnl Monrlay aflernnon afiC!' hy Michigan Hall Telephone eom·' hostess aL a Copper party given spending nvr.r a week llwrc. Mrs. pany ·will attend school for 10 Werlnesrlay evening at her pnr· G n M ,.,. • R Full Line of Garden Equipment lllch I~ doing nl('l'iy hul lws In wcel:I'Jllll ,fnhJISOil * 1\IIDLANil 'l'H.LimS Mason, Is laking cnJ·e of IJCJ' Mr. and Mr.,, ,Julian Lyon, .Jr., fer. In her man,v gucsls. mx. * COlJN'J'Hl' BOY HIDING THACTOR Miss All'rleda FI'Osl of Asbury ., rlaughlel' anrl Iter fnmily until and Dennis called on Mr. and 1 Mr. anrl MrR. Ralph Hayner vis· eolil'ge, 1\l'nlucl LAWN 'I'OOLS ters Monday evening. Mason where they hnve just pur- Dnnsvlllo had open house sunday vrs1.1erl his srs.lCJ '-, Mts, ITo11.tHI . ~ . , , , · * Mr. nnrl M1·s. Herhcrt Hartig chaser! a new home. rmm 2 unlll 6 for their father Ward, and fam1iy Saturday. IMrs. lloyd Donal, SunrJ,r~ O\e· and rlaughters call.-rl on Mr. anrl M1·. and Mrs. Walle!· Ganaway Fred Gauss, on his 80th hirthrlay Mr. nnrl M1•s. Cl;ll'lmr·e :t\emle:· nlng. Watch for Grand Opening ..-,. Mrs. Donald .Jarrlol anrl rlaugh· Palled al the home o( Mr. and anniversary. vlsiiPrl Peter 1\PmlPI' nl' :rnr~ksonl The ~mnge's flfilh. anniversar,v lers of Eaton fiapirls Frlrla~· eve· Mrs. Henry Anderson in Mason Mt·. and Mrs. T·Tm·row Sly Sunday. par·t,Y ~jill h~ hold F'!'lday evc~lng, nlng. Salurrlny evening. cnllerl on their une!P nl. Munith M1·. nnrl Mrs. n.alpil Glynn, 1\prrl -7, wrlh suppeJ· at. 7;.JO Jl. we·n Be Open 7 A. M. to 6 P. M. Mt'. anrl Mri'. Collins Hunting-~ ThLtrsdny evening Mr .. ntlrl Mrs. sunrl:iy. Harlow Sly, Mr.~. Mae Sly, Mr. m.. r:llaloes.'. rrrl!s ;~nrl .huller, /r Inn visilccl Mt'. and Mrs. Delos Ralph Furlney, Sr., r.allerl on Mt•. anrl Mrs. Oliver Root of nnrl Mrs. l•'orrsl FPIImvs anr! Lila ;~edt .llld colic? Will hr. fulnl~hrrl. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, Clemenls ;rtlendNI opeu .h~u~ ll~so nt~ndrng 111~ :1sl Clvlo Crnft nnrlllnhtw a tllcl will SJclls to holp memhct s dolor ctlsplll>' Aftlcnn vlolols 111 the rn t 111lne the l' show nnrl sale Aptll were ,;:lvon nt tllll meeting of 20 27 nnrl 2R nt tho Civic Ccnlot Legal Notices White Onlt 4ll cltth lnst waelt nt Mrs Lawls Wilson Tur.srlny tn 01 gunlze for the sumn1o1 Jll ol In Lnnslng G!IIHshlnwlng ct 1nm ORDER AI I OINTING TIME FOfl the home of Mnrgnrct nnrl Tohn lcs nrtlflclnl llowu1 H 11 g wr.nv Phelps Memhet s nnswe1 Clfl roll eels Loon Even tt wus olectort HEAIHNC CLAIMS AND I 011 plcslrlenl Dcmnls Dnolitll!! vice ltm Jl([ rile wotl<~ 1 111y f tVct s lli1Tl !IMINA liON 01 II ElliS cnll wllh projects they ma tailing pwslrlent Susnn Wilson sc 11 e cnppm lfltlllel jewehy 1111d nit m llENNETT-1 Instnllntlon of new offlcCJ s nnrl tuy Doug! sS1111rlurs tronsu1er l11um ltnys mo nmung tho ex initiation of new memlmrs toolt nnrl Leo Pr.rlchur g news r r pc 1 1 hli!IIH r 11 rllsplny nnd fut s do plnce Slcits wr.r e Jll e•entt rl by ct Joyce nnrl Susnn Wilson nnrl llr hh~ ln)li will I u 11 I 11 I I 1 ells Ilnr old Onicley Oenlri 131lter CliHR 11[1 W Boh Cooper we10 mnclt~ junlm IJWh Cl filii ~IH hoW Sally rhompson and Cnrol Crnf Jemlm s I he next meeting will he to rln them Mttotlll f 1 the Junior JonrJers 111 o D dry liar nt Lac nnd Sunch a Perlcllerg s different cwlts 11 Ill ulso be old Onlcie>' safety Tnnet Coopnr April 27 nt B p m nvnllnhlc photography DIn n e Felton horses Rosemary Br tV! nrlcr crops Marvin Gnuss g mien Rosemm y Stnrlw>' nnd foods Cnrol Grnf Mntlene Wnr f c and ltl l'Oit1 01 UONUI liON 01 Ruth Ann Cooper Frm i8 Vnrl~tles The Farmers Bank of Mason Blynn Dr dgc was P.)cctcr! pres! dent of the Ferris Varieties 4 II of 1\lason ln"luun ( nnnly 1\lldrlg-nn dub nt the meeting Frldny nt the Ill!! cl1 se of hLtslness Ap1il 10 l!J I n State hunkl1g Instil til n club bousl! Fifteen mcmhers nnd otgnnizcrl nnrl oper tli 1g t nrlet 11H h r king ltws r f this St til nrl n 17 parents and friends attended memba1 nf the Feder i nus r ve S~ str m Puhl!shorl in nc1 1tltnce the meeting with 1 1 til m 1 le h~ the State 13 lllitlng Attho1 itics md hy the Other officers nrc Llnd1 Cndy Feder II Reset ve D tnlt of this D!Hirt I vice president and 1 ocr eu tlon ASSI1S lender Alice Dei

13 $1 170 '"i73 00

1 !lt 0 10'5 15

R!l33 20 liS G081J2 12 'j'J8 IG

TOTAL LIABILII IES $3 839 778 73

UAI'I1Ar, AU( OUN IS CnptlfiJ• :;; 100 ono on Surplus •J 1 ono oo Uncltvtdac! ptof1ts !ll ])2 1) Reset ves I Ancl ICttremant account fot pre !erred capt tal) J ron oo



This banlc s c tp I I cor stsls of Comm Jn sill( k w1th total par value of $100 000 00 IHEi\IORA~IlA Assets pledged or asstgned to secure lllbJ!ttlrs l!ld for other purposes > :;-::;ceo co Depostls of the State of M uhtg-nn 1In eluded 111 Item lGJ lC SO~ 19 Dart National Bank I L R White Cashlet of the above named b 1 11< 01 :nASON, 1\II(IIIGAN th 1t the above statement 1s tn e to the In the S ntc of 1\lwh g 111 11 the close of bt s1ness on Aprtl 10 ba!Lef Published 11 rospr 1se t 1 call m tde by comptroller of the cutr ncy L R WI!IrE C sluct uncle! Saul un 1211 U S Revtsed Statutes CORRECT-A rTEST ASSI rs L II IIARRISON i Cash h tlmHcs \\tth othet banks tncludmg rasotve J B DEAN hnl nee ncl r tsh tlems 111 pt ocess of collection !1:1 ;>10 582 !l3 EARL M SALISBURY 2 Un te I S ntcs G1 ve11 men! obhg tlions dtrcct D 10 It IS and gt 1 nntcerl Slate of M1dugan C JUnty of Ingham ss 3 Obligations of Stntes and pol t1c 1i subcltvisions Sv.orn to and subsctlbad before me this 18th cJ 1~ of A! r 11 IIJ 4 Othct ht nds notes 111cl clebr.nturas ISEALJ MARY J SMIIII Not r~ Pub! c 5 Colplltlc sloe! s llnriudtng $1200000 stocl< of My commission expires August 10 19J7 Fe lr.r tl Res ne h 1 l

WHEREAS at n mecltng of the Townslup Bom d f 1hC' Townshtp of Vevay Inglmm C JU 11~ Mtelugan he! I 1 n t llf' 16th clay of Aprti 1956 a francluse ordmance was mloptccl 12 TOrAL AS:sEIS enlttlcd as follows AN Olt[)JNANC(I] ;panting to CONSUI\IERS PO\\ lit I IABIIIIII S CO~IPANY Its succc~sors and assigns the 1 fl:hl 13 of tn h\tduals partna1shrps ptnver and aulhouty to luy mnlntaln und ope llllc gas mulns, pipes and S! 1 vtcc~ and to consLI 111 t, malntum ancl conuncrunlly ns1 clcch lc lines con sis tin,: of lo\\ e1 s masts, Jmlc s, c1 oss tuns gu~ s braces wues, hnnsfmmms and othe1 cleclrlcal a11 pllnnces on, along, ncr oss and nude! tlw highways, •" stl ct ts all( ys, ba idgcs and othe1 pnhllt (Jiaces, nnd to do n locnl gas ancJ!or electric huslm ss In the 'IOWNSIIIl' OF VI VAY, INGUAJU COUNrY, 1\IICIIIGAN, for a (ICI led of thit ly years WHEll.EAS smd Consumers Po\\ er Company has hereto fore filed its written acceptance of satd f1 anclme and has re 24 TOTAL LIABILITIES quested that th!! question of conftrmmg the gr mt thereof be submttted to the qualtfrcd electors of the fownshrp at a spectal ~lcctlon to be held for that purpose and has also patd to the 25 C tpllli St Jdt Township Board the estimated expense of holding such special (c) C1 m non st1 cl nlectlon and ~6 Sm plus WHEREAS there has ber-m hcteloforc fried With said 27 Undi\ ided Board a p~titton signed by at least twelve electots requcstmg 28 Reserves that a special township meeting and election be calied for such purpose NO\V, TIILREFORI', )IIU sunnt to 1 csolutlons ado)ltecl by saltl Board, notice l.s hei'Cby given thut a speclnl meeting amtl 30 TO 1 AL LIADILITIES AND election wlll be held In sulci 'IownshiJI ut the Vevay Townshi(J CAPilAL ACCOUNIS Jlnll, on Thursday, the 31st duy of 1\lu~, 19ii6, fm the pur pose of voting on the confh1nullon of the action of srlltl Townshl11 1\II'!UORANDA Boartlln gaantlng such fmnchlse 3l Assets p!Niged or assigned to secure liabilities The polls of said election will be opened at 7 o cloclt In the and for other pm poses $ forenoon or as soon thereafter as may be and Will be held 32 (a) Loans as shown above are after deduction open until 8 o cloclt P M Eastern Standard Time The Town of reserves of ship Clerlt will be in her offlce on the 1st clay of May 1956 I A A Humphrey Cashier of the above named banlc, do said date heing the thirtieth day as de tot mined by statute pie 1$Qiemnly that the above statement is ttue to the best of my ceding the elate of said election for the purpose of ~evlewlng ~)lPWledge and belief the registration and regislet ing such of the qualified electors A A HUMPHREY Cashier of the Township as shall appear and apply therefor, which CORRECT-ATTEST registration may be made on said date between tho hours of 8 W F DART o clock A M, and 8 o cloclc P M Eastern Standard Time E A DENSMORE Said franchise as granted by said Board Is on file with the E R EDGAR undersigned Township Cleric for the purpose of inspection by Dhectors the q uallfled electors BY ORDER OF THE TOWNSHIP BOARD BLANCHE A WHEEL'ER, 'Iownshlp Clerk Aprill9, 1956 The Ingham County News Part 3

:1 nlone buy r anlrnuls nrc wife, IH depleted In Columbia pet. Su~;y snys that mnmma is lion of ~l.ryot• Alfrorl l•'nrdw. !~vans and Hid1anl Morl'is are Ji'l!l'l'ih~' 1111d Richards, 1110 or the hcst purls of clliidhoorl being- won over· and they tillnl< it Pictures' "Three Stripes in the won't be long before J lllw 11 as Wltiln I'IHllrnitlcl•s nre nolhin~ comrnitlrm memhcrs, MnrrJ.q 'l'he mnyor pointed out that be· I rlncs not lneluc!e the mt and enuse colllwllrnen 11re elected Sun," opnnlng the rlouhlc hill at nnuse or anything thut lrmlan that, I havc hicl· "Count Tlrrce and Pray," whir~h ~Jm·n cr:miu;; l'nr !111• lllt'llltl~· rlen this mnusP·mmplex ... or at stars Van llellin. II will piny 111 l'l'il'. least suppressed it. Fox Sunrlny anrl Monrlay. So we have adder! a hampster Van Heflin appears as a Civil to our nvergrowing menagerie. War veteran, a former roisterer S:.tm_m,y ;:ays, "When it grlll;'s 1 a g11r.H< job of talking Susy into Only one, minrl you, which should who returns home a self-ordained up II r~ gotng to he a greal hrg wanttng one too. Being wiJ:tl you solve all the proverbial problems minister. lfc faees a gun-lotin' n1t and then mamma will lei the woulrl call a stmtcglst! Sally is 1•nme to mlnrlwlwn that word is giLl, a whip-w!r.lrlln' woman flllrl mt in and eat it _up and. that will t lw real animal _c n!. h Ll Hi as I, /mentioned. They have no other a hatc·flllerl town, none of wlrom he liH' end of it. I gupss." He though all 3 chilrlren love litem · -- ·-·- ... .:. ______believe In hili reformation anrl all sighH anrl gazes into the cage \'ct;y much, • of whom nre determined to smash thoughtfully, "ft" is a _harnp_stcr To celebrate this IJirtiHI:ry we Summer Arrives him If they c·nn. Joanne Wood· that Susy got for her nt!llh lurlh· went to Lansing to a pet sl1np. To ward, Phil CnrPy, Raymond IlutT r~ay last wee!< as a gtf~ from make it n real party we asked Q R" G d and Allison llayPs co-slat·. Sally. ' . because that Is W!Hrl Cleva Summer and her 3 j'Ollll);1 n 10 ran e J>hmey Film N••xt Sally wanted hersclf anrl she rlrrll slers, George, I

Share your doctor's confidence· in prescription Dies in Lansing , treutmonts. Forget till) ad veri i£cd medica lions. Mrs. Anna Stanlry BrigiJnm, former lr•nf'!Jet· in Willillmslnn "THE Follow your dodor's directions Cill cfully. Enjoy :wilnnl, rlicrl liisl wcr•l; ill IICI' the full benefit of tho modern and forward plun hnnw in L1rnsi ng. Slw II' lis :1 llil· for better hc,,lth - the proscriplion. livr or Vicksburg ilnrl il Lnnsi11f: rrsiriNII rnr the flliHI 2S ,Y!!ili'S, Burial SC!J'I'iC'C!S were r•nnrlLII'II!d f('(]m thr Gnrslinr>-llu111'irna11 fll· IJ('t'iiJ horne lnst Mnnd:~y al'lr>r­ llonn wit 11 n.ev. C:enrgc Selw11y 111111 J11'V. 1\l'illlll' /\, Al'l'hCI' nf I :;J, 1-'rtlll's F;pisr·np:d l'illrrr·h, nl'l'i· vial in g. j' 1 Woman's Corps fJ>r."ripfiott Pkannadsb Has Instruction Lttllt1 Michigcrn Wnrnan's Jlrlief Cnrps IJ:HI ils annual insprc:Jion n11d school of in;;Jruclinn I:1SI Frirlnv evaning with Mrs. Lnuvisn l•;lnwcr, dc­ palrintic: i11slruelor, ns inspcelnt·. Mrs. Penr·l Prntl. prc.~­ irlf'nl, presided. \':rl'io11s mrnmillel' l'f'Jlm'ls were rcnrl. lllrmla Slocum gave llw r·crnt'L of the card committee in liw 11hscncc of Olivcl' .Johnson. I Tile parties 1ook plnee during the winter lllOillils 11nrl l'tlncb; wc:'l! llll'llell into lire ge!WI'IIi rund. II was rlecirlccl 1ha 1 li new mrrl J.ahlr.s be Jlllt'chasacl, anrl tlw lll'eS· ic!anl nppnintc11 Olive Johnson nnrl E'rnmn Smith In lnkc !'Ill'!' of !he m:111cr. AI tha conclttsion or the IHLSi· !'IUI. 11 HOL.IOAY COUPE ness meeting, 1he instrtrctm· gnve brief remarl;s and ;,poke about the corning depnrlmrmt conven· Here•s lNhy 1:he e~gine 1:ha1: v'/uto·O.wners lion in Lnnsing rluring lhe monlh of .Tunr>. Mrs. Flowers wns ill'· s1:arted -the high-compression era Fair and Square Rating Plan. companiad by Mr~. Dorothy Christmas of Lnnsing, city chait'· man for till' depart mnnl conveti· s1:ill -tops 1:he 'field 'today ! costs less for families! lion. New, Auto-Owners give the family man a break..,, Afler the meeting ice cream, cnlw, coffee nncl tea were SCI'I'C!rl. THE ROCKET BROUGHT HIGH-COMPRESSION You 'II rare] v usc 1he full 230t horsepower nnrlcr 1aves him money with a new realistic. method of pel'formance t.'o motoring •• , set the stnnrltll'lls II!C hoorl. -Out you'll go f01~ Jhc :Rockel's high Chm·eh to Jrnve Add it inu rating auto insurance. With Auto-Owners Fair and , , , broke the recor1ls. tor·que-lhc force that makes the wheels gn Square rating plan reduced rates arc availabl~ on Community Methodist ehm·ch has begun lis $55,000 building 'mum!. Even al mcrlium speeds, yonr toe cnn the car that is occasionally driven by son Today it's the snmc. Wiih n high in comrr~ssion family campaign to erect an addition to c~all u lwfly '1 110 pnunrl-l'cel. of torque into piny of 9.25 to 1 ana n (lispluccmcnl. or 'l2 11· euhie under 25 or principally driven by a daughter' unde-r the present church and provide -to move you nway fmm a light or pnss by nny 25. This new rating plan extends to business men, educational facilities. Classes nre inches, the Rocket pucks n potcnl new wnllop. ROCKET SCORES DOUBLE VICTORY being conducted in every avail· cmcJ·gcncy. Adrl Jctnwuy llydrn·Mnlic* nnd IN '56 MOBILGAS ECONOMY RUN! young mal'l'ied cpuples, and farmers, too , , , PhonQ uble part of the prasent building, THERE'S AN EFFORTLESS SMOOTHNESS 1hat you meet Unt:kct action nt ils smoothest. or write to including the kitchen and choir tells you this one is n masterpiece of hnlnncc :mtl Top& for economy, tool In tho famous Mobllgos com· loft. Members of the church will p1·ecision. Wlint's mo;c, this power plant's hig~ VISIT OUR SHOWROOM TODAY! We invite pollllon, two Oldsmobllcs wore onleocd, two wonl GET FULL PARTI~ULARS; he solicited for a weekly pledge Doth tho 88 and Nlnoty·Eight took flrot placo In their over ami above the regular budg· hore, short•stroke design means shorter piston you to "Jlutc the Uocket" on the t•nnd. floldsl Horo'• more convlnclntl proof thai Oldsmobllo et contribution. The pledge pay· Imvel for less friction, wcnr nncl longer li fc. )'ou'll get out of the ordinnr~, •• into nn Olds! brings you top value today , .. lop rosolo tomorrow! mant period is exlcncled over a +2·t0 h.p. nrul .150 UJ,•.fr. of tnrqiiP hi SupPr nn ntul Ninf'I)'·Ei~llt mrul~t.. 3· year Ol' ] 56-weel< period. •Sttlnllrml nu S1•rill~ Nilfl'l.Y•I~'i~fm Pfltionnl ru r.\·tra r.ust I'H~ 11/l ntlittr srr~rs, nnnquet Date Set ·.JOY 0. DAVIS Methodist father and son ban· qttet is 'l'hursday evening at the church dining room. A program OLDSMOEII LE .has been prepared for .the occa· INSURANCE sloii:- · ~------~\ A QUALITY PROpUCT brought to you by AN OLDSMO~ILE QUALITY DEALER!--~---- :'.',1-::-···.: ' ' ' - ~· l ';J:. ( - . - ' . 1 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hagel'· ;318 12 S. Jeffer~on- man and· daughters from Wen· !··:·(r. Phone OR 7-3841 dell, Idaho, arc vlstlng this weelt McCarn Oldsmobile ·.. 222.5.-Cedar-.Phone 01·7~9681 with their parents·, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Edwar~. Snlllrrlny nflernnnn, mllll'IWrl SliiHiny Jo flnrl tho 1111b cnps Williamston Mrs. C'hrr'/1 Villi nthlr·r~ \Vr•dnr•s· .Sl!lrlo.v Morris, nnvlrl Rulccr, ct ••'lds Scllool stolr.n from the nnw Olrlsmoblle r!ny evenlrlfl, L,\'nl l•'enwl, 'J'Im Glynn, Dennis · (Cnnllnrwil fmm I'ngu ~) '", COl', Webberville 1111', nnd Mrs. J~rnnst Mnnrof' Smnllny nnrl Dkk finnb, lUnr, l.rmnr; ,Juhru;fun rctln·ncd home from Florida ln~t Dl J· n b vi It 1 '1 ·11 1 IUwnnls H~rvns ~lntlflnr 1 Locnl Wwnnlnn~ snrvf!d u Jlllll· Mr. nnd Mrs. Om Cannln of Mrs, Mvrf Graham - Phone 66-F-2 Satunlny, 8chool'-'' Monrlny,nnn H m " nson fl' 1 Mlsslonnrv" meeting of lilll cnlw Slipper 111 the Arnoricnn l..c· Lilll~lng nnd M1•, nnrl Mrs. Ken­ ------· Childs illh)c cl111rrh wns nt tlw glon hn!llnst Frlrlny to mnl' SC'Iwltz, who has IS COMiNG 1 1 1 1 1 1 I • H \O H~l'l lll'."i HI I "ur y \fit' liiW f I ' ·J ' ' II' I . 'I' I M.. I 'I . ]'. I I w lrul'ic wn:; l'f')lor·tcrl to polko IlPPI! r:r,nllrwd to Rpnrmw lwspltnl ~:on on "'l'inll! EIT!dr•IH'Y· artkiPs llf vahw hnvn lll!en a~lwrl 'lllri Dnvirl ChPViillr•r i'li!Vl! ill'X. Ilol\dld Sundny. rlny. \VPrlrwmlay l>y 'J'f'rl Clarl< of lick· with a IH!Ill'l r·orHlltlon, was taken !l,d\u Col'lnlf'ic str·r•el. The tnwl1 f'l'· IHillW last wenlt. @ aehii'VI'ml'nl clay ill llw Civic ;II llw selwol house l~nyllmy. I Mr·. IIIHII\II'S, Hay lladlr•y SJII'III 1 ~ prr.•leriJy lwJongs \O IIJP DiiVidSOil Mrs. Eunlr•rr Flnrill!l' wns talwn illlrlitorlum. Hounrl lllld S(jlml'[! danernr:: lVIII l•'rlliay 111111 Sa!ui·diiV il't r:ull f•:lr>"tlon of oiiir·r•rs follo\1/l!rl, lollow tile nuct1nn. 1;1!\f•, ;rJH•y Vi>lilr•d J(r;v. lllld Con~ll'llf'ilon mni}HIIl,V. I•:lr!l'an R to !he lnf(llilm mur1ty hospllnl MAKE A DATE iO GIVE ~Irs. Ingham County News 'I'IH'y 111'1': lr•ilrl1•r, Myrl r:rallilllli Tile Brmster class of llw 1\IPIII· r•:rtwnrrl wllilf! thPrl'. Aprill9, 1956 Page 3 . f:rPgg rPpol'led to polir·e Ins! Sun­ nml n•llllhllllntlon er.ntnr at OIH~· s'wadlll~g day I hal II Is 22 Spill' I Slllilll l'f!· f'i1alrmnn, liulil Sl'innidt; vice orllsl r•llnrr•IJ hnlrl ltslrJass pari~· 1 1\lr. nnd Mrs. I til\' Jarllr•y . rnos I•'rlrlay for trPalrnrmt, 1 111 vo!Vol' Is mlssli)g or .'ilrJ!Im. Jo'OIII' Plainfield f'i111!rman, (liildys ,lns"n; Seere· at tlw hrmw of M_t', 11nrl Mrs. 1 ,, , ,, Ill<' ,. .·,, 11" 'tli'I!Ir• c,·· ' 1., • Mrs. Nora l•'iHIII!r, who hns tar',\'·il'Pastll'l'l', Anna .Tr•nl\s; r•om· p 1 1 G 1 I' I I I 1 11 11 1 1 11 111 ·' '" 11 111 11 111111 r•aps vaii!Prl al $Hi wron• also ill'l!II slel1 at lwr home on Mldrlln . .on~J.r •.• ra\!1111 .·ru.ny_evenng,.. o.;r•ho11l r·lil.'is }llll'ly' Salunln:,' ilfi. t·nportr•rl slol<'ll S11nrlay liy ill•! slrect, Wlls Improved nnrl at· lllllllily diiill'nHrn, J'vl;llll!l Nid)ols; Mts. Emm,t Br.dforrl sprnt tllr '!l'llllllll. 'l'll~·y IIH'I willl 1\lrs. 'l'ilr• f1•stroys Uonf Wr•rlnesrlny I'Venlng, April :!i Yv s c s Elects lng II lisll Sli}JJlCI' at tlwlr· hall II;IIJI••y w•·rr! Sllndny dilllll'l' Wlllinmsl;lll llrr. doparlinenl Pr.>lilll'll Sll[lfll'l' will he server! at • • • • Snturd11y evening, April 2D. Flerv· r.;11f'~ls of 1\Jr. iiiHI ~Irs. Clliytnn APPRE'.CIA'T'E BEII-IG WEU. UN1'1L -me.~y~ GE.'f' was eallnd on! Wrrlnesrlay morn· 7 n'rlol'!c. N Off' lnrl starts at 5:ao. Anrii'J'son. Jo'oll1s, we ! 1111 OLIVE:Jt ner:orrllng to Firn Chief Wilhtlr Mrs. lll!ssP!I C~rnsslHins llltrrndl'rl home• 11f 1\'lrs. \'<'I'll C'ochl'iliJe. The Mr. Hnrl Mrs ..Jnmos LnWP. have "8H" DlfO:SJ•:L THACTO!t on Smilh. Most of the rlamagn was opr•n hol!Sr! Sllnrla.l' afiPrnoon ill lllllJIIal f!!r•ctioll u( ol'l'ir•r•I'S w:·, solr!lhelr hnmn to Russell!3riggs. your farm. This tr·:u:lor Is n \VP wnnl. you Jo sf'e for your· lo the scPrllHI story, with tilsl!l power for nnrnaf(f' was Pslimaterl al about rli!Y nnnivri'Sill'\' of It is faiiH•''• 1\lrs. 1\l.vrl I :r;rllillll; vir'I'·}II'I'SI· 'I'IH• Swiirlo·Willle if. F. W. Llruln l•'••nzl'l nml Shirlr•y 11!1 farm rlulil's, Drop '·, ,Jacohsr:n l'riWI'l' Mower will hy :no{)(). Oer'IIJHIIlls of 1ho house fo'r;•rl r;i,llss. · dent, 1\IJ•:;, 1\lilrln•d I 1'11,•11; :if'C'I'I'· Anxilli!l'.Y lllPI 111 its Iii! II Monrlil,\' Mnn·is l•'HANCIS I'LA'I''I' to see the h1·ing your lnwn to it~ nil j. ill't' tlw Jlarolrl Lr'il<'hs. 'f'IH• fo'riroiHII\' l:ihlr• r•l11:.s 1\lf'i lill',\', A1111:1 .IPIII\:;; ll'<'il.'ililf'l', C:l"" rovr~JIIng. A gi!IH!I'al praetlen was 1\Jr. nnrl 1\Jrs. IUI.\'Ill ..•nd II1Hir•1'· "HH" In action! mnle henut.y. '!'here's nn f!IISY al tile 1!11n1C' "i .J .. :;if' J)ypr Si!llll'· C'lli!Sr~; C'l1risliilll .srll'ial l'l!llrliotJs, la•lrl. \l'oorl, filll',\' illlfl ltrJIIlliP vi.•:ill'rl, qui :1111; Tile regllliit· mrl'tlng- nf llw He· Mr. iiiHI Mrs. t•:111'1 ttld1 "f Dans· spn for cverv size and t.vpc or and fllmlly acr·ompaniPrl hy Miss was sl'l'\'f!ll. l'r'nlly' l'rriHr:ned fmm 11 fl·rllly trip C~rrlii'I'S l'llliPrl on Mrs. lti!l'morHI rPiary, Ntll'il 1\J['( '11ll'ih; Spll·itJrlr>I'S DevPns, Milssar·hllsrtls. Enrotlll' 11i~·~s. S111Hiny rvr>ning. ' Yo11111 a11rl I'IJilrln·n. :-'.11slr• C:r•r· Irons club mel at llw home of and KI'Jlli.Y fllynn, Linda FI•:Jzel, trr llw Ent by way nf 'l'llf• \11. S. c:. S. spon~nrcrl a I for Ct'(JIJOilli•·;d, t.rl, anr! 1\Pilli of I F'rlclay anrl Mrs. Fowler retumerl Gr<"(ory SIIIHIIII' """"i11g. home with !1im. niannl!, Marlv and Cil!'ol !-1d111· Hnsrlla LPigiltnn Past Malrons hrrt slayrod 1\'ilh lil,.il' wanrlp:rr·l and Pa!;l Palmns r~luh will meet enls, Mr. anrl 1\lr::. B.ns.'i"il G1·oss· i Thursday evening, April HJ, at 7 hnns, wliilr> til''il' Jlill'r!lll,;, Mr. IIIHI p.m. at Llin Masonic temple for a Mrs. F:rl Sd111br•rl. wr•n• in C:111· pnllnclt ,-;uppel', arln 11ftr•r fill'lll m:whinl'!',\' fol' ill" Mrs. Gl'a"n C!Jamberlain is Po-ops. spr•IHiin,~ som1• limo with hf!r Mr. ilnrl J\Trs. r'll·rln .T;If'ob~ lo11l' son, Dr. Shmwoori Chamhcrlnln, a trip !11 Gr;11ul ·ll.apirls, Muslw· in Cineinnati, Ol1io, gon and NPw;rygo Sunr!;~y, Williamston Ccnlel' Methodist P11wr•ll Kil'nm is sif'!1 al lhr ehurd1 is sponsoring a Swiss home o[ his son, Charles Killam. Call loday for fr~Jo drmon$/ralion ~leal< di~mcr ;~t the .eilurc~ AJJI'ill ·------of a Jcrcobu~n rN1f ly[H!' or rolory 20. Serv111g Will hegm at .1 p. m. f T ( I type mowl'r on your owlf /gwn, Russell Port~r of Lnnslng-, who • OUr OWn OrnerS

wns relenserl from Spnrrnw hns· j' nita! nfter il'~ siclmess, 1\lr·s. 1•:1111 ~lullron

A. A. Howlett spent Sundny with hi~ mother, 1\!i.'i.'i J•:rlnne 11 11 wp of La11si11g I Mrs. Erld Porter. spent Sunday with lwr granrlp:rr· & Company -·------f!nls, I Ten- and 20·dollar hills Mrs. 1. of East Mason nrc w.. s 1 ~s~i 1111 s most frequently countol'ieilerl. Lansing and 1\frs. Sylvia eros,; of Lansing were guP.sls of their sfs'. tcr, Mrs. Erld J\!ullon, Snturday. Mr. nnrl 1\!rs. nnrt E:lford 11f Dansvillr• worr Tuesday enllnrs at , Buick CENTURY Spring Special tlw 1\llll!en lwme. 11emi Cremer !HIS hr!cn in a 6·Pcssenger 4-Door Riviera, JadcHon hospital. ·Modei63D Mr. anrJ·J\'ft·s. Clare Smith anrll Mr. and Mrs. 8rlrl Mullen 111tended lhc BnoRtcr supper in Dansville CAR WASH Wednesday night. Housel .. Only $1 !\II'S, 1\nnrll't:ll llalu•1' M1·. nnd Mrs. !Jruco Decg irnd Makes Frieods C11mily of Holt wore Sunday .. ·.. WITH EITHER A TANI< OF GAS guests of I heir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chnrlns Dceg. or a Mr. anrl Mrs . .John Moore nnrl GREASE AND OIL CHANGE family of Nashville were Sunday dinner guesls· of Mr. and Mrs. witll Gale Pierco nnrl family. t11elllea11est Roads. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Simpson of LP.slie and M1·s. Clarl1, mother of Ed~s Standard Service. Mrs. Simpson, were Sunday nfter­ noon callers of Mr. and Mrs. (Have you tried BuiclrS great newride~ 173 W. Maple Street Charles Dceg. Mason 'flw fox hunters of the neigh· borhood lwd a steak supper Snl.· liJ'(lay night. HE SWEET WAY a.'56 Buick rides on an buttressed by lmlWny X-lJraced frame and "switch pitch" for whip-quick, safer passirig. T sorts of roads .is something you find Herr>rlity is import:lllt when torque-tube drive- cushioned on coil choosing 111 n t c s-how mw:h nowhere else on wheels; springs and deep-oil shock absorbers. But why stop to count reasons -when Good Insurance Coverage dough tilcy will inherit.. results arc what you're after? · Capricious roads that twist and turn­ No other has such width of tread and length Is Just Like unn !ly roads that rock and roll-tired roads, of wheelbase within dimensions so trim and Wouldn't you rather really feel Buick's new battered and heatcn-thcy all seem to wear tidy that Buicks turn, park and garage more "sense of direction" on straightaway, curves ·company 1i1anncrs the Il10mcnt a Buick easily.than smallel' cars. and corners?' apprnaclws. Wouldn't you rather relax in supreme com· No other duplicates the assurance of steer­ fort while tooling this powerful performer Why? Simply because Buick comes with ing, brakes and rear axle so precisely geared over roads you always hated to travel? what il: takes to put any road on its best and gaited for the nimble handling that's bcl1avinr- the completely !'ide-engineered a safety "must" in modern cars. Well, sir, we cordially invite you to drop iii on us and do just that. com /Jinafirm of chassis, engine and auto­ And certainly no other na'me,plate promises malic drive I hat is obtainable in no other car. the soaring sweep of power that wells from Make it this week, won't you? Sample the the big 322-cubic-inch VS beneath every ride that has charms to win any old road . ·.{ Ancl that's gos11e1 truth whether you drive -and get first-hand figures on prjces AUTOMOBILES new Buick bonnet. a new SPECLAL, CENTURY, SUPER or that make Buick owning a more positive HOAll.\lASTEI\, Nor docs any other automatic drive put pleasure. power to its car's rear wl10els with the swift, •New Arlvancccl,Vnricible.Pitch Dun,If/ow ~·the mrlr1 No other car matches the firm, true track· unruillccl pace of Variable Pitch Dynaflow* Drflwflow 1111ick builc/.1 todau. It. Is strmdard on J Rondmastcr, Super ar1d CcnturiJ.,..optional tJt modll$~ ing of Buicl~'s own ride foundatio~ .... -and that goes double ev:ery time you extra cost on the Special. ' · · .·· ®~) It 1 I I I I I II I •• ~ 1 f.: :'' SEE JACKil G\fASON. ~ • • ·ON N '· Money 1n '•• E.-r, 5aturt!a'( E~tttlllf ' ••• the Bank I I I I I ljl t 1 t 1 .• I I'.~ t I I When Disaster Strikes~ I AT A NEW tQW PRICE-4-Soalon Comfort In your new Buick wirh FRIGIDAIRE CONDITIONING _.;..;... ______WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBilES A.E IUILT lUlCK WILL IUILD. THEM-

::.;~'I ,· , •' ',• ,· '_.;,···

!' ····• ·' .. ·/-: .. · H.. CHAPPELL AGENCY. i.··•• ' :~~& '•;i Hiltono ' ; .. Richards· Buick.··· ... ·. 4347 W. Delhi Phone OX 4-2141 ';·~I • ' 0 ' • Corner US-12.7 an~. Legion Road ' .. o' ,.· .. 1\lason · .: •' .. , \ ",,. lngllilm County News ApriiJ9, 1956 Page 4 RllrlrB ln fir. Hhown I nm·rnR (JIJ•ple 'l'o l\Jpr.j. . Sunrlny, Ap1'll 22, lllll Arl11ll Tho llllXI rrrrulnl' mer.Jing of Blhlo Sturl,v l'inss will show .'1 Open House tho Pnrcns drdrl will he nJ· fl p. School Announces Honor ;:ntJ; of slldr•H, A ~l'rlp 'l'lll'nllg)) tliU I111. WPr)IJPHrlny, April 2~, nl tlw Pnlr.r>llnn i\rC'ilfl!'nlngiPnl M11· Is Given I for llflmn nf Mrs. David DloiJI, Mrs. Roll List for 6 Weeks Dansville News hi!IIJll, l'll)l'fl, tho llrwll Clly or Uln11 Slwrlnnrl nnr\ Mt•s, Molvi11 J·~rlom, 111111 'l'hrl [)Pml SPn Sr'l'niiH. )lnltlgo will hr. cn-hnsJPsscs. 'l'IJC J•:Jr•\'1'11 na11sviJIP HPill11rs nrl' 1111 J,Jnrln riissnll, Dllllnls Cnul'lf!I', Helen Young MA 3-3931 Tlw ~;Jlrlr.;; nrn in eolnr nnd will Fred Gauss dt·vnllnns will )H! Jed hy Mrs. lllll hillllll' mil fnr tlin pasl fl William Dnl'ila lll,Y· Dansville OES I Sunrlay, April 2n, hns hern dn· t11n I'IIUI'Ph. SPvm·nl i!lassPs nf till' 111111111 /lf'isl'il UJH) fJallnR Tltnrntnnj nnrl slgiiiiiPd 11s vldnry fiundny at thn r:unrlny Hl'ltonl h11Ve hcr.n Invited Sundny at ll!uil' hnnw In l1nnD1' nf all, 1\laxlnf' snyrlf'l', Wanl Snpnr, J•'i [) h, Dlant• f.lronlts, Gnry Dnnsvllli! I\ IPI hod lsi f'/nn·r·h. Tills to H<'P I )If• sliriPs nnd nny ntlwr lho 8flll1 hil•llulny llnlliVI!rsnl',V nf A R IIPih StnriH•y, fllnr.inrln 'J'hllrlllnn, Cntll'll'r, IJilly Dn1111111, 1\nt hy rluy has hPPII sr!l nslclll for I lw JlCI'SIIIIH ill till' ('llllllllllnit~• !llii,V Fl'l'd Gnuss. gg ie unners r:l'ralrlllll' Jo'PIIII\\'H anrl ('Jwrll's lli•rlgll'n, IO:ii,YP Momn, .rnnir'r Has Regular Dlll'lng IIJP nflf'l'llflflll, J()[) illllllllll fllllllll'lnl rlrlvu to J'lllsc tlw iilHo 111trnrl. I Wm•l;~. SIWII tiiPim, M11rt hn Sn.vrlr.r, Bev· IHirlgPI for thr l'flcnlnr: ycnr. All gur~ls \Vf'l'f' prrsr•nt frnm Lilli· Otlu•J' lillllllr roll sturlt•nis liy I'I'IY \'nnrlf'l'lllill'il, Dollgln~s Vogl Meeting at Hall sing, 1\lnson, 1 loll, Cll'llilll LPrlgP, Tal, nll,uss.of _Dan~vlllr :111111 In IIH• rllnning l'\'f'llls l'nill'll ))i'a'J~r: l:'r!lir'll'i,'l'li'l'll:ll'd_f,'~llll,Jin~n~l: i•l'l! l'lllllldiiiJ.: IIJl tlwir ill'livltlrs ncttn'll.>; for 1111' 1\'fll'lhy grnntl ,, ltPI'. M1s. C,ll) r,nw;,., oJ Mnson. .tJ.'r:nwlsCapJHIPrt'sfJ;nwviiiPtllill· llc>r·II.I OrslII Shi'I'\I'ornl, nf nll'krrs nr I hr. Wnmnn's Snr·l· Ca11ss and 1vlr. a.nrl Mrs . .fanlf's, lllllllfilon plf'lwrl upli flnll plnr·L•s. , NIIIIII, J(:Jtli i\J~rlri~·J;us, MontPI Jnslalnwnls n11 tlleir trip are lnm Wils illso don;ll!•d lo llir• llw M. Y. Jc, Ann Arhlll' distriPI will SJll!illl Ill SI'I'Vif'l!S lil'!:lnnln:~ Ply nr Cl!rlsllan Servlre \\'liS Wrlghl nnrl family or l.nnslng SillllllHII'\' nf 11':11'1( llllil fll'lil )•,llli'J'Wn,, c.nml (,1'111,, All···· I )Ill'(, IH'ill!( lllllril' l'f'glllllrly, 'l'hl' llrlr·ks WOI'Iily gmnd JHsday al the hnmP or M1·s. WI'J'P rlllliii'J' gursls ol and · DllilnP Lllllllf-:1'1', .111111<'1' 1\mvli•r•, mul nnJillill Is r' on ihP nll'l it :tll'ard lsi f'llllrf'll of Ann Arhm·. Cars '-'tl I ' '11 I'll '"I 'II l)'lll''l'i'll' All' '1'1 'II lll I 'I l\1 I' r. I!Ven s s: 1\l '-'1 ·II •I '-'·II" '1'1 I I .~ IH il), " ~· • ' ' ·' '- II' wmpson WI I rs. "'·I' rs. ,ugrnr ,nnHs. lflfi·Yd 1111 will 11'111'1' the DansviJIP r:hurd1 nt l~'rrr• ll1t•IIHH1isl f'illll'l'll. Petl.\' Hs r'rl·hnslf'ss. A pnllur•k flrsJ· ·111 ,nnlls IDI Sl'l'llllfl' Jlai'IJ· so11 and NHIWY \\JIJ(Jnsn11; sf'Jit In 1111' Jll't•ss. sevcml points ga\'1' 87',1. Till' 2: J:i p. 111. nnd tllr l'llily will hi'· Hr•v. SIPt•l1• Is 11 gmrlualr nf dilllll'l' wns si'I'VCtl nl noon anrl J>vl. nnrl Mrs. Lelnntll'rrrinr, .' • ;y ' , , ' • • .. ,', I'-VI J~iglitlt, 11nrlmm HusiJnJ'd, '1'111' !')ass lllls ar'I'I'Jllr.rl llll In· 11 1 1 1 111 11 1 11 1111 11 11 1 rommlttrr l'fiiiSii;l!'rl nt' D11n gin al :1 o'r1oel<. •.S prng I A J'llll'f'flI II f'J.:I'inH I I'X)JI'C'SI Ill If' IlJ' I II llii,Villlllll'f'I'Sfii'YOI ' rIll I'S, .r.,nI f ]) f'l'fllI I 'I anr I 1\1• I '!n'r.~. f .JII,·tJ-tfml! v ' ])]r' ' '' v ' ,f':Jilllf'I JJ illllilll, l'l 111,1'. •I ('ddlll), .. I' l'ilallon to lillf'JH) Wlli'Sl!Jp srrV• 0 1 Pnrl1s, Cia ra V11gl nrul JlPi'l ha to C'OIIIilllll' ills Prliwation I his MHI'gHret Cu1•ry was lmnrn·cd. Lclancl Pr.rrlnr, SI·., wrJ'O Sunday . (\VI firs I, Shamn Llniiigr•l', O:ddl'y, J ·rs at tJ11• f'iiUI'f'ii nflel' ~~~~ 11 -~C'ul'u.'y l~nlpli 1 ~llllvlllr Millm·. Mr·. nnr1 Mrs. i\cllwn Will, Mr. fall. 'l'lu• illlslllt::n Vo~s •. t:h.'.'r!Ps IV111g a11d \V1111·1 J'Yif'JllllrJ·~ ."r IIIP Woman's Mls· Mcrlr SIV:J 11, M I'H. D1111 l'in·l, ~Irs. Roy· i~:tymnnd Smith nnrl son Wil· IU b bers 1 C Mem Iva Lentll'lllll, J•rcsidcnf·, Mrs. 10ill[' () I • .Jill IS. "· ( I' " IDI tllll'il' 'IIJf) Drill"· I'' I IJO( s, o·,J;rhlt• llliSSfflll Ill hr.ntud;v A 1 1 1 Jyn MiiiPr' and l\h·s. c:ilhr•rl 'I' 01 •J 111' I101101 11 I' I ' I111 ' ·tl I• ' i~Jlll!l !,OIJ, ' ' h c..•· ·J J J'· · 1 I • •'rr t • ,~. • I ' ' llnm of Lnnsing SJlPnt Sunclny Avrl'lln Ad1ley, vil'e·lll'eslilcnt·, ~ or ' tiC J•. 11)1 f ·ti--t' n 2')" ·'IX 1• \.Jilll •ll,.,g,, dlll Jlllllul'!; rllnner was sr.rvrd al Glovr.1·, for lhl' L'nullty Assrll'ia· with his parents, Mr. 111111 l\l>·s...... ' 0 ,. l'vl .. L• I ' .IS, ' Dlll I !Ilk, ~,), I \\1' ' 1 •)( ' 'I' \' . I r>i· ' PI an Mee tI ng Mrs. Gl!ni'g!l Vngl, f;r., ser•rrlnr.v: .lllniVCI Soli.) IS. ,,rr 1',1' 2~0·" 'I J· ·J --13 'flll)\S ·;~.' ·I r:Jsl lv~'l ·~et•orHI:IToll:nsPJHI; r;PI'l'Y Ar·l;)l•y, Liflyrl uJ'IrJ'II':JI'ri, The IIPXI mr•rtlng will tlons ~houlrJ !Jc• in Iii' J\1il\' Ill. :IIlii soJI and 1\ll•s. Paul Avers of '1 ~Irs. 'JIIII!J';'oll, ~·~·., s,'CCI'•"· nf Lansing WPrP 'J'hursrlny VIS!· 1'1 ~: I I.Jc 111~:111~,. I \\,'1 'II .,' Supir:Jil, l<'r:JIH'I';: i(Jdgll'y, l.'nml he• TlaJrsdav l\Jav 10 Ill till' Wnrlhy Pillr1111, l:awn.'n<'l' I'll!'· L:~nsing werr. Mnmlay · tlinlwr Hcgulm· llll'l'ling of IIH'" 1'. Hill! " ·> · . . . 1\l" I' .. · 'I' , I II , I \oss, I ~,I Ill I, ,JJH 11 PJnOit, '!· . , ·) 1-J· ,. I 1\]· · , I I'll ·' ! • G I I . I:Jr,Y of )H'flllllllinn·, Mrs. HnSI'(J(! {DIS ot IS .•essie 11111111 ,l(lf 1\VI f '1---1111' 2·17 ".~1~11.111, dill dlllllllf,, 'llfl llliome or 1\lrs. Lt•WJS J•'rPI'I'. tis; sr.cret:or~·. ll'a I.PIIrillllll; aJHI gursts of thP Srnillis. l\1rs. Ynrrl and .ardl'll i'Ul Will Mrs. Sarnl1 C:ll'llll'llls. Mr. anrl ,' ~n~rll. 11 ,· • ,. ([)I Jl,lng, linr.l' .John:;on, ltl'ilc•r•t•a · ti'CiiSIII'l'l', llliiJI' l'llrlis; have• llr. next 'f'llllr'srJ;Jy Pl'rning, April Arnold: serTrlary, of missinnni'Y Mrs. llarnlrl l{ing nnrl familv of ~Rfl.y.tlrl I lin - I IH•Ip.;•. 'I DiPIJI, \\'limn Cmft, Hogt'J' 11isrJ, (('onlinnr•d on l'n~-:·r li) 1\lr. nnd M1·s. Emcsl Sletll'l' :!H nt lh1• town hall. llrlllf'aiJoJJ; Mrs. l•orJ· \ValkeJ', Drtroil mllrd nn Mrs. Turrihull llr'sl; Cool;, tDl, sCI'fliHl; lhnmp·l brcn lnvltPrl to 'l:d:r• pari in 1111• \\'1'1'1' Sn111lav visitors nf Jlw fill'· .'J'hc J'air l'nmmiliPe, I'IJilsisting sP<'l't'iai'Y nf Cill'istian sodnl Mrs. Clements 1\lnnrlny. ~on •. (\VI,, tllit·rl:, anrl Dlll'fcP, ILl, .------~------·------friends night program ;11 Okr•JJJos nwr's n10t liPr, Mr.'i. Lcnn Stetler, 111111 11[ 1\lrs. Jo:cigar !-it'ripll'l', Mrs. 1•', c. I ~·r:lalions alii! Jrwnl ditll'l'h actil'· l\'lr•; .•Joel rtlr·IH'l't and cliilrlmn loll) ill ·-tunc, 2.-1 1.[1. . . I April :w. l'lans 1\'Pl'f' <'JI'JIIr, first: Friday I'VPning dinnrr guesls lanrl anrl Mrs. Earl Kinnamon, Mrs. Elmer Frost, sccrrla1·y of rlny r.vl'nill!( supper guests of anrl. IVllllillllSinn, , April 1fl. AfiPJ' till! l'iosl' of r•h:tp· s~t;on~J. •1r Mr. nnrl Mrs. Lorr.n Slid wrre will ill' in l')1nrg£' of the pmgrarn. spiritual life; Allie Thomp· 1\lr. illlrl Mrs. J•'nrrsl i\IHICJ'Hnn, • Jligh jump- Oo;lri11', f\\ tcr there was Jll'ill'iio·t• nnrl 11 Mn~. '·I ~1r. 1111rl Mrs. JCrnnk Slid, Ml', anr1 Tiley rxpr•ct to mald Clial'll, 101, :rnd .souiP, 101, Ill! chapter $~:!.87. 1\lr. , tuu, l'fll'd's•IIJ( [ront-with styling lhal •'11.!y lhc• Tlourui<•son visited Mr. and Mrs. ~------:-...;..--Gmat TV, Ford Theata·e, 9:30.1•· m. WJBI-T\ , Thur~~clays....,.------::-- Lewis Freer and Mrs. Elsie Freer Sunday. _ . . Mr. ami Mrs. Floyd Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Swan ~oy .. ~hriste~sen .~ ' attended the_ Calico ball at Mason : . :.Y~m·'· FRIENDLY FORD DEALER :.. lnaham County News April 19, 19 56 Page 5 'l'hc rogulnr rnr.ollng or lho Nnrlh Tnglllllll l;'llf'lll BIII'OIIII Will Plans Are Made I ilfl nnxJ Mnntiii,Y, April 23 nl iiJo 1 low prices on more Hems more days of the week! I•JWJJ 111111 wilh 11 polluci< sllflJlPl' For Vacation Dansville News 111 7::10 aflr!l' whld1 will lw 111o husinrs.~ rnr.l!llng, 'l'ho Jopi1• fm• tll:;r•usslnn Is "l"iJIIIJJdng of Church· School l'lll'I.Y Ifoum·s II·:Vt'III'·Oid Sl'iwnls," lor! II,"·' .lni111 Chilson, L no 1 'I' uosr 1ay r.von 1ng 11 rn.1'111 · 'l'welvr• r·ouslns of DrJJJJis An· IJJI{ foJ' fonnulallng- plans for tho Group Attends rfm·~on 1 son nf Mt•, IIIHI Mrs. J;'lll'· rfnlly vnenlfon l!lllll':rilar llll'l'liiiA' of i11r D:rll'i· Mr·. 1111 r1 Mt·s. Davirl ll:ri: :rl lltr lrr\1'11 1111!1. 'l'ltil'l,\' .<.:nnrlny r!i 11 ncr· l~ttesls nf Mt·. n 111r solo; ,Joan Miller·, Mnrilyn Lylfe, fr·ieciH Fmsl, L;tle Weldon, Billy CLEMUD llH'IIIIH•r·s :rnrl litl'il' f11rnilil's ·,vPn• Mrs. Jo'mrl Slr.nrlm:rn nf Wr!hhr•r· D111'ls l\111z ami 11:rr·illll':l Mnllen· Gl'llilllrn, Da\'lri Grer.nmnn, nnrl presenl. C'nmmiiH•r No. 2 willr vilir'. Tn the :rflr.mrmn ifii'V vis· lwpf, sang, llf'c:ompiinirrl hy Cam- .Jim Young and s011 George Mill'll· CHICKENS Mrs. Ciilwrt C;Jo\'r•r· 11s <'11airnw11, ilrd Mr. nnrl Mrs. l!urly Htlsdll\r 1,1'11 Hohr•snn; Cir.f Tones, Mill'.\' ell of Ashur·y colirge spenl lire LEG, RUMP, '>IRLOIN f'ORTIOH sr•rvPd I he: ditiiWI' 111 7::!0 11fl<'t' of WPhhet•villc, Ellen Knoll, Myrna Cassidy ami week end al theil' lmmos in Dans· CHOICE SHOULDER CUT~ wliklt tlir-rro was I ill! ttslliil husi· 1\fr. awl Mrs. HniJPI'I Smitl1 nf' Marilyn Pollcr; aJ'I'fll'rlloll ~oln, ville, 131Jiy Gmhi1m was !he gltl!sl m•ss lll<'rting. 'J'Itr• l'<'llt:ilnrlcol' qf Lansing 11'1'1'1! Snnrlny visilnrs nf Bill Smitlt, 11nrl 11 \'oc·al snlo hy of Lylf' Weldon. L.R. Veol 39( Lll, Ill<' PVI'IIillg lVII'\ ·'111'111 in visll· Mr. anr,l Mrs. 11ennPit Taylnt·. lilarvin Clltnhlll'n. ..Mr. nnrl Mrs. c . .A. Diehl were Roost Veol Chops 39( i'll,. Mrs. AIIIP 'I'IIOIIlpson ,,pen/ Da11svillr slmlrnts presr:mlrrl grwsls al dinner 'J'urstlay eve·[ Corn Beef Brisket KOSHER STYLE LB. 49c SUPER RiGHT BEEF, I Silltll'day will! lif'r daughlrr, Mrs. l!tf! e.x1'11angc! pmgmm Mnnriay ning of Mr. and Mr·s. Louis Stir! Chuck Roast BLADE CUTS Cnnmu1nit.v ·"l'tilllrlisl, llnus. · P;ltll noslrurn, of Hnll. nf1ernoo11 111 Stoelnr. t SILVERTOWN 1 land Pari< \\'ns 11 \\'f'ri< Pllll gum:/ Whf!rr. lheil' d:lltJ:rhlcrs, . Mr· .•anrl. Andrew Palmer, lett or F'mvlet·ville Bever!~· -~~~·s. Stiilll:~y. Asparagus CALIFORNIA 2 LBS. o,r 111'1' llllllher, Mrs. 1!. '"· Laugll· anrl Giori:l, enter·lnineri at Vel~· J\.ft'!-~. fwH.Sinr:k?J' 1111d Mrs. Lc111e M.r. an;l Mr·;: .. Hlll'nlrJ l•elzer of 39c ~ ..... l111. Mr. 11111! :\Irs. i\. 0. Green- mon(villf!'s lfilh 11111111111 mnple S!cr,elc ul Lansmg ,were SunrJny Lorlr, O!uo, 'l'hursclily for 1 .a!'I'IV~rl Grapefruit FLORIDA-SEEDL~SS, SIZE 70 8 FOR 49c uugh were ;Jisn rlillnf!t' guesls nf S)TIIJl fl!slivnl. VJstlors of Mrs. I• ranees Nelle·. n \Vcei< _s vtstl Wtlh IWI' nwllrer, I '.'tl'll' lll

This Message Is Brought to You fhis Message Is Brought to You as a Public Service by the as a Public Service by the Following Firms and Individuals Following Firms and Individuals

Kean's Sc-$1 Store Van's Servrce - Sinclair Mason Mason Mason Home Appliance Dart National Bank Mason Mason

Chesley Drug Store Lindy's Drive-In Mason Mason A. A. Howlett & Co. Bement Feed & Supply Service Mason Mas.on George's Food Markel Holt Lumber Co. Ma1on ,'. Holt Vogl Funeral Home The Ferris Company DanM/o Mason Leslie Coffee Shop leslie J. A. Dart Co. Mason Consumers Power Co. M"'son C. W. Glenn & Sons Chevrolet and Buick Wolverine Engineering Co. Slockbridge Mason

Mason D·::.iry Diut Manufacturing Co. Mason Mason Ellis Grocery Perkins Hardware Dansville Mason The Farmers Bank Estes-leadlcy Funeral Home Mason Holt-lansing Robart Nursing Home Eden Elevator Mason Eden Morse's Restaurant Mason

I 'I I

You've heard of heredity and environment. You know I. ltohhins .U1,fhodist, . Bunl,ct· that the latter usually exercises the stronger influence road, Rev. F'mneis C. Johanniclcs, pastor. F"rirlnlonllal, or nncerlntes now In the Unlver- liH, In within II few mrls or liS, nllon," said Senator Carlton II, during tho spec:lnl sessions lnst nnrl Detroit pollee cmnmlssloner, Some $111 mllllon worth o! ;fl • .. slty of Mlchl[lrLn historical collec· When he s11w us lw stopped and Morris (fl.J(afnmrtznol. "Maybe WlntC!J', who was rlcclslvcly henten 2 lions. rilrl rwt tum nnd run, hut stood hurlget for ID5U-57 wlll be checked we'll IHlvc to stnrt oomcthlng Childs snld · the t'eJnninrler ycnrs ngo hy r.nv, Wllllams, A llf!W llst of hnoiltol, lmve candlcinlcs to burn, able by eonlnctlng the slntc IJ. ' I never shot nt a ricer exeept In lm lonlwci fierce unci thr·eatening The hur.lgr.t-$,11 million more the st11rt of the summct• trafl'le but they fH'niJably won't. ' dJ'ive them out of his fields of Ius tlwugh he meant us evil, nd,jQurnment Mny 10·11. than last ycnr and $10 mllllon I>Dom. • • + hrnry ofl'lce nt 125 E. Shlrnvassec Street, Lnnslng. grnln, fi'oxes, wllrl cnts, wolves I "We rllrl not run hut stood nne! 'fhey were dcacllockcd on so less than Gov. Williams' requests There's mueh guessing ahnul and hears mnrle liwlr· homes In llonlwd ut him. Aftet• rt few mln- many Issues during the regular -Is $15 million beyonrl revenues Wnrl !icc that we • ,, • million surplus fmm last year to cg H n llt'e ner·eases rom , .J to U, S. senate 11galnst Senator Pot· "If we started n gr·ottp of clem· rllrl not pursue him. Poot' thing! liiMiONS WILT. IIEAit .Tustlcc enJoys rending nhout Mlchlgnn. I111 1 1101 1 1 1 1 0 r $.1-1 the maximum for sln~lc mc11 ler In lfl~S, tllf'n fot· the Demo­ fmm mpose, they would Jump He knew that he desirctl lo harm John Dathmers of the Michigan Most of the trouble on the ance eo Limns at w enc nnrl ft·om $42 to $57 the maximum cmllr: nomination fot• rr·esldcmt In In fact, MrH. Loleta D. Fyan, $35 I 5 state llbmrlan, expects teachers up, stretch themselves, then turn others, so he ludgcd that others supreme court at 1he 42nd annual budget will concern the mil· the fiscal year·, for· worl their feet at us as If to Council No. 50, Hoynl nnrl Select gmm, mental health, public slate wont he able to pay tlw couutry," said Rep. Hlcharrl c. pms lclcn t. cspcclully Interested In the bool ycarl Win national cash prizes plus ether valuable merchandise prizes to Book Talk be awarded locally by StandMd Block and Supply Co. Enter your "Uy the 11hore of Gitche homo improvement project (interior or exterior) olfiCially in tho Gumel!. 1956 contest. Standard Blod provides planning service without cb· Hy th.e shining Blg-Sen-Wu· ligation. Contest is open to ovorycno living in this area. tor Stood· the wlgwnm of Nolm­ PICK UP FREE FORMS • Complete Information mls, •• " and Planning Service So sang the bard of childhood and youth, Henry Wadsworth OFFICIAL Longfellow, QVer 100 years ago. HETDQUARTERS FOR Now thousands of the white men's wigwams stand along this shining Blg·Sea-Water and the 3 other great wntr?rs· that border Michigan. No state exceeds Mich· lgan's mainland shQmlinc of 2,· 242 ·miles, -Florida wins .if you

count the Islands, No point In ·' .• ~· '.. . . , •. . ... ~ .. Michigan Is more than 85 miles A New Bread! from one of the Great Lakes. It was this networlt of waterways that caused our area to be ex­ Surprise-a11d a very pleasaut o12e-is Holsmn's plored and settled early in our country's history, It seems only natural that special flavor, And we keep it special for J'Ott-ilz many of the numerous boolts that have been written about Mlchi· gan for children and young peo­ · all r:E!f.!·:Jpecialj;lastic-coated wrapper that makes ple should be concerned with life in and around the Lal1.. Schooicratt, had .tiu t ·.It · until . commo11 ~eJise to buy Holsllill for health­ had .a .· as well as flavol', ·At.youl' g1·ocel"s now, ·.· - :. '' ., ' . ' Editorial Page 111~ C'lnll'r.h, plnns Ir1 Ion I' ft rlown nncl m•eet /iCVI!l'lll houses. Where to Start the Street Plan Down by the Unrlep lhrentH of losing WPA nicl on Tnghnm rll'llln~. Jngl111m '!'he city planning commlflfllon mvenlecl its eomprehen­ liliJlr.rvlsor~ wero f'or~erJ to nn· Hive Rf1· development. plnn to the council nne! the public rlnrRn lhn gl!fllllllc: Lrmltlng CllnRH last. wee!,, The long·J'nngo plan calls fm• many street ex:- SYCAMORE rlr11ln prn.Ject In Cflrllnli 111111 1enslonH, eonnecllon:; and impmvemenfR, Some of the im- Grflllot cmrntlcs, fJJ'OVen1en1s could be made now, Some will have to walt, Bnclt numhom nf 11 JHJWHpnper· "When I retunwrt lwme Jrom Supm·v)S(JJ'fl eleetorl nny 1\1001'1! of LanRing township IIH hnul'rl Gr.nct•a!ly, the plan appenrll to be wm·lmble. nro nmong Its most Vlllunhlo IIH· wur· minus 11 leg fow prmple no· cllllll'lnnn. sets, Onllnnry ln~urunce Jloll!!los t!Cr.d It m· seomr.rl to rernam!Jm· I Bul tlw plan won't get fnr unless it nrtt•acts fnr more at:- cover nnly their vnlue ~~~ Jlaper·, trnrl 2 legH when I enllsterl, But 110 Yetii'H Ag·o-lll2fl lenfion nnd fnJ' more enthusiasm on the pnt'l: of city officials not thol!· historical vrtlue. li:ven tho~e fr.w whf~lccrs which nnw Compromise cnrlerl the hit trw I linn some R(Tcct plans have in the past, t.hnugh Inghnm County NewH 11r!orn rny chin hnvo nlii'IIr!lcrl nil fll:(ht hetwecn slntc nl'flclnls ove1· Fot· ]5 yenJ'S at: least: there has been need and demand flies· wem in tile hottest nnd flnlll· Jclnrls of nlt(miJon and e~nsldr.r· hlghwny funrls. Govel'llor GJ•nr.s· frll' laying out and development: of Mason str·eet, Councils lv the wcttost HJIDI. nf mr1· :tn.'\1 nhlc comment. It might hen sign hef!!{ In remove 'I Jrnve orTic!l'ed brave starts mucle, Always the J'ob has been fire Iiley sur·vlvcrl. tlint penple ;u·e more Jntr.rr.slcd 1 olectlve offlclnls, The •I refmwd to mlrnculrur~ly 11 ulmndonecl and nil the time the situation has worsened. cllarr·cdMany volumes anrl snml' l111d ilurl theirto tw edgeshung- ~~rldltlon thnn suhtrncllon." h!! b1·owbentcn nnrl llnally fm•r•r!fl the gover·nor to nhandnn his high· Two years ago the city eslabllshed a public dump at the nul to dry. 'l'he rehinrlfng cnst~ Frn· •12 yeal's nt the Mns·on handed PI'OCeciLII'C, end or Mason street. 'l'hat ncldcd lo the traffic hazard. alone came to nhnut $!100, Mcllwr!lst ehUI'ch nnd elsewhere M·H between Mason 1111rl Lux. Now lllC county mad commission is mining thousands of j In the Mlrhlgan Methocllsl eon· ton's cornon; ts· elo~or] to tmfflro cubic yards of gravel the1·e Henvy h'tteks rumble and roll Not 11 weclt passes thnt some· fr.rence Henry Llrlcll!!ont pr·oachccl to prn·mlt cJ·ows In lll'cpnr·e llw · · '1 '· J' 1 1 t·· 1·1' t. '] one doesn't consult the files. Fr.w Seven league boots nvt~l' w tat ts tit e )e Let· .1an a .I at· Ioccuslrins ctnn!! with ns nmcli ntmut the prornlsecl lnnr!. Now hnse fm• nsphnlt Rllrfnce. he's selling hlg cllllllk> of It, I·Ie's Florence Lathrop, Mn:mn mr· There is no public right-of-way for the full distance. 1clrnriul ns ohe bf last wcelt. A '' I'eglstel'ed ron! eslnlr. hrolt!!r' In reRpmHlent fm• the 1-.llnslng Cnpl· 'l'hr! mad twists and winds. Tit ere ar·e no sidewal!CS( nor any womnn who lilti'Orlucccl herself IIH for busy men Lalwfnnd, l~lor·ldn, nncl probably In! News, hns rHsigrwrl to learn piFin dt·awn to establish grades for walks. Residents of the Mrs. David Btrrgcfis ni Flint cnme rnlslng clnhlfns, While In Mason the photography business unrlei' ar·en have a constant dust mentlCe to face. Dlt'f: and junk lo the office to lnqtrlrc rrhout n he hnr! il 11om! pnrnrllse nt thr. G. W. Tnmhlyn of Fenton. and women jnl! off the fl'Ucks used to haul refuse to the clump, Pilp~t·s hlllf·btol.hct· .lii'let• dom·~·ar·ds About all the gr·avel the street gets· is had nevar seen. Wilen hr. was. a nskNJ Jnghnm and Eaton Cf!Ufltles ·• ,<, •·• d ···•·· It· 1 Hnvr. ynu mr•t; ll nnw :1•esidrnt. whnl. sltrles olf roa commtssron grave IUC · Island, · . . ot ;Holt Is· the o\\•iter of the Dart :'_E\tl!lv ma:rln:e. corps Cab Co. · 1 . - '.····' •.M~bN.DAY _,, , ...... -.. ·•.·:.=_:;:!~· ,··, . : ,. '· ' ' ~. I'\ \ : ...... ,; J. SCHELL, Prop. ~~~~(~~~~~~~i~~ to · A:ddltton ·of .~ ..' .. -,:.JOY: .. DAVIS ....Cashier .. -~ !'0 ; .• .' ' ': . ' .. ' ' . • . .. ' •. " ·. . - . : ., ' ' .: .-, ' Agent Tells How to Pep Up and How to Kill Certain Plants ml)(od lir.t·rl. ,17.;1 lh fat, 870 lh lnrcrt Holsloln, 10J.fJ Ill 1'111, :!:ti;J MSU Drill-Harrow Saves Time, Mon mlll1: Slhnaon nnrl LI1Phf1olrl, 117 111 rnllll, rr.glftlll'f'rl !Tnl~lotns, .no lh fnt", Unr!cJ' rl ycEH's--Wnt't'on 1 'hill,.:, There's a Chemical for Every Purpose Oll7 111 mlllq !ll'flriO Hnlsloln, n:l,l ,,, lui, n-,i) Lloyd Whcelllt', 27 fl'l'ndc ,Jm·· lh mlllq illlrl Plntt &. Wllf'm., 1'•·:·.• so~•s, lh fnl, li87 lh mlll1; nnrl lflorerl 1-lnlsiPin, H-1.·1 lh fnt, :!ll!:·1 Dunn unrl Horton, :w mixer! !terri, n, mill>. :m.o lh fnt, 015 lh mlllq J:'ny nnrl Undm• •I ynnt'>-Davls ,-:. 1•:11::• Smlilt, 2:~ mlxnrl lwrrl, :10.11 Ill fat, worlh, gl'flclc Holstein, H2.7 lh 1':11, 725 lh rn Ilie 1070 lh mill<; nnrl Pn111 Simpso11, Indlvlrlual rci'Ognitlnn wont In gl'flrlo llol~tcln, 7R;t lit fat, :!1~111 mntum dnsli, over :i yr.nt·~-Dnvls ih n)tllc & Ellsworth, gmrlc 1-Iolsteln, Under :~ yr.nrs--llllt't'Y Clll'l'l'l 10·1.8 Jh fat, 23:10 lh mlllq nnrl & Son, registered 1-lolsiPirt, 7ti,.J Plitll & Wilcox, rcgistcmrl Hoi· 111 fut, !~flO lh mlll1; nnrl l'a1tl stein, 10:1.7 ih fnt, 2530 ih mlllt; Simpson, gl'ltde lfoiHIPill, 71L:, Ill nnd C, A, Diehl & Sons, regis- !nt, 1810 lh mlll1~ THE Bl IS ALLIS-CH

' FULL 4-PLOW . I POWER with- I • POWER-CRATER engine • Automatic TRACTION BOOSTER system • SNAP-COUPLER hitch Our 24th Year • Two-Clutch power Control • Power-Shift Wheels BABY ENGINEERING IN ACTION for better living, better fanning, more profit.

rOWER·CRATER, TRACTION BOOSTER gnd SNAP.COUPlEK or11 Allli·Chotrmm lr()de,nmh. CHICKS. ALLIS·C HALME RS SALES' AND SERVICE "Jfalclwcl Year 'Rou11ll" Plummer Machinery Coo JJ\'.J.INJG IIYnmn J,AYERS 419 N. Cedar Lansing \VJH1'I~ Ro(;Jollorum - T,VJlluild CJI~n;;

GULLIVER'S HATCHERY · Phone r.:~Sl , Enton Rnpil!-~, llfiehignn ·

Having sold my farm I will sell at llllhlic auction at the farm located l Y2 miles east ol' Stocldn·i!lg1~ on 1\1-1 0(i on what is !mown as the !Ualcho Fa•·m. Co·op Sales Of Poultry s·how Gain 1:00 P.M. SATURDAY, APRIL 2)1:00 P.M. More than 7,000,000 lb. of live poultry- will be processed at the Michigan. Poultry Cooperative at Phone Hemlocl1 by end of second year of Phone operation in August, according to Mason Price B-rothers John Chilson, of the co-op. Stockbridge During the first year of op· erations. 3,312,568 lb. of poultry OR,-7~8761 Auctioneers was processed, During tho passed 17-F-111 -· ' . \' 7 months of the second yeat·, · 4,276,809 lb. of poultry have been processed. · _ - In ·1954, 26,000,0000 lb. of live .:F~rm Machh1ery · pouitry arrived on the Detroit 1951 Mitlne~JIO,lS·!tJolil!_~ ~lode! Z Tractor with Household ·Goods market Michigan and neigh­ powerlift cultivator_ . . - · Frigidaire 6- cu. ft. Refrigerator: boring states, Chilson said. Only 4-humer Electric Stove 3,000,000 -lb. of live poultry ar­ 1952 1\linneapolls·MoliiJe 6~ft•. Combine with motor rived, he added. In 1956, a further Mi,meap91is~~ioli~e :2-bO~on'~ -14~inch Plow on Chrome Kitchenette Set . .. . 4 Chairs Do yoai know why. decrease is expected, according to . rubber. with' by,dranlic .hitch - Double· Bed, coil springs and innerspring matiress Poultry consumption is Minneapolis-Mollne_7~ft. Double Disc still increasing, but the consumers Avery· Corn Planter. with fertilizer attachment 21Uaple Chests ])fa)lle Sewing Cabinet buying methods are changing. New Idea 1\lanure Sp'reader DavenJiort and Chah· Antique 'l'ablt1 Instead of buying a live bird at 4-st;etion Springtooth Harrow Plant Stand Overstuffed Chai1· the marltet place and dressing it lntllrnational Sicle Ral(e 3 Floor LamJlS at home, tho consumer is pur· New Idea Hay Loader Pail· of lfurricane I.amps chasing that same bird already John Deere 16-inch Plow processed and ready to coolt, he Coffee Table Rubber-tired Wagon with flat rnclc Boo)\ Stand pointed,out. The cooperative pro· 2 Maille Chests, very nice ccssing plant at Hemlock is do· 300-gallon Overhead Gas Tanlc 2 New 6-ply 650xl6 Tires Double Bed, coil s11rings and iJmerSJiring matt•·css Fertilizer Compouncl ing for the consumer what she • has been doing herself. 15 Gallons of Transmission Oil Child's Dressing Table and Chair IS To meet competition of ottt·of lO~hole. Steel Laying Nest Antique l'latform Roclmr your best buy in nitrogen? state poultry, and to try and Table Saw with Electric 1\lotor', (i Cane-bottom Chairs create a greatet• interest for Mich­ 4 50-gallon Oil Druins Single Bed, mattress mul SJII'ings igan produced poultry, the co· McCormici•·Deering Mower 9x12 Rug Soil operative is being re-equipped, Fibre I~ug application - Fruit pasture8 Chilson explained. This new 3 1\fil'l'ors Hair Dr3•m· equipment will enable the plant Studio Couch Show Case to process poultry for both fresh· ·Miscell-aneous Oil Ileater Dresser For: Plow down - Vegetable· crops 2 Tables dressed and frozen markets. 50 Steel Posts - Postholl\ Digger \Viclmr Stand Membership in the· cooperative 2 Galmnizecl Tubs 1. "NnGreen" is quickly available. Is 400, · ' Chicken Broocler Chicken Feeder and Waterer 4 Pair of Drapes Double S(lriugs 16 H. P. Outboard 1\lotor 2 Single $11rings 2. "NuGreen" resists leaching- stnys put in the soil. · Quantity of Dishes : : .. Club Age.;t~fs Reo 21-inch Power Lawn· Mower Quantity of Forks BmlSJll'eads Toys 3. 45% nitrogen -less pounds to lumdle, ': Plan Meeting Other Small'_Artlcles. :,. Sleds· Doll Houso .(. ., '. ~; ' ... ~ Other Nmnerous Article~ Four 4-I·I. club workers 4. Easy to use, any equipment, any way. throughout the state will meet for their annual conference at First in the field -proven by years of use. Higgins Lalte May 7·11, Nearly 5. 100 county 4-H club agents and state 4;H club staff me'mbers. from 1\ilchlgan State university If it's worth grQwing,.. it's worth using· DuPont :"NqG·f~e~';;,::i ·· ' wlll attend. . . . ' . ~ ' . ' ...... ·. ' : . ' ·. .. . .~. ~ .); ,' . Conference features Include a report on· a research study of 4·H ··~. '·, ....., • , '• I awards programs. John T. Mount, •' u>~~il>~u~n• dean l)f the college of· ~M'''"""Mft -at Ohio State unlve•·· ··lyle··· .·Duncan, lead discussions · on young ·club· mem­ ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~JMnlt\4,H deve)oplng j~nlor: andJ~~~--~~~~~~~~~~------~~.-~~~.· ~CJIH\ra feet. of Jnwn urcn, ' \ I wrt fer, forest nnrl wllclllfc con~cJ'· ·oro In light, Don't lnl1c 1~hnnr.c~ Crabgrass Rememher, though, he cautions, vntlon," Swift stntecl. "Previous nnrl ;Yflll won't burn, tn l1r.cp the spm;v nwny from Oat s·i Iage Farm Trash feclernl paymerJts to farmers tor Ymt l1enp electric mol,nrs donn, ~hrul~s thnl nrr. nbntll tn Jcnf out consm•vn tlon practices hn ve bor.n hrb:·lcnte\1 ntlfl frHe clttst nml Dies With 11 nrl don't lot It rlrl!t towrll'CI your Country & or Makes Good rmrr·owly restricted to oroslnn· C·an Cause ellrt. Yo11 elon't nllow comlmstlhlo tulip~ rn· dnfforll!s. coni rol rmrl ~oll mnnn~rcment mntm•lnl~ In plio 1111 rwnr· lhe mn· '!'he Juwn cnn ill~ spruycrl frll' phases, 2.4-D Help Feed Crop tell', Thorn's n Bitnrl rlrPull llllrl n enrly ernhgr·n~s c~ontrnl Jwtwcl'n 9uicl( "In sr1111e lnslnnces, wllclllfn, ~pnrl<, Wlml hnppr·ns'l Notlllnr:. nnw nnrl mlri·Mny, And nl lho Town Fnl' ll1n l'llllng hlnw ngedn:;t By Jim Brown l~nrmn1•s In Ingilnm eouni.V llrnher nnd Wltlcr l'eSULII'ces have A lol of rlrbhlslt nround lhe Congrltllrlnll! yoiii'SOif Oil lw(ng ll lawn era!JgrJ' used II ns past lire. ments." Burn liw hnlntWt! In covorml et'Hh·l a ,Jnffnrsmr strc~f!t m· a Jllfferson avmuw. An Aum­ Jrom n Midrlgan Slale unlver· grass, Grlgshy lndlcnlcs, hut a 'rtw Nntlonnl Wllrlllfe J<'edcm· Culling ntiPnllon In April ns nwlnl r~onlnlrwrs nt n snfc! rlls· lius l'arnwr was in the ol'fl!:i: last Wc!el' aud at tlw Mnny fnrme!'s In Mle~hlgan, Hfly \VI!Cd I'I!HI!flrdlel' af!OI' CX· 2, 'I·D sprny nnw will Jwlp the rural l'imiJHIP mnnlll, Avcr·y !nne<• [l'flm hulrllngs, Clmnse 11 snys County Agrieullural Agrml lion Is 11 non·prollt, citizen's or· urges fanners lo r~onslder tlwst• ll!n~lve lt•sls. B. H. Grigsby said hluegr;rss l01.111•:1•:, easy crop to llilndlc. If n farm· lllstrihntur day's end Iiley will tour· the uni· By putting tile accent on degrees, the system is squeez­ er doesn't need lhe sii'IIW. D£'XIer llonlco I versily's new dairy processing notes, he might do well lr1 lwve plnnl, classroom anrl laboratory ing out qualified men and women who have ability, but not Wire Fencing + Tools + Feeders + Roofing + Coal l'tlusou, MidriAan !.he official titles. this klncl of sllnge. Anrl the fncllllies nnd tlw dairy bnrns. amount of feed per nerc will he 'l'l'aehl'r m·ganizations have •·ithtll' wittingly or a pleasant surprise--8 Ions per unwiitingl~· m:ulcl the teaching pi'Dfc!ssion one of tlw acre if the crop would· mal abo~t ·your l.I~III•IJ!IIIIIIIIi•lllllllllllllllil.. ••••••llii• .... ••IIIIII~III-IJ!IIII~~~~~IIIIII•II~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII*Jl I. If Controls Were Not Imposed MSU Offers Film Top Prize Goes to Joyce Perry A ao·mlnutc 111m presentlnJI hlghll!l'hls Pt Mlclti(Jnn Slnte t1!1l· Y!!f~lty's lll~fi cont!!nnlnl ycnr is now IIYI\Il!lhln fol' sllowlrms to Farmers Could Boost Production 530fo intcrcsterl gmups nnrl orgnnlza. Youngsters Win Conservation 'Awards tlons. Titled "Tho YcnJ' We Were "Soil Mnlms tho Difference," (!; I•'Hrlll!'I'S 11'111 fliiVI! to fnCI'I!Ilse 100," the tllm Is In colo rnnrl the therno of the c•onservutlon fll'orhwllon l1~' 12.ri';; lo meet 111sl toiHI fll'oriue­ 1 1 tlon :S:J•,;, wlwnl oulpnt 30'/., r:orn 881 million huslml:; Witlr nnotlwr lng conclitlons In the southwest fll'e~cnt l~luit 1~ ~~~~~~r~sw~~~;~l~n U ges eel e Otiwr top winners In lfw r!ls· {;()'A lltlcl t'ol1on :10 1/~. HIO million hushels reccnlly haven't been ~-:nod this spring. nrl 1 II " 1 1 E ( trkl's soil conservation poster nuthorlwrl lo lal\C errre of the '!'here lws hcr!l1 wlnr! CI'DSion over e conles·l were Dnrryl Wlllllnson, I~hi' :.,':.~~a;~~~;;:,' 8 lll(Cr~~~~~CSTh~1 ssay ontest lflri5 CI'Ofl gmlns lhe government vast III'Cns nml n genernl lncl1 nf wmlr7 · , second, $1; Ronalrllh'nrllcy, lhit'rl, m~a~ur~ 1 11 As tills Is writtr?n, congress harl I" l'lflfll" OVCI' mofstLtl'e ' 11 m . 11 1C r1 11 11 ) $3 I J l D C f tJ JlilSHI!d I he nr•w f11r111 hill. Wlmt " ' " •· • ·• · " , , • price drop on iJ,~gs to lOc per cwt. Barbara Norton nnd Reuben · ; nnr • nne e amp, 'OUr 1, ill'tlon the fJJ'f'sirient will tnl. u.nrle1· last Mt"s. nno 'bet r R o h:son, '"u, r.1,·l·lir· tl1r•. COil''n.r·v,·rl'trlrl"" flrl.··tr•.r,, 1111rl r•.. "·,, nnrl the Soil Conservallnn servkc been stll'h llwt m11ny farmers ~ yem·~· sr:hools will use I his r:onlcsl as an Lansing wtll be the Jll'inr:lpal· • · · · anrl 10'/t. helnw lhc ri-year· aver· man of the Americanism commll· hlhit cnnlt!sl as nn qclueallnual r:Dn1wrated with tile rllslricl. rli· Incentive to form Snil Conser· would he glarl to t'f!llre some speaker at the annual parent and /age. · · · Antibiotics are being teo of the Mason Auxiliary, nr· pro,leel. TIH'y hope In encoun1gn l'er!tnrs In this project. 'I'Iw con· planter! ar'l'<'ilgr•. The farther vntlon attcnrl. memhers of the Anna Mane cir- cle, at the home of Mrs. George BUIIPr prorltlr'l irlll is climbing Luecht recently. Mrs. Hobert 1-1. ;rgain. C'C'l' is buying riairy fii'Od· Mitchell nnd Mrs. Marvin Mitch-~ Get A uf'is In supfHJrl prit'l!S. For the Leslie Delegates eli l'ceclverl with Mrs, Luccht. we,~l; ending April :; huller nut· Mni. Quig bi'Ollght several pat- 1 JHII w;rs ilhfllrt li'; aheHrl of the terns of clrlna to llw group. samr! tinw last \'Par and 11',\ Attend Meeting Officers for llw mming year • grca~l' tllHn the 'average for tllC AI tending the state Future! arc Mrs . .T. Douglas Alcxanrlci', Jasl ,) ymrs. L:ll'gc donations 0,f Homemakers of America meeting president; l\liss lie len Brown, butter from gol'!'rnmcnt (lUI· t II p til 1 11 t 1 1 c· f vice-president; Mrs. Ben Bucior, 1 1 1 lll'l'CI II' f or · High- Analysis Fertilizers wear. Roplaco or repair where nocouary • . . - , . .:. -~--- -~-' -.::::-.I PELLEFOR!U 6·24·24 * 'l'his new fertilizer is 100% (lellcted. I • * It is highly "water soluble." * It costs less to usc than 3·12·12. * You handle only half ns many bags. ORDEit YOURS TODAY AS OUR SUPPLY IS Lll\IITED TillS SPRING . ·~ ' ,._ KLEIN ··SOIL ·SERVICE ll1gham Coun-ty News· .' • ! ' ' ~ ,.. \.' ' '' ,· ' r '' •' • Legal Notices

Ill II h11~1 Sllh &I

TIIOUG£1'1' FOR THEDA Y I love Chiist, I sh,tlc H1s sulletlltgs tndny .tncl sh,lll II IS giOI ~ I 011101 I 0\1 St.tnlcy A F1 y {J3Jnzii)

NOT FOR THE RIDE I Next tIme you set' n !tuck on the 1o.tcl, 1em em bet -­ It's not the! e JUst f01 the wle Its lo.trlecl \\ 1th c,u·­ go bound 101 some tlll[JOl tan! clesttnttlon - nnrl ult1 mately tlwt destm.t!JOn ts you Yes, the economy o[ l'lflchlgln - .tnd ol evc1~ othe1 sidle, 111 l.tct - 1s ge,uecl to motm tianspoi t

T1 ucks .11e the key to out g1cat <~Chlevements 111 pt ocluclion !'hey 11.11 e m.tcle possible new PI odu< ts NO II( I 01 SPJ ( lA L f U'CTION and llCI\ mulwlmg methods They've enc~blerl us lo go out 1111o tlw 1lll .tl dlld su1Ju1 han 11 cas <111cl huild ANJ) OF homes nllcl busmrss [ll OJCC!s W (,Js'rHA liON OJ' VOTERS It's no \\ oncle1 t h tl t lUcks h,t ve rnc1 e.tsccl 111 num­ beJ Ill MJChJg,lll !1 0111 l'iO,llJO Ill ]CJ4i to 351,337 Ill TO TUJ' RLI ( I OHS OJ 'rill Vll,J AGF. OJ' DANSVIJ J,E: 19"54 Theil populnt 1ty lMs gt own because they 1 < dcne such ,,

Michigan Trucldng Association Fort Shelby llo1cl • Detr011

auction at Hu• Saturday; April 21 1 P. M.

NO'!' I( I OJ SPECIAl, TOWNSIIIP ~mETING ANil I~U~CTION AND OF Tools Furniture RI~GJSTRATION OF VOTERS CarJlenter Tools ~-ton Chain Fall WHEREAS at a meetmg of the Townshtp Board of the Garden CultiVator lland Con1 Plantl•r Dro11 J,eal 'l'abl1• Township o[ Ingham Ingham County, Michigan held on the Ditching Stalws, Spade, Tt O\\ el !\fetal Cuphoa111 9th day or A pill 1 9'i6 n fz anchlse ordinance was adopted, en Small Vise Ropes Davenport tl11ecl as follm1 s F1sh Poles Tricyclt• BufiPt CUJlboards AN ORDINANCE grantmg to CONSUMERS Scythe Berry Boxes POWER COMPANY, Its successms and asszgns, the Wheel Bart ow Saw Horses BNI Oal C1 rcnlating Ifeater 1 tght powet md lUthortty to construct, main tam and Pamt Scrap Iron commerczally use electtlc ltnes conststmg of towers 'l'ool Box 2 lnnnPr 011 Sto' ,. AR G.ts Stov1• mas is poles cross at ms guys braces, wtres, trans Oil Uarrels forme! s and othet electucal apphances on, along l\itch1•n C.tbitU't 2 llJI'SSPI S and act oss the !ugh ways stteets, alleys, brzclges and othet publ!c plares nne! to do a local electtlc busmess Buildings Smgm St•\\ mg IH.tdun•• In the lOWNSIIIP OF INGHAM INGHAM COUN 1 Y:!·car Garage, good condition Washm~ l\l.Jchmc I Y, MICHIGAN f01 a peuocl of thl! ty years 9x 15 Budding 1\tl clwn Sinl, 20x24 Prr.-Fab Bnildmg l10nmg Boa11! Slmul nooltcase Roclung Chai 1 Building Supplies Day Brd 100 Cement Blocl's nool

. . Home Will Be Sold at 3 P. M . . . ·. Ot~er Articles Too Numerous to Mention Terms:-Cash. All Gools to Be Settled for Before Removal ews 119, 1956 P ge 7

LA\ C. 1\Nn nADDff\IS Legal Notices NF.ED Ll

I ~PIH I lh npplic I hr. I OflK II " w II vnlr.nfllaflliK d lnul111m County News Aprill9, 1956 Page 8 PROFESSIONAL I . BUSINESS-SERVICE Lost, But Not lrouncl ,i_'

Mlch!:;an Climate Conditioned I Professional Foods Auctioneer 1 Stover-Backofen Co. Livestock ______I See your repair m.m or dealer Trucking. Bottled Gas Ambulance Service Beebe's W~st Side Installation, convt!rslon and liP· Aulo--Truclc- T!·nclor Pa11.s pllnnccs. County·wlde delivery. Glenn Casey Oxygen and Scott "Your Friendly Nelghlmrhood Machine Simp Servf.on Demand Inlmlalor I Grocery" Lives'tock Trucking Auctioneer !Jll W, Ash Phone OR-7·!1541 Open Evenings nna Sundays Detroit - Monday and Tuesday Don Hill Williamston, Mlchlgun Baii•Dunn 'fexar•o Gns-011 Battle Creelt - Wedncs1lay 201 N, Ceclnr Ph. 011·7·1151 3135 Olt'dmos ma11, Okemos Phone Collect 227-W I We Give Gold Stamps Cnll noon and evenlnj? Phone Lansing ED·7·7849 Don' s Wrecker Funeral Home or anytlme Saturday or Sunday 19wt! Mason Phone OR-fl·122l Service Darrell's George Helbig Wayne Feighner 24-I-Iour Service Look as smart as you arc! AUCTIONEER SELF 3ERVE F'OOD MARKET Gas and F1•cl 011 Mnson, Michigan VIsit Our Modern Phone OR 7-5773 Cull OR·7·9171 Elite Beauty Shop FOOD MARKET il7wtt Phones It no nnswer Cnll 7-5581 BI~AUTY Sf~IWICE: Quality Groceries Bottled Gas OR 7-3Ci0l and OR Ci·5682 11>1 West Slate ~15 S. Jefferson Fine Selection Fresh and Cc>ld Open 24 hours a O'ay excopt Mason/ in R•Jby Campbell Ph. OR 7·23H Meals Livestock Trucking Sunday Gasoline - - Ice Cream 20-lb Self-Sarve Cylinders i·\:\ Detroit - Monday anrl Tuesday 100-lb Delivered Cylinders '' I. / Open 7 Days n Week Charlotte - Monday Afternoon Artificial Both are automatic systems Used Cars Used Part~ Ambulance Service 4507 W. Columbia Road Battle Cn·el< - Wednesday Lower rates for dual appliance I Phllne OR·G·l001 Also general local tr.uckln~.: users Equipped with Oxygen and Lime chips for driveways. Breeding Keith's Auto Parts Inslallv lion Conversion .. --.l Rcsuscllalor CUSTOM ROASTING Bottled Gas Appliances Wrocltcr Service '' of the> Charles· Cooley 4Ci23 Elliott Road Mason Westinghouse Appliances WORLD'S FINEST NUTS Phone CJX-4·8349 or OX-4·1371 Phone OR-7·7691 Jewett Parly nuts a specialty-Tell us 29wtt 29wtf John Reagan, manager of Pontiac Lake slate park, uses a , __ ---' --- when you want them-we'll roast _____ Leslie Appliance magnifying glafis to lry lo identify the owner of a billfold lhal Funeral Home them ju~t In time for your was found in his park area last summer. All other ilorns in lh<> piclure also were found in lhc pari(, from a Bible to a baseball Mason Phone OR-7-Ci153 guests. 210 E. Bellevue Proven livestock Pl~one Leslie JU 9·8252 bat. Visitors lo Michigan's 58 stale parks annually lose hundreds Sires of items. !hen fail to place claims at park offices. · Kean' s Sc-1 Oc & $1.00 For Your TRUCKING AND BUYING Herd: 412 S. Jefferson Have your stock truclted to the Replacement legal Notices Radio- TV Phone Mason OR 7-5,Hl1 market that maltes the marltet Linoleum ------by experienced truclters. Restaurants Charles Brown ORDER AI'I'OINTIN<: TIME "We Barbecue ln the Store" Pontiac : FOR IIEAJ!INC CLAIMS ALL ANIMALS INSURED Ins·eminalor COLLJNS-.Iunf' 1:1, l!J5[) Sales and Service Floor Tile Semi-Truck Service now Available "COME HUNGRY Phone Mason OR 7-4521 ~IIIII• nf Mic•hlvnn. 'J'Iw l'1'11har" Crnn·t George's Market AND EAT ALL fur• tll1• C'!iiiii!Y nf rrldliiJll.' s Call us on any kind of Jlvesto~k GOOD WILL USED CARS At 11 .'41'.'1i•iun ~~r Hui,J l'n,rrt, hl'ltl ar th11 We dellver on orders of $2.00 or you wish to sell at home. YOU WANT" l'r·nhalp Oll'it••• i11 til~> t·ity of l.r111Hin!-(' in th .. Hodrl ~~ounty, on th,. :.!~th d11y uf Radio & TV Service more ISee us for your registered Hamp- Country Style Mllrf•ll, 1\. 11. 1\r:-,fi. Featuring 424 S. Jefferson Mason shire breeding stoclt. The best In Home Howard Pontiac Linoleum and l'l'f•,wnt. JiliN. ,JOII:'{ Mi•C:I.ti.l .. \N, Phone OR-7-7151 meat type hogs. 1340 S. Jefferson ollldJ..'I! nf [1!nlmtP, DrlvP-Tn Aulc Radic In th .. Mntlel' ,,f tlw K~l11lr! nf 'I'IJOM~ ~~rvlce Country Kitchen Phone OR-7-1801 Floor Coverings AH CC>I.LINS, :-it•PIIIItl!dft, · Service It. HHIHilll'iiiJ_~ lu th•· 1'11111'1. t hnt I hi"! ..~son 1003 N. Lansing Mason Phone OR-7-2701 time fu1· Jin•t;f'ntnlinn u( Plnlm.~ m:uinMl Bim Franklin SAVE on AUTO PARTS Armstrong's Linoleum ~ulid P!'llntu tdwuld In• limitt·rl, 111111 llutl a Expert Laying Service tlmt! unci piiiC'P lu• 1tl1l•Oilllt·d In n••·••iv••, Licensed Dealers, Mason at mmmint• 1111!1 tuUtl:il. nil ••lili111.., rtr11l llf'­ Phone OR-7-8941 mnndH ltgninHt. Hltid Ht"'llllthrift lty nnd Flowers CHARCOAL BROILED Bigelow and Mohawlt Carpels HOUSE CALLS 12wtf ' GIFTS hcfm••· tlltid •·nul'[: ' Bud's Auto Parts I II iN Oz·•lf'n•d, 'l'hnL I'I'Pdilit!":l nf 1H1ifl • WALLPAPER Spc•udthrift. 111'1• t't•qtdl'ed lo nr•·.~··nt thl'ir Same Day Steaks and Chicken "Central Michigan's Largest f d1drnH to Hnid c·r1lll'l 111 tlw l'rnlltll•• Of­ TV BalleDunn fir·p nl :.!ll:i \\'(•!'It Saginaw lltl't•••l, Lnn~in~. Chops and Spare Ribs COMPLETE FLORAL Lester L. Johnson 0 PAINTS Dealer In Late Model Salvage" Fl ( ; Mil'lllg-nu, nn n1· lt••fnrn thl) lath d:1y uf Service Phone ox-D-2154 . oor overmgs .111111', ,\. II, I !l;di, 111 lt'll u',·ln•·k in tlw ARRANGEMENTS Phone Mason OR-6-1580 • WAVERLY FABRICS fiJI'••!Iuon, Mltid tim,. nrul plzwt• h••J't!by Lindy's Drive-In South of Holt • 2 Miles North Mason Phone OR-7-0231 lljllllfilllt•tl rnr !hi! t•\Hillillal inn 111111 IIIIR Weddings )lllilfiii'ILL HI! 1\/HI dt>lllllllfiK All work guaranteed of Mason 1 uf f'lninHI Funerals · Parties Just outside of Mason on US-127 n~~Hinst :-;aid !'ipi'IHithdft. 0 MOTOROLA Livestock Trucking rt. i:; Vurlll!'l' Oi'dt~l't•d, That p•iltli·· IIUR Delivery Service Color Is Our Business th·c~ lht·I'I'Of 111! ~;i\'t-\1 IJy puhJil'llliHII orR 0 RCA VICTOR To Charlotte on Mondays Legal Notices l'lljly o( [1\i-; cn•doq· rnr lhl't'l' :111!'1't•.l:li~·~ w••,·1,_-; JW••viuu,.; 111 :mid d;c_y uf ht·Ht iu~. in 0 ADMIRAL To Jacltson on Wednesdays Signs· tl11• Ingham f'ni!IIIY ~ .. w.-;, 11 tlt•\\'."~fiapt!l' Clements Flower Shop Reasonable Rates Photography ORDER FOR PUBLICATION J)l'iiii.Ctf 111111 l:if'l'llillft•cl ill .">II id I'OIIIIi,Y, 0 GENERAL ELECTRIC GENERAL 1982 Walnut Ph. OX-4-1791 20wtf ______....;_...,___ LYON-April 27,1056 J IJH~: ~1<·1' I,J•:I.J,,\ N, 0 SPAHTOlv Zimmerman's A TrtJe Cupy; ,1 wl~~c uf Pmhlllo Holt I StUll! nr r.lil'ilif-:'llrl, 'J'hl! Prohlllf! CntJI'l Mon·tha Thnyl'l' -... I 0 OTHER MAJOR BRANDS OR·7·1301 Mason 'for llw County of Jn~ham. ' llr!Pllly lh~l.d:ilf'l' ur Prnhatr l·lwa Roy Dodge J\t II ~C:!t>lon or Kflili Cnui'L ht•ld nt Lhl' P:1one OR-6-1762 Photographs Prolmt1: Ofrfct~ in tlw Cit~· or Mnl'inn, in ORDER FOR l'lli.ILICATION "Fine Flowers Always" Butchering IIUiid Cnunty, flll lhe ·lth dny or Altl'll. ANNUAl. ACCOUNTS I A. ll, l!lit6. KREY-:\luy r, fH5(i I -SIGNS- l'r..Hent, IION. JOIIN M,Cf.EI,LAN, J Judrw of Prnhnt1:, Btalc· nr Jlrllt-hi:'all. TIH• 1'rnhut" C11111't ftH' lilt! Cuuut~· of lnJ.!h:tlll, WEDDINGS 311 N. Cedar Street In tlw Mnllt'l' of thu E:;tntl! nr JULIA Harold Lavis l Jewett Flower Shop J\t. 11 lit~H~iun of :illitl c,,,rt'l. h•·ld on Mason M. IJYON, Mt·ntnlly lulmmp!!Lcmt. APril a, l!r.iti. 65 Butchering BABY AND YOUTH Holnntl V, ltt!mingtnn havin~ fiiNI in Phone OR 6-5632 snid Cnul't hi.'l lll!lition prn}·ing thnt u Pn•:;f~llt: liON. JOHN ~ii'CLI·:r.r.AN, ------M<1son,-'_5_N__ 1\Iichigan._c_e_ca-r------IW--e--D-cl-lv_e_r ______P_I_'·_o_n_-_7--1-23-1 Pori< on Tuesdays and Wednes- Jud,~u or l'l'fllo:tll', COMMERCIAL tllli!C!CHtHll' gllUt·clinn he Hpprdnl1•d unci - days; beef on 'Thursdays, Pi cit up thut. r.lnyd Cnnklin, nr· Hnme ttl hf'l' Hllil· In thf' MllllCI' of !.lin {'!,~[lilt• of n.\n. nhJf! JII'I':HIII !11• llfiJiflitlt~:fJ llti g'\1/ll'riinn n( llAHA A. 1\c:I-:¥, MAllY J,, liiii~Y, 1 and delivery service. tmid m1•rtf.nlly ln•·nmrwtt:nt. pr·r~;nn; ,lflYCfo: J. iiiii·:Y, CMifll,f:JJ•: 1•:. IWJ>Y, It iH Oi'df!l'Ptl, Thnt. till_• 27th rlay nf 111111 III•:NI~Y C. 1\I:EY, Miltor·;, Babs' Photos Nursing April, A. n. 1n:,fi, nl l1•11 c,',•luf'l;: In th•· Notif'f' I:; lif'l'l'lty fiit•f'lt, Thai t!w f•ro• Available Everywhere fnrcnnnn, nt thfl Prohntr~ Oll'ir•e, :.!!l.".i W. lltl~tn of L.ouir:c! M. Simm". ~:t1111'di11n nr Prescriptions Leslie Food Lockers 834 Routh Barnes, Mason Snl-:'innw Sl,, LnnlliiiJ:, Mil•hiJtlln, he ;111rl ~witl ~>:-tluli•, pn1ying- fur tht• :dlrn\'UIII'l' Phone OR-7-4391 iH hr.l'tdiY· appointed rur Jwul'ing Raid nf 111'1' annunl 111:1'!111!11., 11ltin fii'IIYilll~ fell' Phone OR-7-0331 or Phone OR 7-2311 Home I1Clit1on: f.hf• nJlm\•aTJt~n nf ~til [11'1~\'iiiiH al~l'lllllllH Drilling ·5wtf It Is Fur·llw1· OrdPI'Pd, 'l'hnt IHihlif! llfl· filed, wi:J It~• hP;tl'd nn Mar I, l~liifi, at Leslie .TU-9·5~111 246 W. Mapk Street --..-P-re_s_c-ri_p_ti_o_ns_A_r_e_O_u_r ___ well li1:o tilf!l'l'of IJe 1-:'iVIlll hy (tUhlienti(]ll of H lt!ll o'f•1twk in tit•• foro•l!onll, :tl 1111' Pl'UR I ltntt, Otric·,~. in t!w City uf Mn:wll, MkhiR · Mason State Licensed cnpy of thiR m·tl(•r, nllt!C mH~h Wt~Pk for· lhrcf: Htlf!l'eHliiVe weckli p1·nvinuH ln tuticl J.l'Hn; dny or hr:Ju·inl!, in the lnl."hnm Gnunty Tt lr; l>l•dt•l'<'d, 'l'l1111 rudi1'" tl11·n·nr Itt~ -Custom Ntm•s, u rww.•JIIIIIC'J' fll'inled nnd t•in•u·;11 hy JIIJ!dit~lllirfll uf II 1'01',\' hi•I'I!U( Jewelry Luxaire Furnace~ Home for Men lnLcnl In tmid County, and, Lhnt. Maid Jll'll· fnl' I h l'l'l' Wf't!k:-1 t•••n~t'l'lll i \'t•1y J•l'f~ViouH ~~:~:~ ,--W-el-1-D-ril-lin_g ___ Photo Fi_nishing 24-Hour Nursing Service tionf'l' J.dvc known intcn!!ltt•d Ptll'tic:-~ 1.(t Mllid tl;ly nf lw:11'ins.r, in 111,. lnJ,:"ham • Sheet Metal Work addillunul nntico IlK I'Cftllirrd hy lnw. rnunly N!!l'hl, nnd thnt. th .. [IJ•!Jtiun,·r 5 Excellent Food ,JOHN McCLELI,~N. 1'1111:-lf! 11 r·np,v uf thi~ nolir-P In ht• ~"1'\.'t!ll ·. • One-Day Developing • • Estimates Gladly Given A Tt·ue Cn1•Y: .Jurllte of Pmltatt1 urwn ell('h known Jllll'ly iJ, illll'I'I'Kl 11L ll· und ·l-Inch for fnrm and home, · • Expert Service • Itohel't. r... l1l'llkl' hiM lnl"l knn1•·n ndrlt'l~l'~l 11y l't•J.:i:ill~l't'fi DrUil Store Reasonable Rates Ru>.dHtet• of l'l'olmte lrlnif, l'f!lllt'll l'f'l'f!illt dt•111HIIIf•·d, :11 lt•nsl 6· lo 10-inch fo1· air conditioning Watches l·lw3 Courteous Service • Large-Size Prints • Wiljax Heating Co. rnmtnen { 1·1) dny11 prior to ~mh hunr• and lrl'igation. Gruen · Elgin • Hamilton ; \Jiy!ei • Deluxe Quality • ORDER APPOINTING TIME ill~, Ill' lty jlf!l'MOIIII1 HI!I'Vit '' Ill. Jt~:tril liVe Holt · Rings • Bracelets Wi·lbert Reynolds, Owner FOR HEARING CLAIMS (ii) clllYII pl'iur tu Hllt'h llt!lll'illl~. ELEC1'RIC 2202 Bertha Street, Holt Robart Nursing Home ROBSON-June 20, 1956 ,1011 N ~1.-CI.I·;f,f,A N', Orange Blossom Diamond Rings Stato of Michilo{an, 'l'hc Pl'ribnte Cnut'l A 'l't'tll• Co1w: Jud1~1! nf Prnlmle WA'l'Eit SYSTE!\IS Phone Holt OX 4-2421 118 E. Oalt Ph. OR-7-2431 for the County of In~-:ham. Hobert r•. llnd\o To fit your needs Chesley's Drug Store At 11 tHHHdon of ~aid Cour·t, held nt lbP Ht!J.dHtl·t• "f l'rohat.o Chesley's Pr·ohnte Oll'it:n in thu City n( MnHun in Sold and Installed William Fink Phoue Mason OR·7·6131 the Hnid County, on the Oth day nf Atll'il ORDER FOR I'Ufli.ICA'IION 16wtf Hollo W ay A. n. I!I:.H. FINAL ACCOUNT Rexall Drug Store JEWELER Refrigeration Service 1 Po'"Hcnt: HON. ,JOHN McCI-J~LI-AN, ' H IJudge of Pl'ohnte. FENEIS-A!lril 27, 1 OfiB and Next to Fox Theatre Nurstng orne In the mnlluo· or Llw CHtntc or JIAI'I'll Stult! n( Mil!hiJ,wn. ThtJ i'J·uhnlt' Cnurt PRESCRIPTION Roy C. Hart Mason Domestic Commercial · IIOIISON, DcccnHed, Cot• Lht~ Cuunty of In~lwm. Invalids a specialty-Lady guests It IIII(IUIII'i/11( to u.. , court lhnl lhu 1\t It r;I~H.'iinn of tilth! CoUI'l. lwld on 1328 S. ,Jefltll'SOn ii, 1!li'ili. PHARMACY only time ro1• Jli'CHCiltUliOil of cJUilllH IIJ.CIIiTJMt. Apl'il Phone OR·7·2231 Welding . Hnlll CHlu te Hhouhl lw linlitutl, nnd thnt n I'l'l!s~nl: liON, ,}OliN Md.;J.,J~I.J~t\N, Cosmetics time nnd plnco he IIJlJHlfnlecl Ln t•ect::!i\'1!, .Jud~orv or Pnllmtc. Lawrence Schnepp 231 E. Oalt Street - Mason oxnmhw and udJuHt nil clnintli and fit·· In thl! MIIILPI' or t.he i!:lllllle of ANNA Phone Eaton Rapids 3774 or Phone OR 7-5231 mnnt!H 1\1-{uint>t Hnid clucensed hy and he· 1\. !•~EN Jt:IS, IJ.·~·eaxed. Mason Ph. \JR-7·6131 cotlt'f. Notit:u I~> Jlerelty C:h'l!ll, That tlw fti!R ·----~..;..;.;...;..;.;,;,; S~ W."Hart £o1•e 1mid Your clothes arc safe In our 4-2914 ' It iH f)l'dNml, 'l'hnl cr·oditoJ'R of Hnid litio11 o( {~11!1111 f\t:cd\, lldJUillitill'lllOr u! ( nt south cUy limits) Robinson dt!CCI\iUHI nrn rcquil'cd to Jtl'elient. tlwil• suid e:HIIlt·, Jll'/1.\-'illh" fnl' Ibn llliOWtliii!C hands. We get them sparkling clnlmK tn Hllid ernll'l Ill t.hc Probate or­ Of hiH Jii!UJ 1\l~I~OIIJl[, lllld ftll' till! HMSignR 13:H S. Jefferson The E. R. Lilly mont and rliHl.l'ihlllinu of tlu.• rmdtluc or clean, ,beau tlfully pt "'~~ed wl th rice nt 20/i WeHt Snl{innw Hli'I!Ol, Lnn- ,· ..·' Hardware Phone OR·7·0131 Welding Shop • Hlng, Michig-un, on m· bufol'e the :!Uth suit! eHtnlt~. will l11! lwunl 011 t\Jll'll ~7, utmost. care. No high-pnce wor· 1115ti, Ill tun o'clnd; in tho fn1·eunon, ut Automotive day or .Juno, A. D. 105H, nt. eleven rles either! · Nursing Home o'clock In the foronor1n, snid time nud the l't'Ohntl' Oltlcl! nt 21Jf, Wmil. SnglutL\V White Metal, Aluminum and place heJ'chy UJiftnintcd for t!Xnminn­ Stl'cct. J.un:~iu~, !\-11chit{nn, I Cast · Iron a specialty Corner ot State and Parlt-Mason tlon otnd otilin•tmcnt or nil clnlms nnf,I,AN, Bwtl 330% S. Jefferson Phone OR-73031 machinery In shape for spring~ Robc1·t L. lll'nko Over Chesley's Drug Store • Plow Points Repaired "Bob" Tear, Prop. Carol's lle,:iHtol' of Prohnto Hardware 12wtl • Drag· Teeth Sharpened 420 S. Jefferson Mason • Trailer Hooks Made to Order · Phone OR-7·2121 1 Nursing Home Stnlo of Michi~'"'· 'J'ho Ci,.cult Com·l ORDER Al'I'OINTING TIME Dupont Paint . Nursing I-Iome fo1' the Co11nty or Jo~hnm. In Chuncory. FOR HEARING CLAIMS Westinghouse Appllanres Cloth~ng PE!iGY I<. SCO'l"r, PlnintiiT, vH. ECKER-.Iuno 14, 1950 Glass 518 West Ash JOSEPH P. SCOT'l\ Dllfnndnnt. !::llntu or Michignn. 'l'hn Prohnlc Colll't Bottle. Gas Phone Mason OR 7-5652 ORDER FOR Ai'l'EARANCE foo· lhc Co11nLy of Inoihnm, Glazing Richard Schultz Suit t•cndin~ In _the nlmve enllt.lcd J\t H aetmtnn of Hnld Cnn1'l, lwld nt. Court on the 2Uth dny or Murch, l 066. t.ho Pl'ohnto Oll'lr.p In the t:lty of M!lHOil Tools '3317 Cavanaugh Road M_.· en and Women In thiH cnuHc It IIIJIICill"ing rt·om nfrJ .. In, tho Mnid County, on tho :ll'd dnr oC Radios LADIES APPAREL Between College and Hagadorn duvlt on file, 'Lhllt JoKoph P. Scott IH not AJll'ii, A. D. 1!.156, . Phil gas 16w4p n t•cahlcnt of thiH Stnte, nnd It cnnnot Pl'UHcnt, HON. ,JOliN MeCLELLAN, i'lfants Wear - Linens Road he ftflccrtnlned in whnt stutc at• countt·;o Juc.h:c or P1·nhnte, .Phone East Lansing EP 7-7554 Rocket Ahead with; tho Durundunt I'CHidr~s. • 111 the Mntlcl' or the EHlntu of SARAII ·.·Perkins Hardware Bottled Gas On motion or l~'n!•hnt nnd DurnR~ At· ECK~R. Dcml':\Hed. U11son Ph. OR·6·431l tornc,YK for tho Plnlntilf, it IH onlur·ud U UJJPCtU'illj.t' Lo the cout·t thut. tho Fuel Oil thnt the t~ald Dcrendnnt cnusu his time ro1· Jlt'CHcntntion of clnltnH nl{lilm~t . Mills Store· In . . :. Oldsmobile nfliHJitrllnt!e to bo unlel'ud In thiK cnm•c Hnld cMtHlo Hhould he. limited, und tlmt n 20·lb SeU·Serve Cyllnde1'8 within. tlm~e months from tho dnto of time nnd pine~ hi! UJIJiointccl to l'ecctvo, J 356 S. Tefferson Ph. OR·7·0391 For Better Buys In . 100-lb Dellvererl Cylinders Farm Tools thht ol'dcr nnd Lhnt w~thln 110 ·dnyR, lhe cxnmlno and ndjnl:lL nil clnimtt und· de­ New and Used Cars Plaintiff cntlno Ol'tlot• to !Ju Both are automatic systems LhiH tJUbllidltld 111111111~ IIR'Ilint~t ,;aid dcc•onKcd by nnd be· See. In lho lnghnm County NcwK, n new~ .. fot·o unlrl COIIJ'l: , Lower rates. for dual appliance lllll1er llUblltihcd nntl circulntcd within Il I~ OrdO\'ed, Thnl m·mlitont or' tmld Heating Dollars· ~mid County, snld oubllcnllon tO be con• docCIIS!Jd nre rornril•cd tn lll'ctumt their users ·MiMneapolis·Moline tlnued once in·r.uch wock for Mix WtJOkK cluhns to ·Hnl1l court nt thu.Pt·obnto; Of· Tank Cleaner ·McCarn Oldsmobile : Go Farther in Hll[)COKHion.. · , · · fico ut 206 .\Vo!it SnJrlnnw street, .·Lnn• · :nstallatlon . Conversion It Is ft!rthct•. archtrod Lhnt Ruch rmbll.. sing•. Mlchi~rnn, on m· be fmc tho .14th Bottled Gas Appliances .· Oliver . · ~~- 222 s. Ce~ar · wlth cutlonH shnll not he necmumt•y if•u co11Y cin~~. of Juno, A. D. lfl56, nt ten o'clock ; :P$ts · ·, . :.,.Wallpaper I ·Phone OR·7·9681 of thiR · Ot·der KlitLII· h1lve been 11crvcd ln Lhc fot·cnoon, Nnid lime nnd ·\1loco SEP'riC TANKS CLEANED . · uuan Dorondu.nt by .J'ugh1te1'cd mnll, and hol'Ohy'. nnpolnlccl fnr tho exmnlnntion . ASHLAND FUEL OIL on 'o!Ttr.lnl J'cLurn: rCcclvetl. thet•efoJ'D at n·ntl; nrlju1d.ment ·of ull' c!nlms nnd·· dcR .. ·.. Michigan Paint Ah10 concrete septic tanks for- ' . . ' . . lcnBt 20 dnya bofot•o the time. Pt'cBcrlbcd .mands 'nRilinaL' snld dcccnso![, · , '. , sale. · . for the· n1ipenmncc of thn Dnfcndnnl, It Is Fuo'thol'. Ordcl'cd, Thnt public. no• : : •. Bert s Garage -Dtltod: Murch 20, lDfi!l, _ · tlco thcroor·bo·~tivon by puhllcntion of n · · .,. ·· · Stores· · · caii .· . ; · .· · . 'LOUIS E. COASU, ·CilJIY·· of thiK 01'dC!J', fot• lhl·co I!UcccttRlvc . :. General Re~alrlng · ''' ' ~. ·Circuit Jud..rc WCOit!i lll'cvinua·to Ktdd tlny. or hearing, In Jefferson : . · Mason ·Francis. Sloan-. 'I' rue COllY: Oliva. S. Pntton, De1mty tho· Jnghum County· Nowo, n noWHilnpor ·. Plu)m) OR;6,.4G91 and .. Clork;· Countorol~ito