Confracfor on New Road P'e1·forms in Big League One'· of lho nntlon's hlggm;l mr.nl rl~:lrl PfiHJIHIIIfur·tion lnst;, C'ounty hlghwiry c~ontnwlnro hnH tho non· The Ingham on nxpr.rir.nr:n, cqulprnrJnl nnrl fl· tmct on tho Mnsnn·Ln~lln Hnnllnn nlrrH!Inf:, Ninety-Seventh Year, No, 16 rtf US'I 27. S. ,), Groves & SnnH, 'l'hn stnlo rrrlrnlnllitt'ullvr. bonrrl Mason, Michigan, Thursday, April19, 1956 with nn nfflrm In Ann Arbor, hn~ Hfnrnpnrl Its llflfJrovnl nn 1110 4 Sections - 30 Pages Its lwurlf]llfll'tOl'S In Minncapnllt;, Gmvrs mnli'iH'I '1'11rsrlny, Tlw It Is rloflnllnl,v big Jnngrw, It Wloll eontr;wls wn1·o mnllr.rl nul nnrl nrc lmu·twr.l nt 1110 slntc IJighwny ric· Council Gives pnrlmcnl, P.XJlCf'lml ln. h~ slgrwrl within il wrc!l<. 11lon~: with llw hnnrls r·r.· J]ermtse of llw size of the .loll, CJLtlred, Worl< will Ill! stnrtorl ill $1,fl7~,28!l,GH fn r t hr. 7 mllcr; of onm, llw hlghwny rlr.pnrtmcnt Fill Dirt for Firemen'· Hold Loss supm·hlghwuy, hlddrm; harl to nnnnuneerl. At Its morotlng Tllr.Hrlny llw slnll' nrlmlnlslrnllvo hourrl uiHfl State Highway nppmvcrl IIH! nwnnl of n r:onlmet Supreme Court tn l3nrmr. & l3oono, Trnvnrsr. C!ly, ' l~nur city councilmen 'nt a To About $30,000 ' . For lhr.\ F'ltl'ilhllr~ rmul hrlrl~:e sneclnl meeting Monday night across 1 Port11gn river. Tlw pri~Je gnve nwny nn e:;tJmuled 100,000 Is $:!7,fil!J,•I!l. Altllough the hrlrlge cubi!J ynnjs of 1111 dirt. It will he Grants Woman Is on n cottnly I'OIIfl, tile Hlnll! used In the Mnson·Leslln supeJ' hlghWIIY rlopnrlmont llllnrllorl llw highway. They rcvcrscrl t11e de· In Ball-Dunn Blaze Chan(e !Pitln~ hr.r:rJJtSr! f«!rlr•ral funrls am l'!slon of the council Monday Appeal br!lng user! In llw financing. nlglll, What. could well have been a $]00,000 fire at. lhc Ball­ By actlnn of tile Michigan su· Others supplying dirt to the Dunn furnitu1·e sl.ore Tuesday aflernoon came! out between stnte will he paid 6c a yard. premo c:ourl Mnndny, Mrs. Mar· ~20,000 and ~30,000. Quick uclion on the part of fit·emen, garcl ,Jordan, 40, mny get r1 new reuJ rllrl will he mined from trlrJI. School Board n top clty·ownerJ property on headwot•k by employes and help fmm the [HtiJiie choked off Slw Is nlsn gettln!: n taste of Bnrncs street ncar the city limits. $70,000 01' $80,000 of IOHS. frecrlnm while nwnlllng decision The dirt will he lrucl<erl over l~lpp At 3:30 the fire was discovel'ed. Bcf'orl! firemen arrived on tho 1ww trial. She Is CKpoc:tcrl rnad lo the hlghwuy construction ut her· homo In Mason this woek, Gives Contract nrca, smolw and flames were leapin[.l' high from Ihe r·eni' of the 1 nut of 1111' Dol rolf House of Cor· l.i;d l~crrls of the fo'errls Co,, sto!'e. By 3: 1~ much of the J'umitw·o on th!! lower floot· was rrctlon on honrl of $2,~00, Mason, su~:~:cslerl the dirt denl on the sidewalk ancl coU!'I. - ·-·- -----------·--------·-·-- M1·s .•Jorrlnn entered prison Or:· To Vander Ven to lhc couocll thrrtul(h Council· l10use lawn. By 4:1!) the fi1·e Iober 2H, I !l:i,l, under· sentnnc1! of man Rlehard Morris Monday 2% In I;; yPru·s. Sllr. was charger! rtumo1·s of dlsugl'r>ement Ill'· night. Mnrrb claimed that the was unclet· control anrl I he flll'· Entire Stock •• with r:nusing tile rleHih nf Len· twc•r>n lltr. Mnson ho;rnl rof Prill· eii,Y Is running out of gravel in nitum which harl IJocn t'e· wnorl Stowe on Dohlc road Mny 2, c·atlon anrl tho superitltenclent the r:lly pits west or Barnes moved was all under shelt.e!'. 1!)5,1, by striking him wllh her pmverl unfrn111rled. By unanimous street. He estimated thnt there car. The c:hargc wan murder. The vnto WerltlC'sday night lhn hoard arc about 20,000 yards left anrl, But it wasn't as easy as Ihat. Of Furniture jury tosser! out I he counts of both nffcrcrl Supt . .Tnmes II. Vamlcr he deelnred, the supply won't Schuyler Smith anrl ,John I low· first rlegrc:e and second degree Yen a new conlraet frll' the eom· lnsl more limn a couple of years, lett had !Jeen burning packin~ murder and convicted her of man­ lng schnol year. Tlwy also vnir:ed Jle recommended that the city malct·lal behind the store a/HI to Leaves Town confldenr:c In his arlmlnlstratlnn. tnlcc the opportunity to get l"id of slnughlcr. The appeal for a new the west of the worlt shop and ' Ball-Dunn will h11Ve no lire sale trial Is hnscrl on the contention builrlln~ For n wr.el< rumors hnrl br.cn the fill dirt locnted over possible storage room, a f1·ame as a result of their hlat.e Tuesday. that negligent homlclrlc should current IIHtt thr. faeully was snllt gravel deposits. At the meeting coated with lin, They wcrr. ccr· have been Included In the charge tain thnt the fire was out. How­ !~very st ide of flll'llilurP, all mal· over nclminislratlon pnllrlcs anrl Monday night, councilmen first tresses, floor lamps anrl every· to the Jury. That's n lesser of· thai the sehnnl hoard was also approved the plan, and then lett went to school. Smith went thing else (<Xcept linoleum hns fensc than ·mnnslaughlor. inside. Glen Dunn was worldng split. turned It down by referring It to been sold to C!Jir:a~o salvage On the first time up lhe su· At Wr.rlnr•srlny night's meeting a committee. on the accounts at llw rem· of the firms. premo court refused to consider Trcastrrl'r' Stanley llolmns rle· Councilmen Clifford Walcott store. Smith said he smeller! the appeal heeause of procedural clrtrerl he IHrrl not bl'on invllod In anrl Paul ftlchards Voted In favor smoke. He opened a door !earling When rP[Jalrs ill'l' 111<1de In the entanglements. Aellon under a one mee!lng conducted after a of the gift Tuesday night along to the storeroom. On his first lnok Mason slurP. aurl n•rtemraling Is difforonl procechll'e was then tak· regular meeting. Dr. R. ft. Dr.· with Morris and Mayor Forche, he could sec no smoi<P. r lc Jnokerl enmpletcrl, factory·now stock will en, and leave to appeal was again a second later and smolto he recciv1~rl. grnntcrl. Martin, president of the bonrd, Councilmen Bernard Cady, Nels said the second mcmting was a fo'crriby and Dewayne Evans did was billowing out. Insur·aner! arljuslrrs hnvc ells· The supreme court ruled that confcrenee nnrl not either a regu· not attend. Mrs. Jordan's appeal for n new Smith, shouting to Dunn to r:all posed or all thr. fumllure rather trhrl will he decided upon briefs lnr or special meeting. He de· Evans opposed the gift Monday the fire departmcn t, leaped for than lo have It l'lcanr.rl and sold already flied. clnrerl that hoard members should night. He declared that It was the elevator and rode to the sec· at discount In Mason. Thousands heaJ· both sides of every contro· difficult to mal<e such a decision ond floor. There he hurled ehem· of dollars' worth of upholstered BenJamin F. Watson of Lan· davenports, settees ;mrl ehnlrs s"ing and Howard A. McCowan or versy, 1 on such short notice. Others at leal bombs Into the II ami ng loft. Mason clefer.ded Mrs. Jordan at Several non-members of the the Monday meeting showed In· He closed doors between the were damaged nnly hy smol<e her trial, and carried up the ap· board at t c n de d Wednesday terest In holding onto the fill dirt fmme building and the hrick and just a little of I hal. ' peal. night's sossinn. Among them for possible use within the city. store building. · "Mrs. l3all (wirlow of A. B. were W. 0. Hall, James R. Neff, They agreed that a lot of fill dirt Ball) and I decided we wanted Wayne Bullen, Lynn Bullen anrl will be needed for linking East Closing of the doors and I he none of the ftll'niture lefl from Hugh Silsby. Hall pt·aised the and West Columbia streets, a • ·.. nctlon of the chemical in the the fire," Glen Dunn salrl. "Even bombs probably slowed liH! blaze, though salvage firms r:laim new Spreading Fire record made hy the superlnten- project urged by the city plan· FIREMEN WASTED NO TIME getting to :Wor'; Tuesd12y afternoon. When they arrived smoke flre insurance adjusters said. processes remove every bit of dent. He said the district has ning commission. They also were was billowing from the Baff.D\Ihn building 12nd fiJmes were do~neing around looking for mattresses, Firemen altncked the bul'lling smolte odor, we don't want lo run never hml a harder woJ•ker or n advised that fill dirt In the Ma· davenports and settees to feed 'upon. Firemen at;·aeked the flames from the alley. By shooting wa. building from the alley. They the risk of a c~ustomer telling us Brings Penalty more conscientious superlntcn. son-Leslie area Is already at a ter and chemical through do.ors and windows of both stories they quickly geined control.
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