la. .'f

.at V Ti i Ball Game DRIEK MENTION. lf ' Doing in v Ward&Qbenchain Tomorrow Something Mr. Cunningham, representing rent lull satuo f Mason. DvIi Co., It lu tho city Tlio drat lim l lll bo plated louiortuw settling up tho affairs ot that com- - tho tensou Only nt tho new ball grounds on tho Hot This Week ,pnr. II Mill auffera trom idi in Springs tract, Tho cnuio will bo Received a line of j Jury ho received. Just between tho Hllb School and the creamery this week Sixth Weekly Sale Finer Klamath Aioncy Indian ichoot. The 60 Ward A Obon- - cent a roll at Fol- came will be called at 1:30. , tr'UII i.oo chain's IIO.NOLl'LU AAA CASK HIOAH,. 10 I'Ol'Nim lowing aro the lllgb School players: Don't buy lot In Midland until yon 10.73 Mill SACK Kolfo. catcher: Daggett, pitcher! HOXOMLf AAA CASK BlOAIl.. n. C. Butler, Lakeside Inn 1 H Trunks and it . ! C. Yaden, "nip'' Van Riper, (Ilw llluo LnUI Kind) 3b; Price, J. 0. Swan returned thli erenlng ,1b; llurn, Jb; Jacobion. I roi'XIW l I1EHT FlllIT OIIASIXATIUI Ht'OAn from Myrtle Creek, where hi hai Yaden, Coieboom and Hammond, Gases V. ',;" "UK Suit been In attendance at tha union ot Odder. HKbT rni'iT aiu.Nft.iTCU muui tho Prcsbytiry. Rir. Pratt, who alio Then will alio bo a game Sunday (llie Itrd Label Klad) may until next Btan, tho attended, not return afternoon between the FRUIT SUGAR WMk. regular Indian (laors, and the Kla- If you want the Best Sugar on the Market buy Call and see them Oltrir can lupply you with be math Falli team. The Red Label Kind hire. 16 before you buy Alfalfa menl, bran, meal and tS.OO will boy 110.00 worth of Mandy Lee chick food at Ollnr'a. U PRICES COUNT good at tho Doiton Store. I Wanted A waltrcs at the Hotel onmtM 8prlng retch and teed oati ai Llrcrmoro. 2- - & DAGGETT CO. Oliver. IS SCHALLOCK $& n Hoio garden boao the beit ami Tho twelfth Juror wai iccured cheapest nt Dolvln'a plumbing And now better equipped than It. an thli morning In tho Arant cue and ahop. 21 We Have giro to our tver to the belt iirvlei tho examination of witnesses It now cuitomen. Our new iton li neat going on. It I) bcllcred ttat the CLASSIFIKO AB$. t??!!!t!!!!!tttt!ttttttttt?ttt Moved.... and attractive and our itock li freth taking of testimony will contumc and complete. Pmcrlptlons tilled about tour dayi. For Sale or Trade HO acres ol with accuracy. You can nit aaiund ,ood laud, rbout onLolf good tlm that you will "Juat what thi tor, only aU miles from Klamath tit "alia. moat ot land li lovel Doctor order." We do not lubatltuti. The Ills The lieutenant ratad to the brldi' nd aplcndld toll, Willi and talatcC. ell vary cheap, or lako part 'Captain," he ahouted, the roar raincnl for n reMdc&ce lott, ur glte of the artillery wst deafening, "th. deilrablo Imo on part ot the purcliaie price ' encny hu; cot cur ranse." ' The captain frowned, "Curie the "bit la a real liafgiln for quick tale . J! Crlaler a StUU Underwood's lack!" he aald. "New how can the i.T. Hbuttt, box IS J, Klamath Falli.l cook get dlnntrr-Clerela- nd Leader. Jregon. I"' i r la pEMEMBER It takes a live fish to wlm Banding nowell It It hard fir a woman to bar-ca- t; up Our success In Ihc Clothing Pharmacy . . understand ititbtlrt. Powell- -I guess For Sale Hone, buggy and u stream. tfest ti io. I told my wire that fcr Drat dan In every reipctt. In lias been due to the fact that we itrcry paticrctr the rsllroadt ef thlt air at Uonoett'a Bullet. Business eocntry trantporteJ rrro ton cf frel;bt. an J wanted to know why have been nllvc to I lie wants mid demands the Sale Good driving eeeetttniiittt the pauenre were allowed to carry For team, sli ad seven year old. Enquire to much bacsare-narp- cr" Weekly. at th of the People; demands for clothing of Pretty and Useful Things akcaldo Inn 17 u ''(Thy. old man, t didn't know you'd : quality and economy. It Is very poor econ- lott your lesP 9 "Yes. I was run orer by a big motor Itooma and lloartl KS a inontl omy to buy clnsa of clothing that some in Jewelry car." nd at tho Oregon Houuse. Nice the lota of thing la our afore betide watche and "And jon io tpry and cautions joiss, quiet placo: cortrally located by Then art ! denlers sell. Our goods arc nude only diamond, lou of tniall, Inexpensive article that cum urea!!.-- Hew did It narrcnr t baady every "I wet itocplus to pick up a lacky Tree For Hale I have a fe ? mo&t com- day, either a gift for anuther or horsesb'." nxcuanje. i experienced tailors. Inspect cur tor your owa nt. Lock t and ctmrmt In great varttt), aud olco cherry, pear and apple trees cbalp aad ring at all rlre. Hat pin, atlrk pins, brace- "Just plain John Brown t" )ft over. Call at my place on rit a pute line, such as the famous makes of let and mrllng allv.r toilet article. Wo receiving "That It alL" Id and see them. O. A. Hloarns.lCw r an I remember you naed tatarettlag new ly cry day. Com In Tut that to aoveltlt aad e tbeea. hare a middle caae. Why did ycu too? itJ" Paatar For Heut On th Hot I Hart, Schaffner NOW IN NEW QUARTERS. "The tna I waa namrf for die J 'prints tract cast of the railroad. and ferjet to Icare cc any ef bl an take a few cowa at I2.S0 per Crialer&St'lti money." rhlladelphh Times cad a month, payable In advance. '. c. tow. & Marx WINTERS Building "I'm go arcu:d coettantly borrow. .:t ta.T iront'. erd yet you tetm to be r.clte rrcsperoas." v Urrttmaklnc Plain and fathlon. and you will be a patten of tils store for t "I an." blo aewlng. Word en" atrect, ercond for ever "How do ycu mana-- e Itr out aboro Catholic Church. after "My motto Is. 'Always put OS till tenerrcw ttoie yon to- hire done For Rent Itealdene aultable for Satisfaction day. I.eaJer. liuuranteed, or lonrdlng house; ID rooms Including your money back with a smile A H:l Cl;u;httr H:u:t Act'r. ath. Well furnlahed. Onnoiltn FURNITURE rirt Vrmort Farmer-- tt yonr boy 'ourt llouao. Inquire of Frank' atlll en the Mare? Eo-e- Ward. .7tf The Laigest Stock In Klamath County Vermmt Farmer Nope, lie K. SUGAR MAN rare nn actla' an' went lotrw tb rat Irmaen from. .. .$10.00 to $30.00 tie tu'IreM. Wanted A good team of mares, Next door to Postofflcc THE CLOTHIER Let as show yoa Commode $3.00 to $13.00 rirt Verncnt Tarmer-- In the cattl iprlng wagon and barnes. Call at ClicfNonrn $10.00 to $20.00 burlne. ch? Fountain's real eitat oBlee. 16'St where yoa can Feccnd Verncnt rarrner-r- ei. Jn vreeeeeeeeeeee.eee eeeeeeeeeeeee Extension TaLle.. $10.00 to $83X0 get a letter from him tbe otlir day w,,'''w eee save Btoney oa Iron lied Strada. . . .$4.00 to $33.00 tayln' n how he'd Jrlcrd a ttcck com votick sriiKerr exte.vhiox ,.. pany la Cbhago. Judjt. of Hi king Chair.... tCUX to $20.00 Dining Room Chair. . .$1.00, 91.00, O.ialt. Notice la hereby given that the cp-- J $8.00 aad ap to $7.30. Tbe naed In Jewelry I dlttln Common Council of th city of Kla-'ali- a, gshbrd from other tarletle uf l deeming It eapd(eat to rata by It Mattresses, Carpets, Lineoleuis, Mattings, Rags, mKIdt prrrlcui rr nob ipon Canal atroat betwien opal. Opa! dlJTfr rery creitly tin and .Pillows, Dishes, Framing a Specialty, I Oth ttreeti, ha cauaed tbe city Picture rolcr 7e-t- ncd tbrterre known aaltary Coaches, Bed Springs, Mirrors and every-thin- g a the partem Sngineer to lurvoy, plat and nport Don't of the rem. The Read This! ibirr kept la a Furniture Store and alie ef the Batbrt of color rarr ipon th itrlp of ground' rtqulrtd from rery aaall. when tbe atone li 0 be appropriated rn order to open 11171719 The Furniture Mm called n pin's point opaL tn lirrcr aid Canal atreet bctweon 9th and i 1 fWf Opposite Baldwin Block sqonrlih epangie. tfhen It la.'B barlr Oth itroots. Bald Engineer having lVlilJjil i qcIo opal. lied his roporr tha Folic Advertising special weekly sales smells The Uttt ef a Pat Man. fudge, and tbe tamo bolng aatlitac-or- y "I den't know wlie:hr HI lfte Jack to tho Council, notlco I htrtby or not when I eee him stale and cheesy to year wleg poet amlu." laid (iven that at tho regular meeting us. We do not have iWae a machine "act Fenc for sal. Call at City fbe. "He wirt m he waa gettlnt l-- if tbe Common Council on Monday, Huller can is It. Phon IS. Bakery. . rat, I bate a rat nan." it ho day ot May, to - J "A mnn'n all t." aald the Ird 1809, an ordlo advertise "Special Weekly Sales;" our inco will bo adopted embodying Now la ib tlaao to ialt Midland Delay now In buying Iota In Mid-- it boy who wit plylnt crdt on th yon want to tee It befor It be- - land mean anothir dltappolntmant dorr, "when a bur'br get In. A fat iucn report and nlthln 00 daa prices are right and the people it. coatee perataaost railroad town 17 and grouch for many a year. IT man wilt ajare a bnrTlar." hereafter appralaora will bt appoint know "But." ahe demurred. Tn not mar d to appraise lb damagct, If any, rylnc a man to Come and Oat your abstract Kla- - you want to money: ;r Jurt be'anre bo'l cod o tbe owner or owners ot the follow. shoot the chutes with us. Spend from tk Ik maka tcaro Dorgura witn. am math Couaty Abstract Co., oppotlt yen da, than lu f outh Midland lots ir ng described parcel ot real proporty, your Ceert Hon, , Itf of Jt. E. ButUr . a reduction. 1$U owlt: money with us and we wiil give you Beginning at a point on tho oast irly lino of tth alrcct, which Is N. FULL VALUE for 18 degrees (6 minutes E. CO minutes it. and N. SI degrees 01 mlnutos W. 140 minute from tho 8. B. corner ot llock 43, Nichols Addition. Tbcnec V. 3S degrees CC minutes E. I5S.7G Our 25 cent coffee is acknowledged to The nlnutci; tlonce V. SI degree? 04 be the best on nlnutcn W. SO H the PaciHc Coast. minutes; thenco Try it and be convinced. No shelf-wor- n 18 BC mlmitea W. 1B5.7! goods. Everylhinit it,- mlnutcH to tho ly lino of aald fresh. We cater in - ,.-- 9th atroet; tlioncq. along the caatrly of the people at popular prices. We are Big lino of 3th street R. SI not knocker ilccreci 04 but nlnutia V. CO minutes to tbo placo boosters. Everybody knows that or beginning, ropulrcd to bo for uch extension of said Yours to Please Store Canal street. . kit A. L. LEAVITT, i'ii ' Police Judge. mZ' M "PEy y3U 2Sth articles needed to furnish your Ffiior, pining Room or Kitchen, from a couch down to a tin cup. Monarch Mercantile Co. Our larAe ihipment of wM Phone V 311 WATCH US BRICK WORK Free Delivery '& Dishes, Carpets, Mattings ' AND How It the tltlo to your land? If Wo "fcv ifi contlnuo abstrncta, nt wo , , ou don't know, got an abstract from PLASTERING uew one. ,ot ua eomplote tlio Klamath County Abstract. Cn CENTRAL CAll Kugs and jour. Klnmnth County Ahstrnct iron Beds miioalte Court llouao. Blf Co., oppoalto Court if. CIIIMKKY8 AND HUE llouao. ctr Open Day m WUarrtMtkliwcek. PLACEH A SfKO AI.TV nd Night r iiorow-FttrnltBr- c" r.Larajna 11 r. ' v - VIRGIL SON V DR. C. P. MASON MtaM,Btttorcand 5 D. V. Private Dining Prlon MkUOMM u a a c Oppogite City Hall raoin H. E. CH3LDERS KUYKENDALL ii' 736 f KLAMATH rALU, 0KI00N Attorney at Law Dentist Oysters Served In Any WW Klamath FaJle. Auterloan TjL Orn Bauk A Trual Co.' Ualldli J. V. HOUSTON,