BLUB MARK NOTICE A blue mark around this notice This paper is devoted to the will call your attention to your interests of Lowell and the terri- address label, which shows that tory it serves. Unexcelled as it's time to renew. an advertising medium and ALTO SOLO


RURAL SIDE jCedger GRID PLAYER Santa's Appeal Advertising Will Cure BOYS AWAY Cn tries fftfim V/ORLO, VES SIR, TUI* IS SAINT NICHOLAS BACK ON ™ 6. JOB. WINS ROUND AT ROCKFORD dy FiUOtis I'M (SOlNftTO NEED WR HELP MORE THAHUER Depression—Babson FROM HOME Being • Collection of V«r- Roger W. Babson, whose ad-!tomers, and thai is possible only OVER LEASE ioui Topics of Local and DIES NOV. 26 vice and counsel the business through advertising. To some General Interest and flnancjal world without {people the apparent simplicity of (HIlPREH * VOO ,l,i BOOST"Y" CAM AFF0CP.W 'doubt heeds more than that of thi"s •—<•••solutio! n wil:««l •b e a disap- JUDGE PERKINS REFUSES TO FORREST COLBY WAS CAP- WHAT>t7U(AMlU any other individual, declares pointment. It may be disheart- Adoption of eastern standard DISMISS ACTION ON RURAL that advertising will cure the ening to hear that the best which RICHARD WHITE WRITES OF time as the official time for the TAIN OF ROCKFORD FOOT- present business depression. can be proposed is nothing more GREAT LAKES NAVAL TRAIN- TAX RAVERS' INJUNCTION state of Michigan will be asked BALL TEAM—BROTHER AND "This is the way out from the than our familiar old friends, in a bill at the next legislature, SUIT AND ORDERS CASE TO present situation" he asserts in honest goods at fair prices and ING STATION—FRED HOYT sponsored by Senator Ernest T. THREE OTHERS VERY ILU- Ihe last issue of Collier's Weekly. advertising. AT CARNEGIE TECH—WAR- TRIAL — CONSPIRACY IS Lonlon, he announced Saturday. CAUSE OF DEATH ATTRIB- "As one who has studied busi- Here's hoping the bill becomes a "Mere money is not the cause CHARGED. ness depression in life rather of the wave-like heaving of thel REN FORD ON OLDEST BAT- law. We have had enough of UTED TO TYPHOID FEVER. than in libraries, I see in current confusion and foolishness over charted course of business over I TLESHIP. conditions the call for advertis- a long stretch of time. As a I After hearing arguments in the the variety of times now prevail- ing. There's nothing wrong ing. The people of this community power in business, the vital thingj suit of rural taxpayers, Lowell with Ihe patient but poor circu- about money is not its amount' Richard N. White, who is at and Alpine residents, who are and especially the students com- lation. Money is being held in- )rising the Lowell High school but its rapidity of circulation.! the Great Lakes Naval Training seeking to restrain the board of Mercury dropped to 0 above stead of being circulated. Theoretically a million-dollar Station, located just north of Ev- supervisors from leasing to the ootball team arc grieved beyond "Advertising is ideally fitted zero Thanksgiving day—said to measure over the death of For- business might be transacted anston in Illinois, tells of a fine city of Grand Hapids county be the coldest Thanksgiving day and competent to accelerate the by a single dollar bill if it experience he had when visiting propertv on Michigan st., be- rest Colby, Jr., captain of the circulation. It Ls the most ef- on record. Local garages were Rockford football team, whose changed hands with sufficient in Chicago. A letter from the tween Ionia and Division aves kept busy all day thawing pum fective known force for accom- rapidity. Just as wc refer to Kent County Y. M. C. A. Secre- for a consideration of 8501 a death occurred at Rockford, No- plishing the speeding up of and radiators for those cauglS i vember 20. the speed of an engine by saying tary referred him to the Y. M. C. year, Judge Willis B. Perkins Sat- unprepared. Some change from money and thereby giving us that it makes so many revolu- A. hotel, where he put up over urday refused to dismiss the suit, A young brother, Kenneth, and more business at times when the previous Thursday when the three other members of the Rock- tions per minute, we can describe night at two different limes. Rich- as requested by Assistant Prose- thermometer registered 72 above more business is the nation's Ihe rapidity of circulation of hard says that they treated him cutor Arthur H. Sherk, and or- ford squad have also been criti- greatest need. here. cally ill. Kenneth's condition is money by saying that it turns ov- fine, and any boy, or for that dered that it be tried on its mer- Wm. Rex ford Dead "Never More Money." er 12 times a year. matter older man, when in Chi- its. said to be precarious, but the Grand Rapids banks are paying three others arc reported recov- "There never was more money cago will find the Y. M. C. A. Consummation of the lease At Age 82 Years; UNCLE MARCUS "When that rapidity is in- hotel a line place to stop. Mem- out one and one-half million dol- than there is today. Banks hold would pave the way for the ering. creased and money circulates lars to thrifty Christmas savings Funeral services for young Col- it, corporations hold it, the peo faster, business picks up and be- bership in the "Y" is not neces- board of supervisors by a major- Pioneer Woodsman sary in order to lake advantage club depositors. by were held at the M. E. church pie hold it. That is the trouble, comes belter. As the circulation ity vote, to convert the court- the money is held instead of cir- of the privileges. Lodging may house into a city hall. Jay W. in Rockford last 'Friday, with WRITES ABOUT of money slows down, business Gov.-elect Brucker has appoint- burial in the Rockford cemetery. William Rexford, a life-long culated. A beautiful system of falls off. Some superhuman be had from 90c to $1.50 per Linsey, counsel for the rural in- piping, a plentiful supply of fluid, night. The hotel is located on terests, declared in pointing out ed Paul Martin, publisher of the The cause of young Colby's resident of Kent county, passed hand on the throttle, speeding up away last Saturday morning at but the whole mechanism fails Wabash Ave., near 8th St., and to the court that by its action in Lansing State Journal, chairman death is attributed to typhoid fe- or cutting down circulation, could for the gubernatorial Inaugura- ver. He was with his teammates his home near l^owell, age 82 THINGS SEEN to function for want of the make or unmake prosperity. Why is near Ihe business district and granting the lease the board was pumping power of publicity to railway depots. setting a precedent dangerous to tion ceremonies Jan. 1. Martin is in the Rockford-Lowell game years and 11 months. Mr. Rex- cry for a superhuman hand when ford was born near Fallasburg tell the world of better goods, Fred Hoyt also writes an inter- rural welfare. a former state commander of the here a few weeks ago, his sick- we have it already available in American Legion. An elaborate ness developing several days lat- and was one of the few remain- PICKING THE LEAVINGS OF lower prices and greater service. advertising? esting letter concerning his ex- Benefit to City military spectacle is expected. er. ing survivors of that type of pic- We need a sound plan to reduce perience at Carnegie Tech, which Mr, Shark replied that the court- Press reports from Rockford turesque woodsman who made SHORT COTTON CROP IN the choppy action of business "Should Support Advertising." is located in Pittsburgh. Fred house site was dedicated to coun- intimated that the disease was history in Michigan's lumbering OKLAHOMA — ALFALFA IS and promote smoothness and "By advertising I do not refer says that Carnegie was founded ty use, whereas the property in Radio fans have been reporting days. He run logs on the Flat steadiness of growth. originally as an engineering contracted as the result of drink- MUCH IN FAVOR-UNCLE to cheerio copy proclaiming a uestion is leased to a private in- an unusual amount of interfer- ing water from Flat river at the and Grand rivers for over thirty "Advertising is this sorely non-existent prosperity, but ad- training school, but that it has ividual. The only puolic bene- ence for some time past and as time of the game in Lowell. years. Mr. Rexford leaves be- MARCUS GETS QUEER AD- needed governor of business. It vertising to sell existing pro- since expanded, taking on an arts a college. He is especially inter- fit at present accruing, he con- a result of several days' hard The Ledger has been investigat- sides the widow one son, Wm. VICE IN EL PASO. requires no novel mechanism. ducts. Each business man can tinued, is the $3,000 a year ren- work on the part of Russell ing the matter and finds that Rexford, city employe of Grand All the apparatus is available. best promote national welfare ested in the college, where he is tal received. If the city is grant- Smith, of Yeiter s radio service, both teams were furnished with Rapids, three grand' children, Though capable of illimitable im by building up the business he taking courses in the painting ed the use of the property, he the cause of the trouble was the same pure drinking water Mrs. L. B. Bignall, of North Park, provemcnt, the fundamental prin- knows best—his own. and decorating department. Some Hot Springs, New Mexico, of the other subjects taught are added, resideots of Grand Rap- found—a 2200 volt light wire from the city supply, and in the Miss Marion Rexford, a teacher Nov. 26, 1930. ciples of advertising are clearly "Not from any high-flown al ids, who conitltute more than 70 shorted on a guy wire on south same kind of receptacle. Howev- in Grand Rapids public schools established; its practice is a architecture, music and drama. Dear Ledger:— truism, but with their own skins There are 3,000 day students, in per cent of the county's popula- Monroe street. It did not take er it is claimed the boys who be- and Glenn Rexford, of Grand Arrived at this little mountain- well-known art. at stake the public ought to give tion, will benefit through an im- long to remedy the trouble after came ill drank water by mistake Rapids, and three great grand The basic cause at which the addition to 4,000 night school desert town at 6 p. m., yesterday their most effective support to students. Fred says that social proved fire department which is being found. which had been brought from children and one sister, Mrs. Ab- after a lively 4-hour bus drive lobless should shake their fists 0 adverising, by patronage of the activities are limited. He inti- seeking to convert the site into a Flat river for washing purposes. bey, of Orleans, who is the last from El Paso, Tex., part pave- is not that too few mills are run- best advertisers. For advertis- drillfield. This water, it is claimed, was survivor of ten children. ning, but that two few advertis- mates that the faculty believes in The first lady of the land ment but much of it winding and ing pays only as it pays the pub- keeping the students at work An adverse decision, he urged, went to New York recently, and brought from the river by a sub- Funeral services were held in unimproved. The driver "sure" ing campaigns are running. lic. A consuming public that -would mean that the board nas stitute player on the Rockford the home Monday at 2 o'clock and most of the time. He would-be after a day crowded with more has to know his machine and the Must Produce Customers would not back up a program glad to furnish other information no right to determine the use to team. at Yeiter's chapel at 2:30. Burial roads to avoid many a spill and or less official calls was the guest "One proposed plan for ' re along these lines would be de- to any student who may be in- which county property shall be of honor at the inaugural dinner In this connefition it is perti- in Lowell cemetery. Rev. A. B. crash. On the way 1 "broke void both of social responsibility pnt. nent to state tnt there is not a Lemke was the officiating min- forming bad times is to increase tending to attend school at Car- of the Girl Scout Federation of the ice" with a couple of Hot and intelligent self-interest. It negie. His address is 4921 Forbes The suit results from a squab- single case of typhoid fever in ister. Springs men who knew James as public works. That policy is Greater New York.- There she wise. The need, however, is has not been my experience that street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ble between city and country made a plea to the women pres- I^owell, nor has there been a ty- Mr. Rexford was of a jolly dis- "Shortylorty, the print," and spoke of the American consumer is defi- tactions at the October session of phoid case here in many years. position and will be missed by not merely for works but for Another letter from Warren ent to furnish the Girl Scout or- him kindly and familiarly as an cient on either score. W. Ford, U. S. S. Rochester, Cor- the board of supervisors, and those with whom he was asso- old resident here of 2% years. workers—and the way to make anization with competent lea- EDITORIAL people work is to arouse whole- "Of course the country will into, Nicaragua, relates some in- charges conspiracy on the part of ers, saying that the girls needed ciated. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, pub- city members to force through a The death of a splendid youth, some desires through worthy ad- eventually revive, as it has in teresting facts. Ford writes that able guidance that could come lishers of The Sierra County Ad- the towns which he visited that measure which is against the .ust entering manhood, is a ter- vocate, received me hospitably vertising. the past. Let us not overlook, only from interested women. She "Another proposal is to slash however, the new element in our had Y. M. C. A.'s in were Boston, best interests of the county as a congratulated them on the or- rible price to pay to be taught Many Remembered and 1 am in a way to learn how whole. the lesson that high school ath- prices to make a national bar- latest depression, namely, the Brooklyn and Balboa, Canal nization of the federation, say- a paper is produced under cir- Zone. He says the Boston Army letics are sadly in need of better Thanksgiving Day cumstances that would seem to gain day. Advertising, howev- grief that attends mass produc- Kg that the girls and women er, should make every day a bar- tion without mass consumption. and Navy "Y" and the Brooklyn supervision in order that the life us none too adventitious. b now would be able to learn to gain day, through quantity prices Navy "Y are the same as in any and health of participants shall This year the chairman of the To go back a little. Here is a novel factor that may Strand Contest work and play together. "I resulting from the merger of prove of major importance. It other town, except that perhaps think that most important and be properly safeguarded. This Community Service Committee. I found the Oklahoma short is not written for the purpose of mass production and mass con- may well temper any easy as- they are more partial to service most wonderful thing that comes Mr. William Doyle, of the Lowell cotton crop nearly gathered and men. The Balboa Army and Essay Winners casting any reflection whatsoev- sold though picking the leavings sumption. sumption that we shall pull from girl scouting is friendli- American Legion, and Mrs. Oscar 'Mass production of goods re- Navy "Y" has beds for 35c per er on those, who in the past, Brezina, chairman of the Auxil- will continue for weeks. The through if we trust to luck. I ness," Mrs. Hoover said. "It quires mass production of cus- prefer to trust to advertising." night, free movies on Wednesday. Are Announced gives this generation of girls an have had to do with the conduct- iary service committee, worked cotton mill men have improved ing of school athletics. They Ch Saturday and Sunday nights; also opportunity to get into closer together in planning the Thanks- upon the methods of Chicago lectures, church ' parties and contact and co-operation with have simply carried on in the giving baskets so that there packers who utilize every- The judging committee on the light of such knowledge and ex- sight seeing tours. On Sunday essays submitted on the subject the generation that has just gone would not be any duplications. thing but the squeal. Here noth- Outlook Good Students Form noon they have a church parly before." periences as have come to them. Twenty-six families were made ing is wasted but the squeal of of Polar explorations in the con- Sometimes a severe jolt is need- luncheon for those who haven't test recently conducted by the happy when the Boy Scouts de- the cotton grower about the low As Basketball time to gel back lo ship, or sta- ed in order to foresee and antici- livered the baskets Wednesday price of his product; and from Debating Club Strand theatre, have completed (By E. A. Stowe in the Michi- uate certain consequences. tion. and Sunday night a free their worit and final results arc erternoon. the cotton seed, not many years supper while someone gives an gan Tradesman.): Doubtless the sacrifice which Mrs. Lawrence Rutherford fur- since an enormous waste, has Season Opens On H. of R. Plan announced as follows: "Fifty years ago the publication Young Colby has made with his educational talk. On other nights nished twenty-six mince pies come many valuable by-products, they organize basket ball games, Grand Prise Winners of a village or small town news- life will cause those in charge of and the King Milling Co. donated among them the famous "Crisco," Ist, Arthur Gross; 2nd, Glendon paper was anything but a sine- High School athletics throughout Coach Finch has called his The students of the High dances and other forms of enter- 5-pound bags of Graham, corn the snow-white out tainment especially for service Bovee; 3rd, Adrian Smith, Otto cure. The field was wretchedly Michigan to take such steps at a meal and Pure Gold flour, one of best cooks use. basketeers together for the initial school have organized a debating overcrowded in many localities. meeting to be called for the pur- practice of Ihe season. About club under the direction of Mr. men. Warren says that there Bieri, (tied). each for each family. Then the Farmers in this southwestern were no Y. M. C. A.'s in any of Grade Prise Winners Many communities were called pose as will result in safer man- committee bought twenty-six 4- country rely on their early fall- sixty boys responded and the Miller, social science teacher. upon to support two or more agement of school athletics along prospects for another successful The purpose of this organization the Central American ports that Grade 3—1st, Margaret Beckett; pound fowls, and the following sown wheat for Fall and Winter struggling newspapers when all lines. campaign are very bright. Ever- is, primarily, to interest the stu- he has been in, that he knows of. 2nd, Jenny VanDyke. tems of groceries for enrh bas- pasture for their stock and find He expects to be in Philadelphia there was not business enough to Patrons should attend school ket: A can of Monarch corn, it convenient and profitable. ett Gulcmbo and Jack Peckhnm dents in the problems confront- Grade 7—1st, Silma Kerr; 2nd, decently support one. The re- meetings and discuss such mat- are the only two members of last ing the American people today, soon, as the Rocky goes out of Frank Budnick. and a can of Monarch peas, one Alfalfa is greatly In favor al- sult was the local editor was ters. Superintendent, principals, so. A Kingfisher, Okla., farmer year's squad who were lost to and, secondarily, to develop pub- commission In January. It is Grade 6—1st, Dale Ford. pound of Loyal coffee, six or- 1 the oldest ship in commission forced to resort to expedients teachers and school boards would anges, six bananas, one pound of told me he has cut as many as the team through graduation. lic speakers. Membership is com- Honorable Mention which would not be tolerated in welcome such interest. The remaining veterans, howev- posed mostly of pupils of the and rounded out 40 years of ser- cranberries, one bunch of celery, five crops from the same land in vice this Fall, which is qnhe a John Budnick, Thomas Jeffery, this age of the world. This con- The thought occurs that per- and two large loaves of bread. a single season. er, will be hard pressed to re- upper three grades. uunuLuciUat Brown, Mae Jeffery, Isa- dition has been largely super- haps altogether too much interest However, the tendency of the tain their status on the team. Mr. The club is organized on the record as battleships go. He ad- Auxiliary Reporter. vises that they were to leave * Dorin. seded by an era of consolidation is given to school athletics and rich to grow richer and the poor Finch states that he has never principal of the House of Repre- ging committee was which has resulted in the exis- its importance too much empha- seen a more promising group of sentatives, and takes its name Corinto November 17, and that poorer is evidenced here as else- he would be glad to get back to composed of Miss Ogden and Mrs. tence of one strong, well-sup- sised. It would seem that mod- where. A Hobart real estate players and he is frank to say from that organization. Gerald Roth of the high school staff, and ported paper where two or three eration in activity, interest and R. B, Davis Exhibits man informed me that Mr. A. that competition for places on Fineis has been elected Speaker Balboa. R. G. Jefferies, of the Ledger. All weaklings existed before. This cost would be the happy middle High Quality Apples who was in the homestead land the team will be very keen. of the House, and Audrey Chase of the essays submitted possessed outcome, of course, has resulted ground. Taxpayers are called rush of 1889, is now the owner In a later issue of this paper is clerk. Topics to be debated Lowell Team Carried much merit and the only regret to the benefit of all concerned upon to foot bills in many places of 160 farms in Michigan. I think we mill tell more in detail about are presented to the clerk and of the judges was that they could and the average character of the for gymnasiums, etc., costing tre- R. B. Davis, of Moseley, was a we would call him * land poor; the personnel of the squad. Mr. are drawn up in the form of a Honors Near the Top not award first prize to each and local press has been elevated to mendous sums to build and to pleasant caller at The Ledger but the chain farm or co-opera- R. Avery, who was a regular on bill. One committee is appoint- every entrant. The number of a much higher standard and lo- maintain after being built. The office Tuesday, exhibiting some tive or consolidated farm idea is the W. S. T. C. team for three ed to put the bill trough the meritorious essays made grading cal editors have been enabled to writer has seen several High beautiful apples of the Delicious in the air and the day is near years, is going to assist in the House, and one to prevent Since the return of the Lowell a most difllcult task. live like gentlemen, instead of School buildings erected within variety from his orchard in Grat- when many farms will be operat- coaching. The schedule for the from being passed. The commit- Livestock Judging Team which being regarded as objects of less than a hundred miles of Low- tan township. ed from a central point by a gen- season follows: tees are called Democrats or Re- i represented Michigan at the chanty, as was too often the case The boy or girl away at school ell within recent years, each one Mr. Davis won three firsts on eral manager equipped by the Basketball Schedule, 1930-1931 publicans, according to the way American Royal Livestock show will appreciate the Ledger's in the days of long ago." of which cost more than a mil- his apple display at the show re- best of farming machinery these parties would vote on the at Kansas City wc learn that -weekly visit Leave your order lion dollars! And a large share cently conducted by the Grand where crops will be grown on Dec. 5—G. R. Union There issue involved. The question Is Lowell placed fifth in sheep and at the Ledfer office. Read the Want Column. of this expense is duo to gymnas- Rapids Savings bank and his ap- land best adapted to them and Dec. 12—G. R. Lee There then debated and the verdict ninth in swine, and placed fif- iums, swunming pools and un- ples are also now on display at competent business men will Dec. 16—Grandville There found by roll call vote. teenth as a team in all events. necessary art (?) work. the apple show in Grand Rapids. sell and market the crops when Dec. IS)—G. R. Christian.. .There Two meetings have been held. There was a possible score of We do not think it at all neces- He captured first prize on his and where deemed best. Vacation—Get a game away. The topics discussed were the 2,400. Illinois took first place sary to spend such vast sums of Northern Spys at the West Michi- To close: Yesterday, in El Jan. 2 entrance of the United States In- with 1793 points and Lowell was money in order to properly edu- gan fair last Fall. Paso, a fine, bustling Mexican Jan. 7—Greenville There to the League of Nations and not far down the list with 1649. cate our boys and girls. We do Mr. Davis is firm believer in border city, I had ordered a good Jan. 9—Rockford Here the repeal of the Prohibition Thirty-three states were repre- hfiaWrence home not advocate being niggardly, the value of orchards and takes dinner at Hotel Hussman, one of Jan. 16—E. G. Rapids Here amendment, the committee re- sented and the teams judged four but we do advocate a happy mid- justifiable pride in producing the the town's newest and best hos- i®n. 20—Sparta, Here porting favorably on these issues. classes of livestock, , cattle, dle ground. best fruit possible. He reports telries, and when it came found Jan. 23—G. Rapids Lee Here The next topic for discussion sheep, horses and swine. —Editor. _ profitable yield this year, al- I was ill and couldn't eat and was Jan. 26—Belding There will be chain stores. The I-owell team consisted of though the crop was only about advised to cross the river into Jan. 30—Grandville Here This organization should do Adclbert O'Dell. William Read, half as large as last year. old Mexico and buy me "a good Feb. 6—Ionia There much toward educating the stu- and Rudolph Wittenbach. The Poultry Meeting stiff drink!" Feb. 11—G. R. Christian — Here dents on some of the vital issues boys were accompanied by Mr. I guess I would have been sick Feb. 13—^Rockford There of the present day. Smith, principal and teacher of This Week Friday M.S.C. Men Talk at don't you? Feb. 20—E. Grand Rapids. .There agriculture. The unusual dis- Uncle Marcus. Feb. 27—«Sparta There tinction and honor brought to the Grand Rapids Catholic Central Lowell school is appreciated by Don't forget the poultry meet- Ionia Pomona Friday 1931 Automobile is going to give us a game there all patrons. ing to be held in Lowell City H. Tribbey To Open on a Saturday night. hall this week, Friday, Dec. 5. The Ionia Pomona Grange will License Plates There will be an afternoon ses- meet with Portland Grange, Fri- New Electric Store sion from 1 to 4:30 and an eve- day, Dec. 5. There will be a pot Plan now to send The Ledger STRAND ning meeting from 7:30 to 9. A luck dinner at noon, followed by as one of your Christmas gifts to On Sale Dec. 13 ATTRACTIONS noted poultry authority will be the business session. The pro- ibbey an old friend. Fifty-two remind- is the name of the new business present. The meeting is spon- gram will open at 2 o'clock with ers for $2.00. A. A. Throop, branch manager Friday and Saturday: Victor sored by C. H. Runciman. several musical selections by the place which will open in Lowell McLaglen in "A Devil With Wo- on Saturday of this week in the for Kent County, will be in Low- ladies chorus of Portland Grange. ell Saturday, Dec. 13, from 4 to men." Comedy, "Give Me Ac- William Hill, of the Farm Man- building just east of the Strand tion." Aesop Fable "Western HAD A GOOD BALE theatre. Mr. Tribbey is a capable Six Cylinder Sentences 9 p. m. at the Lowell State Bank, > agement department of the M. S. to issue 1931 auto license plates. Whoopee." Movietone News. C. will talk on "Why Some Farms electrician and will do wiring C. L. Shear, who held an auc- Pay." This will be followed by and all kinds of electrical repair- Br DR. JOHN W. HOLLAND You must know the following Sunday and Monday: Gloria things in order to obtain your tion sale near the Keene church a vocal solo by Harriet Stegenga ing. He will handle the Westing- A shallow heart has no bot- Swanson in "What a Widow." Nov. 25, reports a aood atten- The program will close with s house fixtures and appliances. automobile license: Comedy, "Girl Shock." Pathe "Ij' Live, love and be happy— tom. 1—You must fill out your own dance and good results from his short talk by R. Baldwin, of the Few people get stuck with Sound News. * There's joy in the swing of It! advertising in The Ledger. application or have it filled out w. Live, love and be happy— extension department of the M. bad luck who stick to the before presenting it to the check- Tuesday and Wednesday: Lois S. C. Bring your own dishes and Plan Organization truth. er. Moran in "The Dancers." Com- There*! cheer kibe ring of It! BENEFIT BUDGE sandwiches and a dish to pass. A man's personality Is of edy, "Resolutions." Adventure Volley Ball Teams 2—You must know the model ,KW: Sincerely yours, greater value than his and year of your car. This is logue, "Streets of Mystery." Uvewitb* will and & purpose to do Marion Hathaway. purse. The Lowell Woman's club and imperative. All that you can that is noble and true; the Santa Claus Girls' club will Lecturer of Ionia Pomona Grange Business men and others of the If you expect young people Love with a heart that is eager to find 3—If you live outside of an in LOWELL GRAIN AND POTATO hold a benefit bridge party at the community who are interested to take your religion, do corporated village or city, you oWf Ways to be friendly and helpful and kind. City Hall, Wednesday evening, in volley ball and other gymnas- not muke It look like JUDGING TEAM WINS THANKSGIVING BASKETS castor . must know your township. Dec. 10. Every one invited. tics will meet at the High school 4—If a commercial car, you live, love and be happy, next Monday evening at 7:30 for This is a funny world. Fifteen wonderfully filled bas- Prophets are stoned In must have a weigh bill of this The F. F. A. judging team of And skies will be clear for you; Notice, Vergennes Taxpayers the purpose of organizing for the year. Lowell was represented at the kets were sent out in the village Winter. Coach Finch will be dishonor, and then hu- Live, love and be happy- I will be at the City State Bank by the Woman's club for Thanks- manity sets up stones In 5—No transfers of over ten grain and potato shows at Spar- Each day holds good-cheer for you! Lowell, every Saturday to anc giving. Each basket contained charge of the meeting and all in- days will be accepted. terested are invited to attend. their honor. ta and Greenville. including Saturday, Jan. 10, 1931 a meat roast contributed by the Our Interest In any cause You can assist very materially The boys on the team were to receive and receipt for town Lowell Board of Trade and each or person is measured by having all your papers in the James Read. Ernest Hoover and ship taxes. T. E. Bailey, one a hot mince pie, donated by Plan now to send The Ledger by our inclination to proper shape. Leo Hoover. - .y'v c28-3t Vergennes Tp. Treas as one of your Christmas gifts to b&t. v. Lawrence W. Rutherford. sacrifice for them. These boys took first place at •• ., >W. Viir.1'11 i* f.'.AA an old friend. Fifty-two remind- (A by WMtem N«wipap«r Union.) Subscribe for The Ledger, |2.00 Sparta and fifth place at Green- Patronize Ledger advertisers. Read the Want Goiqpui. ers for $2.00. I per year. THE LOWELL (MICH.) LEDGER and ALTO SOLO. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1930 THREE TWO THE LOWELL (MICH.) LEDGER and ALTO SOLO, THURSDAY, DECEMRER 4, 1930 •tM»#»•••••»••••••••••• GRATTAN ITEMS This and That School Notes ALL KINDS OF VIEWS AND REVIEWS Lumbar Waalhar Raport CIk Lmtt Cedgcr The weather has been real Paint $50 Reward Cament Probably Cold or From Around The sixth grade entertained changeable in this locality for Plaitcr HOYT'S KORNER Coldar. N. Portion DIVIDENDS their mothers Friday afternoon For the arrest and convic- Christmas at Hartman s and fllio Solo 'What They Say Whether Right or Wrong" the past week. Hone Made Cmdies Bulldart' Hardware and Buildert' Suppliea The Old Town in the school room at their tion of the person or per- Eugene Sullivan and Mary Hef- monthly program which was in Publlthad in Inlaraat ol Lowall and Viclnlt Edltad by M. D. Hoyt, Reasonably Priced Published even' Thursday morning at 210 feran who are attending school Ihe form of a Thanksgiving par- sons who Hhot and killed Our Christmas Display is now ready Benito Mussolini, Premier of Italy: at Ml. Pleasant spesl the week- The "Lowell State Bank 4% of 1930" ty. my Red Bone coon hound. East Main Street,*Lowell, Michigan. Entered Vol. 1 Thunday, Dacambar 4, 1M0 Floyd Wright is in Blodgelt "The man capable of growing rich in a end with their folks here. No. 30 hospital very ill. Refreshments were served at at Poslofflce at Lowell, Michigan, as Second for your inspection. Do your Christ- vear should be hanged twelve months before Gertrude Downes spent a cou- have just declared and distributed Mrs. Hattie Peckham spent H. C. Scott Ihe close of the program by girls Class Matter. ple of days with Leah Byrne last Little Willie pointed to his Jones: "Have you seen dressed as Pilgrim maids. Lyle Denick hand." Monday in Grand Hapids. Home of Good Home- mas shopping early. We can supply ft * « week. sister's sweetie, Mr. Jones: one of those instruments their regular aemi-annual dividend At the weekly class meeting in Lowell "MV. Jones kicked me yes- George Whitfield was home for R. (J. JEFFERIES Editor and Publisher Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Cary that can tell when a man is Made Candies Ihe morning the following olll- 511 Front Street entertained her sisters and hus- terday," he snarled, "but I lying?" Thanksgiving week-end from Fl. you with gifts for the whole family. Henry Van Dyke, author: to depoaitora of Lowell and vicinity. Wayne. cers were elected for December: 1930 Member of "A birthday is not a thing for which a basds, also Mr. and Mrs. John got even with him. I mixed Smith: "Seen one? Heck, President—George Gotfredsen. ••••••••••••••••••»•»»»! Michigan Prcis Aitociation Corrigan and family for dinner quinine with my sister's face I married one!" Mrs. John Henry, of Muskegon, Vice president—Ida Speerstra. man deserves any credit." Eugene Engle and family spent We especially invite your attention and on Thanksgiving. powder." spent Wednesday at the Wlllard Secretary—Willihm Dawson. The friends and neighbors of WERE YOU ONE OF THE LUCKY Dennie home. Thanksgiving al Coppersville. National Editorial Aaiociation General: "Confound you, Treasurer—Robert DeVries. Lowell Items to Our New and Better Line of Chil- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gahan gave Build Now Because: 1.— ( on The Mother's "Study Club" was Mrs. Lafferty and Claud Beadle Sinclair Lewis, author: Cost of building material is l "t you be care- NUMBER? We truat and hope that spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. The second section of the llfth them a surprise, it being their ful? enlurlained Tuesday night by "In this country unless you're 180 per 28th wedding anniversary. Cards low. 2.—Cost of labor is Helmer. grade reading class under the of25, 30 and dren's Toys. Subscription Rates Payable in Advance: Army Clerk: "What do Mrs. V. A. Snell. cent American, they say you are 180 per and dancing were the features of low. 3.—Labor is plentiful- you were and know that from the supervision of Miss Moody, has Year $2.00; Six months, $1.00. you mean, sir?" Mrs. Waller Gibson was a Miss Alice Engle. of W. S. T. just completed the study of Rob- Three months, 50c; Single Copies 5c. the evening. AH enjoyed a good yon have a choice of the best ('., spent Thanksgiving at home 35 Years Ago cent Un-American." and most highly skilled General: "Why, Instead of Monday visilor at the home of inson Crusoe. The children en- Select your Christmas Cards and time and left at a late hour wish- BENEFITS and HAPPINESS derived V. H. Beebe al Cascade. near Lowell. workmen. 4.—You will thus addressing this letter lo the joyed the story very much and The Lowell Ledger, established June, ing the Gahans many more happy intelligence ofllcer, you have Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Falrchild years together. help relieve the unemploy- Miss Elizabeth Shuter, of Al- have reproduced in miniature Booklets now. Do your Christmas Jay B. Nash, doctor: addressed it to the intelli- therefrom you will most eagerly entertained with a family dinner November 30, 1905—25 Years Ago 1893, by Frank M. Johnson; The Alto Solo, Ruth Sullivan, Helene Hefferan, ment situation. ma, spent her Thanksgiving va- form Robinson Crusoe's home "Spectatoritis has become almost synony- gent officer. You should Thanksgiving. on the island after his ship- established January, 1904. Consolidated Ruth Jakeway, and also Lillian cation with the home folks. A. J. Howk died at his home shopping early. mous with Americanism." know there is no such per- aeek our wreck. Downes,, who are all attending Politician: "Congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kinyon Mr. and Mrs. Austin L. Coons after a week's illness with asthma June, 1917. son in the army." and heart trouble. ft • ft school at Kalamazoo, spent me, dear, I got the nomina- visited Mrs. Charles Thorp and spent Friday al Eugene Engle's Pictured in the sand table, so In West Lowell. Thanksgiving and the week-end tion." new baby, of Ionia Friday. kindly loaned to us by the Kin- Marriage licenses: Alex Ogilvle, It has been asserted that the Democratic H. G. Wells, British historian: "4'f of 1931" dergarten, one may see Crusoe, Boston township, Ella McCon- with their folks here. His Wife: "Honestlyr When your roof leaks it Miss Dorothy Anderson, of Mrs. Kalherine Stone, of Grand himself, as King of the Isle. He nell, Lowell township; Frank W. C. Hartman party now stands committed to the wet "1 think that an outbreak of war in the George and Lora Smith attend- Politician: "Why bring leaks right through your Grand Rapids, was the guest lust Rapids, spent Thanksgiving day is dressed in fur and carries his Huizinga, Lowell, Charlotte M. Near East, or nearer, is quite possible in a ed the show at Greenville last that up?" pocketbook. One or two week of Miss Phylis Weekes. with her children. cause, but along comes Senator Joseph T. ax, guns, and rifle at his sides. Lewis, Cascade; John W. Olin, Phone 38 215 W. Main St. Sunday evening. rains may do little or no Theae are now available at the Mr. and Mrs. Engle Hanson, few years time." Mrs. F. A. Gould, Mrs. Malie Always following in his path is Grand Hapids, Sarah D. Tasker, Robinson, Democratic leader of the Senate, * * * Mr. and Mrs. John Jakeway en- Storm sash save enou, damage, but the next rain Mr. and Mrs. Jack Manning and Rivcltc and Mrs. W. J. Smith the faithful dog. Near the hut Lowell. tertained her people from Grand coal in a winter and give the may brine down the plaster Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Leonard spent returned to Washington after a Summer in spent Saturday in Grand Rapids. one may see his two cats, and Born, in Bowne, to Mr. and Oliver Lodge, British scientist: Rapids, also Mr. and Mrs. Milo family enough more com- and do all sorts of damage. lhanksgiving with relatives near Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Dennie Poll, the pet parrot. Mrs. T. W. Gougherly, a son. far-away, soothing Samoa, to throw down "Anyone who supposes that man is the Donovan and daughters for fort to pay for themselves Whether you need only to Reed Cily. spent the week-end in Muskegon Crusoe is standing, like a king, Frank P. Hakes transferred Thanksgiving dinner. several times over. Talk to patch a liny leak or put on Lowell State Bank Ihe gage of battle to his co-leaders on prohi- highest thing in creation can have little idea guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry. Mrs. Hallie Peckham enter- suiveying his dominion, so well bus and livery business back lo Irene Donovan is spending a us about that problem of a complete new Mufe-Hide tained Rev. Lemke and family about the Universe." Lowell, Michigan The Junior department of M. protected from all wild beasts. Walters Bros. bition. Peaceful so far as is concerned the GIFTS few weeks with her grandpar- yours, without obligation on roof, we have the right and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hahn * * * your part E. S. S. enjoyed a party al the His hut is built strong and firm. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard ents, Mr. and Mrs. James McGin- material at the right price. and children with a Thanksgiv- question of co-operating with the Republi- Church House Tuesday evening. and Is surrounded bv a high Davis, of Bowne, destroyed by J. Ramsay, MacDonald, British Prime Min- nis in Grand Rapids. ing dinner. fence over which he climbed by fire. 'Harold Yeiter, of Iron Bridge, can Administration in passing the appro- Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Berry, of Mrs. Harry Palerson and two means of a ladder that can he ister: Onl., is spending a few weeks Mrs. Sarah Headworth died at MEN APPRECIATE Grand Rapids, spent Sunday with Hoyt Lumber Company FIRST METHODIST CHKRCH children and Miss Mary Janet drawn up at night to keep all home of her son, T. J. Headworth priation bills and needed measures to re- 'The old Adam is still rampant. Words with his mother, Mrs. Caroline her mother, M^s. Susie Madison. "Evarjrthing To Build Anything" All arfi invited to the services Hill, of Alma, spent the Thanks- marauders out. Near his hut, in Boston township. adjust the Nation's economic fabric. Sena- Fred Madison spent Friday in Green Coulter. are used which make us doubt how much Phena 16-F2 Lowall, Mich. Sunday as -follows: giving vacation at the C. Bergin one will see las goat shed, as Marvin Ikirton and family tor Robinson flared a little on the wet-and- the world has learned by those bitter and Relding on business. Holy Communion and sermon, Mr. and Mrs. Herold Goff are and Art Hill homes. well as the goats. Many trees moved on the Cilley farm in ft Aileen Gahan, of Coldwater, CHUNK WOOD spending this week with his pur- sad experiences from 1914 to 1918." Shirts The surest way to please a man 10:30 a. m. Mrs. Margaret Staal and Mr. picture to the observer that his South Boston. dry question, indicating that the rift in the spent Thanksgiving and week- Sunday school al 11:45 a. m. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Cook, of hut was in the forest. Born, lo Mr. and Mrs. Leonard ft ft ft Is to give him what he'd choose end with her parents, Mr. and Good Sound Wood for Saranac. and Mrs. Will Kerekes and chil Democratic party is no trivial matter. The Intermediate League, 5:30 p.m. dren were Thanksgiving guests On the shore one sees his raft Bozung, of Keene. a son. Mrs. Joseph Ganan. Stoves and Furnaces Franklin P. Adams, newspaper columnist: Neckwear himself—from the store he likes Epworth League meeting al Mrs. Anna Slinchicomb spent of their son and brother, Charles which he used to salvage things Mrs. W. R. Blaisdell fell from Arkansas statesman cannot see his party fav- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jakeway gave WHO'S 7:30 p. m. will be held at the Thanksgiving in Ionia with her from the wrecked ship. Tied to the steps, breaking two ribs and "Don't answer the door bell these days. It a party Friday night in their Davis and family, of Ionia. oring repeal of the 18th Amendment in the best. We've the smartest show- $2.50 Delivered Chris. Wittenbach farm home in daughter, Mrs. Charles Thorp a stump is his sail boat, built by her collar bone and injuring one might be the wolf." home. Cards and dancing were the Vergennes. Miss Koth will lead and family. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert House, of himself, with Friday, in which of her hips. next national convention, in spite of the ap- • * • Milflers enjoyed by all, and all enjoyed a Grand Rapids. Donna Jean and ing ever of superb new styles BOSH the meeting. Rev, and Mrs. Hoyt and daugh- they made their escape. < C. ..A.. Lee, of Keene, went to good time. Wm. Reckett, Lowell, R. 1 Claude Condon, of Vergennes, The children have enjoyed this Chicago peal for this action by Chairman Raskob and The Ladies' Aid will hold their ler Marjorie, of Grnndville, were were Saturday night and Sunday lo buy a carload of Chai-Chu Wu, Chinese: from Wilson Rrothcrs. Fred Madison, Leon Whitten monthly meeting in the church work and gained much knowl- lambs, —And Don't Come Back other leaders. Doubtless there is writing Hosiery Phone 104 F-l-S lhanksgiving guests at the M. D. visitors at the M. Day home. "If wc are to banish war we must set our- and Renis Donovan attended the parlors Friday at 2:30 p. m. Af- Hoyt home. edge from the story. James Coslello and wife moved show in Greenville Sunday night. ter this meeting the Phila A. Miss Ruth Layer, Health Edu- from Parnell to Freeporl. on the wall, but it is in hieroglyphics beyond selves first of all to remove grievances." Extensive variety will make John Topp, of Saranac, and Perry Earle and Clare Byrne Clark Circle will serve a "coffee" cation instructor in the Detroit Mrs. Margaret Roberts ill with Without The Doughnuts « * * filoves Miss Mable Bowen, of Ionia, werel LAST WEEK'S ITEMS the ken of a student in either politics or your shopping as pleasant (and spent Friday evening with Leah to which everybody is invited. schools has been taking a rest rheumatic fever. Byrne, of Big Pine Island Lake. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs from her duties on account of statecraft. What Is needed at this time is a Ellis Hume-Williams, London attorney: You or your The Greene Circle will hold Herold Goff. Haidkerefaiefs easy) as your giving. Come in John Winmfred and Mabel Ab- their Christmas party Thursday knee strain which is giving her Mrs. Lee Miller is quite ill It's a mistake not to stop in on your way home for your "Once a woman, who has loved one man, rauc November 29, 1900—25 Years Ago supernaturalist. raham and James Gahan attend- Church Notices evening, Dec. 11, in the Church Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Collar h trouble. with flu. has fallen out of love with him and into love early. ed the Notre Dame and Army were Sunday guests of Mr. and „.. . supply of pastries, breads and other bakery needs. So many —o—o— Furnace? House. Small gifts will be ex- Mr. andu Mrs. Ferris Taylor en- .Mr, . anj d" —Mrsy . Frank McMahoj n ""aMrs.. Wm»»iii.. jiurpuMurphy dieciieda in with another there is no cruelty known to Pajimas foot ball game at Chicago. Mrs. George Denton at their farm tertained with a However much they may disclaim any CHRISTIAN SCIENCE changed. All members arc urged lerlained with a family dinner attended the foot ball game In Grand Rapids, aged 45 years, fol- housewives find our bakerygoods indispensable for a success- any creative being—human or animal—to Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Donovan to be present, and bring a friend. home in Keene. pianksgiving, Mr. and Mrs. Fred East Lansing Saturday. Christian Science services are lowing an operation for tumor. such intention, Ihe Insurgents have been equal that with which she will treat the first spent Sunday with his parents, l^t GRENADIER coal show the furnace Mr.. and Mrs. Peter Mulde.nuiuer Scott, of rai.Lansing , Mr. anundu Mrsaiia . Mrs. Coletta Condon, of Grand Mrs. G. P. Taylor given a sur- ful meal that we take this means of warning homeward Bath lobes Mr. and Mrs. Frank Donovan. held every Sunday morning at Vergennes M. E. Church. spent Thanksgiving with his par- Harry McPharlin, of Grand Rap Rapids, is spending the week prise in honor of her 58th birth- bound husbands. holding the threat of an extra session of man." Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rowler who's the boss in your household! So> eleven o'clock over the Lowell 5 * * e ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mulder, i^ and Mrs. Gertie Morgan, with her sisterers in LowellLow " . day anniversary. State bank. Communion service and ser- Pies, cakes, cookies of all kinds, bread, rolls, buns and Congress as a club over the Republicans. entertained their children Thanks of Comstock Park. Thanksgiving evening Attorney Mrs. A. C. Stone accepted a po- Sweaters giving day. much less of full-heat fuel that your Subject of lesson-sermon for mon at 2 p. m. next Sunday. Sun- uiiandu Mrs•ill a.. Pr.. J•!.. Finei^iiivias moiiiw-- ... . , a Felix Adler, Austrian writer: Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Hill and Dr. nnd Mrs. R. M. Shivel were hosts tored to Eaton Rapids Friday to s"ili/x,0nn w««"• 11h the Nationar l Lif2#e — biscuits—we have the choicest Senator Norris, for one, insists that he has Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slayton trips to the cellar are cut to a minimum. December 7, is "God, the Only day school at 3 p. m. All will be a a • a i .i # .. . t 0 . - -t— iin«l TVnc• S's* l\..„ - r. "I don't like to say that there will be an- Cause and Creator." welcome. and Mrs. Wagner, of Grand Rap- t Thanksgiving dinner which attend the funeral of a cousin. and Trust Co., of Des Moines, la. made no such threat. All he has done was and family spent Tanksgiving in ids, were Sunday guests of Mr. included T. M. Doyle and family, Marriage license issued to Wil- other war, but I take it for granted that Detroit with his brother Ray and •This not only means a saving of toil, You are cordially invited. A. T. Cartland, pastor. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wray, of and Mrs. James Muir. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doyle and an< na to lay down a program of legislation and de- there will be." family. uranGrand Rapids, were visitors atl 1!'?/?iTn?L "V,JiT'VVl r l ^"" H- •sasit and labor but a substantial reduction of Wm. Little and Mr. Berkley, of children and Mr. and Mrs. Will - - - L uliee , both of Vergennes. EAST LOWELL KEENE CENTER Kate Loughlin was taken to St. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE GERMAN M. E. CHURCH. the MacFarlane home Sunday af- '|" » hoth of \ergennes. clare that unless it is considered there will Sibewa, spent Wednesday eve- ^y,e and children. L . A . rj,,pCatepr seriousl11y ill. The Lowell Bakery Mary's hospital last week for your coal expenditures. GRENADIER English preaching Sunday ternoon. — Cor. Washington and Avery at ning with the former's sister. Merlon Easterby, who was born Florence and Max Emmons, 7 have to be an extra session. Far be it from treatment. She is not gainin 10:30 o'clock a. m. Willard Rogers and wife were George Herald, Prop. J NOTES AND COMMENTS John Simons, of Mt. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Detmer and coal is sold only by Authorized Dealers, Sunday Bible School at 10 a. m. Mrs. Anna Slinchicomb; in Lowell township, but who has and 5 years old, of Ionia, buried him to attempt to block supply bills and was here last Friday with a man son, of Grand Rapids, were Sun- as fast as her many friends woul Morning worship and preach- Bible school at 11:30 o'clock a. home from Plymouth over Sun- alive in sand bank, near their like to have her. an assurance of service in thorough —Mrs• . Johwuunu Hollannuiiuiidu anda chilenn-- ^e7o n living-r in Idah„ o fo---r th—e pas.—t day with his parents, Mr. and 101 Main St. Phone 146 Lowell, Mich, t from Flint in the interest of his day visitors at Sam Detmer's and ing at eleven o'clock. m. Epworth League meeting at 1 cars xs home there. routine legislation, but naturally, manifest- Mr. and Mrs. T. McKee spent dren, of Grand Rapids, spent , >' t . the Winter Mrs. D. lE. Rogers. It is really humorous, what people some- farm. Mr. and Mrs. Helsel, of Rockford, keeping with the quality of the coal, Junior service at 5 o'clock. Miss 7:30 p. m. at the residence of w re a ves Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer ly, obviously, clearly and of course if the Thanksgiving with her parents in Lee in charge. Mrs. Chris. Wittenbach. Tuesday afternoon with her - ' " in this Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hazeltine Cox, a girl. times laugh at. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hubbel, of spent Thanksgiving there. itself. The Consolidation Coal Co. mother, Mrs. Gertie Morgan. * * * Grand Rapids, and children were A large crowd attended the Fremont. N. Y. P. S., at 6:45. Good topic. You are cordially Invited lo and daughter7,-°-. ,' o—f ,Gran d Rapids, N. Hine and wife went Administration does not yield and permit Mamie Hefferan, of Grand ag0 Mr :as,er by is a Thanksgiving guests of her par- Shear sale Tuesday. Lody will Evening service at 7:30. these meetings. Mr. and Mrs. Royden Warner S? '» i ' t 1 , were Sunday evening guests al South to spend the Winter. Rapids, spent Thanksgiving with and children spent Thanksgiving t- 1 T Joseph and James consideration of legislation favored by the Talk is all right provided there is more ents. remain on the Roth farm. MW-woek John Claus, pastor. the R. D. Hahn home. Miss Rose Flynn recovering than talk behind it. The next P. T. A. will be held Ethel Acheson and children her aunt, Mrs. Vincent Nugent. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ^isZr Easter- George Shaw leaves Monday, from typhoid fever. progressives the regular Republicans might • * * Mabel Ryrne, of Lansing, was The evangelistic services are Newton Warner, of Lansing. y sls'er. at the home of Mrs. John Jeffery spent Thanksgiving with her par- continuing on each evening FIRST CONGREGATIONAL December 1, in company. with Mr. and Mrs. Amasa Lee, of just as well expect a special session of the Dec. 18. A program will be put ents at Evart. home over the week-end with Mrs. Hannah Bartlett and Miss his daughter and son -in--law•!«««,, Mr.. Keene-F, •returne d from *a• month'i ii V/ii tiss ANNOUNCEMENT Political laws: "You lookout for me and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John at 7:30. Come and bring a friend. 10:00 a. m., Rible school. SOUTH SIDE LOCALS new Congress after March 4. Senator Nor- on by the other side of the con- Mrs. Anna Acheson is home Special singing. 11:00 a., m.. Morning worship. Edna Allen were Thanksgiving and Mrs. Post to spend the Win- visit with their daughter at Ou- I'll look out for you." test, Stanley Coles. from taking care of Mrs. Fred A. Byrne. ter in Florida. tonagon. ft ft ft If you are interested in a gen- 5:30 p. m., Christian Endeavor. Mr. and Mrs. Elvyn Potter left I am opening an Electrical Supply store in the building just ris, just returned to Washington, indicated Cecil and Melvin Roerma, of Charles at Lowell. Hildegarde Byrne spent a few The ofllce building of King days last week with the home uine revival of the old time The Hattie Peckham Group ? u " ^ a y " ^ i ' %hom e 0i n^ 's an - Mrsmrs. Co.. Rulasonuiabon ando Myrl.nyrie , "•"o that means could be found to bring about Buy it at home during the Christmas holi- Grand Rapids, were here hunting Clara Ruegseggcr was a week- Faith in God and His Word, will meet Friday with Mrs. Ben- de r drove to Grand Rapids Sunday "8 Go., has a new foundation east of the Strand theatre. I will handle the well known and folks here. \™ . Meulen, ford after a month's visit in Lo- an 0 y Friday. end visitor at home. nett. (Hazel Taylor,) of Detroit, were afternoon to meet Mr. Rulason 'i '-L" painted, days is a good idea. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byrne and come. gan, Iowa. reliable such a session if necessary. There is a per- • * * John Simons has sold his farm Mrs. L. J. Leece spent last Wed- week-tend guests at the home of who returned from his deer hunt ^ ^ Harrow and Fred Hmyan Margaret Mary called on his E. J. Stevens, pastor. The Yardley Group will meet Mrs. Charles Young who has home here to a Mr. Williams, of nesday in Ionia the guest of Mrs. her father, Frank Taylor and in Northern MichiganMichitran. DUymg onions and potatoes at sistent rumor that the Nebraska Senator mother, Mrs. John R. Ryrne Sun- Wednesday, Dec. 10, at the home been very sick is slowly on the Some people are so crooked that they can't Flint. A welcome is extended Daisy Morse and parents. O. H. RUNCIMAN, Lowell, Mich. family. their new warehouse al Alto. liad one eye closed and his lingers crossed day. of Mrs. W. J. Warren. gain. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reese and Westinghouse Line go straight by a compass. to the new comers. Lee Lampkin and wife enter- Practically all the comforts Miss Nemma Freeman and Em- Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Dawson jdaughter Pattie, of Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Green, of tained with a family dinner on Authorised Dealer Grenadier Coal that we enjoy today have been during the interview, but this has not been ery Freeman, of Grand Rapids, and family, Mr. and Mrs. M. were week-end guests of his November 29, 1895—35 Years Ago and cordially invite the public to call and see me and give Ionia, were callers at the Jeffery Thanksgiving day having as their HICKORY HOLLOW NEWS Formerly sold as Consolidation Millers Creek wrestled from nature. Be the were Sunday dinner guests of Smith spent Thursday with Mr. brother-in-law and sister, Mr. Mrs. Eliza Clark visiting her confirmed, Silence may be golden but Cal even ad- home Thanksgiving. guest; C. W. Lampkin and wife master of nature. Don't' let cold, and Mrs. R. E. Springett. their parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. and Mrs. Herb Dawson. son Loren In Pennsylvania. me a trial. Competent workmanship on all Wiring jobs, also Harry Kingsley was run into and Mrs. C. A. Lee, Mrs. Haines, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Vanderlip snow, sleet or rain keep you Freeman. mits that talk can bring in real money. Mrs. John Young spent Friday Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Day en- Miss Kate Edmonds resigned by an auto Sunday morning and of Ludinglon, and Mrs. A. E. spent from Wednesday until Sat- from church Sunday morning. repairing of Appliances, Fixtures and Electric Motors. ft ft ft Mr. and Mrs. Earl Vosburg and in Grand Rapids. tertained their children, Mr. and her position at Lowell postolfice, STATE SPENDING his car was badly damaged and Spencer, of Sparta. They served urday with friends in Grand Rap- The sermon will be of interest lo son Ernest, ate Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Martin Smith re Mrs. Delbert House, of Grand Leon Burnett taking her place. about 75 milk bottles broken, but turkey with all the lixin s. ids. everyone, especially to the high Willi "Less and Wiser Spending" as the Even if you forgot to join the Red Cross dinner with their /parents, Mr. turned from Detroit Tuesday af Rapids, and Mr. and Mrs. Verne Miss Carrie Avery visiting her fortunately he was not hurl. Chickenpox is very much in W. H. Rickerl was a Sunday LOOK HERE, AUTO OWNERS! school students who are inter- Opening Saturday last week you can send in a dollar now. and Mrs. Elmer Richmond, of ter spending two weeks with Leech and Jr., of Kalamazoo for brother Will, at Mesa City, Ariz. theme of the recent annual convention of Tom Jeffery has a new team of evidence around Keene Center. dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. ested in English literature, "The Pleasant avenue. their children. Thangsgiving dinner. Wm. Pullen & Son advertised horses. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parker spent Paul Rickerl, of Lowell. Religious Experience of Thomas the National Association of State Auditors, Mrs. M. Myzkowiak, of Grand Mr. and Mrs. E. R. A. Hunt men's camel hair shirts and Sunday in Ionia the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harlie Hunter Here*a what we do- Carlyle." Mrs. Rert Merriman has re- Advertise if you have bargains for the Rapids, spent Friday with Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. Reason and drawers, 39c. Comptrollers and Treasurers in New York their son, Gerald and wife. Mrs. had supper and spent the eve- . Andrew B. Lemke, Pastor. turned from a two weeks' visit "larence Mclntyre. baby, all of Lansing, were A. Bancroft and wife visiting H. Tribbey Electrical Store buyer, either in price, quality, service or VERGENNES CENTER Renedict, of Berlin, has been vis- ning with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thoroughly waah in Detroit and Ontario. She ale City, it was entirely natural that more than her Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Newell, Em Thangsgiving guests of their in New York stale. commodity. iting the Parkers for two days Heether Friday night. ALTO BAPTIST CHURCH relatives in the Old Dominion. erson Stevens and Beathea Mc brother-in-law and sister, Mr. O. O. Adams organzed a qua- Phone 315 passing attention should be given to the sub- ft ft ft Guests at the home of Annie and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kline, of Miss Ida Mensinger, of Ada, Simonize Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Intyre spent Saturday in Grand and Mrs. E. O. Wadsworth. drille band, consisting of first ject of administrative economy. Thus W. Our own private opinion is that this coun- and Arthur Anderson Thanks- Grand Rapids, spent from Wed- spent from Friday night until Preaching service, 10:30 p. m. After spending his vacation Rapids. Next to Strand Theatre Lowell, Mich. nesday until Saturday there. Surface scratches removed from C. S. T. C. Robert Lalley Mrs. Olive Rutler, having ex- and second violins, clarinet, cor- giving were Mr. and Mrs. George Sunday with Mrs. Iva Rickerl. central standard time. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mclntyre net and bass. S. Johnson, state treasurer of West Virginia, try will hear plenty about prohibition be- Lewis and daughter Laura, Clare John Dennis and daughter Ef- W. H. Rickerl is spending a few Bilk has returned to his college work. changed her farm four miles Rev. Carl Tanis, missionary and family spent Thanksgiving Fred Bush, brother of Mrs. tween now and 1933. Anderson and daughter Stella, fle entertained the following days in Grand Rapids visiting rrjir' [He was honored by being elect- north of Lowell to Frank Youngs, and president of the association during the Paint under fendera working among the Galled Head- with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mc- Chad Lee, of Keene, died in • * « guests for Thanksgiving:' Amiel relatives. ( 2 doors north Popular Lowell. Well, men and boys, and also women, we Mrs. M. B. McPherson. the Converse family were dinner Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hewitt, of Onl., Mrs. Dennick's parents, Mr. years, lo months and 17 days. Lasting!Gifts | people wanted better roads, public buildings OPEN ALL NIGHT body welcome. Each study will be of vital im- Harry Chaffee and family, of guests : t Dorus Church's at Al- Woodland, spent Wednesday and Mrs. Noble, their son and Shoa Store She was born in Vergennes, have observed many an organization that 11:30 a. m. Preaching by the ; | portance to every one. and similar improvements they must be Lansing, came Wednesday and ton and called on J. D. Frost and with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hewitt. family and a sister of Mrs. Den Mich., and on Nov. 13, 1865, was was committee'd to death. pastor. nick. "Come." All are welcome. spent Thanksgiving with his par- wife and Peter Petersen and Mr. and Mrs. Dell Hardy and married to Alexander H. Blan- willing to pay the taxes to meet interest on South Lowell church—10:30 a. There is no more appropriate gift I • • • ents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chaffee. family at Moseley. family spent Sunday with Mrs. lily Healthy Flecks kit Prtfitable Richmond's Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Gibson, ding. In the Spring of 1872 m. Sunday'school. You are in for a member of your family or and to retire bonds issued for capital invest- James Read. Ernest and Leo Fred O. Wingeier, of Lowell. Miss Lorna Dowe and friend, Mr. with her husband and four small One of the troubles about children is that vited. the friend whose esteem you val- Hoover attended a fair at Sparta BOSTON CENTER Mr. and Mrs. Will Cook and We carry a full line of the Famous Norton, Ml*. Frye and lady friend, children went to Randall, Kan- ments or permanent improvements. Cafe 7:00 p. m. Song service. Gos ue than a beautiful gift of furni- they become contaminated from enforced last Thursday. They acted at a Lloyd spent Friday evening with all of Grand Rapids, were enter- sas. She was the mother of pel preaching. ture. Perhaps a rich cozy chair Mr. Johnson devoted some attention to the society with older people. grain and potato judging team Mr. and Mrs. Mclntyre and Ivan Hewitt and family. LEE REMEDIES for all poultry ails. On-the-Brldge tained at the Walter Gibson A Practical Gift nine children. Charles A. Lohnes, pastor. to make leisure hours more en- • • • [for the LoweU High school and Keith left their home Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hewitt, Phone 347 Lowell home Wednesday evening of last Her husband passed away 21 personnel of government. A few years joyable. ... or, for one who morning, leaving for Florida for of Hastings, spent Sunday eve- FREE SAMPLES week. years ago, two daughters in in- won first place. Read the Want Column. reads, a handsome book table or back, he stated, it required one person out of The averaf e taxpayer doesn't know what Leonard Kerr and family, of the Winter. Mr. Mclntyre was ning with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan fancy, and the oldest boy, Maur- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer While magazine rack. Whatever the Lansing, and Emma Jane Kerr, not able to leave his crutches at Hewitt. ice, about fifteen months ago. every twenty-four to administer the nation- he is paying taxes for until a year or two af- If your fowls are diseased invest in were Sunday dinner guests of gift la you have in mind you'll of Holland, and the brothers and home as his friends wished he Roy Fleming, Alice end Louise GLASSES Many times this pioneer couple ter the money has been spent. her parents. Rev. and Mrs. Hay- find it here at prices that are al, state and local governments while today sisters from Grand Rapids and might. Havener and Iva Rickert spent traveled in all kinds of weather • • • those and boost your egg production. ward, of Saranac, and drove Mrs. amazingly low, for the quality of Lowell spent Thanksgiving with The first Community club pe- Friday in Ionia. lo help with the sick or dead, the proportion is one out of every ten. Re- Hathaway, who had been her merchandise offered. Any family is on the road to independence their mother, Mrs. Rose Kerr. dro party was held at the Grange Roy Fleming, Alice a id Louise parents' guest since Thursday to help lo organize a church, a hall Saturday evening. There CASH for your EGGS and CREAM Big Value Clu% ducing the thing to an absurdity one might when the income exceeds the outgo. There's Mr. and Mrs. Baines and two Havener and Iva Rickert attend- her home in Grand Ledge. Sunday school, or day school. visualize the day when each and every one sons, of Grand Rapids, and Mrs. will be another party Saturday ed the show Thanksgiving day in On November 3rd she was stric- nothing complicated about this. Richmond, and son, Tom Read, evening, Dec. 6, beginning at Lowell. THIS PAPER AND Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Freeman ken with appoplexy and never of us would be a government employe— Jr., were Sunday visitors at the 8:15. Every one welcome. Come Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Blgley and and son Emery Freeman, daugh- regained consciousness. W. E. HALL ter, Miss Nemma Freeman and i whether an alderman, a census taker or one 4 paper Tom Read, Sr., nome. and buy your lunch. Willand Lourissa Blgley spent Funeral services al Randall h Correct this sentence: The news; Thanksgiving day with Mr. and i E. Mala St. Phone 824 Lowell, MUh. friend, Mr. Graham, all of Grand Christian church, conducted by of those quite necessary persons who keep account is absolutely correct; I said w hat it Mrs. Archie Denny and family, of Rapids, and Frank O'Harrow Rev. O. Sias, of Jewell, Kansas. the streets clean. Mr. Johnson suggests, in- quotes me as saying, and that isn't all." Saranac. were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Harlie Hunter and Mrs. John Freeman, of South EXTEND THANKS stead, reducing the number of government DXe fflUfi/tnderBoston. 40-Fathom Fish spent Saturday evening with O. employes by 25 per cent., which could be ac- The popular opinion of the people of In- L. Vanderlips. Both a Whole Year—Every Week for 82 Mr. and Mrs. Elmer White en- We wish to thank the Ameri- Fresh from th« Sea, direct to our atore by There will be a Grange meet- tertained with a family turkey can Legion. Women's Auxiliary, complished, in his opinion, without impair- dia gets a jolt with the news that the Nobel Heavy Truck withWiich Equipm'l prize for brilliant achievement in physics ing this Friday night, Dec. 5. AU Weeks—104 Big Issues—at a Bargain dinner Thanksgiving day, her Here is something that will not only Lawrence Rutherford and King ing in the slightest the efiiciency of the state. expreia, every Wedneaday, packed aolidly in members please be present. parents. Rev. and Mrs. Hayward, Milling company for the Thanks- has been awarded to Sir Chandrasekhara There was a fine turn out to carry your Christmas sentiment in a This is a poor time to suggest any reduc- ice, freahnesa guaranteed. For handling haavy Price Never Before Equaled I of Saranac, Dr. and Mrs. Hatha- giving basket they sent us, and Venkata Raman, of Calcutta. the last Keene dance. There will way and Miss Lillian Richardson, most thoughtful way but will really our friends for their kindness to tion in the ranks of the employed, but Mr. • • • Theae fiah come all cleaned be another one in two weeks on ^ machinery of all kinda. Grab this chance to secure your favorite home of Grand Ledge, and Miss Gladys us while we were in quarantine. Johnson undoubtedly refers to holders of The earth is 1,852,000,000 years old, says Dec. 15. All come. v Bring on your hard jobs. paper—with all the local news—together with that Miller, of Grand Rapids. be of untold benefit to the recipient Frank Zahm and family. Prof. Kovarik, physicist, of Yale. Anyone and boned, wrapped in Mrs. Caroline Coulter enter- the so-called "gravy" jobs. Jobless, such GOVE CORNERS wonderful national weekly, right from Washington, for years. You could not v in great- Subscribe for The Ledger, $2.00 wishing lo dispute the professor can go VUi laic inow,e,nr,f,rs,outo"t- tained with a small dinner party per year. persons would hardly find it necessary to aealed package, ready to Tuesday evening. Covers were er gratitude than with a gift of this ahead with the recount. > wi/Cf Jsfiad customara whom D. C., The Pathfinder. The Pathfinder is the most take to apple-selling. They could exist on The Cascade Ladles' Organiza- laid for six guests: Mesdames Ida • • • cook. Place atanding or- tion gave a stork shower for Mrs C


of Irony In this remark. Tie droppefl BOX SOCIAL AT NORTH LOWELL PIBLIC LIBRARY THE LOWELL (MICH.) LEDGER and ALTO SOLO, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 4, 1930 his feet from the table and rested BELL SCHOOL SEVEN an arm upon It, leaning forward LEGAL NOTICES GRAHAM BLDG.—WEST SIDE toward his guest —OPEN- WEST VERGENNES ITEMS New Serial Story Monday evening November 24, MORSE LAKE PTA S. LOWELL—BUSY CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rittenger "See here, young fellow, I'll offer was gathered a large crowd to Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday (Too Late for Last Week) Friends of The Lowell Ledger MORTGAGE SALE "Tea Wagon" Tests Telephone Equipment were at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. you advice free gratis, seeing as attend the box social nnd fine from 2 to 8 p. m. MV. and Mrs. Albert Graham | Miss Edna Allen and Mrs. R. you right now because' Dave Tngrain and Alto Solo having business Harvey Taylor's, of Merlin town- Miss Steelman sent you to me an' program that was so nicely pre- Default having been made in AUDIE E. POST. Librarian Everyone Will Enjoy iind children, of Lnnsing nnd The November meeting of Morse T. Ford, of Lowell, visited at C. has given orders. That won't mean seeln' as I klnda cotton to ynu any- in the Kent County Probate Court Mrs. W. Davis, of Ciidillac were ship on Thanksgiving day. he's forgot, only that Dave Is the pared. Miss Schuller, our teach- the conditions of a real estate Liikc PTA was held :il the school (1. Wciland's Wednesday a flex- Ray Kittenger and family were how. Keep yore mouth padlocked. er, and Mrs. Eulah Frost, our will confer a favor on the pub- mortgage made by Almon D. Thanksgiving guests !il the Her- house Thursday evening, Nov. noon. big auger. Off-hand, I'll bet you're lisher if they will kindly ask the guesls of his parents, Mr. and Folks fight here at the drop of the music leacher, combined their Saylcs and Flora M. Sayles, hus- These Church Suppers mnnce and Gross homes. 20lh, about eighty friends and 1-lroy Schwarder, of Grand no kind of a hand with a six- hat. Maybe you got sand In yore Court to send the printing of pro- aiemQ.TOIIIIILEY, M.D. Mrs. John Rittenger, of Lowell, programs, this making an eve- band and wife, as mortgagors, to ('. M. Himebaugh and wife patrons of the school being pres- Hapids, called at Earl McDiar- shooter." craw. I ain't aayln' no. Worse for bate notices to this p^ier. We Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat spent Thanksgiving with Iheir on Thanksgiving day. "You win the watch on that bet," ning ol excellent entertainment. Hiram W. Seese and Ellen Seese, ent. The tonic under discussion mid's one day last week. Mrs. I.c Hoy liradshaw. of Lan- you If you have, for you wouldn't last The children of all ages sang sev- understand the Court will cheer- as mortgagees, dated June 20, Offices: 504-505 Ashton Building son Keith, and wife, of East Lan- "Worthy flomi' Mcniber- O'Hara admitted, a split second when some low-down fully comply with such requests. , . „ . . Mr. and Mrs. George Hazel and sing, visited her father, Kliab Mc- eral group songs, also gave dia- 1920 and recorded in the offlcc of Citizens phone 62479 sing. ship and papers were read by son Dale, of Lowell, had turkey "My advice Is for you to cut dirt bird smokes up. Where was I at? R. G. JefTeries, Pubr. Oiarmid, al Earl McDiarmid's on logues and recllations. the Register of Deeds of Kent [/•'i Wm. Woodman and family, of Mrs. Fred Moore and Mrs. Elmer dinner with Walter Weiland's back to the land of marshals, cala- After Shat Brown got killed Ingram Wednesday. Mrs. Harler, of Pewamo, gave County, Mich., on June 21, 1929, GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN Lansing, and Mr. Carey, of Grand Ycilcr on home environment and booses, an' plug hats." an' his store pardner Tom Harvey Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Lucilc Visser and Marian several readings in Swedish dia- PROBATE OF WILL in Liber 684 of Mortgages on pages Hapids were Thursday dinner health. A piano duel by Miss "I think I'm going to like It here, began to bring In Texas warriors. Mr. and Mrs. John Acherson Berry, (if Grand Rapids, were lect. Miss Schuller gave a State of Michigan—The Probate 342 and 343, by which mortgage guests at Fred Ford's. Leona Colby and Miss Hernice Mr. Worrall." So did Steelman an' McCarthy, I'm spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. week-end guesls of Ray Ritten- reading "The Famine" taken Court for the County of Kent. it was expressly agreed that if H. E. Krum, wife, and son Yeiter was a fcalure of Ihe pro- "You're liable to rue yore deci- not tellln' any secret when I say B. H. SHEPARD, M. D. and Mrs. Ernest Richardson, of ger nnd family. sion if you stay. By the way, what's from "Hiawatha" accompanied At a session of said court, held default be made in the payment Roger, of Jackson, spent Wednes- program which was opened by Klmtlale. that right now some one Is gonna Phone 47 day evening with the home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Benedict, yore line, Mr. O'Hara?" by her sister with the violin. at the probate ofllce, in the city of any of the sums of money Mrs. Wm. Fairchild, with com- Mrs. Francis Williams and lit- of Berlin township, visited at drop a match In a keg of powder Mr. Hilzey, of Dutton, auction- Mary Alice James, of Fordson. "I'm a lawyer." an' our IIT private war will begin of Grand Rapids, in said county, therein mentioned, including J. K. ALTLAND, M. D, niunily singing by those present. tle ..w.son, Ralph, werttvbve Thanksgiva utiim.^l Y-- Frank Biltenger's on Monday. FIGHTING eered the boxes. The receipts and Miss Felicia Schmidt, of During the business meeting it "A lawyer. Oreat Jumpln' horn' lo pop." on the 24th day of November, A. principal, interest, taxes and in- Phona 100 ing guests of her parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. John Friedii, Mr. of the evening were $28.75. I).. 1930, Rockford, spent the week-end was voted lo purchase spoons for toads!" A thought stabbed the "You mean—" surance, or in the performance of Negonce Block, Lowell. Mrs. Frank Rittenger. On Sat- and Mrs. Erwin Merriman and Westerner nnd brought his alert at- One Who Was There. Present: Hon. Clark E. Highee, any of the covenants and agree- wth C. M. James and wife. the use of Ihe PTA; that the mys- "I mean that If Shep Sanderson Office Hours, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. urday, they all called nn Rich- Mrs. Willis Merriman were cal- TENDERFOOT tention to another phase of the mat- Judge of Probate. ments therein when the same fell Mrs. Ruby Hudson and Grace tery box he continued during the ard Murphy at C. G. Weiland's. hadn't made a mistake In his tnan Office Phone 36 Blanding and Mr. and Mrs. Rice, lers at Frank Biltenger's Friday By WILLIAM ter. "That's why Dave Ingrain told today an' had shot stralghter. If CARD OF THANKS in the matter of the estate of due, and should such default con- year and various committees re- Mr. and Mrs, John Acherson night. of Grand Rapids, were Thanks- you to come to see him. Young fel- he had killed .ludge Warner, the William H. Green, deceased. tinue for ninety (90) days, then ported that the drinking foun- called on their daughter and MACLEOD giving day guests at D. S. Hud- low, if I knew where you were at!" fat would already have been In I wish to thank my relatives Lizzie E. Green, having filed in the whole sum, together with in- tain for the school had been pur- family, Mr, and Mrs. Guy Willetl son's. Cost of Ledger Want Ads is ) RAINE "I'm a total stranger, ns I told and friends who so kindly re- said court her petition oraying terest, would become due and JOHN R. STRYKER chased and that the Mag pole was in Clarksvllle Wednesday. frilling—results great. the fire." D. I). Krum and wife and moth- you before. Until today I never "How does Judge Warner come membered mc during my recent that a certan instrument In writ- payable immediately thereafter —DENTIST— in condition for use again. Mrs. COfYRICHT h WIU.IAH MACUODWAim W.N U. JFRVICI illness. Louis Oesch. (p er spent Thursday with Frank met a soul In this neck of the Into itr ing, purporting to be the last will and without notice, and such de- Elmer Yeiter enrolled many pa- you got some Idea wTiy lie shot at woods. I've had no correspond- and testament of said deceased, fault having taken place in that Phone 216 Honra 9 to f Collar and family. trons in membership and is THE STORY "Another long story In that, but Open Wednesday and Saturday you, haven't you?" ence with anyone. My purpose in the upshot of It Is that tomorrow LOWELL DISTRICT NO 5 now on file in said court, be ad- the sum of eighty-four (984.00) Bert Baker and family spent working for one hundred per coming was to find a good town to (Too Late for Last Week) mitted to probate, and that the dollars, interest has been due for Evening, 7 to 9 Thanksgiving with Mrs. Baker's cent in the district. CHAPTER I.—Gnrrett O'Hara. a "Miss Steelmun had an idea. She he's expected to make Wes Steel- Telephone men esll this mobile testing unit, shown above, their "tea hang out my shingle. Now my cards administration of said estate be more than ninety (90) days, and Office closed Tha?sday afternooni niece, Mrs. Paul McCrum and After a Thanksgiving play by VOUIIK tenderfoot lawyer, Is on his told Sanderson he was trying to kill man administrator of the estate of wagon." It Is a piece of spparatus used to test the equipment In dial are on the table. I came to talk Little Janet Rickner and Blen family. the school children the refresh- way to Concho to open practice, not Judge Warner and had mistaken me Jerry Hughes. Jerry was a friend granted to The Michigan Trust no proceedings at law or In telephone central offices, where local calls are switched automatically knowing a cattle war Is raging In for him." this over with you because I prom- Graham spent one night during Company or to some other suit- equity having been instituted for Mrs. Chris. Wittenbach and ment commitlec served coffee, Jefferson county ond the only law U of Ingram's, an' his place is a sort In some of tha larger cities and towns. By means of It telephone test The lank man whistled. "Great ised Miss Steelman I would. But of strategic point between the Dia- the week with their teacher, Mrs. able person, the recovery of any sum due family spent Thanksgiving day sandwiches, pickles and fried that of the gun. As he nears the I. f. UTFIENEN men are able to simulate the conditions under which an actual telephone cattle town, some on# fires at him Jumpln' horn* toads I Could it be since you doubt me—" mond Tall an' the upper Hash- Webster, in Lowell. It Is Ordered, That the 23rd thereon, therefore the following Bv JOBBPHINB B. GIBBON Baked Ham with Barbecue Bauoe with Paul Wittenbach and wife, cakes, also chocolate. The eve- from ambush. He drops 'ram his that? You do klnda favor the He rose and picked up his hat. knife ranch. Both Wes' an' Dave We are very sorry to hear Mts. day of December, A. D., 1930, at sums are hereby declared to be Phyalelan and Sargeon Director, Home Economics Deft., Oven Baked Beans, Vegetarian Btyle of Grand Rapids. call Is msde, and are constantly making tests to Insure thst the dial ning was spent in a social way, horse and crawls through the brush equipment Is In perfect working order. Judge. About his size—an' store "Don't push on your reins, Mr. wai]t mighty bad tocontroHt" Wor Charles Young is very sick at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at due and payable on said mort- H. J. Helm Company Cole Slate Mary Wittenbach, of Detroit, after which adjournment took toward the spot whore the shot wos him , OVER CITY STATE BANK Hred He hears voices. Tha desperado clothes. What did Shep say when O'Hara," the freighter told him . ra|1 ndde(| to nmkG t ie MtuatIon this writing. said probate ofllce, be and is gage, to-wit: LOWELL, MICHIGAN Fresh Cucumber Relish was a week-end visitor at home. place. Mrs. Myrtle Krussell, the who fired the shot. Shep Sanderson, "Sit down. I'll tell you whatever you Mrs. Wittenbach and son Ever- lrl Uttr bu she told him?" clearer: "Dave stepped In nn' tooa Mr. Precious had the misfor- hereby appointed for hearing Principal $1,400.00 Whole Wheat Bread teacher, will have charge of the Is talking to a K - . ™ * CHURCH or community supper man. who thought the shot was di- "He denied it, but the way he want to know." charge of Ihe place when Jerry tune to meet another car head- said petition; Interest 105.00 Office Phone, 222-2: House, 222-S Fig Pudding with Bauce, ett, were Sunday guests al Carl Christmas program and all our Promptly, O'Hara tossed his hat always is an excellent way to Yes Sir! Our Bargain Table is covered rected at her. When Qarrett ap- denied It was n confession. He had died. He'd hate to give It up." on at the White filling station It Is Further Ordered, That Attorney Fee 35.00 A or Mince Meat Pie Roth, Sr., of l/owell. friends and patrons are cordially pears, his resemblance to Judga no time to think up a good lie, be- on the table aad sat down. "I "So as a simple way out he de one day recently demolishing a public notice thereof be given by rafae extra money. But the com* Coffee invited to be present at this with Women's Galoshes al jusl thai price. Warner convinces her Sanderson want to know the Inside of politics mittee in charge must plan the flred at Garrett In the belief no cause she was so quick about it. elded to kill Judge Warner, nn Inno- meat truck scattering the pave- publication of a copy of this or- Total sum due $1,540.00 NORTH KEENE (C meeting. in this town: who Is fighting who menu wiaely, and then carefully STMA: was the Judge. The girl warns him The fellow was flabbergasted. Of ment with meat, eggs, etc. IR. f. T. LISTIB Better come rif»lit away as the sizes will be cent party." der, for three successive weeks Notice is hereby given that Savory Meat Loaf: not to go to Concho. He Insists, and course he stuck to his antelope and why, the reason Shep Sander- "Judge Warner Is known to be Mark Snethen and son threshed estimate the amount of food needed, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fashbaugh MURRAY LAKE—MOSELEY she advises him to see Steve ^or- irevious to said day of hearing, pursuant to the Statute and the OSTEOPATHIC UNetpooiu choppcd onion; 1 quart cracker broken quickly. story." son wanted to kill Judge Warner, friendly to the Steelman side, an' beans on our street this week. In order to serve a nourishing and crumbi; 4 etn; 1 pint Tomato Ketchup: were Thanksgiving guests of rall. He reaches Concho and regla- Jn the Lowell Ledger, a news- power of sale contained in said Phyalelan ft Sargeon ters at the hotel. Seeking diversion, "What d'you mean about Miss and the ground for Miss Steelman's we don't know that Dave knew a Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham appetising meal at a moderate I'A tabletpoona lalt; Ifc teaipoon ptpper. their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Harry Mr. nnd Mrs. Hollis Shawman paper printed and circulated in mortgage, said mortgage will be Plenty of other kinds, too, you know.. Garrett that night wanders Into a Steelman being shot at?" advice that I had better not stay thing about what Shep was almln' and family visited Sunday with Office, 38702 Residence. 38019 price, and at the same time allow Add/ all other Ingredients to Fashbaugh and family, of Potters and children, of Hastings, spent Mexican dance. Shep Sanderson also said count E LAND "Perhaps I'd better tell you the here to practice my profession. to do. Myself, I don't hardly think the former's sister, Mr. and Mrs. foreclosed by sale at public Madison Square Grand Raplda for a fair margin of profit. ground steak, and mix thoroughly. Corners. Thanksgiving with Allen and appears. Ho Is Intoxicated and plcka ^LARK E, HIGBEE, auction to the highest bidoer, at a light with Garrett In which the whole story." That will do to begin with." he did. If you want to stay In Allen Lasby, of McCords. Judge of Probdte. General Practice—Including Col- Here are two excellent menus, Form Into loaves, and place In Miss Esther Carr is ill wtih I Lorna Weeks. young lawyer has the best of It. "All right. Hop to it." Worrall The crow's feet around Worrall's Concho an' be Dave Ingram's man the north front door of. the with the quantities necessary to roasting pans with a little water. chicken pox. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Ford and Sanderson starts to go for his gun, A true copy. inic Irrigation, Conservative Rec- put his boots on the table and tilted eyes twinkled In mirth. "You're or Wes Steelman's why hop to It SEELEY CORNERS Court House, in the city of Grand aerve fifty people carefully worked Bake in a moderate oven—850 de- John Houserman, of Smyrna, daughter, at d Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Fell Shoes, Cozy Slippers, Warin Un- but Is stopped by the voice of a FRED ROTH, Register of Probate Rapids, Kent County, Michigan^ tal Snrgery—Electrotherapy. MARJORIE newcomer. It Is Ingram, cattl# bar- back his chair. sure enough a lawyer. Boy, If I an' hang up yore shingle. I wouldn't (Too Late for Last Week) (27-28-29 out If you must plan for a hun- grees F.—for at least an hour, bast- was a Thanksgiving guest of his Kropf spent Thanksgiving with on, who Invites Garrett to visit him He did not interrupt with a sin- answer those questions through yon wish to Insure yore life, but that's on Saturday, the 20th day of dred or more, simply double or ing frequently. brothers, Albert and Henry Hous- Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rennells, of naxt day. gle question until O'Hara had lln- won't need to ask any more." neither here nor there, as the fellow The PTA has postponed its December, A. D., 1930, at nine triple the figures given here. Al- Succotash of Com and Kidney erman. BROOKS SHEPPARD Marion, returning Sunday. derwear, Warm Sweaters, Wool Sox APPOINTING TIME FOR HEAR- o'clock in the forenoon, Central t.S, LEE, M. I. ished, but there was at least one "I've got all night before me," the said when his two wives met an' November meeting until Dec. 5, though the cost naturally will vary Mr. and Mrs. Albert Chamber- j* • Mrs. Hettie Davis and family CHAPTER II. Standard Time, of the lands and Beans', a No. 10 cane com: 9 No. 10 large one In his mind. What was lawyer said. he lit out for the chaparral." when a program and supper will ING CLAIMS Phyalelan and Snrreon aomewhat In different sections of cam Dren Baked Red Kidney Beam; 1 lain entcratined twelve guests were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. premises described in said mort- WAS early evening and "Sh," cautioned the pines, and Barbara Steelman doing on the Worrall made himself comfortable O'Hara rose. "If I hang out my be given at the Grange hall. State of Michigan—The Probate Office Hburs—11 to 12 a. m., 2 to the country, both of these suppers doun chopped green pepper*; V* cup for Thanksgiving dinner. and Mrs. George Barnes. "My Name Is O'Hara." age, to-wH: butter; 1 dosen egge; 2 tableipooni aalt; the air was frosty In the the other trees nodded warnlngly. And remember—You will always save edge of the flats so close to the en- by resting his weight on the low- shingle I'll be my own man." Velma Burras entertained the Court for the County of Kent. 4 pi.. m.E , 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays, are comparatively Inexpensive— Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ricmond, Mr. and Mrs. Burr Davis spent er end of his spine and his shoul- The Southeast one-quarter, (S. 1 quart buttered crumbs. forest. The full moon It did not do to interrupt when the ARRETT CHARA walked slow- trance of Box canyon? He thought The long man grinned. "You'll Willing Workers class of Snow At a session of said Court, held 3 to 4 and no matter which you decide to Fry grean peppers In butter until of Lowell, were Sunday dinner Sunday Nov. 23 with friends in some on every purchase at the ders. He talked. E. hi) of the Northwest one- shed a white light over old spruce spoke. ly back to the Concho house. he knew the answer, but did not have a heap of time on yore hands Sunday school at a party on at the Probate Office in the City ""IN LEE BLOCK aerve, everyone will vote It a huge tender but not brown. Mix Beans, guests of their daughter, Mrs. Al- Lansing. G "If you want It In one word, short quarter (N. W. %) of Section everything and the gay But the old spruce was kind, he His thoughts raced excitedly as he want to believe It. to learn yore Blackstone thorough," Friday evening of last week. of Grand Rapids, in said county, Office Phone, 93 Honke, 11 success: corn, salt and well beaten eggs. bert Houserman and family and Mr. and Mrs. Clare Ford, and tried to reduce them to order. Luck "So Miss Steelman wanted you to an' sweet, that word Is 'cows,'" Thirty-four (34), Town Five (5) enjoyed a venison dinner. little frost-stars twinkled did not mind a hit. "It means," he Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ford and son he answered. Mr. and Mrs. William Hesche on the 25th day of November, A. Then add green peppers, pour Into on every bush. said, "that exactly twenty-flve days had certainly been with him, or he go back home where you come Worrall said. "Cows are the cause "And you, Mr. Worrall? Do you North, Range Nine (9) West, Bavory Meat Loaf Vern Scott returned Thursday Orren. spent Thanksgiving at G. went to Greenville last Sunday D. 1930. buttered baking pans, and sprinkle Only the trees seemed alive; from today Is Christmas." could not have escaped with any from? An' she wouldn't tell you of all the trouble in this man's expect to sit on the fence and keep Bowne Township, Kent County, or Porcupine Beef Balls morning from his hunting trip Crady's. Popular Shoe Store to attend the celebration of the Present, Hon. John Dalton, with buttered bread crumbs. Bake they stood sentinel-like, quiet credit from a hand-to-hand scuffle why?" town. Goes clear back to the war. out of this fight?" Judge of Probate. Michigan. C. C. WARNER, B. 0. Mashed or Scalloped Potatoes up North with a fine deer. "Christmas?" again queried the Albert Blaser, Percy Read, Gor- flfty-nin'h wedding anniversary In a moderate oven—3E0 degrees guardsmen. The huge out-of-shape littlest baby spruce, "What Is Lowell, Mich. with Shep Sanderson. He had been "As I understand it, ihe sent me Down In Texas them days cattle "I wish I knew," Worrall an- In the Matter of the Estate of Dated: September 22, 1930. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Bneootath of Corn and Kidney Bcant Alfred Laux, Mrs. Hazel Baxter don Frost and Harry Salsgiber ran wild, unbranded. All the men of Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Holcomb. Buntet Balad F.—un|Il delicately brown. spruce on the right seemed to be that?" very fortunate, too, that Dave In- here to ask you why." swered Impulsively. "I'd like to, Lawrence K. Back, Deceased. Hiram W. Seese and son, and Mrs. Martin Giliison returned from their northern folks in the Confederate army. They r .-port a fine time with rep- Office phone 475. Res. 148 Rolls Butter Ham Baked with Barbecue the authority. To him the others Patiently the old spruce replied: gram had come at the nick of time. "Maybeso." The freighter rolled but here's where I'm at. Ingram 3 hunting trip Tuesday evening. resentatives from nearly every It appearing to the court that Ellen Seese Sauce'. ham»—weighing about 10 tba. spent Monday evening at Albert all looked for wisdom. He had seen Who was this Ingram? Beyond out some fat smoke rings and Well, when they come home, licked an' Harvey have got their own Mince Meat Upside Down Cake "Listen, and I'll tell }on the story. Thanksgiving guests of Frank charge where Rev. Holcomb the time for presentation of Mortgagees. Office Honrs: etch. Houserman's. many, many winters come and go, In nearly all question, he was Important In the watched them. "You been here only an' ragged, cows sure dotted the freight outfit. 1 haul for Steel- Coffee Soak hams 3 or 4 hours In warm Mr. and Mrs. Harold Frost Keech and wife were Lec Keech preached. claims against said estate should Linsey, Shivel ft Phelps. 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. m. he had been buffeted by the great the Christian Hi1: "l- community. Judging by what he a few hours. Likely you never landscape. In a way of speakln' man's store an' for private parties. water to remove salt, and drain. and Walter Wittenbach, of Big . Claude Cole spent the week- be limited, and that a time and Attorneys for Mortgagees. spent Thanksgiving with rela- North Wind until he was twisted countries of had heard at the hotel, the man heard of Dave Ingram." they belonged to the fellow who Looks to me like I'm gonna be drug Evenings by Appointment. Closed Then add fresh water and boll end with his sister, Mrs. Fred place be appointed to receive, ex Business Address: 1 to 1H pounds of coffee will tives in Ohio. and bent, he had felt the cold the world one Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Keech was the owner of the Diamond Tall, O'Hara's answer came smilingly: threw the widest loop. Many a In whether I want to or not but Thorsdays. slowly until tender (about 3H or WHENEVER Rickert, of Ada. amine and adjust all claims and 608-610 G. R. Trust Bldg., serve fifty people. P. Kohn and wife were Thanks- strike so deep- of the symbols and children, of Grand Rapids. or at least the manager of it Also, "Heard of him, met him, got an ap- herd got Us start In the next few you'll sure hear me yellln' for a 4 hours). Remove from water and Miss Ellura Frost was home Mrs. Mabel Gregory entertained demands against said deceased Grand Rapids, Michigan. 18-29 • • • giving guests of her parents, Mr. ly Into hla of this day he seemed to be proprietor of a pointment to meet him tomorrow at months by real industrious brandin* while that I'm an Innocertt by- place In roasting pan. Cover with and Mrs. George Taylor, of Pot- from Lansing over Thanksgiving of mavericks. Lots of cows, but twelve little girls Saturday after- by and before said court: 1 pound of butter cut In a heart that he called Christ- store In town. He had said to meet the store." stander." It Is Ordered, That all the barbecue sauce and bake in a mod- ter's Corners. groaned every until Sunday. YOU NEED him there next day, early. What no market for 'em. Last few years noon for the pleasure of her ALASKA ATOMS butter sllcer makes fifty mas Is the The front legs of Worrall's chair Imps of mischief kicked up their creditors of said deceased are re- erate oven—350 degrees F.—until Mr. and Mrs. H. Fashbaugh were time a breeze Leon Weeks and Verne Hape- hour was "early" here? He had not a market has been developing. niece, Margery Gregory, the oc- (Too Late for Last Week) small pieces. Chiistmastree. came sharply to the floor. Into the heels In O'Hara's brown eyes. His quired to present their claims to • • • thoroughly cooked (IH to 2 hours), Sunday guests of their daugh- swayed his Now thla man returned Saturday morning condescended to give him name or Texas got crowded. The boys an' casion being her thirteenth birth- long man's face had come an in- remark apparently had no connec- said court at said court at said basting constantly with the sauce. ter, Mrs. Lee Jones, of Ionia, cele- branches. But Christmas tree from Northern Michigan. READY CASH mention the location of the store. their herds began to emigrate. Some day. Mr. and Mrs. Don Fox and lit- t rolls should be allowed for stant wariness. A blank film had tion with anything that had gone Probate office on or before the each person. Barbecue Sauce - L'.'.T brating Mr. Fashbaugh's ? birth- still he sur- Is a plain evergreen tree. Just like Verne Hapeman and Will Engle Evidently he expected people to pushed into the San Marcos valley. Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Hesche tle daughter were Sunday guests taken all expression out of his eyes. before. "Yes. Miss Steelman Is a 26th day of Miarch, A. D. 1931, at Mother! • • • 1 cup Tomato Ketchup; 1 cup Worceiter- vived, the one of us, and on It are hung spent Saturday afternoon in know him. or If not to find out who The one with the biggest herd was and children are spending the of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Fox. "Oh! You know Mr. Ingram." very attractive lady. As you say. ten o'clock In the forenoon, said 1 large Fig Pudding serves ehlre Sauce; H teaspoon pepper; 1 large Charlie Compton, Mrs. Lizzie greatest, the __ brightly colored ornaments, spar- Saranac. COME IN AND IET US EXPLAIN HOW he was. There was no question of Wes Steelman. Right now, today, week-end with relatives in N. Mr. and Mrs. James Fox visited can Cream of Tomato Soup; 1 cup Pure — "Not exactly. I never heard of If you're going to be dragged in time and place being hereby ap- twelve to fifteen people. Compton and son were Thanks- most powerful kling garlands and gayly wrapped Mr. and Mrs. Byron Frost and his arrogance. It was unconscious he don't begin to know how many Branch. from Thursday until Saturday Cider Vinegar; 3 tablespoons butUr; a OUICKIY AND CONVENIENTIY WE him till today." anyhow—" pointed for the examination and Clean Child's Bowels • • • tablespoons . giving guests of Mr. and Mrs. of the trees there. gifts. So much happiness and son Lloyd spent Sunday at the rather than assumed. He had, to cows are carryln' the Hashknlfe Mrs. Eldora Pease and friend, with friends and relatives in CAN A8RANGE A IOAN FOR YOU I "I see. You an' he are strangers, Worrall blushed beneath the tan. adjustment of all claims and de- / _____ f quarts Fresh Cucumber Re- Chop onions and garlic very fine, Clarence Weeks, of near Green- Suddenly the winter alienee was peace does this tree bring that to J. D. Frost home. back It, good looks, a forceful per- brand." of Grand Rapids, were Sunday Grand Rapids. but you Jest happened to meet him ••Who said anything about Miss mands against said deceased. lish serves fifty people. add remaining Ingredients, and ville. broken ns a light wind rustled be chosen for this purpose, whether Gordon Frost and family spent sonality, probably wealth, and, no "I've heard of the Hashknlfe guests of her parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coon enter- an' get an appointment for tomor- Steelman?" It Is Further Ordered, That 'California Rg Symp" is pour over the hams. through the forest nnd the old tree It be for the richest or humblest Saturday evening at Will Engle's. $ $ doubt, power. One thing more, brand. Didn't they use to call Steel- Mrs. D. J. Dinsen. tained friends from Grand Rap- shook himself nwake. With the row." The young lawyer fled, but he public notice thereof be given by Subscribe for The Ledger, $2.00 home. Is Indeed a great honor. Fred Blasser, Milton Barnes, 10 12 300 O'Hara knew about him. Very re- The young lawyer knew he had man the king of the San Marcos?" Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Reynolds ids Saturday afternoon. sound all the other trees bent flung a grin back at the "innocent publication of a copy of this or- LOWELL DISTRICT NO. 5 George Graham, of Campau per year. "Sometime soon, almost any day Pete Kcilog and Alvin Davis re- cently he had killed a man for rea- prejudiced his case and he tried to "Do yet," Worrall nodded. "The and daughters and Mrs. Peter Miss Mildred Cole attended a Dependable Laxative for toward him nlertly. "Today," said I DAY OR ALMOST 2 YEARS TO REPAY. bystander." der for three successive weeks lake, and Miss Margaret Jeffery, now, men will come Into the forest turned from their deer hunting sons unknown. set himself right Lord sure blessed his herds an' Geib called Sunday on Mrs. B.' F. foot ball game at Ann Arbor Sat- the old tree solemnly, "Is the first revious to said day of hearing, of McCords, spent Saturday eve- nnd picking out the best, will take trip Friday. • TERMS TO SUIT YOUR INCOME • Decidedly, before keeping the ap- they multiplied, if that's the way t10 HB CUNTINUBD.) White, of Caledonia, who is urday. day of December." He told the story of the evening's r the Lowell Ledger, a newspa- t Sick Children . We notice several new 1931 ning with his sister, Mrs. Isabelle them away. Then the adventure pointment with Ingram it would bo you want to look at it Some folks convalescing from a minor oper- r„ Mrs. L. D. Barkley, of James- adventure. His account was a brief The Ledger covers this terri- per printed and circulated In said auto license plates on the streets Needham. The pine trees, both big and begins. First the chosen ones will NEW AUTO LICENSE PLATES well to find out more about him. didn't see It Jest thataway. Other ation. town, spent a few days last week DANCE it FREEPORT small, sighed In unison. Neither ERSONAL and modest one, but the salient fact tory thoroughly. county. of Lowell Monday. be tightly and very carefully rolled ON SALE DEC. 13 O'Hara did not turn In at the Con could not be obscured that ho had folks came into the San Marcos, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Mofflt. Richard N. White is home for December nor nny other month PFINANCE CO. JOHN DALTON. Mr. and Mrs. James Needham, up nnd the branches tied to keepj cho house but kept on down the rough^lt'^'r Runy SanTerson mostly in the upper end of it an' in GRATTAN ITEMS Sunday callers at the Mofflt a few days from the Great Lakes 1.0.0. F. Hall meant anything special to them. them from getting broken, nnd then i 01,1 1 NORTH CAMPBELL Judge of Probate. Jr., entertained to Thanksgiving Training school before leaving A. A. Throop, branch manager Weber Block, Second Floor street to the Longhorn c ""' O'i nnii had not come out second best, the hills above the valley. They (Too Late for Last Week) home were Mr. and Mrs. Fred But the half-grown spruces were A true copy. dinner Mr. and Mrs. Emmett they will be for Kent County, will be in Low- on attendant a half-grown boy, he ..jjg j.e|pe(j for ti,e boys to take were small cattle men, what they (Too Late for Last Week) Pattison and Mr. and Mrs. Nate for California, where he will attentive at once. They were wise FRED ROTH, Register of Probate Needham and baby Marian and sent many,: ell Saturday, Dec. 13, from 4 to West Main & Depot Sts. Inquired for Mr. Stephen Worrall. | ajter y0a c|j,n|)ej his call nesters. The small cattle men Mofflt. spend the Winter in radio ser- Friday, Dee. 5, '30 In the ways of the forest and they many miles; Fred Madison spent a few days (27-28-29 mother and Mr. and Mrs. C. Ba- vice. 9 p. m., at the Lowell State Bank, "I dunno where hes at, the, ^rame.» worrall repeated Incredu- drew together under the leader- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Head- in Grand Rapids last week. Mr. and Mrs. King and Vera knew that the oldest spruce could away, proba- Phone Ionia 131. wrangler answered, "He was here| i .. i ker, of South Boston. During the day of ice a lady to issue 1931 auto license plates. n s v ship of Dave Ingram. Dave owned worth with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Manley Wolfe and Kenneth, Harold Fox and Music by "The lonians" he relied upon bly to a great nwhile ago. Might try the Gold; ' .u - u # ., Plan now to send The Ledger Messrs. William Kilgus and Rev. ran her car upon the bank near Local garages will soon have ap- the Diamond Tall, a right numerous Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris, of have been visiting their daugh- Menno Sneden attended the pro- to keep In city. In that IONIA, MICH. Nugget He bucks the tiger there I was tearing the flesh from his as one of your Christmas gifts to Lohncs rendered a fine duct on Speedway station, tipping it on plication blanks for distribution. th,gh8 w,th my 8 ur8 brand. If you listen to his enemies Alto, left Sunday for a motor trip ter, Mrs. William Derbetski at gram given by the Cascade band touch with the city they will sometimes." P - explained an old friend. Fifty-two remind- their violins assisted by Mrs. its side, never breaking a glass or Everyone Invited Dave usta be one of that kind of to Norfolk, Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. Greenville for the past few days Friday evening. The Alaska seasona They be Just as O'Hara tried the Gold Nugget A j Lohnes at the piano Sunday eve- getting a scratch on the car, and knew perfectly cow man that It would hurt his Harris will spend the Winter with Miss Gertrude Downes called ers for $2.00. band played with the Cascade carefully un- young fellow pointed out Worrall to ning. in a. short time was on her way. well whnt his health to eat a critter with his own their son there. Mr. and Mts. on Leah Byrne one day last band. rolled nnd O'Hara. brand on it. You don't need to take Headworth will be gone two ELMDALE ETCHINGS C. W. King and family attend announcement then stood up Worrall was a tall, lanky man week* meant nnd so that people may see. that at par value. They say the weeks, and Darwin Harris, of Walter I^essiter, while loading (Too Late for Last Week) ed a birthday party at the home with the look of the West stamped same about every one who has got they w n v e d "On Christmas eve they nre set Grand Rapids, is staying at the ties for Frank Donovan at Beld- of Harry Wood last Tuesday eve- indelibly on him. He was perhaps ahead. Dave can see a dollar far their brnnches up In the homes of those who have Headworth home during their ing had the misfortune to drop Mrs. E. L. Grant, Mrs. Earl King ning In honor of Mr. Woods' in his late twenties. As he was as anyone. He started a store at about merrily. chosen them nnd late that night absence. a tie on his foot injuring his toes. and Mrs. Peter Stahl and Mrs. grandmother, Mrs. Mary Wood, of turning away from the wheel after Ooncho an' a freight outfit He got Francis Seece were among the Only the baby trees failed to un- the loving hands of one who loves cashing Id his chips, O'Hara accost- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Roth and He will be obliged to walk on Silver Lake. derstand and Join In the glee with In with the government offlclals an' Sheila, and Miss Letha Hefllc- ladies who spent last Tuesday After band practice last Wed- the children will decorate them." v > n ed him. crutches for at least two weeks. the others. Even the very beauti- The pine trees sighed sorrowful- secured fat beef contracts to sup- bauer, of Clarksvllle, were sup- afternoon with Mrs. Alex Win- nesday night the band members Miss Libbie Osworth and friend ful, perfectly-shaped, large trees ly. 'They never choose us," they "You don't know me. Mr. Worrall. ply the reservations. Small-fry geier. and their families gathered at er guests of Mr. and Mrs. Silas called on Mr. and Mrs. Rollin were moved to delighted expec- snid. My name Is O'Hara. I'm a stranger nesters came to him an' he staked >rew Sunday night. Earl King and family enter- the home of Mr. and Mrs. King mil here. This afternoon a young lady them. Dave got to be about the Donovan Sunday. . , Ledg tancy. "No; nor us," whispered the tained Mr. and Mrs. Oxel John- er Want Ads Mrs. George Townsend enter- Mrs. Katheryn Walsh i» visit- for a get together social evening. "The flrst day of December," re- birches sadly. made me promise to introduce my- king pin up here In the mountains. son and son Harold, of Grand tained her mother from Fenwick ing her brother, William J. Mc- A lunch of sandwiches, cake and peated the very littlest baby The half grown spruces nnd firs self." What he said went several days last week. Rapids, Sunday. coffec was served by the ladles. "A young lady?" the lank man Carthy and Mr. and Mrs. Jottn spruce. "Whnt does that mean?" drew themselves up proudly. "We "Well, Wes Steelman wasn't any- Clarence Trowbridge has been Hefferon at Parnell for a few Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fanshan Our P. T. A. was well attend- repeated. ways pleased at the way things made a business trip to Grand ed last Thursday evening. A nre pretty sure to be tnken," said worjdng in Alto the past week. weeks. . , Hnrnr Mother I Even a "Miss Steelman." were shapln'. He had to go farther Rapid_s Thursday. . very interesting program was Get Results! NOTICE, CORRESPONDENTS the most graceful of these. "Look THE NEW CHEVROLET SIX Mr. and Mrs. Howard McGuire Worrall took him by the arm. favarlsb, billoui or conitipftUd nt us, nil our branches nre gradu- for markets. His range began to The Brethren Ladies' Aid which furnlshed by the committee con- are the proud parents of a baby IOVM the pluuni taaU of "Oaliforola "We'll get outa here," he said, and get crowded. Every which way he met at church last Thursday was sisting of three reels of movie The publisher of The Ledger is ated so that they make a nice point guided him toward the door. "I was girl born Nov. 19. Fig Byruo" and it nam fall* to turned some nester had squatted, largely attended and a nice lot of lctures of the development of revising and making necessary on which to place a star. We all leavln', anyhow. Picked up seventy- Miss Laura Hefferan spent the •WMten tne stomach and op«n the an' on top of that was Dave work was done. A fine chicken ic telephone from the flrst in- corrections on the mailing list, have straight Strikingly hpauliiuL fieet and nmart five bucks at the wheel. Enough Ingram hornln' In on his markets. week-end with her parents, Mr. S bowels. A teaepoonful today may pre- pARM and CITY HOMES alike have odd trunks, too. and Mrs. A. J. Hefferan. and noodle dinner with the vention up to the present time vent a elck child tomorrow. It doeen't and would therefore thana all for one night." Time for him to get busy, he trimmings was served. iven by Mr. Dykstra, of the correspondents to enclose with We'll be tak- They walked down to the Long- Miss Margie Conley visited her cramp or overact. Contain! no tur- articles of furniture, machinery and en. that's v —a masterpiece of Fiuher Hiyling thought So he started a store In Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carr, of 'elephonc Co., of Grand Rapids. their news letter a separate slip horn corral. Worrall asked his sister, Mrs. Frank Byrne. cotiea or (toothing drugs. sure." Concho with Patrick McCarthy as Allendale, spent Thursday after- The Caledonia High school or- of paper with the following in- companion when he had arrived, Milo Donovan has been draw- Ask your druggist for genuine "Oall- clothing in storage that are too valuable The littlest his pardner. Then he bought out noon at the E. King home, Josiah chestra furnished the music for feraia Fig Syrup which hti directions formation: what kind of trip he had had, and ing in his Winter supply of baby spruce Never has the 8U|>c- a fellow on Dead Horse creek and Blough accompanied them home, the evening. After the program Your name. ity. Interiors, too, are excep- how he liked the town; but It was wood. • -,ii far babiee and children of all agea to throw away. Other people in the lo- had another stocked a ranch of his own In the returning Sunday. bottle. Mother I You must riority of Body by not until they were seated In the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Farrell the rest of the evening was spent artaUd on be P. O. address in full. question to tional. The new mohair and hills seventy miles above the main John Brighton Is giving a little in playing progressive pedro. A lay "California"Calif on " or yoa may gat aa Proper heading for your news. one In the valley. Both Dave an' spent Wednesday evening with cality want to purchase just such articles nsk the old Fisher been more broudclotb upholstery is smartly little office at the corral that he extra pep to his step these days lunch of coffee and doughnuts SlftatlOT*' Please do this, even if you . i Wes are what you might call arbi- Frank Bowler and family. tree, one about mentioned the name of the girl. aSvhe nas been informed that he was served and all report a fine but do not know WHERE to buy. The think we already have the infor- atrikingly exemplified than in the tailored. Seats are wider and trary an' bullheaded. There's no Sunday callers at G. Downe* which he was not very clear. "Why ,;f "Are you a friend of Miss Steel- is Grandpa. A fine baby was time. mation. compromise In either one of 'em, an' were Frances Farrell, Frank weren't you ever taken?" he said. J' Bigger and Better Chevrolet Six I more luxuriously cushioned. A man's?" he asked, offering O'Hara born to Mr. and Mrs. Virgo Mr. and Mrs. Valda Chatter- Ledger Want Ad column is the best med- 1 each thinks he ought to be chief. Doody, Clair Hefferon, George. "Sh!" warned the tall pines once a cigar while he himself bit the end "HmpI He ! P'lson Mean. That's Brighton, of Grand Ledge, No- don, of Lowell, were Sunday eve- CHRISTMAS GREETINGS With the added advantage of a deeper windshield and wider win- Consequence Is, trouble. It grew Jr., and Paul Gahan, Mr. and more. They were very much afraid from another. Reason Enough for Him." vember 17. ning callers at the King home. ium in this 20 mile area for bringing to a head after a fellow called Shat Mrs. Leo Blanchard and family that the feelings of the old tree lengthened wheelbase, Fisher de- dows give better vision. And "I can't claim that" the tender- Mrs. Arthur Hooper, of Pleas- Mrs. Rich has a sister visiting Brown was killed. Shat was one of and Irene ppnovan. The Ledger has an unusually might be hurt foot said. "I met her today for the the lawyer, "He couldn't shake ant Valley, spent several days her from Grand Rapids. prospective buyers and sellers together. signers have achieved in the new beautiful new modern flttinga the UT hill ranchers up Jim Wil- Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Berry, of flne line of Christmas greeting "Because," answered the old tree flrst time. It was a question for a me off and he couldn't stand the with Mrs. Loren Stahl. Mrs. Fish Is visiting in Grand lend a final note of charm. gaff." son creek an' he was lined up with Grand Rapids, spent a few days cards for those wishing some- sadly, "I wasn't beautiful enough. Chevrolet an Impressive degree of few minutes which one of us bad last week with her. mother, Mrs. Mrs. Israel Harris accompanied Rapids. thing distinctive and of a person- I've never been straight like the been shot at" Worrall looked at this stranger, Ingram. You've got to understand Albert Johnson and family to •martneas, comfort and luxury. Many mechanical Improvementa Susie Madison. al nature. Your name Is Imnrii rest of you and who would want a "What's that?" demanded Wor- shrewd eyes appraising him. "Mr. that while Ingram an' Steelman are Grand Ledge Tuesday evening, major-domos, as you might say, of Earl Norton, assisted by Frank SOUTH BOSTON IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE whether it ed in raised letters to matcti the gnarled old thing like me to dress are ulao evident In thla Bigger rall, a match burning lu his hand. O'Hara, I don't know you from where they visited Elmer Wiers Inside and out, scores of refme- their factions, they can't ride herd Richmond, of Smyrna, have been (Too Late for Last Week) 1 design and sentiment. Orders with bright ornaments? But I don't "Just as I say," O'Hara smiled. Adam's off ox," he said. "But if and family. The latter's home and Better Six. Among these are on every ornery waddy that trails repairing Mr. Norton's house at is rooms to rent, furniture to sell, farm should be placed early. mind. I know there are a great P menta atamp this car aa a mas- "I had conclusive evidence to set- Miss Steelmun sent you to me it was partially destroyed by fire Mrs. John Tucker was bro I many others to do their share a stronger frame; easier steering; tle the matter." He picked up his goes as It lays. That young lady Is with them." You probably know from exper- Grattan. . _ terpiece of modern coachwork. M. Downes, Joseph Downes, Monday night. from the hospital in an a u- products for sale, apartments wanted, toward spreading happiness, so I hat from the table and looked at fine as split silk, an' that's all there "I think I see," O'Hara said ience how promptly and completely Radiator, headlamps and tie-bar a more durable clutch; a quieter, dryly. "They reap the benefit of Edward and Anne Downes vis- Dwight Rosenberger and his lance Wednesday to the home of An Expression of am content to stay In the foreiL" the two holes In it Is to that You look like a right Um- Bayer Aspirin relievet a headache. hired man were busy doing car- her sister, Mrs. Otis Herron. hired help needed, articles lost, livestock smoother Lransmisslon; and im- ber young fellow, but you can't murder without being responsible ited friends in Detroit last Sun- The littlest baby spruce was si- form an unusually attractive and "You mean some fellow shot at But until you try it for some deep- penter work In Elmdale Satur- Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Schwab lent and all of a sudden he looked make Bully Sanderson look like a for It A convenient arrangement." dlatlnctlve ensemble. Mouldings portant engine refinementa. you an' bit yore hat?" a day, as Dwlght's team ran away and Beatrice are spending a few strayed, or what not... in each case you up, startled, as the big flr towering "Yes. To be definite. Shop San- pore plugged nickel an' get away "That's no word to use, not in seated pain such as neuralgia or ?Ir. and Mrs. James Donovan this country," Worrall told him se- while In town Friday. The team days with relatives In Indiana. Love Eternal above his head began to speak. T, sweep back In an unbroken line derson." with it. Seems to me ilke you've neuritis you cannot know its full and family spent Saturday eve^ The Bigger and Better Chevrolet verely. "If you aim to live long in ning and Sunday with Mr. and made a wild run through L. E. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Leece, of reach the persons you wish to reach in too, may go this season," he said "Shep shot at you I Why?" tackled more'n you can rldu herd effectiveness. Bayer Aspirin long Lott's yard where they threw Loved—esteemed, and fitting- to blend with the smart new body Six is now on display. See it today the land you'll have to get educated. Mrs. William Donovan, of Grand Clarksvllle, spent Thursday with with pride, "That's what I came to have you on." ago proved that much suffering is over a shed In which several the former's sister, Mrs. Nellie the most direct way possible. Ledger ly remembered with a me- now that com- contours. And new color com- "Likely enough," O'Hara agreed. When folks have trouble out here Rapids. „ . _ —drive it! It is the Great Ameri- tell me." barrels of oil were kept. Con- Young and famliy. munity Christ- "I was lucky tills time. But there's they may have a dlfflculty resultln' needless. Doctors know it is safe Mr. and Mrs. Garret Downes n ^ if morial of enduring beauty. It binations lend a new individual- can Valuel "You don't know why?" siderable amount of oil was lost. Burial services for Wlnfleld S. Want Ads get results! mas trees are no reason why he should bold a In a shooting. I've been present at to use freely. Just be certain to were surprised Thursdoy evening is the last respect that you "No." some killings, but that word of Allen were held In the South getting so pop- "You an' him had any row?" get genuine Aspirin with Bayer on by a group of friends who had can pay to the memory of come to celebrate their wedding Boston cemetery Thursday after- ular ; even "Not then. We'd never seen each grudge against me. I was only yours ain't either discreet or po- the box and on every tablet noon. Mr. Allen passed away night of bzoken ml your loved one. Choose a ones as big ns other. This evening we had a dif- defending ni>celf." lite. There are some skunks it ap- anniversary. • » AT NEW LOW PRICES « « at the age of 77 at his late home followed by boon of memorial of perfect taste, I am get a ference of opinion." "Hmp! He's p'ls»ou mean. That's plies to, but we most generally bang Mrs. Lew Emaus and Mrs. Vin- A JF YOU ARE NOT CERTAIN of the word- cent Carey spent Sunday with near Saranac following a stroke. mental or phyiical strain; dignity and beautiful design chance." "How d'you know It was Shep?" reason enough for him. You made them to the end of a propped-up His wife survives him, also a "Oh, my, oh, The a m8 1 him look like a two-spot One of Mr. and Mrs. John Corrigan and ing, we will do our best to assist you. Sport Coupe $C7C "He admits It. Cl l I ® thought wagon pole or a Cottonwood." sister, Mrs. G. H. Darbour, of nerves tented almost to the from the assortment you will my!" walled Phaeton *510 these days he'll get the deadwood Coach *545 with rumble seat DID I was an antelope. That won't "I'll have to learn the technical family. , , . Long Beach, Calif., and a brother breaking point; irritable; And here. Our display in- the littlest baby spruce. "Suppose on you an' do you a meanness. You difference lu homicides," the lawyer Mrs. Thelan and her nephew, Simply give us the facts and your ad will Standard SCOC wash." also living in the West. unable to concentrate—an- cludes sizes and styles of I'm not chosen! Maybe they won't Standard $COC Worrall groped In his waistcoat can bank on that, sure as h—I's hot. said. Harry Drummond are moving In want such tiny ones!" lol^r M75 Coupe DjD Sedan 0«jD R. A. Kyser and son Gerald other hectic night and mis- go into print clearly stated in the fewest wide variety and prices pocket for another match. "Well, I know that bird. Hejnay Jay oft Worrall detected a faint, flavor the Erie cottage al Big P ne "Come now, never mind, don't Sport Roadster Island Lake. Harry is planning were each successful in getting a Standard Five- $C^C Special $CCA ecr on their hunting trip, erable day ahead Of yoo. that are very moderate. worry," soothed the old tree. "The with rumble seat. ItlD Window Coupe.. Sedan DDU to work on the new road. words possible. Our rates are reason- Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Coles are Why andtzra ft? Dr. MW houses are so small nowadays that Lansiog-Ionla-Grand Rapids Coach Line Dr. and Mrs. G. M. Spcncer Narriao qnieta tha nemo, bxinga a great many people have to have have hired a lady to assist Mrs. visiting In Detroit. able ... one cent per word, with a mini- GOING EAST Miss Esther Sterzlck enter- qJmajdjjoise, and permtta ra- table Christmas trees. Perhaps SPECIAL EQUIPMENT EXTRA GOING WEST Spencer for the Winter. S DX DX ^ DX D DX S DX S tained a company of young peo- mum charge of twenty-five cents. you'll be one of those. But I think Chevrolet Trucks from §355 to $095 S DX S DX DX S DX Mrs. Susie Madison and dauah- A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. M P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. ple Saturday evening in honor we've talked enough for now. Let All priccs f. o. b. Flint, Michigan P.M. P.M P.M. P.M. P.M M KM ter Amy, spent Monday, Tuesday Dr. Mflaa' Narrba is tew 9:30 10:3(IJ12:00 2:20 4:30 6:20 9:00: 9:30 us all go to sleep, it's getting late. 10:30 8:00 6:40 Lv LANSING Ar. of her birthday. made in two fomo—limdd tad 7:301 6:301 3:501 2:35112:35112:00 and Wednesday with the for- 9:05 10:0511:35 1:55 4:05 5:55 8:35 9:05 Tomorrow they may come to look 7:55 6:55 4:151 3:001 1:00| 12:25 10:55 8:25 7:05 GRAND LEDGE Miss Marguerite Heidrlck spent Kfferveacent Tablet Both are 5:30 mer's brother, George Ward, of 7:30 PORTLAND 8:40 9:40111:10 1:30 3:40 8:10 8:40 us over and we must look unr 8:20I 7:20| 4:40! 3:25| 1:25112:50 11:20 8:50 "MoOttr $ay$ there ii no better the week-end in Grand Rapids. the aaine tharapeotkaQy. 8:10 9:10110:40 1:00 3:10 5:00 7:40 8:10 best." 11:50 9:20 8:00 IONIA Church services at the South 8:50 7:50 5:101 3:551 1:551 1:20 Miss Patricia Hefferan spent cough medicine for children than SARANAC 7:50 8:50110:20 12:40 2:50 4:40 7:20 7:50 So perfect silence once more fell 5:30] 4:15 2:15] 1:40 12:10 9:40 8:20 Boston church every Sunday eve- nii:vi(oi.i;i 9:101 8:10 7K)5 the week-end with her parents, 8:35 LOWELL 7:35 8:35 10:05 12:25 2:35 4:25 7:35 Foley's Honey and Tar, and we THE LOWELL LEDGER over Christmas Tree Land. The full 5:45( 4:30 2:301 1:55 12:25 9:55 ning at 8 o'clock. 9:25 8:25 Mr. and Mrs. John Hefferan, of 7:20 8:201 9:50 2:20 4:10 6:50 7:20 w moon, now low on the horizon, shed 12:40 10:10 8:50 ADA 12:10 9:40 8:40 6KM 4:50! 2:451 2:10 too find it 90," S^imrw wu. IT'S WISE TO CHOOSE A SIX 7:00 8:001 9:30 11:50 2:00 3:50 6:30 7:00 Parnell. „ . a light over everything and the gay 2:30| IKK) 10:30 9:10 Ar...GRAND RAPIDS..Lv. The boy or girl away at school 10:00 9:00 6:20 5:051 3:05 Frances Bowler, of Smyrna and It C over m the Field A.M. AJkl. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Quickly effective. No opiatee, no ingm* will appreciate the Lodger's little frost-stars still twinkled on P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. M. Arthur Metternick, of Marlon, NERVINE dient that a careful mother would beet- weekly visit. Leave your order every bush. Everything was In Buy tickets before boarding baa. were Sunday callers at Milo I \ Ml F.TS readiness and waiting for Christ- D—Daily DX—Daily except Sunday S—Sunday only Effective Sept. 21, 1930 tata to givB ber child. Ask for Foky'a at the Ledger office. LOWELL STATION—HENRY'S DRUG STORE, PHONE 80. GRAND RAPIDS, Oakee ft Ionia Sfe. Phone 4344 A. A. SCHUBEL, Mgr. Donovan's. mas. Lowell Granite Co. (©. 1110, Wott.rn N«w«paD«r Ualoa.) Webster Bros. Motor Sales 306 E. Main St., Lowell, Mich. 508 W. Main St., Lowell, Michigan EIGHT THE LOWELL (MICH.) LEDGER and ALTO SOLO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1930

John Brighton visited his sis- ALTON—VERGENNES This and That ter, Lydla Smith Monday. Conservation Laws DEPENDABLE COAL Mrs. Ashley Ward spent last Miss Emma Kropf was a guest Broken by 12 Here BE LOYAL From Around week at the home of her son in of Richard Baird on Thanksgiv- PHOTOGRAPHS Ada. ing day. Miiss s Leona Mull, of Portland, The State Conservation De- To Your Town Mrs. Anna Miller, of Hastings, Clean Clinkerless Dustiest The Old Town was a week-end guest of Essie partment reports the following is the guest for a few days of her make wonderful as well as to your Country (kmdon. violations in Kent County during sister, Mrs. Bert Phillips and October: family. The Pete Peterson and Floyd Christmas Presents If you want a good coal cheap try Brucc McMahon is seriously ill Clark families were Thanksgiv- Al. Mhell, killing pheasant out with intestinal flu. Art Mills and Mrs. Mae Leach, ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. David of season, 40 days. Mrs. Mnuti Erb, of Elmdale, of Moseley, called Tuesday on Garfield. Fred Gleason, shooting pheas- PATRONIZE YOUR UNCLE HENRY SPLINT culled Friday al Lydia Smith's. Lydia Smith, The Alton Sewing class of girls ant Illegally, 934.75. J. P. Nelson LOCAL MERCHANTS Mr. and Mrs. Verne Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Will Diamon, of met with Truey Condon Satur- Aveny Clement, hunting with- 210 W. Main St., Lowell ; Delivered by Painstaking Drivers of Lansing, are moving into the Ionia, were Tuesday afternoon day afternoon. Mrs. Claus is out a license, 80.75. Mrs. Emma White home. and evening dinner guests al Ihe their leader and they have ten Bror Hanson, shooting part- •••••eeeeoeeeeeeeeeeee Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Williamson Will Fox home. members. After the business ridge, closed season, $34.55. spent from Saturday until Mon- Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Perry, of and social hour a delightful lunch Berl Baker, taking undersized F. P. MacFarlane day with relatives In Detroit. Bemus, are visiting the former's was served by the hostess. perch, $13.20. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. O. Condon Wlllard 'Hoskln, taking rac- Mrs. John Bitteiiger is spending sister, Mrs. C. H. Alexander, and GOODYEAR FEED HAY STRAW other relatives here. drove to Kalamazoo Sunday af- coons, closed season, 818.50. the Winter with her son, Earl ternoon to lake their daughter. Otto Hahre, hunting without a c/fiyMlU Rittenger and family at Bath. Mr. and Mrs. Will Kilgus and II Phone 193-2 Lowell daughter , had Thanksgiving din- Miss Roxie and Ruby EickholT license, 810.50. Raymond Bergin, of I^msing, hack to school. Lowell Mable, hunting without TIRES spent Thanksgiving and the re- ner in Lowell with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kilgus. Mr. and Mrs. Bry Condon and a license, 818.00. mainder of Ihe week with the Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Condon were Louis Wohlzemeth, hunting home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wachler- in Lowell Monday to attend the without a license, 87.50. Electric Radio Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Wil- houser were Thanksgiving guesls funeral of William Rexford. Bernard Rusilowskl, rifle in of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. liamson wore entertained at the game area, without penult, 87.50. Complete with tubes S. Kitlell, of Conslantine. Frank Daniels home in Keene for MORSE LAKE ITEMS Ed. McCoul, disturning rac- Thanksgiving. Mrs. Arthur Armstrong enter- coon out of season, 817.50. Mrs. II. W. Seese, of Freeport, tained a group of young people Mr. and Mrs. Will Fairchild Walter Zerba, gun in game ijyea, QualityMe*™ for Ihe pleasure of her daughter. with Bert Montgomery and fam- spent Saturday afternoon with without permit, one year proba- $143.50 ily, of Detroit, visited Lydia Miss Gladys, Saturday night. the former's grandmother, Mrs. tion. Smith Saturday. Mrs. Jennie Townsend enter- Eva Pinckney, who is quite ill. The total number of convictions in the state at large was 548 with Wesley Both and family were tained her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Yeiter and total fines and costs amounting entertained for Thanksgiving John Wright and sister. Miss daughter, Bernice and Earl Col- S-T-O-P H-E-R-E-I-! Verna Wright, of Vergennes, for by attended Junior Colby's fun- to 813,708.07 and days served in dinner at the home of Mr. and jail, 1,447. Mrs. Oscar Brezina. Thanksgiving dinner. eral at Rockford last Friday. Thanksgiving guests at Joe For finest meats that Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Gardener, Miss Fern Joseph, of Detroit, spent her Thanksgiving vacotion Batey's were: Mr. and Mrs. El- W. VERGENNES EXT. GROUP are genuinely econom- of Detroit, spent Thanksgiving mer Marlowe, daughter Janette, week-end at the home of her with Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Nash and son Erwin, and Mr. and Mrs. The West Vergennes Extension ical. ill U mother, Mrs. Lena Luz. all had Thanksgiving dinner at the home of Wm. Joseph. Winifred Marlowe and Miss Beu- Group met November 19 al the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weaver lah Batey. home of Mrs. Theo. Bailey. SaliNay Specials had for their Thanksgiving guests Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Morse spent This Week's Saturday Specials Thanksgiving and the week-end Mr. and Mrs. E. Clark spent The lesson was "Filling the Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dean and Saturday night with Mr. and 30x3* Cord $4.49 at Ferndale with their son and Market Basket," and its purpose children, of Grand Hapids. Mrs. Oswald Beiri. Hamburg, lb 12c wife, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Morse, was to leach how to buy econ- 29x4.40 Balloon 4.98 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hartley who brought them home Sunday. George Lenz, of Hastings, vis- omically, and how to learn the 30x4.50 Balloon 5.69 spent from Thursday until Sun- ited the homes of Lisle Clark best brands of food. Sausage, lb ISc day night with their brother-in- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lyon, of and Floyd Yeiter recently. Members were taught to read 28x4.75 Balloon 7.89 Grand Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. Dale law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Will Fairchild labels on canned goods for 29x5.00 Balloon 8.39 Beef Roast, lb ISc Clyde Kinyon. lampkin and family, of Way- and Raymond Kretzman spent weights and lo compare weights land, Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lisle and prices before buying. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Pickens, of and family, of Lansing, were Sun- Beef Ribs, lb 10c Grand Rapids, were Thanksglv Clark. The next meeting will be held day guesls of their parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Yeiter and January 14 at Ihe home of Mrs. FietorylitrakBillMm ing guests at the home of their and Mrs. Charles Rittenger. Round or Sirloin Steak, lb. 23c brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. son Donald, and Mr. and Mrs. Edith Roth. 29x4.40 guaranteed $3.75 Claude Thorne. The W. E. C.'s were very pleas- Elmer Yeiter and children were Members are all urged to be antly entertained at the home of Saturday dinner guests Of Mr. present. 30x4.50 guaranteed 3.85 Pork Roast, freshpicnic, lb. 15c Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Benson and Mrs. E. G. Nash to a sumptuous and Mrs. Glen Yeiter. Press Reporter. 28x4.75 guaranteed 4.75 Miss Beulah Rogers, of Jackson, chicken dinner for their annual Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Yeiter en- (6-8 lb. average) were Thanksgiving guesls of Christmas parly. After the tertained with a family dinner 31x5.25 guaranteed 5.75 their brother-in-law and sister, LOWELL MARKET REPOBT usual stunts and exchange of Thanksgiving. Free DamonstriUdii Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Aycrs. lifts bridge was played until a Lawrence Curtiss and Sammv Corrected Dec. 4, 1930 Regular B Battery $1.79 Myron Smith, of Belding, ac- fate hour. Yeiter spent the week-end with Convenient Term! WEAVER'S MARKET companied Thurston Springett Adrian Smith. Wheal 76 6 volt 13 plate Mr. and Mrs. F. J. McMahon Rye, per bu 45 Phone 156 We Deliver home from Kalamazoo college served a turkey dinner and buf- •MVs. Etta Moore and daughters Storage Battery 5.95 Liberal Allowance en Old Set for the Thanksgiving week-end Flour, per bbt 5.60 fet luncheon Thanksgiving day spent Thanksgiving in Grand and trad* with their respective parents. Rapids. Oats, ver bu 32 and evening to the following Corn and Oat feed, cwt....l 80 Miss Maude Van Arsdale, teach- Mrs. Dale Curtiss and Mrs. C. ests, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mc- Corn Meal 1 80 er in Ponliac, spent from Wed- iiliams, Mr. and MVs. George Smith and son Adrian and daugh- ANTI-FREEZE nesday afternoon to Sunday with ter Carrol spent Friday in Grand Cracked corn, per cwt 1 90 McWilliams, of Grand Rapids, Mr. Bran, per ton 26 00 Prestone, per gal... $4.89 Ralpk'l her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. Rapids. and Mrs. J. J. May, Mr. and Mrs. Middlings, per ton 28 00 and Mrs. Will Flynn and sons. Ed. Reynolds and children and Thahanksgivinr g guests at John Gold Band, per gal. 3.19 Freyermuth's were Mrs. C. H. Pea Beans 3 95 Mrs. Ida Ellison and Mr. and Miss Vada Union, also of Grand Light Red Beans 7 00 Tire & Ratio Skip Mrs. R. Abbott, of Grand Rapids, Rapids. Horn and daughter Mary, of Lowell. Dark Red Kidney Beans.. 12 00 29x4.40 TireChslns $2.75 and Gerald While were Sunday Eggs, per dozen 35 On-the-Bridge Lowell afternoon and evening luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Yes Seeley and EvereadjrLayerbilts 2.89 Gloria Swanson is sons, Cecil and Leon, Mr. and Butter Fat .34 uesls al the Dr. F. E. While Hogs, dressed 9-11 Ford Heaters 3.69 Ter Reliable Radio Service ionic. Mrs. Howard Seeley and daugh- Big Hit in Comedy ters spent Thanksgiving with Mr. Hogs, live 6-8 Mr. and Mts. Seth Miliiken, of Chevrolet Heeters.. 6.68 Phone 433 There's a certain quality about this and Mrs. Howard Seeley at Rock- Calves, dressed 9-16 Lansing, and Mr. and Mrs. Guy ford. Calves, live 8-10 Lewis and children, of Grand Critics have lauded Gloria Mr. and Mrs. Clare Yeiter and Beef, live 6-7 year's Christmas merchandise offered Bapids, were Thanksgiving din- Swanson as an outstanding emo- Beef, dressed 9-12 family, of Freeport, Mr. and Mrs. ner guesls of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. tional actress, and again as a Mrs. Clark and son Ralph and Fowls, per lb 11-17 at Look's that's hard to describe. It Morse. leading comedienne. Potatoes, per cwt 1.10 Now, swinging from one ex- Miss Edith Clark were Thanks- Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Fryover en- treme to the other, she has fol- giving guests at John Clark's. It truly a beautiful and colorful assort- tertained their children, Mr. and lowed her highly dramatic moth- Mr. and Mrs. 'Henry Klahn and The Lowell Ledger and Grand Mrs. Ernest Fryover and chil- er role in "The Trespasser" with nieces ate Thanksgiving dinner Rapids Herald, each one year on ment. dren and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jit comedy in "What a Widov with Mr. and Mrs. Will Klahn. rural routes for $5.50. Subscribe Kerekes with a Thanksgiving at The Ledger office and save her latest United Artists singing Mrs. Lewis Clark has returned money. dinner. and talking picture which opens from Grand Rapids, where she Look's offer the Christmas shopper Oswald Bieri, wife, and chil- at the Strand theatre Sunday she has been for two weeks car- dren, who, with Art Schneider and in which she plays a roman- ing for her sister, Mrs. Bessie ^ THIS WEEK advantages never before considered and family are having chicken- tic widow whose sole ambition is Pierce. pox joined forces Thanksgiving to sing and dance and be gay Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Beiri and Ready Made Sails possible. Why? Because our gifts day and enjoyed Iheir dinner to- She has made it the most elabor- sons spent. Sunday with Mr. and gether. ately produced offering of her Mrs. John Clark. n Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bergin career. Its setting is one of Miss Esther Weldon, of Low- $21.50 Country Club ' 9c solve every gift problem. Look's is and children. Miss Mary Are- smartness and sophistication. ell, spent Saturday with Mrs. Er- 1 Corn Flakes hart, of Ypsilanti, and George There are heaps of new clothes. nest Clark. Extra Panta to Match California Balk Lb. unparalleled for Christmas shopping. Arehart, of Notre Dame, were And an added musical interest Sun-Dried Thanksgiving guests at the John in her singing of three songs. Try Ledger Job printing. $6.50 2 Large Prunes Arehart home. Country Get the habit of Looking at Look's. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hogan and ENGRAVED INVITATIONS To stir things up I will sell 3 Pastry Flour Club 5 feci. 19c daughter Louise, of Grandville, The Ledger has a complete line Today Talks With Tomor- the Suits for $21.50 and the and Mr. and Mrs. David Wash of samples of engraved wedding row During Telephone extra pants for $1.00. You T M c burn, of Alto, were Sunday din- invitations and announcements Call to Australia. will get a $27.00 Suit and 4 Old Dutch n.«r 3 *" 19c ner guests of MV. and Mrs. Wil- for those desiring work in this son Washburn. class. Please ask to see the extra pants for Look's Drug Store When a person in this country .SOAP samples. Also have samples of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fuller called Is talking to Aastralia, via the 5 PahnoKre 3 19c LOWELL, MICH. engraved calling cards. at the Lawrence home Sunday recently opened radio telephone We can furnish printed invita- afternoon on their way from the $22.S0| Snow White One of the 10,000 Rexall Stores tions and announcements on service to that continent, he is funeral of Mr. Thomas Winters, conversing with someone who is 6 Kroger Tissue 3 'sx 19c an old friend and long time busi- short notice in pleasing designs. at this sale About one week's time is requ actually from 15 to IS boors ness man of Greenville. Bulk for engraved work. (tf ahead ot him, depending on what 6 19c Mrs. Abbie Layer and daugh- part ot America he Is calling Other Ready Made Suits 7 Rolled Oats ter, Miss Ruth, with Mr. and Mrs. from. Furthermore, the chances and Overcoats at $15.00. Freeman Whitmire and children Arondale were Thanksgiving guesls of are that the conversation is tak- 8 Sauerkraut 3 fts 29c SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY their daughter and sister, Mrs. ing place "tomorrow" at the Aus- Suits made to measure Paul Tower and family, of De- tralian end, since tor two-thirds DANCE $22.50 Large Size Can troit. ot each 24 hours the Australian 9 Kroger Mah ' •» 49c calendars are one day ahead of Western Beef Roast, lb.. 15c Mr. and MVs. J. H. Vailer, Don —at— Valler, Miss Aurelia Hesse, of De- ours. Because ot this difference In time, the man In this country Lowell Cleaning & Tut Weck'f OUTSTANDING VALUES Round Beefsteak, lb...... 19c troit, and Miss Lulu Belle Day, of Evanston, were Thanksgiving Saranac Legiu Hall who calls Australia on a Satur- day guests of the former's daugh- day afternoon, tor instance, may Dye Works ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. be startled to hear his Australian 40-Fathom Fish—The genuine, fresh from Harry Day. friend remark that his family D. S. SIMON, Prop. Peas-Tomatoes 3 - 25c Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Yeiter mo- FRIDAY, DEC. 5 has Just drawn up to the Sunday Standard Pack the sea, every Wednesday, packed in ice, Opp. P. O. Lowell freshness guaranteed. You can now bank tored to Lansing Sunday accom- morning breakfast table.' mnied by their daughter, Miss Michigan Ll on your delicious fish dinner and know it we lyn Yeiter and room mate, Navy Deans Hand Picked 3 - 19c will be a success. Miss Katherine Blake, of Middle- ville, who returned to their work Pink Salaon Alaska 2 25c at M. S. C. Crandall Flogaus, of Swartz Pare Refined 2 Lb* 25e Creek, visited his mother, Mrs. JOY MONTH JOY MONTH Gibson's Service & Quality Market John Flogaus Thanksgiving, and 9 & 2lo Tuesday her daughter and son- CTRANfj Panoake Flonr Phone 224 in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Art Hurbig, SPECIALS SPECIALS and two children, of Grand Rap- QLOWELLU 117 W. Main St. Lowell, Michigan ids, apent the day with her. Mrs. Will Price, of Grand Rap- Paaoako Floor 3^ 25c ids, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sill and Coantry Club son Billy, of Detroit, w6re Sun- Fri. and Sat., Dee. 5-6 Sun. and Men., Dec. 7-8 day dinner guests of Mr. and riNItT PBUlTf mm* V16ITABLM Mrs. Charles Lawrence. Miss The "He" man of the screen in a They learned about widows from Ariel Lawrence returned with the Sills to her school work in picture packed with "She's." her! A cocktail of gay adventure— sparkling with madcap merriment Detroit. Victor McLaglen in Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lewis, and lively romance. Grapefruit — 3 19o with his brother, Bert Lewis and wife, of Saranac, motored to Gloria Swanson in Royal Oak Wednesday to be the "A Devil With Women" Drapes Fancy California 3 ^bs. 25o guests of their sisters, Mrs. Celia Williams and Mrs. Eva Wood- A Riot of Wit, War and Women, Lettioo Leaf - Hot Hoose Lb. cock and their families, return- with that rollicking rioteer, Victor "What A Widow" ing home Saturday. McLaglin, in full chase of the dames Spsrkling comedy! Lavish pro- Friday Miss Marion Bushnell. and the bold, .tad bandits. Fancy Jonathans accompanied by Miss Martha duction ! Romance. Drama and ar- Apples 3 ^ 19c Why Be Habit-Bound? Perry, motored to Jonesville and dent emotions woven into a greater were accompanied home by the ADDED FEATURES entertainment thpn her astonishing OUR summer't icc would co«t much I CM If Misses Sarah and Elizabeth Sin- success. "The Trespasser"—her first PUSH »b4 SMOKED MBATS —- you could buy it In winter and store it in your clair, who will spend the Winter Y with their nieces, the Misses 2,000 BONAFIDE LAFFS comedy drama in seasons, and Gloria cellar for the next lummer. Swanson's greatest triumph! Pretty hard to do that! But here's something Katherine, Martha and Agnes you CAN do. Perry. "GIVE ME ACTION" Buy your winter's fuel in summer and store it in Mr. and MVs. Fred Kropf, of ALSO your cellar for next winter. Makes a noticeable Lowell, and daughter, Mrs. Anna AESOP FABLE A Brand New "Girl Friend" Comedy Pork Roast difference in your annual fuel bill. Welch, of Grand Rapids, were Present LOW PRICES can't last long. Buy now entertained to a flne Thanksgiv- Lean Fresh Picnics and, while you're ahnut it, ask us about the smoke- ing dinner at the home of Mrs. "WESTERN WHOOPEE" "GIRL •SHOCK" less, sootless fuel — genuine Charles Jakeway and family. Radio, piano music, and singing by Bernard Kropf was enjoyed MOVTSTONE NEWS PATHE SOUND NEWS SEMET'SOLVAY COKE by his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. - I4C Fred Kropf. The Clean Fuel Mr. and Mrs. John Howard Saturday Matinee at 3K)0—10c-20c Sunday Matinee at 3:00—10c-20c 2 to S Lb. Pieces Lb. served a family Thanksgiving Evenings at 7:00 and 9:00—15c-35c 27e dinner for the pleasure of their Evenings at 7 KM) and 9:00—20c-40c children, MV. and Mrs. James Fine For C H. RUNCIMAN Howard and son, of Detroit, Leo Lunches Lb. Howard, wife and daughter, of December is Joy Month. Every Picture An Outstanding Production. Rin? Bologna 19c Lowell, Mich. Ionia, and Mr. and Mrs. George Howard and baby, of Wisconsin. 'OUR nOHM P"VS MO^F AT A KROCER STOPf' The latter family will remain in See Them in Comfort Where Sound is Perfect Michigan for some time.