Merry Christma s D ecember 21-25 Monday - Moments In The Word Merry Christmas Everyone! According to all the Hallmark movies this is the happiest week of the year when love and romance is all you need and everyone gets exactly what they want from Santa. Well, I for one am glad that’s not what Christmas is for my family. This week we’re going to take a break from the fruits of the spirit and focus on the day when the “Lamb of God who takes away our sin” came to earth as one of us…

Here is the story of Christmas for young kids to listen to: B irth of Jesus. It’s from Kids Corner, an online ministry with ReFrame Ministries (formerly known as Back To God).

Here is a list of Bible passages that together tell the story of Christmas. I would encourage you to read them in the order they are listed.

Christmas Passages: 1. Isaiah 7:14 2. Luke 1:26-38 3. Matthew 1:18-24 4. Luke 2:4-7 5. John 1:14 6. Luke 2:9-15 7. Isaiah 9:6-7 8. Matthew 2:3-6 9. Ezekiel 34:11-16

● Why did Jesus come to earth? ● Do you think Jesus knew why he had to come to earth from the beginning? ● In John 1:29, Jesus’ cousin, John, called Jesus ‘the lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.” How was Jesus going to do that? ● If you were Jesus, would you still have come to earth knowing what you had to do? (It’s a good thing we’re not Jesus, huh?)

Scriptures and resources to deepen your reflection: 1. Scripture Readings and deeper questions: a. Isaiah 9:6-7, Isaiah 53 i. Easter is the greatest “holiday” of the Christian tradition, but Christmas, when celebrated in light of Easter, deserves equal celebration. This is what the two passages from Isaiah do for me. They tell the Christmas story from an Easter perspective. It might be worth reading a couple times with that in mind, to get the full effect! ii. You might also want to take some time and think about what Christmas is for those that don’t celebrate Easter and for those that don’t live in idyllic small towns and have dreams come true like every Hallmark Christmas movie... b. Revelations 5, Revelations 7:17 i. These two passages give us a glorious ending to the great big story that also includes Christmas and Easter. If Easter gives Christmas new meaning, then these passages give Easter new meaning. Easter is only the greatest Christian “holiday” because Revelations 5 hasn’t happened yet! Again, you might want to read it a few times with that in mind… ii. The holiday season is different for all of us this year. Fewer activities, maybe fewer decorations, maybe less family… After reading all these passages and thinking beyond Christmas and beyond Easter, how might your personal celebrations be different this year? What new traditions or thoughts about christmas might be worth keeping for next year? 2. Quotes for Discussion: a. “Christmas is best pondered, not with logic, but with imagination.” - Max Lucado b. “If we could condense all the truths of Christmas into only three words, these would be the words: “God with us.” We tend to focus our attention at Christmas on the infancy of Christ. The greater truth of the holiday is His deity. More astonishing than a baby in the manger is the truth that this promised baby is the omnipotent Creator of the heavens and the earth!” - John MacArthur Jr.

Advent - Love Remember, this week is also our advent week of Love. As you wait for Christmas this week, think about the love it took for God to send his son to earth as a baby and to die as a man. Think of all the lessons Jesus taught us about how to love God, ourselves and our neighbors.

Tuesday - Time In Prayer This week we’re going to use the alphabet again to help us pray. Either by yourself or with someone else, go through the alphabet thanking God for something or someone that starts with the letter you’re on. You can do this while driving, cleaning, washing dishes, eating dinner, going for a walk… If you’re up for it, write each one down and as you go through your holiday celebrations, you might find things to add. (It’s more than ok to have multiple items for each letter! There’s no limit on the benefits of being grateful or the things we can be grateful for!) When you’re done, tuck it in your bible or put it in with your Christmas decorations when you pack them up so you’ll find it next year...

Wednesday - Words of Gratitude Let’s do the Gratitude dice game again this week, but in Christmas style. Christmas Gratitude Game (this works for one or more people, all you’ll need is a pair of dice) i. Roll the dice and say something you are thankful for according to the category listed below. (If you’re with others, take turns.) Go around as many times as you like.

1 - a Christmas memory 8 - another friend 2 - a Christmas Bible character 9 - another family member 3 - a Christmas food 10 - something you do at Christmas 4 - a family member 11 - something you watch at Christmas 5 - a friend 12 - something that makes you smile 6 - a Christmas song Doubles - name two of that number’s category 7 - a Christmas decoration

Thursday - Thoughts On Faith Here’s your faith questions for the week: ● How does your faith make Christmas different for you than someone that doesn’t believe? ● Who is your favorite Bible Christmas story character and why? ● What is your favorite Christmas tradition and why do you think it was started?

Friday - Faith In Action Today is Christmas Day and your faith in action assignment is to thank God for the gift of His son, and then all day, whenever you hear the word Christmas, don’t just remember the baby, but also remember that he died, rose again conquering death, and will come back again to redeem the earth and reign forever.

“Rejoice that the immortal God is born, so the mortal man may live in eternity.” - John Huss

Advent - Christ Candle Today is the day we light the Christ candle in our advent wreaths. As you do, think about why this candle is at the center of the other candles that represent Hope, Peace, Joy and Love.