BLUB MARK NOTICE A blue mark around this notice This paper is devoted to the will call your attention to your interests of Lowell and the terri- address label, which shows that tory it serves. Unexcelled as it's time to renew. an advertising medium and ALTO SOLO VOLUME XXXVIII LOWELL, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4. 1930 NO. 28 RURAL SIDE jCedger GRID PLAYER Santa's Appeal Advertising Will Cure BOYS AWAY Cn tries fftfim V/ORLO, VES SIR, TUI* IS SAINT NICHOLAS BACK ON ™ 6. JOB. WINS ROUND AT ROCKFORD dy FiUOtis I'M (SOlNftTO NEED WR HELP MORE THAHUER Depression—Babson FROM HOME Being • Collection of V«r- Roger W. Babson, whose ad-!tomers, and thai is possible only OVER LEASE ioui Topics of Local and DIES NOV. 26 vice and counsel the business through advertising. To some General Interest and flnancjal world without {people the apparent simplicity of (HIlPREH * VOO ,l,i BOOST"Y" CAM AFF0CP.W 'doubt heeds more than that of thi"s •—<•••solutio! n wil:««l •b e a disap- JUDGE PERKINS REFUSES TO FORREST COLBY WAS CAP- WHAT>t7U(AMlU any other individual, declares pointment. It may be disheart- Adoption of eastern standard DISMISS ACTION ON RURAL that advertising will cure the ening to hear that the best which RICHARD WHITE WRITES OF time as the official time for the TAIN OF ROCKFORD FOOT- present business depression. can be proposed is nothing more GREAT LAKES NAVAL TRAIN- TAX RAVERS' INJUNCTION state of Michigan will be asked BALL TEAM—BROTHER AND "This is the way out from the than our familiar old friends, in a bill at the next legislature, SUIT AND ORDERS CASE TO present situation" he asserts in honest goods at fair prices and ING STATION—FRED HOYT sponsored by Senator Ernest T. THREE OTHERS VERY ILU- Ihe last issue of Collier's Weekly. advertising. AT CARNEGIE TECH—WAR- TRIAL — CONSPIRACY IS Lonlon, he announced Saturday. CAUSE OF DEATH ATTRIB- "As one who has studied busi- Here's hoping the bill becomes a "Mere money is not the cause CHARGED. ness depression in life rather of the wave-like heaving of thel REN FORD ON OLDEST BAT- law. We have had enough of UTED TO TYPHOID FEVER. than in libraries, I see in current confusion and foolishness over charted course of business over I TLESHIP. conditions the call for advertis- a long stretch of time. As a I After hearing arguments in the the variety of times now prevail- ing. There's nothing wrong ing. The people of this community power in business, the vital thingj suit of rural taxpayers, Lowell with Ihe patient but poor circu- about money is not its amount' Richard N. White, who is at and Alpine residents, who are and especially the students com- lation. Money is being held in- )rising the Lowell High school but its rapidity of circulation.! the Great Lakes Naval Training seeking to restrain the board of Mercury dropped to 0 above stead of being circulated. Theoretically a million-dollar Station, located just north of Ev- supervisors from leasing to the ootball team arc grieved beyond "Advertising is ideally fitted zero Thanksgiving day—said to measure over the death of For- business might be transacted anston in Illinois, tells of a fine city of Grand Hapids county be the coldest Thanksgiving day and competent to accelerate the by a single dollar bill if it experience he had when visiting propertv on Michigan st., be- rest Colby, Jr., captain of the circulation. It Ls the most ef- on record. Local garages were Rockford football team, whose changed hands with sufficient in Chicago. A letter from the tween Ionia and Division aves kept busy all day thawing pum fective known force for accom- rapidity. Just as wc refer to Kent County Y. M. C. A. Secre- for a consideration of 8501 a death occurred at Rockford, No- plishing the speeding up of and radiators for those cauglS i vember 20. the speed of an engine by saying tary referred him to the Y. M. C. year, Judge Willis B. Perkins Sat- unprepared. Some change from money and thereby giving us that it makes so many revolu- A. hotel, where he put up over urday refused to dismiss the suit, A young brother, Kenneth, and more business at times when the previous Thursday when the three other members of the Rock- tions per minute, we can describe night at two different limes. Rich- as requested by Assistant Prose- thermometer registered 72 above more business is the nation's Ihe rapidity of circulation of hard says that they treated him cutor Arthur H. Sherk, and or- ford squad have also been criti- greatest need. here. cally ill. Kenneth's condition is money by saying that it turns ov- fine, and any boy, or for that dered that it be tried on its mer- Wm. Rex ford Dead "Never More Money." er 12 times a year. matter older man, when in Chi- its. said to be precarious, but the Grand Rapids banks are paying three others arc reported recov- "There never was more money cago will find the Y. M. C. A. Consummation of the lease At Age 82 Years; UNCLE MARCUS "When that rapidity is in- hotel a line place to stop. Mem- out one and one-half million dol- than there is today. Banks hold would pave the way for the ering. creased and money circulates lars to thrifty Christmas savings Funeral services for young Col- it, corporations hold it, the peo faster, business picks up and be- bership in the "Y" is not neces- board of supervisors by a major- Pioneer Woodsman sary in order to lake advantage club depositors. by were held at the M. E. church pie hold it. That is the trouble, comes belter. As the circulation ity vote, to convert the court- the money is held instead of cir- of the privileges. Lodging may house into a city hall. Jay W. in Rockford last 'Friday, with WRITES ABOUT of money slows down, business Gov.-elect Brucker has appoint- burial in the Rockford cemetery. William Rexford, a life-long culated. A beautiful system of falls off. Some superhuman be had from 90c to $1.50 per Linsey, counsel for the rural in- piping, a plentiful supply of fluid, night. The hotel is located on terests, declared in pointing out ed Paul Martin, publisher of the The cause of young Colby's resident of Kent county, passed hand on the throttle, speeding up away last Saturday morning at but the whole mechanism fails Wabash Ave., near 8th St., and to the court that by its action in Lansing State Journal, chairman death is attributed to typhoid fe- or cutting down circulation, could for the gubernatorial Inaugura- ver. He was with his teammates his home near l^owell, age 82 THINGS SEEN to function for want of the make or unmake prosperity. Why is near Ihe business district and granting the lease the board was pumping power of publicity to railway depots. setting a precedent dangerous to tion ceremonies Jan. 1. Martin is in the Rockford-Lowell game years and 11 months. Mr. Rex- cry for a superhuman hand when ford was born near Fallasburg tell the world of better goods, Fred Hoyt also writes an inter- rural welfare. a former state commander of the here a few weeks ago, his sick- we have it already available in American Legion. An elaborate ness developing several days lat- and was one of the few remain- PICKING THE LEAVINGS OF lower prices and greater service. advertising? esting letter concerning his ex- Benefit to City military spectacle is expected. er. ing survivors of that type of pic- We need a sound plan to reduce perience at Carnegie Tech, which Mr, Shark replied that the court- Press reports from Rockford turesque woodsman who made SHORT COTTON CROP IN the choppy action of business "Should Support Advertising." is located in Pittsburgh. Fred house site was dedicated to coun- intimated that the disease was history in Michigan's lumbering OKLAHOMA — ALFALFA IS and promote smoothness and "By advertising I do not refer says that Carnegie was founded ty use, whereas the property in Radio fans have been reporting days. He run logs on the Flat steadiness of growth. originally as an engineering contracted as the result of drink- MUCH IN FAVOR-UNCLE to cheerio copy proclaiming a uestion is leased to a private in- an unusual amount of interfer- ing water from Flat river at the and Grand rivers for over thirty "Advertising is this sorely non-existent prosperity, but ad- training school, but that it has ividual. The only puolic bene- ence for some time past and as time of the game in Lowell. years. Mr. Rexford leaves be- MARCUS GETS QUEER AD- needed governor of business. It vertising to sell existing pro- since expanded, taking on an arts a college. He is especially inter- fit at present accruing, he con- a result of several days' hard The Ledger has been investigat- sides the widow one son, Wm. VICE IN EL PASO. requires no novel mechanism. ducts. Each business man can tinued, is the $3,000 a year ren- work on the part of Russell ing the matter and finds that Rexford, city employe of Grand All the apparatus is available. best promote national welfare ested in the college, where he is tal received. If the city is grant- Smith, of Yeiter s radio service, both teams were furnished with Rapids, three grand' children, Though capable of illimitable im by building up the business he taking courses in the painting ed the use of the property, he the cause of the trouble was the same pure drinking water Mrs.
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