HAJER GUELDICH PERSONAL SITUATION Date of Birth : 4 April 1976 PlaCe of birth : Tunis Nationality : Tunisian Marital status : Married, 3 Children ID : n°07022430 Passport : n° F288953 E-mail address :
[email protected] Tweeter: @HajerGueldiCh Phone numbers : (offiCe) : (+216) 71 72 57 36 (Cellular) : (+216) 98 95 18 87 Professional Address : FaCulty of legal, politiCal and soCial scienCes of Tunis 14, Hédi Karray Street, Centre Urbain Nord BP. 40 1080 Tunis, Tunisia Personnel Address : Appartement 021 Immeuble Rayhane 3, Riadh Soukra 2, Ain Zaghouan, 2045, Tunis, Tunisia ( (cellular) : (+216) 98 95 18 87 ( (Office) : (+216) 71 72 57 36 *
[email protected] PROFESSIONNAL EXPERIENCE 2018-2017 : Faculty of legal, political and social sciences of Tunis- University of Carthage 2017-2013: Institute of Legal and political sciences of Kairouan- University of Kairouan Professor (PubliC Law) 2 2018-2017: Panafrican University, institute of Governance, Human and social sciences, Yaounde (Cameroon) 2017-2016 : European Inter-University Center for human rights and democratization (EIUC) Venice (Italy) 2015-2014: University of Angers- Faculty of Law (France) 2013-2012: University Loyala- Chicago (USA) Visitor Professor (PubliC international Law) 2018-2016: Institute of political studies- European University of Tunis 2016-2013 : Faculty of legal, political and social sciences of Tunis- University of Carthage 2014-2013 : Faculty of Law and political sciences of Sousse- University of Sousse 2012-2011 : Central University- Private Institute