ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES UNIMED Represents 133 Members from 23 Countries

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ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES UNIMED Represents 133 Members from 23 Countries ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES UNIMED represents 133 members from 23 countries ALBANIA . University Paris 1 Panthéon- Sorbonne . European University of Tirana . Metropolitan University of Tirana GREECE . University of Aleksandër Moisiu Durrës . National and Kapodistrian University ALGERIA of Athens . University of Algiers 1 IRAQ . University of Bouira . University of El Oued . Duhok Polytechnic University . University of Mohamed Khider Biskra . Middle Technical University . University of Sétif 2 . University of Duhok . Wasit University CYPRUS ITALY . Cyprus University of Technology . Girne American University . Foro Italico University of Rome . Neapolis University Pafos . Gabriele D'Annunzio University of . University of Cyprus Chieti-Pescara . International Telematic University EGYPT UNINETTUNO . International University of Language . Arab Academy for Science and and Media-IULM Technology and Maritime Transport . International University of Rome- . University of Alexandria UNINT . University of Cairo . Libera Università Mediterranea . University of Damanhour . Link Campus University . University of Sadat City . Marche Polytechnic University . Mercatorum University FINLAND . Pegaso Telematic University . Polytechnic of Turin . Tampere University . Sapienza University of Rome . University Cà Foscari FRANCE . University of Bari . University of Bologna . Aix-Marseille University . University of Cagliari . University of Montpellier . University of Calabria . University of Rouen . University of Catania . University of Strasbourg . University for Foreigners of Perugia UNIMED - Mediterranean Universities Union Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 244 |00186 Rome (Italy) | Tel. +39 06 68581430 [email protected] | . University of Messina . University of Tripoli . University of Modena and Reggio Emilia . University of Zawia . University of Padova . University of Palermo MOROCCO . University of Pavia . University of Perugia . Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and . University of Pisa Veterinary Medicine . University of Salento . Mohammed V University . University of Sassari . University Ibn Tofail of Kenitra . University of Siena . University of Sidi Mohamed Ben . University of Teramo Abdellah of Fès . University of Urbino OMAN JORDAN . Middle East College . Al-Ahliyya Amman University . Amman Arab University PALESTINE . Aqaba University of Technology . Isra University . Al-Aqsa University . Princess Sumaya University for . Al-Quds Open University Technology . An-Najah National University . University of Jordan . Arab American University . University of Petra . Islamic University of Gaza . University of Yarmouk . Palestine Technical University . Zarqa University . University of Bethlehem . University of Birzeit LEBANON . University College of Applied Sciences . Antonine University . Holy Spirit University of Kaslik PORTUGAL . International University of Beirut . Lebanese International University . University of Evora . Lebanese University . University of Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro LIBYA QATAR . Azzaytuna University . Libyan Academy Misurata . Doha Institute for Graduate Studies . Libyan International Medical University . Nalut University SPAIN . Sebha University . University of Aljufra . University of Barcelona . University of Elmergib . University of Girona . University of Gharyan . University of Granada . University of Sabratha . University of Murcia . University of Sirte UNIMED - Mediterranean Universities Union Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 244 |00186 Rome (Italy) | Tel. +39 06 68581430 [email protected] | SYRIA . Academy of Health Sciences . Al-Baath University . Al-Furat University . Al-Hawash Private University . Al-Sham Private University . Arab International University . Arab University of Science and Technology . Tishreen University . University of Al Andalus . University of Aleppo . University of Damascus . University of Hama TUNISIA . University of Carthage . University of Kairouan . University of La Manouba . University of Monastir . University of Sfax . University of Sousse . University of Tunis . University of Tunis El Manar . Virtual University of Tunis TURKEY . Boğaziçi University . Istanbul Aydin University . Manisa Celal Bayar University . Suleyman Demirel University UNITED ARAB EMIRATES . Gulf Medical University YEMEN . University of Aden UNIMED - Mediterranean Universities Union Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 244 |00186 Rome (Italy) | Tel. +39 06 68581430 [email protected] | .
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