Recommended Best Management Practices for Marcellus Shale Gas Development in Maryland
Recommended Best Management Practices for Marcellus Shale Gas Development in Maryland Keith N. Eshleman & Andrew Elmore (PIs) Appalachian Laboratory University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Frostburg, MD 21532 Final Report submitted to: Maryland Department of the Environment Baltimore, MD February 18, 2013 Acknowledgments We solicited and received the help of quite a few people during the completion of this project. While the project investigators (KNE and AJE) are responsible for the content of the final report, we especially acknowledge three individuals who helped us with the organization, content, and writing of several chapters: Russell R. Dickerson (Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, University of Maryland; Chapter 2) Jeanne M. VanBriesen (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University; Chapter 4); and Todd R. Lookingbill (Department Geography and the Environment, University of Richmond; Chapter 5). Previous time commitments precluded them from assisting with other sections of the report, so they are listed as chapter co-authors. We thank the following individuals for providing us with data: Scott Bearer, Deborah Carpenter, Jennifer Chadwick-Moore, Kevin Coyne, Lynn Davidson, Gregory Day, Dan Feller, Dave Foreman, Mike Garner, John Grace, Jeff Halka, Kara Hawkins, Jaron Hawkins, Greg Hildreth, Zoe Johnson, Catherine McCall, Phung Pham, Gene Piotrowski, Matt Rowe, Matt Sell, Frank Siano, Matthew Stover, and Kevin Wagner. Robert Sabo compiled much of the extant literature on best practices that underpinned our analyses of best practices. Steven Guinn produced all of the maps used in this report and performed many of the geographic analyses on which our recommendations are based. Robert Hilderbrand contributed text and comments to Chapter 6.
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