Summerfield and Woodsfield Quadrangles, Ohio

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Summerfield and Woodsfield Quadrangles, Ohio DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ALBERT B. FALL, Secretary UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH, Director Bulletin 720 ECONOMIC GEOLOGY OF THE SUMMERFIELD AND WOODSFIELD QUADRANGLES, OHIO WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF COAL AND OTHER MINERAL RESOURCES EXCEPT OIL AND GAS BY D. DALE CONDIT WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1923 ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 30 CENTS PER COPY CONTENTS. Bibliography............................................................. 6 Introduction. ^........................................................... 7 i Abstract of report.............................................:....... 7 Field and office work................................................. 7 Acknowledgments.................................................... 8 Geography .................../...................................... ..... 8 Location............................................................ 8 Topographic features................................................... 9 Drainage........................................................ 9 Relief and land forms...............:........... '. ................. 10 Agricultural and commercial conditions................................ 11 Transportation facilities........................................... 11 Railroads.................................................... 11 New railroad routes........................................... 11 Highways.................................................... 12 Manufacturing and mining......................................... 12 Agriculture....................................................... 13 General geology.......................................................... 13 Stratigraphy.......................................................... 13 General section.......................................'........... 13 Rocks at the surface............................................... 15 Conemaugh formation........................................ 15 Monongahela formation........................................ 17 Washington formation......................................... 18 Quaternary deposits......................... J................. 19 Rocks not exposed in the area..................................... 20 Structure............................................................ 21 Definition of structure ............................................ 21 Appalachian trough................................................ 21 Field methods in structural study................................. 21 Delineation of structure........................................... 23 Uses of structure contour map..................................... 24 Salient structural features........................................ 24 Summary of economic geology............................................ - 25 Coal................................................................. 25 Statistics of production ........................................... 25 * Coal beds in strata that do not crop out in the area.................. 26 Upper Freeport coal............................................... 26 < Anderson (Bakerstown) coal....................................... 28 . Pittsburgh coal................................................... 28 Lower Meigs Creek coal........................................... 31 Meigs Creek coal. ................................................. 31 Uniontown coal.........:.............................. J.......... 33 Waynesburg coal................................................. 33 Washington coal.................................................. 34 3 4 CONTENTS. Summary-of economic geology Continued. Coal Continued. Page. Composition of the coal........................................... 35 Coal sampling................................................ 35 Analyses..................................................... 36 Mines from which samples were obtained........................... ,42 Upper Freeport coal......................................... 42 Anderson coal............................................... 43 Pittsburgh coal............................................... 44 - * Meigs Creek coal ............................................ 45 Uniontown coal............................................... 47 i Waynesburg coal............................................. 47 Washington coal.............................................. 49 Limestone..................................;......................... 49 Uses of limestone................................................ 49 Lower Pittsburgh and Upper Pittsburgh limestones.................. 50 Fishpotlimestone................................................. 51 Benwood limestone.............................................. 51 Building stone........................................................ 53 Clay and shale........................................................ 54 Water resources...................................................... 54 Geology by townships..................................................... 55 Guernsey County..................................................... 55 Millwood Township.............................................. 55 Bichland Township............................................... 59 Wills and Center townships...................................... 63 v Noble County........................................................ 65 Wayne Township................................................. 65 Buffalo and Valley townships...................................... 68 Seneca Township................................................. 69 Center Township.................................................. 73 Marion Township................................................. 77 Enoch Township.......................:......................... 81 Stock Township.................................................. 81 Beaver Township................................................ 83 Belmont County...................................................... 89 Warren Township................................................ 89 Goshen Township................................................ 95 Somerset Township.............................................. 103 Wayne Township................................................. Ill Washington and Smith townships.................................. 121 Monroe County....................................................... 124 Seneca Township................................................. 124 Franklin Township............................................... 126 Summit Township........................'........................ 127 ^ Malaga Township................................................. 131 Sunsbury Township.................... .......................... 137 j Center Township.................................................. 142 Adams Township. ............................................... 147 "* rndex...... ....,........................ ................................ 153 ILLUSTRATIONS. Pane. ('LATE I. Upland landscape near Summerfield ............................. 10 II. Lower Pittsburgh limestone near Sarahsville: A, Close view, showing pebbly texture; B, General view....................... 16 0 III. A, Open-cut worldag of Meigs Creek -coal near Bethesda; B, Structure of calcareous clay near base of Ben wood limestone....... 18 IV. A, Prospect in Uniontown coal bed near Hunter; B, Sandy 0 shales over Uniontown coal at Whigville....................... 18 V. Index map and sections showing extent and thickness of Pitts­ burgh coal bed in Summerfield and Woodsfield quadrangles...... 28 VI. Index map and sections showing extent and thickness of Meigs Creek coal bed in Summerfield and Woodsfield quadrangles...... 32 VII. Index map and sections showing extent and thickness of Uniontown coal bed in Woodsfield quadrangle............................. 32 VIII. Index map and sections showing extent and thickness of Waynes- burg coal bed in Summerfield and Woodsfield quadrangles...... 34 IX. Index map and sections showing extent and thickness of Washing­ ton coal bed in Summerfield and Woodafield quadrangles....... 34 X. A, Sandstone overlying Uniontown coal horizon 2 miles west of Miltonsburg; B, Typical exposure of Benwood limestone along Bend Fork near Captina Creek................................ 54 XI. A, Sandstone overlying Meigs Creek coal at mouth of Brushy Fork of Captina Creek; B, Quarry in sandstone near Woodsfield... 120 XII. Map showing structure and economic geology of the Summerfield and Woodsfield quadrangles............................... In pocket FIGURE 1. Index map showing location of Summerfield and Woodsfield quadrangles and other areas in eastern Ohio and parts of Pennsyl­ vania, West Virginia, and neighboring States for which geologic reports have been prepared................................... 9 2. Generalized section of rocks that crop out in the Summerfield and Woodsfield quadrangles...................................... 16 3. Generalized section of beds below the surface in the Summer- field and Woodsfield quadrangles, with names applied by oil men............................... ................ .'......... 19 4. Diagram illustrating method of drawing structure contours....... 23 5. Map of northern part of Appalachian coal field.................... 29 0 o BIBLIOGRAPHY. The areas described in the publications of the United States Geological Survey listed below are indicated by the rectangles with corresponding numbers in figure
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