PRĄDNIK PRACE I MATERIAŁY MUZEUM IM. PROF. WŁADYSŁAWA SZAFERA Prądnik. Prace Muz. Szafera 21 5–109 2011 ANNA Sołtys-LELEK Ojcowski Park Narodowy 32-047 Ojców 9 email:
[email protected] Chorologia krytyCznyCh rodzajów – Crataegus l., rosa l., rubus l. na wyżynie krakowsko-CzęstoChowskiej Chorology of critical genera – Crataegus l., Rosa l., Rubus l. in the kraków-Częstochowa Upland (southern Poland) abstract: The genera Crataegus, Rosa and Rubus are critical taxa. Because of difficulties in species identification, nobody had dealt with the distribution of this genera in the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland. The aim of this thesis was making a complete list of critical species of this genera in the Kraków-Często- chowa Upland, determining their frequency in various habitats, defining their ecological preferences and spatial distribution writhing the studied area. The floristic studies were carried out in the years 2002-2008 by means of cartogram method. The analysed area was divided according to the methodical assumptions of ATPOL, into basic research plots which were squares with a side of 2 kilometers – their total number was equal to 660. 56 species were recorded in the study area: 8 species of hawthorns, 18 species of roses, 30 species of blackberries. 8 new species of flora in Upland were found. 2 species of Rubus, previously recognized as extinct, were also found. key words: Rosaceae, Rosa, Crataegus, Rubus, critical taxa, distribution, Kraków-Częstochowa Upland, Poland WSTęP I CEL BADAń Tereny rozciągające się między Krakowem, a Częstochową, od dawna były przed- miotem zainteresowań botaników. Stosunkowo niewielka odległość od pasm górskich Karpat i Sudetów, a także położenie na granicy wododziałów Odry i Wisły powodują, że przebiegają tu granice zasięgów i szlaki wędrówek wielu gatunków roślin.