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A 60-year international history of subglacial exploration

MARTIN J. SIEGERT Grantham Institute and Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, UK [email protected]

Abstract: In January 2013, the US WISSARD programme measured and sampled , a subglacial water body at the edge of West , in a clean and environmentally sensitive man- ner, proving the existence of microbial life beneath this part of the . The success of WIS- SARD represented a benchmark in the exploration of Antarctica, made possible by a rich and diverse history of events, discoveries and discussions over the past 60 years, ranging from geophysical mea- surement of subglacial to the development of scientific hypotheses concerning these environ- ments and the engineering solutions required to test them. In this article, I provide a personal account of this history, from the published literature and my own involvement in exploration over the last 20 years. I show that our ability to directly measure and sample subglacial water bodies in Antarctica has been made possible by a strong theme of international collaboration, at odds with the media representation of a scientific ‘race’ between nations. I also consider plans for subglacial lake exploration and discuss how such collaboration is likely to be key to success of future research in this field.

Gold Open Access: This article is published under the terms of the CC-BY 3.0 license.

There has been much written about the history of sci- by the British; and Lake Whillans, led by the USA. entific in Antarctica, revealing how sci- A recurring theme of the media interest surrounding ence, exploration and geopolitics have been closely these programmes was the notion of a scientific intertwined since the late nineteenth century (e.g. ‘race’ between apparently competing nations, each Naylor et al. 2008). Scientific advances in Antarctica attempting to be the first to discover the secrets can be attributed to major periods of collaboration that lie within these dark, cold and isolated environ- and cooperation, such as during the four Interna- ments (e.g. The Guardian, 14 February 2012 head- tional Polar Years (IPYs 1882–83, 1932–33, 1957– line, ‘Antarctic lake race sees scientists dash for 58 and 2007–08). The 1957–58 IPY was regarded as life’s secrets in subglacial world’). So, which is true? a huge success and prompted the further integration Has Antarctic subglacial lake exploration been a of scientific discussion through the establishment model of noble internationalism in polar science, of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research or have individual nations, and scientists, been in it (SCAR) and, following this, the Antarctic Treaty. for themselves? To answer this question, I provide SCAR works to coordinate and facilitate interna- a personal view of the history of subglacial lake tional cooperation in Antarctic science and to pro- exploration, from which one can retrospectively vide the Antarctic Treaty with scientific evidence, understand whether it has been helped, or not, by which allows international oversight on matters such an international approach to scientific discovery and as environmental protection and adherence to the whether any individual nation has had, or can have, Treaty’s other rules. Thus, Antarctic science, partic- the ability to independently ‘race’ with another. ularly large programmes that require considerable logistical support and technological development over many years, often develops as a consequence of Subglacial lake identification, measurement scientific planning, multinational collaboration and and distribution international scrutiny. One example of such research is the exploration of Antarctic subglacial lakes, bod- Shortly after the end of the Second World War, Aus- ies of water at the bed of the ice sheet, which SCAR tralian physicist Gordon Robin, through his PhD has acted to facilitate over the past 20 years, and investigations as part of the Norwegian–British– which culminated in field programmes to measure Swedish expedition to Dronning Land in and sample three individual lakes in 2012/13: Lake , perfected the use of seismic sound- , led by a Russian team; Lake Ellsworth, led ing to measure ice thickness (Robin 1958). Seismic

From:SIEGERT, M. J., JAMIESON,S.S.R.&WHITE, D. A. (eds) 2018. Exploration of Subsurface Antarctica: Uncovering Past Changes and Modern Processes. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 461,7–21. First published online May 25, 2017, https://doi.org/10.1144/SP461.5 © 2018 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London. Publishing disclaimer: www.geolsoc.org.uk/pub_ethics Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 24, 2021

8 M. J. SIEGERT waves (e.g. sound) travel well through dense ice, but not require the drilling of boreholes and could be are attenuated by soft firn and snow at the surface. deployed on a moving platform to obtain cross- Consequently, to increase the signal-to-noise ratio, section information during transit. The most signifi- boreholes (c. 50 m deep) need to be drilled – one cant innovation by Evans and Robin was to consider for the charge and one for the receiver(s). The exper- how RES could be mounted and used effectively iment is simple: a small explosion sets off a sound on aircraft. In the late 1960s their Cambridge team, wave, which travels down to the ice base, where it supported by funding and logistics from the US Ant- is reflected and subsequently recorded by the Research Program, demonstrated the use of receiver. The two-way travel time is noted and con- airborne RES with instant and revolutionary success. verted into distance as the speed of sound in ice is Using RES on an aircraft, the rate and quality of known reasonably well. Thus, a measure of ice thick- data acquisition improved enormously. When previ- ness is possible using a simple seismic reflection test, ously it had taken at least a day to get a data point, it adapted for harsh polar field conditions by Robin. now took less than a second and with equal accuracy While the process of data acquisition is time consum- (an improvement of 5 orders of magnitude). Where it ing (two boreholes for each data point, meaning that had taken a season to build a transect, it now took a a single datum would take at least a day to record), single sortie; and where a profile of the ice sheet may by aligning measurements along a survey line a have been constructed with a few dozen seismic profile of ice-sheet thickness, and therefore bed data-points, now it could be put together with many topography, could be derived. In this way, the first thousands of RES reflections. Early RES trial flights, two-dimensional cross-section measurements of the using a Super Constellation L-1049 aircraft, were and its subglacial landscape targeted at the very centre of the East Antarctic ice were obtained. sheet, where Russian traversing had covered a dec- The mission statement of the third IPY (also ade before. In so doing, Robin and his team proved known as the International Geophysical Year) was that continental-wide coverage by aircraft mounted ‘to observe geophysical phenomena and to secure with RES was feasible, and the data were remark- data from all parts of the world; to conduct this effort able. So followed one of the key decades in Antarctic on a coordinated basis by fields, and in space and glaciological and continental discovery. time, so that results could be collated in a meaningful Systematic profiling of the Antarctic ice sheet manner’. This inclusive approach led to several took place in four field seasons: 1971/72, exploratory scientific missions across Antarctica, 1974/75, 1977/78 and 1978/79. Over the decade, using the seismic techniques described by Robin a further advances in RES equipment were made, pri- few years earlier. Two overland traverses were marily through physicist Preben Gudmundsen from most notable: a US expedition crossing West Antarc- the Technical University of Denmark, and naviga- tica, involving a young glaciologist from the Univer- tion was improved (the early flights used ‘dead reck- sity of Wisconsin named Charles Bentley, and a oning’, which was replaced by an Inertial Navigation Russian survey from the coast to the centre-point System or ‘INS’). The aircraft of choice by now was of East Antarctica (the Pole of Relative Inaccessibil- a reliable long-range Hercules C130 transporter, sup- ity), which had among its party Andrei Kapitsa from plied by the US Navy. Thus, a US–UK–Danish col- Moscow State University. The data collected by laboration surveyed about 40% of East Antarctica these surveys transformed our knowledge of the and 80% of , defining the subglacial continent, proving it to be a single landmass, show- landscape for the first time and making profound ing the ice to be several kilometres thick (at Vostok discoveries about the continent and the way that Station, for example, it was measured as c. 3.7 km) ice flowed over it (Drewry 1983). For example, the and, in large parts of West Antarctica, revealing the first subglacial lake was discovered from data col- bed to be over a kilometre below sea-level. lected on one of the first long-range survey flights In the early 1960s UK physicist Stan Evans and in 1969. An unusually flat subglacial radio-echo sur- Robin, by now Director the Scott Polar Research face beneath the Russian base at Sovetskaya Station Institute (SPRI) in Cambridge, began experiments in central East Antarctica was received and attributed to understand the electrical properties of cold ice to a ‘thick layer of water beneath the ice’ (Robin et al. and how VHF radio waves could be used to mea- 1970). Shortly afterwards, the first inventory of sure ice thickness. VHF radio waves (50–150 17 subglacial lakes was documented from East Ant- MHz) travel well through cold ice (<−10°C) but arctic RES data (Oswald & Robin 1973; Fig. 1). reflect off boundaries of large dielectric contrast Lake Vostok, the gigantic subglacial lake in East (such as at the bed). Radio-echo sounding (RES), Antarctica, was detected by RES in December 1974 as it was known (essentially ice-penetrating radar), (Robin et al. 1977), although its true extent was not was able to chart ice thickness, therefore, in an anal- established at this time. These early discoveries ogous way to seismic sounding. The major advan- showed the bed of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to be wet tage of RES over seismic sounding was that it did in many places, that water could be stored in ‘lakes’ Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 24, 2021


Fig. 1. The inventory of 17 Antarctic subglacial lakes, 1973. Taken from Oswald & Robin (1973). and that the distribution of subglacial lakes was wide- expense of targeted smaller-scale observations spread across the surveyed regions of the continent. (Turchetti et al. 2008). This changed, however, in Although subglacial lakes were undeniably the early 1990s with the introduction of satellite discovered using RES by Robin and his team, the observations of ice-surface altimetry, such as by the first mention of ‘lakes’ in Antarctica was made by European Remote Sensing satellite (ERS-1). Ridley a Russian pilot (Robinson 1960) who, as part of an et al. (1993) analysed ERS-1 data from East Antarc- experiment to determine ice-surface landmarks to tica, and noticed a remarkably flat surface at and aid flight orientation, identified ‘oval depressions to the north of . This surface, which with gentle shores’ on the ice surface. Although pilots may have observed in the 1950s, coincides these features were referred to as ‘lakes’ by pilots remarkably well with RES evidence of a large subgla- who observed them, such as Robinson, there was cial lake established by Robin et al. (1977), and delin- no connection made between these features and eates the outline of the lake beneath (the ice surface water beneath the surface. above large subglacial lakes is flat owing to the fric- It is interesting to note that, despite the published tionless contact between ice and water at the ice-sheet discovery of subglacial lakes in the 1970s, hardly base). The combination of satellite and RES data con- any research was conducted on them during the firmed that this lake, Lake Vostok, was over 240 km 1980s. This was almost certainly due to the cessa- long and more than 50 km wide. These data also tion of long-range surveying of the ice sheet at the showed the existence of the lake directly beneath Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 24, 2021


Vostok Station, where Kapitsa and others had col- shooting studies … produced no evidence … of the lected seismic ice thickness measurements around meltwater lenses beneath the ice sheet that had been 30 years previously. suggested by Kapitsa on morphological grounds’ It thus became apparent that the old seismic data ( Kapitsa et al. 1996). This seminal paper was saved, may contain a previously unidentified signal of the therefore, by an important degree of international lake floor given that, unlike radio waves, sound scientific diplomacy. waves travel well in water. To see if this was the The establishment of the geographical scale of case, SCAR convened a meeting at SPRI in 1994 Lake Vostok in 1996, and speculative ideas on its with members of the early exploration programmes potential contents, was supplemented in the same including, among others, Robin and Kapitsa. At the year by a second inventory of 77 Antarctic subglacial meeting, it was agreed that Kapitsa and Robin lakes (Fig. 2), which was collated from a reanalysis of would work together in analysing the seismic data, the 1970s RES data collected by Robin’s team 20 drawing in a number of others, including the Russian years earlier (Siegert et al. 1996). The revised inven- glaciologist Igor Zotikov, who had previously tory demonstrated that scientific interest in subglacial worked on determining the temperature distribution lakes need not necessarily be restricted to Lake Vos- of ice masses. This international collaboration led tok, the physical conditions in that lake, and therefore to the discovery that Lake Vostok, hidden beneath the environment to support life, probably being sim- c. 4 km of ice, had a water depth of over 500 m ilar in many other subglacial water bodies. Nine years (Kapitsa et al. 1996), making it one of the world’s later, as more RES data were collected by the USA, top 10 largest freshwater lakes. Consideration of the UK, Russia and Italy, the inventory of subglacial glacial history of East Antarctica suggested that the lakes grew to 145 (Siegert et al. 2005; Fig. 3). lake may have been in continual existence for as Then, another remarkable finding was made. long as thick ice cover had occupied the continent, Analysis of ERS-1 altimetric time-series data up to 14 million years ago. Unlike previous publica- revealed an area of the central East Antarctic ice tions on subglacial lakes during the 1970s, Kapitsa sheet to have reduced in elevation by more than 3 et al. (1996), which featured on the front cover of m, far in excess of the instrumental error, over 14 magazine, was met by worldwide media atten- months between 1997 and 1999. During the same tion and considerable new scientific interest, particu- period, three areas of the ice sheet more than 200 larly from the microbiological community, which km away rose up by more than a metre. Given that instantly regarded the lake as an extreme yet viable the regions of uplift coincided with the positions of habitat for life, cut off from the rest of the planet known subglacial lakes at the mouth of a major sub- for sufficient time to allow novel adaptations to have glacial valley known as the Adventure Trench, and developed (Ellis-Evans & Wynn-Williams 1996). that the area of subsidence was located at the head The actual writing of the paper by Kapitsa et al. of this trench, the measurements were interpreted (1996) was a challenging process, owing mainly to as evidence of an outburst of subglacial lake water, the different views between Kapitsa, Robin and flowing over 200 km along the axis of the trench Zotikov on who was the first to discover subglacial into a series of other lakes (Wingham et al. 2006). lakes. Robin argued that his team were the first to This discovery revealed a previously unappreciated publish evidence of subglacial lakes, which was highly active basal hydrology in Antarctica, and undeniable. However, Kapitsa claimed that his 1961 demonstrated that, far from being totally isolated, PhD thesis included the first mention of subsurface some subglacial lakes could be connected over water (referred to as ‘meltwater lenses’) in Antarc- large distances through a hierarchical hydrological tica. Zotikov disagreed with Kapitsa, however, chain (Siegert et al. 2007). Further analysis of satel- because his analysis lacked appreciation of ice-sheet lite interferometry (Gray et al. 2005) and laser altim- thermal dynamics (Zotikov 1963) and was, conse- etry revealed more evidence for basal water flow and quently, unsubstantiated. Kapitsa had obtained the subglacial lake outbursts, particularly beneath Whil- seismic data, however, and within those data was lans Ice Stream (Fricker et al. 2007; 2016), leading the evidence of basal water. Unfortunately, Kapitsa to an inventory of 130 so-called ‘active’ subglacial had not spotted the lake-floor reflections, never con- lakes (Smith et al. 2009). Combined with lakes sidered the seismic data to contain information other detected from newly acquired RES data, these active than ice thickness and so never published on it. He lakes pushed the tally within the fourth version of the often referred to his failure to tie his ideas on basal inventory of Antarctic subglacial lakes to 381 water with the seismic data as a scientific regret. At (Wright & Siegert 2011, 2012; Fig. 4), scattered one point in the writing process, this disagreement throughout the continent, confirming wet-based con- resulted in the abandonment of the paper until a ditions over around half the ice sheet. Following sub- precise wording of Kapitsa’s early ideas was eventu- sequent discoveries, by 2016 the tally of known, ally accepted by all three. Thus, in the paper it states, discrete subglacial lake locations stood at 402 (Sie- ‘owing mainly to the high noise level, seismic gert et al. 2016a). Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 24, 2021


Fig. 2. The inventory of 77 Antarctic subglacial lakes, 1996. Taken from Siegert et al. (1996).

Scientific interest in Lake Vostok and the , and involved mainly US sci- coordinating role of SCAR entists, including participation from NASA, and a few from the UK and elsewhere. This was followed As a consequence of a fragmented 30 year period of quickly by a Russian-led meeting, hosted at the Arc- investigation between the mid-1960s and 1990s, and tic and Antarctic Research Institute in St Petersburg the data collected by Russian, British, US and Euro- by Valery Lukin, again involving some overseas sci- pean scientists, by 1996 subglacial lakes had been entists but without significant US participation. It discovered in Antarctica and their viability as habi- quickly became apparent to those in SCAR that the tats for life had begun to provoke scientific interest developing plans were in danger of being frag- among a multidisciplinary and international com- mented between Russia and the USA at this early munity. With Lake Vostok as a focus of attention, stage. For this reason, it convened a third meeting and with direct exploration of the lake in the minds in 1999 in Cambridge (led by Cynan Ellis-Evans of many, a new field of investigation began to from the , BAS) to build emerge in which microbiologists, geologists and international consensus on how exploration of glaciologists discussed the nature of the science Lake Vostok (and other subglacial lakes, although they might hope to realize from direct measurement despite attempts they were rarely given the same and sampling of the water and, indeed, how such attention) could be achieved, and how international research would be logistically possible and techni- collaboration could support the ambitions. For those cally feasible. few present at all three meetings, three things became Two international meetings were held in 1998 to clear: (1) that drilling into the lake and acquiring initiate plans for the exploration of Lake Vostok. The direct measurement and sampling in a clean way first, in Washington, DC was led by Robin Bell from was necessary to test whether life existed in the Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 24, 2021


Fig. 3. The inventory of 145 Antarctic subglacial lakes, 2005. Yellow lakes are those identified from SPRI data, green lakes are from the Italian dataset, pink lakes were located in US RES data and red lakes were identified from Russian data. The inset illustrates the coverage of RES data used in the inventory (note that the US and Italian surveys comprise multiple RES transects within boxed areas). Abbreviations to place names are as follows: AB, Astrolabe Subglacial Basin; DA, ; DC, ; DF, ; DML, Dronning Maud Land; EM, ; GVL, George V Land; HD, Hercules Dome; LV, Lake Vostok; MRL, Mac Robertson Land; OL, Oates Land; RB, Ridge B; SP, ; TAD, ; TID, Titan Ice Dome; WM, Whitmore Mountains. Taken from Siegert et al. (2005). lake; (2) that such an experiment had to be conducted survey of Lake Vostok for 20 years (Tabacco et al. cleanly; and (3) that no equipment existed to meet 2002). In the Austral summer of 1999–2000, 12 these requirements. It was also apparent that the new RES transects were collected, including a con- physical conditions of none of the 145 known sub- tinuous line along the 240 km axis of the lake, glacial lakes (i.e. the size and shape and physio- which confirmed the conclusion of Kapitsa et al. graphical setting) were understood in sufficient (1996) of a large, continuous lake, with margins detail to constrain an exploration plan. defined by the satellite-derived flat ice surface. In 1999, to enable the purposeful development of This survey was followed in the 2000–2001 season scientific objectives and their delivery, SCAR com- by 20 000 km worth of line geophysical data, col- missioned an international ‘group of specialists’ to lected by the US Support Office for Aerogeophysical encourage the sharing of data and plans between Research, defining both the lake margin in finer individual nations, including the acquisition of geo- (<10 km) resolution (Studinger et al. 2003a) and physical data. Within this framework of SCAR sup- its geological setting (Studinger et al. 2003b). port, a series of advances in our knowledge of Lake By around the same time Russian geophysicists Vostok and other subglacial lakes was made. First, had collected a series of ground-based measure- Italian geophysicists made the first airborne RES ments, including seismic data, revealing the shape Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 24, 2021


Fig. 4. The inventory of 381 Antarctic subglacial lakes, 2012. Colours/shapes indicate the type of investigations undertaken at each site: Black/triangle, RES; yellow, seismic sounding; green, gravitational field mapping; red/circle, surface height change measurement; square, shape identified from ice surface feature. Lake Vostok is shown in outline. Taken from Wright & Siegert (2012). of the lake cavity and confirming the water depth to Vostok , which had recovered a unique be more than 1 km at its centre (Masolov et al. 2001; record of Earth’s atmospheric composition dating Siegert et al. 2011a). These advances in the physiog- back 420 000 years (Petit et al. 1999), was only c. raphy of Lake Vostok allowed several teams to uti- 150 m from the roof of the lake. Studies of the lize numerical modelling to comprehend the likely basal units of the ice core, expecting to take the cli- physical conditions within the lake, including tem- mate record further back, revealed virtually no gas perature, salinity, density and the flow of water content, however. Rather than being formed by ice (Wüest & Carmack 2000; Williams 2001; Siegert accumulating at the surface, this gas-poor ice was et al. 2001; Mayer et al. 2003). formed instead by lake water freezing to the ice sheet underside, creating over 200 m of ‘accreted ice’ at the ice sheet base. Thus, the ice core had col- Further SCAR involvement and project lected a frozen sample of lake water (Jouzel et al. development 1999). The accreted ice was distributed to several teams, as part of a Russian, French and US under- When in 1996 it was confirmed that Vostok Station standing, and was quickly processed for biogeo- was located over the southern edge of Lake Vostok, chemical signatures. In the same volume of Science it became instantly apparent that the base of the magazine that published evidence of the accretion Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 24, 2021

14 M. J. SIEGERT came two further papers revealing evidence in the beneath relative thick, cold ice was that it made the accreted ice for microbial life, some of which was prospect of using hot-water drilling, allowing poten- culturable (Karl et al. 1999; Priscu et al. 1999). One tially clean access to the lake, relatively feasible. problem with the accreted ice samples was that their This analysis was quickly followed by the SALE extraction from the ice sheet involved their being group’s evaluation of the programme, and its time- subjected to the ice-core antifreeze (in this case ker- frame, that would be needed for such exploration osene). As the samples were not obtained cleanly, (Priscu et al. 2003), the discovery of Lake Ellsworth and were thus potentially contaminated, the findings (which had not featured in the 1996 inventory) as a of life within the accreted ice were open to challenge. ‘candidate for subglacial lake exploration’ (Siegert Considerable, sometime acrimonious, debate on the et al. 2004) and the updated inventory of 145 lakes fidelity of the accretion ice microbial content fol- (Siegert et al. 2005). As a consequence, by 2005, lowed, but with the realization that these disagree- Lake Vostok was no longer the prime focus of atten- ments would be redundant if and when direct, tion for many, although it remained key to Russian clean samples of the water were acquired. scientific plans given the infrastructure already in Given that the ice core was positioned so close place at Vostok Station, and because the ice core to the lake ceiling, Russian scientists focused on borehole was so close to the surface of the lake. using the technology to drill further down and into In 2006, a fifth international meeting, organized the lake, to recover direct water samples. National by Jean-Robert Petit (a member of SALE), was plans for subglacial lake exploration were, subse- held at Grenoble, France. Its purpose was to shift quently, starting to take shape, prompting SCAR to the discussion from the scientific drivers for subgla- reform its ‘group of specialists’ into a formal ‘scien- cial lake exploration (as these had become clear from tific research programme’ named Subglacial Antarc- previous meetings) to the practical plans necessary to tic Lake Environments (SALE), which had a remit deliver an exploration programme. By this time, a to coordinate and plan the international exploration UK team had established Lake Ellsworth as a pre- of these subglacial systems. ferred candidate for exploration, having funding Around 2000, Lake Vostok was seen by many as in place to conduct a comprehensive geophysical a special focus for scientific investigation, given its investigation of the lake to determine its dimensions huge size v. other known lakes (as evidenced by and physiographical setting. Hence, with Russian the discussion at the international meetings around scientists maintaining interests in Lake Vostok, two that time). For some, this focus ignored the facts separate programmes began to form. In the US, the that the lake was hidden under particularly thick, National Academy of Sciences (NAS) undertook cold ice, and was located at the very centre of the an independent assessment of the exploration of sub- – all of which would contrib- glacial aquatic environments with the intention of ute to making its exploration more challenging than defining a set of standards for responsible explora- for other lakes. This focus also ignored the science tion of these systems (National Research Council that might be achieved through exploration of other 2007). SALE evaluated the report and accepted its subglacial lakes; the question of life in the lake findings, promoting cleanliness of any direct mea- water could potentially be answered by any of the surement and sampling experiment as paramount lakes, for example. Given the likely significant cost over other considerations. While it failed to offer a of both the technological development and the field- view of which technology was best suited to clean work, it was appropriate to design an objective set of exploration, the NAS report made a clear and criteria to comprehend which of the Antarctic sub- thoughtful critique of the various techniques avail- glacial lakes was best suited to exploration in the able, including their potential pitfalls on this key first instance (Siegert 2002). Six criteria were issue, from which an individual could reach an objec- drawn up as follows: (1) does the lake provide the tive understanding of the form of experiment needed. greatest likelihood for attaining the scientific goals; As a consequence, and through discussions held (2) can the lake be characterized in a meaningful previously by SALE, many concluded that hot-water way (e.g. size, postulated structure); (3) is the lake drilling was the only feasible means by which ‘clean’ representative of other lakes and settings; (4) is the direct access to a subglacial lake environment could geological/ glaciological setting understood; (5) is be achieved, with the notable exception of members the lake accessible (what is the closest infrastruc- of the Russian programme on Lake Vostok, whose ture); and (6) is the programme feasible within cost focus remained on using the on-site ice-coring tech- and logistical constraints? Siegert (2002) concluded nology. The Russian position drew criticism from that one of the relatively small (c. 10 km long) sub- some (for example the Committee on Environmental glacial lakes, beneath the thinner, warmer ice in Protection, CEP, of the Antarctic Treaty Consulta- West Antarctica, would be best suited for the first tive Committee, ATCM), over continued plans to clean direct exploration of a subglacial lake. The use the kerosene-filled borehole to access Lake Vos- advantage that such a lake would have over lakes tok and, potentially, deploy instruments. Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 24, 2021


In 2007, following the identification of ‘active’ at investigating the Whillans ice stream system lakes within Whillans Ice Stream in West Antarctica, were funded, but in a way that merged the projects plans began to form surrounding the direct investiga- to form the WISSARD programme, with Lake Whil- tion of the one of the lakes, named Lake Whillans, lans being a priority. the ice-sheet grounding zone downstream of the Hence, by 2008, funding was in place to support lake and the subglacial environment. the exploration of Lake Ellsworth and Lake Whil- Hence, by the end of the first decade of the twenty- lans, as well as continued Russian work at Lake Vos- first century, three programmes had been initiated: tok. As a consequence, the SCAR SALE programme a trilogy of US programmes on the Whillans ice concluded that it had met its original terms of refer- stream system; the UK programme on Lake Ells- ence and, therefore, the final meeting was held in worth; and the Russian programme on Lake Vostok. 2009 to formally close the programme. To continue international dialogue between the three most prominent nations, and others, an AGU Plans for exploration Chapman Conference was convened in Baltimore in March 2010 ( Siegert et al. 2011b) – the sixth inter- A ground-based geophysical survey of the Lake Ells- national meeting on subglacial lake exploration. worth region, over two seasons in 2007–08 and Uniquely, the conference gave an opportunity for 2008–09, revealed the lake to be buried beneath 3– engineers to discuss the design of hot-water drills, 3.3 km of ice, around 14 km long, 2–3 km wide equipment for water measurement and sampling and up to 160 m deep, thus confirming it as a deep- and sediment recovery, and protocols for experimen- water subglacial lake and an ideal candidate for tal cleanliness and environmental stewardship. direct measurement sampling (Woodward et al. Following this meeting, SCAR drafted a ‘code of 2010). The data revealed the likely presence of sed- conduct’ on Antarctic subglacial lakes exploration, iments on the lake floor, and that the lake was ratified at the 2011 ATCM (held in Buenos Aires, contained within a subglacial topographic valley, Argentina), which explained the scientific basis for formed by the action of dynamic glacial erosion cleanliness and the requirement for this to be when the was restricted to achieved under in situ measurement and sampling. regional highlands (Ross et al. 2014). The data For the Lake Ellsworth programme, a prerequisite also identified the best location to attempt direct for exploration was a comprehensive environmental access, based on maximizing scientific value whilst evaluation (CEE; as recommended by the 2007 NAS minimizing experimental cost. As a consequence of report) agreed by the ATCM CEP. The CEE was the first field-season’s results, and through an exten- submitted to the Buenos Aires Meeting, and was rat- sive proposal to design, build and deploy bespoke ified the following year, paving the way for the equipment to cleanly drill through 3.3 km of ice, exploration of Lake Ellsworth to take place. The and to measure and sample the lake water and sedi- WISSARD programme did not complete a CEE ment, funding was awarded in late 2008 to undertake because, in the opinion of US authorities, its explo- the exploration mission. ration could be covered by existing permits, as it Lake Whillans was first identified through analy- was located at the edge of the grounded ice sheet sis of time-series satellite altimetry; the ice surface where direct access had occurred several times in was observed to rise and lower twice as a conse- the 1990s for glaciological purposes. Nonetheless, quence of two cycles of water input and discharge, both the Lake Ellsworth and Whillans programmes respectively (Fricker et al. 2011). The boundaries were designed to be fully compliant with the of the surface change were well defined, implying SCAR code of conduct on subglacial lake access. that a single lake had received and issued the By the end of 2011 subglacial access programmes water, and that the lake’s boundaries were robust to were ready to commence at Lake Vostok, Lake Ells- the inferred hydrological changes. Radar confirmed worth and Lake Whillans. the outline of the lake, and measured the ice thick- ness over it to be c. 800 m. Seismic studies over the lake revealed no evidence for its depth, however, implying that it was either probably shallow (of the Subglacial lake exploration order of the wavelength of the sound wave in ice, Lake Vostok c. 4 m) or was completely drained during data acqui- sition. Indeed there was an understanding that the In February 2012, the Vostok ice core was continued depth of water would be likely to change in time to base of the ice sheet and into the surface water of owing to inputs of water from upstream and dis- Lake Vostok. In so doing the Russian programme charges. As a consequence of the US Obama Stimu- became the first to access a subglacial lake. If lus Package of funding for science, following the there was ever a ‘race’, the Russian scientists had 2008 financial crash, the trilogy of projects aimed certainly won. Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 24, 2021


As the ice core’s antifreeze drilling fluid, kero- lake and to the loss of surface water needed to sene, is lighter than water, at the point of lake pene- continue drilling. tration lake water rushed into the borehole, leading to Once back in the UK, the Natural Environment a hydrological shock in the lower borehole and the Research Council led a formal independent failure development of cracks within the ice core walls review board, in which the causes of the failure and damage to the drill bit, which caused c. 1.5 m3 were confirmed and recommendations made for of drill fluid to overspill at the surface. On return to their remedy. Details of this review, the issues the surface, the drill bit was shown to have ice encountered during fieldwork and the modifications around it, which would have been from the lake to the drill needed to achieve deep, clean measure- water coating the metal and freezing to it (the drill ment and sampling of subglacial environments, can bit retaining its cold temperature as it entered the be found in Siegert et al. (2014). lake). The lake water within the borehole froze, and was subsequently re-cored the following season Lake Whillans to recover a lake sample. The use of a kerosene-filled ice core to access In January 2013, Lake Whillans became the first sub- Lake Vostok was controversial, with several nega- glacial lake to be accessed using a clean hot water tive comments made about the experiment at the drill, and measured and sampled using clean instru- ATCMs in 2010 and 2011, the issue of environmen- ments following agreed protocols (Fricker et al. tal protection and sample cleanliness being difficult 2011). As a consequence, samples retrieved became to guarantee with the experiment. Nonetheless, sam- the first from a subglacial system in which contami- ples of frozen lake water were acquired on which lab- nation issues could be assured, adding confidence to oratory investigations could be made. the scientific results. Drilling into the lake was successful, although – Lake Ellsworth several technical issues had to be overcome demonstrating the difficulty inherent in this work. A purpose-built, clean hot-water drill, and sterile Upon access to the lake, instruments deployed probes and sediment corers were deployed into Ant- measured the water column at c. 1.5 m. Samples of arctica in November 2012 (Siegert et al. 2012). In water and sediment were taken, and returned to the December, the equipment was primed and drilling surface for both immediate inspection and transfer commenced. A number of issues prevented the to laboratories in the USA. They showed that water drill from working properly, however. First, a com- within Lake Whillans contained ‘metabolically ponent of the drill’s electronic burner control unit active’ micro-organisms, and that it was derived pri- failed, as did its replacement. The component was marily from glacial ice melt with a minor component found subsequently to be faulty, but since the system of seawater (Christner et al. 2014; Michaud et al. was being run below its operating temperature (the 2016), making it unique among known subglacial unit was switched on at −17°C; ideally it should environments within Antarctica. have been warmed to around 0°C), this could not That the subglacial environment of Whillans ice be guaranteed as the reason for its failure. Nonethe- stream contains a small level of seawater will not less, this setback caused considerable delay as a new be a surprise to glaciologists as the region has been part (a reformed circuit board with a totally new subject to seawater inundation and marine sedimen- component) had to be flown in. This delay led to tation during previous interglacials. The seawater the unplanned use of fuel, as the system had to be influence is unlikely to be contemporary, as tidal kept warm to avoid freezing. Although the new com- pumping of modern ice-shelf-cavity seawater is ponent worked well, pre-recorded data that helped limited to a distance of c. 10 km upstream of the optimize the boiler performance had been lost, mean- grounding line, whereas Lake Whillans is c. 100 ing that the desired water temperature could not be km upstream (Michaud et al. 2016). An observed achieved. This led to drilling at a much reduced increase in the proportion of seawater with sediment speed and further unplanned loss of fuel. The drilling depth suggests that Antarctic groundwater flow may procedure required a subsurface reservoir, which had well be important to Whillans ice stream dynamics, been developed successfully, to be linked by the as has been demonstrated by numerical ice flow main bore hole. Despite over 24 h of trying, this and hydrology modelling (Christoffersen et al. link was not made, owing to the boreholes not 2014; Siegert et al. this volume, in press). being drilled perfectly vertically (because of bending of the drill head as a consequence of low melting Seventh international meeting on subglacial rates). Without this connection, drilling could not lake exploration continue, and despite the boiler finally attaining the required temperatures, drilling was ceased on 24 Activity in the months following the fieldwork in December, owing to the lack of fuel to drill to the 2012–13 varied considerably between respective Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 24, 2021

INTERNATIONAL HISTORY OF ANTARCTIC SUBGLACIAL LAKE EXPLORATION 17 nations. While US colleagues were inspecting the A second set of questions related to the location samples obtained, UK engineers were involved in where research is thought best conducted in terms examining what had gone wrong with their drill of scientific deliverables and logistical ease. and how best to put it right and Russian scientists Although there were numerous responses for subgla- were busy considering how to reactivate the ice cial lakes Vostok, Ellsworth and Whillans, the larg- core to repeat the lake access. At the same time, est number of respondents commented that a variety SCAR organized a global initiative to identify the of settings was required to fully answer the ques- most important scientific challenges that need to be tions, not being restricted to subglacial lakes. Indeed, addressed by 2035 – a 20 year horizon scan. clean sampling of sedimentary material away from The scan, led by former SCAR President Chuck subglacial lakes was described by several attendees Kennicutt from Texas A & M University, with sup- as being an interesting way of answering the top port from the Tinker Foundation, was a community- four questions. That the community did not focus led activity. It worked by offering an open call for on one particular lake indicates that there is no single the most important questions to be faced in 20 agreed ‘best suited’ lake for exploration at this stage, years’ time, with a second call to refine these ques- testifying to a wide variety of unique subglacial lake tions and gather support for those deemed most environments (Siegert 2016). Only by the explora- important. These questions, numbering several hun- tion of multiple subglacial targets across the Antarc- dred, were then attributed to scientific themes, to tic continent can the full diversity of these systems at provide a loose organizational framework for dis- the ice sheet bed be comprehended. cussion. A retreat was then held in New Zealand The third set of questions concerned the tech- in March 2014, involving c. 75 scientists, nomi- nological advances needed for measurement and nated by the community, to consider the top 80 of sampling, lake access and cleanliness and environ- these questions (details can be found in Kennicutt mental stewardship. Given that numerous lake et al. 2015). Following this exercise the Council exploration probes have already been designed, of Managers of National Antarctic Programmes built and tested, the majority of responses focused began a matching exercise, to understand the logis- on equipment not yet configured, such as down- tics and engineering challenges that finding the borehole monitoring systems, long-term in situ answers to each question would require (Kennicutt measurement, and the deep sampling of benthic et al. 2016). sediments. On lake access, the consensus was far In March 2015, the seventh international meet- clearer – that clean, reliable deep-ice hot-water ing on subglacial lake exploration was held at the drilling is required. In terms of cleanliness, most Royal Society’s Chicheley Hall, to discuss the respondents commented that procedures for clean first results and lessons learned from the three subglacial lake access have now been developed exploratory missions (Siegert et al. 2016b). It also using hot-water drilling. Some remarked that pro- focused on the future development of research. To cedures and protocols for monitoring cleanliness this end, attendees completed a questionnaire relat- of boreholes, and devices passed within them, need ing to their scientific ambitions and preferred pro- to be further established. gramme arrangements to meet them. Attendees The final set of questions focused on whether were first asked to list which of the horizon scan international collaboration is required to undertake questions they planned to address. The top four subglacial lake exploration in future and, if it is, answers were: (1) how does subglacial hydrology what the nature of such collaboration should be. affect ice sheet dynamics, and how important is While some level of cross-national collaboration this linkage; (2) how do the characteristics of the was almost unanimously regarded as being desir- ice sheet bed, such as geothermal heat flux and sedi- able, only half of the responses thought it essential. ment distribution, affect ice flow and ice sheet Although some favoured the idea of a single major stability; (3) how will the sedimentary record international programme, financially supported by beneath the ice sheet inform our knowledge of the several nations, the majority of respondents spoke presence or absence of continental ice; and (4) of the advantages of retaining a multiple-target how do subglacial systems inform models for the approach. Instead of a single managed programme, development of life on Earth and elsewhere? international collaboration should be enhanced Collectively, these questions demonstrate the multi- through academic and knowledge exchanged disciplinary nature of the research that can be between programmes, and through sharing of sam- gained from subglacial lake exploration using a ples (where possible) to ensure the reproducibility combination of geophysical survey, clean subglacial of results. With the emphasis on informal coopera- lake access measurement and sampling, down- tion rather than on managed collaboration, there borehole measurement and sediment drilling, all was an agreement that SCAR can, and should, retain of which have considerable logistical and engineer- a role in promoting and coordinating subglacial lake ing requirements. exploration research. Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 24, 2021


Fig. 5. A timeline of subglacial lake discoveries showing key events between 1956 and 2016. Horizontal bars show the total number of known subglacial lakes in published inventories. Adapted from Wright & Siegert (2012) and Siegert et al. (2016b). Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 24, 2021


Future research International discussion on how and where to explore in Antarctica was supported by SCAR, Testing the hypotheses of life in the extreme environ- which convened a group of specialists, a scientific ments of subglacial lakes, and the climate records research programme and several international meet- held in sediments across their floors, continues to ings. It also oversaw the development of protocols to drive future research planning. If we speculate that, protect these pristine sites from unnecessary contam- within 50 years’ time, subglacial lake exploration ination and disturbance. Slowly, three programmes will be common, then between now and then reli- began to take shape: a Russian plan to use the ice able, clean access to deep subglacial environments core facility at Vostok Station to break through the needs to be established. In doing so, scientific targets ice; a US programme to sample the hydrologically in addition to subglacial lakes become possible. For active bed of Whillans ice stream, including Lake example, we know that there are several deep sedi- Whillans; and a UK-led project to investigate Lake mentary basins in Antarctica, which heavily influ- Ellsworth. ence the flow of ice above. Such sediments are As it is easy to see the similarities between the likely to be permeable, offering opportunity for projects – they are subglacial lakes – the notion of a water storage (groundwater; Siegert et al. 2016a; ‘race’ between nations to explore these environments Siegert et al. this volume, in press), geological was reported regularly in the international media. records and, potentially, the build-up of methane However, while research is an inherently competitive owing to biogeochemical processes (Wadham et al. business, participants of the three programmes did 2014). not view the competition as a race, in large part Medium-sized deep-water lakes at the ice-sheet because of the distinctions between the three environ- centre, such as Lake Ellsworth, remain well suited ments, Lake Vostok being huge and in East Antarc- to exploration. However, of the more than 400 tica, Lake Ellsworth being medium-sized and in known lakes, others are emerging as equally appeal- West Antarctica, and Lake Whillans being shallow ing candidates. For example, a large (>100 km long) and potentially ephemeral. The fact that there was subglacial lake has been proposed in Princess Eliza- regular correspondence between the programmes, beth Land in East Antarctica (Jamieson et al. 2016), via SCAR and through seven international symposia, which is around 100 km from a logistics hub of the testifies to the openness of the programmes, in line Chinese Antarctic programme. If confirmed, it will with the long-held spirit of Antarctic research. be one of four subglacial lakes that are controlled In February 2012, Lake Vostok was penetrated by the tectonic setting of the region, the others by the Russian Ice Core, allowing frozen lake water being Lakes Vostok, Sovetskya (the very first lake to be recovered by subsequent re-coring. In Decem- to be discovered) and 90E (Bell et al. 2006), which ber 2012, the UK-led mission to Lake Ellsworth was all occupy topographic troughs with long axes paral- halted owing to technical issues with the deep-ice lel to one another and roughly orthogonal to ice flow. drill. In January 2013, the US programme to Lake Exploration of any of these deep, probably ancient, Whillans successfully recovered samples, demon- systems may yield substantial scientific advances. strating the ice base here to contain viable micro- Exploring the easiest first is sensible, which places organisms. While these 12 months saw considerable the new discovery as a feasible and realistic target advances in our knowledge of subglacial lake envi- for exploration in the coming years. ronments, and our ability to explore them, the main drivers for the exploration, namely the two hypothe- Summary and discussion ses on life in ancient deep-water subglacial envi- ronments and on climate records, remain strictly A time-line of selected key events within the history untested. When one considers this, and the fact that of subglacial lake exploration is provided in Figure 5. there are over 400 known subglacial lakes, one can Sixty years ago, glaciologists were perfecting the see why subglacial lakes research remains in its field measurement of deep subglacial environments infancy as a topic. through pioneering developments in seismic and radar sounding. This early work led directly (i.e. pro- I wish to thank the organizers and convenors of the XII vided data as well as methods) to the discovery of International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences in Goa for the opportunity to present material within this chap- Lake Vostok as a huge deep-water body, buried ter as a keynote lecture, and to the UK Natural Environment beneath 4 km of ice for potentially millions of Research Council for funding the Lake Ellsworth explora- years. As a consequence, it was hypothesized to rep- tion programme (NE/G00465X/1, 2 and 3). resent a unique and ancient environment for micro- bial life and a recorder of climate change. As these References hypotheses are testable with direct measurement and sampling, the exploration of subglacial lakes BELL, R.E., STUDINGER, M., FAHNESTOCK, M.A. & SHUMAN, became a serious proposition from the mid-1990s. C.A. 2006. Tectonically controlled subglacial lakes on Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 24, 2021


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