Special Libraries, February 1952
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San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1952 Special Libraries, 1950s 2-1-1952 Special Libraries, February 1952 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1952 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, February 1952" (1952). Special Libraries, 1952. 2. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1952/2 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1950s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1952 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 11 STECHERT SERVICE can take care of all your requirements for AMERICAN and FOREIGN BOOKS and PERIODICALS CURRENT books supplied from our extensive stock or procured for you promptly. American books receive the best possible discount consistent with good service. OUT-OF-PRINT books supplied from our large stock or obtained through our successful Search Service. PERIODICALS and SERIALS in complete or partial sets at advantageous prices. A COMPLETE LIBRARY SERVICE STECHERT-HAFNER, INC. Founded in New York 1872 31 East Tenth Street New York 3, N. Y. Branches: London, Paris, Leipzig, Stuttgart (Am. Zone) GAYLORD CARDS.. For the Library 4 Shown here are a few of the cards we supply to libraries. For more than 50 years high quality library cards have been rnaior items with us. We have a complete line. Make us your card headquarters. Write for samples. LIBRARY SUPPLIES g~.INC. Standord Library Furniture SYRACUSE, N. I. STOCKTON, CALIF. C1 Please Mention Special Libraries When Answering Advertisements LIBRARIANS Everywhere COPY ANYTHING Anywhere with End drudgery of. longhand-copying and Contoura-copy full- proof-reading notes.. page graphs, charts, * Contoura-copied maps,prlntsorparts manuscripts and docu-• of pages, stamps, rnents are letter-per- s i l n atn res, froIn fect, need no check-. books that can't be ing. taken from library. Used by librarians at Amer. Viscose Chem. Re- e... ..a_.... search.+ Bristol Labs. Inc.; Brown & Bigelow; Corm. Agric.'Exp. Station; Dow Chemical Co.; E. I. du Pont de Nemours. General Foods Corp.-Central Labs: I.B.M. ~esearch.Kaiser Aluminum & Chem- ical dorp: Mayo clink. Minn. Mining & Mfg. Co.; Minn. state Law L~br: '~onsantoChemical Co. Re- search Pure Oil Co. ljcvel. Labs: St. Francis Hos- pital. '~ed.Rec. Libr: Solar ~ircraftCo.; E. R. Squibb & Sons; ~echhicolor Motion Picture Re- search; U. S. Atomic Energy Comm and others. lt's tru1.y PORTABLE; fits in briefcase, makes clear Reolace missinl orm Contoura-copy er- copies for only 7c. needs no darkroom and affords damaged pages -from@ cerpts, or entire time and money savines. Models as low as $39.00. duplicate volumes. pages up to 8%" x Write for FREE FOLDER today. Copy passages from. 14", from non-clrcu- rare or single copy luting books without G. Associates editions for reserve. lugging heavy vol- F. LUDWIG book shelf. umes to photo copy 17 PEASE ROAD WOODBRIDGE, CONN. company. PLAN and SPECIFY lnodem functional bookstack equipment YOU SECURE PRESENT AND FUTURE EFFICIENT UTILIZATION OF STACK Please Mention Special Libraries When Answering Advertisements Special Libraries OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION Copyright 1952 by Special Libraries Association Editorial Governing Board ALMA CLARVOEMITCHILL, Chairman CONTENTS DORARICHMAN EDITHSTONE Managing Editor HARRYR. SNOWDEN,JR. Advertising Manager ARTICLES MRS. KATHLEENB. STEBBINS Reference Tools in the Biological Sciences, Karl A. Baer ..........45 SLA OFFICERS, 1951-52 GRIEGASPNES, President The Bibliographic Control of Medical Lit- Brown & Bigelow erature, Estelle Brodman . 48 St. Paul 4, Minnesota ELIZABETHFERGUSON, Evaluation of the AMA Nomenclature of First Vice-president and President-Elect Disease and Operations, Margaret Schell 56 Institute of Life Insurance New York 22, New York Microcard Publication of Scientific and ELEANORV. WRIGHT Technical Reports, Melvin B. Morgan . 59 Second Vice-president Chrysler Corporation Aslib 26th Annual Conference, Zvor B. N. Detroit 31, Michigan Evans ..........60 FREDERICC. BATTELL, Secretary United Nations versus League of Nations Minnesota & Ontario Paper Co. Documentation, NelleSignor ....62 Minneapolis 2, Minnesota MARTINLOFTUS, Treasurer International Monetary Fund FEATURES & International Bank for Reconstruction & Development, Chapter and Division Highlights .... 65 Washington 25, D. C. Have You Heard .........66 DIRECTORS Off the Press .......... 68 ESTELLEBRODMAN U. S. Army Medical Library Washington 25, D. C. MRS. LUCILEL. KECK Joint Reference Library Indexed in Industrial Arts, Public Affairs Chicago 37, Illinois Information Service, and Library Literature ROBERTE. GRAYSON New York Herald Tribune New York 18, New York The articles which appear in SPECIALLIBRA- M. MARGARETKEHL RIES express the views of the authors, and do School of Library Science not necessarily represent the opinion or the Drexel Institute policy of the editorial staff and publisher. Philadelphia 4, Pennsylvania KENNETHH. FAGERHAUGH John Crerar Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES pul111dwd montllly September to April, Chicago 1, Illinois with bi-monthly issues May to August, by The Special Libraries Association. Publication Office. Rea Building, 704 Second Ave.. GERTRUDELOW Pittsburgh 19, Pa. Address all conumunications for publication John Price Jones Co., Inc. to editorial o5ces at 31 East Tenth Street, New York 3, N. T. New York 7, New York Subscription price : $7.00 a year ; foreign $7.50 ; single copier. 75 cents. Entered as second-class matter February 5, 1947, at MRS. ELIZABETHW. OWENS, the Posi Oflice at Pittnbwgh, Pennaylcania, under the Act of Immediate Past-President March 3, i879. Acceptance for mailing at .special rate of postage Mercantile Trust Co. provided for in the Act of ~~~~~~~~~y 88. 1985, authorized Pebru- St. Louis 1, Missouri ary 5, 1947 Announcing - 1001 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR CONVERSATION AND SPEECHES by HERBERTV. PROCHNOW,Author of "The Public Speaker's Chest" Every businessman will want access to this new book by Herbert V. Prochnow, whose fabulously successful THEPUBLIC SPEAKER'S TREASURE CHEST has become the key to speech eloquence for thousands. Here are the tools and techniques that offer unlimited possibilities for those who aspire to become versatile and effective conversationalists as well as competent speakers. Here are thousands of bon mots, figures of speech and quotations, plus a valuable "how-to" section that describes how to transform common- place talk into lively, forceful conversation. An indispensable reference work for all libraries. $3.95 AMERICAN LABOR UNIONS Whaf They Are and How They Work 1952 Revised Edition by FLORENCEPETERSON, Formerly Chief, Industrial Relations Division, U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. In constant demand-from labor unions, industry, colleges and the general public, this popular treatment of the American labor movement is "a veritable mine of information and a most useful source of reference." -New York Herald Tribune. This up-to-date revision includes two new chapters on the international I relations of American labor. $3.50 HUMAN FACTORS IN MANAGEMENT Revised Edifion Edited by SCHUYLERDEAN HOSLETT, Professor, School of Business and Public Administration, Cornell University. "(An) unusually constructive and provocative volume . The end result is a practical working program which the individual reader can develop from the data pertinent to his problem . it goes beyond theory to practical approach to recurrent difficulties in every phase of business and professional life." - IVIRGINIA KIRKUS BOOKSHOP BULLETIN. $4.00 THE INVESTMENT COMPANY AND THE INVESTOR by RUDOLPHL. WEISSMAN,Vice President, Franklin Cole & Co., Inc. "(Goes) far to fill the need for concisely and simply stated information, and for disinterested yet knowledgeable appraisal of this sparker of the financial scene." -A. Wilfred May, Commercial & Financial Chronicle. "Written with an unbiased pen . His comprehensive description of the institution, his explanation of the regulations of the Securities Commission, and his ability to relate the whole to the general financial picture are done in a skillful and at the same time simple manner." - Trusts & Estates. $3.50 AT YOUR BOOKSTORE OR FROM 49 East 33rd st. HARPER & BROTHERS ~ewYOA 16, N. Y. Please Mention Special Libraries When Answering Adverfisements Reference Tools in the Biological Sciences* Mr. Baer is bibliographer, U.S. Army limitation are shown graphically by Dr. Medical Library, Washington, D. C. H. J. T. Ellingham's clever chart illus- trating some of the relationships be- NCE UPON A TIME, a little old lady tween the branches of natural science 0 came into a bookstore. The clerk and echno1ogy.l rushed out to help her. "I don't want In discussing part of this vast field very much," the little old lady said, "I from the point of bibliographic control, want an edition of the complete Bible, we must always keep in mind the pre- but it has to be very, very large print eminence of serials, particularly jour- because my eyes are not so good as they nals, in scientific literature; they are the used to be; and also, it has to have a basic source material. This means that very, very small format because I am a periodical indexes, catalogs,