
Creative Spirit Award – Arts

Roxanna Maleki


Roxanna is a singer-songwriter from Toronto, Canada, who has made a great impact in the community and music industry. It was while studying to be a nurse that singer/songwriter Roxanna witnessed first hand the healing power of music. Sitting bedside with a patient suffering from dementia, she sang gently to the elderly woman, who was no longer swallowing. “She looked into my eyes and for the first time, I saw her smile. And she began to eat,” Roxanna says. “The doctors were amazed.”

Over the years Roxanna has actively worked with major music/video producers and directors across the globe. Her latest album, “Exotica” features a rich tapestry of velvety ballads and rousing, robust pop anthems of healing, forgiveness and strength—accompanied by the grandeur of string orchestration and , Spanish and flamenco influences. The collection is produced by Mark Portmann, who has worked with pop royalty Celine Dion, Josh Groban, , Annie Lennox, Julio Iglesias, Dianna Ross, Christina Aguilera and many more successful artists. Three of my songs, “Close Your Eyes”, “Hello”(feat. Chris Botti) and “Here With Me” also (feat. Chris Botti) have been on Billboards top 20 for over 5 months and have been aired on radios in the US and Canada, including Sirius XM (Blend).

Roxanna’s concert, “Exotica ” made its debut at Vibiana in Los Angeles, California. The performance was recorded and has since aired on PBS. She has also had the pleasure of having Jon Secada, two times Grammy Award winner as the special guest artist performing three of her songs. Roxanna’s story, music and live performances have grabbed the attention and hearts of people around the world. Her poetic and captivating melodies and songs touch hearts and souls. She is the perfect embodiment of creativity, passion, elegance and service to the community through music and the arts.



. Enhanced therapeutic . Computer proficiency and . Outstanding team leadership and communications and active experience with Microsoft project management skills listening skills towards patients office applications. . Demonstrated satisfactory work and health care team. . Strong interpersonal skills performance and attendance history . Able to prioritize and seamlessly . Multilingual . Strong written and oral communication, manage multiple tasks critical thinking, care coordination, time management and customer focus skill