MXT(fNTtt YIUI, ..._._, 1~ n.,..,, M.w. 1~, 1963 CORONA OIL ~ CALif. cou I c HIG I c Oevelopen Jordlfl cl Ben­ Elder~ Dee Coolr ad Paul quickly co oevelop it so !hat there i 1 a limit co what the jamin and lbetr real eatate Onaber. it wi II a tart earn ina them a market can absorb - a cer­ BUOOY EBSEN of IJII~ Island, easily recognized here broker, Mio aaid lbey had lbe Cowlc::il thea appmveo retum on their inveatmenL tain poin t wbere It ,.oold not as the star of TV's Beverly Hillbillies, will pres ent the failed co find anyooe oppoaed a motion by Mr. Stocsdard co be econonucally reallsu c to Coun cllman SCOIOC\\ ScboolBoardTuadayolpt. coat. E. Coaat H~~> y. from C-1 10 because of the hiah interest Btll R1n1 of Harbor Invest­ '*OUI before the board. Tbe order cast by Councilmen Don ana they hue ID proceeo perty, aareed, uyina that BenJamin tolu the C OUIICI I asked payment for extra work that lhcy OJd not coniiiJcr requlred tn compleuon of tbe thctr pJ an V.OUld lnCrChC audium. dcn!>lt~ becaae the' v.oulu LEFT TURN STUDY ASKED Tbe board passed the order, Suicide Try Stopped be able to proVIde aae40.Atc (It)' \1anatcr ~b Coopv.1 s asked to uplaan the daffic ul­ off-street parkma ~&nacr th c a s l..ed b~ the ~ewport Beach but ~lrected Supt. Max R~ ll Actina ext infonnatioo rrom AU.empta to open the car's In 1~11 tc o f several ~~>arn­ tte s tn 1n1t.alhn& left turns. (.It\ Council ue•lia' even­ to ootlfy the stadlum architect the oiatrict attorney'a office, hooo fatled. IR I • \ir\. Hachcz Lne be1n1 ~Jcne and v.hat has IS Ci ty policy to provide IS lCD to the sprinkling • ysr.em.. from oommituo, swcade by open the c ar by reacbma hind h er, caus1n1 m1nor some aort of rez()ftlnJ IS rc­ been done about left tum many left turns u are fea­ The botld fe lt the extra coat drivtna off theNewport Pier throuah the ~~<1ndo• an the cJamaac q~ured for the bus1neu s tn p. problem• on C..oa~t H•' 1n Sihle. I \br . as.emme.d ftom an enor ln c a.l­ yesterday mornina. driver'aa10e of Mra. Hachez' \1rs. llachcz v. u taken to But \h. Lorenz &&Jd he op­ <. orooa de Couoctlman Dec Cook re­ The request wu prompted marked that dnve,. are con­ c:lllatinJ w ate.r presal.ll'C CD tbe Officers aatd Ella Hachez., car, but abe rolled the .,.i n- Oranac (oun I ) tloapllal for po~tecl 1l1RIIe-block rC lORin& by a letter from Paul Holder pen of dle engl.neciDg firm 365 Wakeforcat Rd., tel e- do .. up oo h11 a em. Offi cers obaen·aoon. " o charan anere filed a&&Jn~t her. the en ll rc s tnp 1n oroer Ul In I CUCD CD choc:alng a oame offi ce aod 1110 ahe was the car. come up "'"llh ~ over-all plained !hat a ~~>ctt-bound uaffic re,ulauons . He asked far the 4dl hlp ICbool. to be JOin 1 co kJ II h erael ( by dri­ pi an. Councilman Stoad&ro dnver on Coast H" \'. muat !hat the Acacta-Avocado built Ill CGita Meu. lbe boucl vina her car orr the pier. 111<1 he "'al cansHJeona the make 5 turns to act o n to 1- area be tDCiuded an the ~>cope of tbc ctty manaaer·, repon. atpeci to •k cbe Colu Mesa Polic e a tope>ed Mrs. H ~cbu matter from tbc potnt of VIC• ~~ •• *• w~ of ~~vain ... cto­ portion o( C...t H.wy...... h- ..,...... , ... ,_..., ..,....,. • J ... ~c. ., •• n...... ,__ •••'"WWsat oo dley really ..,., ,.,... ~;t;j;iftir'!riiil... liiiiii ~·· woald ._. lbe baud cbc bat dr.i Yin a into &be bay when Nov. 11 i• • auto a c:ciden t Seawatd R4. address, 2 bto­ .. and bedroom nama aosgated. He asked far abe uw abe C04Jid not \ han Clemenc e. ch aHm 4lll ( omram nflicl .tb l> .tl c.l ttl!\ ()( the Plann1n1 ( n • t~ chnt­ ''' much J IHU'- cd On.hnancc posctl. "but the' ~~>e re not aity, and in 1955 received a .. a ll l\ r he l u r nt rur~ _.,,., _ J()bQ r~l au n, rc tr1 H1c rc­ lnterestc c.wn e maater'a dearee in political f'ln\ h 4 \l ~IJDIT IIICIJ 11' r••- llul•t•on~ a&rceJ that addt­ here ton1 ght. ·· 4Ue ,l l11f un-.t,.., , lfieJ zun1n ~ llCinal dmcnJment' can be acience from Columbia Uni­ { ounctl IT' Cmtoe r !'l.,recn At the ( ,.,l.Jcnr''''' \ ' c rt' adc t>erMc ad~'ruon . verai ty. \4arshall sa11J there >tu,ui.J He retired &a a replarArmy ( ' "'"' J1 ... \ ll'lfntl 'L olll >lfl, • "prrovcd th~ Clh mana­ be a buffer area bet•ecn •'n th e .. ""'-e ,,l lh t l'l.ann1n 11 colonel lut Aua. ll ~fter Jer'& reLommcndatu'n aga1n1t h1 1h nse corrrnerc1 al ana ( ornm 1" '". >n · ' i an u u s. e l , If' - ll ycara of military ~\Y. l arl \-tel ullah's requut to real I 'l.c• f'Ort P1er. zootn& should be "10en1n& II tant Ci t ~ .ttltl ftiC\ ~ · ­ in tbe So•iet Unioa, Mlbaai­ of the s1ae streets ana R-3 • o\ ppro ved the tentative fi(CheO \lnubl " 11:t the 'I atan and Torkey. He acned rc:z on1n1 of a buffer s rnr. tract mar for Oav1d ouna'• lcaaht' •> I the undass1f~t•u l hiCI, condom1n1um on in Nur Olinea and the Phi· "IT'S STILL IN NEWPORT" - Newport ~each Mayor \h. R1n1 s&.o that a aolu­ telClnlnJI . lippinca dUrina World War 0. lhe ba\ fron1 on \tartners WHAT$ HOAG Charles Hart makes a last minute check on a new high­ "PRIVATE ISLAND uon t~ nuld be P&Jnu na the The cnmm1 ~"1on vote ,. a, He haa bad ostenain ea­ \11!~ . OfllllllnJ lhe requestfor way sign for Corona del Mar, before installation o f the 11<1c street wm rea ro pro­ S tn 3 aJIIn \1 the rczoo1ng. peri ca c:e ia ptoject planmna dJVI 1>1 0n r:>f 11r s pace to allow sign Tuesday at Uaco\rthur 131vd. and Coa s t Hwy. With NOT OUR PlAN" hibit parkin& - the cqu1 "•· Oauwan -\ Ivan ( lemcnc e, U IC 0( lnJIVIdUal un1U In and manqOCDeot. •d eupo~ FLAG mOll liE Erskine Jobnsoo, movtc colum­ AD ot.ervant EnglJshman·· lent or WtdentnJ the s treeL 01ck th~tbte. \lr~> . Robert the 7-nOOf ~uldtna . Yiaioa o f latae acalc -~ the mayor a re Miss Gene Taylor, first vic~ president of nist and press tnlormauon offi­ widl cbe coinc:ldeot&J Da me of \h. Clemen ce tolo the Rae , ~ llham Clarl ana Scm ('nO bYe ud beuy eqllipnNIBI the Corona del Uar Chamber of Commerce, and ~Ill ~ing, cer for the Little IsLAnd AJSD. • • DclavccJ •ctton oo Gene Gerald ll:lgllsb·-ls pu.zslcd about CounCil that the Plann1n 1 [)o"""llRJ VOtClileDI!oo <;f'O ~C Uf' 10. They plu to mo•e eo He aoted dlat the American Howald Heads COM (( mtne ~ve .. Corona del Mar; Is not the object of rhe dation for the ent1rc area. wu r~ uay mcmlng, A11lstant Postmaster Grant Gc:oe Taylor. Frank Jordan and at lhc mecbn& 1n protest a document 11 to be prepared Newport Beach aoon. n.aa Auociatloo\ plan. · be l& ld. '7 a week, that the Call­ Howald was elected president Bill Nl,cbob were appoirned as a H c 111Cl lbc I IUC!y coulcl take a&aln'>t the rczon1na. saytn c 1nfomuna the property owncr .sa,. ~ Its ooly desin is to remove WJ­ foml& weo1 up Monday of tbe Cotooa del Mar Cham­ committee toanange for a gen­ IS lon1 IS I yea r, aa It d!O they \Jill not v.ant a ne• that h11 oae of a portioe of IITY PA• IIn. n.a authori%cd automobile trafftc tbtoqll Fl'idAy, but DOC durlng ber of Commerce at Tueaday's eral membership meetlng 1n for tbe Mannen \t1 lc area. COO'Imc rc1al acvclopmm t sueet ofway for acc:eaa IUEinii&Nif ftom the Island's streea. a.ll~ys tta. week-ad. meetlng of directon at the lr· December. A dlrlna meetmg, Dunna the dtscuuion of near ltlctr homes. would not result in perpetual CliffOld Comer, bead or ee and limired parkin8 spaces.. the motion to anllodUc e the Wba daii"-JIPe*ld for tbe 3rd viDe Coast CoWltry Club. with an entertainment program, John Davu , p re &~• Mr. a.S • L ..lla U. s:a.ool &I 10:4$ a.--. ~ .. ..- c• tate'~· AU Gl":&"-~--ttlt • .... ~· ...... z.ta. J. ~ " ti*t«t fUIN da. n.e.c ... ._.,_Mel\ F~. 633 Roc U , • -.... dll • ntlud.. .,..... ftM. --..· CMW =-,.-• ...... IItie ...... ~.,..··~ T_.J., at dlcU. ol ... 111• r~toDM ,._, ,... C..."' la:ads , ara puu\& .. "'.,. k ...... 10 t*e ...... _Jea .... • U.._.AIM P tl •• tee -., s. c-. .... h .. -· ...... w ...... ·-...... ttau. o-. Uc war• • f« .. Cll) of' • - '*"' 'tllwMa}. can ola• o...,.ow, .- • DineW .... a...... Ill...... tllftML;A. ..., u ...... -· Clllll*aatec... ,. ....= ., ...... '~ ...... ,...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THURSOAY leY. 14. ltU .., CORO .. A OtLMM, CALIF . L

~hen t~ ON te occuaed o/ Cnt•'fe'-~'~ Cn the doaeeHc aJfoC,.• of ...,.,. nattoM, Sootaltete-CnterAGtfonaJtete qutcAlv potnt ART. Chart•r 11w OAiy _,pI J I of..,..,.. clr~ ll"inte4 ..... to 2 of the ae proof that the ~ II. .. City el Newport hod~. C.UfonMo. UM do•• not, •fll not and cannot Cnt•rf•r• -lT- hW'••· ..... ~ tn aatte,.• ~tell ar• •Cthtn the doa.etCc MVO f . HA ..,A. Ow,_ ottd fvWhltM JW"hdfc t ton of onJI • tote. Thev MC*fngJJI r.. o. UnliMI Stetr. now a ~ "0 .... fl.ld of othot ~1'011.... '" Oto,.o c-'Y or unkn..-Cnglv ouerloo• tit• loet eentence SovW atenttef Good tbe tnt P-.clfk c-• ~hw.y newa! of tlwlt Arttcle t#Mclt etot.e •• " • • • but thte .,...,..For ptnrnai to N1'rinl weett partw •two of, Coot-• •IMw/ Clty of ....~ leodl, Colff. N.wport uaioo Poa t 191 prtnc(p.le altoJJ not pl"eJudCce theoppl C.cotton tbe OC'tober z. 1113, lllll~ ol baa inauauraled a "happy ,_..,.__.: oatolo MSSO (67J..OS50) VII." hour. " o/ enfo,oeaent ~MC~eur•• W\de,Chapter ~'I"''At'IL" 'J'hl ataa ~.... eo., 71. bl·..a11 publk.altton Whkh P" ltbon! Chtlpte,. rii C• devoted to '1 ac tton CDUh Ml'ltt "f'ed.l to Comt.t eom. ,_.. a~ ... _...... -t4 .. c·-· ..., .._., c.tu. P•WI.e.e4 ....., "£very Friday aad Satwd&J r••- - n..• .., . I• C...o ..., ..... '" lllo Cl" ef .._,... ._.., Colli. peot to threat. to tlte pNce, brfiOche• o/ m~ and'""'* Who Akllta evenina ," aaya Commander ... .. d t I " I d eau.. s~~Jona .... 124 a ..... oa4 ,...... ,,_, •••••••1 .. hll41•• ..., ... , ...... %721 Jerry Ooodall ...lrom S to 7 peace, an oo • o aggre••ton • t e- ynr: adcb'ela: Z50 W•t 57th I . c-t Ml.wor, C.-• 4.4 Mor, Colli. Tot.,._.. Ollol• J..eSJt. •n• p.m. legatee to the Securft11 CouncU authorttv St , N.Y. 19, N.Y. ''In addition to feaiDrina to dete,.Mfne "the ex C. tence" o/ •uch threa t• Th~ C'Nir&e made .. ""'loUII , atuac:ti.e lower pricea, ae­ . • eo ._ the ~ prnemed be te Wkh aceptlona. au veral delectable treata, known cand ~~tea•ure• to to•en to eJ httno thelll. minor ~n u Polyoeaiao Pu-Pu"a . will f'he S.C. Ito• not operated a• or(gfnollll fn- tend on the evat~~atlon of the <71. ..etlf "" ..1/op be available to all memben tended beca u•e of the flog ron t Ruea {on u.e• ....-ellt:Uenhower rue. na.would wheN fomt our aU if~t>r Arw. E. H-... eww• ..4 ,.WI lit• ef •• &.a.. and aueata." of the ueto1 con•equentlJI, on ll/J/50 the eoncJ.,..ona. we aane with the Polyneatan Pu-Pu'a are "UnC Hng for Peace" Re•olut ion waa adopted .,.....,tatton. GOOD PROJECT DESERVES APPmVAL hot d'oeuvrea c:onaiatina ol bJI the General A••elltblJI whl ch allOto• the ""PIJPI"'n OX u:.A.a cbOIC:C motte la or Terrayaki O.A. tooctwlten the s.c. cannot of --. IJT8DI.,or Let us hope that a solution can be found for the Dav1s ... t -a- r..- ..-.. aow ateak and fia h, laced on i ~ neue o. S ince that thur, the wo rld hoe .,. .. _.. .. ,..._. ... Uillt· Furniture Co. plans to establish a major headquarters in divtdual bamboo akewen, t Corona del Mar, in spite of the adverse decision by the tntersperaed wtlh button mua b­ wttne••ed the deliberate u(olotion bJI the .. ~-·~- · New port Beach Planning Commission last week. room a and other aucculent UNO of i t• Oton Charter to achC.ue its nefa- ••..,. "'ef ...... ~ ....._ 'nM> .... This ty pe of ou tstanding business development is need­ tiG·biu. \1embeu and aueata r ( oue en d s bJI i nttlrferr£ng in do11te sttc af- .,...... _ _. tW...... _Han.,... .,.ho turn out for the Leaion'a ed in this area. It would help revitalize a shopping strip f a tr~ of Member a ta tea. (No h the Congo, _. eo ,...... _ .. to drly nevw "happy hour" can either So. Africa and Po rtugal of rflcent date. ) ,..,......;e • maa who that is being badly hurt by lack of adequate park ing, and cook their o.,.n Pu-Pu 's over ...... alfUP ..I!'OUftd · thu s by th e lack of major enterprises. It would help th 1s a habachi fire, or have it On 10 I 2816 J the S ocial Co""" it tee of the UN ...., tt ..,.7 ._ .., ry thai area to meet the challenge of the fo rmidable competition done fo r them by an old China G. A. adopteda DECLARATION ON RACIAL PREJU - wen... otat 1tow ._.., wr that will come 1nto ex1stence when the Irvine Center is hanG who alao happen• to be DICE , 89 to 0 with 17 na ttona ( incl ud!ng the are loat Won we tan ••er· the club's spare bar~enoer. "SA ) b ( mine OUI' cllaDcft ot IIUn'l\ • I . developed near the Irvine Coast Count ry Club. ..,. a s ta n(ng. The G. A. wtll uoteon th.(s ' 'Th~waa Tehran,o f rounw , The off-street parking plan has been pio 1eered in Cor­ " I hope all members and •oon. Please obtain the Cong. Recor d of where Fruldln D. a-ult. ,ueats or Post 291 Will turn l 0/29/63, pg. l 9t.25-?7, containing r flma rlu neaotlatlna ~hind Wltul nn ona del Mar 1n the AII-Amertcan Ma rk et bl< clc, wh ich has <.:lnardai.U'a back. dellverf'tl UJI Christensen's Pharmacy as the other ma )r store. The out for ow ftra t happy hour b 11 S fin. J au t t s , text o I tfte Declaration, & Latvla, Eatonlaandl.lthuanh' '" plllty th11 Ft~oay , November article from the N. Y. T(mesonthis s ubJect. tt\e b&rbar1an. lollorptl l'>talln. plan has been further developed by Har:>:> r 1n11estment 15," satG Jerry. "A number On 11/t./6) , pg. A6848-t.9 , Sgn . ThurMond a and allftd to 1 0 aton~r ~llh Co. , w•th 1ts new building and big parking lot in the 2800 or membe ra . I'm told, haven't t · t ' the ~trayal of Poland. thr o r !- block. Th e Jordan-F:ienjam in high-rise proposal for the seen our ne..,. bar a no ne.,. grea pa trto , r etn~ert ed th{l tfl.rt along 11na1 United Nation. u gtalt n Seacrest Motel s1te can be another big step. The Sherman lounae furn1tute . So ~rop tn CDfthananal ys is of this OQcla r ation by thQ would only it't him kHp thl o~ Fnoay even•na for a rea I Co. IS preparing maJOr plans for the 2600 block. The Richmond News Leader. Pa rt of this ana ly:Ji~ secret from Amrticana of P ull·h lteat tn th~ form of unusual FLAGPOLE DEDICATION - A new flagpole donated Davis Furniture Co. proJect would be a cont1 nuat1 on of ( s reproduced bQl ow 1 (s tin g s ome o f th e con- ponttxtran he todidn whownot .,lah poHtka tu lllltl• n•"~ur • hou o 'oeuvre& , happy how by PTA members of the Newport Beach Grammar School thts far-stljlted program of 1mprov1ng business activity, happ1neu an column .,. ho ue IU8~ Wbich ...-- .rMial ~- c . 1ntereated 1n JOinina the most School. The dedication took place before an assembly u.o.. • - ~ .._ u.a. o.-tSC11Uca ommunlal ('()nque.t " What's the us e of trying to elect 1arry Go ldwater pres•· JUIIU.._ DM ..-.., Yft ..._. .,.. •* " Aad JMtfM'll! etthl'r, tho-r.• beauuful Leaion poll on the dent' It won't do any good." of th e entire student body of about 750. a-t a ._ _,. UIA* 1M ~t.. tD \lie hlld te lw Uw IIM!tn.)'al of tho- West Coast, they are cord•· _. ~ ol ~a-a.,. • ._ ...._._ Urdted Sildta a •oar It could be that some of these dou r fellows are slyly t\,.,..._taJ ft I I • - -.INidMd ba b .._ ally ~nvited to come '" and IUCIU faci liuea whach are achedoled for Wedne sday , .__. -uta*"-1 .,.._.. n IIDIP* -ta~lt In tile ...,.~ of thoo try1ng to head off the growing enthusiasm for the At~zona talk about 1t. " If you're ela· comparable to the f1neat November 27. will bo tabled bo ..u 10 u...,. o1 .._: Foar Pft...,.., w .. .._.1..-ct (1) u lloldlt Gaa ...... a .., 1101 u.e Ia· to ctrtwe t".8Mem t:llmprau senator. 13ut there are also some sincere folks who have aeble for Leaion membership. beach club. because tbe dato. falla on come on in to Newport Pou w-1 ,...._fill w1a ..... -~- dvlllatto.. 1111&0 a Du1l A«,. convtnced themselves that the political mess is just be· Members are also remtndeG Thanluaivina Eve. ~ 10 fa--*--1 ,...... _ ...__ o.a• • L ' • 291, at 21 S Fifteenth Su eet, (I) ra ._..... • , .,.,.._ "' ...... - ,.._.., ~..- ena ..-..cro- yond repatr. to steer any ouuide aroopa ~e vwpott Beach," Jerry in· ....._._...... , • ~ .._ oaa~ PM" c:h-tlhattan Ia ....,... r tat~ strong Issue with such defeatism. Just consider of clubs to Post2 91 for mee t· u ... :Cft...,.. • .,.,•• .._ - MBut • ....,. T• a • an_. •itcd, •• anc~ to•'ll Oftd yoe~~­ inae,diMera. danc:ea ot almi· the tremendous impact that a sound conservati11e and .._(l)"'n.. ___ ~ --- ...... ,I C a 1 .,.., prom· s elves 11 welcome u a tall, lu aocial and Duaineaa rune· ----• as •• a... at P.o•-... ·m In, ...... Summ- •• 9 ...... ,.... ~ bo ...... , ._ ..... • .• dedicated p atr~ o t can ha11e as Prestdent of these Un •ted cold schooner or betr on a Lioaa. Leaion hall racilttiea ..,.._ ..-,_-....,.- ta a of 114S. .:-a.,. to hb_,.n~ »ncl ho l summer 's Cla y." racial 011 1 - States' He could relt tnd le the spark of pat11 otism, prtde arc ncellent, the location 11 be1an the no.c-ur of the natlun beautiful, ana rental pncea METRO GOYERMMEMT (t) h ...... ,... ~ ta ._ INm Ita delradatlun 1n our Ch rt s t•an Pepu bl•c, fa tth 1n our fr ee enterprtse Potit 291 ra c tlltiCS, wluch to ...... ~ .... ,_, ol Publiaher nf tbe EneiF ~ to _.,.,,,. - aa-. IW" _.. "-rnllf'""d ca p• taltsrr, devotion to the cause of fr eedom for our· 1nc h1CIC a lovely pnvate very much 1n line. ....,.u- •aa , .... oeach on Newport flay , a For tnforma tl on concern•na The lleW ftvHDID buruu Ia (I) h --- ,rt•• I I I - ta ...U· by 8H C'a,...,...l and pn,. sel11es and for the enttre .vorld. 1arry Goldwater could a taw illtroduc:.t Ill Calif. by lkJa...... ,_...... ,..._, AD11 ~ t:clrr.YnlllliM Ubn'at. .-hn had spac1oua mee t1111 hall .,.hich rental datea and availablli· (t) n _ ..... _, ,.._ • fiMdlhr ta· nM"CCMf 4 t.ltf'nltlf'lvf'll twtllnd do th •s w•th off ic• al pronounc ements, press conferences, Go\·. 8rowD aDd llia frieDda 1D ""'" aea t mo re than 300, a uea, a t.olepbone call to Vtc Seerameato ~ by Ter­ ...... ,_ Udl ,...."' ...... ,...,.n., ..-.. .- We Stat• Drpartmrnt cl4ooJI' ot ... at..... radto and telev•s•on tn terv•ew s, " f~t es•de chats," an d larae metT'be r and auest park· Cianflone Carl Hammona, - rible lJU E • .rh St., <:JiiQp, ~• n cuwea F•• • •..,... ,... and .,.. ••~ u.... or «''m a l th e J th er avenues and me thods of COl" mun•catton that 1111 lot.. a comfortable lounae at 673·5070. will supply the be ,...._, ...... ,...... _ ...._.... to tiM' la-llarokri• 01. aow. u Metro • ..wr. m...... - are avail able to the P restdent of ou r natton . and an u.cellentJy appotnlep.- • an agl(n:ssive missilt' bale in Cuba (Human Eu~nls would all 0. lad Ia all tM eewKy ....- _. ws o1 .. Clll8tlr fill - Se<',..tary of State. An lndnmlt ...... _ fll aU city IJaiU ct. V...... _. abk> Am4!ri<'an. Dullea mau~ru r like to add that ~n . Kenneth Keating and others had IINJ1al ud by • ...... all ,.!'A,:.-:.=...:-_.:• .:..:;:~ ated a polk)' of brlnkma mack the d1scm~ry sev~ral months before October 22.) ...,.. el our elected ~ lal't • ._ .,...._ f11 a.. 111 .._. • whk h the K~mlln u""'""""''"""'• Straigltt Talk 'I nt' Fru p,, II tht'n sayJ: "Nut yur ~ident Ken­ aod CGUaty ~ ,_ .. ..,... ~ A .....,.. - W@IJ enoup IU rf'IIJM'('I ntdy hum el( will be running for re-election 10 Vennooters ,. Dat l1N bil ~ .,...... ,., _,...... _ •...,. .._. • .._ " ....,... _ ....., .. 11a4P ,...... _.:on vm&D· nuy properlr wonder if a crisis will occur in September or t. appoiat a mttreerat caw1CJ ,...... 1 1 -...... , ..... bllril· From T0\1 \ 'IH·. H~(f\ ...... from the ...... ,.. ..,... ~ • ur fill JIII'O't&C .... ~ .., H -- no4 •ntll OctQ,bt>r of 196-l . .. the party in power may be ht'lped ,_..._...... , ._..,..._._ llfkr Wa • ._.. ta11at tllr>' gTTp ie On that date, the Crisia Editor will open the letters I» tudu•try \ od jtnl :u ot '' thr pult .. pallfPtlt)' .. will ... .. 0. ol .. -- fll .. 0& O..U· ephft-e. But Ellenhower wu Iann o111 tl It\ ,. """' r • ,.,, ...... _...... ,.__ • y of thr I ' S j!Cf\ r rnmrnl w hrlr gi nning with the earliett date-time ~tamp . Tile fint letter claltrt7 ... baDat ...... , .... • - W. ... ~ tJM mldal of plant tO rt>l Thrv rr ~euno .on · tUYIIlll lt r\th· ~ .. • .,.. c.tnllld II .. ll • rrnw • D' t ux ,.... came to an Hid. Ex~pt for llu•mr« " tu m11kr a rrofir Th~• the winner. qpuwcA lrl ...., ...... , 1 a -. yWkUn1 of Cut. by 1\ll 1tr romplwirt are IM1nK rnonry ..,.....,..,..,..,,._. 1< thr lint nhltl{illlon ol an~ but"lltOH IO p ul thrm OUI of h.ut whu h I f.~ II our w11 h • o-op lradtn ...... ,.,.rtt ..... n,.., l u•lrilrl M hn"'""'ntt thr rn ton: Khrushchev is a auong atppot'teT and will • em '•· ..._ ., ...... u . "N.Udta Kh~Mv made rhry drn\ thrv ,,. tn lumnt'\\ for Kennedy ... ,.n ..... ~ opt, the rorporation• An' tradins A Declo (on te auppoaec1lJ1 a ata tellent of eLton to tonc!Ml h .. lntuHt profit T hal t mrrdy ,, d,... t<'l' 10 do what ht' can to imure Kennedy's election. ~ ~ the elloc!tlon o1 a •~ with thnn f Ftedins thr rrocodilr. ll\ l.llet' • ...... ood thno ntltrr pnJttlr havr Khnuhd~v told Drew .Peanoo when the columnist in­ ...... prtnoCp.£ettl I'&CXDeUel", thte one CncJud•• EIMnhOwW HAt tbourtn hopin• it'll ut thun lut l tn ptn te~ him in Ruaia that bdore the 1960 e~ he told ...... SANC'I'IONS ega (M t not (on•, ~ ( t c.rcrl\e and or- ~ mtrht be M• man. ·r hr ••" 1akr llfl'.tl ned· I'm few thr Amrrican frft ftllU· ..... ~ ...... a Averell Harriman he wanted Kennedy to bee~ . KJu:u., gcnt•atCou,ond SPECII'I&S «Dhat •tatea SHALL ~ ..... A...... ,._ 11 lnr w lt.•l 1hn .. r c.Jou,. for ;tl!fl· priM-. npiulut. pro61 and 1o. t,,... _,fl ... "* '"'hialllw am • uhur.- \ nd rn•u h r rrdtt " 1!1\m 1em m .pur of tbr fa~:t that it ahchev added that he (Khruabchcv) thoulht Kennedy ...... • ,.._. Dnll. w. do. Sen. Jou(t. feel• the USA eltould and :::.....,...... ' " 11tr ''""'" 111 famu·r for thl' donn' t ~J«m to ~Y thne to would be most helped if he said and did nothins (See hair· c... -c• ., . ~ .... wUl uotefo,. tlt(a Declora tfon "w(th ruer- "'• u 1 -:-_,..... etand up and prodaim t UCh open· ' " "" r"l"'" ,,,., h• h." ''"''" Rut ton column Aug. 29, J961 ) . PriCie ...... tu ...... ua Uon". THIS IS ANOTHER LEGAL PREC&D&IIT , .. .._ ...... a-t • 1 • 11 ~ lh ,,...,l.. uhol I< oh• frlluw ly I'm few the tYJtnD b«a~ it Howt"Vc:r, in 1962 came Khrushchev'• ~few a poei­ c...... ~ ... ADDGD ft> NAllY OTHERS being eatablC.hed bfl ..,_.., whu tlo .,.,, • • 1hr II' I" A'"'' •rt"C .Itr ,.( producf'd tht hishrst ttandard of ... ,...... wfllele ~· All Cht \rttr"fH .U I ltti .. IU,.\.nt.tU ltvons few tht h11hrst pnocatl&l" tiv. act that would t~lp Kmnedy. Two ~ before the t.he 0110 g(u(ng H LIXJAL AUrtiORif'Y ro DJCf'A- ~~;;-lftlfdt!H'I'I• of peopk in bwnan hiltory. And. _,.,.....,.OMs •• \ •ulr '"'"' tht lA• 1 rhAt \ntr ru • CI.X'IgrcaaionaJ ~lcc:tions K.cnncdy dclive'ted his Wtimacum to r&to•aaber atote• tllld cft(•ena conce,.ft(ftg ~1-u...t 3' by al.10. t~ htiJhtfl ciqftt of ftftdom .., " ••" •'l J'·'' ull'' pru l• et•h 1h ...... the Soviet Union to withdraw itt troopa &Del mialla from ....,... -leal ..... U\ltttJ.,.r U ltt" r • · t ~ H \ til' tU I U ~ .,: fl I' m for ~~ •ystm~ b«at*' It it S1RIC1'L1 I/11&RIIA.L AI'I'AIRS. If odopted, U ~':. EM~...... ,. Cuba. Khrushdw-v ~ t ulteur 1,• Il l" till vrr utltf ·~ that rt~ht , Konomically, pt'Kucally and ...... ould NULLII'Y auch of OW" Con• C( tut (on oncf c..n.a ~ae.u=.llftdAft~'. moraJiy Thr co-op way, the Mttel· 'The Kmncdy uJtim&tum and KhruW:bev'a ''meek atr· ·, ...... ,..t" ... u...l o'' '-.,: /fVSf' 1101" 6& SIOI&D BY 1'8& USA, filTH OR ....dOe ol ...... '"*· '" way, ie not th~ wa~ ol the­ renckt'' tncJIOCI the dcetion tn::nd. ln mid-October, poliri· ...... _w ~11HOU1. RtsfRVAf'lOII. - howr ...,..,.,., .. tN future . tl' t Ilk wavt ol rh• put ...-.. • OlliLa .._ ,...._.. al lhe UMf.d !kx:ialttm hu lw-f>n a m&Kni)Mo cal ~ be-lieved that the ~LI would loae fmm ' to 8 ..... in the Smatc and from 25 to of5 io the Houtte. U flr.Ue flOW" Cong,.eeemn, Senator• end AdJa( br~""'!'J · fa,lure for a thousand yean .. -·-·· ...... Our dlUdrtn ~ t)dna r.aurfu ln the Dt:moc:rata had loet +t HOUtt era&a. tho OOP wouk1 S • eueneon, Aliboaeodor, u.s. Delegotfon to ••*"'7.,,..,.,_ 10me .-hoou and Sunday ldwola hAw had the majority and born al*a eo orpn .c and _...,.._._~...... ,---- WUI, I• torlt CUll• OPPOSIIIO thfe lateet AIIMN. ffi .. _._..,, that tlw profit motlvt it wk'kd. cmtrol tbe Houte. ecll.... SUPPOirr IIR427 ( U t t) f'O ocr 'fHG US -...,,, 'n.c'1 a U,. The " Npl~te wllh apptOVal el pri\'llt crwnenbip lor&ad, ., a rault ol J.conadY'• Oubu ..coup," lfNI our or rR& u11. .,•• :: :. ... 1.,.....,....,. Dw::moe.iaU .... - ol ...., in the Houiil ••• 0 •• 0 • • • • ... .. __,. ud f:lll''"" "· Prin pt'Optny .ur~nd .... _ ___ .and...,..... privatr ~·.. ,_...... lk ...... - e1 Mel~.-.·--...... a ace lclililr.-in.. thii ~ CHILE AID ASKED BY MESA YOUTH Breo JUIIdaDi ... 17. ao. of tic lea •cia u a~~ne•. lllalll, ~· Mra. Stne J~~pclaoiaa dolla, aod pocuc aDd American Field S."i" bOOb were broupt 10 •• atD4eet 10 Chile from Coaca ....•a office by membe,. ol MIN Hiab Scbool, hu per­ a. club. Sp•c:ial reco..._iu• ...... _....., aoully roq~teaced of Mrt. for Cbeir work baa beiiG ac­ ...... ,..... Dilley, aponaor of lbe Mcdi· corded to Pcany Scboenmeht. cal Careen Club, few occ~r Chab Pre 1 iden a. aNI Mary pational therapy •teria Ia for WIUf'fea, Secre&&ry, and to an inatitution io Conc:epcioo, Shelley Keast. Cbile. Tbia ioatitatioo ia re­ Ctaile is aelinry of aponaible for •• care of die a u.s. mlllwy abip &lid c~ mentally ill aod mentally re­ maDder Edwardo Allen baa tarded. aiJeed to take all tbe artie lea ,_,...... Tbil Pft)jccl •a• YOted upon oa board tbia ship to Chile. alld accepLed u one of the ..-L-11 ... muy aer•ic:c projects of the O,!RAnOM DOLL KMtfl I ...... lea medical career club o( Coati John P. Natali, radiomm Men Hiah School. Mloy ar- thud clau, USN, aon of Mr. udMrs. Armmd D. Natali or ---LEGAL MOTICE 420 East lSib St., Cliff H.., AutHENTIC M£XICAN IESTAUIANT SU~ONS nn"' scrYina aboard the a._ SerH A FuU Uru! of Mesictm Food ''CUSTOM CASTLE" Is ltte tltte of this from left. Ctwles Henog, Fred Ball~ ('.JcacraO tack u•aport USS Bayfield, Tacos • Enchiladas • Tamales spr~ painted sttucture constNcted by tine, Kent Rlldda, Pat Gteene, Pat Gan­ No. 117381 iaparticipatina in joint train· ina mueuvera, ti tied opera­ these students at the Newport Harbor non, Lee lbrston and Pete Esplau. They SU PERJOR COURT OF ntE Rice • Beans ST"TE OP CAUPORNIA bon ..Dull Kntfe", wttb the Ch~mbe~s 5and castle contest at Big are all students at Corona del Mar High PHONI oeDIIS POR lHE U.S. Marine Corps. The m... COtona beach Nov. 3. Busy working are, School. (Ensl~ photo) COUN lY OF ORANGE neuvcn arc wina place tn - 673-9761 - f)orria A. Sc:ou, Plaintiff the Hawaiian hi uds and will tnc:ludc amphibtous auw.alu Open I I o m to I I p.m ••• on the iallfld of Moloh11. ~u aene P. Sc:ou, Defendant 2920 e:c-.• ttwy., c...... _. ..., From The POLICE BLOTTER TilE PEOPLE OF 111E A TTEHO COHVEMTIOH Bridp; o(ficera cited Allen STATE OF C.~UFORNI, , ....., , Oct. 21 ...... ,,Me •. 3 To the a.boYe n1med Oefen· Mr. and Mrs. Bcrk Kel lou. for drivina onr a double yel­ An unhown penon took a An unknown person, identi­ dane 3309 Ocean Bl Yd. , Corona low lioe. . .A bicycle waa postel carrie r'a bike while the del Mar , attencled the ltate fied bimaelf aa a Oleocsale You are hereby di rec tcd to Amertca'a ~ S.Mdion nn at the Harbclr lu Motel, stolen (JOm Joan Mabeny, vehicle was parked at 226 cl>nYenuon o( the Artzona Bound& da Code Hawaiian Fe.llbilon 1307 N. Bay PL, Balboa Ia· 26th S-.., Newport. ..Willard appear and anawer the com­ ;lanken Ann. Nov. 7-Q tn lOOOW . Balboe Bl•c1., Balboa, pi aint or dle above named o,..~&a.-.-oaa..... thea left without payioa bia land. . . Ben Taylor, SSll Reese, 1216 W. Ocean Ft., ScotutSale, Art~o na . \it. Ke l· - ....-& AYL a&laOA PNID Seuhore Or., West N•wport., Balboa, reported the tbe(t of platntiff filed in me above lou i• preaicscntof the Ftrst bill. • .Stewart Carlllr, 406 entttled court in the above Orchid Ave., Corona del Mar , Wll bitten by a dOl ll 1301 a bicycle anda cbaate loonae Cuy Bank "'th offices tn Santiaao Or ., Dover Shores. . • .S140 was taken h om a'l titled action brou&}lt aaain­ CASH LO~!D was bitt.on by a dOJ when ha Pa~aaena and Roaemeao. when be tried ID deli•er mail Pbyllia Lewis, 1801 W. Bal· st you in said court, within tried to deliver mail at 70S TEN days after the aervt ce ...... Carnation An.. Corona del . . . Police were uked to boa BlVd., Newport, while IALIOA BRUHCH .,., ., ... on you of lbia summons, if the -. fin4, ana later help aubdue One of Pentnaula Potnt ...... she was shoppina. .. Police Mu•. Timolby Hoaains, 491S Mt'Yed within the above ...... •-·•",..,.._...,. an obltreperous boa c:oostric· inveatiaated a case of doa Assoctation'• bt&&Cit brunch­ ., ...... Crescent, Lido Sanda, report­ named county, or within .... at tor that escaped from a caae es wu held Oct. 30 the eo the &heft of a surfbOard poisonioa at Sll Seubore COSTA MESA at 631 Irvine A•e., Newport; lHl~TY days if set'Yed else­ home of ~r. an4 Mrs. R. Raf· .•• Newsracks owned by tbe Or., Welt Newport; William tbc snake, owned by Ande where. ferty. New members were JEWELRY Daily Pilot were taken from Ferauson told officers he You are hereby noti fiod "elc:omeo by the older me ~ 3100 W. Balboa Blvd., New· Soooer, was finally captwed found a capsule of poison in that unleu you so appear a LOAN INC. at 627 Irvine ...Ftoocs liahu bers of the club, alona wtth port. ..A camera waa stolen his patio after his poo­ and answer, plaintiff were taken from Love's Res· ~1n. Herb Cook,who a ~>~>tste\1 p.-....7'741 from Joanne Moraan, 121 dle to the Balboa Animal will take judpen 1 for any taurul, 800 W. Coast Hw y., Hospital; analysis the as hoi tell wttb \lu. Raffert) . Coral Ave., Balboa Jaland or •money or d~ma:sea demanded NewporL 't=1Wir~rt:.a- .•.A car cover was reported capaole showed the presence in the complaint u arisina atolen from Robert Bonner, $etvrdey, Mev. 2 of poiaon, pouibly atrycb­ uron contract, or wtll apply ~~~~~~~~~~:1 120 Collins Ave ., Balboe A bicycle was atoten from ninc. • . A jack was stolen from the trunk of a car owned to the court for any other re· Ia land. Janet Cady, 223Y.I Crystal lief demanded in the com­ r .... -.,, Oct. 29 Ave. , Balboa lalalld•.. Cera· by Mildted.Hombeq, 424.Poia­ se ttia Ave., Coroaa de I Mar platnt. Plywood wu stolen from a mic patio fistute1 were sto­ '1ated: 0ct. 10, 1963 len from Orville Meland, 21S ...A aasoline tank and bose cooatructloo tlte •t Vl.a Lido were reported atolen from a - tly John C. Lewis and 32nd St. , Newport •••• Apolena Ave., Balboa Island Deputy Clerk PACIFI ...Mark Pord, 223 23rd boat owned by M.A. Richley GcuJdAngus. 324 MuioeAve. , K. J \MES K. TU RNE~ SL, Newport, was held on a Jr., 119 Via San Remo, Lido BaJJ>o. lJland, reported dut bis ~700 P.. Coast lliahway drank cbatac. Isle.•. Police anested AI· bicycle bad been uolc.n • ••• bert M. Palmier, Ronald Jl. Suite One VIEW Jeil Vlcra, of 16010 15th St. , '-4ey, ..... 3 Corona del Mar, California Police booked Harbison H. Lewis, alld Allen C. Wood a, MEMORIAL PARI( Cliff Haven, reponed che theft all of 3111 Seaahorc Or., 0~iolc s-2311 of fuhiog equipment from blJ P11ker. 403 E. Balboa Blvo., Attorney for Plaintiff eo.... del Mar Balboa; Mary W. Jordan, lll t.'eat t!Jewport.on cbaraea o( __f marijaaoaruusioiL 1& ia .., .... &hell to ,...,.. ... - 1101 W, ~w- •II NIOG An.. Newport ..,.He I&Mioe lb4 • t1w tutuft. P.ciftc all.,. u economic.! Z~~~~====~===~ pon,car • told• • poUc:eJeffrey be ScbmJ.dt, waa auuck of ffefalm: ltobert 0. Miller, v-.., way to obtain memorial property befor-. the neKI fat no apparent rcaaoo by an 1927 An&beim Ave., Meaa, and Niu M. Pelt, 128 ,ROMOTED 1M FRANCE - with all ita em ,tionaJ llti znet arias. lnqutre uola:lown penoo wbo was tlnlng now about thia unique plan. 27th St.. Newport. on cttunk Jo ba W. Allen Jr., son of co a curb ln froot of hJa ap.n· characa •. Shceu, blaokeu R. D. REDDICK ment; cbe man bad been clrlnk­ Mr. ud Mu. John W. Allen ---.....-.-----. aDd pillow caaca were taken Director: 1.., Pvtn­ lng • • • An Wlkllown pcnoo of 2693 Riversade Or., Co1ta Aeet. Du.: lf'e kott from a boat at slip 2~. Bay· Me a has be en promo ted to left Henry's llestawant, 2S30 aide Villaae Trailer Park .•. a. .I· W,CoastHwy., Newport, with­ airman first clau in the Air l.flf'llc.,_• -· ..,., ·~* ill•ui•'W-"'"' tftrv frll An Wlkaown person ran up a • B.. ic Skill• ·} "'• • loda•adllal Attcotaoo Force wtai le on wty at lbe oat IW bW • • • A bi­ 1100 bill at the Newporter • Collc1• Preparatory • Tra aoio1 ao ' ood •tvdy habit• Evreus AirBue in Prance. cycle Wll ttolea from Ma.ry Inn, then left without payina • An, Nuic, French, Span iab, Latao, Craft a Atrman Allen i a auiped to • Deli,.htflll Eo•irooe~ot • Tratupona iiOft fllnuab~d Hall, 202 £. Ocua Pt. • Sal­ . .•A bicycle was &IDien (rom the 312nd Atr Ot vuion as a LOCAnD IH COSTA MESA f'Hr Kl ~l.JIJ boa •• • A abort wave tranamlt- Oayle Roe , 214 Opal Ave., Ul..Q4JO Balboa Island. special vehicle repai nnan. 1~----·~~~~~11!111~ byter WllVera taken Hopes, from 701 a cCUffar owned Dr•• Cllff Hueo, wbUe tbe car waa parked at Harbor HI ...... ,, Oct. 30 PL-11 Hardware ..laed at more than 1100 waa takea from a 700 Camatioe A.. . auaaeownedby Bur10a Beck, eon.e del Mlr lS4l Viata Dr., Bay Slu~rea ,...... ,..,. • • .A car coYer waa stolen l'nlm Jaae YOWlJ, 1170 Rut· DAY &.MIGHT lUd Rd., Weuclifl'••• A a pare WATD IIIATIIS tU. and •laeel were taken from Freet S.cbfield, llS Lark.apur A•., Corona del Mar •••D .. id Benedict. 6. of UOO Miranw Or., Balboa, wu struck by a c:ar d.rinn YOVR COIIPLBTB br Duiel Wilcos, Ul'M IJARBBit s• op Miramar; police aaid youna ..,.... a Beaedict ran into dle aueet ~· belaiad a parked car while cbuiq a dOJ •• • Edwuo R. Hawltiaa. l903C Newport 81~. Newpclft,waa held on a llnak cbu11 at•r police ...... u call at BalNe 81\'d., aeu Uld St.; afftcen said Hawltia's c:at .....Wt a ,.,ted dr at that 1~ ,.....,. On.ll Police a.-. Pruk w. Ua.a· -· 416 ...... ,.... . This is the place to borrow money .•. when you plan to BUILD, BUV, or BEAUTIFY c...... 011 ...... , ...... "\ .J-• L. AileD, Because Newpot1 &.lbol S.wtnp has dldecated tb resources to the sound and p~$1W lrowth and 2110 Ne•., lit ·-. eo...... -. 4180 development of ()q.,.. County and the Harbor aru tor ewer a quarter of a century, no l tnstltution ...,.e ... tilpk 8. Cnwforcl. IS bettet able .., ~ you with the coned loan for your needs. 5)9 l iwn ... ""·, Ne.rpon So. whether you' re a hlmity rNN'I MM"'I a toan to hetp PI bu•ld. buy or ~ttfy l'OUr home ~ . or a builder who "''-"·•ua.ield•aca.... Meks construdtOn fiMnclnc tor a relidenbal dewlopment . or a ct.wloper J)&..wnc a com,._. of •• ... MUirJ. • • communtly CIOfftPiea, come In IN COMUtt With us. ....,_ Wallin, 110 Allee Aft., Coaa Mlu,waa 'ittla You'll find tNt tM s.winp * LMn AstodMtOn WhiCh has 'oaned mor. than $150 million tD • , e caL ••A Uau& ...... butte~ and baeuttfy tM .,. tt MneS can oftar rou helsJM toan COUMIM•nc. ~ eftd finn loeft ~• •,.,., ...... _Hoi_ and lntelltetnt tuidlw» With aft1 end ~ buildtf'll PfOtiCt . . . biC or lm.tll . •.,u. 139 ...... u . • ..._ CUffe; .. repdle ,...... , . to ...... Newport Balboa Saving• ...... ,...... , - .-.La.,.Aaalalallaft . .... P. AJa.a, Cl .... -It l CII • DaiN ., ,_,,.., I&UOII ~ •~Nil41.,C... II.W str, ... a- e.-.., .... ] ··~ ~ ...... ,., .... ,.. ue.... • ...... 0 ...... o.- ....,•• .,__ ~e.G? ... OMiellt...... ~ ... ..,...... Me...... ______.. C...t lfilla .., ...... , n_,on UIIOI EISIG• ·l THURSDAY•. *'· 1\ 116! ,.... U CHI TNUISIAYS COlORA Du. MAR . C.ALIF . LEGIONNAI E (PROBE ...... 3 •• ._._...L ...... ~ Oflly of ..-.1 clr~ _...,..,..end •••,,.,, - .. I~ po!Wilhe4 lot .. C;r, ttt1 ~ hocJrl, C.llforltlo. Loot• - .. ,._ It A..._.A WllklY-hWI.... _~ ...... '-F ...... ,.,,,., .,.. ,.. ~ .-..vo l . #MUA., o.- fHfd 'vWitltw ,...... 01 - 1011',., ...... __ •"'f... ~h. A.W ~~ oftwt 1-o"'HIIOI fft Ore.,... C-ty

1711 PeciAc c-t Hip.-.y Good rur• I I c.r-•t-..; City .t N.w,_t hed!., C~lf . Newport Le1ioa Poa t ltl Y.a. ... u•: 0.'-'- 14550 (67J.4UO) baa· inAUJUflted I "happJ •-c.-.: 71 4 ho.a. .. Yt'hen' ...... _ ...... '·-· ...... C.llf. , ...... " "Evezy Priday aDd SaturdaJ - n...... c-...... "' .. ,,..,. "-~ ...... , .., .. o...... ,,.. , .... ••••• ...... f721 e.enina,'' uya Commander 1 . c-t HI~•.., , c.- 4.1 ..... C.. U . Tel..._., 01 ..1 • UJJI. Jerry Ooo4all, ".from 5 to 7 p.m. 1 ' 1n addition 1o reabuina attracth·e ~er pricu, ae­ vcraldelec:table creata, known J ine Center is hand \11-h o al so happens to be developed near the Irvine Coast Country Club. the dub's spare bartenuer. The off- s treet park ing plan has been pioneered in Cor­ "" I bope all members ana ona del Ma r in the All-American IA artet block., which has gueats o f Post 291 will tlun Christensen's Pharmacy as the other maJor store. The out for our first happy hour plan ha s been further developed by Ha rbor Investment p1u ty lhtG fnoay, Novemoer Co., with Its new building and big patldng to t in the 2800 15."" saru Jeny. ""A number of members , I'm told, ha ¥en" t block. The Jorctan-8enjamin high-f ise oroposal for the seen our ne* bar and new Seacrest Motel site can be ,m oth er big step. The She rman lounae furnitwe . So dro p in Co. is preparing majot plans fo r the 2600 block. The Fnaay evening for a real liCit in th e form of UllU IUI\ Davis Furniture Co. project would be a continuati on of FL AGPOLE DEDICATION - A new flagpole donat~d this fa r -s i~ t ed program of improving business activity, hon d'oeune•. h•ppy hoor h&ppinc ss ana a fir. t look at by PTA members of the New port Stach Grammar Sc hool thus genetating mo re customers als.o fo r existing busi­ o ur beautifully refurtushell was dedic ated at re cent ceremonies. FOfmalizing the nesses, and mo re income for the Ci ty of Newport 13each. pub room ana dub room." • • • fir st flag raising was a btief talt: about the fla g by Jerry also uid that if there Ralph Bonds, past commande r of Newport Harbor A.meri­ LErS GET HI. liTO THE WHITE HOUSE .are .any nrm- Lcaion membe rs canLegion Post 2Ql. Mr. Bonds is shown above, at right, There a re many pessimists and defeatists wh o say, reatJ i nar; th15 column who are being we lcom ed by Vice-Principal Uik.e Hill of Newport "What's the use of try ing to elect ~rry Goldwater presi­ intcre ued tn join ina the mos t School. The dedication loolc place before an a ssembl y l) eauti ful Leaton pos t on the dene II won't do any good." of the entire studen t body of about 750. It could be that some of th ese dour fell ows are sl yly Wut Coast . they ue coroi­ •lly invi~a to come m ana try ing to head off the growing enthusiasm lo r the Arizona talk about 11. ' ' If you're eh­ gucstl facilities '*hi ch arc •cheauled for Weaneaday, s enator. '3Yt there a re also some sincere fol ks who have aiblc fo r Leaio n membership. co~a ra blc to the fines t November 27, will be table with such defeatism. Just consid~ Newport Beac h," Jerry in­ vited, "and JOG11 lind you­ of c:lubs to Post2 91 for mect­ the tremendous impact that a sound conserv ativl.' and s elves as welcome • • a tall . inaa,dinoera, danc:ea or simi­ dedi ca ted oatriot can have as P r esi~ent of these Untted cola •chooncr o f beer on a lar aocial ana l)uaineu func­ States! He could retincl!e the spark of pa tri ot ism, pr1de t.Jt summer 's aay .'" tiooa . Leaion hall facilities arc ucellent. the location is in ou r Christ1an Reputlltc, faith 1n ou r flee enterpris.e Post 191 fa cl1 1l1U. whrch beautiful. and rental pri ces capi talis.m, devotion to the cause of freedom for ou r­ tnclud c • lovely ruin le very much in line. selves and fo r the entire world. 1arry Gold wa ter could beach on Ne ... port Bay, a For 1nformauon concernin& do th is with off icial pronouncements, ore ss conferen ces, spacious mcctina hall .... nich rental dates ana availabili­ ra dio and te le V" ision in terviews, "fireside chats," and will ~eat more than 300. a ties , a telephone call to Vic luac member and JUCit park­ Ci 1.110onc or Carl Ha mmona, al l the other avenues and meth ods of communtc:dtion that In& lot. a comfortable IO Wl&C II fol13-5070. wi\1 IUpply the are available to the Prestdent of ou r nation. and In eu: ellcndy appointed an• wen. We are s till a free nati on. We stdl have the basic docu­ kitc hen, 1ffora membeu ana The nut socia l meetina. ments of fr eedom - the neclarat• on of Independence and the Const,!u!!On with 1ts CJd l of Rtghts. We are still, at WHAT WILL IE · ~tEAT CRISIS' IEFOIE ELI!CTION1 heart, a Christ1an natton, w1th the CJtble as our guide. (From HUMAN EVENTS, Washington 1. D.C. ) 13a rry Gol~ w ater has repeatedly pledged hts support to Tht'" Rurlington F u~: Prru is offering $SO to the reader the cause of conser..,at1sm and liberty. His V'Oiing record who firM na.r •W'5 tht '·Great'" that may bt: cxpecu:-d is excellent. '3est of all 1s an 8-word answe r he ga"e to JU.SI l.ocfore the dec:tion of 19tH. a re PO rter's Question following a recent soeech: "I am "I hC'" F ur PrrJJ remind!. iu readers that President John a great believer in the 9itlte. " F Kt"nnedy om nouna-d on Ckt. '22, 1962 - j!Ul two Let's get him in to the Wh ite House. bt-fore th" congreuionaJ dections of Novem~r 6 - that he /l;ild ""disco\'ercd"' that Sov~t RUBia had 1Urtai building an a~n:ssi \· c: missile bate in Cuba (HumDn EventJ would li k~ to add that Sen. Kenneth Keating a.nd othen had rnalk thC' discovt:ry :WO\'eral month• befon: October 2'2.) "J he Frn p ,,.JI then says : " Next year President Ken­ nedy himself will be running for re.-cltttion 10 Vcnnont~n may propuly wonder if a crisis w\11 occur in Sepc:embcr or Oc.tolx-r of 19&1 . .. the pany in power may be ~ l ped greatly "'·hen the nation is caught up in criacs at election R nt-ntl~ h,· pr-OJ» .wldom nrt"d to luro: tho:tr time.'" pany I .. 111 auort~•ed Wllh wr t c own ~Jo:~ malta v: rrs Tht- collt-sn The conte1ot goes like this: u~t"d to ~n•wrr a lut of qutltton\. and [xtt-nuon S.,rv>CH art on thou F,,, qur\lwn w.n "" \\ h ~t " thu c :.p""' Ill b'"'"'"" ,..,, •.. oho:n art as uk"""" the "'Crisis Editoc-."' All \etten will be timt" -s ~ped upon S ot onr prroon •••'" rW rirht Co-o["' arr huJ1Iy rn4a1to:d •n arrival and pbced in a bank vault unopt:ned until Nov. I, ~"' "' '" ' ·\ Mwrn .,.. ,.,.. "" to .O:I""C IW:&Ik-inJr U JI llliiC't ltkt- :'>huiUIJ.. 1964 - on/y two days bdor-e the election. fanntrr /arm ~nt! l11r brurr." riC mdu•try \ ud, j u~l lll it " thr rol• · On that date, the Crisis Editor will open the 1etten be­ Thr~-..,. t;ood ~fllwno But thr • r of th .. I " s p ·o:rnntrnl to hrlp ginning with tM earl~st date-time ltamp. 1be fil"lt letter our o:nroniM a round thr w.>rld. 100 nu'"l"'r nnr rt'Il!Yinlt frrtilo· hnf"U for ton : Khnuhchev ls a ttrong Kennedy &Jpporter and will prhlil Tltllt o mrrrl¥ ~ d.-.>cr 10 opt, the corporatioru aro: tndin1 do what he can to insun: Ku.nedy"s electKm... aH..,d r.ur• rh~t orhrr ,,....,1,1,. havo: w ith tht"m IFred in lJ 1he c: roo:odik. 10 ,.a. hopinc it"ll eat th~ Jut.) Khrushc~\' told Drew Pe.araon when the coi.wnni• ln. Thr hur!"aurrafi u~.- ~ ro:at ned· l "m ftw U.<:' A-"c:M free enter­ terviewed him in Russia that before the 1960election he told " lor wh.. r tho•) , .. dffltf" ,.,. asn­ priw.. r api•a h•t. profit and k. \,-.. Averell Harriman he wanted Kennedy to be eleaed. Khru.. ' ulrurr \ nd murh rtt"d>l ,. lti\ ffl tern in spitr of the far.t that ir abchev added that he (Khrulhchev) thought Kennedy on thr \ mrriran fatmrr fC»' tht< dotV~ " t Jf'('ffi 10 pt.)' theK d .. ,. 10 woukt be most helped if he and did nothina: (See '" uo~nrf,,, Jol, hr ha\ dnur Aut ttand up • nd proclaim 1u.c:h open­ l&i.d f'ur. u0\1,111, """rl•>uLrtl 10 thr frllll ri!lht . ('("tlflomically. p1"11Ctic:ally altd Khtwbchov ..- Amr"rkan fam•rn h~,,. th,. motl n>of"allr. Tho: c:o-ep war. the IOcial· The- JCenncdy uJtima.tum aDd Khrulhebev'a "ft'IIC!d. IUr• and 1M ~ m.J(hon!'rv and f'l!Uip­ oU W11l' , it 11M the .....Ye af 1/w­ "~' in tho:' -ld ~ r>oJ thr ."-nwori· fU!U !"Ie . it' I thl .-.v.! of tbt_ pall!. rt'ndtr" rwcrtrd. the eJection l.rakL ln mid-Octobtt politi-­ can hoot....Cle ha. th.- w ~H" I d " ' .._, Soo:O.Ii~m h., ~" a m!.erabtt cal ttpMI bdleved that the De:mouata would ka 'from ' tlli4"io- ruly m1rltl"tf'd finn Jwnducu. fail""' ! turir>~~ .,_ orri1 A. Scott. Plaintiff Op.n II o.m to 1 1 p.m VI. anc:lude ~hibaous asuults '!uaene P. Scott, Derendatt oo the island of ~lob a~. 29210 e:C... t Nwy •• c...- .a ..., From The POLICE BLOITER ntE PEOPLE OP ntE STATE OF C.~U PORN I~ . ATTENO COMVENTIOM .....,, Oct. 21 Bridae; otficert cited Allen ...... , , ..... 3 Mr. and Mrs. Berlt Kcllou. for driYina over a double yel­ An unbown penon took a To the above ncacd Ocfcn­ II&W&IIAir An unknown person, identi­ dant.: 3309 Ocean Bl Yd ., Cocona low line. . .A bicycle wa1 po1tal c:arrier'abitewhilc the .-. fied himaelr a1 a Gleadale You arc hereby directed to del Mar . attendecl the uatc Amertcla'a ~ &deaUon ttolen from Joaa Maberry, vehicle was parked at 226 convention of the Arazona man at the Har- lu Motel, appear and anawer the com­ Round& da Clodl lhwallan FUIIUon 1307 N. Bay PL, Balboa la­ 26th SL, Newpon. ..Willard Assn. l'tov. 7-9 1n 1OOOW. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, plaint or the above named o..-s... &...., - oa,.,... then left withou t payina hit land. . . Ben Taylor. SSll Reeae, 1216 W. Ocean Ft., Scottsclale, Ara zona. Mr. Kcl· plaintiff filed in the above - ~ AYL MI.80A • um bill. • .Stewart Carter, 406 Scuhore Dr., West Newport. Balboa, reported the theft of lou is pruident of the Farst cnt i tied court in the above Orchid Ave., Corqoa del Mar, wu bincn by a dOJ at 1301 a bicycle anda chaiac lounac City Bank with offices an Santiaao Dr., Dover Shorea, . . .$140 was taken fro"' entitled action broo~ht aaain­ Pasadena and Roscmeaa. CASH LOAM!D was bitten b)' a dOJ when he st you in said court, wilhin tried to deliver mail at 705 when be tried to deliver mail Pbyllia Lewis, 1808 W. Bal­ - M I· · ~·"" . . . Police were aakcd to boa Blvd., Newport, while TEN days after lhc servi cc BALBOA BRUNCH ...... O s ...... Carnation Ave., Corona del on you of tbi1 awnmons, if ....._ ..... ,...... ,. Mar • . Timothy Ho11in1, 491.5 find, and later belp 1ubdue she was 1hoppina•.. Police One of the Pcnansula Poant ._ an obi t:reperous boa conlt:ric:­ Mned within tbe above ...... Creaunt, Lido Sanda, report· inveatiaued a cue ot doa Association's bauest brunch­ n1med county, or wilhin ed the &ftert or a aortboem tor that escaped from a caae poiaoaina at Sll Scuhore es •11 held Oct. 30 at the COSTA M ESA at Irvine Ave., Newport; TIURTY days ir sened elK· ••. Newarach owned b)' the 631 Or., Wctt Newport; William home or~ . and \1n . R. Raf· JEWELRY cbe anakc, owned by Andc where. rcrty. New member!> YoCrC Daily Pilot were taken from Feraoson told officers he You are hereby notified Souder, finally captured v.clcomea by the older me~ a LOAN INC. 3100 W. Balboa Blvd., New­ found a capaolc of poison in flat unlcu you so appear at 627 Irvine ...Plooelliahts bers or the club. alone port. . . A camera wu 1 t.olon bia patio after takina p<» and answer, said p laintifr were taken from Love's Res­ \irs. Herb Cook, who aSioastccl ,.,...~n• • rrom Joanne Moraan, 221 die 10 the Balboe Animal will take judsmcn t for any taDfan t., 800 W. Coast Hwy . • Ho.pital; analy1it of tbe as hostess•1tb \tn. Raffert). Coral Ave., Balboa ltland •money or d~ma:ses demanded 't:lr1-.:t \:~~ ..•A car cover wa1 reported NewporL capaole showed the presence S.twdey, ..... 2 in the complaint u arisina ~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ttolen from Robert Bonner, of poiaon, pouibly strych­ upon contract. or wall apply 1 1 110 Colliu Ave .. Balboa A bicycle was s10len from nine. . .A jack wu atolen ,• to lhc court for any other re· ltlaod. Janet Cady, 223~ Crystal rrom the trunk of a car owned lief demanclcd in lbe com­ T ...4e y, Oct. 29 Ave., Balboa lalaod... Cera­ by MildtcdHambeq,424.Poio­ plaint. mic: patio fixtutu wcro Ito­ leuia Ave., Corona del Mar Plywood ..,., stolen from a 'late

...... P.. Allea. 411...,. -It l CIII • GlaN ., beMTY -.uQif ~ ..,a... c... t~.W ••••· o1 ._. ... a- e.-. 11\A.,...._ ••• _,...... •• 4 ... ~ • ...... a& 111!!11 •plat aftlr • ....._ • ...... _, ~ 0...... ,._.._ Offt.. tMO'? .... c...... ~ ...... , Ceultt.illt•J...... SALES ASSIST MACHINE SHOP n. sale ol lJ ...... piecn ol eq._t ill 1M udliM • ..., ...... , o81clalt at Newport ltlrtMw Hilla lcMol ao ,.,... n ,sao "'* ot ••• ...u~ mea&. Acoorcaiaa eo ~. Willi• Smida, metal tllop iutn~Gt~N, 4 aswlaltast bft be••• 1 titcated fot older, bOiki• plec... ai•iaa *• •• _.led Ooor IP8Ct aDd 8& YILET ...... time piOYiq eui• for dae amdeata to MDdle. ATTBHD T•t c•UitCII A baed curcl1 aaw, IDOfe OP YOUit c•OICB commoely kaowa as a bori­ ltBGULAitLY aoatal bMd saw, a moc~s• forp, a pyr01118tet-coabollsd electric beat fwaace Uaec Costa Mesa IMiid er Co. IMata to 1,100 depee• P.._ L8MIEB -IUILDING IIATEIIIIU.S , dnic:ea purdtaaedale-· ...... c..- .... It is Mr. Smida'a opiaioa lbatwilh daete aew,adYUCell tool1 UDdentt will be able ChdnQ'w..._,. to aaia areatet work eapcr­ llanlau ieace, 1omelbina moc:b more ....,_... ~~·~ .d nlcaable than the technical _~···' ... u.. yaluc aaiDed from boob in MISS MACY WALKER, 510 ... lbc mcttl field. , FOR MEN AND WOMEN Fernleaf Ave., Corona del ...... IURDA1' .alDOL Attribotina nea peater im­ Mar, treasurer of the Peps i­ WHO C ARE FOR TH E VERY BEST/ portance ID tbe adnnced e:u ...... u..-. eqwpment. Mr. Smith •treued Cola ~I ing Co. of Santa IUJU)A1' Wfi:D Ana , has been elected secre­ 1:15. u L& tbe need for enaineen and WJ:DJQIDAY fi&IUMG SUITS - SLACK,S - SHIRTS RECORD for light tackle this year at Avalon has delip.,rl to keep in touch tary of the O ra ~e County II&& lUG with reality...... been set by Ken Svedeen of Cameo Highlands, pic­ Chapter of the National As­ aEADIIIG .:x>• AL TERATIOMS - REMODELING "Kidl aoina lhrouah these tured at right wi th Dick Pittenger, vic ~reside nt sociation of Accountants. She 3a15 VIa u... w.-. .._. clauu," be e:tplained, a.-..-..,._ of Farmers Insuran ce Group. Mr. Svedeen, owner "will ao inao a wide ranae taught school for 4lh years ...... , ..... Find ...... aaun:h of St. Catherine Hotel at Avalon, caught the 1671h­ of vocations - evcrythina before enlisting in the Marine w~. ta.a·1 : •,.. of eo.tca ..... poond marlin In 59 minutes, using 18-poond test, from

s.,u.... " IUD..,_ CIIMI _.TOGa 4 *+a • CU8 ,_.... YOUR MEW TELEPHOME DIRECTORY Dls"-ttca BLOITER ALL TY'II OP Your IMwO,... ,. C...11ty Direct.ry l.ea Me. ..,l...... t, M.,._, ltiAL UTAft PIMUCIMO T.... r,M.• . 4 ONE YEAR ------~ SAil s-4 I wovl4 like t. cell ,.., crtt.tttio• t. ....leek­ ,kat Al4 ,11011 Cad Preridaa, 1007 E. Bal­ ____ w the csvw which ref.n to l.,.r-.nt i•""-''- iM14e. Sid .... boa BIYd., Balboa, was held lei'-- it or not, I l.w ..._, "-t -117 ...... oa a dr.ak cbu.. . .R.iOea nera ef 1... at.IMII~tt l.ew ....-sr revlewe4 .. l•fN- II•• Cltlp s... ,, nbaed at llOO were takea -tl• ,.,.. i1t tl.e fretlt ef tt.. ...__ TM.. ,.... -. &om W.A ., 2100 5%% ..... ,_, ...., .. ,.. wt.... ~-·tlet~a ...... ,., '-Jot E. Balbo. Blp., Balboa ••• INTI!IlDJ' Nam.------­ A rifle, YiN, Mit ~aob. rile TAMUTZII A ASSOC. t. 4isl • ,.rtinlsr ....~,, wt.t ...... ,. ..11 M, cabiDet aM a pGpCCIIII --.cit­ ~co . Nailing .Addle.------­ etc. Try lt. r •.tci;R iDe were ..,ac IINI •to'- (lOIII 1741 wnTC~.JPP • ~ l~tehl.... lly , If ,.. 414 ..., receive ,._ MW 4~­ o... , .• l..o9ker n ; .... daeft MftiH'T 8IAOI II s.n• Qty and Stcde ------~- tofy, cell tits lMtal-•• efflce, S.-1101, s-4 we will PHARMACY Wll ditCOYtNcl WMD dae hilcaiaa was tan c1ow11 to ...... ,...... 4 1m.. • v• s.. •ke war for tbecoutnctioa 310 •••cliff Dt. or a DeW Rsabea'a Rselaaraat .• • A car radio wat repc»!led ~ila-iYiiiR------...... ttolea from Jobnao• A Soa, SPitiAi:-: -• .- Planning a program for your group or club? We at youf 900 W. Coast ttwy •• Newport telephone business office will fie glad to supply free films . • .A c-rtiaa eip was re- , I na.,.. IIAirDI ro.c _a.. we. ,.. DACII and arrange interesting lectures and demonstrations. ported aiOJeD l'roaa IICarut'l ~ ...... aid , SOl lOdt SL, / I ....,.,.._ .•Lic.aM plataa A / L -----1. -----a.----f. -----i. ----- ~

aDdWilliaa llolden Vo.ICieiaaiDica ... atoln, ,_Ul ~/~ • f I . ----- T. -----=~ •a -----...,. ------_ ----- T-.a .. Aw., BeiMa It- / H.-e'a a problem tbat eaJll for some­ ..... 1L ---- 11 11. lf. ---- ywd arithmetic:. Let'a •Y Mra. Smith'a tJIIPhone il ift ._ livint room- 24 feet ,_ the kitciMn. She ... at leut three ..-.-.aJaadaywhen abe'• in the k:.itchen. a---- ·· 11. ----1.' ---- 11. ____ a.---- PMMULY ..Alii CIWtltA ·------~· ~., ,...... tbat abe waJb 48 feet. bid NOW AT • ~~rG.; eo ...... the phone IKh time. 1110 NPPORT BLVD. ' In ~~. ----• .. __ :___ •- --~ 'nil'• W. ,.. ol tralkinc a day. ~MO feet a y.r. Pit. 646--t:JU Coeta MsM ...... lllidt'• a...... , • ?A inct. in leftct.h, ' ' • ----If. _____ ....__ .. ----. ----- .... - ...... abe...U. ,.,.f w ..... it, die a-t eolutioa il a ldtehen .Widan tbat ... ,.. laMreet ijsltoatul, ••• II' JIIII · ~. THURSOU ••· 14. lMl COROIA d£LIM, CALif. IIMTESYOU World Missions Giving Dedicated TO World ••"ice projeca Hd Colleac emdenta and me• Mlllhrde article• fora.ri•~ ben of St. Anclrew'a c:boir. _. ai•iaa co Prut.,wiuo­ llley sana a duet, followed ·~ miuiCMt fielda wen by Mi lle.r'1 solo nw:abet, Md.icated at dte No-t-tier "Ott Rut io the Lord. •• ...uaa of dae WCJ~~No'a Pel­ Devotioas were led by Mrs. low•.U. o( St. Aadre•' 1 p,.,. Clark Mauer. bJatriu CUr~ . Women' s fellowship me.m­ HOUSE! ..a . Weblter Jonu ptettd.ed ben will meet apin Wednes­ at dao cWclicatiora ••mce Md day, Dec. 4. told dae oaea of money dou­ e.d for die Wee •illtOft area a, FIIOAY AM D SATURDAY - Embudo Hotpital aDd Tna-­ zo"' CLII orna MOV. 1S ••uf 16 claal Pre• by._riaD Day Scbool, IUIIIIIAZAAI ~00 P·•· .. 8:30 P·•· bod! ill New Muico, aDd Tbe Newport Harbor Zonta Cbillle Mi11ioa in Arboaa. Club will bold ita "alamour bazaar" today and tomonow. .... Mac:lyn Somera. w~ 1 Nov. 14 and IS. at the Senior • DOOR ,IllES 1Mft 1 Pellowabip pruident, Citizens Recreation Centet, nmiDde4 mcmben and &Delli 15th St. and lrVLne Ave., Cliff of tho Gift Box oa Parade Haven. • OROftDS aboppina today, Nov. 14. at The hours are 7 to 9 p.m. Hoaa Hoapital. Sboppioa time today, and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. a t the Gift Bolt preview will and 7 to 9 p.m. Friday. Gifll be from 10 a.m. till 6' p.m. for all occasions wall be Lee Amber, a Cbriatian available at Sl toss. 3 J ew wbo witneuea to other Mrs . Robert Harbison is Jewish people or bia coaver­ chairman. and ber commi ttee aioa, was peat a', in­ includes~ •. Roaer &now, troduced by Mrs. John Dean. • SEE OUR EXHIBITS, AM D DEMOMSTRAnOMS OF FIHE TOOLS James Gallaaher, Rou Kies­ FASHIONS F~ SNOW 1ft shown by llcjlt Theater, 1712 Placentia Ave., Costa He related the story of his ter. Gordon Martin, AI Forait. AM D MATERIALS BY THE MANUFACTURERS (left to ri~O Nonl Fenley, Mary Warrick Mesa. The show Is scheduled to start at conversion to lhe more than Jack Reinert, Ernest Soder­ 8 p.m., following a 6 o'clock dinner at 100 members and aueata at bers. and the Zonta pres tdent, and Nina Smith, who will model ski wear the meetina. and described at the Balboa Ski Clubfashion and equip­ Ed's Hofbtau. Neals Sporting Goods is his work as a volunteer ser• ·~ s. Jeffrey ~urk.e . ment show Tuesday, Nov. 19, at the Gas- assisting In arrangements for the show. vina under the Department of . (Foto by Folsom) Special Ministry for lhe Los TRIPLE TRIO FORMED REMODEL NOW Anaelea Presbytery. Mr. Am- Horace Ensian School now ber emphasized the need fOf bas a triple tuo. ancludana • PLAMS FIHAMOHG • tUTERIALS Vc0 IUnteers HOnore d Cluistians to understand and Franchi Elms. Karen Keele • Volunteers who have staffed The honorees are Mmes . appreciate the backsroond of and vanaer Uannahs. first • COMSTRUCnOt4 the South Coast Child Oui- John Allen, T .A. Andrew, Jewish people still awaitin& sopranos; PauJa '1ontaomery, dance Clinic offices at Hoea Robert tsennett, Frank Cum- their Meuiab. . . K.ria Moore and Oebbie Grout, Costa Mesa Conference Center in New- minas, John La ~taane , he concluded by 11naana an second sopranos, and Sharon fOf free Estialles' (Ill ll 1-1161 port were honored Tuesday Lloyd R. '.4auey Jr.. ll. F. ancient tlet.ew prayer sona . Amodt, veoraeanne IIanna aod by the board or Jircctou of Stamea Jr., Tom Smith and Special m&laic was offered tliua landroth. altos. They Lumber Co. COSTA IESA LIBEl CO. the clinic at a luncheon in l. Reday . all or Newport by Min Lealie Miller and are ~ttorkin& on a Christmas ~o~~nt~or~ ~cb ; ~a .S tanle y•tt. SS~te~v~e~J~o~~~~~on~· ~·~~~a~n~a~c~C~o~a~s~t~p~ro~a~ra~m~w~ath~th~e~H~am~~~ee~r~•~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and Mrs . Calvin Vincent. Jack Christensen. Edwan C. r Mrs. Norman Wataon, clinic Conry, Oerald Hunt, Raynatd president, says the volun- Johnson, Costa Mesa; Mra . teen have donated a total of David Sallantine. Corona del approaimately SOOO bouu ia Mar; Mmea. David liaht. l.ea­ MILLER· CONNELL'S USED CAR the 2 yean the clinic has ter Lu.hnow and Oliver R. maintaiaed offices in the Turner of Laaana &ach. Mrs . Newport area. 8a II an tine has been the v~ lunteer cba irman for the 1962- L EGAL MOTICE 63 year, and the new cba irman for '63-'64 is Mra. Starnes. CERTIFICATE ol Bl51NESS CAIAYILL! fictitioaa Pftl Name UIUIY &IIIITAIT J!WILID WATOII$ ntE UNDERSI

... C ..Y . NEW YOUD. •56 CHEY. 12 FT. .,, OLDS Fll WAUIN STA110N WAeON l..a~-----~-~------­ Hare ...... _, ...... ,..... - All eripMI c a r, ...,._ U..· ~te4------,_. R.,.Wic __ "* ...... ,_....._,...... l.ecattr ...-.1 tor.. "' A tt-.._. v.. Stidt ••tt...... ~...... " ...... _. ...- .,....,...... *· •" ,...... ,_ ...Nty ...... ,_...... I .-..... -----______--- _- ,...... o.-.t...... 1 -···• ______.. ___ __ pricle? ~ ------~---- II .....Nate.~~...... ------____ .. __~- ONLY SCJ95 Reduce~ SJ79S NOW sns JUSI ~595 e.IIIIL..------­ ~M t•;l.__ ...... -..------..,______...... -...... ----· --...-.·· --..----__ ... -- __ ... tllill I ; ut lie----- ,_.... __...__...... -..... -- Mill r-Conn II Chevrolet SOAP BC1X: lOO & 1000 WEST COAST HIWAY, ,NEWPORT lEACH IB UIS U 1-DSI CIIB .. C.S U ~Dit •nron MA•IOR IDII ·I 'llOOD ON MillE HOUSE WALLS' TMU.SOAY .... 1._ liU rH•~~·R~ caaa IIIlA ..,.. Utt tOld sectlweww.ccepec.-xia...,.. Cotbll~ D[LIM ., CAlif. \;, U \.,;n tho ~wpan HaJbar Republican wldl c:OJllmunbm lft thll hcnUI• WomeoTuesdaynooot:hatbloOcl pbcrc. We backed down aftU of South VIet Nam'• preddcot the Cltlt W\!ck. Tbcrc was no SERVICES and hia brocMr u on 1M Wltlte foUow·up on lnlpecuon. Now Hoose wal.lae dtere ate 22,000 Soviet uoopa Tho Lutheran Church o r the SpeakiA&lO a uandlng•room• l.nCuba, and our Navy h~ been Mauer, Corona del Mar­ only audlcoc.e at dle proc.ecung the soveretgnty of "A. QuestiOn of Ownership" C cwtCouooy Club, he sharply Casuo's Cuba. · will be the sermon topic or ctltJclud lbe u. s. State De· Of the test ban, he sald, "The the Rev. Frank Ounn at the partmetU'I _,olky as a hatchet Ruulana have nuclear superlodty 9 : \Sand 11 a .m. Sunday ter- job on6outh VIetNam and play• l.n the alr, we have the supulor· Anna vc~aari cs arc aiWI'ay a lng l.nto the bands of lbe Com• lty an undc:r~ound testln~ The inunbts. • test ban glvcsCommunlst Russia fi II ed with nostalai a for me. The Plymouth Conareaa- I c:an remember frieda Bel in­ uonal Church, Corona del "Our State Dept. recognized a chance to catch up wltb us fante 10 yean back and her Mar - "Chriauan Individual­ the oew gove"'ment befote It underground , and makes lt l.m· uedicauon, h e r dnvc, her ism'' will be the sermon had cooled off,- he said, "But poaslbk f~ Ul tO equal them in complete o bseasao n to brina topic of Or. Thomas h oover we have oO( recogrtiz.ed the atm~pbetlc tcstlng. " fine symphl'mY muaac to at the 10 a .m. Sunday service. anll· communlst government 1.n Rep. Utt acc used the Admln- Oranae County. I remember lie will discuss "Our t:Jia­ Honduras. 1 cannot undentand buatlon of out the all o ur bossman O.W. Dtck u &es t Problem" in his scr­ why tbe Kennedy A4ml.nbtratJon •ulke power of the 8·57, 52 and the ft rat prcsaaent ana Karen monc tte for the children. b communbt govern· <47 . whlch the Soviets really \1ar11eta as the first secre­ mentJ aod tbe aou· feu. tary. A nee'o was fi lied. ~­ Fuat Bapti a t C hurch of communbu. " He recommended chat the aac lovers from all over Costa Mesa - Dr. P .G. Neu­ He cbuged that Khtusbcllev Monroe Doctr!M be relmpoaed mann wi II preach on "Trea· Oran ae County hopped on b the sbou In our forelg11 ua me ana of fl_,t.lng the com· d\e Onnae County Ptu lhar­ surea in Heaven" at the 11 poUcy. munlst conspiracy. THE LADIES WON IT - The Goofoffers ed, left right; Marlal Thombtq, a_m. Sunday service. At 7 harmona c symphony band­ to c. -wben he smiles, we fawn; Coffee C lub is being presented the trophy p.m. he wi 11 I cad the con­ waaon. Fneaa fi Ilea e very Hany Gotmly, Dr. Edward Milum and Jack wbeo be growls. we rWl, • he l.lnutna stu a !>lately and team player; New port Beach Mayor Club meeting at Richard's lido Markel C hris t - The Rev. Edwin , tree, 111hose nch, sure bran­ Charles Hart, presenting the tro phy, seat- (Jomke will preach on "Ques­ ches reach toto e \ery com­ UN DEC I tiOns You Should Be: Asktna" munaty and segmen t of Orange I • CO liCE IIT·t•IIOUID' at the 9: 30 and 11 a.m. Sun· County. Prouoly the Orange 01 IOIIDA Y EYE IlliG day serVICeS. County Phllharmo nt c 111tll KINGS MAY CLIMB TO 5TH The first Wes t Coast .. Con­ C hrisuan Sctence Churches, cel ebrate the n penang con· A v1ctory, and the prom1se Cougar fumble on the 29, and cert-in-the- Round" wtll be of a hard s eason finale, - Newport !!each, Corona del cert of tts tenth dnnaversar. gotng over in 4 play~o . John­ held at Melodyland Theatre Will [lUI the f1n1Sh1ng !Ou<:he~t Ma r and Costa \1esa - ''Mor­ wath a aues 1 appearance ~f 'on d1d the honors from 2 on "bn t'l.lgcll ( dPI ,. '\ i1roettng ca me ,,ff the c lude: Proverbs 1:! :28 - " In dt the \leluaylanu l heau e, IC Orchestra of London, Sn lrdno l a ~ot "' "e~. 14-13 . .Jnll t>cnch ft>r the: i<( tngo; to breal the ~ay of nghteouaness is \, Nnvember Ill . Tht, \1alcolm Sarcent conducting, Stereo? I dCC cl1l even hJrl.ler ~.oun tc:' t the ue. Johnl>on and htt led life. and 1n the pathwa) 1 !> the unl) dppearan~.oe an at 8:30 p.m. "' 8 p.m. lht> ~tu r \1.1' .,. hen d maflh tn ( apo' s one-yarJ thereof there t& no death. " O r-.1 nge County of tht:. grea t Tickets , prtced at S3.50 the~r take on \ alencaa'., lt ­ I tnc:. 1hen oho.o:ran~ rlunged tntema!Jnnal n rche'trd. l t c· a re on sale a t \ielOd)land !!-1 4, tl• • an to ~ml e\ trd r••l n1. ol Corona del \\ar w1ll parti­ hetm, or the OrJnl!e (nun!\ the Oranae County Philhar­ Pl<~cc: .,.. , th Lo~sun.t Rea ~.oh. Cipate 1n the "Echoes o f Phtlh.1rmOnll: n ffi ~.oe , ~01 \\ (.arc> came: bac..l' on 1he monic offi ce , 201 ~ est Coast WE .4RE THI- ••11/CCES r ' r£ CARRY 4 f'OIIPU TF I Jrllc:r an the \ca-.nn J_,,_ p.l\~cng amt t)H\\alt o\ lan, Phoen"" meeting of lJntted COLOR OF 4U RSHIP IN SUFrnrJ\ OF "'7F\ITI,.. l1>J't lft(!h\1..1\, \,e"'fl"rt ,,1 lligh~~oa} . ~ewport Beach, ,.eJI 'f't>tlt:J UH:: lt.. tnl!'' led· ( hurch ~ omen of Orange C0 -4 ~TAL •'f iR ~\ CF Cot 'VTY. '' TH. Flt'ilt) 'r ••• Reo~ ch. 1 he tderhnnc: num­ \l.llll hurled " total (>( 44 \II b-6411. Student uckc:t!> , ~uc: Jchut h\ -.IJpptn~ the:" \ .trd~o 111 the ..._t ng,.• ~5-) .srd County a t 9 .30 a .m. this FtJ­ ber ""4f'l~411. l he rnu I' II Sl.50. are o n sale only at .,.llh .1 I !I· I~ In,~. ltrle. \ ptl tng on penalty took dh, \,ov. 15, at the Fuller­ d u "' ''·)II. \Ill lien 1 11' the Phtlharmontc off1 ce. .Jrt' s I. so. I d" "ed. •., \o\ 10 hoo,teJ the ballw (. tJ«lna del \la r I 0. ton ( o ngreaauonal Church . 'l, o\1. I et'' ,lr,tlghten up the "-1ng' 1n1n a "'ltJ f>tlt (. •P" -. en l on tc> '>cc>re ~ Reports w1ll be made on the dnd cranberf} naht. \lulfin, pl o~ ~.:e, and a \lo in 1h" "'"c: ~ pia'' la te r, but the eXlJd ARCHITECTS MEET 5-s tale regtonal conference THE QUALITY •uv ol the b.tker. tH>u r neg~n .. ouiJ rdt'e the (. nrc>n.t del () a ~ . ... d\ ltc: I .triter 1n the game , ~c: .... - arch1 tc:cts throughout the: ~e t ur b) United C hurch Wo­ the prodULC Oepartmcnt. rne\ fo r 5th 11o1th none o ther thdn hatJ to o ~ a ( orona del \IJr world .,.,II be s ho"n by lilm men tn (. altfomta , <\rizona punt un hts nwn , 30, then are te no.Jcrly s tmrn n.:o.J Into Lo .... el l, who wl..e'> nn '"· I at the meeting o f lhe Orange anc.l New \1e~t t co. Brea-Oianda. ra cc:J 711 yards do wn lhc home-malic sau ce by our County Chapter of the Amen­ s1J.:Itnes to "core . but the bal. c r !>, then orec/t:lll.leltgh t­ T om \\ tlltams "' '" HJrt .11 can ln stt tute o f \rdutei."ts fhe newly elecred Board of 4Uartc:rha~..l.. dgatns t \ aknct.L p ia) \lo d' o.:alled bad hecau!oc rulh 10 .. ,.h the frc ... h cgg~o., :-.l ov. 14, at the llurl e~ l>eacon!i 10 the Corona del 1om J oh n<, on \o\tll '>ldfl .1 1 of U l.ltJ"piOI! pcnalh . Rell Res tau rant, Comn.1 llel \tar Plymouth Congregational butter dO •I o th er thtntt' tc> lullt>acl.. J ohn'''" lcJ the I he Se <~ J.(1n g'l t" tce In'! \far. The <\ ~oi\OCio~ l ell Attcl ( hurch wtll hold 1ts first rr ak e .s rerlt:1. t 1. r Jnhern \nrJa~e raraJe lor lhe ll.a n~~ the: ba ll on Ju~~on' 1n the ftr\1 muffin. C'r.1nbern e.. gnne \lanu factu rers "'Ill prnvtl.le mceung Ytlth rrospecuve new IJ'>t ~~oec.:l h' rnll1n~ up 11 0 4ua rt ~ r - c•n the ( arc• ~ J nd members at7:30toru&ht. Nov. ~~~h.o:J t•• ••ren dl r1~ht \lereuuh named c hairman •n T JO\ dell dtlll' 0('\lo nd­ h .J II ... I tit '>I<.'\ .: I~ ... \ I c: " d I ott the o rgan1Utton meettns \ •r' •hen 'Tli \C1.I \lollh dtdll, lc:l1 hd1l. !111 '""'"' .:J .lcotn· l.t l> t I hurs da) , hn the l'>ln~-~.h.:rr.1 'h '"n an \JrJ.od.' .:.•1· c.t I,,,, TARS, MUSTANGS CLASH COlORT¥ hnsJlarn, v1ce-chairman, and "\!.: .si n,, .,~, ( rdnh.:rf\ ~.:rt:d'l ".:d.. "' r"llltt .: •I -'- \ drch The ll;uhor 1It gh a tlnr <; change the entire ltne-up. B.l 1 ""'Ill t\nd) C arev. secretary. \tr. , c' tnprcu \l.llh \ ,tntll J Je,, .. J .: Ill IIC\1 dnd the:( nqa \le'" \lu,lan~ .. Last "'eek'c; ep1Jem1c flat­ ~II. Uurltngham and \\r. Carey '.,. · ~ . l•trlhcr ' '':'P<'tl "''Ill 14111 ,.rtle !he: fcnal ..:h.tpter tened 8 ftt"l and ~nd ~ trtng II<'--'•"- ~' ..-u ta;>nu, Ytere elec to 3-vear terms •hi Pl. I r.ttt: '"r.:.lJ ' f11r ll.trhnr .trcJ (\un,c:t l ~.~­ p!d~ers. he ' "ld. COMBINATION '.H 1.1~< e.!l' <'tl , ~~ ~ ~ I'!Q, at the church bus 1ness meet­ 'I" alii· ... reuJI antrmlu ... - ~uc •h. tl on ""hen tltn mc e t 'iteve Shedu -.111 call '>~g­ fftll t~• •r' 1 ~ I r ... t Ll•' ""' I• ' ana ~ov . 3. Bill \tamner, Ar­ IJ>f\ ;>n e tr. ' 14t:el.cnl.l ' '"' tht' I nda' na~hr 1n d ~.. r ch'­ oal-. from the 4Udrterb.lcl ENTERTAINMENT CENTER lflt: l 'II f•tr'' - vn llaapa and \tr. \1ered 1th 111 SJ.::\1. \lrHtl' t.. r lrdr'­ l••"'n ~r1d h.lltle spot , v. ath \\ade Pc:auon .11 Ito.: ( "'' "·''' .! li d ~.:d Ill to 2-vcar term!>, Dr . J o hn IIC,,IIIc, f'IOl.'oJf'l'l~ llf'"C tnr 1 11\.~ J\ •n~' " j't,,,,,~ ll.1~.ok ntr" 'c:' lnr X p.m. an I 1nso n , James \1c:Aieer and u fell llh t -. ed. the: ruunl.l,. "·'''.:" dttJ ''" pic I<:J rc••nc . d haltered Jnd ra1n1 smeared With ln, ta \le~.1 tak1ng tJtc 1, DIRECTOIIIS IIAI'!IJ ' nu kn""' th•· u.tnhcrn t .Jf'll 1\f'l!IICo. l lh~ 'LOIIOl( lnllth.. ll hdrnct. tr.tJittnnal worst bea ting. 6~ - t> . at the ' In l l h •>u r,, I rr c .1n \ ., .: rt­ FOil GIIILS' CLUI .1tt.:r .1 tu·nt>lt:.l run t return """'" r.. r the l ar-\lu\t:tng hands of Sdnta Ana. I he ~. a n. f hc l' tl~tnrn,, "'ht:n thn l'l\ ( nr11nd Jc:l \tar . ( ttl t. I ars dropped thear contes t \h. Gleam Murphy, newly li r <,t l.tnocll 1n ';e"' I n~l ..tnu h.tlfhdd, l.t~..l.. 'e"'hdrt 14t:nt I he "'""' that Lcm ld har­ 10 \\ e!> tminster, 18-ti. appointed G trls' Club execu­ foun u then" ttrllllo In g 14 tf d. li\C f (<> 'mgle score 1n the a mother and dau& tea the "1 e 111 d f'C:d an .1 t "n tn the e.ulv mmute'> pf the l.arbor could drop the Sailora pushina Sen1k across fo r the Ave. , Costa \1esa. ( dpe < ou ~~oa\ •nil the <;cJ JrJ rertoJ b\ rct. c>\t'rtnt~ d an to a '>hak\ 7th place tie score. Mrs . \4urphy, who makes bro ke lhmugh J ~tnp ol "'lilt Kancho \la m tto ~. The Tars played 11 the her home on Balboa Island, be ach and !.predll .1 level GUll SHOT IS FATAL On the other hand, a "'tn other way around, by tal1n1 has worked with the Newport lhree 1nc::h carpet nf ,anll TO LOCAL RESIDEIIT .... ould not chanae the rars the opentna liclcoff and llarbor Council of Gtrl Scouta o ver the be:.t ~~o dl.l c ranbcrr. with airla of all aaea from -\ loca I restdent d 1ed F rt ­ postttnn 1n league standtngs. piodina out 6S yards to Brownies to Mariners and bog that e~I S te d 10 thO\C Jav. ';ov. 8, from a gun shot On the \1esa s 1de of the score. Shedd and Weber lead has been active in the parts. The PtlgniT''> " ere \I. Ounc.l descrtbed by pollee fe n~.oe "' lou "'ould make no in pound pin ina. ftna lly uaio­ fu n ous at the sea, but the' as 'elf-•nfltcted. Jtfference Since the \1uatanas moYina down to the one-yard '"1 of adult leaders. and for '" Cet\uint 011 ftnished three aummera wu director chanaeo theu bJnc .. hen lhe Police satd James H. Ven­ " re a heady 11 the bottom of line. Pearson went over for Walttut ~"' aftd s.elett h•rctwood sottd, cranberry bushes pusheu of the summer Day Camp. She able Jr .. 40. died at h1s par­ the heap. o\ WIO WOOJd JiVe tile score, but &om that po1nt has been a local resident themselve s up through the ents' home, 1518 Santanella lhe \ius tan as a much needed on, Westminuer took over the for a number of yeara. • Color and sand. They had mulu plteo Ter., lrvtne Terrace. He 11 trophy, as ,.,ell as a succeas­ aame. about four Urnes 1n s tze, and ~urvtved b)l hts wtfe, Rose­ rul clo!!e to a poor seaton _ ALL THESE IN •taok and White TV quanu1y. The navor had ma ry. 2 c.laughters, Chriuy \leu's Dan K1 mball will ONE DELUXE HOME chang eo to the dell ctou ~ness Lee and Susan, a son , James, start Roger \1is1olek at left • Hlgtt fll.-elltJ Stereo we kno111 today. Thank' sea. and his parents , Mr. and 'Ars. end, IJtck l: tchinson at Jert ENTERTAtiiiMENT Stereo PM and We're all soe~tated ov cr James H. Venable Sr. tac kle, Bob Pouer at left • the enthususm about our Serv1ces were held Tues­ guard and J im O lun 11 cen­ CENTIIt fiM and own fresh turkeys. "Ju111 day at Balu Corona del Mar te r. Long Dletanoe AM Raello what we've been waarina C hapel. E ntombment was at J onWe lls11 K1mball's early ONLY AT for, " the iHls cry, Wl'tth Pac1fic Vie_. Mausoleum. gues s as starter at riaht thouahts of sparkhna clean auard , with Pat Moran at "rkeys ready to pop 1nto ri&}lt tackle , and an unknown * KNOW YOUR DEALERI ATTEHDS WORKSHOP the oven ahinina in the1 r at rtJht end. ·O·MAT (DI,INDAIILITY - RILIAIIltTY) eyea. "No_. Wl'e know we'll Fred E. Peterso n, buaineu K1mball uya he u playina ban a perfect because education teacher at Ne.,port 11 many freahmen and aopb­ POOFESSIONAL Richard' I juat doesn't hue Harbor Hiah School, attended omorca as po11ible, 10 ai•c M y lhina that i an't the very a special workshop Oct. 26 them uperience. * GET YOUR lEST TOTAL DEAL ( tMCLUOIS1 Me .. M.. kr, Dellv"J, Se,.tce, AaN•••) beaL But what took you so at the Calirornia Bu.ain.u Vince Scnik will fini1h out r S...U,, lona?" Up •d down the Educauon Asaoc1at1on, Sou­ lbe ..aaoa at qraanerbect, DRY CLEAN meat co.nter all talk i • them Sectioo, at Fullerton with eJt.her ()an Jobaaoa or •tey tel~ . At llhe meat Junior Colleae. Thomas ljra­ Dconi• McOanck at lert dcn, publisher o r the Daily boy • •••• a aboa t ap.­ half, allied Bob Healh at riabt daJiy "tiD•td"' .. tlcya wilb Blade-Tribuae of Oceanside hair. Jiln Aycn will atart at ae lltOfl dnn11ticta, benet and preaidellt of the State (ollbact. weaaca Md email (r•• wiCb Boarcl or Edllc:a tion. wu the Sailolmcatocr\Vafne ttupca 10 M lUCia eon .ciiJJe IDNl apealter. mact. an •atly aoeu at hit Jlf I.ACII ADDiffOIIAL f'OCJffD ,. ,.,.... ,. e. • .., •• 1tartina line-up, aftd came ..., • _.. o( coa•cm•L na Sin lMlRD STRI,E with J-. Webt-r at lett end • DIAPDJU, IUMDTS, lTC. William f . Cool, •on·in·law -.-••• er ,.ua.., ia Of'- Orca Meek at left •~•• · NO WAITING -~ .4.41 ..,..., fora•• ,.,. o( Wr. and Mrs. Robert A. ()&a Mauflr at le.ft ,alld, Ou1i• of Ne•port Beads, 'ne -•• JtOJ*Iar a..t Keet NICM~y aa cener. ...., ,., ...., i• "" .... ptOmOted 10 ata« Die• a.,... it alal4itlll 10 N'JCMI ia dii•Ah FOJce. H• •tan at,._., ...,, if Maida ~ --~ ...... ia u lliCnift Mechanic, u· ,...... Joe c...... ••-... ••• ~-.,be lliJieill to ae 4SI11h Oraai­ a& nlltt ~ae•a., ud Teay ...... ,.JJ ud_...... ce ...... ~ .. ,...... :::•~ir~Saae. ..•• IIOtM ...... ··- ...,...... , 1111 ...... ~ - -...-~---- IEePORT HU801t USIGM · 7 TREK NO¥~ 16 THUISOAY, lew. 14, 1M3 WOIIEI TO ELEa o.a... •eon... llf• deno.e poiat at 9 a .m. at CO ROIA DEL MA lt, CALIF. 1cieece 4epartmeat'a .....1 Tb• Wanleft'a Oivieioo of .... Edward L.,..taomery, lhe jaectioa of Hipway 111 .. N.wpon Harbor ChiOlber preaideal, an.oYBcee lhat "O.aert l"ret,•• opn eo 1M a"CC approaimately U.S. 99, of Conrnerce will bold ita lhe meeuna would start public, will be held laaurday, 4 milet aoutb of Indio. PIIIIITA,_ ULL aruwal eleclioo rocelioa. promptJy at ftOOft and the C hief Trekker will be Lloyd " People wbo want 10 make SCIE.LUML. Min CaiDie Maureen Oi Thursday, Nov. 21, at the board ot directors lot 1~ M. 5aailh, aoolou and lifo tbo trip," ~. Smith aaid, Hurley Bell Reu.aurant, Cor­ lullo,dlupter or Mr. and Mn. will be elected at that time. science iatttuetor and usia­ "should brina a picnic luoc:h, ooa del Mar. cant chairman of occ•s na­ plenty of drinltina, a Carl Mario Oi lullo of 1901 tura I acieace a ad rulhema­ full •u of pt. a notebook, Conmocsore Rd., Baycrut. 11 tica di•iaiOD. a cameta, waluna one ol 31 YOUfll lacliee or tte aaid c:oes•l area lltk­ tboea aDd a happy diapoti­ Sout.bem Califorrua wbo '"'ill ken altoekl ani•• at tiM ,... &ioa.'' bow March 30, 1964, before Hia Eminence Jamea Francaa Cardinal Mclotyre , Archbishop of Los Aaaelea. COAST SUPER MARKET 3347 E. COAST lrWA Y CORONA DEL MAR OR 3-3510

.....,.~ .... .-4 ...... c.-. ..,...... BARTLET-COANE WEDDING New rea identl of Corona C.T. Coaoe of Costa Mesa field, paaror, road U.e doable del Mar. are newlyweda, ~ . and formerly or Bal.., ··­ riaa weddina .-owa. aod Mra . Robert Coarle. Tbe land. The bride wore a fDII lenatb twido is the former Min Ja­ The youoa couple were ma.t­ peau de I oie IOWD, wbidl nice Mathewa, daupter or ried laat mootb io the wed­ swept to a cbapel uaio iD Mr. and Mra . Woody Matbewa dina chapel of SL Andrew'• back. It bad a bodice of Chan­ or Cot &a Men. Her bua ba.od Presbyterian Cluaicb, Cliff tilly lace. Her sboul~ leo­ ia the lOft of Mr. and Mrs . Haven. Or. Cbarloa Oiereo- ath Yeil WU held by I Cl'O_,. of pearls. Sbe carried a bri· dal bouquet or wbite carna­ tion• centered by orcbida. Chln1e or Min Maraba Mathcwa aer­ "TELEPHONE DOODLES" ved .. ber sister'• maid or Renew Color of • • • , honor in a kelly areen velvet STAINED AND SCAR~ED SINKS, TUBS, TILE Wayne and Iris Huahca will e:un lleat Suaday, Nov. ) , at sheath aown accented with WALLS, APPLIANCES AND fiXTURES. MAKE announce the enaaaement of the Newportcr Inn. Suzie and amber muma . Bridesmaid Miss IATHIIOOMI, KITCHENS, ETC., SPARKLE:! their aauahter Barbara (Can- Chuck Voael of Newport Norma Atkans wu similarly dy) to Tom Moody at a party HeiJ}lu were there and also aujred. ai ven at their home in Cor- James and Gloria Bradeaoo Freeman (Bud) Coane was '\!!\\I f1//~, -'_y'~..: I 1 ~ ~'-\ I I'',.. ona del Mar Sunday. Tom and of Udo, Donnell and Wally bit brother's best man. Ush· ... " - :: - ., Barbara both went to Har- Koch of Harbor HiJ}llanda, ers were Robert Huffman and - - - - - bor Hiah and Oranae Coast Lois and DoD Etichon ol Paul Lorentzen Jr. Mju Ka· -~ - -... - Colleae. Tom wu Harbor's Upper Bay, Pat and Ted Gil· thy llolford attended the , - - --- ~ ~ ,I ...- .;', • -::-.-, - football star 1 year or tv. o bert(Pat is director), Pea and aucu book. It I •• ' It I I I ' ' ... I I I I I I,, back. Weddina bells will nna Bill Bonner and Keau and The bndearoom uansported for than in January. Prank Hwlinaham of Harbor Ius new wafe to the wedd&n& * f OR PORCELA IN, TILE , CONCRETE, • • • View Hills and Pat and Terry recepuon at the home of her WOOD, METAL WORKS ON ALMOST EVERY With a few aore muscles Root of Laauna. parents, 1880 Orange Ave .• SURfACE. Terry and P olly Sweeney of Costa \\cu. &n his 1924 DRIES TO A HARD, LUSTROUS n LE UK£ Balboa hlandhave rellmed. • • • model-A Ford. (Rebualdana * They lOok Grea Smith 8Dd Jean and Tom Calle are vantage automobales as one fiNISH THATS NON POROUS AND LONG WEARING. Roaer Brown 1lona wath mak&na the aounds. They of h&s hobbaes). FARMER thcar o•n younasters, Janie have moved from thear Back \1rs. \lathev.s received her 59: * RESURfACE WORN OUT f iXTURES , and Tar, to Joshua National Bay home to Balboa Island aucsts &n I bone sheath dress JOHN A''LIANCES AND TILES EASILY AND Monument over the lona temporarily while they v.a1 t wu.h p1nlt ha t and rna tch&ng ECOHOMICAUY. BRUSH OR SPRAY. weekend. Their downfall was for their new home on the corsaac. A be&ae lace dress SUCED uplorina for hidden valleya Eaat Bluff to be completeiJ. w1th ,reen accessones and M\ich were supposed 10 fol- • • • yellov. rnsc corsaae was the low each mountain hike. . • Tbe many friends o f Kay anirc of the croom's mo ther. BACON they found the mountans. Sowa, or Harbor Hiahlands, lJcl th of the newlywed~ are • • • will be happy to hear that ~radua ll"'> or :-.lew port HarboT Approxjmately lSOO rcpr~ lhe ia recovenna, althouah IIIah ~chool and Orange ORDER aentativea 10 UROC as lbe talk or the convenuon. Amon& the harborrepresenla­ tl v~s preacnt were BNcc and \ iarcaa NorIt aathe r­ ed tbeir ltiddies toaetber and KLENKS found their way by •., to OuncM, Oklahoma, where DoMa'a f1mily tin. • • • The

.AliA AYL-. Ollila Aft ,.•••••Ta·•a a-i•1fialet · THE l'ERFECT C/FT FOR THE MAN .Y.IUPI

-tf MOST NIICTIONAL ._, •• H•aC 5 ~~ I •111 -tl LAMII ACcacon TIAYS ,.,... .. I ' r lrr an~,.... , I -tl tu.~•lo.. C.IIIOtl • Ia h., ' '111111. I IS,.... ,_. Uw



HOUDRY f}\!I{JONS NOW ••• HRVf: tHt)f ¥tHEN YOU NEI:D IAMKAMERICARO THEM. USE OUR LRY,J\WRY PLJ\N. ~- eteJa's 3fi-gaAiuons -costa__ M_esa ___ Midway 6-79 15 250-B East Seventeenth Street YES! 25 WE


BLANKETS iii~iE TO BACED 9·9t .... Y2 LOADS FOR % 'PRICE ANNOUNCING SERVE REG. 2.00 PER LOAD DRAPER lEY the OPening OF IIALLIE'S FIC SALON 5 ,...... _, .... ,.._._., .... _.. SAVE 1 ...... -~ ··-'·--- ,..,.. II LID a. laUI .LYl - ...... YOU! ,.,._fill , Til WASH I


....DArl t :• A.M. 7V ..... 1'.& ,IJArl 1M A.ll. 7V IM 1'• • • PLACE MATS Sound Advice

The New~ Harbor Play­ ~ B, ert, $16 Ceatet SL, CotLI Meta, will preteDt at their Mat procluct.ioe, " Tbe Sena . • y.., hch.'' the comedy by . Georae Aselrod. . Openioa oipt it Friday, . Nov. lS., e•LiiD time at 1:30 p.m. The play will Nil row ~kill a fty With a shot· weck-endt lhrouah November, aun. aod DeYCf' u.e ctrup elotiDI Saturday nipt, Dee. left ow:r from a ICrious 7. Gene Beoedjet of CotLI illnat (CK tdf-c:r.tmcnt of a aimilar ailment. I" Men playa the male lead of the 1nt CMe. you'U blow your kitc:bcn oeili"' to Richard Sbermao. Nancy Sol­ llftimaeaw a1oa1 with tbe fty. In the aecond case lard ol Tuttio playa the fe­ •lo lead of "The Gill." - you lilt the point. You tee, modem d.rup a~ Olkrt in the eatt are Lori hiaflly pow.nt-tbat's why we d.ispeme them only, &eoe Adams, Dolly when your phyaician pN&Cribes. If you dote your­ Rittelael, April Oorcloo, Precl aclf with lcf'loYCn, you may do serious dama,e. ltahlmaa, .Jack Davit, Phil­ lip Neaderhiter, aDd MinLI lt'5 a aood idea to pour tbe remains or old ~ Dulfle. ICriptioos down tbe drain and dc:suoy ttw bott.lcs. ·) THEIR SAND CASTLE, an ambitious en­ 0t1 the finishes touches are, from left, M1~ ... TONY try In the Newport Harbof Chamber of George Turner, Chris Cooper, Jarrett 'h 1"M DIIIQIII Commerce \ontest on Nov. 3rd, reptesents Lew ~s and Ron Holt, all members of the Tel.,.._.: oaiele HS50 a French Foreign Legion outpost. Putting COfon~del High School band. Christensen Phew IIICICJ lOIII E. COAST B'WT. coao•A DEL lUll FOLK ART TO ORIOLE 3·1SSO BE SHOWN . ) . Tbe aoereta or ttitchery, a ...... foJ t art DOW a widely Oted medioro or modem art, will be revealed by rota . Alpha S.l­ STOTT.ER PLACE MATS set today's most ventoo, at the meetina of JOHNNIE'S LIQUORS · colorlll trends for the finest tables. Eye­ Newport Harbor Panhelleoi~ DEE COOK, O ~~o>ne r appealing, distinctive, practical, they're at 10 :30 a.m. Wedneaday, Nov. 20, at the home of Mn. America's favorite wipe-clean, foam backed Lealie Peterten, 404 Via 3537 EAST COAST HIGHWAY Vinyl table mats. LidO Nord , LidO Jale. rota. Sal veaon, art ina true­ COROMA DEL MAR, CALif. PRICED FROM $1. •00 TO $1 .89 tor at CCKnelia Connelly Girlt ffiah S~hool , Anatwim, hat uhibited her art in national TELEPHONE ORaole 3-7 SlO VlSJT OUR NEW ENLARGED GIFT LINEN DEPT. and intemationaljuried tbowt in CalilCKnia, Kanau and Italy. She baa held one man UNOHRIE - HOSIERY - SPORTSWEAR abows in Oraaae County, Tim~ to TJ.;,It o/ C •I florence, Rome and Venice, CHILDREN'S WEAR - LINHNS Ital y. Mn. Raymond Boehm, pro­ aram ~hairman, announ~e• lhat Mn. Petenen will be au it ted in her hot tell dutict by ~ •. L Bematz, rota. H. Hiabey, rota. I. Jordan, Mot. ows THE NEW STADIUIUt Davidson Field on beach Sunday, Nov. 3. The 3 lads work ing O•• OP TN• LIDO ...... Huffman , rota. Hottetler and Mrt . Wm. J. Callit. the Newport Harbor High School campus away at the footba ll stad ium are, from 3404 VIA UDO, NEWPORT lEACH Panhoileni~ pret ident, ~ •• is shown here in this sand castle des ign left, Roger Moore , Chuck Sexton and Jtm Loren Heather, announced constructed at the Corona del Mar main Sexton, students Corona del Mar Hiljl. l'inal plant will be made for at a couplet Chriatmat party to be held at MeadOWlark Golf

"k 's Fun to Drea ~ BtOTiiR- ln Faahlon" Frlcl.y, Oct. 25 A wallet, money and mit­ ~ cellaneout papera belooaina (GIVE J\ PORTRJUT OF YOU, TO THr f• aU occui•'•· llMal~ "'~­ Iva o•.. •llll c:eMGa waa .... - - ~c.... aiDI• &c. Robert 0.0...... _,_.,..., - · ..... _,. 111·- ll17 W. Bey A•e., C•&nl • " .. _ ..,w,._..., N npon; ofti cere aeid &M ' ...... _,. _----_...... · - .., &aka ,_ a ...... _. _. ,.lio•.. Willi• Milia, )19 ...... _...... pz_ . ,_ ...... B. 1.. SL, Coela Maa .. ,._ ...... _ .2$ 't c t ...... •• 6ell of a Wcyde ...... q ...... Hi •• •• AWcyde 1795 .., Ill• t.. JoAIIae Ro­ ...... _...., ...... JOt"~ c:wr..-.,_ .... ,...... ------~-----J .. _.. ,1... •=• tlllll ...... ~..... •=• .. •=• a..s,...... ,cn~ ...... , aocD ·AU.* 5 ·ALL I liD --·••• A .... ""'·ewua..a eo-...• ._..... 1'2$ I JRk ,_ K.u. ._...... 26l4 New- _., •• 2 ,_IIM..M~ -& ...... MUID...... IOYellr ..UI .... A...... ~., ·~:0. ~Ne IIIII PIONKD'8 17 ,_., ...... u ..... •parf rr Ia ... t!ifP ...... ,~ ....,...... •• I ...... atil ...... ---clei...... rcLt' ~AOCOIIIIIIMI 10 IIJ 0...... ,.. CaDell, ...... Miera ... Mrrice 1110- ject at Pakwi .. 1101•1 Cl!ltnn:A11! OIMI.. BII I ...... PlctidOU PI• N•• lakia.,. 1118 UMD.. (JIIBD 'do ...... 46• la.Ue ..,. .._,110M of.._ .. ...,. CMifJ ••I ..,. •• chilena ia weld 11 c• •lk, ftiJIDAL DIUCTOIS .•• mouTOitB -.oa U b" pot~DdaL A--- L81._,0 aUBIAJY ..,.. '-1 c•• .--. •• ... 10!11 at UZ B. It• St., ...... 52• ...... ,._ Cotta ...... CelifD•i• ..... IALTZ ...... doe wllic~ .. wild *• ltllhioaa I• ••• ot , McaaM of a MaYJ Aalda. Opiaioa Ubruy ...... 62• IIOIIIMY ...... il ...... , .,.... 1M ... aaid I• it oo.­ 1741 IUPI_,I AVE. ..._ Gloria J.._eoo, 1lreo- poaed of dte followiaa per­ COSTA MESA 1Dr of 90iuteer aenic•• at aooa wlloae ....a in lbll .... llotpital, NpOrta that .. and placta of ~eaicleee are Mldwly ~2424 PLANNING I. Magnln Fashion Luncheon llam Holstein, Corona del Mit, hostess; boapital ataff ia "'1 IDtbct­ aa lollowa, to-wit: 3521 L COAST IIWAY at the Newporter Inn are committee me~ Mrs. J. Ti Newton, Newport Boch, f1VOtS ; aiaatic aboat thl work of •e Mr. Perry Piak NoUar, 300 COlOMA DIL WAa bers of both sponsoring organizations, the Mrs. Clinton F. Eastman, Lido Isle, de­ K1y Clllb memblra. Mra. Ja· B. Coati Hiallway, Newport ORiole '.q450 Newport Harbor Service League and the corations; and Mrs. H. Seymour Seek, IDOIOD IIJI tJaat lbe bandi• Beadt. Calif.; Mr. Willaro capped childlen are fint Siau 1'42 Orange County Philharmonic Society. Co~ Corona del Mar, models. 01te · for the S&.iaaOIL Voit. 17.13 Ocean taupt eo roll, .... to aet liP mYCt •• Balboa Cali(. mlttee members, from left, are Mrs. Wil- event is Feb. 13. (Terry Boris photo) OD their baoda aDd kaeea, WITNESS oar hand tbia ..... oeat 10 cnwl, to atiAd aDd day of No•~mtMr. 1963. ,rindly JWall...... finally to walk. Peny Pid: Nollar BDl. BROADWAY CURTAIN TIME ON LIDO Seaioc Wih ('' Pat") O.t.­ Willard Scimaoa Voit liaa uya lbe youaaatera are STATE OF CAUPORNIA MORTUARY (From the Lido IsUnde.r) Noveliu Philip - Graves, the confused fiance, Spencer faacinaled by arull tkiqa COUNlY OP ORANGE 11 while vacationiea in Nassau, like car teya. Becaoae ol 110 Broadway A fun filled farce wi ll be Gnlnt. Claire'• Oltford... c · ON nus ..... day of Novem­ u 1-Ka.t-Jat c.ta .._ presented by the Lido Isle has fallen in love wim =::· ~ented brother Jeff%Cy ia a dUa faacinatioa tbey are a61e ber, 1963, before me, a No­ tiful Claire Windrew from to be ~cMd to crawl aDd Players Club on November naturai rv-!e for YGU:!J Colin tary Public in and ' for aaid Boston. Clarie haa a mother laiiDr to 1 taJMa in their attempta 20-21-22-23 in the Cl ubhousc. Weu, a REAL Enaliabnlan county and atate, reaidina Chapel The show, " Here Today", who never foraeu their who ia viaitioa bere at pre· to .,..P tbe objecta. 0. tlina "proper.. &uon backaround. uya that another (a\'Orable lberein, ~ly oommiuioned ts a rollickina. fast-paced sent. Pat Moran roonda out and a worn, penonaJJy appear­ 1 brother juu paduated from the cast aa the lazy maid, objeca teac:Jaina the chil­ comedy and promises to be m ed Perry Piak Nollar Md ,. sparklina entertainment. It Odord, and a .. arurred shirt" Gertrude. drea ia tether ball. .... Willard Stimaon Voit.. knoW'D .. 27 E. I 7flt ST. Boatonian for a fiance, all "Here Today" providea "We aae belpina now, not is the story of 1 wily woman's to me ID be lbe peuona COSTA WE5A of whom are arrivina on the hilarious comedy filled with joat minalin1 with the pa­ Ia .... attempts to help her ex-bus· whose namea are aubacri bed band acquire a new wife . scene. When playriaht Mary clever dialoaue and amuaina tients ... a,nior Scott Great­ to the within in 1 tnlmen t. and Hill iard , Philip's ex-wife, situations. Hope you will all heed affirmed. "We 1ee im­ heart of his romantic diffi­ t1e in the audience to applaud proYement and thla mates the ackn owledaect 10 me lbat lbey · -.aNO c ultiea with the Wiodrew die Players for their fine project woclbwbile." necut.ed lbe aame. IATB c lan, she decides it is her effocta. There are approllimately 30 WllNESS my hand and offi­ cial aeal. duty to help him. boya in the Harbor tliah Key M HOW W'IICI Toaether with her aenial, UTE-ADVOCATE IILL Club who aaaia t eacb week Mary A. Haapa OI.ICI Notary Public in and for aai d wise-crackina buainess as­ TO IE IELI DEC. I in the aervice project at your glflateat quality sociate, Stanley Dale, Mary Fairview. They are: County and State. IMAU. MONM.Y PAYMMI Plans for the Kate and Ad· My commi uioa expire a No•. EIIY clock-,.dlo buy/ ruahes to Nassau to join the vocate Ball will be annow-tced Ste•e Shedd, preaid•t; Rocky Campbell, Yice prui­ 19. 1963. aroup. Here she seta out to at the Nov. 21 luncheon meet· dent; Roein field, aecrocary; Publish: Nov. 7, 14, 21, 28, sell Phil u a foremost so­ ina of the Oranae County Bar ciali te to Mother Windrew Scott Smitb; tteanr«; Mib 1963, in the Newport Hubor Auxiliary at Berkshire's Rea­ 8Dsian. WO'&ri~ and to unsell the non-sus­ taurant in Newport Beach. Ober, aeraeaat•t-.rma; Scott Matbiaon, · Tim Croaae, Bill pectin& fiance. Spencer Mrs. WilliamAdamt ia chail" Grant, Io n a one of Mrs. Win­ man for the ball, to be held WriJbtoo, Pua Oatlioa. Scott MATTRESSES drew'a favoritea. Just aa her Dec. 6 at the Balboa Bay Greatbea4, TOdd Heu, Doo ... - DJIVII.DIIfG Oibaon, Craia Ritter, Dan conntvtnas have reached Club. She is uai sted by Mrs. llfti'Uiar Slulpes complete succeu Mary rea­ PauJMarx,Mra. Warren Kniaht, Beauchamp, Ron Zet.l, Ron ,_, I ' I-c:.etaa HANDOitAf'T.D QUALITY• Jenka, Jamie Carroll, Neil lizes to her horror that she and ~s. Warren Sikora. COSfA ·WISA 114AniiSS CO. s till loves Philip. She and Berlina. AI Oray, Kent Nelb­ 1111.....,.,...... ~ .... Stanley then set to work to PRE-FLIGHT TRAINING ery, Dane Scbucb, Mite reverse everythina they have Naval Aviation Cadet Wil­ CLOCK RADIOS done thus far. liam E. Ric:hea, son of Mr. , StarriJIJ u die zany bat and Wra. Blaene A. Aichea ,...... z..ta···­ witty Mary ia a new Lidoite , of 522 El Modena Ave., New­ "Uifl...... ,. Betty Godfrey, while her rival port Heia.hta, i a auendina "-n .,._. ceusaalc&CI Claire Windrew ia played by Pr~Fli&ht School at tbe ...... "Roman Candle" heroine. Naval Air Station,­ Judy Bonner Martin. Lido'a cola. Fla. Upon completion lona·time fuorite, Nat Mi­ of the 16-week course be will chaud, doea full juatic:e to uoderao primary fliaht uain­ the role of Claire's iodomi­ ina at the Naval Aaui liary table mother. Object of the Air Station, S.Ufley Field. airls' affections, Philip Gravea. ia played -by Gil MARIME PROMOTED Silviua, who bas perfonned William C. Howell. aon of ao aucceufully in the last Mrs. E1tber L. Howell of two Lido playa. 140 1 Nottinpam Rd., Weat.­ Mary's c:obort, Stanley Dale. cli rr. hat been promoted .., ia played to wiae-crac:kina corporal at Oleny Pbint.. perfection by Rou Di&on, N.C. Heia aervina wilb Head­ another old-timer to the Lido quarter• and Headqaartera :_.,-~·--,...... __ a taJe. Newcomer Mike Con­ Sc,Jac1ton at tbe Marine Corpa .....---~---__ ...... ,,.___ ....____ ....__ ., __ ...... 7 - ...... nolly ia bellltifully cut u Air Station. _ Compare l6de "TAttl ...... bJ.W.wtth •"Y set near ...... prices. ~· .t" ~L IE THE LAS$ WITH THE FAIULOUS LASHES Yl ,IIWOII, tao, when you discover how much you ,.. 1 ••·--u• ...... _____ -~---_...... ,.._._.._...,.. _-...... - .. - --~ save with a Gas clothes dryer. There's a small fortune a.------­" ...... _.... -----­...... -...... ,...... _ '~ to be saved on installation alone. (Other kinds of dryers .,.._ .... _.._. ....--- ..__ ...... I ··-_· ----...... _ can cost as much to install as th.ey do to buy!) You save on operating costs, too. Less than 2¢ a load with a Gas dryer. (Other kinds cost four times as much!) Drying ..... ,__ ...... time? Nothing beats the speed of modern Gas. A Gas , ...... ,...... ,.....,... dryer keeps right up with your washer ... dries clothes soft, fluffy, ~iry as can be. 'Nuff said? Visit your dealer's • - or Gas Company Show-~~"" room now. T.ake a peek

at they trouble-free, fast, money-saving Gas dryers. YOu'll swoon,too. ,LQdG ly'CMORIAL

Jll2P!TAL .,..,_. w• .,.._., .... ,.., .. .,..,....,.._;.,.w.ww-•- /'.· Ff?Cfll(TCRI4N APOR T

MOW ntllU TUUOAY IUtlnees Sat. & Sun.

In.. 2 .,._ I,._ ~Orp11 20 ... • ._ .71 1.a I.M Sa.inay Piaaoa Jt ..... JO ...,. I.OO IM Ul All Stylea , __._ USED OR.GA.NS - Iarae acloo- 1 - .. 40 __. Ul Z.. 2M don of Wudhzer, Thomas, ---;;:::1~...~ ..... -==~:4...... :•:•::•'=·=-- __=·=___=;:_ :•====·=--==...-..._ .---....-:::111= etc:Kiuamao.; 2 m1uuaal. Lowrey, apinet Ea tl9S. ..y, fOR RENT _ ...-...s PIANOS - lar,. ulect.ioo of ucd aphtet end c:ooaol•a; POI· IINT- 2 ...... Ill., 1 -r-r-r- rent toturu, noor demoo­ C..• ...... tJU • ·or COLD MIGHTS & atratora, ncs.-io.a and aome dZ.. wt. Ad f• P•l EARLY MO ..IMG$ MOW repotaeeud. AJI f&dly par­ .. aotaed - Wa.rliuer, Sobreet, .. '. T~ . .. 6-1675 • IB 2.- Don't foraet your do&, wbo \ Gulbraueo, Hardman aad • • . .. ~51.;..1;..;..______uuaJiy aou out the last ,.& ... \ . many otbeu from t29S. . . HOUSE FOR RENT. NEW- lllina at aiaht and early in terma like renL . / CHRISTMAS SPECIAL on . PORTBEACH,SPAIUCLINO lbo momina. '\ HA.....oND CHORD . CLEAN DELUXE }-BfJ).. For abort haired doaa we Orpna. pricea from S29S. ROOM. 1-BAnt. MODERN rec:ommatd a aweater. We 0000 PRACTICE Pianoa HOME. NYLONCARPBTED BUILT-INS. FlREPLACB­ have orion or wool in many all In aood condition, many n·s c:olora, pricea from 11.25 ao reflnllhed, llart at ns. •...-alo• oRd fvtwN oddltiOfl ot PA~ PORCBDAJa HBAT terma from S5 monthly. A A AlR CONDITIONJNO. U.65. Heat Hoapltal. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL ILAIT. . LOCATED ON PENINSULA For lona haired doaa - • ... IRI 1 BLOCK TO 9AY OR HAM\40ND Otaan with BEACH. OPEN FOR IN­ tined rainc:oat or wool, wate~ chimes , S795. SPECTION. UlO W. BAL­ proof wuhable nylon, etc., 9 beautiful arand p18DOS, all BOA BLVD. fully auaranteed - Stemway , pdced from $2.95 to $7 ,95. Knabe , Baldwin, A. B.Chue, ------TMI JOitDAM'I ,..., INOf' and Starck,2 in French Announced ~~·~ Pro­ Hoag Projed VACANCY in amaH aoeat 2711 L c:.-t ...... c-4M .._ -.... _.._._ vincial While & Gold, priced home . Licenud. Individual ...... ~ A-~---·--·- Plans for a S3 50,000 el­ -~·· c:are for elderly. Private from M95, euv terma. hurry ____ pansion of hospital emeraen­ •1111MIW,_ PAIJ'nmG while they're available. rooma. 646-1108. Coaca cy facilities were annocnced t: Mcaa. Lay·a'4'a y a beautiful llam­ E $ ( t Pamting. Decorating mond Otaan for Christmas, last week by Hoaa Hoapital. SHAKE ROOF PU:SDVIN~ youna and old '4'111 play tt; Cona uuc tion of the 13 ,000 REAL !STAT! fOR SALE Kftl!l lr Clean start mon thl y payments nellt squue foot add1tion ia alated to beain in about 30 csaya , U~I\JN lr Insured year. w itb planned completion set P~JCEO TO SELL by owner. M. Michael Pmnting Sohmer Walnut console used Soud\ of hiabway comer .. noor model only, save before the SW1TIIer of 1964. JIL•uoo The 2-atory auucture will dt.Jples. ~adl 2 1~. patio, S400. easy terms . FOURTH IIG WEEK I fireplace. ~ac e llen t condi­ use 3100 aquare feet of the AJ11STIC S<'H\11DT- PIIILLIPS C'O. (Throulb Nov. 19) tion. Nice location. 675- IVOUnd n oor for emeraency Established 19H Hooae P&Uitiq treatment, w1 th 4 . 500 a quare ~ -. 'imle) \4clamc 0047 eveninaa. 1907 N. \U1n at 20th St. fee t of the 2oo story a re a for and Jact Lemmon Cuaom Jtaodeliaa Santa ~na . Cahfom1a HOUSE FOR SALE, tl,OOO 1nten11 ve ca1e. Tbuty-tluec - . ---- dowu, auw-ne t140 monlb, !l.t••ce• hundred aquue feet of base­ S 3/~ loan. Ardli&ec& de­ ment apace '4'111 be us ed fo r aipod, unuaaal aplit level, 7(. ~~~(· ... : storaae. could bC accommodated 1f 10 pauent manaaemcnt ~u la,t that the tnlenSJvc c are Carpeted mu at aoe in aide. A QS(}.aquare-foot eapan11on necest>ar) . 11ven reporters b) Dr . Jamc~o 1oeCt1 on • ould not oe used as draped. Swimmin.J pool. U T v of lhe hospual dinina room , fhe nc~~o emeraency section Doyle, ,..ho capla1nea the a aump1n1 around for nuoor 1-6120. owner. CARPENTRY ORIOLE l-5477 and an IBM bua10eu room of 1nclooes an 11olauon room hosp1tal's proposed 1nten~o1ve iCC1Clent v ICltm' tre'l tell 10 HOUSE FOR SALE. NEW­ 2816 Eau Cout HiJhway 1,180 in as yet uneacavated for treatment or diaeased or care aGel I uon. the emeraenq room. The add1 l1on "" Ill be set up Board member vr,Jitam Spur­ PORT BEACH, SPARK­ H 0 . ANDERSON Corona del Mar basement have been aooea fd thy pauentll. The room c an Ml.. ..,._ be closed off from the rut t6 handle pauents who need ceon sa1d the hosp!tal w1th '1/ ~EE~A OEA~R LING CLE.AN DELUXE}­ to the plans. o' ~ ~,I U Jle ,_. ,_ IIMD! HAMMOND Hoapi tal boast~ treuurer of the emeraency se cuon. care on ~n emeraency bas1r. 1 t~o l1m1ted facll1ll ea has been BEDROOM, 2-BA TH. MG­ Wit.h James Gamer DBRN HOME. NYLON CAR- ~ SU-11'75 IN CORONA DEL MAR A.V. Joraensen told reporters a nil would not be re-used un­ by cramed nurses and spe­ lud.) that It had not been ul 11 completely cleaned. cialists. A cenual nws1n1 called upon 1n the put 10 111d L~e Remick PETED. BUILT-INS. -~--~-·-._u ...... , ...... ______.-n _ offers lbe beat buya 1n \au the $350,000 ea timate woula -aiiO· A abower room bas been add­ s tation ..,tJI be ur.eel 1n the ~et m&JOf PIIIEPLACB-PA110-POll­ model oa•4 orpna A l)t•o• be for cooauuction only. An a emeraency. " THE HMJMTIMG" CED · AIR HEAT AIR IAINTIJIIANC8 SE8YIC! eura fSO.OOO wouks be neec1- ed, particularly for beach In­ depanment so that nurs1n1 Commun1l)' needs requarc that a -WURLITZER ~ ine t piano. wieb Julie Ham a CONDmONING. NEW ed for equipmenL juries, 10 me patient could ID~n' llon C&ft Joot IIUO lite tb• 8ddlboe be bueh aow. 0. CLEANING S)9S; also uprites, console s. BACHELOR APT. ABOVE Window wubioa. wall and \lr. Joraensen aa1d the hos­ be '*as bed clean of sana or cubJcala of all 1nten11ve care DBLE. GARAGE. LOCA­ cealioaa. Floor wuina a arands. LOWERY wt lh Lu­ pltalalread) has about S216.- other din. Dr. Sinyk.Jn tald patienta from t.ha t locauon. sa~ . ~------~----~ TED ON PENINSULA 1 SPECIALITY. lie, only S795; alao Ham­ 000 in Clon,bons. He said the the room could be used for Oxnen equ1pment ~~> Ill tK wa shoown 1n case of rach~ p1ped tD each 10 ten"ve care BLOCK TO BAY OR BEACH OFFICE or HOME monds, Baldwtns , & Alien s. a mount s hows the ... .tltna­ OlliE ULUI ness of people to 11ve lor aciJve conta.nunat1on. room, as ,.ell as electronic PO•• LA OPEN FOR INSPECTION. '4Dntbly-Daily or Oculloci­ Olooae from 100 Instruments. Yt'a1una rooms ana an In ter­ 1820 W. BALBOA BLVD. ally. References bv .:. Doc:­ hospital support, and that the momtor101 cqu1pment to keep Oft at MIGHTL Y AT 6:~ 2854 E. COAST HHJiWA Y. ooarcs hopes the rema1n1n1 VIe,. room for re porters ana watch on pauents · heut beat, ton,Deotiata, Scbool Teach· pollee hne been planned, u OR J.-n30 - Open even1nas Sl34.000 can be ra1see1 ""lth bl00<1 pressure, olnll respira­ APTS. fOR R!NT era, Ranchers, Bowl ina Alley '*eJJ II a hollll na room for tion. ______;_....:_ ___~ OWDCJI, etc. and Sunday aftemoona. additional donat1ons. pot1ents who ue 10 be held Dr. Doyle sa1d the pauenta 'TWO BEDROOM partly fu,. APPROXIMATE PRICES - The 10c:a or emeraency room 'I ANTENNA INSTALL.~ TlONS I the bosp1 tal , but not 10 the ~ould leave Ule mtens1ve needs , 11ven 10 repo rtera nilhed apern•u. Excel- Ceilinp waabed. t0.04 eq. fL reaularwarcss. The room,..ould care sec uon ,..hen lhe) are lent location, 610 M&rJUet- Window• waahed .. tU ave . ~/_, : ..... • '! by Dr. Gerald S1n)'k1n. He be used for trans fer r-a ll en t.s said the present emeraency able to be transferred for care ite. CT>M. r;a1 and wateJ Kit.c:beoa acrubbed and or for obaervauon follo• 1n1 1n the reaular hosp1tal s e c­ paid. ~&alta, no petl. l')w- waud ...... t6. SO r room IS set to handle 3 pa­ emeraency treatment, Dr. • tients, which has 1n the pa s t lion. Some pauents m1£_ht re­ nor. 620 l')rdlid. 67.s-oo47. , SPECIAL RATES FOR Smyk1n s111l. main 10 the sec tion for sever· forced ~me r aency treatment WATERfRONT upper apt. MONTHLY OR WEEKLY ORIOLE l-S4n Other rooma 10 the emeraen­ al ~~oeeks . he sa1d. Well fum. Gamaae diapoaal JOBS. 2816 Eaai Coaat Hiahway to be carried on 1n the halls cy secnon 1nclude a cast or any available place. Former hospital ch1ef of aarap, patio, tliO per mo. --··-··).£J...~ ------~- Corona del Mar room specially equ1pped to staff. Dt. Harold Sllcklcr, Dr. Sinykin said plans for handle plu ter used 1n treat· to _July 1 to reliable couple. P_,...E..,R..,.SO~N.,.A....,.L=-..,...,...~=~...,.,...-l WURLITZER _ 60 Spinet & to Ia reporters that the cost 1M new addi lion incl ooe ina fractures, an cum room Ub i. pd. Boat do<:lt ~va il. U.C OLICS ANONY US. Conaole Pianoa, BRAND of ueatment 10 the 10tens1ve emeraency room apace for 11 wh ich c an be used as a mtnl· Pbooe 673-6427. Harbor .\rea. 673- 1!724 . 24- NEW . below 0 1scount Houae beda, and that more pat1enta care unit v.ould be about S75 lrtute emeraency room set up d aay. He sa1d the cos t -~.~.H.~.:---···· · -···-··· pr1ces. hurry while they m handle a nervous or trouble­ equa Ilea the co s t of nurstna IUSIMESS OPPORTUMinES last. Schm1dt-Philltps, 1907 GARDE~ JNG some pallent. and a room IANTf:D , MISC. No. Ma1n at 20th. Free alo ne 1f lhc p•uent v.ere eqwpped to handle obstetri­ beln& treated else,.hcre. WISH PUROfASE ac­ PRIVATE PARTY wanta to ·yo ...... :P:....;:a:..:.r;:;;ltl;.;;.n.II',!.....:Sa= n..:...ta_ ....::.....AA•...;..· __-1 Complete Landscopmg cal and &Ynecoloa1cal emer· Monitonna cqu1pmcnt for c:ounti~ prac:ti<:c or ac­ TV • HI PI SERVlCE Servace aenc1ea. buy uud Oriental rua• . oounta. Call c:olle<:t OWen the secuon would be u'ed on various aiaea. Pbone 496- 1-5119, La Habu. • Prompt FREE ESTl.MATES Dr. S1n ylt1n sa1d lhe emer­ a lease baais. Dr. Sudler 97)1 collect after 6 p.m. • Dependable S 6 H Cre.n Stampe aency secllon •as planned sa1d. Eaaeof mauucnancc and Capiat.rano Bea<:h. Fre. •ttwry to pvc easy access tD the conunual equipment modern­ MASSAGI • c:Juaru•ed COaol'fA DEL MAl l'fUISUY boapical's a-ray ancs suraery IZation were anen 11 reasons ~ oa $.0110 . 2'7.C E c..e "'2· fOI SALE -, . . departments. Easy access by for lbis. It would not be ~'~REPLACE WOOD: Came nJUE 9URHS -Specializina . ambulance pat1ents 11 alao feasible to buy equ1pmcnt at '-Y ,our c., -k full of in Swodilh Maaaaae - Fa~ lORI IANTED built into the ne., aecuon. d\e present bme , he 111d . ..a-eel fi,.wood. L..-a ial, Hud a Cer'rical Ma~ ' . An idea of a naw concept Dr. SucUer atreuca lhe C..,aa Wood Y..S. l14ll uae. Relu Away T•aio., ORJOLB 3-S4n WO~K WANTED. 'Jood coot S*-Da L••· M lailea prr hJWOve Circua.lioa wi• 2816 Eaat Coast Hiabway Will prepare dinner, Mon . Coaat HWJ. KY...... ,, Drcr&leu Therapy. .,omen Corona del Mar lhN Friday, 5 to 7 p.m Clieatelo. For appL , U ..___ ;...... :. _ __::.~~:__ _ UV1NG ROOM Chair. E.a­ $31) OJ SJS wedt. CaJI alto~ l-l116. CASH for your piano -- s o·~roc:t . S47-16S6. cellent coadi tion. Aqua. 547-6058. t2S. Phone 67S.l61S. 721 ~- y ... ., ...... lri a, c~. TAILORING itac• • all _,.. fll do- AUTO INSUR.~NCE for ftoa AIJTOMOTIVf: Maf a ...... ,..... ALWAYS c:.ncolod or docl ined. Mo ARTISTIC CUSTOM TAILORS, -· ...... ••,. ~. torcycle lnauran<:o. Strick­ reatyllng. Alteration spe· ...... u--. 6fn ...... land Co., 101 No. aaah • MlllCIDUalla * claJJsn. No job too large or ...... CDl. 0! H174. SL , Slota ~na . Kl 1-lOIS, too •mall. Complete drea­ GOOD USTENING Awlflect ( ...... D.~Y WORK wanted. Have .lll-1164. maklDI dept. 233-4 Newport ...MI' ••Dl¢f1J Blvd., Cotta Ma&. Ll 8·8SS7. own tranapcxcation. ('all DININO· SET (nL &.able, 6 after 6 in e.enina. HY 4- claaira & botch) 11$. Ma­ .. a...... 0401. hoJiay alep c:wner table CARS FOR S\LE ---- •AL TO-W ALL carpet tH. RauaeKaaa.coucta tlOO 196) VOUS"WAGEN , model L- Poamca ~ table uo. 1500. Low l'llileqe, n<:ell­ c...... ·---··· u .. Plaoee U 1-llll ar 613- l•t ooocli lioa, tl,S.SO. t.aa­ S16f. PP compartrDent f10nt a OLA~ - ~epla<:MHiftt, mir­ 16 an. .aec&rio n»'rie '*l. Ll Hl8:8. ...a. IU •Klo.area. No ••103·fM e,• camera. e..iaite £uopCID job COo aaJJ. Fne utJ­ 11 K aolcS bnc.aea. •aloe ISC.FOR SU.£ ••tu. 0,.. Sa&. er-ce tlOO. will '*• beat orre r. nee TOOtER nan Shop 'Jlaaa Co •• ' 15).6~ f'ftwpof1 ~ Old fliai C1Ai r.. aoocS co..a­ S.wtaa Sale. fabric r.­ CM...... u •. aon 120. PhOft• A.a.&~••n ••&a .,r Clari ...,a. Jifta. dDII d~e • etc:. Aho h•• ... ,.._.... Ha.. a w• ,., ..,,.. Mid ..... f'ura. YOUR a Pd., No•. 14-1 s. tb ..... - 4 AJw.,a beat..,._ c...... at UO £. ltdl St.. •a...... AI ...... TOMY A..-l ...... el ...... n. !fta• fiNe••=• PJOHDJr8., ,_., .,...... lla&,._ ...... h t ... wiew ~lal wiD 65 ...... _ ..., ...... _. -c••·...... r AC:COIIIUIIIJ 10 at.J 0...... • c-.11, ...... 'rt oou iclera ..., MrYice ,.._ ject at Palm.. Hoapia81 CBit11PICA 1E of llJ.. IIS .oet lllpanut~ Plctidoaa PI• N•• takia ~o 1118 UND!IlSc Grant. Clairo'a Odord... c· ON nus 4cb day of Novem­ U S.MD, ...,._,. eo.ta Me. preaented by the Lido Is le h .. fallen in lovewiifa~!!· ~cnted brother Jeffrey ia a tlai1 faaoinatioa tbe ¥ are able ber, 1963, before me. a No­ tiful Claire Windrow from to be coa daecl to craw1 . and Players Club on November naturai nile for YOW!J Colin tary Public in and for 1aid Boa ton. Clarie hat a mother Ia ter 10 a laod ia their a ttempta 20-21-22-23 in the Clubhouse. West, a REAL Enaliabma.D county and atate, reticllna Chapel The show, "Here Today", who never foraets their who is viaitina here at pre· to pup the objecta. 0. tlina "proper" &aton backaround. uya. Chat aaother favorable therein, cmly commiuioned is a rollickina. fast-paced sent. Pat Moran roonda out and a worn, personally appear­ a brother j uat 11aduated from the cast aa die luy maid, object in t.eacllina the chit· comedy and promises to be ed Perry Fiat Nollar and ,.. Oxford, and a "atu!fed abirt" Gertrude. dren ia tether ball. ... sparklina entertainment. It Willard Stimaon Voit, knon •21 f. IM ST. Bottooian for a fiance, all " Here Today" provides " We a• belpina now, not is thestory of a wily woman's 10 me ., be. lhe peraoaa COSTA~ of whom are arrivina on the hilarious comedy filled with juat minalina with tbe pa­ att~mpts to belp her ex·bua· whose names are aobacri bed scene. When playriabt Mary c lever dialoaue and amuaina tieats." lfnior Scott Great­ ..... band acquire a new wife. to the within inatmment, and Hilliard, Philip's CJ.•wife, aituatiooa. H09e you will all bead affirmed. ..We ace im­ ackn owlcdaed 10 me cbatlhey hean of hi s romantic diffi· be in the audience to applaud proyement and thia mak.ea the executed lhe aame. cultiu with the Windrow the Players for their fine project wordlwbile. " clan, 1be decidu it ia her efforts. Tbue are aps-ollimately 30 WI'JNESS my hand and offi ­ duty to help him. boya in the Harbor Hiab Key cial seal. Toaether with her aenial, UTE-ADYOCATI IALL Cl11b whO auiu each week Mary A. Hupa Notary Publi c in and for said wise-crackina bu1ineu as­ TO II IIlLI DEC. I in the service project at sociate, Stanley Dale, Mary Painiew. They ue: County and State. Plana for the Kate and Ad· St.eve Shedd, pretide.u; My commi Ilion expire• Nov, ruahea to Naasa11 to join the vocateBall will be announced Rocky Campbell, vice presi­ 30, 1963. aroup. Here abe acts out to at the Nov.21 luncheon meet· dent; Rotlin Pield, 1ecreta.ry; Publi ah: Nov. 7, 14, 21, 28, sell Phil u a foremou so­ ina or the Oranae County Bar caalite to Mother Windrew Scott Smidt; tteaaarer; Mike 1963, in the Newport Haltlor Awti I iary at Berkshire's Rea­ &sian. and to unsell the non-sus· taurant in Newport Beach. Ober, aeraeant•at-.rms; Scott Malbiton,- Tim Crwu, Bill pectina fiance, Spencer Mrs . WilliamAdama ia chair· Wr iJhtoa, Pua Outioa.. Scott Grant, Jona one of Mr\. Win· man for the ball, to be held MATTRESSES Greadlead, Todd Heu. Doa drew's favoritel. Juu u her Dec. 6 at the Balboa Bay .EW - II&8UIL8IIfG connavinaa have reached Club. She ia auiated by Mrs. Gibson, Craia Ritter, Due ~ularlbapes complete s uccess Mary rea· PauJMau.Mra. Warren Kniabt, Beauchamp, Ron Zcbal, Ron 118tac•-c..... lizes to her hon or that she and Mrs. Warren Sikora. Jenlt1, Jamie Carroll, Neil COSfA MBA MATYIISS CO. still loves Philip. She and Berlina, AI Gray, Kent Nelb­ , ~ Stanley then set to work to PRE-FLIGHT TRAINING ery, Dane Schuch, Mike ...... ·- reverse everythina they have Naval Aviation Cadet Wil­ CLOCK ,RADIOS done thus far. liam E. Ric:bea, ton of ~r . Starrina u tho zany bot and Mra. l:oaene A. llichca ~ z..~a· ··- witty Mary ia a new Lidoite, of 522 El Modeaa Avc.,New• NCI,...... Betty Godfrey, while her rival port Heiabta, i1 auausina "-~MAe Ia_. Claue Windrew ia played by Prc-Fiiabt Sd\ool at the ...... ,...... " Roman Candle" heroine, Nual Air Station, Peon­ Judy Bonner Martin. L ido's cola, FIL Upon completion lona-timc favorite, Nat Mi­ of the 16-week courae he will chaud, doea full justice to ancserao primary niabt train­ the role of Claire's indomi· ina at the Nual Auiliuy table mother. Object of the Ai r Station, S.UDey Field. airla' affections , Philip Gravea, ia played -by Gil MARINE PIOMOT!D Silviua, wbo baa performed William C. Howell, aon of 1 0 aucceaarully in the last Mrs. Ealher L. Howell of two Lido playa. 1401 Nottiopam Rd., We at• Mary' a cohort, Stanley Dale, eli ff, baa been promoted to i a played to wiae-crackina corporal at O.eny Point, perfection by Ron Dillon, N.C. Heia aemna willa Head· another old-timer to the Lido quarters and Headquarter• : a.~ ...... I.M& 1 taae. Newcomer Mike Con· Sc,.aaclron at tbe Marine CoiP• oolly ia beautifully caat as ---'----...... _._...... _.....-1...... - . Air Statioa. -_... -·----·-...... _...... Compare Of.Kol ...... , ..., ...... , these prices. *: .t" )fl . IE THE LASS WITH THE FAIULOU$ LASHES ,_,I MDII; tao, when you discover how much you ~ .. save with a Gas clothes dryer. There's a small fortune

-.-uue -.-...... t. to be saved on installation alone. (Other kinds of dryers ----- ...... l!BlJ1ASII' ...... ------., _. ------__ can cost as much to install as they do to buy!) You save on operating costs, too. Less than 2¢ a load with a Gas dryer. (Other kinds cost four times as much!) Drying ..... ,...... time? Nothing beats the speed of modern Gas. A Gas ...... ,...... ,..,.,... dryer keeps right up with your washer ... dries Rave bea.tif.Jiy 1-s, ewae;a...... _ '-1 , eiaply --••s til- • ia ••id ..., .,.i. a~tio•l Witll FABULASJI yo. •J WW , .. soft, fluffy, airy as can be. 'Nuffsaid? Visit your aealer's owa Ia..._ to t..h ...... Webe.l ... ~•a. , .. wut - .-ii••P ..u, ...... or Gas Companv. show- ,._._._.__.f at the trouble-free, ? aryers.\Ou'lf swoon,too. ~OR T

Q.\11 & MIATB - c:.1a .-..._ • ..._ II~~~~;;;~;;;~--~ I,._ 2 ...... , n.i. He .. Or... • _. •... .11 I.JI ea s.. l...., Pieaoa Jt ...... _. tM ea Ul All Stylea _...._ ...... _.__ USI!O OltM. Gaa aoc1 watet. K i ~beaa scrubbed aDd said the present emeraency or for observation rollowtn& room is set to handle 3 pa­ 1n the reaular ho s ec­ THE paid. ~dlllta, DO pet a. t)w- wand · . . • . . . • . • t6 . .SO emeraency treatment, Dr. uon. Some pa ue nts m• t re­ tients, which haa in the past ah LC>~ ner. 620 t>r~id. 67s-oo47., SPECIAL RATES FOR Sinykin said. matn 1n the s ecu on for sever· DAY ...... _. .,_..,,.-:, forced ~me raency ueacment ATERPRONT upper apL MONlltLY OR WEEKLY ORIOLE l-S4n Other rooma in the emeraen· al weeks. he Slid. to be carrieO on in the halla Well iJm. Omaae diepou~ JOBS. 2816 East Coast Hip way cy section include a c ut Fonner c htef of aara,., patio, 1110 per c_o_ron__ a_ de_l_M_ ar__ _ or any available place . . room specially equipped to mo. AAAAA_A)JL.J... - ~·L --A - AA- ___ 1 staff. Dr. Harolo Suck ler, Dr. Sinykin aaid plans f~ handle plaster uaed in treat­ to July 1 10 reliable eouple.P:....: E:...;R,;..,SO,..:..,N,...,....,AL:::.----,-,..,..,=--1 WURLITZER _ 60 Spinet ct tola reporters that the cost the new addition include in& rractu.res. an eaam room Util. pd. Boat dock ~vail . ALC OLICS ANONYMOUS. Console Piaooa. BRAND emeraency room apace for 11 of aeatmenl m the intenaive which can be used aa a min•­ care unit -.ould be about S7S Pbooe 673-6427 · Harbor .'-rca. 673-11724. 24- NEW , below Discount Houae beda, and that more patienu atwe emeraency room set up a day. He s a1<1 the cost · A~i'it!..•- AAAAAA • -AAAAAAA prices 0 huny wbile they eo handle a nervous or trouble­ equa lied the COil o f nUfllnl IUSIMESS OPPORTUMin!S laat. Schmidt-Phillips, 1907 CAIDE~ ~C aome patient.. and a room WANTED , MISC . No. Ma in at 20th, Free --- Alo ne •f the pauen t v.ere equipped to handle obs te tri­ beina treated elsewhere. PRJVATE PARTY waou to WISt ·To P\JROIASE ac­ __.:.-==.::::::...!...:Sa=nta:::...:...Ana=··--~ Complete Landscaping cal aod aynecoloaieal emer­ Morut.onna equJpment for or ac­ oaed countioa prac:tice TV - HI P1 SERVICE Service aenciea. buy Oriental fli&S , counts. Call collect OW• the secuon would be used on 'fatiooe eiae1. Pbooe 496-- 1-5119, La Habra. e Prompt Fa.EE ESTlMAT'ES Dr. Sinyk1n 10 a1d the emer-­ a leue baaia, Dr. St1ckler 9'731 collect after 6 p.m. • Depaulable S 6 H Cawn Slam,. aency section was planned s aJ d. Eaeeor maiatenance and ...Capietruo... .______Beach. _ Faw *UWtY to· aiYC eaay a ccess t.o the continual eqo.ipmcnt moc1ern­ MASIAGI • 0ua.rM •ect COllOM A DEL MA& •-••·•• boapital' s 1-ray and suraery - 2THE.. ixation were Jivea aa reason• ------depatlrnenu. Easy a cceu by for thia. It woukS not be nJUE 9UR.PG -S~ecializiaa ambUlance patient& is also feasible to buy equipment at in Swedilh Ma••a• - fao­ built in10 tbc new aection. lbe preaent time, be Slid. ial, Head ct CerYical Ma• An idea of a new concept Dr. Stickler atreased tbe Ap. Relaa Away Tt~taioa , OIUOI..B J.-5417 WO~K WANTED. fJood coot hpro"C Circu .. tion wita 2116 Eau Coast HiabWIJ Will prepare dinner, Moe. DcCJ&leaa Tlaerapy. •omen Corona del Mar duu Friday, S eo 1 p.m Cli•telo. Pew appt., U 130 OJ t3S week. Call ROOA O.air. E•• 1---__;;_~:.:..:_.:...:...:....:.;.:.:~---- alte~ UVINO 1-3116. CASH for your piano - • .s ·~roc;t. c:ellt~tt coodilion. Aqua. 9 t2S. Phone 67S.l6fS. 721 -~~~!!:AAAAA A-AAAAAA JtEiiiiiG.- ,.Y;.. ;.~el~.;j ..;;.; lrh, CIJ.t. TAILORING iiMe • all .;,.. fill .e. AUTO lNS\Jll~NCE for floe AIJtOMOtn£ ~au.. . .,...... ALWAYS c:anc:elod Of deel ined. Mo ARTISTIC C USTOM T AlLORS. -· ..... tt.JO;..a.. eorcyele lntoraece. Strict­ Suit reatyUng. Alteration ape­ IIIIMl ...... , .... l•d Co., 801 No. Buh • claliR'I. No job too large ~ ...... ~ ~WT74. St.. Slnta ~ . KJ 1-lOIS, too small. Complete drea­ makillg depc. 2334 Ne"'pan D.~Y WORK wuted.. Have Sll-1164. Blvd.. Cclu Maa.U 8·8557 own transportation. C'all DININO· SET (nt. &able . 6 , ...... ------·- • alter 6 ia e-.enm . tfY 4-- eMir• & laucda) e15. Ma­ ,.~ 1 Mta"Y • ..., coraer table CARS fOR S4LE .....:fWl=.ul...._.-- ---­ tlS. Raua•Ka•a~ou~ t100 WALL-T04ALL Poaice ._ aua. tJO...... u 1-1111 Clf 61).: - ~ep!ac...- . mit-­ 16 ... elecuic: eye ....te ..... • .-clouree. No ••••111· fM ' Jc* too ...... ,... ••ti· c.Hta.Esqllitlta~ ...... 0,. s.a. O..c. 11 K to~• wac:el•'-ftl•• ·.._-.;.._...... ;...._ __, "llu• t)OQ. wlll ..., Mtt offer. eo .. ·usod ,...,.,tt...... 0141 fli1i- ... 10CM1 IIOIIIIIi· CM...... U9 . YOUR TMORSDAY ~V. 14. _, SCOUTS, DADS CANOEING • · ..011 IIMI • IAIIGA .."IUIItD -...... 01 niiSMn. COIOIA Db. IAR, CAlif rv. ~"'' •-.even un burnelol •CI\Ut ~anJ (lither• Of (.'orona • IAIIM •w e aTA liSA .t 1\Ja r I'r nctp 17 am i ve..t home \S..~y ni,ht after ahootioa • ...• a.CIIA ... the(.'oloraJo River in canoe1. The annual tnr u made IE •ach fall by all firat clau •c:oua• or hiahcr who have OPII.UID aJvanced one rank each year. S4 T. & SUM. 1-5lt.M. Seoul Muter Wally Tro tter w.. tc iiH - h t ...,. •ffwM Jbf lao requtred that each mem- Come to aee lhi1 lovely ber han a swunmina merit .t fam. nn. homo. Sinalc bedae. achool teacher ha1 owned I he &roup of 20 boys and 7 thi• home and lived berc dad1 lefl Corona del Mar 1ince it wu buill - and- it Friday niaht for a full J days 1howa beautifully! Lovely all wool wall-to-wall carpet­ BEAUIIII. LIO au outlna, rowin, thcar trailer­ mounted canoes behind them. ana. ared brick fireplace with I metal hood, e lectric built­ Friday ni¥ht wu spent at HI ythe. The canoe lltp start­ In ranae and oven and di•h• wuher. and there's a handy ed Saturday momina from Squaw Dam, SO males north of breezeway t.tween kitchen dlythe near Parker, 4.razona and aaraae. Profen ionally continued on down the wand­ de cora ted by one of the ana river. and ended Sunda) Southland'• moll well-known decorators and attractively niaht at the Chamber of Com­ merce dock in Ul ythe. landacaped wath ltuJe care required. Acrou 1t:reet from Ea ch naaht the troop pulled uhore to camp on the banka Manners Park, walk to li­ brary and beautiful new shop­ TWO STORY • IMIIAY pana center. ln an a rea w h tch will always be one of New­ lfWWJOU.~-e ...... WATER CO. SALE FIGHT DU port's ftnest...... ,...... & ~ .... , ..... -...... Wu The ~anta An a f-leaghu t.lutual Ul S Mariners Drive He sa ad there ue. 2 wells, city Water Co. board voted Monday both excellent technically, a­ Newport lkach ?828 Tustin Ave. in the of Newport Beach _. tft Wr•- a -. -.....z!l~• e venang tn appcove the S35U, 000 r.llb' C~Up~W. ••• ..,.... • ._ w a bout 1 , 000 fet:t deep, one OCEAN FRONT 107 F t. Frontage - all built·ins - Full price $26,500 ...... > ••, .... offet of tht: Newport Beach Cuy pJ11lplllg at 59. 9-f!XM levd, I ~ story, Swtss.Chalet type Lease, with option to buy, S175 Month m hr. IA)(l.l'I'ED Nz.&a PL&JOfJ:D Council to purchase the cona­ the other at 64, The unueued home. No beach shaclc thas . II&Jta II&Y AQtJADO PAa • ....._ pany's land, wells and other water ts very soft, blown tn but a comfy famjl y home. .. ,...._ ._ .. GiD , ••••••• J.ll&,. asseu, bulSflCCdiedone change color, has an objectionable The apacious livina room, 2- ...... tn.'Jst - Qua ...... ,. 10 the flfllPJI~· d l tract. BUY - TRADE or - LEASE OPTION on odor, •nd is bt: 111g blended with stonea haah, wath larae brick ..... I ucsdd} t: 'lltllng, the Ne wpon ~IWD water to make It n1ore fireplace gives this home an (AID IOYE II IEFOIIE TIIAIISGIVIIG) Cntlllc.ll lllill.l~ tht: r~' 4Ut.'Ht.'<.l palatablt·. old- world charm wha ch •h.m ge , whtc.h wnuW 111akc ll Don StlltJ:.On , pubh c works blends beautifully wrt.h con­ 1613 Corstco • 4 bedrms., 2 baths S22,500 tnapo.sibll for f tht COCIUoiiU, J xs nnt rnc ludt' the (Cl&l o( re­ room to add on the front af 1536 ~erenode , lr. T er., 3 bedrms. pool (maintai ned) SJI)O mo. '-ht< hIll USI b.. )ubllllltt'd 10 tht ' •>Vtll>' tht: brown color from you lrke or enJoy the cement S34,750 \h.trt u ­ the;: \o. .uer. t'\lllll.ilt.'d u s. an pauo as tt is now. All thas 1010 l<1ngs 0d., 3 bedrm., 3 baths, View S37,500 fUII I If • lu, .. l c.ln tStollt , olHII I <' I )l,lcJarJ , W t." could bt. tlltUtons "-e*port Hc:ach butldw~ 011 P•lt\oii Je) RcJ . to 111<1p .tht."oo~cJ b ...... ause thu i< OU I a pJ .. n <•f f tht." land. " ~ • A HALP CBfnJRY OP EXPBIIIBNCE IN 'DUI .A1t8A II YOUU POa 111E A&JNO' Attorney l".iller<..haumz uuu l•HIIpany ftlf S'l:)tJ ,l•Uu, ~•Jdth ilttht: Ci t y would bt: obit- • rh,· \twport Bther watt:r supplier. REALTORS AND BUILDERS lht.' offt'r w.ts but."d llfl $..!7t• , OliU Mr. Sampson satd the city ..-.Juarlonoltbe fl acra oll.aod. .. 111 sam •w...... ~Mae • ._,.,. • .,.. .,70 , OUU fnr "•et.' mdudmg couJd service the &rea wlcbout a<.ldtng to the Cny Witer Dept. 1------..:...... ------:------r we lls .tnd pump., ilod llo,uuu man p:>wer. foe llatsf<:tlU< .tuc·b. The The wells are located bet...,een See thi • fine 2 Bedroom home. Ma ny utraa includina \"•tc.r <..n. would b.. lbltgat<:d CAIEO SHORES Baker St. ~d Paulartno Ave. m FORECLOSURE - new modem bit-in kitchen, elec. eye Gar. door, lplen­ Ill tomph.:tr 41 Slltll,uuu un­ Thia lovely J bed19om, 2 bath VIew bome, recently northern C.a&t.a Mesa: the off ace provemt."lll ro br ml-l tht." w.tter i a orrered fo r your inapecbon. Owner did rcfria era10r and wuher. Sra nal Road. CLIFF 11 on Pduades Rd. , north of the FORECLOSED sy'tt."lll t•> top lllldllallfl. HAVEN. Aatina 126,000. '><~llta Ana Country Club. 11 very anxiou 1, lhi 1 si tuaoon could be to your a~ vantace. LET US SHOW YOU TODAY. REPOSSESSION FOUI-0-IEALTY ~oulre!> adent subscrabed, an order to pro­ er). fireplace, lu~ul'} carpets, ceramtc tale, all the of the "-c:wport "-a11onal Hank. vrde the broadesl I he ban~ . wl11ch a~ sche· ov.nersh1p. euras iln Je~~~'el an a thnm patch. An) reasonable terms 4 BEDROOM 011 • 1/3 ACRE 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. :-.oewpon :'l\LL C.H. CALLI­ SON. FOR SALF.. Baby Grand, CUlT 1111, IIIIU ex cell en 1 con d. , cherry ,. I. INCORPOlATB> 1610 WIST CO~Sr IIWT. ,.k. wood. French Provincaal. ~ toi TEReiT NEWPORT UACH * * OLE HANSON COWPANY HY 2-(,616 San Clemente, Ll a.m. Z160 1!. Peclflc Hl .....y Sharp l bdr A ram rm home. Capi llrano Shores, Space 9. 1------r CDIONADILMU 2 balha. Carpet a ~.,. •. s.a...... ". Jhe 0...&.t!p• I ef LJcle .. $W.e 19)5 TRIPLEX FOR RENT. 2 67J.Jl7J Hdwd noora. Dbl 111. Sbalte bedmu, 2 batha, w-t·w car­ FINO WHAT YOU WANT roo(. Pr. 119,9$1) -~~~ C... .. Hea~~uart.. AND TIIEMIMDOUS VIEW WOWU WHAT YAWE ICNan •.>\ BEAUTY. pel. , pvt. patio, fpl .. chi 1- OCI.AMfROMT DUPLIX a. ) .7)00 dren are welcome, ucellent YOU HAVE FOUND A BARGAIN neiahbodlood, 548-2833. Studio Cou.cb, make• into from thi1 larp 4 bedroom 3 with beautifal oc.. a Yi ew. 412 Ford R<1., OA. 1 beth Iaury home a ittiaa hip C-2 VACANT twin'• or double. - .& 27.50 E.ajoy tile acdYity oa t.he * * Con linen tal Brand new bunk bed1, 1olid ~ • bill onrloot iaa our wa ter from your IIY&.a t00a1 ~ CORONA DEL MAR pac turuqoe oc:ea11 a nd bay - Ennane Whale. Black lea­ oak ladder and eaa, chair. Tired o( elM ,' HOJG 6 DfWWa •• arca1. We challenae you &o auard rail. ....•.. 37.50 occuTWalk a ctota tbe atreet r- arttet• ..... ,' J • .,... lipiD. ther antenOf, fac10ry air­ find a laracr houe widl a cond., full power, perf. 16" GE portable r• •••• ia tbe bey. 8oitt ~ • ·• ...... _ As'r ... Itt! ... better Yiew for cbe low price a lot a half, thfte is cunN DER =-=;-:.:I. I S.Yi•a• a Lo~n ...... ,_ I---...... ,, , •.:.: WANT TO TRAOE EQUITY TRADe. ...., 6 k pl•te aJau Dlreet .,.. , •• Low coat .. .. 1n ne• 21 fl. Idol trnel U.lO yu r t,. --.....,. ·~ ..- ~~ • tt a~ .... - tbow••... :'- -..u...... ___ ...,...... t.-.1 ler (Of I or l kctroo.. ,.,., ptel halo~q .,,.. ell • up to .0 fL or wtlal line GRANTS ,.,.., Or "''· Hu e. F8111IC..e ·~ A,.iaiiCtt c...... ,.. ClJM. "'* 1MNeafWI81W. .,,...., ., ..... c......