MXT(fNTtt YIUI, ..._._, 1~ n.,..,, M.w. 1~, 1963 CORONA OIL ~ CALif. cou I c HIG I c Oevelopen Jordlfl cl Ben­ Elder~ Dee Coolr ad Paul quickly co oevelop it so !hat there i 1 a limit co what the jamin and lbetr real eatate Onaber. it wi II a tart earn ina them a market can absorb - a cer­ BUOOY EBSEN of IJII~ Island, easily recognized here broker, Mio aaid lbey had lbe Cowlc::il thea appmveo retum on their inveatmenL tain poin t wbere It ,.oold not as the star of TV's Beverly Hillbillies, will pres ent the failed co find anyooe oppoaed a motion by Mr. Stocsdard co be econonucally reallsu c to Coun cllman SCO<ktaro s&J o ELEVEN-YEAR-OLD Jeffrey Wilcox , bth 91ader at Mar i­ program at the Junior Friends of the Llbtary party at 10 co their blab riae project in aat cbe Pluniaa C ommiuioo the h11h ri se rezonioa prob­ bulla more lu&h rise. ners School, has offered the Newport Beach C1 ty Council a.m. this Saturday, Nov. 16, at the Mariners School cafe­ Corona del \bt, finally found co ro-defiae ita aui4e lines ably 1us a aood thia& for the The econom. c argument 4 who aaid "no" Tueaday anel ita b.aia for recommend­ came up aaa1n .,.hen the uc­ h1s suggestion for an off ic1a l c1 ty flag, carrying the city tOfium. The new organization of young backers of the particular block, but he evenins - a 4-vote majority ina cbe bi ah ri ae project, to "<ll ~ ' t want co see a h11h velopeu Ulcl that unucr s eal on a white f1eld , w1th a s tnp of gold at the top re­ library Is sponsored by the Newport Beach Friends. of the o f the Newport Beach City nplain "wbat .i a not apot nae buildin& in every block presen t r.ontng they coulu presenting our sunny weather, and a strtP of blue at the Llbtary, headed by Mts. Garth Bergeson, president. Council lhat aec:ma co have &ooins" (wb.ic:b waa·iu Cines­ alooa Coast H~~<y . in Corona create maJor conae &tJon, bOttom rePfesenting the ocean. He got the idea dunng a s1nce they would not be re­ ina in tbi a c ue), and to oel \1ar, on both a~de~of lhc vacation trip w1th his parents, Mr . and Mr s. Robert Wilcox oommeo t oo abort ranae ro­ streeL" qutreo 10 prov10c off-a.trcet HIGH SCHOOL NAME xonina for lhc Corona oel Councilman Cook said that parlona. An cumplc "'oula of Harbof Highlands, after see1ng a number of c ity flags, SOUGHT :!::.-~~~~~'"~:~~ '~:.= then d1scover~ng that the C 1ty of Beach has none. Manhall , Han• Loren1 and Mar buaineu atrip. ceonom1 c con11dcrauons be a re uaurant~o te l com­ NewPOrt MeR money far a s~lum and . and flled a notice of complet· Jay Scoowa. They oefeated Richard Joroan , partner v.ou ld c:on trol !hat, because blnauon. lhey 111d. TheCtty Counctl agreed Tuesday evening to cons1der the a name far a new b!gb acbool loo for the new district stadium a motion co in tmduce an o~ with Horace BenJamin in the 11 would not be econonucally Counalman Lorenz ...u u adoption of the flag as the city's offictal flag. Jeffrey is were main topica of discus- atOavldsooFleJd, and thenran dinance for ruooina the Sea •ound ID bull d that many tall lhat woula be economiLalh me hi sb ri ae project. a&J o he shown w1th h1s father, owner of a pnnting firm in Los aiCDat tt. meeting of the Hlgb lnto a problem lnvolvl.ng extra C rest motel 11 1e at 2931 would abanoon tbe plan, bullwn a a. UOY.ISC, bCCiW ~C bU!>IOC\\ ScboolBoardTuadayolpt. coat. E. Coaat H~~> y. from C-1 10 because of the hiah interest Btll R1n1 of Harbor Invest­ '*OUI<l starve ~~< l th oul the 4 ngel es. The young lad s the grandson of Mr. and Mrs Tba boald formally eccepc.ed A change order fUed for an c-o-z. eoat. He saicJ they have al­ ment Co., .,.bo handled !be parluna. Angus Potter, res1dents 1n the Upper Bay Area. (Enstgn ~d ltloo al Sl , 048 was placed The favorable votes .,.ere ready purchased lhe property sale of the Sea Creal pro­ Bolh \tr. Joraan an u \1r photo> before the board. Tbe order cast by Councilmen Don ana they hue ID proceeo perty, aareed, uyina that BenJamin tolu the C OUIICI I asked payment for extra work that lhcy OJd not coniiiJcr requlred tn compleuon of tbe thctr pJ an V.OUld lnCrChC audium. dcn!>lt~ becaae the' v.oulu LEFT TURN STUDY ASKED Tbe board passed the order, Suicide Try Stopped be able to proVIde aae40.Atc (It)' \1anatcr ~b Coopv.1 s asked to uplaan the daffic ul­ off-street parkma ~&nacr th c a s l..ed b~ the ~ewport Beach but ~lrected Supt. Max R~ ll Actina ext infonnatioo rrom AU.empta to open the car's In 1~11 tc o f several ~~>arn­ tte s tn 1n1t.alhn& left turns. (.It\ Council ue•lia' even­ to ootlfy the stadlum architect the oiatrict attorney'a office, hooo fatled. IR I • \ir\. Hachcz Lne<l 10 ne"" lotllnJ. 1 Councilman Ja) toddard. 1n that be abould show cause why Newport Beach Police scopo- Accordii\J lO police, Offi­ back her c ar up to u.capc, There •as &JI'C nnent amnn11 ln,posubmlt a report on "'hit makana the mouon, satd tt bubouJd not pay for the addit­ ped a Costa Mesa ~an cer Stowers attempted to ramm1n1 lhe po llee car be­ the Counc1l membc" th•t ll> be1n1 ~Jcne and v.hat has IS Ci ty policy to provide IS lCD to the sprinkling • ysr.em.. from oommituo, swcade by open the c ar by reacbma hind h er, caus1n1 m1nor some aort of rez()ftlnJ IS rc­ been done about left tum many left turns u are fea­ The botld fe lt the extra coat drivtna off theNewport Pier throuah the ~~<1ndo• an the cJamaac q~ured for the bus1neu s tn p. problem• on C..oa~t H•' 1n Sihle. I \br . as.emme.d ftom an enor ln c a.l­ yesterday mornina. driver'aa10e of Mra. Hachez' \1rs. llachcz v. u taken to But \h. Lorenz &&Jd he op­ <. orooa de Couoctlman Dec Cook re­ The request wu prompted marked that dnve,. are con­ c:lllatinJ w ate.r presal.ll'C CD tbe Officers aatd Ella Hachez., car, but abe rolled the .,.i n- Oranac (oun I ) tloapllal for po~tecl 1l1RIIe-block rC lORin& by a letter from Paul Holder pen of dle engl.neciDg firm 365 Wakeforcat Rd., tel e- do .. up oo h11 a em. Offi cers obaen·aoon. " o charan an<l -.ante<l a survey of the unulnl to cross the double­ o( 22! Hue I Dr. who com­ double h oes. 1n v1olauon of crnployed by the arcbltut. phoned thedistnct auomey's brolte the w1n<1o• w open ~~>ere filed a&&Jn~t her. the en ll rc s tnp 1n oroer Ul In I CUCD CD choc:alng a oame offi ce aod 1110 ahe was the car. come up "'"llh ~ over-all plained !hat a ~~>ctt-bound uaffic re,ulauons . He asked far the 4dl hlp ICbool. to be JOin 1 co kJ II h erael ( by dri­ pi an. Councilman Stoad&ro dnver on Coast H" \'. muat !hat the Acacta-Avocado built Ill CGita Meu. lbe boucl vina her car orr the pier. 111<1 he "'al cansHJeona the make 5 turns to act o n to 1- area be tDCiuded an the ~>cope of tbc ctty manaaer·, repon. atpeci to •k cbe Colu Mesa Polic e a tope>ed Mrs. H ~cbu matter from tbc potnt of VIC• ~~<a y Hazel Dr. Olher cnm­ of the wclfat"e of the enure pla ~nll also bad been re­ Junior Ch&mba ol Ca:ntne:ra at 15\h SL, uel Bay Ft., a.od Crash Kills David Pettit The Counc1l ~lao to recelve ume •&a&P*tioal. p •\ed bchtno ber car so commwu ty and he •oocserecl ceived about lack of left • Uphe ld \be Pla.una wbat dae reuOCn\1 expectea Supt. ltua&D aaJd su,..w­ abe coolct not eac:ape. Offi­ Duid Pettit. 2), of 437 Paa6c View Memo rial Pa.rt. turns lO boa\flenu ill that Coaaiutoa ~wwoe ...,._ ..W.. atzM,_ ..... ..,... otte •..,. tlloe• Cllft7 ..S...U. ...... c..... Kip. llarwi ¥Of• i.ad•cae hi a ID4> •• *• w~ of ~~vain ... cto­ portion o( C...t H.wy. .........h- ..,.. ....., ... ,_..., ..,....,. • J ... ~c. ., •• n.. ..... .,__ •••'"WWsat oo dley really ..,., ,.,... ~;t;j;iftir'!riiil... liiiiii ~·· woald ._. lbe baud cbc bat dr.i Yin a into &be bay when Nov. 11 i• • auto a c:ciden t Seawatd R4. address, 2 bto­ .. and bedroom nama aosgated. He asked far abe uw abe C04Jid not <lrive at Monterey. lhen, Donalo of Thousand he aate4. " I haven't heard AYe., Balboa Appoiatmnt of Jacob P. a JaD. 14 deadlloe so tbe baud away. Private f.-oily 1ervicea arc Oak 1, an<l Ri char<l of Co roo a (rorn a aoul on th1s. l haven't Furniture he provaded a 2nd aaraae 1." Co. Myodaae aa d.irector of the could re.ulve and decide upoo Mre.
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