Easy PDF Copyright © 1998,2004 Visage Software This document was created with FREE version of Easy PDF.Please visit http://www.visagesoft.com for more details [Compiled as a token of gratitude to Ken Knight] Message 23043 of 23496 | Previous | Next [ Up Thread ] Message Index Msg # From: ken knight <
[email protected]> Date: Sat May 29, 2004 5:03 am Subject: June topic Namaste All, The intention is to provide a body of material that will be of value to all, whether the subject is new to you or you have had the benefit of many years of study and practice. It is hoped that all members will contribute. Questions are of great importance, they give those with much greater understanding than myself the opportunity to help push the study along the main road and the byways that will appear; one road appearing as many, as it were.. I have divided the topic into two sections. The first will focus on the context and understanding of the Vedas, the second will concentrate upon the use of mAyA in the actual texts of the Vedas. Inevitably, the first section had me writing too much but I have left plenty of 'gaps' for others to contribute. The second section will be much more text based and will depend upon your insights. I foresee the situation arising when the two sections could overlap although I intend beginning the second, and more important section, after about ten days. Postings for the first section will come under the following headings, and, I would suggest, be posted every couple of days as they are meant to build up a background of information.