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COLLECTIONS OF CORRESPONDENCE AND MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENTS OF COLLECTION: Dix, John A. - Papers SOURCE; Deposit - Mrs. Sophie Dix - 1950 SUBJECT: Correspondence of John Adams Dix; also some of John I, Morgan papers. DATES COVERED! 1813 - 1S?9 NUMBER OF ITEMS; ca 1226 STATUSs (check appropriate description) Cataloged: x Listed: x Arranged! Not organized: CONDITION: (give number of vols., boxes, or shelves) Bound: Boxed: \ff- boxes Stored: LOCATION: (Library) Special Collections CALL-NUMBER Spec Ms Con Dix RESTRICTIONS ON USE IUrftiente WBO fry-win luua and o«i<n'udllw^"ggftotgrB| DESCRIPTION- a£f>l*JL*cM order b£caf Personal correspondence and papers of the American statesman, John Adams Dix (1798-1879). The collection is composed mainly of letters to and by Mr. Dix, beginning in 1813 and continuing throughout his lifetime. ihe correspondence j/hich doubtless has been jpreserired selectiyely is almost entirely "with prominent public figures of the period: military, political and literary men. In addition to the correspondence are miscellaneous papers, speeches, essays, clippings and leaflets; includes also a small file (38 items) of the corres- pondence and papers of John I. !.'organ (1787-1S53). The collection has a calendar index. JAAI t95s FOR A LIST OF COLLECTION SEE FOLLOWING^ PAGES. Collection arranged aiphabetic^ll by correspondent General John A Dix -w, ^ collect.ion is ,rran -ei alpha-- hy c o " r? rr ondf n t ra t he r r;: • n i n niiinrric3l '^rdFr. 1C *JOT • ive *hc: George C Shattuck 3 far 1815 , Ai. JAD to George C Shattuek 20 Apr 1813 V..- ~"fn ' a r- ;in 3. JAD to George C Shattuck 8 Aug 1813 ma e'1 4* Letter from Daniel debater - 1816-no i\irther dat# 5# Anderson to JAD 19 Mar 1820 * 6, JC Calhoun to JAD 2 ^ar 1823 ..?• P- L . hyaick to JAD 23 Oct 1822 3, JC Calhoun to Col dllett 12 Jor 1822 9* VT 3 Coa*ens to t? 12 "^r 1823 ^~ / 10," JAD to J 0 Calhoun 14 -«y 1823 1U J C Calhoun to JAD.24 ^ay 1823 12^ J 0 Calhoun to JAD 21 Jul 1823 13. 'rim v.irt to JAD 24 Sept 1823 14. J C Calhoun to JAD 13 Oct 1823 - 15. Lucy Jane to JAD 13 Aug 1824 16. JAD to John I Morgan 9 Feb 1826 "' 17. JAD to John I ^organ 13 -jlar 1826 18. George C Shattuck to JAD 26 my 1826 19# JoarL * *rving to Washington Irving 31 i&y 1826 20« JAD to John I ^rgan 28 Jul 132(J 21 • Count Suecheei to JAD 22 I^o 1826 22. ..Gen James ?rotm to <*AD 2 ?eb 1327 23. •:-&n .fti-as Irovm. to JAD 21 Feb 1827 24« Gaa Jar.e« ^*o-m to JAD 14 ^ar 1027 25. 'Jmr J i^ro-wn to JAD 21 Sept 1827 - newspaper clipping attached dated 9 Aug 1391 re Q*a 3roi«i 26. J C Calhoun to -JAD 6 Dee 1827 27# George 0 <5hattuck to JAD 14 Aug 1828 28. J C ;alhoun to JAD 1 Sept 1328 29. J C Calhoun to JAD 5 act 1828 3Q# jr c calhoun to JAD 2 Jan 1329 31. J 0 Calhoun to JAD 24 Apr 1829 V32. iiartin %n fluren to Jmmm**pZm* J&^. A'. 7A-, - , -^ •-' 33« JAD to Saial 3nart«rort 22 Jun 1829 34. ? 3 %ith to JAD 18 Aug 1829 35. T 3 Smith to JAD -undated- 36. JAD to John I !$org*n. ('&••) • 28 Dee 1829 37. Geo C Shattuck to JAD 18 Jan 1830 38. Col Long to JAD 19 ?eb 1830 39. JAD to r&nund* Kirfcy 18 Jul 1830 40. A C Jlagg to JAD 24 Jul 18$) 41. A C Flagg to JAD 8 Aug 1830 42. Lucy Djjc^to JAD 29 Sent 1330 43. C S Smith to JAD 14 Deo -^30 44. ii ^ardsley to JAD 18 Deo 1030 45. E I Ihroop to JAD 20 Deo 1830 46. Gen J ^ /.'ool to JAB 23 Dee 1830 47. M Sterling to JAD 29 Dee 1830 f Paper*. 48# J ?fctson Vtebb to JAD 8 Jan 1851 w H &«*•* *o JAI) 14 Jan 1881 51. Samuel D Shaw to JAD 11 Fob 1331 52* Samuel D Shaw to JAD 16 Feb 1831 53* Samuel D Shaw to JAD 6 ^ar 1831 54. P xlagner to N Ibwson 14 -%r 1830L 55. Samuel S Gouverneur to JAD 19 "My 1831 56. Ihos 3 Smith to JAD 7 Apr 1831 57. Geo C Shattuck to JAD 28 Apr 1831 58. 2 T Jhroop to JAD 4 Jun 1831 59. E Croswell to JAD 23 Jul 1831 60. Sullivan Dix to JAD 8 Sept 1831 61* A C flagg to JAD 9 Sept 1831 62* JAD to Bios * Smith 20 Cot 1831 63, W B ijfturenoe to JAD 23 Feb 1832 64* JAD to W B Laurence 27 Fob 1832 65. John I Lfergto to JAD (19) Apr 1833 66. (has 2 Dudley to JAD 8 Mar 1832 67. Prosper M Wetoore to JAD 12 '-ar 1832 68. Chaa B Dudley to JAD 17 JSfar 1832 69. W i* Marey t© JAD 27 Apr 1832 770 . W L Marcyy to JAD 1 Mayy 1832 71. E T Ihroop to JAD 11 Jun 1832 72. S Croswell to JAD 13 Jun 1832 v 73. Louis McLane to JAD 20 Aug 1832 / 74. Will of Mary Delancey - 11 Sept 1832 75. JAD to John I Morgan 17 Deo 1832 76» Bio«, 3 SWtti to JAD 6 Jan 1838 ^ . 77. Samuel 3 Gouverneur to JAD 6 Jan 1835 *)p fc'ewa&j 1 ? &!> 78. Silas Wrigit Jr to JAD 30 Jan 1833 V79. Martin Ifcn Buren to JAD 6 Feb 18S» tyc^ q - 8Q. Silas Wrighg t Jr to JAD 1 Feb 1833 811 . V^a shin gton Irving to JAD 2 Apr 1833 82. Washington Irving to JAD 12 Jun 1833 83* Silas Wright Jr to JAD 5 Aug 1833 84. Silas Wri£it Jr to JAD 26 Aug 1833 83* 3 C burner to JAD 5 Oot 1838 86. To JAD * Annals of Education - 20 Deo 1833 87. T S Smith to JAD 22 Jan 1834 88. D C Golden to JAD 13 Jun 1834 89. Richard ? Biompson to JAD 30 Sept 1834 JQ. JAD to H P Thompson 4 00t 1834 91. L Caas to JAD 20 HOT 1834 92. Silas bright Jr to JAD 27 Eeo 1835 93. Gen. Upham to JAD 30 Jan 1856 94. Iff 1* McKensie to JAD 1 Feb 1836 95. P C Fuller to JAD 24 Feb 1836 96* John Ibrrey to JAD 13 Ar 1836 97. GOT L Cats to JAD 25 Jan 1836 y98* Martin Van Buren to JAD (3 Jan) 1837 ^99. Mar-tin \%ua Suren to JAD Jan 28 1837 XOO* James Dexter to JAD 31 Jan 1837 ' 101. Joel R Poinsett 26 Sept 1837 —^ V102. Martin Van fluren to JAD 9 Oot 1837 103. James Tk/lor to JAD 30 NOT 1837 •104. Martin Van Suraa to John 1 Morgan 22 Jul 1838 106* J» Buchanan to JAD 27 Feb 1836 106* (signature illegible) to JAD 24 Apr 1838 107« C M Sedgwiok to JADi^TSOT 1838 /2-^T iiartin Van ^iren to ^Bs> 14 SOT 1838 John D Van 3uren to JAD 19 HOT 1838^ -#- '"" <J10> Prosper ^ ^9imore to JAD 16 Deo 1838 • JAD to Col JSotten 4 Feb 1839 Martin Van Suren to JAD 18 A«g 1839 •113» Martin Van £uren to John I *tergan 29 NOT 1838 114. Silas ffrigit Jr to JAD 3 Feb 1840 115. John I Morgan to JAD 22 Jul 1840 >/ll6» Martin Van Buren to J*B12 «OT 1840 \Ulr * 117» ?5artin Van Suren toJMQ 1 ^ar 1841 'i 118. Michael Hofftaan to Silas Wright 6 Deo 1841 119. Silas Wright Jr to JAD 8 Dee 1841 2.20, Slam Synder to Silas Wright Jr 22 Dee 1841 121, Silas bright Jr to JAD 26 Ceo 1841 122. Albert Oallatin to JAD 30 Mar 1842 Albert (fcllatin to JAD 2 Apr 1842 A ^al« E'rz* !&ry Griffin to JAD 27 feb 126« Silas Wright to JAD 18 Jul 1844 127* Silas Wright to JAD 6 Aug 1844 128* Ban ton9 s original bill for annexation of Texas - 1846 129. S J Tilden to JAD 18 Jan 1846 130# D D Field to JAD 27 Jan 1848 NF // ?<131» Martin Van 3t»ren to JAD 4 Feb 1846 Np 132, A Gardiner to JAD 8 Feb 1846 139. Silas Wright to JAD 16 Feb 1846 V134# Hartin Van Euren to 4P* 22 Feb 1846 135. JAD to Silas Wright 27 Feb 1846 136. Silas Wright to JAD 11 Mar 1846 137. JAD from Silas Wright 13 Mar 1846 138. H a Gillet to JAD 20 Apr 1846 NF* 139. S J niden to JAD 4 Jul 1846 N P //» xi4Q, Martin ?an fluren to JAD 23 Oot ia46 141. JAD to (Mower?) 26 Oot 1846 142. Silas Wrlgfrt to JAD 7 Oot 1846^1 143. Silas sVri^it to JAD 12 Mar 1846 A144. Martin Van Buren to JAD 24 Jan 1846 N f l-&rtin Van Siren to JAD 26 Feb 1846 Martin Van Buren to JAD 1 Apr 1846 147. James H Polk to JAD 27 ftug 1846 V148, Martin Van Buren to JAD 21 NOT 1846 149. Silas Wri#t£fi**JAD 16 Apr 1848 150# Silas ?irigit t» -AWT9 Jun 1846 &*' ~151. dotation on j&si Kootah Soolety 3 HOT 1846 16S. Silas Wrigfrt to JAD Z *o* 184« - • Dix - • 158* Silas Wri^it to JAD 5 NOT 1846 164* Silas Wright to JAD Dee 1846 156* John E Hinn*n to <d&&-10 Deo 1846 .