The Inkwell Student Media

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The Inkwell Student Media Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern The Inkwell Student Media Fall 8-17-2017 The Inkwell Armstrong State University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Armstrong State University, "The Inkwell" (2017). The Inkwell. 240. This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Media at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Inkwell by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact SINCE 1935 THEINKWELL35 @INKWELL35 THE INKWELL @THE INKWELL ALBUM REVIEW OP/ED OP/ED CONSOLIDATION WASHED OUT’S MISTER MELLOW LETTER FROM THE EDITOR “WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT CAMPUS?” RECOMMENDATIONS APPROVED PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 TheArmstrong StateInkwell University’s news source since 1935 WEEK OF AUGUST 17, 2017 THEINKWELLONLI NE.COM Welcome Back Armstrong Students! TAYLOR SURINE NEWS EDITOR has their required course ma- terials on reserve. Students are allowed to make copies Up until August 19th, of the materials, which can be Armstrong’s office of Stu- used at home. This option can dent Affairs is offering food, save you money by avoiding games, and block parties to buy any books at all. during the “Weekend of There are numerous Welcome” to help incoming study spots around campus. freshmen become acclimated Most buildings have a com- to campus life at Armstrong. puter lab of some sort that are Armstrong plans to keep its free to use. students entertained with var- The Learning Commons ious events that will be orga- has computers, couches, and nized throughout the school study rooms with white- year. boards that are perfect for Inkwell’s Editor-in-Chief, group-study, but because of Kayla Rand, admires Arm- its popularity, it can be a bit strong’s busy campus.“Many noisy. people will advocate for the Lane Library is the per- numerous activities to par- fect destination for a relaxed ticipate on campus, which environment as the second are very beneficial to fresh- floor is known for its quiet- men, but there will always be ness. a need of a getaway - from Sophomore Paige Clen- school, work, and life.” She denens enjoys the convenient encourages new students to WEPA printers that can be “Utilize Armstrong’s 268 found around campus. “They acres to escape the stress of are everywhere, usually in ev- freshmen transition.” ery hall...and are pretty nifty.” Besides the abundant Most students are not aware amount of greenspace, Arm- that print money is automat- strong offers delicious food ically added to your Pirate choices that are available for Card at the beginning of each students. semester. You can print from It’s definitely a good idea any of the WEPA locations in to show up to the Galley, Wild black and white or color. Cafe and Wingery, and Quiz- If you find yourself stand- Armstrong gear at Week of Welcome tent by Science Center (PR photo) no’s before everyone else if ing in line waiting for coffee you want to get to class on at The Perk in the Student time, especially for the first Union, head over to The Patio dollars to save you some cash. of joe. The Writing Center is nities on campus, there are week of school and a smooth week of the semester. Cafe in University Hall. They However, if you are a in 123 Gamble Hall and of- limitless opportunities to take transition into fall classes this If you haven’t purchased sell Starbuck’s coffee and it is coffee lover and enjoy the fers free coffee and tutoring the stress out of school. The semester! We hope these tips your books yet, check out the likely the line is much shorter. free things in life, go to the for Armstrong Students. Inkwell staff would like to provide guidance for our fel- library to see if your teacher You can also use your dining Writing Center for a free cup With the variety of ame- wish everyone a great first low Pirates. From the Desk of the President nities for students. During my time at Arm- this transition, my goal is know more about Armstrong, Of course, one of the strong, I will advocate for to instill a framework that and the culture that nurtures greatest challenges in merg- what’s best for students. My will provide transformation- the individual through com- ing two institutions is typical- goal is to ensure the future al learning opportunities to mitment and dedication to a ly weaving cultures together. success of Armstrong stu- meet the needs of a diverse shared success. Yet, if I took a snapshot of dents by creating vibrant student population while re- If Armstrong students are how I hope the future consol- learning environments that taining our commitment to successful, the community is idated University would ap- foster a student-centered cul- academic excellence and per- successful. The University pear, it would look like this: ture of engagement. This we sonal attention. aims to enhance the quality A scene of individuals currently do on the Armstrong Where students may have of life and drive economic across departments, posi- campus, but with Georgia concerns about joining a larg- development in the Coastal tions and campuses working Southern University we can er institution, I am here to Georgia region, the State of together in small, focused do even more. Through con- tell you we are doing every- Georgia and beyond. groups. These groups work solidation, we must provide thing in our power to create daily on the seemingly mun- more resources, opportuni- an environment that fosters On a message for new dane items in front of them ties, and options for students. the success of the individual students (and all students and tackle the more complex Going beyond our cam- and maintains the culture of for that matter) issues ahead for others in the pus, we can be a part of an learning that attracted you to future. Voices are heard, opin- effort to build regional and Armstrong. As your President, it is ions weighed with respect statewide partnerships in incumbent on me to think for others, and when debate technological innovation, On my experience thus through not only the years arises, the individuals push scientific advancement, ed- far at the University you are with us, but those through the conflict to find ucation, health services, ar- years beyond graduation and resolution. Success found tistic creativity, and cultural Prior to arriving on this the decades to come. Our through problem solving, col- enrichment. The future of campus, I was the Vice Pres- aim is to equip you to have a laboration, team work, work the consolidated institution ident for Public Service and positive impact on the world ethic, difficult decision mak- is inextricably linked to the Outreach at the Universi- around you. ing and other leadership skills region’s future. I will engage ty of Georgia. I represented You are not only stu- is felt by all those involved. with business and communi- that institution around the dents, you are future leaders And the reverberations of ty leaders to determine how state in outreach, engage- in the field of your choice. their success spread to the we can best meet workforce ment and economic devel- Through the new Georgia outside world. needs locally and nationally. opment. I have spoken with Southern University, we aim This is not an image I Georgia needs education- many employers, non-profits, to give you the skills needed Armstrong’s Intriem President, Dr. Jennifer L. Frum. dreamed up. It is an actual al institutions that are equip- community leaders and deci- by providing access to more account of what I witnessed ping students to succeed in the sion-makers across the state. academic programs, resourc- when I arrived this summer rapidly changing 21st century Over these past months, in es and degree offerings. JENNIFER FRUM as the consolidation work global economy. I will work my new position I have con- Your future is bright! PRESIDENT regional comprehensive pow- groups comprised of faculty, to ensure that the consolidat- centrated my efforts in the erhouse institution. I admire staff and students from both ed institution is transforma- Savannah region. On challenges faced with and appreciate the passion for Universities continued their tional in this regard. Through this engage- merger Armstrong. I truly believe we work. Where I expected con- ment, I know more about the can channel that passion to flict, I experienced collabora- On ideal transition for world beyond our campus, Rather than challenges, develop in Savannah, States- tion. Armstrong through consol- the economy, workforce, I see the consolidation as a boro, and Hinesville an insti- idation community and quality of life process that is opening up tution that is providing even On goals for my term for which we need to prepare great opportunities to create a greater educational opportu- As your President during you. But, more importantly, I ARTS THE INKWELL & ENTERTAINMENT [2]August 17, 2017 Album Review: Washed Out’s Mister Mellow LILA MILLER 29 minutes in playing time. A&E EDITOR Meanwhile, the duration of Washed Out’s previous al- “Music plays a big part in bums are closer to 40 minutes keeping me happy or/ Keep- in playing time. ing me just/ From not flipping Overall, the album is co- out/And keeping me sane,” hesive, but lacks in terms of lead singer Ernest Greene artistic progression. Perhaps from the band Washed Out the danceable tunes and “chill sings in “Down and out”, the vibes” Greene evokes are just seventh track off his latest al- renditions of Washed Out’s bum “Mister Mellow”.
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