DATTATREYA: SONG OF THE AVADHUT An English Translation Of The Avadhut Gita (With Sanskrit Transliteration) Translated by Swami Abhayananda ⇧ 2 Copyright © 1992, 2000, 2007, 2009, 2012 by Swami Abhayananda All rights reserved. The reproduction of this eBook in whole or in part in any manner whatsoever without prior permission from the author is prohibited except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Inquiries may be sent to: Swami Abhayananda
[email protected] http://themysticsvision.weebly.com Authorized eBook version of: Dattatreya. [Avadhutagita. English] Dattatreya’s song of the Avadhut: an English translation of the Avadhut Gita with Sanskrit transliteration by S. Abhayananda p. cm. -- (Classics of mystical literature) Sanskrit (romanized) and English. ISBN 0-914557-15-7 (paper) 1.Vedanta. 2. Advaita. I. Title: Song of the Avadhut II. Abhayananda, Swami, 1938- III. Classics of mystical literature series. B132.V3 D3613 2000 181’.482 --dc21 99-054114 ⇧ 3 CONTENTS Clicking on the page number will take you to that page. Clicking on the arrow on the bottom left hand corner of the page will return you to this page. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................5 The Song Of The Avadhut .........................................................................5 The Author .................................................................................................7 The Translation .........................................................................................9