To the European English Messenger 0-XII
Index to The European English Messenger 0-XII ARTICLES CAIE, Graham. ‘Professor Caught Down Drain with Love Poem’, X. 1 (Spring 2001): 57-58 ACZEL, Richard. ‘You Say Tomäto: Thoughts on CALLENS, Johan. ‘The Wooster Group’, XI. 1 (Spring Intercultural Understanding in European 2002): 44-46 Scholarship’, IV. 2 (Autumn 1995): 64-67. CAMERON, Deborah. ‘Good to Talk? The Cultural ALEXANDER, Michael. ‘Not “Other Literatures”: Politics of “Communication”‘, IX. 1 (Spring Writing Literary History Revisited’, IX. 2 2000): 38-42 (Autumn 2000): 16-18 CAMPBELL, Gordon. ‘A Debrecen Recce for ESSE/ ATTRIDGE, Derek. ‘Ethics and Aesthetics’, XII. 1 4’, V. 1 (Spring 1996): 4-5 (Spring 2003): 33-38 ———. ‘The Joys and Sorrows of TQA’, VII. 1 BACIGALUPO, Massimo. ‘Pavanne for a Defunct (Spring 1998): 8-10 Hotel’, XI. 2 (Autumn 2002): 62-64. CARR, Philip. ‘In Defence of Rules’ [rejoinder], XII. 1 BADMINGTON, Neil. ‘Pierre Macherey’ [revaluation], (Spring 2003): 62-64 XI. 1 (Spring 2002): 65-68 CARROLL, Ruth & Janne SKAFFARI. ‘Historical BALASOPOULOS, Antonis. ‘The Spatial Politics of Perspectives on Text, Discourse and Pragmatics’, Partition Literature’, XI. 2 (Autumn 2002): 53-56 XI. 2 (Autumn 2002): 48-52 BARCELONA, Antonio. ‘The State of Art in the CARTER, Ronald. ‘Language, Discourse and Cognitive Theory of Metaphor and Metonymy Literature: Perspectives for Teaching’, III. 2 and its Application to English Studies’, VII. 1 (Autumn 1994): 24-36 (Spring 1998): 45-49 CARTER, Ronald & John McRAE. ‘Writing The BATE, Jonathan. ‘The Climates of Literary History’, Routledge History of Literature in English’, VII. 2 VII. 2 (Autumn 1998): 12-20 (Autumn 1998): 25-27 BAUER, Matthias.
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