Congressional Record-Senate. 201 7
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1900. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 201_7 Mr. KYLE. On: the 15th instant I submitted an amendent pro And in lieu the1·eof to insert: posing to increase the allowance of salary of consul at Beirut That the draw or draws shall be opened promptly npon reasonable signal from $2,000 to $2,500 per annum, intended to be proposed by me for the passage of boats, vessels, or other water craft; and a t the time of the erection of the piers, or whenever in the opinion of the Secretary of War the to the diplomatic and consular appropriation bill, and' by mistake same may be n ecessary, the persons or corporations constructing, owning, or it was referred to the Committee on Commerce. I move that that operating said bridge shall, at their own expense, construct proper sheer committee be discharged from the further consideration of the booms or other proper structures to safely guide boats, vessels, or other amendment and that it be referred to the Committee on Foreign water craft through the said Sl)ans. Relations. The amendment was agreed to. The motion was agreed to. The next amendment was, in section 7, page 6, line 2, before the WITH DR.A.WAL OF P .A.PERS, word " years," to strike out the word " three" and insert " two; " in line 3, after the word "from," to strike out "the time" and in On motion of Mr. WARREN, it was sert "the date of approval of;" in the same line, after the word Vniered, That all papers concerning the bill for the relief of Mrs. Lucy Alexander Payne, which passed in a former Congress, be released by the Sec "act," to strike out "takes effect;" in line 4, before the word retary of the Senate for return to Mrs. Payne. "years," to strike out "six" and insert "four;" and in line 6 to HON. HIRAM R. REVELS. strike out "determine" and insert "be determined;" so astoread: Mr. HOAR submitted the following resolution; which, with the That if the actual construction of the bridge hereby authorized shall not be commenced within two years from the date of approval of this act, and be accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on Privi completed within four years after the same date, then this act shall be void, leges and Elections: and all rights hereby conferred shall cease and b e determined. R esolvert, That the Secretary of the Senate be, and hereby is, authorized and directed to pay to Hon. Hiram R. Revels, late a Senator from the State The amendment was agreed to. of Mississippi, $4,8-!7.05, due him as a Senator of the United States in the Forty The bill was reported to the Senate as amended, and the amend first Congress from the 4th of March, 1869, to the 23d of February, 1870, to be ments were concurred in. paid from the misGellaneous items of the contingent fund of the Senate. The bill was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading, ·read SENATOR FROM PENNSYLVANIA. the third time, and passed. Mr. PENROSE. Mr. President, I desire to give notice that upon Thursday, February 22, immediately after the reading of Wash ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILWAY. ington's Farewell Address by the senior Senator from Ohio [Mr. Mr. BURROWS. I ask unanimous consent for the present FORAKER], I shall ask the Chair to lay·before the Senate resolu consideration of the bill (H. R. 7660) granting additional right of tion 107, declaring that the Hon. MATTHEW S. QUAY is not en way to the Allegheny Valley Railway Company through the ar titled to take a seat in this body as a Senator from the State of senal grounds at Pittsburg, Pa. It is a brief bill and will give Pennsylvania, that being a question of privilege under the·rules rise to no debate. of the Senate. · There being no objection, the Senate, a"8 in Committee of the SN.A.KE RIVER BRIDGE IN AL.A.SKA. Whole, proceeded to consider the bill. - Mr. TURNER. I ask unanimous consent to call np and put on The bill was reported to the Senate without amendment, ordered its passage the bill (S. 2869) authorizing the Cape Nome Trans to a third reading, read the third time, and passed. portation, Bridge, and Development Company, a corporation or JOHN O. FITN.A.M. ganized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington --- Mr. TELLER. I ask unanimous consent for the present con and authorized to do business in the Territory of Alaska, to con sideration of the bill {H. R. 4698) granting an increase of pension struct a traffic bridge across the Snake River, at Nome City, in to John C. Fitnam. th~ Territory of Alaska. Mr. COCKRELL. I call for the regular order. If we go on with There being no objection, the Senate, as in Committee of the the Calendar regularly every bill on the Calendar will be consid Whole, proceeded to consider the bill, which had been reported ered without delay. from the Committee on Commerce, with an amendment on page Mr. TELLER. ·I appeal to the Senator not to object to my re 3, line 24, after the word "war," to insert: quest. The bill I desire to have considered is a House pension And any changes in said bridge which the Secretary of War may at any bill for a soldier who is in very bad condition, and a personal ac time deem necessary and order in the interests of navigation shall be made by the owners thereof at their own expen,se. quaintance of mine. I should like very much to have the bill The amendment was agreed to. passed. The bill was reported to the Senate as amended, and the amend Mr. COCKRELL. Very well. But this is the last personal ment was concurred in. request of any Senator that I shall yield to. If any Senator de The bill was ordered to be engTossed for a third reading, read sires to take a bill up out of its order, he will have to take it up the third time, and passed. by motion and by a majority vote of the Senate. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Is there objection to the pres· RAINY RIVER BRIDGE IN MINNESOTA, ent consideration of the bill named by the Senator from Colorado? Mr. DAVIS. I ask unanimous consent that the Senate proceed There being no objection, the Senate, as in Committee of the to the consideration of the bill (S.1931) to provide for the erection Whole, proceeded to consider the bill (H. R. 4698) granting an in of a bridge across Rainy River, in the State of Minnesota, between crease of pension to John C. Fitnam. It proposes to pla~ on the Rainy Lake and the mouth of Rainy River. pension roll the name of John C. Fitnam, late corporal in Com There being no objection, the Senate, as in Committee of the pany K, One hundred and fifty-sixth Illinois. Volunteers, and to Whole, proceeded to consider the bill, which had been reported pay him a pension of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now re from the Committee on Commerce with amendments. ceiving. The first amendment was in section 1, page 2, line 10, after the The bill was reported to the Senate without amendment, ordered word "expedient," to strike out: to a third reading, read the third time, and passed. Said bridge and approaches thereto shall be construct-ad for the use of all connecting railroads on either lride of said river and on equal terms. CONSIDERATION OF BILLS ON THE CALENDAR. The amendment was agreed to. Mr. COCKRELL. I call for the regular order, the Calendar, The next amendment was in section 3, page 2, line ·23, to strike Mr. President. out "across" and insert" over; ~· in line 24, to strike out the words The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Calendar under Rule "between the piers on which the draws will rest of not less than Vlll is in order, and the Secretary will state the first bill. SO feet" and insert "of not less than 160 feet on one side of the Mr. STEWART. A number of bills were heretofore passed pivot pier;" so as to read: over without prejudice, and I do not know how we are ever to get That the said bridge shall have a draw or draws over the main channel of at them unless when the Calendar is called we commence with the river, leaving a clear waterway of not less than 160 feet on one side of the those bills. I do not think it is fair that bills should be passed pivot pier. over without prejudice and then not come np at the next call, but The amendment was agreed to. that Senators should be put under the necessity of asking unani The next amendment was in section 3, page 3, line 4, after the mous consent or moving to take them up. I suggest that at all word" river," to strike out the following words: times bills which have been passed over without prejudice should The bridge shall be located at or near a point on Rainy River that is known come up for consideration. - as Cat h carts P oint, in the State of :Minnesota, just below the confluence of the Baudette River with Rainy River. Mr. TELLER. I understand that to be the rule. Where bills have been passed over without prejudice they always keep their The amendment was agreed to.