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Reg: No 352 Volume No. 3570 Sunday April 23, 2017 Sawr 03, 1396 www.outlookafghanistan.net Price: 15/-Afs , China to Connect through Fiber Attack Optic Network KABUL - Sayed Ahmad Shah connect Afghanistan to Chi- Sadaat, acting Minister of na’s fiber optic network and Sunday Declared National Communications and Infor- the project will be completed mation Technology (MoCIT), by 2018. on Friday said a fiber optic “Afghanistan’s direct con- cable network project will nection to China’s fiber optic connect Afghanistan to China network is very important for Day of Mourning through Wakhan port. us and we will be able to buy He said once the project has internet services at a cheaper The Friday’s attack involving gunmen and suicide bombers left atleast 140 troops been launched, Afghanistan price,” said Sadaat. stands to earn up to $60 mil- The fiber optic cable project with the Shaheen Military Corps dead and several others wounded. lion USD annually by being manager, Ikramuddin, mean- a conduit for China’s data to while said the project will countries around the world. cost $50 million USD and will According to Sadaat, nearly be paid for through aid pro- 480km of fiber optic cable will vided ...(More on P4)...(2) Wolesi Jirga Sends another Five MPs Home KABUL - The Wolesi Jirga or from Kabul, had been ab- lower house of parliament on sent for 27 days, Pir Bakhsh Saturday suspended mem- Gardiwal from Nangarhar bership of its five more mem- for 21 days, Alam Khan Azad bers over not attending ses- from Balkh for 27 days, Ezat- sions for 20 days in a row. ullah Atif from Kabul for 24 Wolesi Jirga secretary, Abdul days and Mohammad Eshaq Qader Zazai, told today’s ses- Rahguzar from Nangarhar sion that Amanullah Guzar, for 22 days. Pir Bakhsh Gardiwal, Alam First deputy speaker Hamay- Khan Azadi, Ezatullah Atif on Hamayon said suspension and Mohammad Ehsaq Rah- of a number of other lawmak- KABUL - The Afghan gov- following a deadliest attack ing gunmen and suicide several others wounded. in their base. A statement guzar were the lawmakers ers was also under consid- ernment on Saturday de- on the military in northern bombers left atleast 140 The troops were offering from the President’s media whose membership had been eration. He gave absent law- clared Sunday (April 23) a . troops with the Shaheen Friday prayers when they office said Sunday had been suspended. makers a three-day deadline national day of mourning The Friday’s attack involv- Military Corps dead and were attacked in the mosque ...(More on P4)...(1) He said Guzar, a lawmaker ...(More on P4)...(3)

UN Chief Highlights Afghanistan, Pakistan Discuss Need to Invest in Trade, Economic Preventing Conflicts Cooperation UNITED NATIONS - UN Sec- retary-General Antonio Gu- KABUL - Finance Minister Eklil terres on Friday highlighted Hakimi has discussed economic the need to invest in preven- and trade cooperation with his tion, which he believes is the Pakistani counterpart Ishaq Dar in Tender Notification best way to prevent conflicts. Washington DC. The UN chief made the re- A statement from the Ministry of marks at the World Bank Finance (MoF) said both the min- (Pre-qualification of Construction Firms) Spring Meetings at a panel isters met in Washington DC on Friday on the sidelines of 2017 an- discussion entitled “Financing The Organization for Relief Development (ORD) has received funding from German for Peace: Innovations to Tack- nual spring meetings of the World le Fragility,” along with World Bank (WB) group and the Interna- Government through PATRIP Foundation for Construction of Basic Health Center in Bank President Jim Yong Kim tional Monetary Fund (IMF). Torkham Town, Momand Dara district of , Afghanistan. and President of the European Hakimi and Dar discussed various economic issues, bilateral trade, ...(More on P4)...(4) The main items of work are: development projects and particu- larly cooperation in transport sec-  Construction of a double-stored building with reinforced concrete frame structure 211 Helmand Military tor and hydroelectric projects. Both the sides discussed railroad (17.5x12)m Officials Referred and infrastructure projects as well,  Construction of 2-rooms hostel building with reinforced concrete frame structure the statement said, adding Hakimi  Construction and rehabilitation of boundary wall to Attorneys in 2 Years invited his Pakistani counterpart  Renovation of the existing rooms (old building) LASHKARGAH - As many Maiwand Military Corps’ to attend a meeting of the Paki- as 211 high and low rank- commander in Helmand, stan-Afghanistan joint trade and  Construction of generator room with reinforced concrete frame structure ing army officials have Brig Gen. Wali Mohammad economic commission in Kabul.  Construction of a reinforced concrete septic tank. been introduced to the at- Ahmadzai, told a press con- Meanwhile, the finance minister  Construction of waiting hall with steel canopy for visitors torney’s office in southern ference here the accused in- also met Kristalina Georgieva,  Construction of a water / tube well during cluded high and lower rank- the chief executive officer of the the past two years on der- ing officials and faced the World Bank in Washington.  Construction of vehicle parking, internal footpaths and landscaping work eliction of duty charge, an charge of not performing They discussed World Bank’s role official said on Saturday. their ...(More on P4)...(5) in ...(More on P4)...(6) The Organization for Relief Development-ORD intends to pre-qualify Construction Firms/ Companies with necessary experience, capabilities and financial resources for participating in the bidding process for the above-mentioned project. Ghani Makes Unannounced Visit to Balkh after Deadly Attack on Army Base Interested companies can obtain a soft copy of the pre-qualification documents from ORD head office through submission of an Expression of Interest / request letter with a copy of KABUL - President Moham- The Office of the President, given regarding the visit by the mad Ashraf Ghani arrived to ARG Palace, said President ARG Palace so far. company valid AISA registration license, the request for the prequalification document northern Balkh province of Ghani arrived in Balkh prov- A group of heavily Taliban in- must contain the full name and address of the applicant, including contact phone number Afghanistan after a deadly ince after the attack on the surgents on Friday launched a and e-mail address. attack ripped through the Af- 209th Shaheen Corps of the Af- coordinated attack on the base ghan army corps base in this ghan National Army. of the 209th Shaheen Corps. Contact address for Submission of Request: province. No further details have been Although ...(More on P4)...(7) Contact Person: Mr. Mojib Rahman Details Begin to Emerge in Deadly Email: [email protected] copy to [email protected]

Army Base Attack Tell: +93 (0) 799 709 283 or +93 (0) 799 319 429 KABUL - Reporting from inside the base said 10 insur- explosives outside the mosque, outside the Afghan Na- gents, including three suicide one inside the mosque and the tional Army’s 209 Shaheen bombers, carried out Friday’s third close to the canteen. The deadline for submitting of the request / EOI is 29th of April 2017, 16:00h. Corps Headquarters in Balkh deadly attack. He said all insurgents had been province, TOLOnews Sharif According to the source one wearing army uniforms. Amiry said a source from suicide bomber detonated his The source ...(More on P4)...(8) A copy of AISA license is mandatory to send along with Expression of Interest letter.

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