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August 14, 2017 Page 4 August 14, 2017 (1) US Spent ... pected to spend about $45 billion on Af- ments at a time when the leadership of the But ground reality shows that since its es- cluded. Pakistan rejected Afghanistan’s re- ghanistan this year alone. corps better knew who was capable. tablishment the commission monitoring quest. (Tolonews) Equipment and transportation accounted “The United States, right now, is spending The defense minister comes to Kandahar at access to information has not made any for almost $18 billion, or 29 per cent. About (16) Senior IS Commanders ... more than the entire U.K. defense budget, a time when army losses in Khakrez, Shah breakthroughs and that it is also grappling 81 per cent of weapons provided to the Af- just in Afghanistan. And the U.S. can’t con- Wali Kot and other district have surged. with issues itself. Afghanistan this year. ghan security forces were rifles and pistols. tinue that forever,” said Prince, who claims (Pajhwok) “The government must help us with a de- The group’s emir, Abu Sayed, was report- The firepower funding also included more to be able to do the job for less than $10 bil- velopment budget in the next fiscal year. ed killed in a strike on his headquarters in than 25,000 grenade launchers and almost (8) NATO Mission ... lion a year. We already have the land for construction Kunar in July, the third Islamic State emir 10,000 rocket-propelled weapons used by Prince’s plan had been unsuccessful in achieving what of a separate building for the access to in- in Afghanistan to be killed since July 2016. the Afghan Border Police. The Afghans Under Prince’s proposal, the U.S. war they desired and NATO was yet to reach a formation commission ... the benefits which In April, Nicholson deployed a were also given 162,643 pieces of commu- would be coordinated by a “viceroy,” who positive result. should have been provided to the commis- 21,600-pound (9,797 kg) “Massive Ord- nications equipment and nearly 76,000 ve- would consolidate what Prince calls Wash- Referring to recent political alliances and sion were not given to it and the institutions nance Air Blast” bomb against Islamic hicles. ington’s “very chaotic and disorganized” threats to some leaders, Hekmatyar said have not cooperated with the commission,” State positions in neighbouring Nangarhar The vehicles were primarily light-tactical approach to the country. some circles still raised the slogan of war said deputy minister of information and province, one of the largest conventional vehicles like Ford Ranger pickups, cargo The 5,000 contractors would attach to Af- at a time when the nation was tired of the culture Sayed Muzhgan Mustafawi. weapons ever used by the United States in trucks and more than 22,000 Humvees. As ghan military units and would “live with, conflict. In the National Access to Information Strat- combat. many as 110 helicopters and 98 planes have train with and fight alongside them, when He said the Afghans could not be ruled by egy it is stated that government institutions On Saturday, Afghan officials said as many also been delivered to the Afghans since necessary,” Prince said. They would report force and those who desired to rule the Af- and the general public must cooperate to as 16 civilians, including women and chil- 2007. (Pajhwok) to Afghanistan’s government, he added. ghans at gunpoint were mistaken. make sure information is accessible to all dren, had been killed by a U.S. air strike (2) Foreign Envoys ... “These would be contracted professionals The HIA emir expressed his concern over people. in Nangarhar, but American officials said alleged civilian deaths in NATO airstrikes only militants were killed. He said that insurgents are wrong in their attached to the Afghan army. So even by The strategy also urges the commission in Haska Mena and Chah Ab districts of As part of an increased campaign against calculation about attacks on the diplomatic United Nations definitions, those are not monitoring access to information to act in- Nangarhar province, saying hundreds of both Islamic State and the Taliban, the dom- institutions, adding that the international mercenaries. They would be attached to dependently. (Tolonews) innocent lives were daily lost to the conflict. inant Islamist militant group in Afghani- forces will continue their mission in Af- and serving with the Afghan forces,” he Hekmatyar said there were elements inside (13) Takhar Residents... stan, the U.S. Air Force has dropped nearly ghanistan until peace and stability is re- said. the government and the Taliban who want- commander for the shooting. 2,000 weapons in the country as of the end stored. Prince also proposes a “big increase” in air ed continuation of the war, calling for such “When we wanted to enter the mosque of July, compared to fewer than 1,400 in all “If terrorists think we are leaving, they are support. The 90 planes in his private air elements to be thrown out. commander Bashir’s armed men seized the of last year. wrong, we will stay and we will continue force “would be badged as Afghan aircraft, “We have tried to convince the Taliban to mosque and opened fire on us,” said Ah- Despite some battlefield successes by Af- to work with our Afghan friends and in- with Afghan call signs, with an Afghan on choose the path of peace because the war in mad Gul one resident. ghan and American special operations ternational partners for a peaceful future of board, and Afghans making the weapons Afghanistan only benefits the enemy.” “Bashir Qanet’s people were armed; they troops, Islamic State has continued dead- this country. This was also the message of release decisions,” he said. He said there were Taliban militants who had heavy and light weapons and they ly attacks around Afghanistan, fuelling my president who came to Kabul a month Prince, a former Navy SEAL, said he also had been compelled into fighting and if the opened fire on the people,” said Mullah fears that the group is seeking to bring the ago,” said German envoy Walter Hassman. wants to keep about 2,000 U.S. special forc- government ensured their security, many Khaliq another resident. group’s Middle East conflict to Central The officials made the remarks during a es in the country to “maintain a unilateral were ready to reconcile. Chah Ab district mosque’s Imam Mawlavi Asia. (Reuters) ceremony to transfer the police mission ability to go after terrorist targets.” He asked the government to pave the Mahfozullah said that he wanted to deliver from the German forces to the Canadian Pushback (17) Samangan ... ground for intra-Afghan dialogue with the a speech about injustice and the illegal ac- forces. But Prince’s plan faces an uphill battle. Taliban and asked the rebels to think over tivities of Qanet’s men when the gunmen production of almond but at same time Outgoing minister of interior affairs Taj Trump has said he is open to new ideas in the war which had no justification. (Pajh- opened fire on the people. annoyed over the decline of price due to Mohammad Jahed expressed his gratitude Afghanistan. But if he decides to embrace wok) “A few days ago Bashir Qanet warned me bumper production. to the two countries for their support and Prince’s plan, he may have to override top to not give prayers to the residents and I in- Haji Zia, a farmer from Aibak, the provin- cooperation and said that he had intro- U.S. military leaders, who are said to dislike (9) Ghani Calls... formed the police and I started my speech cial capital, said he collected 1.7 tonnes of duced a range of reforms over the past year. the proposal. should be taken in a bid to prepare 80 to 100 when I heard the firing and they attacked almond from 800 trees this year and earned Jahed warned against meddling by certain A wide range of Afghans are also skeptical. tons of fresh fruits for export by coordinat- us,” said Mahfozullah. 380,000 afghanis. elements in the ministry of interior. Former Afghan President Karzai said via ing with the private sector. “My sin is only that I have raised my voice He complained against the low price of al- “The audit department at the ministry of Twitter he “vehemently” opposed the plan, According to ARG Palace, President Ghani against illegal armed men’s activities,” mond and said last year one kilomgram of interior has processed 1,155 cases involving calling it a “blatant violation” of Afghani- also instructed the Ministry of Finance and Mahfozullah added. Shakori almond was accounted for 1,850 270 officers - including seven generals and stan’s national sovereignty. (VoA) Customs House officials to assist with the Previously, however, the imam had de- but this year the same almond was account- 177 high level officers – who were referred (5) Anti-Polio Drive.. allocation of necessary funds and take steps clared jihad against Qanet. His supporters ed for 1,200 afghanis. to the attorney general and other legal and Shamsur Rahman Frotan, said giving an- to provide necessary facilities in a bid to ex- said Mahfozullah had no right to do this. Rozi, one of the businessmen, linked the judicial institutions,” said Jahed. ti-polio vaccine was important and those pedite the process as part of the air corridor “This mosque imam must know that if lower price of almond with increase in sup- In addition, the Canadian ambassador to preventing it were destroyers of a nation.
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