
., le Mer·cury AND - YOU '

Studente Reported IU on C...... Though Attacks Seem Lichter Thaa Former Epidemica; Teachers IU Glenville High Sehool ~ at the dlsmiaal l1lf Jia.. d.ay's classes beeause ut the influenza epidemic tn &Del ..,.,... Glenville. This was announced yesterday b7 Prinefpal Earl L Boggs., who said claMes would convene lanua17 20. saeadblll ~rriouane&~t of tbe epidemJt at that time. A total of 117 liudBta ... - REV • MR. JOHNSON """'""clUIQ In we.e IJ:ie Khool...... ~ - ·-- ,._ llLaaJIIII'~JNASSEMBLY aeb.....ool n.. 1s .... ao. .No...... otb.tr - co..r... eo.a.- T lY ~lip. • bool haa foud il ..-, --- to clou yol d_,.t. -. iiMnMIII Local Melhoclid Milliater Ad· a11111.ber of e--. b ela If ..,.... From Lowly Beginning Came the Campus viua 'lhat SmaU Thiqo dolly. May Lead to Greataeu The c t-riUe . ~.., ._ Cats, the CoiJege's Student Swing Band Sdlool baalle*U ...... , The Rev, -Gtvft:r J. lohuon, Glen- for tills o...U.~ In Ike CoJitrile .,_.. By Barl Vl:Donald ;:!•fi:•:t,.':~U: · ;:kt! =; . ~ - ;a~-= They a ll dug deet: into their poekets to ecrape up enough Wed.aHday mominc. tot widda • .... tiiM ...... "-" n;JOney to Ouy t heir first tew H lections, but now they offer the u~ taw ted., Zwbuiah .& :111, ron u .. bad aa.. etr. fttdlr Appropriation Bill GiYea to c~~~. ~ta o~e::u:: swinatime m uaie. be read, ""For wbo haUl deapiMd the IIWbt'• Pill• wlt:ll Pt. .-._. - Le~alature; Ia Subject day of ...... U thlnp. '' aM • tr ~ caceled. :To Amen--.t :e=::;::sth:':.:;: .;a:~lut-= January Road Map .,.ya In wbl~b "tmalltlrinp borrow 'Thoqb ...,u--of..._ Virtually eveey state department band. They numbered sevea tllea. Features Picture of ~= tf::. .~be~ =~~·~o;;:;o- ~;• ~~ ~~so~.:. ~ inJtft-ution will r ~ive incre.ued ~ . :!,:fot.::OO~~~ :; College Library eriy dealt with, will become pUt." campu uti'riti• u J*L It _. for ~o=ex~:o o=~ eo me mllllic. But before they weu& The CoUep's Robert P. Kidd Ll· :::..uthe-!~ uhn:!:;ue':. ·~:!; =p~:!!~~: 194 1 apPropriation, bill handed aho))pi ng in tbe fint maRc don. bnu,r is _pictwed on the cover pace mnn dutruatlon." day mornl"''. i)(ore t1lan 100= ..._ to the State .Legislatnre Wednesday Kiss Alma Arbuckle aalwged ,.,_. of the Jan•ry map of the State Conelw!in6 bia tweaty-mlnute ad- dents were nportlld at..~~~ -' en- is not amended 4urillc the forth- the dark ator11 rooma 9f Robert P. Boad Oommiasion. dre•, .Mr. Jolmaon told atpdent.I eor d. coming 60-da)• legislative aesaion. K:i dd Library some tvnel that wen T he map received editorial com- that 1'cn-t tome~ in the world h:a•e Sri•~ me....,. of th• CoJ1e11t The bill ill eubjeet to a mendmeat popularized a decade 118"0· The baacl'a ment In the Clarbbtny Expoueat, had small becinainp.." '"Christ. wu facult,- hera U.q n trerH blfl~ In that the Legislature may deereue them~ aoq, "Love Ke Toni&'b\:,'' wu which meatioaed the pidure and a bumble eai'P'JDter and 1m diaciples attaeb. tbaaP mod of *- .... 11 any itetn. It c.aDDOt. however, rat.e .to'ftC'hitfrom one of Haarlce Olii:Y· said: "T.be commission iiJ doiq tbe were _&Mermen. by ~e 88 sl.de," he tNUlqed .to eontillue tbelr ca-. arr.y item or put in new ODell, thoagb slier's piai:Ql"et. .tate a fiDe terviee with ita ma;pa, uplaiaed. Dr. J . c. Shre9a ...... a...t • ... the Board of Public Works t'&n offer But they went -modem f.ut. for all for/fr.ee. distribution uDder the ¥oUowinl' bis talk, Prn. E. G, dan the pUt..-...... a 1'. 011111: sapplemenflal budpta. now the C&D9Qs Cata sw:lllf eat alopn 'Amerk•'a New Vacation Rohrboqh pve atadntt the rec.i!'8 abo ,... U1 tU put ..U ••- , !GleaviUe State Teadlera OoUece. with nothlnl' W the .b.t of ..... ~. .. for a saeCMd'ul year: '"Do well eadl 11 0 mlM claaMt. ..n,. ..._ af t. .,.,..aoivaoP J for tile two-1ear period ..m rec:etn ern music, aave the beautifa1 .W. The map &lao f.turu •eua day the work t:&at 1alla to your lot. • tlanr.1 are reJCIIted ...... , $20'1,000, au. illcreue o1 '31,000 theme ...... ADd their aiiDIIIer Ia flu...... -.! otlaer alate ooJJ..-. _ .C::_~p-~ ~.. · ~~ ~ ~pia. .. _.__,.,...... ,._ ...... ~it.;; . J! -- - --·-· ...... ,...... -- - ,..., the ....,_ _., 1ulemule T~ Get ::;: : :t",!'W' - lod.,.- 52 Students W"dl ot ~n-:;;~28::;'":::"':,, ..~ pod'I'll:.' ':'"C::.:: ~,: :;::!'d Farm Shop Under .;., .,...... ~ ..... oUbmiUed. 'I'll• ror the Chn.Du ...... prior to "'• New NY A Program Current Evente Club Complete Directed =P~:~:~~ :S~ ~e:u~ro: ~~':'" H:=:;:_- ~~ Ai• nn arr.d shop program tnin- Members Gr!mt Miss Teaching Activitiea dolhr contingent fand, dependent manager, SummersYIUe; Robert. 8tal- lnl' aehool will be uecr.ed on the Butcher Third Term entiHJy on ine:reuu Ia estimated naker, dariaet. P&niODS; Charlotte site N:Untly purdtased by the Gil- Fifty~two .tuc~ .- wW ...... revenues. , Holeomlb, clarinet, Clay; Hau Mat.- mer County ·Board of Education '1'wa.a pro,pcr and ftltinar the ~~a •t work la directed t.neWnc iD ..... Glenville's ll-46,000 allotment for he1u, trumpet, Grantsville ; qharlea from the Lorentz heirs on Lewis week that thirteen Current En nt!" daly and elem.en•rr work l&DU$ a new ad ence hall to be tuilt here Heasley, trumpet. Spe.neer; James StreeL Plans of the 1baildin;: are not Club membere. who naturally lmo• 2-4 , anr.c~aacea Dr. J . C. Sibnwe...... thil year resulted from inc:.reued in- Law, drums, Grantan11e ; Acnea yet definite. I.Qor will be supplied what is goif\1' on at h c- me, and of the edu~ tion department, ... come under provi$ioT18 of the 1939 Wright, vocalist. Glen'Yille; Robert by the local National Yout6 Admia.- abroad, should meet udo pant .. 111.. Ivy Lee My...,, 4tnetor of ea. budget biD. • Amultrong, au:ophone, Wa!'Ten, 0 .; istntion. 'third tenn' to 1:beir preaiden.t. .Mia meDCary toadw'r tNIIliae: ia U.. Colo Major incre&SC\'1 in lhe 1941 biU M'll rtba Howard, saxophone, Granta- The purpose of tbe new construe· Tetesa Jhatc-ber, senior, and ada·· l e~. Teacb lftC' In Ua a M«rDd .-.. are for besl'th and wel!are auvlces, ville ; Ray U.:Gter Muaaer, trombone, tion beside.s being a part of the na- ter tof Mr. ~n d llrs. fJ\lJ"ke Bute:hn-, ler for att'ondar, mad•nta. wdl lte. such lis tbe atate police, de:partm~t Glenville; Hany Bingman, piano, tiona! def~ae program, ia to train of CHiarviJl.e. II'U IUDod P'llbra&I'J' 8, and .._, (Continued on P.ge 6) Tanner. out.-of'~sebool youths. between the The a«rriary-treasure.r lYiJ.I be tary work wiU befin Febraar7 10. 7 2 ------l:':n:f ~ ==~ ~e:a~:.m em~: j :::::taco:-:et~ ~~=:~~ wJ~ da~~;:a:.~.=~)~ =: u.s. Senator Becomes West Virginia's work. 01" woodwork. The size or the be appointed aoon. AlbcJ"t Brab. TeN~& But.ebcr, Out buildintr will detennine the extent to World event. of 194 &- werl!- re· Ohasnuan, Ralph Cox, Beulah F~ 21st Governor During Colorful Ceremony wbiy Agnn Wrisft<, J o ll, Helen H-. Eulo ..... out. and Adelaide Brown , aDd MU. Be.1- ~ul PierMn, Jo ltHPJ", J... At Leaat Three Jutrudora Co major phues of the na.te'a curRnt Boys entering the training school sie Boyd Bell, .odviaer, abowed po•• Woofter, Virtfnta WeR. Mazy 1.-. To Otarleaton for DaY'a pi"CCblems. a re required to J"egist.er thraugh the cards collected on hw recent trip ile Woodlord, l•m ~• Sattvhld nd Crowd'ec:l Program Menrben of the Board o1 Public EmploYment Service and tlley will to Florida. A.c11.a Wnpt. Works snd other state offic:iala were receive no pay while in traiDing. At leaat three memben (J{ the represented officially in the inaugu- • • T Coll•ge ...ul ty joinod with ...... a a M~rcury wfll close tt. ft nc. •l!mcrtn nuhJiahin2 achitd­ and after resign- New Coca-Cola t h ~~:ng G~b~ 6~:~.;n~:~:;: ~=: ~:~ ac!~o :~e ai~:;t~n~~=~; ule .JanUD.r')' 21 and on th~ ~~~ !~! U~i~ . ;:'n~~~ · Advertising Copy a n Ideal Rer!hsh fu rnace was in- ::. new U"ut Virginia covemor: r.nd tJ f Feb:-uary 3 wiD rtart. on U.& A . special tr.o.i n ~ll e d in Verona ~ a])e l Hall replac: - cll e .approaching or th~ i n augu ratio:~ I ucand half Tl:at lltbrll ftad- brought u, Chsr- ersA~!~:d o;hl~ :::" t:e:;:; =~!:no~e= ••hich had served fo r v!:~=~ · ~r;~~~ n~~o:::~~hl!ii· !~n.-:!ll 1 = ~t!c~:~ lh~ CoYernor Ncd J leston a host of n e. w Co,•a.oCC!la advertising T.be furnac-e was instalLed by tbe ~! eel tbe nut wHk and at kut on~ he pub l iJ:h~ the eecond te:ftlet- prominent nation.sl sla.tumt'n who ~ OJ")· which appean page Sanitary Pumhi ng Co. of Westoa. bss'ke'bllll prne seno t!d to .ret the lt'J" and that fOJ" hi'"'rtty-fi,. 011 5 were colleagues of Gov. N:eely in in tllia issue-. fh(' h wuk beore- The gymouium .floor received a eamru"' ma!ea and funcla into the c:nts the )h·rtU"J will be t.b.e Nation's Capitol. . afer dllring the regular College new eoat. of ,-..ish. The work W:IS nv:nz C1l "Pionea"B, ftcbt, firttt, mailed each week tll;l any ad- The inaugu rul ceremonies v>l!l''! yea.r t"Hders wiU see Coc-a-Cola done b7 Pool fko:tl and .IJbert lh-akc, figLt. •• G l ~n ,ille whipped Fa i nn<~ nt dreu in the UbiW!cl State6. Por brief and induded pritlcipally IIQ· "Preaant.ed in the .Mercury's &tud~ tltll in the Colle~. in t ~e &e!Uon 's operer and th"n over a unt and :o hal! a 'lftek :roa ~-o uncemc~ts lby ~ I A~:: r:· 1Wivertisi1JI' sp:see aM will be CLASs • tJ e.,... ek elld u PMJ( We-n Libe.rty and :C,a:;r har:r::n:~'~.. ~~ '.::.!':: ~::I.S2"~.i.".":.!~.!.;::!'~; ;:n~~.... !'.;, :'7, ~~':~:~ .-...:·::: .: T:~.:::: : · :.L ·:.~~::_::;,:£1:~:~:.::;~ ;!:~.. ~; -;:,.;:: :,·~e;: retiring Go''· Holt and Gov. Ne

Mercury-410114-1.jpg ,....T_ THE GLENVIIU MERCURY ...... T..-daJ', THE GLENVILLE MERCURY COSMIC ------DUST - - ..,..,.IIIUIIIUI s,. J._. Woofter •uliUI...-

ftea:~e~ ~~euec:\i::"~"r:~~~ ~v~~~:ti~~ :: State Edut"ation Association meeting, Novem­ ber 7, 8, 1940, at Huntington, several re­ quirements were disc.ussed concerning the selection and guidance of C!andidates for the teaching proCession. It was unanimously agt-eed' 1by those at;. tending the seminar t hat sc.holarship ia au important factor in det.ermining teacher abU· ity, and in view of this it was agreed alao that teachers should have as many honor point~, as hours in all subjects completed iu the teaching fie lds. It was declared to be an eva. sion of the rules to discard subjects in which low gTades had !been earned. A penalty for the earning of an "F" was considered but DO actio.1 was take.n .upon . .t h .is .m atter . NOTHER concl usion reached at this meet­ Aing was that no can·didate should be a)­ lowed to qualify for a certificate rw ithout an. equal nu;mber of hours and quality pointa. M)' «rU.nlr)' U tbe. \\'Orld; m:;­ This decision is to apply to bo th secondary Tue•day, J anuary 14, 1941 c.oun!::ym~n ore mankind.- Wil­ a nd elementary teachers. JPm Uord Carrl110n. The group decided that a "C" average shou ld be main tained in Directed Teaching if Whar The Wa r Is No pluwre is tompanble :.0 the aiand.ing upon the n.nta~­ the student is to be recommended for a gnuaftd of trulh..__:Frsneis Baeon. teaching position, lb ut no decision was reach­ Doing In Hollywood ed on the matter of t he "C" average made ou IIUIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIItllllllllll J>no1al: no t a u.mng tn3n too fu! repeating a course. 'PHE WAR has affected the Americ..an people Tb(· ability to write and speak intelligent)J I fn \'&riom wa.y, _ According {o an article -Shakl'Spt'ar:- • • ing Wright With "Ghe 'news and correctly was held as an essential qual­ b7 J . P• .Ml!Evoy in Stasc~ ~ aga~· ine it hu By Agnes Wright Tho pen ill the longue o.f the ification fo r teachers, with classes in speech eauHd "A Fur 0\·e-r Holl)·wood." Produc­ ~""' " '"'"llllllll ll llil llll lllllllll ll lllllll lt lllllll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll !l lllllllllll lllf. m.ind.--Ce:nrantes. in the freshman and sophomore years sug­ tn and dirtetora are t en.ting that there i3 a Vaeation time over and one nnd school .. . R.(.'s ult : High sehool gested as a remedy for this defect. Jack nf money which is affcc:ti ng the output week and two days of echool gone M mester te!" ls postponed ... New­ The Stbcwe facts were taken from an arti­ of ,-ond moNies. A prating barber asbd Arc.h t­ l.a\ts bow h~ would be tTimmOO. B e In the :-lew Ye:.r. students are tru.k earn McFerrin, Mercury and Dem­ cle entitled "Seminar Evaluating Our Teach· ln 1t.>eCnt months the motion picture indus-- IU'«Wert'd " fn Sillmce."-Piub.rc.h. into '1he swing of the routine ••• ocrat linotype opcflltor, tho proud er Education program," by 1\fiss Genevieve h~•o;:o;::Cl~~~~' ~h~r:t :3;:tg!~np!c ~o~:J Mlrr>& overflowi ng- wilh new reso­ pnp.ll ... Jthondes Boou-ty Shop Starcher, appearing in the J anuary issue of :fil On <' thorn of expe_ritnce i.! lutions that just won't be brok~n moved to new re!!lidence 10 come ten im­ dolence; or a for m of activity that most of Now ~ tht" li:mr: more than ever lhnt the dO'o\'ll LYIMC wny . . . ll'a about portan.t events of 11n importan:. us can ueither see nor a ppreciate. Often we world nt. e d .~t J'OOd cntertainme.nL Good mov­ (By Assoda.ted Collegbte Pre55) real life in a sm:t ll town, it!!l do not distinguish between the laziness of sem~rter in my opinion on GSTC IH ahr"uJd be an inspiration and therefore aid STORJtS.. Conn.-.An enrollment growth, und' two neighlbo r families the village loafer, who has nothing better cfed.ine in Preftl!b. courses and a de­ campus: ( I) Ruth Annabel Hull who grow with it . .. William Bol- crt:lwned Home-C'Oming queen Oc­ t han t he weather or to bet on every passing :Olh_!::c!d' :~:~ ppi:r~~esT~:d"~~:d n~~C:: cidl!d drop in C e.nn~an ela.ss re!gi.stra­ den heads the east ... Vieing for t.ober 19; (12} Chicago Little Phil­ event, and the laziness of the refl ective m an ple.-VIriCfnla We t. t lona at the University of Cennec:ti­ honors the !!IJi me date will be who is busy meditating on the show of life. cut ara more th&n ofl'set by an in­ harmonio OrchestN opens Lyceum "Down Argentine Way'' 'Wi th Don eou~~ Octobl;< r !n; (a) Or. Sam­ Every student w.ho thinks must allow him· ereo.se o·f mon than 100 TIC! r c::en~ In Amet>he, at the PICT UR.ELAND Wlxre Is A College Student uel W. Grafr1in, retired YM.C A self a great deal of seeming laziness. He enroTimut in S pa nish cluses. . . , A rom&nce &t't against the mu st o·bserve ; he •must rhOect; be will bav' • l t haa become apparent, say un.; . man, aasenlbly speakeT October 23; colorful background of t he tropi. To Get The 'Experience' (U 'Cam:pus Cats' swing band or­ a leisurely way about him, for if be is in :too versity oftk.lab, lbat. the in~rest in cal Argentine a nd eontaining the great a burry be will pass something that fa Spani11.h is based olmost ent ire.ly on ~nh:ed on campus Nov, 19; (5) song "Two Drea·ms Met." Susanne Fisher and Clifford M en~ to hia purpose. 9HE WORD ··~perfence'" means much more a beliN Among at-..Hien.b that f-u ture Selocted as t.he best picture of I to a pereo·n who is looking for a job than r:oelaUona wilb Latin America a re hcrt' for joint recital, November the yenr was " Th • Grapes of on e would believe. ' likely to be mach more int.imale 27; (.S) College allotted !und!!l Wrath,'" and in t.he first ten "Gon e. l n J)Ul yean when one applied for a job thsn the pf'e'\-iousty (or new & ience. Hall ; (7) Vinc::~nt W ith Ute Wind," both shown ot PE!;~~i~ p ;;:a::~~:r;ee~e c~~!Yt~ ~~~~~ Sheean, \\'lr <'Orrespondent, lec­ the tiM que.ation an employer would ask was, ht"-ld. loc-al theaten. vantage who are priviJegedt to read them UU' ow mueh education do yo\1 have?" To­ tures December 5; (8} "Seven - aw - now. Montnigne, a gentlema n of so-called lei· ..,. the e- mplo)•er wants to know how much J>ULl.IKA.N, Wuh. - A library Sisters'" ()H'!ented December 11 Mullic this week leads to pTom­ su re, loafed, d&se rved. and wrote. HazHtt aper•t.nCJ! one has had in the type of work oddity a t Washington State Collep by Ohnimgohow.9 and Alpha Psi ise& and expectation.s, and " I Give. was a lazy, fellow, w.ho enjoyed nothing bet­ Omegas; (9) "Hail .Holy Babe" • • b eeeking. The a,·erage college stude.nt l.s tho "smallest Bihloe in the world."' You !My Word,"" ranks high in my ter than to loaf for hours and drink endle88 ltal t he educ:alion. bul where is he going to The tiny \'Oiume - only one and presented by ~horal dub Decem­ opinion. cups of tea. and when he ran out of money ..t the experience? one-half inchoe1 long and a h:al!-ineh MT' 18 : ( 10) C hristmas dance De­ -aw- wrote down hi3 thoughts in essays of imper· Mttr readi.rur the announcement of Com­ thkk~nta ina th e fuU te::rt of both cembe.r 19. Recommended highly for cur­ ishable value. Sa..m uel Butler had a turn for p etitive- Merit Exa minations for posit:ione in tll.e Old nnd New Te11tam!!nls.. So -aw - rent Nndi~g ill the play, "The lazin ess and would wand er around !or days the Dcpan ment of Public Assistance and mnall is the print that the Bible u Around the town we fin d : Lyr­ .Mal-e Anirm. l." in the. January is­ looking at his fellowmen : tbut he had a de­ Unemployment ompenBa tion, a.3 well as equipped with a miniablre m:Jgnify­ ic- Theater \lnde.r new rronagement sue o! St.a.ge rMagazine, and said liberate and a l.ert mind. Oscar Wild's was a niany other advertisements for positions. I ing glus ft~d lnt.o ·the back or the . Influenza p.rev11.lent in town to be o! inte-rest. to collegoe men. picture of gay indolence; Sheridan was a lnd that lhe c.ollege student could qualify btnding. brilliant idler ; t he busy part of Lamb's life for only a vt·ry few. Pen~o ns of experience The B;ble is s r up lic~a of the fam­ was a grief and a waste ; and Walt Whitman u wrll u edueatlon are wanted, so t his Uy Biblo or William Sbnkeapear", Three American Writers Express Their has been call ed with justi-c e a magnificent l ta v e~~ the eollege &tudent out. whkt.b i.J p r uen~d in t he Shakes­ loafer. _ · I cannot see how the eollege student is go­ peare memorial at Stratfol"d..an· Views On U.S. Aid To Great Britain OnP. might name many others who have tar tu Kf:t the expe.riente iC a ll jobs require Avon. The 1Jibl~ abo contain. a rae. idled their way into philosophy and fame, n penence in order to get tbem.-\Villiam 1imfle of Sh:lke~are's fla mily rec­ ·but it would be useless endeavor. Outwardly Kellar. .,.,._ B,. Albut Woofte r said that the chief iques is wheth­ these people were lazy, but their minds were ... oChid argume.nts for aid to er we ca n keep the w':l·r fTom busy. We have reaaon then, i})ecause of over­ Great Britain 1re expres:s&d in a 1"ER..R.E lL\ lt i'E, lnd.- Emotiontl1 spreading. The force wbkh enables whelming evidence in their favor, to fo rgive Roger William Riis Says svmposium in tle January issue or us to arm without war, .Mr. Lipp­ : 1 p~t cauRJ more student failures those who appear to us on the surface, to be Jteadu-'.s Dige•t. T he a.rt'cle, "Eng­ mann stated. Is the combin<'d mili­ ie ~1~ than either audemic in­ 1 'm For The Churches' land Mu!!lt Win. Or -Else." is a con­ loafers. Who knows? Perhape aome d.ay they C'Ompetence or larines.s in learning ary powers of England. Holh nd, det.s:t.tion o.f three articles by well­ too will have idled their way into fame. fl&ject fl'dtt.er. China and Americ:t. They fonn a Time will tell . known America11 jour n:tlit.ts. f ortified line "around th.c world That la thr o ~t i nion of Dr. Cwh•n In "The Surt'!rl U. S. Defense from the BTiti1h lfllu to Gibral­ -----+--­ ~~~::~f ~~~~:.! ' D~~ t i~~~~ .~~:':va7 a: Isaac, dea.n. of the department ol S tep.'' Ma r k Sullivan said in sub- b.r t.o S uez to 1Sing~~~pore to Haw­ for lh ~ churt"hr' hC!catu~r they have w me. phllosophy 11 nd student eounWlor at Answer The Telephone, . 8lant"e that the RTellt.Ht fear of thin,. Cor me and !or civilization." Mr. Riis Indiana St.au TMchers Coll eg-e. aii to Panama." This prevenU ex­ 1.he Ame.rimn people is not a Nui pansion the Axi! powere. !tad not rone to ~hureh for t wenty-two year"!, StudenLS are mo r~ d inurbed by of It May Be For You in,·uio n. Instead it is thllt Ger­ Ja e had IK'Otrr-d til lhcom, until one day on a b mily troubles than by an)· Gthu Brit.. in, he wid, is our butT er. many. after de'ftating Britain, will .uddi!n whJrn he (lntcred one. There he T.-O rries, iacludlng their own love 11!­ e nd if 11he faJia we must then re- r-orrtrol moJt or the world's trade, found that he was a.cu~ ly in ererted in the tahs, and tho gro.du of many lfOOll" ·It~ t 1 ~ h1lndrco tl s-ermon~ .\'"':1r~·,. a wiU hf, forced to a ecep~ --- Thts Week - - his sweetheart. 1 tJut w-u~ df'tl vt r•·d il' I'J 11"). His ob!Pl'Va tions r.oalitarianism. first in indu5t-ry wtrt: O\'U aurh a to\d !il!'ld All to be t'den­ a~ oommerce &t:d thm in socidy (By .\MQciated Co Uc:P.., t.e Prer.s) Da y11 an_d h_ours bave (been reduced .to '!lin· tift(. ~11lr rof bl• 'rr,:lu inn.:! foli o : • ' rrtvf'mme.nt ...J( Bri'..ain .UT· '"llany of u1 , re convineed that. I utes by lhts s1 mple means of communi cation. "')lo-1 rmo~ ~t" .surp:iV .rly JrOOd-and "Yi• .,_.. "e "''d"'tl. ••Gumany (an· dem~ra(y c-an uot be u.ved by We no longr>r wait Cor a ~ew im portant writ­ ...till Mt lrf"I7'0SC. ber .1ystem on. the llrms alont!'. Even if we 216 not ten words from h O'me: netther are we foreed ,...,rid." drawn into the war. evJ:!:n though to drive mi les to close the necessary con- D... ,. ., .~_,. ~.omr-o n in "Can Engla ntl rmy noid ddeAt. the t racts. A II Lhis is do ne lby the telephone, auch 'J"'t...-ff Be a PI'Mt" of Nqoth "on !'" r."' •res fhat 11Loctroyed tbe demoe- as th ~ on<: found in Louis Bennett Hall. l:~. r ,-.J hl-:ef tJ-at Adolf Hi t- .:u.lr• of EuJOare wru still b., at. We of!e: n wonder if we aren't just a little 1 - "" like to make £nzland ~ r:rk.. T~!.nUtui.a nilm aa it exists reluctant. a bout answering the telephone. ..;Jni r par..nn'' and Ona helpful­ t"thn·, ;. •b~ au.te.o m~ of the pro- Coul d it. he possible t h~t i~p rom~tne s s would f"ill b:s Mpe ~r a bloodlJ!:B \;e. lr .. :o"d IJZ!employml!nt, the e~on<~rM· m~ d1 ~nstcr to a n lndiV Jd ua l . ~oul ~ the "nt'T Jn :1!e Amutu would k 00"1t!leunu5. the ~(1rted news _Cir rl r_cl1h be delayed for snmet1me. !he ~ in vat datlftr, because ai!f~d tt2inin~e ud the senao of in !f!.c:u r- only m t~ lhgent response for these questJONii b· J_.':"An, Germanr • ould con­ 1:}" o! tbe grc:at ma~ of adult can be nothing more than, "yes:" Th o u s a n ~ t:.ne hl! r polt~ of ir.n-~ lon. ym;u.li." -Don:ald DuShane. presi· of li vt>!\ hnve been saved by qu1ck commuru­ ~ne nu;tst ~ no -;oeace," a-tid c!t-~ or the ~ationol £du~atio n eation: som.e few have been lost by the •~ l!l Tbcttept,.n, .,e.uep.t oo.e which A.->datlo n. tiLude of " le.Lti ng John answer the ' phone." i.e:aTU Bnta!n .ad Am.eriea,. to· ''Ah, don't answer the thi_n g, it i8 j tllt Mill r,...,H'T. io s tMTf! powu!ul posi­ Roiru o f bre~ rb bo'ilt dari~ Fltrt want ing .Mr . Date," 18 a cn:!bmo11; ex­ ~; ,~t.hf'A.:ria.'" 'he lie.:te of Jacbon ill the crvn pression often heard as the telephone nnp.. P~!l ~t a mo"' mm~rir.ic Wu are .-m to be ~ea o• the CllJn· Thla iA o very erroneous attitude that should ~~ o! 'l'iew. WaJkr Lippm111:. in l"!s of Millaps CoDep. J ac::bon, be corrected. for who tnowa what the caU .,ihr qr Ye:an:r.e$ ~ of War" :Ilia. may be.-tForest White•

Mercury-410114-2.jpg THE CLENVUJ.E MEaCURY Pioneer Cagers Stop Fairmont State, 59 to 54 G=A~rwo

LOCAL QUINTET . I Bethany-Glenville I' PANHANDLE FO~ OPENS THE SEASON Score Is Misprint Weat Liberty and ~ Co ~7 v!~~~~ :,~.:::~,~:;::~:: ~w•nl c:.:::::.:~. F.•• · ' Seta all Peace the Pace Sunday whl!h they read with 1~r- ddutt>d a.her brashlnc th~ tile With 24 Cocmten lousnen but with an ioability to panhandle with 47-U a.nd 7&.2t ~- comprehend that Glenville bad gon~ tories over Waet Liberty and a.dl· Glenville'• 1941 IPionul'll went in· d'"''TI bdoro 1Bethany in Satunhy llll) ' c:oU~. l'eqJetth•ely, thl! put action the .past week and shoved night's OOsketball game, at" Bethan)·. ~ed::-(>n d . de Fairmont State 59-64, after Questlon11 flew by the dosan• and A dote WI 'Ill"~ toxpulefteed •r • tbe Alumni January 4 lby a students and faculty ocouldu't un· lhf' P:.oni!C!I'! at. lh~ Hlllto~r ICbool f.54 COUnt. dl!rst'3."11d. Hours later othe story was IAl~ in the final quartler wbn; W111t It waa only a matte-r o! minutes stnightened and the score, bungled Libe-rty went ahead C.C-13. Cleft• after the Fainnont game opened and mis.interpreted !by • WhHling ville's eradt forv.,r.ia, Robat Anlt· lbat local fans t!ound that the. A.P. \tTiter, read st:z~o~ alld St•.ryl Brown, added the Te.ac:hera' new coach, Squib Wilson. GL&IIIVlilJLEl 76, BETHANY 29 nr't'dl'd pre:uure to $'Ore a ftl!.ld ..,_r hid p roduood a good unit at the Ye!terday .;~nd today the A.P. ~ 7} ( 1 eaeh to elose the sc:orine aud dinc.n llaricm County !K'hool. The Pioneers earrie-:1 eorrectiom on the story and ~ the \'ietcry. t.d tnJuble aplenty 1Wore they the Pioneers ne getting <'redit for . . . ~ 0 a;:: Ea.rle Spt!nei!r, f!O'Phom.on eoold puU ahead e.noug!!r lo lead 27· winning a ball pn1e whieb tbey did 0 etontc:r for the PlonHn. lt'.ft the 20 at balf time. not lose. Unfortunately, many who "ame afU!r 17 minut.et, of -play on :few'en minutes after the second SM\• the Sunday release will not see 'P'-'tsonal fouls after he had al\Jbt.d ._. Of.POed, Fa.innont, led 'by their the: c:on-c:c:ted slory. 11 poi:)t:a. Both fives ~or~ t.he aame numb~r of field goals, 19, but dae enek..bot. forward, Bob Pence, ------'------~ Pictured akuve ~:tN A. F . Rohrbough and eight of the Pio- 34 38 Pioneers bested tb.c Rilltt.ippe.ra a\ wat: In cfzont • · Pence. with his 0 GO 0 VAl li Ot!ers of forme!' year:- who drifted back into Glenvi1le Jan- accrcrrate one-hand shooting perform- !11 unry 4 for an Alrur.ni.f'iflnecr clash. Though many fans expect- the fool line with ~. W• .J- made at. PJ NEERS WJLL T Wf..SLE free throws. =~~~~k ;;:n~:~ :;n~~:n;;:l~ :~: TONIGHT,· ALDERSON BROADDUS HERE eel "the old men'' ~o s hove aside the Pioneers of '41. the Alum- The lJetbany ~m. <'O&<'bt!d by 17 7 4 John Knight, wbo waa iiJ Lbe niJkt aut with · ni f~l~o~~na h e~-e~ r~~~?~g left to right, front TO W. Frank Mar· of t.hc: Je:~.me, otr'erod little oPPQtttlon GleaYille Pt. FairmoQt Pt.. -, BOTH OPPONEr.~~'~'~ S:'!'DONG :;~o. Normantown; Albert Lilley, Homestea;J, Pa.; Coach to the Pioneers on Saturday night .. leott..t ..... 12 Asberd, f . . 13 FRIDAY .~~- ...,jR Hohrbough; Louis Romano, Clarksburg; Robert Davie.", Mun· Glenville eondudDd the pa.nhao& 8 1 2 ~~~~~s ~i~- it~!~~J{o~~. ; ~~~l: yl\f~;~~aCiJ~·rk~b~~~v~~~~a~da~~ c~ trip with sn ovt"rwh~mlng 76-2.9 '~'it· :.:=.n:· .~ ~~ ~~~:: ! ·· ! Glenville Quintet Holds String of Victories tory. At the half Gl<"nville had doub· Kinney, Burnsville. (Photo by Paul Beal, Mercury staff photog­ led tbo score on the Bisona. 36-18. :::::.~. ·• . : ~:~::·: Over Bobcats; Griffith Expected to Le:.d rapher.) f'rom here on it -was merdy a 1'001 Bnnm, f .. . . o Bod,ek, t .. . Attack For Baptists urimm~ge for thl! Plon~n as they lrarc:bio, I' . . J Belc.astl"o, &" , 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,,~1 held the Bi!lon1 to • t4ta.l o.f fin lieU Illes. c . . 2 Expecting to find one of the toughest opponents of the sea­ goals and one foul In t.hr final halt...... ;;') n, Glenville's Pioneers hit the road at noon today for Buck· 'Earle Spencer aga.in tucked .,..,. hannon to meet Coach Cebe Ross and his Bobcats tonight at :SPORTS CHATTER: honot'!l on Saturday ni1ht wit.b bb 59 64 f, o'clock on the spacious Wesleyan floor. 21 points. Harold Scott RQt. U whOe Referee--Sammy Kistler, Salem. This tilt will Jc:e. Fairmont proved to be: seen for a long time around here. Marchio, g .. 9 Shclby, f .... 15 lkowrt, I . . . 7 Cottle, f . . . . 6 -ton.ferenc:e play. !lnyt.hing but a J'IUSbover in the He took every knoci; with a smile Brown, f . , • 2 Andt"l'$0n, « .. a Slaort, • • ..• -C \fc:Kinney, 1 . 0 Not since 1937 have the Bo bca~ Pioneers' first aJ)pearanc:e here, ••. For tough luek, Co11.eh C. D. Wo!e, c .... 6 Wolte, o ·. . 2 lloMillen, c , been able to master the Pion ears, an'll this Big Bob r enee, the dead. Wilfong .and hi' Red Terron Short, g .... 0 Barril, c . . . 0 Wolle, f .. , . then by o decisive 6<1-28 seore. Th~ one.handed !hot-maker, seemed to should take all honors ... At one .... C • • . 0 Marra, !! . . . 0 series honort -belongs to t·he Pio· 1be right at horr.e 1\' hen he rlCked time the past week the influena. ., lladdo, • . . 0 Noroski, 1r 2 neers, who hav& won 18 out of the!r \1" 214 pointa. And don't say it'll epidemic: cut his squad down to Refereo--Sec.uno. 1IU-, C • •• . 0 Z6 starts againS't t-he •lklbc:at.o;. n ~ t toug.h ~ing up in the piLill .fo~n . Then the following eve· ning Coaeh Wilfong himsel.f was Bolstered heavily in thl! rron~ hondle for the: Pioneers have been ClenYWe a...... , ..... l•id up ..• Prior to this, Beecher 74 54 <'OU"rt by the a.b le all-stater, FranK thene bc.fore and .roe Bartell and Scott, f ..... lC Fair, 1 ...... • PaQ I umpire, Ellis, the Bobe:at ilave one of the J ohn Knight did everything to Reed underwent an emergency oP­ Rdn&e, Fu.llcs; F . 8 Armstrong, f . 10 Cullison, I . . . a 7. WiUL finest sc:orinl' combinations in the make the reception • wnrm one. eration and Barry Pritt took on SpcnC'er, c . , 21 Alexander, c .. I circuit. Their most r~nt victory - em - a good ease of sinus. WhetuU, I' . , 4 Taylor, 1J • • • • .C waa marked up the past Friday ev ~ ­ ne joke o F the wbola tLia• - em - Marchio, r .. ~ J•~ekMin, r . .. 10 ning, wi nning over A.-B. fOJ' • 'uengt::::;m~: ~ :.!~; ILooking Forward 1 poin.tll (or hi5 tram while Cristo WO!i h:!sket ba.U ~ores of the p:~.st wce:C caeb public servaot r >­ ht:"h wirr. 1 G ! eir the opponents, A. the people and not 10 I Continued frl'm 'P&I'i' ll Ka it:r'., tt::un bowf'Q to Hammer's :t";~on•l;~y n:-:-ht--W~"t Vir~nia !i:), ! money to fino nee howe\•er, will not be: paid until reg. in n har t! fou::-"'t b?ttlt. 32-28. Cal'ftegie Te<'h 45, at Pi 't.s'•Ul"~h; ular time for registration, when Tuc:!'dAy cwning Pnlumbo t:tlli~ Alderson · Dl'"onddus 5'2, 111 ~ m :Y. newcomers will enroll and mixed his f.out-:h \"lc OrJ l::y cl l'fc::tting B at· 3\tntc: 40, a t Philippi: 1\br•h...IJ 33, :>cherlulrs will be ironed out. ''in B~~ arn1 helen~ t'he buPdr.:,.·s by de:· I.itiert,- ~ . :n v.•est 1 i~rls- : Cqn· and ruh!s Gommittcell, ftil(1eeTl ·iS$UC run during the 5ec.onJ ~,. .._;.ln • ff--lllfll'!r, :: ; -."0 . J!.:l.rris !e<' tl cnrd 52, HMr.oke 3€1. 3t SAlem. VI!, 1:' :~ ""'11. -"'""' · ., a slate -:~. n1l national f! emester. i:n the J1 0int·;rl ttin; dc'!Jartment, Frid:1:· n' l':'i:~ - CJ..E!\'VU. ll; 47, figure anti statesman !or 0 ht>r :.ampus talk this week ma:.­ -a ·h~rin !! 1:! !IJr B"Jll.'her' !ii fin. We_~ L:Lcny 4-1, ~t We'¢ Ll)w.-t ; tbirty Jetlrs. His political ea- renter nround the c:un-ent ses.,ion o! THE STArt DINGS ·ll:trslall ·1 -;, Lod~·illc 24. a o; Run!.­ 'bepn in 1!Hl8 when he wns he: L••zi'!lalure, prospects !or (I n in- W L Pt.. lng;:or. ; ('.o~'lrd \ 6, M.. ,-,.:'1 H.'.?\"'!:' eleeted. mayor of Fairmonl. l!"f':J;:..• in rew•.nue fnr Glen\'i l! ~ :~n 1 l 5 0 .11'1 00 18, M A l !o~r.s ; Wet V~hil. Wco.s­ B e ma.rried Mi :~s !Ub.!rt.n Claire: tnc: la•ut devclopm l' nt'S in conne ~ · '".J:.L ••· .sno t':.-.an fil. AJde!"<"')n-U-(IadJ- 1'l, F~':"~UI"k} 4~. -:;t :'.f ")r~..,. is always a pleasure to taste. •,i,.ht f,,r tb,.. first time niter \" !lc:at ion '... Kaf,.r . o 4 .000 'nun; "\for .::; B;:.r·.•e) 5&, .ll;\Je!i~·1 J Refreshing, b ecause it le ov .. ,1 •o·r~o rr ~">'R will have harg<.' o! 'WINS PING PONG TOURNEY 11 !..t>'!d nr,- se(H"Us ue: Patsy P!l.h•nl· 41, at Blu~fic l d; WajT.~·bl.rs; :18, a delightful after·s•nse of , .. n"'tn1?1y. Pres. E:a.rl R. 1\[cDonaE ·,., 81"1 ; fL \"<'r."lr(i G..-o,·es 58; :'lf ike Wo:.J"t L1D crt.~ -a S, nt t"V' nyne'iollu.-g, fTeshment. So when you pau.. Catbe6ne Withers, fr-eshman in -•lirl c: lrss mee• ings :tl.so ";!I he hdrl. liS : S'Tl:lb E" 7; -:va::-­ t:" ~i."'\o lC'!rn r~ t P

Mercury-410114-3.jpg P ..esis. THE Cl.ENVJIJ..E MERCURY Tuesday, Marriages of Many Former Students Revealed During Christmas Vacation SOCIRL {\7fNTS of tht WffK Exam Schedule Six m:arriage!J of g raduates :t.nd marriage was solemnized S.aturda;;, MISS JAMES. MISS OLSEN former studen~ in the College were Dec. 2<1 , at .M.organtown, with the F inal examinations for tbe ftl'l$ ENTERTAIN WJTH TEA ;> nnounced durir.g the Christmas Re\'. Roy Bashinger offic.iating. Mr bolid:ass.. Ka!e.r is employed in the g lass in­ semester wiiJ be ih dd as !olio.. : Mr. :and M.rs, Goff Summers. o! dustl')• ut Williarnst.Own. The couple MONDAY, JAN. Z7 MiMI Go ld • ~ C. Jarnc-s and ~ 1 !.:' 8:00 ltl&sses recit iug at 8:11 Jkr'Ja E. Ot.en, ia.t.ruct.ors in b io­ Korth...-iew Additioa, Glenville, an· r~ i d e :at Weston. Augus t. Kaler, 11 M'WF. Joo and muic in the CoUeg~ . wero.~ nout:<:e the marriage of their daugh· junior, llnd William Kafer , a sopho· 10 :.10 Classea reeitiug at 8 :N boateae.s to lll'omen m~mben of th ~ ter, M.al")1bclle, A.B. "39, to Mr. El4 mou, a.re •brothers of the bride­ TTh. l.ctilty and L.o f~t:lllty wina in :~on mer Shaver, local manager of the .,oom. 1 :3 0 V:OO in.rormal tea Friday a!tunoon {roo C. & P. Telephone Co. The mll'riage Announ·ced 1'6<:ently was the ma r- Classes r~iti~ at J to 5 o'doc.k in t he Coll e ~ lounze. 1\'SoS an e\•ent oi Slturday, Dt>e. 2~. riage of Misa GrGce Summers, A.B. t(WF. Eau:rt.alllme.n t con&isud o! talks by at Catletub urg, Ky., with the Rev. '38, o! Glenville, t.o 'Mr. Robert TUESDAY, .IAN. U Smith, of Mt. Vernon, 0 ., at Cat4 8:00 Classes reciting at 9:00 "1"'ftf,. -cb m~ (Tibe:r concercing Christ'rna.t A.. 0. Price, PreSbyt..e.rian mini1t.e:r, lett.St-urg, Ky., Saturday, De<'. 21. 10:10 Classes reciting at 10:01 -.:ation. offi ciatin-g. Mn.. Shaver is a 11iste.r ·Re:lresbmenta ~·e r e caJrt , cookies, of SuSln Summel'S, A.B. '40, and El­ Mr. and Mn. Roy Langford, or MF. Glenville, unnounce I he marriage u! I :00 ClllS&Il~ reeiting at 10.:00 'rl'la.. p;c:klu. oUvu. roft'ee and ~ la Summel'll, A.B. '3'7. The Shaven wiU rc.si when he gini:a Thomas, Zula Lowther. Edna Lambert, Mae Weaver, Wilma Stan· unde.rwent a.n. operation for U. e eJt· complet.et hla wo rk in tha CoUer_e ot
