
(t'hUSE LtiUjlitil t>ot)U) Wednesday, September 23, ISM9*| PAGE 12 DETKOri tVb MMI 1 IMbb John Spautdtn* Jr., 1492* Mandnta. recommended today by tha Michi- .| Wilbur J. KtA, 251 V LawaSaJa. 2 Y«nks Held in Killing B«n Hix Found Dood New S. African Commend Medical Society’s house WATNE BOARD NO. 9 Jama* P. Medical Group Hits Kan State BELFAST, Northern Ireland, Apparently the victim of a heart PRETORIA. South Africa, Sept Jarkaon. of delegates. o (INS).—Two attack, ben of 3373 23 (INS).—A- South WAYNE BOARD NO. 19— William A. at the physicians’ Sept. 2 Hix. 73. Hix new Africa Go to Custer Burmiatar, Robart R. TarSlff. Meeting here Fort Jacobs, 243 Selectees Army Herbert Canton Township, was command, embracing southern - convention, privates, found WAYNE BOARD NO 36 Rohart E. P"- Income Ceiling Plan seventy-seventh annual road. inakay, Jrwaph W. Dykaa, Caaimar Za- the delegates defeated the proposal 20, of Kentucky and Embra Far- dead today a short distance from Rhodesia, has been established drntkl. GRAND RAPIDS. Sept. 23 26, Arkansas, were BOARD NO. 4—Kloy4 * to reduce from $2,000 to $1,200 ley, of de- Hix road, north of Michigan, the "owing to the change in the mill* OAKLAND (INS)—Rejection of a proposal to the eligibility for today in connection with Wayne, Fa*g. Samual W. Baldwin Jr income bracket tained road which was named after his tary situation.** a statement by Oakland Counties fAliowtng wara diraet to tavern- From Tha man *ant lower the income ceiling on mem- single persons and from $2,500 to the death of a Belfast Fort Cuatar Gail N Brharffa. William T. the Michigan $1,500 body was near family. Hix’s car was nearby and the premiers of South Afrioa and ? oulav. William O Nail, Edward Martin. bership in Medical for married persons. Final keeper whose found William F. Trowbrldga, Marru* Wllaon, Service, which provides medical .action rests with the directorship his home outside Belfast. He had he had apparently gotten out to southern Rhodesia disclosed to- Service; Mtchaal M Kaminski. Thomas L- Keith he collapsed. care for low-income groups, was service. been beaten and shot. a walk.when day. ______Nine Boards List Draftees for Jr , Thomas 0. Busch. Thomas J. Mr- lof the take District 15 in Detroit Leeds in Number O illaa.

H Baker. I*2* Waet Baltimore. TVo hundred and forty-three iGlrvan ! Jeaae M. Km*. 1439 Pirsrer Capital AT YOUR FAVORITE ecj Frank E Newcomer. *9 l*#l*»are. Reach Wayne and TODAY ESffg^p from I MOVIE near select /, IVI? ¦ Timothy Flynn. tBS??SS now M. 1720 le»!ie. I Va/LJjT\ **| c>akland County draft hoards William O. Paaaa *l9 Pingree l ara inducted into the army via Carl E. Rorander, 91 Waat Fur lid. Joseph K. Wiliman 210 Smith mm WAR BONDS AND STAMPS SOLD AT ANY OF THESE THEATERS I selective service procedure and are IDonald H. McCreary. 9t>o Sanard. awaiting assign- Har ld B Madagascar at WrV*ht M 4 Delaware. Fort Cutter Pngarch. M)2l Brueh. Of THE PLACE TO GO —Acbaefer-4-Mlle UN. 2-8199 p norm r-lUr. it Gratiot Attim for training. John ire—Harpvr and Fronton**. FI.. 6647. A rniir—Farmington. Mich. Phone 444 4k PAY j IItDriIDV iwjlyilll11 ment; to other camps Charlton R. anron, VIS Wart •THE PIED PIPER," wrltlC Cartoon. r rIYAJI&Lin Adults 22c, Child 11c Inc. Ifinnr AIJ—Bagley, Grand River Av*. to Jan* Wither* l« 41 and Oakland No. 4. The Rohart K Morton, *7* Lothrop. Madagascar, yesterday despite stif- Monty Woolfy Roddy Also J. Downs. “ALL-AMERICANCO-ED. * Pat WILLING.* ImUlluAn Bing Crosby In Irving “MAD MARTINDALES.’* “JOE SMITH, arid and McDowail. TRINIDAD.”Tax. F. MacMurray. ‘LADY 1M INN," jjr-hn Shtnai. 947 Lothrop. Jinx Valkenbur* In "Lt CKY LEGS." Plus O'Brien. “TWO YANKS IN Don Barry In “THE CYCLONE KID/; Berlin’s “HOLIDAY Fred Astair*. Robt. Young. Mareha Hunt. hit: 'John V. F.*an. *sl Vtryima Park fening resistance by Vichy infan- "THE HATTI E MIDWAY." Maajori* Reynolds. Also “SPY SHIP.” OF Hamlltra, a* CanMetd —Woodward Tempts * t Murray C. Simmona, 239 Joaaphina. rniICCIfU—«S2ILULIjIUITI rtpnCU ",M^w *r 'l *< MeMea Battle of Midway.” BOYV soar WOAED >o. artillery, Open » no. Lndlea’ Night. Extra!j;*The Opon try and Lt. Gen. Sir .Wil- inuinil —.Mark nr. *t. Jean LE. 9196 UAIWLn Open 6:30. All Seats lie. Eaat 34 Hour*. Pirk Fret. Charlie AT- Kalll. 1A33 Chestnut. VO. Joyce. Joseph Jr., “RlGH'yv »* Chaplin AteAh A. HOARD 41 AimillWlL open 3 P. M. Air Conditioned. Brenda Allen Penny > a*"*®* In “THE GOLD RUSH.” “GRAND OM*«rbulte. 15*3 Cheatm t Platt, commander-in-chief Side Klda In “SMART ALECKS." MinTnwN-™'*galut* JoSa J. Junior V. Pomero>, i2oai Cloverlaan. | liam in Park Free. FREE DISHES TO LADIES TO THE HEART.” £lus On a Munson In Singleton. -BLONDIE'S BLESSED EVENT.’, ImUlUVrn to Our Hsroaa—Bond CENTRAL MURDER,*’ with Vaa Heflin. IvSaM J. K<*i.n«y. 926 Eaat Cw.ij fM, MATINEE and EVENING. Bobby Blak* In "DRUMS OF THE COWOO." Buyers Admitted Era*. Dlnnerware. Geo WAR BONDS SOLD 34 HOURS DAILYf MrPball Inkn*t. William B. Sinaia. 4139 Kendall East Africa, said today in a com- Comedy. Lilian Furt. White. 15771 Wlrconain. "MOKEY." Plus "THE MISTEKY OK fI ADC—Gd. Rlvar at TrnmbaM IF 1-7SSB Abbott's Musical “TOO MANY Jrm**' Quaraarano. 3*M E»#t Leonard »J. mi —Woodward at Slblry Park Free ULUDG AGENT," Orlg. Plus Alan Baxter, —’-Miloaad Mmn UN. >4— * C Wilrov 15*33 liana munique. MARIE ROGET.” tULUnIALmum Open Night. “NAZI with Conrad GIRLS.” Caat. Rlfl/U.DAViI gp. Tißl UUU 1337 Kaat Lamed [Robert i au VAdt. Ann Ayara. "NINE UVEA ARE G. Michael la "PRISONER OF JAPAN.” Open M. Park Proo. Lata L 9M» Gratiot. Prancia E. Murphy, 1311 Indurtrial. Flint. ' Dearborn "YANK IN LIBYA," H. B Warner. Joan aAt hew* Rueaella Abty-.tt. |l nru—ford Road-4 base, NOT ENOUGH,” Ronald Reagan, J. Perry. Show 9:58. “SHIP AHOY.” Bed Skelton. M«to I. RnMnaor., 4432 CicoM*. William H Ollanbrook. Mrt ALULn Open 6:15. Air Cooled. Errol Woodbury "NOT A LADIES* MAN," St Mich «>ll. BASf * Eleanor Powell. Plus H. Bogart In “THE Twcher, Rut Vernor. Huah L. Leonard Jr . 1.49 Oxford Inll/TfAIMIMI/iV-****'" XrMVt t- 12* Flynn. Fred MacMurray, ‘DIVE HOMRKK.' with Paul Kelly and Fay Wray. - Mat. Daily. Open 11:45 A. M 810 SHOT/’ Extra! “Battle as Midway.” Co«g tea# iv.nald T. Smith. l**oo Fairtieid fDiUiDi Waal W'aaren at Juactloa Brent, "INTERNATIONAL *>¦l Rurrwrt. 308 Eaat Umpmrn, “RIGHT T4I THE HEART." Brenda Joyce uMItAUA Doora Open 4:So P. M. Geo. LADY.” HM> IX T*rr*-nX Mnnongaheia. Pa. Vail Y. 15317 Greenlawn. Objectors to Work CAI niUV—IfVffRN Mack Ave. Park Free 4k at •WILD BILL HICKOK RIDES/ B Cabot. DAViI—’-Mile and Meyers IN. S-4SSS * Nnonaa, *233 Agne* Alfred W. Vaazlt Jr.. l*l*n Lanton. Outer Nl. 7123 * LULUni open «:15 Free to Ladles. -041N1 WITH THE WIND” RVIJIL Official J*£#e D. ilrCf? —Warren at Dr. at 9:00 M. Extra! First Battle * K**t Jefferaon. .1 'hn H Case Jr., I**o9 Livrrnoir. “LuLA ! Mel 5:00 and P. Ferry *• Charm Nib<#tt. i3vt Wilde, Open 6.15. Last Bhow 9:45 PM. C. Bennrlt Cosmetic*. Norma Shearer. MADAM—^Maran at mme Of “THE BATTLE OP MIDWAY. Jolla J. O’BftT, Orand K»p>u» Harold E 14*49 Wlaconain G. Montgomery, "16 GENTLEMEN FR4IM I Douglas, "W E W ERE DANCING.” Ronald NO MIDNIGHT SHOW TONIGHT. Ifll/nAn Open 5:30. Fra* Dishes. I.up* Actually Filmed Under Plre! Twenty Thrill- l.aVarne J. I>onald»< n. 1*360 Grl**a. Veles, H Bve*. 949 rut Larned. Ypsilanti Hospital POINT.” 6:03, 11:35. Edw. G. Rob- Reagan. “9 LIVES ARE NOT ENOUGH.” Woodward, at Leon Errol. "MEXICAN SPITFIRE ing Minutes as Our Boya Crush tha Japs! H. Swalm. *530 Chalfonta. in WENT I potyn—lS66l Grand Rt« H WMfln. ku*ana “LABCENY, INC.", 6 30, 16:00 SEES A GHOST.” Plus Johnny Downs In Marvin G. Feole. 15**2 Wark Inaoa la IIO27 t enant TW. 2-MSS UIVAHU open 9:15. "DR. KILDARE'S Frank CoU'on. Twelfth LANSING. Sept. 23.—Conscien- LUnAIIIffiNANT— 4k' VICTORY’." with Lionel Barrymora. Plua “FRECKLES COMEN HOME/; * C.aSaer Fvoia Ernaat F. Varilona. 13539 iIUIUDDi—0426 Woodward MA. 0234 if Cont. 12:45 Fret Dlshea to ROYAL OJUP** •SL. auu r.. “TORPEDO BOAT.” with Richard Arlan. Dyk* Horet. Rntiert W. Prandar*aat. 1.3462 liana. tious objectors willbe assigned to ALIIAmDIUt < STARTING FRI- ladles' Gene Tierney, Henry Fonda In 9-mm* Rd. Geo. Brent. ’IN THIS. OCR Johnny Iran O. Mtrko J. Pavlln. 16*44 el •TAR/.AN'S SECRET TREASI RE.* Extra' Free. Air Cooled. Dlahea to Ladles. Leo LADY.” es In Piahl A, O’Sullivan. in to MIDWAY,” In Color! PniIBTEQV-W. Vernor-Mtlltary VI. 2-9222 Koy an effort alleviate a critical “THE BATTLE OK LUUMLjI - _p * v-a*k A DeCruyot, 3097 Glade :n. N. Hovalarud 16511 Wark Open 6:30. AU Seats 10c. i Carrillo. “DANGER IN THE PACIFIC.” Seventeenth aad Myrtle r* Wllaon, shortage, was stated today Hayes In ‘.MOON LIGHT MASQI ERA DE.* D. O Keefe. MYRTIR RaSert It. Martin, 701 Montclair Nirholaa E. 14.320 Prairi*. labor it Al UiMDDi—9426 Woodward MA. 0264 * 'Gary Cooper. Helen “FAREWELL ITIIBILL Walter Ptdgeon. Rosalind Rut- ROYAL 0AI nat Xefiaeth B McLean. 7413 »t. Aubln. Charlea V. Cook. 16233 Prairie by Wagg secretary' of ALllAltlDllA Open Free TO ARMS.' Ed. Lowe, ‘KLONDIKEFURY.’ sell. “DESIGN FOR SCANDAL." Michael | UNDER PIRE YN TECHNICOLOR! Kercheval. Stuart E Ballard, 15432 Mandota. Charles F. t 6:45. Park POINT—Ruaaetl. near Holbrook 4k Cnop*r Mllltn*. ll*"' the state hospital : Gene Autry In "CALLOK THE CANYON.” Latest News. .3 Art* of Screen Vodvtl. Wwlnl open fl P. M Air Cooled. "TEN Whalen. Ann# Nagel. "DAWN EXPRE>S." “THE BATTLE OP MIDWAY.” Ml Setback. 374 Deutt*a». Rohart W. Little. 16520 Lilac commission. "GRAND CENTRAL Ml RDKR." I Plua —Michigan at 31*1 Cooled. 4 GENTLEMEN FROM WEST POINT.’ Anne "’¦ve" Mile #M T TR. 2**l Bewick. " Rd.-Vaa Dyke »¦—— Joan C. Martin. fDVCTAl k Shirley in “KOI R Ks UOR TOWN 4k BIIWFII— ‘ 1-14*4 Henry W. Wlae. 1233 Mradowbmnk. —Allrn Park AT. 2918 LIvIJIAL Cont. from 12 Noon. JA< AND A Jil l. IYURIUnn Open 3:45. Cooled by Refrgn. AUJOCLL open S:ls. All Seat* 10c at ALLE,nlIICMDiDV DANCING." Time*. Virginia Crawford LHwaltyn J. Bha run. 237* Gladwin. rARR LADIES' FREE! FREE! Norma Shearer. “WE WERE 14*” R,ver + Park Free Spencer Tracy, Hedy Lamarr iAll Bruce. Brod. Heftry Lehr. 434 Cant- n. WONDERFI'L TRU-TONE DIN- •BUTCH MINDS THE BABY.’ B Crawford. uncniGRFAT LAIYLOliKFS- In “TORTILLA FLYT." Plus “INTER- in “BUTCH MINDS THE BABY.” Also A I FREE' TONIGHT. Park Free Air Cooled. Van Tug Mli E. »*mnn. 2*29 ratntrw. NERWARE GIVEN TO YOU FREE DOUBLE SHOW Heflin "GRAND CENTRAL NATIONAL LADY.” with George Brent. l-eo Carrillo In “TOP BKJMJEANT.’* LaForeat, In MI RDER.” News. Added: “Stork's Mistake." Ralph J 2109 Hardin*. EVERT r WEDNESDAY A THURSDAY' PL. 2666 “WHISPERING GHOSTS," Bread* Joyce. MADWFQT—