(t'hUSE LtiUjlitil t>ot)U) Wednesday, September 23, ISM9*| PAGE 12 DETKOri tVb MMI 1 IMbb John Spautdtn* Jr., 1492* Mandnta. recommended today by tha Michi- .| Wilbur J. KtA, 251 V LawaSaJa. 2 Y«nks Held in Killing B«n Hix Found Dood New S. African Commend Medical Society’s house WATNE BOARD NO. 9 Jama* P. Medical Group Hits Kan State BELFAST, Northern Ireland, Apparently the victim of a heart PRETORIA. South Africa, Sept Jarkaon. of delegates. o (INS).—Two United States attack, ben of 3373 23 (INS).—A- South WAYNE BOARD NO. 19— William A. at the physicians’ Sept. 2 Hix. 73. Hix new Africa Go to Custer Burmiatar, Robart R. TarSlff. Meeting here Fort Jacobs, 243 Selectees Army Herbert Canton Township, was command, embracing southern - convention, privates, found WAYNE BOARD NO 36 Rohart E. P"- Income Ceiling Plan seventy-seventh annual road. inakay, Jrwaph W. Dykaa, Caaimar Za- the delegates defeated the proposal 20, of Kentucky and Embra Far- dead today a short distance from Rhodesia, has been established drntkl. GRAND RAPIDS. Sept. 23 26, Arkansas, were BOARD NO. 4—Kloy4 * to reduce from $2,000 to $1,200 ley, of de- Hix road, north of Michigan, the "owing to the change in the mill* OAKLAND (INS)—Rejection of a proposal to the eligibility for today in connection with Wayne, Fa*g. Samual W. Baldwin Jr income bracket tained road which was named after his tary situation.** a statement by Oakland Counties fAliowtng wara diraet to tavern- From Tha man *ant lower the income ceiling on mem- single persons and from $2,500 to the death of a Belfast Fort Cuatar Gail N Brharffa. William T. the Michigan $1,500 body was near family. Hix’s car was nearby and the premiers of South Afrioa and ? oulav. William O Nail, Edward Martin. bership in Medical for married persons. Final keeper whose found William F. Trowbrldga, Marru* Wllaon, Service, which provides medical .action rests with the directorship his home outside Belfast. He had he had apparently gotten out to southern Rhodesia disclosed to- Service; Mtchaal M Kaminski. Thomas L- Keith he collapsed. care for low-income groups, was service. been beaten and shot. a walk.when day. _______ Nine Boards List Draftees for Jr , Thomas 0. Busch. Thomas J. Mr- lof the take District 15 in Detroit Leeds in Number O illaa. H Baker. I*2* Waet Baltimore. TVo hundred and forty-three iGlrvan ! Jeaae M. Km*. 1439 Pirsrer Capital AT YOUR FAVORITE ecj Frank E Newcomer. *9 l*#l*»are. Reach Wayne and TODAY ESffg^p from I MOVIE near select /, IVI? ¦ Timothy Flynn. tBS??SS now M. 1720 le»!ie. I Va/LJjT\ **| c>akland County draft hoards William O. Paaaa *l9 Pingree l ara inducted into the army via Carl E. Rorander, 91 Waat Fur lid. Joseph K. Wiliman 210 Smith mm WAR BONDS AND STAMPS SOLD AT ANY OF THESE THEATERS I selective service procedure and are IDonald H. McCreary. 9t>o Sanard. awaiting assign- Har ld B Madagascar at WrV*ht M 4 Delaware. Fort Cutter Pngarch. M)2l Brueh. Of THE PLACE TO GO —Acbaefer-4-Mlle UN. 2-8199 p norm r-lUr. it Gratiot Attim for training. John ire—Harpvr and Fronton**. FI.. 6647. A rniir—Farmington. Mich. Phone 444 4k PAY j IItDriIDV iwjlyilll11 ment; to other camps Charlton <l. Lourue, 33 Marat on AtL Open “HITCH LlvlL Open Cond. "UA Two Top Hlta! IXLIYLUIW open 9:15. Dual No-Draft ••this timk roa UUKra.** Urat 12. MIND* 6:30 Air Fres to Ann “h)! Board No. with 63 ; Leonard K Lamprey, *29 Mll» *ukaa THE BABY.” Plus Jane Withers in Ladles, DINNERWARE! Anne Shirlay. Ray Iren* Dunn# In "LADT IN A JAM." Rsfrgn. George Raft and Pat O'Brien In Robt. Sterling, Rutbsrford. B rfvn. 15. LONDON. Srpt. 23 (UP).—Brit- Shirley. drifters, heads the list. Other Harrv C. Kalahari*. 932 Wart Kurlld. “IMF MAD MARTINDALES." Free to Bolger, “FOUR JACKS AND A JILL." Plua Orson Welle*’ Production “THE “BROADWAY” JACKS AND A JIM." with Ann* Thomaa W. Carna*han, *a<» Delaware forces reached the Ihr I.n.lies, BEAUTIFUL COSMETICS. I “THE MYSTERY OF MARIE ROGET." MAGNIFICENT AMBERsONS." Virginia Bruce and Brod. Crawford la mrr were Wayne Chna. J. John run. 453 Waat Baltimore. ish imjierial MINDS BABY." StlllMr An. fm rvfetaf * hoards sending * “BUTCH THE AUUUCPftllfC—l4 by 36 Juli'w Hrinonan. 4*i3 Eaat Philadelphia. Tananarive, capital of iniuc 3 I'NIT SHOW Cl A UNON 1 Mleh. LL 2-918* 4r Gratiot, near Hooataa Open 4:15. Cooled Refrgn. Nos. 1 19. *4 25. 26. Philadelphia. outskirts of LLAnJUII Frances Langford. nAUriIU-12719 *Dish Gift Night Lad loot Boards Ra> R. anron, VIS Wart •THE PIED PIPER," wrltlC Cartoon. r rIYAJI&Lin Adults 22c, Child 11c Inc. Ifinnr AIJ—Bagley, Grand River Av*. to Jan* Wither* l« 41 and Oakland No. 4. The Rohart K Morton, *7* Lothrop. Madagascar, yesterday despite stif- Monty Woolfy Roddy Also J. Downs. “ALL-AMERICANCO-ED. * Pat WILLING.* ImUlluAn Bing Crosby In Irving “MAD MARTINDALES.’* “JOE SMITH, arid and McDowail. TRINIDAD.”Tax. F. MacMurray. ‘LADY 1M INN," jjr-hn Shtnai. 947 Lothrop. Jinx Valkenbur* In "Lt CKY LEGS." Plus O'Brien. “TWO YANKS IN Don Barry In “THE CYCLONE KID/; Berlin’s “HOLIDAY Fred Astair*. Robt. Young. Mareha Hunt. hit: 'John V. F.*an. *sl Vtryima Park fening resistance by Vichy infan- "THE HATTI E MIDWAY." Maajori* Reynolds. Also “SPY SHIP.” OF Hamlltra, a* CanMetd —Woodward Tempts * t Murray C. Simmona, 239 Joaaphina. rniICCIfU—«S2ILULIjIUITI rtpnCU ",M^w *r 'l *< MeMea Battle of Midway.” BOYV soar WOAED >o. artillery, Open » no. Lndlea’ Night. Extra!j;*The Opon try and Lt. Gen. Sir .Wil- inuinil —.Mark nr. *t. Jean LE. 9196 UAIWLn Open 6:30. All Seats lie. Eaat 34 Hour*. Pirk Fret. Charlie AT- Kalll. 1A33 Chestnut. VO. Joyce. Joseph Jr., “RlGH'yv »* Chaplin AteAh A. HOARD 41 AimillWlL open 3 P. M. Air Conditioned. Brenda Allen Penny > a*"*®* In “THE GOLD RUSH.” “GRAND OM*«rbulte. 15*3 Cheatm t Platt, commander-in-chief Side Klda In “SMART ALECKS." MinTnwN-™'*galut* JoSa J. Junior V. Pomero>, i2oai Cloverlaan. | liam in Park Free. FREE DISHES TO LADIES TO THE HEART.” £lus On a Munson In Singleton. -BLONDIE'S BLESSED EVENT.’, ImUlUVrn to Our Hsroaa—Bond CENTRAL MURDER,*’ with Vaa Heflin. IvSaM J. K<*i.n«y. 926 Eaat Cw.ij fM, MATINEE and EVENING. Bobby Blak* In "DRUMS OF THE COWOO." Buyers Admitted Era*. Dlnnerware. Geo WAR BONDS SOLD 34 HOURS DAILYf MrPball Inkn*t. William B. Sinaia. 4139 Kendall East Africa, said today in a com- Comedy. Lilian Furt. White. 15771 Wlrconain. "MOKEY." Plus "THE MISTEKY OK fI ADC—Gd. Rlvar at TrnmbaM IF 1-7SSB Abbott's Musical “TOO MANY Jrm**' Quaraarano. 3*M E»#t Leonard »J. mi —Woodward at Slblry Park Free ULUDG AGENT," Orlg. Plus Alan Baxter, —’-Miloaad Mmn UN. >4— * C Wilrov 15*33 liana munique. MARIE ROGET.” tULUnIALmum Open Night. “NAZI with Conrad GIRLS.” Caat. Rlfl/U.DAViI gp. Tißl UUU 1337 Kaat Lamed [Robert i au VAdt. Ann Ayara. "NINE UVEA ARE G. Michael la "PRISONER OF JAPAN.” Open M. Park Proo. Lata L 9M» Gratiot. Prancia E. Murphy, 1311 Indurtrial. Flint. ' Dearborn "YANK IN LIBYA," H. B Warner. Joan aAt hew* Rueaella Abty-.tt. |l nru—ford Road-4 base, NOT ENOUGH,” Ronald Reagan, J. Perry. Show 9:58. “SHIP AHOY.” Bed Skelton. M«to I. RnMnaor., 4432 CicoM*. William H Ollanbrook. Mrt ALULn Open 6:15. Air Cooled. Errol Woodbury "NOT A LADIES* MAN," St Mich «>ll. BASf * Eleanor Powell. Plus H. Bogart In “THE Twcher, Rut Vernor. Huah L. Leonard Jr . 1.49 Oxford Inll/TfAIMIMI/iV-****'" XrMVt t- 12* Flynn. Fred MacMurray, ‘DIVE HOMRKK.' with Paul Kelly and Fay Wray. - Mat. Daily. Open 11:45 A. M 810 SHOT/’ Extra! “Battle as Midway.” Co«g tea# iv.nald T. Smith. l**oo Fairtieid fDiUiDi Waal W'aaren at Juactloa Brent, "INTERNATIONAL *>¦l Rurrwrt. 308 Eaat Umpmrn, “RIGHT T4I THE HEART." Brenda Joyce uMItAUA Doora Open 4:So P. M. Geo. LADY.” HM> IX T*rr*-nX Mnnongaheia. Pa. Vail Y. 15317 Greenlawn. Objectors to Work CAI niUV—IfVffRN Mack Ave. Park Free 4k at •WILD BILL HICKOK RIDES/ B Cabot. DAViI—’-Mile and Meyers IN. S-4SSS * Nnonaa, *233 Agne* Alfred W. Vaazlt Jr.. l*l*n Lanton. Outer Nl. 7123 * LULUni open «:15 Free to Ladles. -041N1 WITH THE WIND” RVIJIL Official J*£#e D. ilrCf? —Warren at Dr. at 9:00 M. Extra! First Battle * K**t Jefferaon. .1 'hn H Case Jr., I**o9 Livrrnoir. “LuLA ! Mel 5:00 and P. Ferry *• Charm Nib<#tt. i3vt Wilde, Open 6.15. Last Bhow 9:45 PM. C. Bennrlt Cosmetic*. Norma Shearer. MADAM—^Maran at mme Of “THE BATTLE OP MIDWAY. Jolla J. O’BftT, Orand K»p>u» Harold E 14*49 Wlaconain G. Montgomery, "16 GENTLEMEN FR4IM I Douglas, "W E W ERE DANCING.” Ronald NO MIDNIGHT SHOW TONIGHT. Ifll/nAn Open 5:30. Fra* Dishes. I.up* Actually Filmed Under Plre! Twenty Thrill- l.aVarne J. I>onald»< n. 1*360 Grl**a. Veles, H Bve*. 949 rut Larned. Ypsilanti Hospital POINT.” 6:03, 11:35. Edw. G. Rob- Reagan. “9 LIVES ARE NOT ENOUGH.” Woodward, at Leon Errol. "MEXICAN SPITFIRE ing Minutes as Our Boya Crush tha Japs! H. Swalm. *530 Chalfonta. in WENT I potyn—lS66l Grand Rt« H WMfln. ku*ana “LABCENY, INC.", 6 30, 16:00 SEES A GHOST.” Plus Johnny Downs In Marvin G. Feole. 15**2 Wark Inaoa la IIO27 t enant TW.
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