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Bee Gee News February 12, 1941

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News February 12, 1941" (1941). BG News (Student Newspaper). 572. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/572

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Book Speakers, Council Instructor Urges Men Prexy Mason Completes Dies Committeeman To Contest, Symphonic To Take Advantage Final Dance Plans Tell Inside Story On Orchestras Of Course For Formal Fifth Column

Three outstanding speak- "Any person failing to take "Final negotiations have Mr. John C. Metcalf will ers, the Student Council con- advantage of _ the Civilian been successfully concluded speak in the assembly at 10 test, and miscellaneous musi- Pilot Training Program, with the VVilham Morris a. m. today on the subject of cal numbers are already book- merely because he is afraid Agency of and we tire "Uncoverinjr U n-American- ed for second semester assem- that his participation in such assured of having the spark- isms." Mr. Metcalf is a mem- bly programs, according to a program will result in his ling dance music of Charles ber of the Dies Committee of Prof. John Schwarz, chair- being placed in the Army Air Baum, his piano and orchestra Investigation of I'n-American man of the Entertainment Corps, is missing a wonderful to help make the junior-sen- Activities. He heads the group Committee. opportunity," suid Mike Murphy, ior prom the best in the history on the invest igntion of Nazi and John C. Metcalfe. member of the manager of the Findlay Airport of the University." This was the JOHN C. METCALFE Fascist activities. Dies Committee of Investigation, and flight instructor for the local i statement released by Don Mason, He was formerly an American will open the second semester C. A. A. students, in a speech junior class president, in an ex- John C. Metcalfe, above, mem- news reporter who turned hun- S. BURNS WESTON ber of hie famous Die* Committee series this morning at 10 o'clock, here last Wednesday evening. clusive interview early this week, ter and revealed the secrets of the of Investigation will ipeak on "Un- speaking on "Uncovering Un- Murphy, speaking before next Dr. H. B. Willi.mi. University Prexy Mason also announced Nazi movement in America. In Americanisms." A former news- director of N.Y.A. work and stu- covering UnAmericaniima" at 10 Mitt Loit Collint, above, mem- semester's C. A. A. candidates, that the committees for the ar- o'clock this morning in the Uni- 19S8 the National Hcadliners Club reporter, Metcalf worked with the b*r of the music department dent employment, hai completed rangement of the decorations and awarded him a silver plaque for told how utterly impossible it arrangement! to bring Dr. S. versity auditorium. Dies Committee in revealing Nazi faculty |ivr a piano recital in the would be for the government to the selection of programs have the finest piece of reporting in the Practical Artt building latt night. Burnt Wpilon, above, Washington He will diicutva method* and ex- fifth column activities in the make any man fly in the Air N.Y.A. man, to Bowling Green. been progressing rapidly under perience! in tracking down fifth . His editorials help- United States. Thii was Mitt Collins' first con- Corps against his will. The gov- Weiton will apeak at the Prei- Roger Clifford, general chairman column workers in the United ed bring about congressional in- Philosopher, pschologist, author cert appearance on the campus of the dance. vestigation of un-American activi- since she joined the faculty in ernment would not send up a byterian Church at 6:30 Sunday. States. and popular lecturer, Dr. Harry September. highly valuable ship with an in- The dance band committee feels ties and he wus one of the chief A. Overstreet will speak Feb. 26. i-ompetant pilot at the controls, very fortunate in iH'ing able to witnesses of the committee. For many years he has been the N. Y. A. Leader Treble Clef Tour Smith Announces least of all. a pilot who ditl not soon' the services of Charles Mr. Dies declared in a public head of the department of philoso- want to fly. Baum and his orchestra, stated To Begin March 8; meeting that "Mr. Metcalfe knows phy at the College of the City of up p» Try-Outs However, it was explain)')) that Will Speak Here Mason. Although his star in the more about the Nazi and Fascist . His published books & it was possible for the govern- popular band field i-' still in its movement and problems in the include "The Enduring Quest," ment to make a man join the ar- Sunday At 6:30 nseendnncy. he continued, he ha* 42 Girls To Sing 1'nited States thun any other per- Declaration of Independence," and Begin Tomorrow my and learn to shoot and drill mude a great hit wherever he has son in the nation. His expose of "Let Me Think." He has held pro- or bo trained in some other phase Washington Man To Talk played as exhibited by the fact R. Hilty To Direct Group subversive movements is not spok- fessorships at Chicago, Culifornia, All Students Eligible of army warfare. Murphy also that he stayed two years in thi1 In Public Concerts en for a private or public interest Columbia nnd Harvard Univer- On Relative Values For Roles In Comedy; stated that the ('. A. A. program swank Iridiuni Room at the Hotel In Four States or n governmental agency but in- sities. His speech will touch up- would pave the way for snyone Of N. Y. A. St. Regis, ami we are sure he will stead he speaks as a news reporter on psychology, philosophy and edu- Cast Of 26 who arcd to get into t!u' army be enjoyed by those attending the and a contributor to American cation. air service anil at the same time Dr. S. Burns WestOII, I'll. 1'.. Mr. Hoy V. Hilty, director of the dance on Feb. 22. Treble Cton, the university's out- magazines. The Commoner fraternity and Try-outs for "Pride and iiivi* an excellent training for formerly administrator of the Na- Career Began At Six Prejudice," the University tional Youth Administration for standing women's choral group, the Three Kay sorority will open those who merely wished to learn Maestro iiaum. started his ca- announced this week the date and the Student Council contest Feb. Players' next dramatic pro- to fly. Ohio .UMI now at the general head- To Issue Grades duction, are scheduled for to- qunrters of the N. Y. A. in Wash- reer on the Ivories at the age of tentative engagements of the or- 19. The Council will award a The speaker also told how sc six. progressed from a Newark ganisation on its third annual tour. bronze placque to the organization morrow, Prof. Elden T. rohatic contests were hold in most ington, l>. C.| wili address the At Nine Weeks Smith, director, announced Westminister Club next Sunday high school orchestra to a depart- The group of forty-two girls presenting the best program. major air races. The flyers are ment store sheet music counter ami early this week. Interested evening nt 8:80. His topi)- will lie anil several assisting artists will Henry Seidel Canby, editor of gradsdf Murphy said, on the most thence to a Philadelphia concert President Frnnk .1. Prout an- .students may sign up this after- number of difficult maneuvers "N. Y. A. Means More than leave Saturday, March x and re- Saturday Re- noon from 3 to 5 on the Auditor- Money." statfe turn Sunday, March 16. EnrouU nounced earl this week that grades view of Literature, will speak completed in a given time, ton During the next ten yean would hi' issued by professors every ium stage. Actual try-outs will minutes usually being the accept- President Emeritus H. B. Wil- they will make appearances at March 19. Mr. Canby lectures in take place tomorrow afternoon Charles Baum was featured Bryan, Ohio; Chicago, Strong- nine weeks instead of every six the writing and literature fields ed time. If the pilot can start his liams, who is in charge of N. Y. A. weeks as is done at the present from 3 to 6 and tomorrow evening activities at the University, is co- throughout the land with hands hears and Normal, Illinois; Musca- his topics being "What Makes a mnnuevering the minute his conducted by such noted bund time. from 7 to 9 in room 103A, wheels leave the ground, he has operating in this undertaking. The tine, Iowa; Indianapolis an-* Fort Good Book," "The Editor Views leaders as Ferde Grofe, Lou Glus- It was pointed out that a six ' Special tryouts have been ar- that much of an ndvuntitgc over philosophy behind N. Y. A., ac- Wayne, Indiana; anil several other His World," and "The Man Who kin, Enric Madriquern unil Paul places still undecided. The high- week grade is not a fair estimate ranged for the benefit of seniors his opponents. cording to Dr. Williams, is in need Did What He Wanted." He has who are student-teaching in near- Whitcman. playing l>efore the light of the trip will be the day of a student's work because he written several books on literature "And don't forget," Murphy of clarification, both umong stu- by communities. These try-outs dents and the public at large. The dancing public from Monte Carlo and night spent in Chicago, nt hns not been in school long enough. and is an extensive lecturer. concluded, "winning starts from on the French Riveria to the Wal- wl.ieh time the organization may The twelve weeks mark, although will be held in Boom 103A, Monday the time a person learns about air- coming of Dr. Weston and his in- Following is a complete up to dorf Astoria in New York. So at sing over station WGN, The girls it is adequate in the length of afternoon from 3 to 6. planes. Flying is easy, learning terpretation of the underlying date schedule of educational and All students are eligible for a meaning of N. Y. A. provide a 20 this young pianistic virtuoso is will travel in n Greyhound stream- time it covers, docs not allow a about planes is the difficult angle." student enough time in the re- fun packed assemblies with but part in "Pride and Prejudice." unique opportunity for Bowling definitely no novice. lined bus and will bo chaperoned mainder of the semester to raise four vacancies yet to be filled: The comedy has a cast of 26, 16 Green State University students. Unique Stylist by Mrs. Hilty, wife of the direc- tor. poor grades and to get rid of F's. Feb. 6 Fremont High School women and 10 men. Several copies Five Profs Named Following the address there will The young maestro-pianist-com- Band of Helen Jerome's dramatization poser provides a novel and exper- Last year the group went east The midway point between six of Jane Austen's classic are on re- be a forum and an opportunity to to New Yorq City on a very suc- and twelve was selected for grad- Feb. 12 John C. Metcalf "mix" with Dr. Weston informally. tly styled kind of music. Many of serve in the library. To Policies Group cessful tour. This is Roy V. Hilty's ing time in an effort to give a fair- Feb. 19 Commoners and Three Faculty and students are invited. his unique arrangements are born Kays first year as Treble Cleft* director er and more significant mark. Five new members were elected of what might be called "music Feb. 26 Dr. Harry A. Over- writing jam sessions," with Baum and it will be the first trip for Vacancies At Mary's to the University Policies Com- street World-Known Violinist setting the mood at the keyboard, twenty-two of the forty-two girls. Co-Op On E. Wooster mission at a recent election. The 75 Ohio Newspapermen Mar. 6 University Band ' Will Play Here March 12 and the other instrumentalists ad- A home concert will be given later Mar. 19 Henry Seidel Canby new members are: Dr. Florence ding their interpretations as the in the spring, Hold Dinner Meet Here Several vacancies occur at Mary Williamson, Miss Grace Wills, Mar. 26 Seven Sisters and Five Albert Spalding, world-known session proceeds. Mary Mick is president of the Wilson's Co-op boarding house on Prof. Upton Palmer, Prof. W. E. Sisters violinist, will present a concert or ganization, Katherine Ells- Newspaper publishers and edi- the corner of Summit and East Singer and Dr. S. 11. Lowrie. Unlike most band leaders, Baum April 2 Bowling Green High here on March 12, it was an- gives few signals and talks not at worth, secretary, Hildrcth Slater, tors from ten northwestern Ohio School Chorus Wooster, according to Roger Gif- The Policy Commission Is com- nounced today by Professor John librarian, and Dorothy Mercer, counties were guests of the uni- ford, student manager. posed of the academic deans, the all to his men when they play. He April 9 Skol and Five Brothers Schwarz. indicates the next selection by in- business manager. versity Friday evening when the April 30 Las Amegas and Delhi Students who wish to take meals Dean of Men and the Dean of Northwestern Ohio Newspsper As- there regularly during the second Women and the Registrar. Its Albert Spalding, who is rated terweaving its theme with one he May 16 Recognition Day as one of the best violinists living is playing at the piano. In this T.B. Clinic Held In sociation met on the campus for semester should get in touch with purpose is to investigate criticisms their quarterly dinner meeting. Gifford at the co-op house im- and to suggest reforms and today, is one of the few American manner he can guide his orchestra Men's Gym Yesterday About 75 newsmen attended the mediately. * changes in the university adminis- artists who have gained world- through a succession of composi- dinner at Kohl hall at 7 o'clock. Flu Flees Campus; Part time work in the kitchen tration. It serves as an advisory wide recognition for their art. He tions, without awkward pauses The Wood County Tuberculosis and dining room allows a student body to the President and presents comes here with the reputation of which, he believes, break the mood Association, sponsored by the Red This was one of the largest groups ever to assemble for a meeting of Infirmaries Empty to eat 20 meals per week for $2.75 him information and a summary having thrilled audiences all over of the listener. Cross and aided by the sale of Gifford said. Students need not the world with his dazzling violin this Association, a branch of the of faculty opinion. Christmas Seals, held its annual Ohio Newspaper Association, and work, however. music. With the flu epidemic definitely Retiring members include Prof. clinic in the men's gymnasium, the most active newspaper group over and the number of respiratory Bills are figured weekly and L. F. Manhart, Dr. G. W. Allen, Spalding made his debute in Concert Given yesterday, Feb. 11. the student pays the full amount Dr. H. C. Witherington and Dr. Paris, France at sixteen. Since With Dr. W. H. Brown in charge in the state. cases dropping from the high of Here Sunday President F. J. Prout was pre- 169 of two weeks ago to a low 36 unless he has credit coming for W. E. Steidtmann. The new mem- then, he has had the privilege of of the program, the members of working. Work is figured at 20 bers will take office immediately playing before the royalty of many the association were given the fa- sented to the group and spoke for the past week, things have briefly. Prof. Harry Ockerman, quieted down somewhat in the cents an hour. and will serve for two years. countries. One hundred-fifty musicians, a cilities of the gymnasium and combination formed from the or were assisted by several physical head of the department of health health office and the two infirm- and physical education, briefly aries. chestras of Bluffton College, Man education majors. Those conduct- cheater College and Bowling Green, outlined work in physical educa- In the health office an average of ing the examination of the county gave a concert here last Sunday school children and reading the tion being done on the campus, and 20 students per day were treated V. S. Swing Popular, Classics Unknown In afternoon. X Rays taken sometime ago were invited the group to be guests of during the past week as compared After the concert, the musicians Doctors Paul and Howard Holmes; the university at the swimming to the average of 61 of two weeks motored to Bluffton where they meet. ago and the average of 26 of the Says Biteo, Noted Pianist Dr. Love, Sandusky; Dr. J. Ged- performed In the evening. The dart, Green Springs; Dr. A. F. Robert Berardi. Kohl hall fresh- preceding week. A total of ten By JESSE MITTLEMAN group was under the combined di- Mack, Port Clinton; and Dr. J. W. man, played a group of numbers students were taken care of in the Editor* note: Dut to Mr. Bat- States. He was most reluctant to rection of Sidney Hauenstein of Smith of the State Health Depart- on the piano accordian during the two infirmaries during the week zo'e mobility to ipeak English and musically inclined. His father leave. He prefers blondes, which Bluffton, Samuel L. Flueckiger of ment. dinner. of Feb. 2-9. Mr. Mittleman't vain attempt* at plays a horn in the Montevideo takes in a lot of territory, as the mattering Spanish, Mite A. W. symphony and is also a composer. South American equivalent of Manchester, and Earl E. Smith of Robert Wisecup reports that the Warner acted at interpreter for Hugo played one of his father's Bowling Green. following five boys were detained blonde is anyone whose hair is not the following interview. compositions in his concert here. The orchestra will give a concert in the men's infirmary because of jet black. Hugo did not care in Manchester on February 22. North American swing music is Hugo received the greater part much for . He be- Students 3-1 Against War; the three-day measles: Robert Dea- very popular in South America, of his musical education in his na- secker. Allen Georgenson, Keith lieves that the people in Bowling but the classical music of this coun- tive country, studying there until Green "have their feet on the Workshop Players Will Jimiaon, James Lambourne, and try is little known there, according he could give concerts. He then O. K. Aid To Great Britain Roger Ridge. ground." He was also enthusiastic Elect Officer* Tonight to Hugo Balxo, noted pianist, who won a three year scholarship to over the friendly spirit of the stu- Although the large majority of In the Shatxel Hall infirmary, recently gave a concert in the uni- study in Europe, and while on the dent body. The Workshop Players, fresh- By JOHN BERCHMAN the following girls were treated, versity auditorium. continent he gave concerts in man dramatics organization, will In response to a questionnaire students were against active par- He wss quite surprised when he sent to this department by the Na- ticipation, almost all favored im- according to nurse Maybelle Crans- When Mr. Balzo returns to his Paris, Rome, Stockholm snd Brus- meet this evening st 8 in the Audi- ton: Phyllis Bollinger, Mary Alice sels. He expects to return to the attended a Falcon basketball game, tional Student Opinion Council to mediate aid to England on a large native Uruguay on March 14, he and found that the students ex- torium. Officers for this semester Wolf, Janet Gallup, Mary Miller, will have with him several hundred United States for a concert tour determine the American collegians scale and the passage of the pres- pressed pleasure by whistling and will be elected. attitude toward entering the pres- ent "lend-Iease" bill. The follow- and Margaret Dietrich. dollar's worth of American classi- next year. Try-outs for several one-act In South America, Toscanini is displeasure by booing. In Uruguay, ent war the following question ing are some of the typical replies cal sheet music, which he will at- the reverse is true. Hugo found plays will be held after the meet- tempt to introduce in South Ameri- regarded aa the "God of music," was asked "Do you favor active received: Roger Gifford, junior High School Seniors To swing music "interesting." ing. These plsys will be produced Student Council member, stated ca. and Mr. Balxo stated that, if he for the Speech Bureau. participation in the present con- Sponsor Movie Show This is Mr. Balzo's first visit wore a hat, he would raise it when Mr. Balzo wss rather pessimistic flict" that "he was opposed to active to the United States. He arrived speaking of the great conductor. concerning the attendance before The result was that the students participation in any war let alone "Land of Liberty," a motion here on Dec. 23 for the purpose He also expressed great apprecia- giving his concert here. He was Music Class Attends of this university went on record a war of which he termed egres- picture depicting the history of of "studying and playing a little tion for Serge Koussevitzky, cos- all ready to play for only a hand- Symphony Rehearsal RS being overwhelmingly against sion." America, will be sponsored by the and resting much." However, he ductor of the Boston symphony. ful of people, but when he saw the the proposal, the actual figures Robert Ertley, freahman from Bowling Green High School senior has done just the opposite. He Concerning individual instrumen- crowded auditorium, he was, to Prof. Leon F. Fsuley's senior being 143 to 46. This was in di- Columbus said, "although he was class at the Cla-Zel Theatre, Feb- has played at the Harvard Clnb in talists, Mr. Balzo believes that use s bit of Uruguayan slsng, clsss in "methods" went to Toledo rect accord with the consensus of opposed to entering the war at the ruary 19-20-21. New York, and he will give con- Horowitz is the best American "fried." last Friday evening to listen to a 90% of all the leading universities present time he would not be en- The proceeds will be for the certs in Washington, D. C. and Bt| pianist, with Casadeus ranking a Mr. Balzo likes fried oysters, rehearsal of the Toledo Symphony in the mid-west as the final result tirely against it." Al Sautter, Ju- benefit of the high school's year Yale University. very close second. but, because of his difficulty in Orchestra. They also heard a con- showed that only the colleges of the nior from Waterville favored en- book, The Hi-Echo. Tickets may Balzo, bom and raised in Monte- Until Balzo arrived in Bowling speaking English, he has a hard cert by a boys' chorus of Toledo. South and those of New England tering the war as he stated "the be bought from ony high school video, Uruguay, has one brother, | Green, he did not think there were time getting them. He likes jit- Professor Earl E. Smith accom- showed any pronounced desire to only way to insure a lasting peace senior. the only member of his family noti any pretty girls in the United terbugs also. panied the group. go to war. is to whip Germany." PAGE 2 BEE GEE NEWS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12,1941 BEE GEE NEWS Birthday — Campus Camera — Published Every Wednesday of College Year by The Students of Bowling Green Fragments Of Thought State University Born 1809, died 1866 By ALBERT L. BOUCHER

STAFF John T. Flynn has finally been "liquidated" Let me make ray position clear. I favor SUIT Meets Every Wednesday at 7:00 P.M. by the editors of the New RepaMtc. This is Office in Elementary Building— Phone 2641 compulsory arbitration in any industry where Editor Anthony A. Frances not surprising. Neither is it in itaelf impor- stoppage of work would seriously interfere 807 East Wooster—Phone 12181 tant. Flynn is now as out of place on the with the general welfare. Of course I would Business Manager -r Darl Gatchell New Republic as Norman Thomas would be strike both ways with this weapon of compul- Phone 12181 on the Saturday Eventyia Pott. But the ques- sory i arbitration. If the industrialist got tion which interests me concerning these for- snorty, he too would be forced to submit to Associate Editor Jesse Mittleman mer allies is, who has changed, Flynn or the a superior power. Perhaps you say, "But Sports Editor Richard Dunipace New Republic? I'll throw in my two-bits this is Fascism!" Maybe. But I prefer to Assistants — Joe Freeman, Hugh Nott, worth and say it is the latter. The New Re- answer by borrowing from Max Lerner and Virginia Patterson, Don Cunningham, public has changed. reminding you that, "History is written by Quentin Bowers, Wayne Rudy, Don Vollt the survivors I" Society Editor Martha Walrath In a recent letter to ...... Assistants—Rowenna Joice, Ann Murry his former employer, Special Writers — Albert Boucher, Jesse ■n Flynn goes back into the And while we are on the subject of labor. Mittleman, Robert Habenstcin files of the New Repub- Henry Ford is trying to pull a fast one. But Artist Jack Wilhelm lic to prove that the a nickel says he gets fooled. Apparently News Reporters — Marjorie Fitkin, Robert magazine's militarism is Henry has^reconciled himself to the fact that Berardi, Max Ihrig, Dave Kroft, Ann Koch, the government is really going to protect the Eugene Miller, Lois Mayfleld, Carl LaRue, of recent origin. True, Carol Christman, Marrianne Bell, Vida as the editors suggest in worker's right to organize and bargain col- Harms, Jack Berchman, Charles Klotz, Abraham Lincoln a rejoinder, to take a lectively through representatives of his own Knute Rochte, Alta Miller, Margaret Wood By statement out of its con- choosing. And apparently he is satisfied that Advertising Manager Max Hanke The MAX text is often to give a the CIO has a chance of getting a majority. And the CIO is militant. So why not invite Phone 8121 HANKE distorted picture. But I Assistants—Bob Mason, Marjorie Hilt, Joan Mailbox have read the New Re- the AFL to sign a contract and thereby take Brown, Betty Goodcnnugh, Marilyn public for several years, the lesser of two evils? Surely there is noth- Travers, Bill Bokerman, Perry Shillz WE COULD GET ALONG WITH- •BUCKSHOT Circulation Manager Bob Redman and I agree with John T. Flynn, Apparently ing original about this procedure. Assistants—Leon Coughtry, Dave Kroft, OUT .... GALLAUDt?I the "liberal" of 1941 has fallen under the in- I know of a situation in the East where Max Ihrig, Dave Volk, Gene Miller . . . People who listen to those COLLEGE fluence of Archibald McLeiah. manufacturers in a shoe city had contracts laylight radio sagns with their (rflSHINGTON.DC) In a similar way there has been a change with a non-AFL union. And this union was too 1 he opinions expras-ed in the various sign- windows wide open and the vol- IS THE militant for the tastes of the Manufacturers ume high. in the writing of the Nation. But here there ed columns of this paper are those of the ONLY COLLEGE is less of a problem. The substitution of Fre- Association. So comes the end of the con- writer* and are not necessarily shared by the People" who listen to those dny- FOR THE Be* Gae News or any other frouP or in- llghl radio sagas. da Kirchway for Oswald Garrison Villard is tract period, they call in the representatives of DEAF IN dividual. Thoac daylight radio sagas. sufficient explanation. an AFL union and sign new contracts. When Daylight. THE WORLD' the workers report at the factory the next Sagas. Fourteen railroad unions are about to vote morning they are told, "this is an AFL shop Abraham Lincoln ... People who insist that you on a strike motion to enforce a demand for now, and you'll have to join the union to work Today we celebrate the birthday of one go with them to sit through paid vacations. This would involve some 760,- here." That is, the workers were forced to of America's national heroes and one of double-feature movies. Announcements At The 000 empoyecs. In the words of George Har- join a "union" not of their own choosing. Now the world's greatest men. His ideals People who sit through double rison, representing the unions, "there is no you say, the workers were fools to tolerate feature movies. Of The Week Local Cinema other course open to us." Now there is noth- that sort of highhandedness. Sure. But they have carried through these many years Oouhle feature movies. in our educational institutions but the ing here ubout which to get excited. There'll did, and that's what counts. You see. it Shirley Temple. There will he a met ting of the AT till! CIA-HHI. . . . education doesn't seem to carry over be no strike. Yet the situation raises, once worked. . . . Profs who insist that their Workshop Players Wednesday Eve- Clark Gable as Knelt Butler and into real life, in the light of the mess the students get to their eight o'clock again, the question of compulsory arbitra- But don't generalize, Henry. Times have ning at 8 in the Ree Hall. There Vivien Leigh as Scarlet O'Hara world is in now. classes on time. tion. changed. will be election of officers and try- appear in a return showing of the It would be useless to extoll his bril- Eight o'clock classes. show that drained movie critics liancies and sincerity. It is better that Time. outs for four road shows. of all their superlatives—the fa- .. . Taxi driven who talk to you we just remember him as—Abraham mous "Gone With the Wind." By ROBERT HABENSTKIN Lincoln. at great length about the Euro* Recommedncd. Pic shows todayi On The Social Side pean mess. Makeup examinations for those tomorrow, Friday and Saturday. The European mess. who failed to take their finuls in Time Again... Sunday and Monday brings a This week seems to be full of holi- Europe. English 100 and 101 will be held Getting drunk seems to be a universal habit. inversely to income—the poorer the day the . . . . Profs who throw surprise Saturday, Feb. 14, from 10 to 12 double feature, including The greater the quantity of wild moose milk con- Aldrich Family in "Life With Geographically speaking the terminology may days—Lincoln's birthday—Valentine's quizzes on the Monday after n a. m. in room 303, Library. sumed come evening. Day, and along with them we celebrate Henry," and Bonnie Baker and vary, but the end result differs little, should strenuous week-end. Reporters for the daily tabloids spend more the resurrection of the clock system in Profs who throw surprise quiz- Orrin Tucker and his orchestra in the liquid answer to the name vodka, tequila, "You're the One." Good enter- time at the bar than at the typwriter. This is the Administration building. zes. "Swing that pretty gal around or just plain rye. tainment und plenty of music. in their eyes readily explained: Reporters have After more than five years of dor- Quizzes. the hall" at the all-campus square Enough evidence has been dug up—literally John Shelton gets plenty ot long since lost all their illusions. Getting mancy, hands begin to move, rusty gears Monday. and round dance Saturday evening speaking at that—to show that people of an- . . - . People who make unfunny Blonde Inspiration from Virginia drunk befuddles their sense of mathematics are worn shiny again and time marches in the Women's Building from cient civilizations knew well of the potentcy of on once more. It seems to be quite a jokes about women's hats. 8:30 to 11:30. Gray in a pic of the same name and the people get the benefit of the doubt. relief to know what time it is in the People who make unfunny jokes. showing here Tuesday. grain left to ferment. Cleopatra, the Egyp- That is, the drunker the reporter gets, the class room. Women's hats. Cecil B. DeMille and a group of . tian knockout, ia sus- less people seem disagreeable and the easier Women. A recorded concert will be given associates got together with 2,- pected of having plied it is to stand the sight of them. We're glad enough to get the time thirsty Antony with No. Wait a minute. That wa tomorrow evening at 7 p. m. in 000,000 feet of film and a pair of Soldiers get drunk too. It is funny about back but what took so long about ad- room 200 in -the P. A. Building. a mistake. We can't get along scissors. They chopped up the dim, something stronger than soldiers getting drunk because they get drunk justing the clock system? Certainly, a without wome"n .... The following program will be patched it together and the result Nile water to reduce the year or two is plenty of time to repair Darn It. given: was a chronological history of for just the opposite reason that reporters resistance of that Roman render themselves blotto. Soldiers find that and readjust any mechanistic system The Witmarsun The Moldau—Smetana; Slavon- America which they have labeled playboy. around the university. Certainly in the the enemy—not a bad sort at that—becomes ic Dance No. 1—Dvorak; Surprise "I.aiiiI of Liberty" and which College students have time that has lapsed since the clocks To avoid that rundown feeling shows here today, tomorrow and more the heel and louse as faster floweth the Symphony—Haydu; The Erlking been known to get drunk. first stopped—a entirely new Adminis- cross the streets carefully. Friday. It has been released on firewater. Of course this is nothing new or (vocal)—Shubert; Song of the Sometimes the deed is Every ten minutes a pedestrian Open (vocal)— Schube rt ; The a non-profit basis; all profits will startling. Everybody knows that the English tration Building could have been built done bci-uu.se school is around a good clock system. is knocked down in Chicago by a Trumpet Shall Sound (Messiah) go for war relief, a donation by sailor always armed himself with a grog be- Reforms and repairs are very vital car. One would think it would (vocal)—Handel; Liebestod (Tris- the motion picture industry. Top over, sometimes because fore he set about to reduce his particular but they shouldn't be neglected so long. wear him out. tan and Isolde) (vocal) —Wagner; ranking stars appear in the se- exams are over, some- enemy-of-the-moment to food fit for sharks. Suppose the heating pipes broke—would The Signal and Symphonic Variations (piano quences clipped from regular full- times because, thank Yes, my friend, the good soldier, and the good and orchestra)—Frauck. length films. Recommended. God, it's Friday, and occasionally just because sailor too, never puts down a glass unless it's we freeze to death?—AF Strictly business: AT THE LYRIC . . . of no good reason at all. Technically speak- to reach for another. And by the way, their If you are looking for a plucc "Lost Horizon" starring Ronald ing the sousing of students varies directly Boards Are O.K.... to rent a good tux at a fair price, Because the floor of the Rec Hall winged brother the airplane pilot is no enemy A word of thanks and appreciation Colman shows for the last time with the condition of the pocketbook. of the bottle. Even the very cruel and very see Johnnie Keown at Kohl Hall. is being resurfaced, there will be today and tomorrow. Recommend- goes to the University Administration He is in charge of the Campus- Traveling salesmen are also great raisers pagan German flyer answers the call. When no dancing this Thursday after- ed. for mounting the two new bulletin Tux-Rental-Bureau. of the crooked elbow. They drink because to the day's bombing is done he wings his way boards in the Well and discarding the noon. Friday and Saturday, the fea- them it's a good way to forget loneliness, bad home and blots all thoughts out of a war ture attraction is "The Durango days and how much they lost at poker the weary mind by hanging on a soul resting awkward cork board that formerly Kid" with Charles Starret in the stood in front of the auditoriums exit. night before. But the men on the road dif- drunk. title role and Luana Walters. fer in this respect from the rah-rah boys of Another board will be mounted over Homesteader trouble. It's funny isn't it—about the soul and about With relaxing college vintage. A salesman's drinking varies getting drunk? the heating unit at the bottom of the "Ride, Kelly, Ride" with Eugene Well opposite the bronze placque for Pallette, Marvin Stephens, and faculty use. music...pause and Rita Quigley is a race track pic By Favorable appearance and efficiency ending in pounding race in which JESSE are two indispensible commodities. Kelley wins by a nose. The Spigot Student Lounge ... "Down Argentine Way," the MITTLEMAN technicolor musical extravanganza, DRIPPINGS . . . successful. The Rec hall was ruled out be- After many years of agitation and starring , Betty Gra- Things we like: Bob Osthimer's diving . . . cause the floors aren't fireproof, and it is talk about a smoking room and re- ble, and is back tlios»Jaoo»s which seem so popular among the freshment counter in the Administra- T*p>* for a second run Tuesday and still used for formal.., receptions, and faculty tion Building, it appears to be on the Wednesday. Song and dance from coedmof; late . . . the clean, fresh look a layer gatherings. Room 100 in the library was verge of becoming a reality. And two continents. Good entertain- of asadpfgives to everything . . . the twice-a- dismissed on the grounds that a staid structure no amount of praise is too much ment. week satnee- sessions (Tuesday and Thursday such as the library buiding was not quite the afternoons at 4-5:30 in the Rec hall) . . . place to have a bunch of jitterbugs tearing for the organization which is now mak- Hugo Balzo, both as a pianist and as a swell ing final arrangements—The Univer- Living alumni of Dartmouth to- around in. The lounge In the women's build- sity Civic Research League. taled 19,600 at the last count guy. Proof of the old adage that the bigger ing can't be used, as murals are being painted Orchids to the League, but a little North Dakota university and they are, the nicer they are . . . the new cork on the walls there now, and they will not be caution to the organizers. When the bulletin boards in the completed for several months. Although well . . . the rough things look a little dark right now, we are room is finally opened and students may Stevens Institute of Technology sketches of the way the go in and smoke and buy light refresh- received gifts totaling $96,662 in still confident that we will find a room some- ments, it cannot be hide-bound by a lot the fiscal year 1939-40. murals in the lounge in place. the women's building DROOLINGS . : . of silly little rules that will drive the will look when completed students away, ruin the whole atmos- After a six year layoff, the clocks in the Ad phere, and bring several years' work to s. o. s. . . . "Concerto for Clari- Building are finally working again ... We naught. net," by Shaw, which felt all broken up after reading in last week's It's February fourteenth— covers both sides of a News that the average coed is "strongly It should be a free, natural situation St. Valentine's Day; and the room should be fashioned after 12 inch disc . . . the jam against the passe art of jitterbugging" . . . And Cupid's at work outfit that played in the say it isn't so. girls . . . Isn't it about time any other respectable and modern pub- In his usual way. Rec hall from 4-5:30 that the drinking fountain at the north-east lic restaurant. Of course it cannot be Countless hearts have been slain last Thursday afternoon. end of the Rec hall was fixed? . . . the thing managed without restraint—but neith- By the point of his arrow, They really are good, as er is a respectable public business. And That pierces their flesh has been on the bum now for months . . . along with this—it should be placed on To the innermost marrow. we told you once before. They use no music, Orchids to thsoV Ilk students who got straight a strictly business basis, with responsi- But alas! I've been missed; will play almost anything you want them to. A for the first semester . . . how in the devil ble people at work who can give efficient I've never been struck, Norm Robertson, Don Pagel, Duck Berry, do they do it? . . . Dave Silver is at the naval service to the student body. Student So, I'm seeking a change Willie Staub, Bill Fisher, and Joe Zurlo do air station in Pensacola, Florida . . . Gordon operated enterprises (if it will be stu- In my romantic luck. the playing . . . the performance of the Swan Humphrey, columnist and associate editor of dent operated) are apt to be lax in their Four generations have enjoyed My features are homely, Club at the swimming meets, but we could the News last year, is working on a small service and business dealings. A good the refreshing goodness of My disposition's unruly. enjoy them more if the seats weren't so hard. weekly in Owego, N. Y. . . . Where in the So, what could be worse world does Miss Warner get all her energy? manager would eliminate this. ice-cold Coca-Cola. Its pleasing Than a date with "yours truly?" DRIBBLES ...... maybe she eats Wheaties . . . "The The whole idea is sound and will be But it's terribly lonesome Although a location for the proposed Union taste always leaves a cool, yolk's on me," said the guy as the egg slowly a most welcome addition to the campus. With none so near; room has not yet been definitely decided upon, clean after-sense of complete re- dribbled down his vest. The beginning will not be easy, but And never a beau brummel the plan has the approval of the administra- changes and shifting can soon give freshment. So when you pause To call me "My dear." tion. In fact, it has the approval of just THE LAST DROP . . . What has happened to Prof. Cook's gor- Bowling Green an up-to-date soda par- throughout the day, make it r So—desperately, I'm sending about everyone we've talked to. The main This S. 0. S. of mine. geous fur hat that he usually brings out of lor, with clean, neat waiters who give Che pause ffcaf refreshes with 5< thing preventing realization of the plan now hibernation every winter? . . . don't tell us efficient service and know what it is to Won't someone please answer, ice-cold Coca-Cola. is lack of a room. the moths have been at it . . . Signs of the * manage a wide-awake business. And be my valentine? times: the U. S. government recently placed Florence Mahler The UCRL is trying, almost desperately, to Students will relax and stop growling find a suitable location for a Union where stu- an order for 1,500,000 caskets . . . Remember about having to stand in sleet and snow P. S. (This is not an auto- when we once said that there was no censor- BoaM undrt iinhono- of Th« Coci-Col. Ainsl.r b» biography.) dents could talk, dance, smoke, and get cokes ship as far as this paper or column ia con- to smoke.—AF COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF TOLEDO and cigarettes. So far, they havent been very cerned? . . . don't believe it! WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1941 BEE GEE NEWS PAGE 3 Falcons Go To Springfield Cox Releases Second Semester Natatorium Schedule Wrestling Program Started; Hour Monday Tuetday Wednttday Thursday Friday Saturday For Tilt With Red Devils 9:00 A. M. Men (c) Women (c) Men (c) Women (c) Cloted Mt. Vernon T Is First Foe

Landismen Will Be Striving To Jump Back Into 10:00 Men

Now!! Leitman's For Arrow Shirts Also DOBBS HATS

Leitman's o .iri .■ Tailors and Cleaners LESS NICOTINE North Main Street than the average of the 4 other largest-selling brands tested —■ less than any of them — according AWAWrAW^WrWWArtftMrWWWW^ft^^S^U^^W^WS to independent laboratory tests of the smoke itself

FELLOWS! Do You Want No MATTER how much you smoke, all that you get from a $$ To Save a Dollar? %% cigarette-all the flavor, mildness-you get it in the smoke itself. The smoke's the thing! Mary's Cooperative Boarding Club still has Science has told you Camels are slower-burning. This slower a few vacancies. Cost averages $3.00 per way of burning means more mildness, more coolness, more week for 20 meals. flavor in the smoke. Now, these new independent tests reported above—tests of See Roger Gilford, Student Manager the brands most of you probably smoke right now—drive home (Comer of Wooster and Summit) another advantage for you in slower-burning Camels—extra freedom from nicotine in the smoke. Try slower-burning Camels. Smoke out the facts for yourself. Dealers everywhere feature Camels at attractive carton prices. SPRATPS MUSIC STORE For convenience — for economy —buy Camels by the carton. IF YOU SKATE AT ALL, thenyouknow plains. "The slower-burning cigarette-Camel that cutting a pretty figure is not as simple as —gives me the extra mildness I want." R.J. R.TWIU, Tob.ccoCorop.lv/. Wlnilon-Rslm. North CsroHat Remodeled — Redecorated pretty Evelyn Doman makes it appear. Be- Slower-burning . . . 'costlier tobaccos. Yes, hind her seemingly effortless grace are hours slower-burning Camels give you a fuller Sis—J?f+*" - ■ ■—- :?";•_ New Record Booths.. New Records, and more of hard practice. measure of flavor without the harsh effects of She takes her skating seriously ... her excess heat... extra mildness, extra coolness, | THE of them . . R. C. A. Victor Radios and Com- smoking, too. "I smoke a good deal," she ex- extra flavor—and less nicotine in the smoke. binations . . Latest Sheet Music . . R. C. A. BY BURNING 25% SLOWER than the average of the 4 other largest- SMOKE'S Record-Players $4.95 — plays through your selling brands tested—slower than any of them—Camels also give you a radio . .Phono Needles . . All Music Supplies smoking plus equal, on the average, to S EXTRA SMOMS CCS PACK I T" THE Our efforts are to serve you better f THE SLOWER-BURN/M JTgjWfr THING! 130 East Wooster St. Phone 4221 CAMEL C/GARETTE PAGE 4 BEE GEE NEWS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1941 yWWVWVMMA/WVMAMAAA Chemical Journal Club To Emerson Society Men's Glee Club to Appear TOP HATTERS TO "SWING" GREETINGS Hear Talk On Fiberglas The LOOK WHAT'S Elects Officers In Public Concert Feb. 17 HERE! AT FIVE SISTER SWEETHEART DANCE Fibcrglas, a fireproof, acid- Genevieve Shop proof glass cloth, will be discussed The Men's Glee Club will appear Is now offering a • V.I«. Boetsa.n — Glenn Biggest social news of the coming week-end is, of course, at the meeting of the Chemical Emerson Literary Socitey has before the public again next Mon- complete line of new Millar and Hii Orchestra the Five Sister Sorority Sweetheart Dance to be held Fri- Journal club next Wednesday by new officers for this semester. day, Feb. 17, it was announced Mr. Fred T. Moore, of the Owens- Spring Dresses, day evening (Valentine's Day, so what could be sweeter.?) in The following; were elected: this week by Director Leon F. • Bugle Call Ra» — Metron- the Women's Gym. You'll find more details about the Val- Corning Fiberglas company of President, Robert Morgan; Vice- Skirts, Sweaters, sn All Star Orchestra entine Dance elsewhere on the page. Saturday evening there Toledo. President, Esther Burner; Secre- Fauley. On this date they will Blouses and the lat- • Hal Kemp Mamorlal Al- will be another one of the all-campus square dances being Fibcrglas is being used exten- tary, Marie Waltermier; and give afternoon concerts at Liberty est styles in Spring bum held in the Women's Gym. If you * sively as an insulating material Treasurer, Joe Freeman. Profes- Center and at Hamler. They will have attended these dances you since it is not only fireproof but sor John Schwartz is the faculty appear at Holgate in the evening. Hats. All thr.r and many othar It's a dance you take your very sponsor of the organization. A West Wooster Street new records at know they're fun, and if you best girl to! That's the Sweet- also much lighter than the ordin- the group has engagements at haven't, why not Rive them a try? ary insulators. program committee was appointed Grand Rapids on March 13, and heart Swing to be given this Fri- which consists of Rowena Joyce, Anyway, you have you chance to day evening by the FIVE SISTER Leading theatres and hotels are in North Baltimore and McClure Ned Freeman, and Stanley Zel- The do so Saturday. SORORITY in the Women's Gym. adopting fiberglas for use as cur- on March 16. The home concert Ice Skates Sharpened tains and tablecloths, since it is aski. will be given on March 18. The Bernie Ivan and his Top Hatters New Factory Method . . Rea- washable and stains may be read- At the next meeting of the So- annual tour of the group, which LION STORE Committee! have been appoint- from l.oi.'iiii will play from 9 to sonable Prices ily removed. ciety a "mock" session of the Na- will lead to Niagara Falls, will North Main Street ed for tft« WILLIAMS HALL f..r- 12 for this traditional all-campus 107 W. Wooster mnl to ha held in the recreation affair. Friday's dance will he the Ocean liners, ever cautious of tional House of Representatives last a week and will start on hall Friday evening, February 28. will be held during which the cur- March 23. Sammy's Shoe Repair V%/Srtrt^-%r-tf%r^-%rf%r-BV"^..-yV«^V.rt«"bV' second appearance of this orches- the fire hazard, are using fibergla-s Tin—' committees are: decora- tra at the University, and judging wherever possible, because of its rent issues of the day will be dis- Next to Police Station tions, Gruce I'ictschman, chairman from the warm reception they re- fireproof quality. Wearing ap- cussed. The SEVEN SISTER SOROR- m Noma Troub, Margaret Fridley, ceived the first time here, all of purel such as neckties, bathing s^^*rjvj'^rj'~ ^^JVjvw»A*++i* $ Student*! Eileen I'ickett; invitations, Ilelene ity entertained ten rushees at a you will be glad to hear they're suits, and even shoes are being Lois Gordon has been elected slumber party Mon. night at their Here is the place to Coreeeeli chairman, Mary Cress; back again. made of it, but its chief use is still program, Lina Meeker, chairmun, secretary of the LAS AMIGAS house on N. Summit. The Sevens Betty Sams is general chairman as an insulator. are now completing their plans Expert Beauty Work eat— Jean Gilbert; refreshments, Ber- sorority to fill the position left by of the dance arrangements. As- Mr. Moore will talk on the uses Betty Dilley. Miss Dilley has ac- for Rush Week and for their for- nice Vandcmnrk, chairman. Evelyn sisting her with decorations are mal dinner which is to be held to fit your individual Lowien's Lust. The dormitory house board and construction of fiberglas and cepted a position in Toledo. Dorothy Mercer and Phylis Jack- will also show some sound films. March 8. is in charitc of hiring the orchestra son. Mary Lou Maucrhan is chair- New Inter-Sorority Council rep- styles Tea Room for the event. man of the orchestra committee, resentative will be Marion Mer- Six new ■trie, in the FIVE SIS- Wo cater to both nun ami Margaret Wood, refreshments, ickel. Last Tuesday evening Miss women TER Cottage this semester are Grace Wills was hostess to soror- The FIVE BROTHER Frater- and Marietta Kcrschner, pro- June Rosekelly, Barbara Neely, Student Lunches. 25c nity will hold its annual second grams. ity members and a group of Kay Ann Phyllis Dunn, Betty Irwin, Ar- rushees at a Valentine party. Mar- 10% discount on semester smoker tonight with ap- Ghaperones for the dance will lene Fisher, and Marjorie Restle. proximately 40 men invited be Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cadwallader Four girls from the house who ion Merickel was chairman of the Beauty Shop ' Meal Tickets committee in charge of arrange- CvVVV\A^WViArV-VVVVVvwvsrtrtrtA^v-^-r-----' Wyllys Rhcingrovcr, Al Sautter, and Mr. and Mrs. Elden T. Smith. are practice teaching for two George Dunn and Paul Bechcr are Mrs. Catherine Mooers and Miss weeks in other schools are Helen ments. jWW'•^-^ ■"^--VSa-VVV"..-.-.------. charge. Helen Henderson are sponsors of Harrison, Fostoria; Nancy Perry, Willard Chapaton will repre- the sorority. Vermillion; Genevieve Kellogg, Na- .•v^A•^AA■■^■wv^r^i^»•^,krte•^»■^»^•^■^■^AA»■ sent the fraternity on the Inter- poleon; and Marjorie Swarat. Fos- STUDENTS KESSEL'S fraternity Council for the second Sixty men attended the COM- toria. The CLA-ZEL semester. Ghapaton replaces Dick MONER smoker at the fraternity DON'T FORGET Open 2: IS Sat.-Sen.-Mon. New Spring Sweaters, Fruth, who was graduuted at the house Monduy night. A short A poll revealed nearly two thirds end of the first semester, meeting of the group was conduct- of University of Detroit students Mike Kormazis, Duff Mudaras, WED.-THUR.FRI. Dresses, Skirts and ed by Vice President Ed Horvath favor freshman hazing. FEB. 12 TO IS Pat Cordisco, Harold Bishop, and in the absence of President Dale Hose Valentine Day! Matinee Daily Dick Hugemeyer will be among Gatchell. Sponsors Dr. W. A. This coupon presented with the alumni brothers playing on Zaugg and Prof. W. K. Singer 60c will clean and press a February 14 Nothing Cut But The "The Ladies' Store" the Alumni basketball team here gave short speeches. Suit, Topcoat, Dress or Dedicated to Sweethearts the world over! Saturday evening. Ladies' Coat. Price! South Main Dick Jaynes was appointed A beautiful 2 lb. Red Tin Heart Box of Tenatlve plans are being made chairman of the orchestra com- Home Laundry and "GONE WITH THE for the Five Brother Tip Off and mittee and Ervin Morrison was ap- formal dances which are schedul- pointed chairman of the decoration Dependable Cleaners MRS. STEVENS WIND!" ed for March 7 and 8 respectively. committee for the seventh annual Famous Chocolates For Only Box Office open Mat. 1:15 to Alumni brothers visiting the forma] dance to be held in March. 1:45 (except Sat.); Open house lust week were Ted Kruse, Alumni brothers Leu Kaiser, $1.00 Ev« 6:46 to X p.m. Show Joe Chapaton, Robert Frank, Har- Ray Light, Howard Conkey, Nick J^rUftflJa. emit ktwdt start Mat. 1:45 p.m.; Kve. Other Heart Boxes of Chocolates al 8 p. m.; Box Office open Sat. CHURCH SHOE old Bishop, Archie Steclc, Matt Cucuro and Bill Chappell were i/n "txlo, "teurw "th* f Dotson, Abe Keown, Earl Brill- guests at the house over the week- 11:30 a.m. to 8 p. m. con- SHOP hart, and Dick Hagcmcyer. OamjLCYJL aSLnn CVVTVA" 10c; 15c, 25c, 35c, 49c and 69c tinuous show. lit! W. Woostcr St. end. ADMISSION: Children 25c, f^wwy%rwwirwwb" Adults 10c Inc. Tax.. Eve. Plans nre bring, made by the Hannah Blackburn is acting a o^Mo&L - UX*A>SL STUDENTS LUNCHES all scats 65c, Inc. All Taxes ■V^.^-.^V-^VbV.-^',-.--^^--"-^---" SKOL sorority for the annual president and Mildred Koch is act- I unM ovvve XT Zb~ Art Scht.nl Party I" be held next ing as secretary while the regular 25c SUN.-MON. FEB. 16-17 KLEVER'S Tuesday in DeMolay Hull. Invi- ollicers of the Phratra Sorority 10% OFF ON MEAL TICKETS Open 2:15 Sun. tations have been extended to ap- are out practice teaching. 2 FEATURES 2 for proximately 40 non-sorority girls. Tuesday night after the regular I TOASTED SANDWICHES Committees for the party are: Orrrh Tucker and Band meeting. 20 girls were invited to Bonnie Baker in VALENTINE entertainment. Donna Linker, Mrs. Carpenter's house to sec 10c CARDS Georgia Wiesler, Martha Jordan, picture on Hawaii. "YOU'RE THE ONE" Peggy Curtis, Helen Louise Rear; Saturday evening the sor- Dancing at All Times Also and food, Mildred Wolf. Ruth Esckil- ority entertained non-sorority girls OVER 400 KINDS OF MAGAZINES- Jackie Cooper in sen, Harriet Ernst; decorations, at a party. "Gang Busters" was "LIFE WITH HENRY" GIFTS Joan Norsworthy, Ruth Wolf. Mar- the theme followed. SONG SHEETS Admission 10c, 35c tha Walrath, Noma Traub. 181 N. Main St. Last Saturday evening the Kills Miss Abby Burgess is the thirty TUE. Open 2:15 FEB .18 at the sorority house entertained HONOR GUEST NIGHT wvwwvwwwwvwwvww a group of rushees at a supper- first member of her family to at- LABEY'S SWEET SHOP tend Brown university. Her fa- Harold's party. Plans are also being made LARGE CASH AWARD for a slumber purty to be held at ther is a faculty member. We Cater to College Students John Shelton, Virginia Grey JESSE J. CURRY tli sorority house. Flower Shop DROP IN In OPTOMETRIST Vunise Barrow, sister of heavy- weight champion Joe I,ouis, is at- North Main Street "Stan, John and Lolly always glad to see "BLONDE Ilia Our Budget Plan A reporter estimates Dartmouth tending the University of Michi- you" INSPIRATION" Ph. 9141 116 E. Court pin-ball players shoot n.000,000 gan. balls a year.

SPECIAL! TO UNIVERSITY STUDENTS THIS COUPON is worth 10c when pre- sented with your Ac Card on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13 At The Smokers know... COREY ROLLER RINK 246 S. Main St. SKATING FROM 7.30 TO 11:00 esterfields Valentin. Greetings from EUfN DIEW, starring In the current iGiaiit Hamburg Paramount kit "IMS MAD DOCTOIt" Iron, CHf STERFIEID. Satisfy Hi. Milder. Coaler, Set- Wimpy Says— ter-Testing cigar.lt.. Take it from a guy who knows. Giant WITH THEIR MILDER Hamburgers are the best in town. Come BETTER TASTE down to the Dining Car and try one. L-)o you know why Chest- erfield gives you more pleasure? Because it's, the smoker's cigarette j^^/v^'J'^^,^^^J'^^JV^m^^^'^^'m^^^^-^^^^^*^^^rj^l^jmjm^^r^^t^^^ ... it has everything a smoker LAST MINUTE SHOPPERS wants . . . Real Mildness and a Cooler, Better Taste. FELLOWS—It Is NOT too Late C hesterfields are better-tasting To Buy a VALENTINE HEART and mild... mot fiat... not strong, For That Sweetheart because of their right combina- tion of the world's best cigarette They're MUMS, fetor, auction II— Chest- COME IN AND SEE US • rfi.ld'i ..pert sabOKCO buyers leek ever the tobaccos. Yon can't buy a better growing crops so they will know firsthand where cigarette. the finest mild, ripe leaf Is coating frees. The PARROT RESTAURANT way teese tobaccos are conditioned, aged end blended gives Che.terfl.ld. a better teaks and • CAMPUS STORE ikes thee, defiaihsty milder. PURITY CONFECTIONERY MAIN STREET Zs

Cerdeal 1M1. I men * Ureas T«