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Bee Gee News October 30, 1940

Bee Gee News October 30, 1940

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Bee Gee News October 30, 1940

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'ERROR' TICKETS FALCONS BATTLE AVAILABLE TODAY Bee Gee News KENT SATURDAY Student Publication of Bowling Green State University VOL. XXV—Z551 BOWLING GREEN, OHIO, OCTOBER 30, 1940 NO. 7 Rev. and Mrs. Siebens Donate Kiwanis Speaker 'Margin for Error' To Play Gold Trophy To University Friday And Saturday at 8:15 To Inscribe Name Of Outstanding Senior Girl Each Year; P. E. Faculty Will Make Selection; To Be Awarded Next Spring AA.U.P. Meeting Will Be Held Here Mittleman, Gessner, Kunch Rev. and Mrs. Arthur R. Sie- 10 Loans Made By bens of the First Presbyterian Saturday, Nov. 9 Clayton C. Kohl Church of Bowling Green re- Have Lead Roles In Satire cently presented the University Student Loan Fund with a Hold tropaeum to be pre- Representatives From 45 Tickets For Show Available Today From 3 To 5 P. M. sented each year to the most out- Ohio, Michigan Schools Loans Made To Students In standing senior girl, according Will Attend In Administration Building Upon Need With High Point to a statement from President JAMES R YOUNG Presentation Of 'Ac' Cards Averages Frank J. Prout. The regional conference of The tropaeum is to be formally ll was inevitable that Jamea R. the American Association of The University Players* venture into the field of sutrical melo- Ten loans, two of them already re- known as the Tropaeum honoris femi- Young, abova, got into the newiptpir drama, "Margin For Error", goes on the Auditorium stage at 8:15 nis of Bowling Green State Univer- University Professors will be paid, have been made from the Clay- gama 25 yaar. ago. Tka late E. W. p. m., Friday and Saturday of this week. Tickets for the show sity of "Trophy of Honor for Wo- ton C. Kohl student loan and schol- Scrippi was a couiin; Paul PaUarion, held here Saturday, Nov. 9, it may be secured by University students upon presentation of ac- arship fund which was put into op- men." noted Baltimore publisher, is an uncle was announced by Dr. G. W. tivity cards at the check room in the lower corridor of the Ad- eration last March. To Remain At University and -O it Kallog Patterson, represen- Allen, president of the local ministration Building from 3 to 5 p. m. today nnd tomorrow. The fund was accumulated in hon- The award which will be simply chapter. Representatives from or of the late Dr. Kohl, former pro- designated as a "tropaeum" is to be tative of the Cincinnati Timai-Star. 45 of the larger universities and "Margin For Error", as well as testor of sociology, with contribu- the permanent property of Bowling Young will sp.ak NOT. 7 at IK* BuBstW of Ohio and Michigan will containing ft wealth of Clan? Boothe's tions from the fasulty, alumni or- Green State University. The donors high school on lha Sino-Japaneie attend. Former B.G. Coed potent satire against the German ganisations, students, and friends. Reich, is a tensely thrilling murder suggested in their letter to the Presi- situation. After the registration of visiting Loans are made only to needy stu- dent that its supervision and direc- members and guests, which will be Signs With Spitalny mystery. The plot centers about the dents with high scholarship and pro- tion be under the Women's Depart- held in the Practical Arts Building. much-hated German Consul General mise of success, and are made for ment of Physical Education, who will the conference will be officially open- All-Girl Orchestra to who is murdered. Offi- emergencies, not convenience. While provide a suitable place for its pres- INS Foreign Agent ed by Dr. Allen. President Frank cer Moc Finkelstein has the job of seniors are preferred, loans are made ervation and care. Jay Prout will make an address of determining which of the five sus- Was State Marimba Champ; to others. On this tropaeum there is to be To Talk Here Nov. 7 welcome to the visitors. In charge pects, all of whom have good motives, May Award Scholarships inscribed every year "the name of of the morning events will he Prof. Played In University polished off the Consul. because of the limited amount of At H. S. Auditorium Nicholas Mogondorff to the Univer- that woman student who during her Orchestra Friday's and Saturday's cast is as Hi. fond and the low rate of interest course of studies at Bawling Green sity of Toledo. follows: oi. the loans, there has not been a State University has achieved a per- H. C. H.yr. To Spr.k James Young Will Discuss Otto B. Horst Lawrence Kuhl surficient income for the awarding of sonality exemplifying most harmon- Prof. 11. Gordon Hayes. Ohio State Mary Partee, of Defiance, fresh- scholarship prises as yet. The com- mnn here last year, has signed a con- Baron Max von Alvenstor Daniel iously the qualities of physical fitness, Far East Problems In University, will be speaker during the Noss mittee in charge of the fund has tract to play with Phil Spitalny's feminine charm, noble living, schol- morning session, speaking on "Ed- Officer Moc Finkelstein Jesse thought it best to increase the size Kiwanis Show all-girl orchestra, it was learned arship and enthusiasm for worthy ucation Problems in a Changing Mittleman of the fund for the purpose of being early this week. life objectives." World." Frieda _._ Eulelah Moellman able to make more loans before Selection By P. E. Faculty James R. Young, recently re- Prof. Arthur C. Cole, Western Re- Miss Partee, Ohio state marimba Dr. Jennings Joe Nordmann awarding any prizes based upon The selection of the young woman turned from Tokio, where he serve University, Cleveland, will be champion for two years, will make Sophie Baumer Grace Gessner scholarship. whose nome is to be inscribed will had been head of the Interna- in charge of the afternoon events her debut on "The Hour of Charm" Karl Baumer Dimitri Kunch Professor John Schwarz, chairman be made by faculty members of the tional News Service Bureau for which will start with a luncheon at program in Spitaln's band Sunday Thomas S. Denny . E. Jay Williams of the committee, said that if the stu- Physical Education Department. Rev. ten years, will speak at the High Kohl Hall. Prof. A. J. Carlson, for- evening at 10 p. m. She will play Captain Mulrooney Jack Doane dents, especially seniors, would con- school auditorium, Nov. 7 at 8 mer president of the American As- the vibraharp and electric guitar in and Mrs. Siebens suggested that this High school students from all parts tinue to contribute to the fund as is group take into consideration student p. m. under the auspices of the sociation of University Professors the band and will play the electric dona in other institutions for similar of Northwestern Ohio will be guests opinion in their selection.. local Kiwanis Club, according to and teacher of physiology at the Uni- guitar in the theme song. funds, the fund would rapidly be Marshall Sherer, president. versity of Chicago, will talk on "Fac- She had intended to return to Bowl- at a performance of "Margin For In a letter to the President, Rev. Error", according to Ernest Maddock. built up. Siebens stated in presenting the Prof. Upton Palmer of the«speech ulty Participation in University Pro- ing Green to continue her work in The members of the committee on business manager. tropaeum that ' we trust (it) will department is in charge of the pro- cedures." the music department, but was called Gifts, Endowments, and Memorials, serve in the great quest for education gram. University student's admi,.- At 2:15 a symposium will be held to to make arrange- The technical staff, under the di- appointed by former President Roy and character building and sound sion is 26 cents and tickets are avail- in the lounge of the women's build- ments for joining the orchestra. A rection of Neuman Mahla, has con- E. Offenhauor in 1938, are still in citizenship." able either from Professor Palmer ing for the purpose of discussing vacancy oesurad in .Spitalny's urches: stnicted an entire new act of flats charge of the fund. In regard to The tropaeum will be awarded on or E. J. Kreischer, University busi- "how administrators can beat assist tra last summer; Miss Partee inter- for Ih'e selling'.' The action taVm this fund the committee transacts the Recognition Day next spring. ness manager. Adult admission Is in the work of the faculty." Prof. viewed Phil in August, and left for place in a modern New York apart- business of the loan fund, seta up the 60 cents. Proceeda will be appro- John F. Cuber, Kent State Univer- New York early in September. ment. interest rates, and takes care of de- priated for the Kiwanis under-privi- sity, Robert E. Mathews, Ohio State Bowling Green's outstanding coed, The play was first presented in the tails and placement of the loans. 13 C.A.A. Students leged child fund. University, and deans Floyd S. Wood- who stated that her work here helped Plymouth Theatre in New York City Procedure Of Loans Young is a veteran of 13 years as burne. University of Michigan, Carl tremendously, will play with the or- on Nov. 3. 1939, where it received a The committee has adopted the Make Solo Flights foreign correspondent and is perhaps Wittke, Oberlin College, and Erich chestra for the remainder of the great deal of favorable comment, following regulations: (1) borrower the foremost authority on Sino-Jap- A. Walter, .University of Michigan, season, playing on all the major being one of the few successful plays to assume term insurance, the sum Smiling as he recalled his own solo anese affairs today. Writing two will participate in this discussion. broadcasts. on the anti-Nazi theme. loaned to include the premium on the The chairmen of the committees experience, Harry Sample spoke for books and now on a lecture tour of insurance; (2) loan fund to be made the , the INS man pre- who have outlined the program for the beneficiary of such insurance; the 13 other C. A. A. students who have soloed to date and remarked dicts: "Japan, one of these days is this convention are: Profs. C. Glenn (3) reliable security may be required Swanson, luncheon, Willurd E. Sing- quietly, "It's an awful big empty going to wish she had not hullyhooed German Student At B.G. Likes of the borrower; (4) applicant to the axis tie-up" and will be seeking er, equipment, Ix"on B. Slater, pnv submit to the committee a financial front seat and when you see that s'ick jumping around up there anil the United States as a friend and gram, E. E. Dickerman, finance, Up- budget; (5) preference given to ton Palmer, welcoming, E. C. Powell, know that you're guiding the plane customer. Low-Cost Education In U. S. short term loans; (6) loans will be decorations, and Joseph E. Shafer, yourself, well all I can say is that it's Through his constant contact with made on the following considerations: Sino-Japanese ministers, diplomats invitations. United States. He wrote for a Swiss a real thrill." What Is one person's loss is an- scholarship, personality, potential and executives, Young will bring with other one's gain, and so because Hen- newspaper for a while, and was a success, general ability, and sense of Just out of the clouds along with member of the air rail precaution unit Sample, the "first flighters" put their his a wealth of anecdotes and inside Four Sororities Pledge ry Stark didn't quite agree with Hit- responsibility; (7) borrower to noti- information on the turbulant East. ler's principles, Bowling Green now Stark especially likes the oppor- fy committee of position secured af- feet on the ground just long enough Twelve Women This Week tunity given young men and women to eat, sleep and look forward to has a student from Prague, Czecho- ter graduation (if loan not paid be- slovakia, among her foreign born at- in the United States to get an edu- their next trip "up". The complete Bureau Speakers Lecture Twelve upperclussmen were pled- fore graduation) and keep committee tendants. cation cheaply. It is his opinion that informed of same until payment of list of these students who have al- On Mexico In Baltimore ged by four sororities last week, ac- the colleges of the United States are ready soloed is as follows: Rojer Ben- cording to a report from the office of Stark was born in Nuremberg, as good, if not better than those of loan has been made. Germany in 1920, and later moved to The committee in charge of the jamin, Don Blatchford, Dwight Cross, A discussion of Mexico by three Miss A. Wrey Warner, dean of Europe, and our schools offer much Prague. He attended the Realgym- loan fund includes Professor John Curtis, George Dunn, John students of Bowling Green State Uni- women. more choice in selection of subjects nasium Nuremberg, the Prague III, Schwarz, Professor Helen Henderson, Heinbuck, Paul Jensen, Dan Noss, Ed versity was the first in a series of Four women went Seven Sister; of study by the student than is availa- and Oberlin College before coming Dr. E. G. Knepper, Professor Caro- Ransbottom, Dick Recker, Harry Sam- lectures by students participating in three Five Sister; four Three Kay; ble in foreign schools. to Bowling Green. The German Gym- line Nielsen, and Dr. C. G. Swanson. ple, Kenny Snowden and Dick Sprow. the Speech Bureau under the direc- and one Phratra. The Skols and the Although he likes swing music. tion of Mr. Howard Shine, graduate Las Amigas did not give out bids this nasium, although controlled by the Henry prefers sweet swing, and Phil Czechs, was truly German as far as speech instructor. semester. Spitalny is one of his favorite bands. Robert Habenstein, Darwin May- The following girls signed pledge the methods of teaching and the lang- In Europe, he said, most people are uage used was concerned. It corres- Straw Poll Shows Willkie field, and Ed Christum, all of whom cards: Ruth Colson, Mary Percy, Es- of the opinion that in the United visited Mexico last summer, spoke ther Bishop, and Phyllis Scofield, ponds to high school and junior col- States swing is the only music known before the North Baltimore Chamber Seven Sister; Arlene Fisher, Patricia lege here. and the classics are forgotten. He Leading Roosevelt 231-132 of Commerce last week. Shine has Walter, Phyllis Jackson, Five Sister; For some time, Henry was em-|waB qUjte surprised when he heard planned several more student pro- Helen Easley, Marie Waltermire, ployed by an international law ex- of the many free concerts snd radio BY JOHN BERCHMAN grams for presentation to various or- Evelyn McClelland, and Arila Pokey, pert because of his proficiency in programs of the more serious music. Statistics Class Visits According to the students of Bowl- ganisations throughout Northwestern Three Kay; and Kathryn Beckman, speaking German. He also taught The girls here are, on the whole, Linco Offices In Findlay ing Green State University, Wendell Ohio. Phratra. and coached classes in German in the prettier than the girls in Europe, but Willkie, Republican nominee, will be I the European lassies get around and our next president. Willkie received know about as much as do our Accounting majors will not be en- 281 votes to Roosevelt's 132 in an American maidens. couraged when members of the sta- official straw poll taken by members Robert Taylor Discovered On Campus; Wolves, Stark came to this country in April, tistics class, who visited the business of the Bee Gee News staff. 1938. He remained in New York for offices of the Linco Oil Company at Willkie received the majority of a short time and then went on to his votes from the weaker sex as the Foxes And A Bear Are Also On The Prowl Oberlin. He is majoring in business Findlay, Ohio recently, tell them that poll shows that both Williams and BY JOE FREEMAN administration. man made machines are now doing Shatzel Halls went more than 3 to 1 their work. for the Republican aspirant. Al- What's in a name? Plenty, ac- development of American air history and Marie) and a little Gray (James 24 Girls Will Usher though Willkie piled up a tremendous cording to the recently published such as; the Wrights, the Martina, of Fostoria). The Blacks are listed The class, accompanied by Profs. and a Rickenbacher. as Thelma and Marjoric, and the At 'Margin For Error' 1. P. Manhart, J. M. Cadwallader, vote in the dorms, the classrooms Y. M. C. A. student directory! showed a margin for Roosevelt.' For instance, did you girls know Aids to any type of navigation Whites can be found by looking up and L. A. Helms inspected the oil The vote was as follows: Williams that Robert Taylor is "on this cam- would be the points of the compass. Eva Jean, Sydney, and Jim. Two shifts of pretty lasses have company's tabulating, sorting and Hall, 65 for Willkie, 20 for Roosevelt, pus? Well, it's true, but the lad, who Bob North of Kenton, and Lewis Our Alma Mater song claims that been named ushers for the two-night billing office which contains 74 In- Shatzel Hall, 68 for Willkie and 22 bears the same moniker as the idol West of Bowling Green. on this campus "once roamed In- stand of Prof. Eldon T. Smith's The "wolves" that haunt the uni- dian bands", but the Y directory in- "Margin for Error" Friday and Sat- ternational Business Machines that, for Roosevelt. Kohl Hall, 60 for of the silver screen, is a freshman Willkie and 42 for Roosevelt. Class- from Huron and has already caused versity dances are familiar to all Bee dicates that one Redman by the name urday nights. by electrical devices punch, tabulate, rooms gave Roosevelt 47 vptes and innumerable feminine hearts to flut- Gee students, but the girls of Shat- of Robert is still here. Friday night one of the following sort, and bill the particulars of ac- Willkie 38. ter when he has answered "here" zel and Williams Halls would be a As usual, the Smiths (and a girls will take you down the aisle: counting in a fraction of the time re- Unusual interest was shown by the daring the role call in his classes. little less anxious to venture out Smythe) outnumber all other names Charity Conrad, Fay Krelick, Lois quired by human hands. students in the poll, and with the The directory also lists several alone on dark nights if they knew listed, having 17 students carrying Gordon, Mary Percy, Ruth Colson, that title, while the second place Esther Bishop, Phyllis Scofield, Mar- One of the machines can sort 400 election less than two short weeks in names that have gone down in his- that on this campus there are sev- the offing numerous bets are flying tory. eral Wolves (or Wolfs), two Foxes award goes to the nine Millers. tha French, Margaret Wilson, Geor- cards a minute Into piles which will The grand prize of the week for gia Frericks, Sidney White, Rose- be alphatetical and chronological. about the campus. Gleeful Willkie- Clyde Kidd of Forest, may or msy and a big Harry Beare. It's safe in ites point out that this poll is just a not claim the notorious pirate as an the daytime though, because there's the longest names entered in the di- mary Sample, Mary Honor Crowley, This machine contains 67 miles of rectory is divided between two Dutch- and Ruth Wilson. copper wire and 150,000 energizing sample of the swing throughout the ancestor, but the name of Captain a Hunter (Bob) around snd he is country towards Willkie, while the Kidd may again become a reality if probably accompanied by a Gunn men, Howard Katterheinrich and Saturday evening, these girls will parts by which the electrical current Kenneth Roethlisbcrger. Try those greet you at the door snd take your performs the tasks of hundreds of Rooseveltians point out that 76 per the Bowling Green University fresh- (William) from Newcomerstown. The Y. M. C. A. directory was or- on your grandmother's Remington! tickets: Shirley Pruden, Jans Davis, typists, accountants and clerks. cent of the students who voted in man gets called into army service by the poll came from northwestern the new draft law. iginally printed in black and white, Any resemblance to persons living Jackie Pierson, June Rumnel, Kath- After the inspection tour, a student yrn Young, Peggy Komminsk, Betty remarked. "The accountants had Ohio, which is traditionally Republi- C. A. A. students may well look to but some printer with a sense of or dead in this article is purely in- tentional and for further information Huber, Doris Peat, Elanor Schwarz, better chuck their ledgers and Join can, and little or no bearing can be their laurels for in their midst they humor slipped in a lot of Browns see your Y. M. C. A. directory. and Ruth Wilson. the army." gathered from the poll. hsve names that recall the rapid (five of them), some Greens (Richard PAGE 2 , BEE GEE NEWS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, lf40.#40 BEE GEE NEWS 1 — Campus Camera — P«bll*ed Every Wednesday of College Year by The Students of Bowling Green State Fragments Of Thought University By ALBERT L. BOUCHER -. ■ -■•! Ntm WOm N.liO-U *DV«J>TI«MM aTY National Advertising Service, Inc. Politics makes for strange berfellows. Imagine might flow from Willkie policies would be in- ( ■is Mayfleld, Carl LaRue, rest of the alphabetical agencies. Gradually Carol Christman, Marriunnc Bell, Vida Harms, John L.! Jack Berchman, Charles Klotz, Knutc Rochte Now many an accusing they will become atrophied—useless through UNNFKSTIY OF WISCONSIN CO-EW USE disuse. All this because we will have adopted Alta Miller ENOUGH LIPSTICK ANNUALLY TO ANNT finger can be pointed Advertising Manager Max Hanke GEORGE WASHINGTON FOUR 60C0 SIZED BARNS'' THE AYEWfiE at the New Deal, but in no sense can it be said a different philosophy of government. While Asaiatants—Bob Redman, Bob Desscckcr, RFCEIVED ONLY ONE COLLEGE CO ED COVERS' 968 SO. FEET OF UPS that Roosevelt has been unsympathetic to labor. Roosevelt emphasizes general welfare and social Bob Slone, Bob Wolvarton, Bob MH-.HI, DEGREE--AN LIB. FROM • • • IN A YEAR • ■ • There is absolutely no reason to believe that la- justice, Willkie will emphasize individualism Marjorie Hilt, Joan Brown, Betty Goode- WS1IIM&T0M COLLEGE. MD. and production. While Roosevelt listens to the nough, Marilyn Traver, Bill Bokerman bor would fare any better under Willkie than under Roosevelt. It is more reasonable to con- masses, Willkie will lend his ear to the business clude that Lewis' present attitude toward Roose- interests. While Roosevelt plans for tomorrow, The »innion» iipmi'd in tha various mif ned Willkie will live for today. While Roosevelt colinu of this paper ara thoie of tha wrllars velt is one of personal animosity rather than a At The Calendar Of strengthens the arm of government. Willkie will and ara not necessarily ■harad by tha Bea Caa difference in phliospohy. Ncwi or any other group or individual. Local Cinema The Week LEWIS ACCEPTS SUPERMAN weaken it. It will be recalled that during the course of QUO VADIS Roosevelt And Willkie... AT THE CLA-ZEL . . . Club. the present campaign, Willkie has promised that Of one thing we can be certain. Neither Irt-wis Starting today and playing to- The Y. M. C. A. cabinet meeting if elected he will put the unemployed to work, nor Greene nor any other labor leader can de- No two presidential candidates as Wen- morrow and Friday is technicolored tomorrow at 7 p. m. Important! wipe out pauperism, increase wages, reduce liver the labor vote. The workingman in Amer- dell L. Willkie and Franklin D. Roosevelt "Down Argentine Way" starring Don taxes, protect the worker's right of organization ica is not class conscious. When he steps into have differed so basically on political is- A niche, Betty Grublo and Carmen and collective bargaining, preserve all the social the voting booth he will vote as he pleases. So Miranda. A musical cxtravunganza Notice To Stud.ntt la The College gains of the Roosevelt administration, use the in a very real sense it can be said that the Lewis sues and governmental theories since the Of Liberal Arts that will interest two continents. power of the United States to make for world blast will be neither an asset nor a liability to question of slavery split the nation into All students enrolled in the Col- Good entertainment. peace, and keep America out of war. Now this Roosevelt or Willkie. But unless Lewis has been a civil war 75 years ago. The American lege of Liberal Arts who receive An expose of date bureau rack- line is all right for the rabble, but if John L. living a lie for twenty years in his avowed love voter must choose between two men rep- eteers, telling a sensational story cither D or F in any course at the for labor, and this I would not undertake to deny, resenting opposing ideologies on election about one of the most vicious blnck- end of the first six weeks should ar- l.cwis actually believes it, as he says he does, day, November 6. mailing racket* in America is "Gla- range for a conference with me at then he is more gullible than when he thought then his recent bolt to the Willkie bandwagon mour For Sale", showing Saturday. the earliest possible time. Appoint- that his assistance to Roosevelt in '36 would give defies an intelligent 'explanation other than as a Basically the argument goes back to Sunday and Monday brings the ments can be made with Miss Hichur.l him a first lien on the United States government. conflict of personalities. As of old, people are that old controversy of deciding what the screen version of the famous stage in Room 210A. J. R. Overman, ■ enn. I.rwis must know that any help to labor which funnier than anybody. role of government is—whether it shall be play "No Time For Comedy," star- an active or a passive role, and how the ring James Stewart, Rosiland Rus- Cat Your Halted By term democracy and the constitution shall sell. A riot of clever scenes and dia- ROBERT be interpreted to govern the greatest na- logue. Good entertainment. Tickets for 'Margin For Error" On The Social Side HABENSTEIN tion on earth. will be exchanged for ac cards today AT THE LYRIC . . . and tomorrow from 3 to 6 p. m. in The Roosevelt New Deal which is now Victor MrLaglcn is a renegade Jew- the check room in the Administration Is the quality of education becoming strained? for a severe setback in American colleges. The completing its eighth year in the political 1 king in the Orange River country Building. Adult admissions may be Education as we are pleased to know it incorpor- problem is not so much to stop this shift, if it saddle, fundamentally, is grounded on a of South Africa in Thursday's pic, purchased at the same time. ates democratic thinking and thinking about were possible to stop it, but to insure that .the new social order in which individual Diamond Frontier." Cast includes democracy. Yet why is it that millions of stu- ideals and spirit of democracy be kept alive and John Loder, Anne Nagel, Philip Dorn rights and property interests are placed Chart Misting dents who have been educated seem to be much riade accessible to the student of the changing second to the general welfare of the popu- and Cecil Kcllaway. less sure of democracy than ther forebearers? college. The Tulso Kid, Don "Red" Barry, A handball chart containing valu- lace and the nation at large. The New /hy is it that overtly well educated college stu- If we are to preserve democracy we can do it Deal proposes that when business anil in- Iodines war on ninge rackets in the able information has been lifted from pie, "The Tulsa Kid", showing here the bulletin board in the P. K. Build- dents ure today making such statements as "Dem- only by practicing it to the fullest extent. It dustry fail to maintain a balance of pro- Friday and Saturday. ing. Same should be returned to ocracy is a luxury" or "Democracy can not hold is the task of education to develope the democratic duction, distribution and consumption, or "Melody and Moonlight" Suniiuy ('ouch Paul E. Landis. up during critical times"? ideal by stimulating youth to seek the truth, to when they maintain themselves as a men- and Monday. Story of a deb fed up face fucts fairly and to act with the courage of ace to the people at large, the federal gov- Truly such statements can only attest the shal- with Uic boredom of society, who THE COLLEGE COED lowness of the education that these students are conviction. It is the duty of our institutes of ernment shall take it upon itself to regu- goes to a public dunce hull und tin.Is receiving. It is also evident that cap-and-gown higher learning to offer education in democracy late and control the affairs of industry and her lov.r anil partner In a great dance She smiles and winks along the way as such no matter what change is required to labor in order to maintain tola balance. team. Stars Johnny Downs and June While men to her attention pay. education is not altogether non-deserving of a growing disregard by the public. meet public pressure. The New Deal belives that in times of Pratee, She haa that "oomph" in every The forces against democracy cannot take good and Don Anierhe star manner- Faced with a lack of public confidence colleges root in a country where youth has been encourag- business slack and stagnation of industry, in the pie of America's immortal ac- We name her first for college may soon lie fuced with the problem of revising the government shall extend its credit in ed to discuss all questions, to seek the reasons tress, "Lillian Russell." Recom- banner. curricula or experiencing lack of public support for success and failure of men and nations and a pump priming program to absorb the mended. Fraternity pins—she has them all, —which of course, means loss of financial aid. unemployed and give industry the impetus empires throughout history, to strive for the Besides the pictures that line her But a revision of curricula to meet the public benefit of not one or of a few but of many. it needs to reassert itself on its normal Regional Planning Commission for wall. sentiment of today can only mean that the idea The staglinc bows to her command Billions for defense are useless without trained level. Geneva Conference of Y. W. C. A. of liberal education must be jettisoned, to be re- will meet in Cleveland Y. W. C. A. She thins them out like grains of minds to spend them. No army however large Opposed to this new social order, the placed by a system of courses in practical spec- with Agnes Dinsmore, Margaret Wil- sand! can be effective without a unity of spirit among Republicans present Wendell L. Willkie ialized knowledge with the accent on technical son, Roberta Hanlinc and Miss Wur- We always find her shining face the common soldiers. No country which prides and his theory which apparently is in di- and military training. ner representing Bowling Green. Col- At some well known college place. itself on being democratic can afford to weaken rect opposition to that of the New Deal. Ah yes—she smiles for all her public leges and Universities of Northern It seems very probable then, that the emphasis its base in order to build a more imposing su- Ohio will be represented. Mrs. Ket- This college coed—an interesting Whereas the New Deal says, "Control on the acquisition of a liberal education is due perstructure. industry" the Willkie philosophy says cham, wife of the President of Union subject! "Let business alone"—give the business- College is to be General Chairman. Ann Murry man a chance and this balance of produc- tion, distribution and consumption will By take care of itself. Letter To The Editor JESSE Basically the Willkie program is rooted The Spigot MITTLEMAN in the individualist attitude where the rights of individuals and private property Dear Editor: ment monopoly and private monopo- In rebuttal to the article of last ly? GURGLES DRAINPIPE DRIPPINGS are placed above the group interests. That Don't forget to get your tickets for "Margin You've ' no doubt heard the sequel to is, if the individual in business, agricul- week in regard to the outcome of the Mr. Roosevelt has been a great ex- Presidential election, here are a few ponent of emergency measures. We For Error" ... we hear it is going to be pretty the well-known line about "Men don't make pas- ture, the professions and so on, is left ses at girls who wear glasses" . . . "Girls who are largely to himself and to his own ingen- notes. The author of that article have in his administration been in good, but of course, we wouldn't know . . . and based his conclusion that F. D. R. the longest period of emergency our it might be worth while to get Mike D'Asaro bespectacled never get their neck tickled" . Over- uity, the group interest, the general wel- would win on two features of his history has known. What is the great to give you his imitation of a Hitler radio address heard, "The Spigot's getting funnier every week; fare Will automatically be taken care of. record. These attributes were: his emergency we face today! Our an- with a knowledge of only three German words they're running a cartoon with it now" . . . that's The one single basic controversy of the handling of labor problems and his Bwer is, peace, or war. besides "gesundheit" ... We couldn't help no- the sort of thing which should make a person act relief program. present campaign is the welfare of the "What," you say, "is not national ticing the National Guardsmen marching to the disgruntled, if we only could figure out how a dis- masses versus the welfare of business, it Granted that Mr. Roosevelt's labor defense our greatest immediate prob- gruntled person should act. program in the main, and his relief railroad station one night last week before leav- is group interests pitted against individual lem?" We think not. Preparedness ing for Mississippi, where they will spend a year interests. program in part, has been necessary is a means, not an end. The end is THOUGHTS ABOUT FRAGMENTS and good. Granted that he meant peace or war. We will have our na- in training . . . what espec- In response to our query of last week wonder- Willkie shows a definite leaning toward well in all his activities while in that tional defense regardless. So the ially struck us was the ing what profs think about when they are lec- big business whereas Roosevelt is partial important office. Yet in summing up primary issue, as we see it. Is foreign number of men tagging turing, we have received exactly two replies, to labor and the working class. On for- his record we find a little too much policy. which makes us feel good, because now we know on the liability half of the ledger. along behind them looking eign policy the two candidates differ very Mr. Roosevelt's foreign policy has that two other people besides the printer and us In his program of Economic Re- little: both want to keep the United States been much debated, as have his ac- as if they wished they could read this thing, and so we feel as if we are not covery, we feel that Mr. Roosevelt tions relating, but one fact is self- out of the European conflict, both favor has accomplished little, if anything, go along and play soldier living our life (or should it be lives?) in vain aid to Great Britain, and both endorse the evident and that is, he is taking on . . . but to return to the subject, one of the an- through his so-called pump priming himself the burden of our foreign re* too . . . it's a wonderful Selective Service program and military unless it be to substantially raise the swers merely said, quote, "But definitely," and preparedness as a safeguard of national lations. A fine recent example was game, shooting real guns national debt. the destroyer deal with England. A and wearing nice new uni- the other, "Arent we all?" . . . frankly, we are defense. This, of course, relates to the fiscal necessary art you say, poasibly, but aghast ... we had never looked at it from that policy of the present administration. forms and learning how Roosevelt has created a strongly cen- his method was certainly not demo- to march . . . what a shame angle before, and now we find ourselves rather in- tralized government which has champion- Mr. Roosevelt has on his record shown cratic, it was dictatorial. clined to agree with these two anonymous con- beyond any reasonable doubt either that some other phases of ed the middle class, the farmer, the la- Therefor, we believe that, while soldier instructions are not publicly empha- tributors . . . Things wouldn't seem the same his incapability or his unwillingness in 1932 the American people rightly borer; Willkie proposes to let business to even carry a balanced budget for sized, such as learning to 'twist a bayonet after here without a corny gag or two, so here is this run itself, and to reestablish and revive may have felt that "Harassed Herbie" inserting it into an adversaries body in order week's quota ... a friend of ours (yes, we have one year. was no longer capable of filling this democratic individualism which he claims In addition to his inexcusable fiscal to extricate it more easily, and how to wound one, in spite of this column) -was hitch-hiking has died. great office, the thinking people of policy, more accurately termed spend- today do not want Rambunctious a soldier in the leg rather than kill him outright, the other day, and a casket salesman picked him The choice of the voter lies between ing policy, Mr. Roosevelt has deemed Rosie and noncomitant sideplay in in- as a wounded man needs people and money to up . . . being a sociable sort of chap, he asked the these two men and their philosophies. If it necessary to attempt to regulate ternational politics to continue. care for him, while a dead soldier can be thrown salesman how business was, and received the John Q. Public wants governmental con- our economy. He has tried to con- The defeat of Mr. Roosevelt on in a ditch . . . one thing that has always struck very sombre reply, "Dead" ... he was, of course, trol the farm production by soil con- trol of industry and labor, he will elect Nov. 6 may well mean that many us is that in wartime it is not the man with the astounded, and so they rode a few more miles, servation programs and other crop Roosevelt; if he thinks labor and industry Harvard men will no longer have brains who counts, but it is the man who can drop when the stillness was again broken by the voice limitation means. He haa in some employment, but they can return to should not be tampered with, that they instances, those of building and utili- "to the ground the fastest when he hears a shell of the casket seller, "You college guys think can run themselves, he will elect Willkie. school and take another crack at that approaching who lasts the longest—and the man you're pretty witty, but the guy who wrote 'Snow- ty primarily, gone into direct com- Economics coarse. It is democratic centralism against demo- petition with private enterprise. la with the Ph.D. takes the orders from a sergeant bound' was Whittier" ... at which point my cratic individualism.—A. F. there any difference between govern- Leonard Carlisle who can count up to 20 if he takes his shoes off. friend decided to walk. PAGES BEE GEE NEWS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1940 Lutherans Tie Brood, 7-7; Kent Here Saturday

NOTICE Ashland Next Falcons Meet Unbeaten Cap's Aerial Blitzkreig A change will be made in the natatorium schedule to become Opponent For Flashes In Home Finale Strikes To Knot Count effective November 4, according to an announcement made by B. G. Harriers Coach Budd Co*. Naiatorium di- Starn Coached Eleven Holds Lead In State-Wide Scoring Brown And Orange Gridder. Fold Up In Second Race With 139 Points In Six Victories; rector. Hill And Dalers Fall To Half A. The Service. Of Captain Brudzinski The pool will be reserved for Have Well Rounded Attack And Fails Are Misted the vartity and frethman twim- Scientists By 25-35 raert daily from 4 to 6 p. m. and Count Bowlinp; Green's fiKhtiiur Falcons will challenge Kent State's An injury riddled Falcon eleven staved off a second half Capi- the Swan Club will meet on undefeated Golden Flashes next Saturday in University stadium. „af aerial attack to tie the Lutherans 7-7 in the Dedication Day The Brood, still sadly handicapped by the mid-season loss of Cap- Wednesday night from 7 to 9. This Saturday, between halves of tain Steve Brudzinski, will find stiff opposition in the Flashes, I-ame held Saturday at the new Capital stadium. All other scheduled hour, will the Kent State-Bowling Green foot- fresh from an impressive 31-7 victory over Washinirton and Jeff- The Ockermen found the Capital passing combination of Al be retained al previsuily an- ball game, the harriers will meet Ashland College. Heading the in- erson. _____ Pesek to PauTElsass very hard to stop without the services of nounced. CaSin Steve Brudzinski and Quarterback Johnnie Fails. A rib vaders will be the Ohio Conference LastMIDI J*-*"year Bowling■*»-...... »* Green plung'.l- . — . cluunpion, Gilbert Dodds. Kent State's huge Homecoming crowd flnnkmcn injury kept Chuck Catanese on the* into mourning by mopping up the| c,a. h Harry Ockerman will prob- sideline, until the fourth quarter took over the ball on the 6 yard line. Intramural Department Dodds, a senior, has held the cross c "Golden Boys" 34-0. However, this ab)vably ttartstart ,thehp revamped backfield ho Bowling Green first penetrated in- The first play of the fourth period To Publish Handbook country crown for two years. He found Sielschott getting off a poor has competed with Cunningham, Ven- year a vastly different squad is haunt- used in the Capital game, with John- to Capital territory late in the first ing the Ohio Conference title preten- son at fullback, Mussill at quarter, kick which went out pf bounds on Bowling Green University is defi- ske and other nationally known long period when Winnie Parks' 40 yard ders. The Kent Staters are rated the Usak and Wellner at tho halfback the Bee Gee 10 yard stripe. Two nitely going on a big time scale f..r distance runners. When only a soph- kick went out of bounds on the Capi- second best collegiate team in the na- posts. Chuck Catanese, iron man of tal 2 yard stripe. The Lutherans plays later a pass from Al Pesek to intramurals, according to a statement omore. Dodds finished third in the Paul Elsass was good for the Capital annual Sugar Bowl Run at New Or tion or the basis of games won and the Falcon line will probably be back punted out to the 25 from where WeU- by Coach Paul E. Landis, director lost and points scored. The Flushes at his accustomed pivot spot, while touchdown. Pesek then kicked a of intramural activities. Formation leans. The Ohio Conference meet ner carried the ball to the 3 yard have won six straight games and Burnett and Quesinbcrry are expected marker. Dcwey Johnson went over perfect conversion. of two new leagues in bowling and held here last spring saw him win the mile run, and then lose to Force piled up 152 points for an average to be the starting guurds. The tack- his own right guard to score for the touch football are the first step in of 2B.il points per gamr. les are still indifinite with Ihnat. Mc- Falcons. Wellner's attempted place- promoting the university large ,'cale of Heidelberg by a scant margin in Head Coach "Rosy" Stain will Cloud, Randolph. Eckert, and Leath- ment wu blocked but he picked up the iwo mile race. plan. bring to Bowling Green a big. pow- ers lighting it out for the bids. the free ball and scampered into the From The Unlike many other universities, in- Meeting a strong Case team from tramurals :it Bowling Green are man- Cleveland last Saturday, the Bowling erful eleven sparked by the Flushes' In the eleven gridiron meetings of end lone for the extra point. might, Mickey Mittigo, who is one Bowling Green again went deep in- Feminine Field aged by student directors under the Green harriers were defeated 26-33. the two schools. Bowling Green has supervision of Coach Landis. For The scientists were paced by Kempt, of the leading conference scorers. worn the victor's wreath four times, to Cap. territory late in the second By VIRGINIA PATTERSON Li'l Mickey has twisted his hips for quarter but was held for down, on many years now the trend towanl "a who finished the 4 mile course in 21.- Kent State has won three times, and an average of nearly seven yurds four games huve ended in deadlocks, the 7 yard line- Capital made their sport for every man" has been the 69. main objective of the university and per try, has thrown ubout sixty per two of them scoreless. first down as the half ended. The final outcome of the archery The vastly improved Falcons wen cent of the Flash passes, and is tournament in which the five service this year with such a wide ranging The third period opened with Cap- led by Louis DeSandro and Jay Par- slnted to walk away with the All-Ohio classes competed has been posted. Out plan it is hoped that every man in ital starting the show with a aerial ker, who finished second and fourth and All-Conference quarterback slot. circus" which continued until the of the one hundred fourteen women the university will be represented. respectively. DcSandro's time was JESSE J. CURRY A booklet containing information "Butch" Mack, brother of Ray guM ended. Capital advanced from participating, eight took the awards. 22.16. OPTOMETRIST about the proposed plan will be in Mack, the Cleveland Indians star their own 32 to the Bee Gee 7 in five The more competent archers shot The rest of the Bowling Green USE OUR BUDGET PLAN circulation within the next few weeks. second baseman, shares the line- playa before the Falcon defense from the 40 and 30 yard lines, while squad finished in the following or- bucking chores with hard-running Robert Wayland is the student di- Tel, 111 II 116 K. Court St. tightened to hold for downs. Late in those less skilled shot at the 20 and der: Ralph Boroff 5, Dwight Toedter Dean Whisper, while Eddie Biasulla this period the Lutherans again pene- 30 yards. Winners at the longer rector of Intramurals and any infor- mation regarding entrance of teams 10. and Edson Parks 12. Ken Wins- fills out the powerful backfield quar- trated the Bee Gee territory when distance were: 1st. Betty Jane Good- low and Clarence Goterba failed to tet. Although Kent State's line has may be secured through him at the ATTENTION STUDENTS they went to the Falcon 1 yard stripe. enough, 2nd. lone been riddled by injuries throughout i Men's P.E. building. place, , Taxie to Fremont and Four times the Falcon defense held Lantz, and 3rd. Patri- tho season, they are expected to be1 tho Lutheran backs from scoring and cia Pratt. An inter- and vicinity in shnpo for Saturday's fracas. Big, Only 60c esting fact about Bet- Prospective Freshmen Tracksters rangy Bill Starn, sophomore center ty Coodcnnufch's arch- und cousin of Head Coach "Rosy" In group of 8 ing is that she shoots Work Out Under Coach P. E. Landis Starn, will draw the pivot assign FULLERS Ph. 4131 Feathers with a bow that she ment. made herself. In the Earl Mcllvaine, senior guard, is From The 20-30, there were five Track eo»oh Paul Landis now has Lawrence Cramer. Fostorin; Ralph Klein. Lnkcwood: Bill Davis, Fos- out with u dislocated knee, and Tom Meet Your Friends nwurds given. Clara- 28 freshmen working OUt daily. The Schenx will probably start in his po- Falcon Nest dine Corwell took first prospective varsity members are let- torin: Bill Regmer, La Porte Ind.i At The Purity By DUNNY Virginia Qerold Tenwalde, Ottawa: Roy Rob- sition, with Ed Chealeakl at the other Patterson place, Garnita Kirk- ting in shupe for the Sigma Delta Pal guard. Tough, durable Walt Porow-1 endale second place, Audry Morris test! which will begin on Nov. 5, bin, Huron: and Dick Franks, West Home Made Candies, Ice Salem. Half Milers are: Leonard ski has often been dubbed the tifih MORE FOOTBALL . . . third, Eileen Honeck fourth, and May Sigma Delta Psi is a national hon- Held, Sanduskyi and John ttetsger, man in the opposing backfield, so hard: Cream, Toasted While the Falcons wen' making Louise Cook fifth place. orary athletic society in which mem- und fust does he smash through from | bership is (ranted for all-around Lucky. Sandwiches their none-too prosperous journey to Last week the initiation was held Weight nun listed are: John Critz. his tackle slot. His running mate the state's capital over the week-end for the now members of the Swan athletic ability and scholarship. will probably be either Jim Black- Cross country men on the squad Cincinnati: and Dimitri Kunch, Lo- Purity several of her opponents were ad- Club. The following women have i-ain. Working on the pole vuult are: steak or Jimmy Alogilelis. The vancing their claims for state-wide entered the organization: Marian arc: Jim I.amont, Springfield; Bill Clashes are almost overstocked with Toedter, Whitmer; John Bloom, Mont- G. Sprankel, Milan; and Roger Ya- Confectionery football recognition by bowling over Coates. Peggy Curtiss, Mary Hoff- ple, Sandusky. The only high jum- lanky, sticky-fingered ends, but Jiin- their foes in very impresive styles. man, Elenore Schware, Mardo Blier, peiler; Jack Baxter, George Bradley. ceive starting call over the sophomore North Main St. Duane Kirkwell and Richard Green. per is Lloyd Thompson, Shaker Heading this group was the Kent Bonnie Andrew, Joan Fulton. Sally Hofghts. my Jones anil Duane Barney will re- State University Golden Flashes. The Charier, and Virginia Wright. Dash men are: Doyle Byal, McComb; Starns coached team, which invades the nest this week, roll.nl over the Presidents of Washington and Jef- ferson for their sixth straight victory by the resounding score of 31-7. It was a big dedicatory celebration for the once mighty Presidents but the game was all Kent from the start. To date the Renters have scored 139 counters to 13 for their rivals. This places them at the top of the state scoring race. Wittenberg's Red Devils continued their winning ways by trouncing a Lawrence Tech eleven 20-0. This makes five in a row for the Spring- field lads. In other games Findlay College eked out a 13-6 victory over the vast- ly underrated Bluffton College team and Wooster's battling Scots smashed through to a 14-3 victory over a pre- viously undefeated Muskingum Col- lege eleven. Although there is no complete tally, available news from the blue grass region indicates that the Eastern Ken- tucky Teachers are on the crest of a lWe game winning streak and to date they have held .their opponents to seven points while amassing some 155 counters. This week the Wittenbergers pit their undefeated record against an equally clean slate of the Yoemen of Oberlin; Findlay travels to play Ithaca College; Michigan Normal meets Alma College; Capital battles Valparaiso; Wooeter encounters Denison; East- ern Kentucky tackles Cumberland University and Wayne University plays the Central State Teachers.

,*„__. i». a " l«-4. T—. o-w. m-u-s—. N-U, Crdls. TRY SOME ... Good Baked Beans with WITH^"^ SLOWER-BURNING | a Hamburger Whitehouse Hamburger Shop Camels Our Customers Come In recent laboratory tests, CAMELS burned Back! 25 % slower than the average of the 15 other of the largest-selling brands tested—slower QUALITY WORK than any of them. That means, on the aver- PROMPT SERVICE age, a smoking plus equal to Canen Cleaners (Minor Repairs Free) _ 5 EXTRA SMOKES PER PACK! PAGE 4 BEE GEE NEWS WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 30, 1940

Dancing every Saturday THE PUTS THE THING' AS SOCIAL Eddie Ross Plays 90 Attend K. D. P. THE Night' For All-Campus Convention Here HOLLAND STORE I. O. O. F. HALL ACTIVITIES ARE NIL FOR WEEK-END lea Craaaa . . M.lted Milk . . 9 Until 12 O'clock About 300 people enjoyed the music Ninety representatives from 13 uni- Hat Fudfe Sund.e. . . Hot 'Margin For Error' To Be Given Friday, Saturday; of Eddie Ross' orchestra at the Las versities attended the annual regional Chocolate and Sandwich** Sororities Hold Upperclassmen Pledge Service; Amigas Hallowe'en dance in the men's convention of the Kappa Delta Pi This coupon and 30c presented gymnasium Saturday. national education honorary frater- with the order will clean and Williams Hall To Give Dance A huge spider clinging to a sil- nity, which was held here last Friday preen, a pair of trousers, skirt very cobweb was suspended behind and Saturday. or sweater. the band. Multi-colored leaves and "I have attended meetings of many Expert Beauty work to This week-end will find1 Joe College and his coed girl friend at Home Laundry and Bowling Green attending the theatre instead of cutting a few smirking pumpkin faces decorated national organizations in which the fit your individual Dependable Cleaners capers at a campus dance. "Margin, for Error", a modern mys- the balcony. Cider and doughnut* programa weren't any better," were tery thriller, will be presented Friday and Saturday evenings in were served continuously throughout the words of Dr. W. A. Zaugg, spon- the evening. sor of the local chapter. styles the Administration Building. You won't want to miss it, so make John Keown led the mixers and GOTHAM GOLD STRIPE your week-end plans include an attendance of "Margin for Error". directed the Grand March. Ruth Beautiful Silk Ho.e Meek is president of the Las Amigas Charle. Drummond will five a re About 75 couple, attended tha an- The Fi»e Brother fraternity ka> Sorority. port of F. G. Keyes' speech at the Kay Ann Beauty 79c up to $1.35 nual Hallowe'en dance given last Fri- entered a touch football team in the American Chemical Society, and the day evening at Kohl Hall for resi- intramural league, with Bob Way- Shop Tue.dar, October 22, the following film, "Within the Flames" will be BON TON HAT SHOP dent* and tholr guest*. Dancing was land aa manager. A five man bowling shown at the bi-weekly meeting of enjoyed in the main dining room team is also competing in this new 3-Kay girls took the Arat degree: Helen Easely, Avila Pokey, Marie the Chemical Journal Club tomorrow from 9 to 12 with Eddie Ross and intramural sport. evening at 7 p. m. Waltermire and Evelyn McClelland, hia Collegians playing. Brother Steve Brudzinski is being Friday, Bonna Jean Emch, Ann Keyes will speak tonight in To- For the best FOOD in Appropriate Hallowe'en decorations detained in the university infirmary ledo on the "Liquification of Gases." The CLA-ZEL and soft side lights removed all traces suffering from blood poison of an arm Gainer and Esther Bums entertained several freshmen at a party. i of a "dining-room atmosphere." Re- infection. Matinee Daily—Continuou. Show town go to . . . Ten Kappa Delta Pi members freshment* of punch and cookies Bob Wayland was elected to the Sat.-Sun.-Tua. office of fraternity scribe, replacing stayed at the sorority house last week- After the Play . . en- were served during the evening. Full end. WED.-THUR.-FRI. credit for a successful dance goes to Arden Webster, who did not return Oct. 30-31-NOT. 1 Dorman's Bill Prosser, who acted as general to school this year. joy a delicious snack A .lumbar party, in boaor of tha , in chairman. Brothers Jim Hollinger, Joe De- at the .. . "Down Argentine Way" Restaurant Faculty guest* for the evening Haven. Paul Ullom, and Bill Bocker- new upper-classmen pledges, was were: Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Prout, Dean man witnesses the Detroit Lions- given by The Five Sister Sorority and Mr*. A. B. Conklin, Mr. and Mrs. Washington Redskins professional Monday night in the Women's Build- WED. 11:30 P.M. OCT. 30 202 S. Main St. John Bunn, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cad- football game Sunday at Detroit. ing. The new pledges are Phyllis GIANT Gala Midnight Halloween wullader, Mr. J. C. Reid, Mr. and Brother Ed Siminski, who is play- Jackson, Arlene Fisher, and Pat Wal- Fun Fast Mr*. E. J. Kreishcr and Miss Chap- ing professional football with the Buf- ters. HAMBURG "THE VILLAIN STILL man. falo Indians, has been switched from PURSUED HER" his tackle position to an end post. Big Tha La. Amiga. Sorority is an- South Main Street Balloons, Noisemaker for all Masquerade William. Hall ra.idant. and their Ed beat out Alex Shcllog, former nouncing plans for the formation of SAT. NOV. 2 guests will celebrate Hallowe'en with Notre Dame captain, for the tackle a local alumnae chapter. Approxi- Gene Autry in a dance at the dorm tomorrow night position during the enrly part of the mately 12 former actives are now from 8 to 11. The committee in season. living in Bowling Green and are plan- "Ride Tenderfoot Ride" HALLOWE'EN charge of arrangements consists of ning to organize formally within the STUDENT ACCOUNTS Also Roger Pryor, Anita Louise in Joan Norsworthy, Dorothy Harris, Presentation of the Either Rua.ell next two weeks. Mrs. Sara Dunipace "Glamour For Sale" Roller Skating llelcnc Corrcsel, Janice Hoffman, Scholarship Cup was made to the is in charge of the general arrange SOLICITED ments. SUN.-MON. NOV. 3-4 Rosemnry Sample, Marcella PettFSOH Seven Sister Sorority at the Inter- James Stewart, Rosalind Party and Marie Evans. Sorority Tea held Sunday afternoon Russell in in Recreation Hall from 3 to B. The "No Time For Comedy" Commoner Rex Moorhead ha. been cup is given each semester to the sor- The Bank of • I the put in charge of all initiation rore- ority with the highest point average. Headquarters for Uni- TUE. NOV. S monies. The pledges received their The tea was open to all sorority versity Fraternity and Wood County Dick Powell, Ellen Drew in first taste of fraternity initiation at members and advisors and Pan-Hel- Member of Federal Deposit "Christmas In July' Hell Night last Monday. Sorority Jewelry COREY ROLLER lenic members. June Reed was gen- Insurance Corp. Special Election Midnight Snow Alumni Brothers Ray Light, Dick eral chairman in charge of arrange- Order Now For Christmas Box Office Open till 1 a.aa. Mougey, Stewart, Wolf and Ron ments for the afternoon. RINK lleilman were guest* al the house tver the week-end. Ovrr one hundred Delhi Alumni re- Klever's Thur.,Oct.31 Alumni Brother Alvin Feltnn and turned to the campus for Homecom- MAY WE REMIND YOU? his wife visited the house last week- ing. Jim Inman was elected presi- Jewelry Store Door Prize—1 pair end. dent of the Alumni at a meeting held shoeskates The Commoners were host to sev- at the house Saturday afternoon. Jim THE PARROT eral Kappa Delta Pi members who has promised more activity and closer Many Other Prizes attended tho convention here Friday cooperation between the alumni and Offers savings on meal tickets and Saturday. the active members. EAT 8 to 12 p.m. Skating 35c The fraternity offer* a vote of A full line of School Supplies Betty Jenningi, a ra.idant of Wil- thanks to Brothers Don Mason, Jim CAIN'S liams Hall, underwent an operation Zcchman, Ken Harger and their com- Marcelle Potato Chips for appendicitis last week. She is mittees for their efficient handling of LUNCHES—DANCING—ICE CREAM recovering in the community hospital. On any occasion Homecoming preparations. "Your Campus Store" THE LYRIC Brother Ed Voltz is rapidly re- covering from hi* recent operation GAS DOESN'T COST- for appendicitis. Adult, (all tin...) 20« IT PAYS I THUR. 0«t. 31 Phratra aorority hald a brief pledse On Our Stage at 8:30 service at the house Tuesday night "GOOFY AUCTION" THE GAS COMPANY for Kathryn Beckman. Key pictures Prises for the best Halloween were also taken. Costumes Games on Stage! Fun for All I Jack Pot Thi. Week $24.00 Screen Attraction For refreshment after STUDENTS! Victor McLuglen in "Diamond Frontier" the play let's go to . . . Your Own Store— FRI.-SAT. Nov. M University Supplies Open 2:16 Sat. Drugs and Cosmetics Don (Red Ryder) Barry in ISALVS "The Tulsa Kid" At Lowest Prices Anniversary Week HOT SANDWICHES AND NOT. 3 to 10 SOUPS SUN.-MON. NOT. 3-4 SUNDAES AND SODAS Kiger's Drugs Open 2:15 Sun. Johnny Downs. Vera Vague. Jerry Colonna, Jane France and The Kidoodlcrs in "Melody and Moonlight"

TUE.-WED. NOT. 5-6 Alice Fayc, Don Ameche in "Lillian Russell"

CO TO KESSEL'S for your Dresses Coats Sweaters Skirts

Use . . . WE MADE IT! Grade "A" Milk . . . and arc. we proud of that littndxomr Cordon Oxford shirt! In fact we have proudly shirtrd Cream college men for'genrra- Butter lions—and today Arrow Buttermilk is still the favorite to win on any campus. Model Dairy Gordon Oxford has the fHf 0""£loday, more than ever, people are taking to Chesterfield famous button-down because Chesterfieldt concentrates on the important things in Dover collar, Sanfor* ised-Shrunk (fabric smoking. You smoke Chesterfields and find them cool and shrinkage less than pleasant. You light one after another, and they really taste bet- 1%). Invest $2. today ter. You buy pack after pack, and find them definitely milder. ARROW in this time-honored ce- lebrity. Another buck _ For complete smoking satisfaction will bay an Arrow tic ean brttof 6f onm SHIRTS to top it off. Sec your Make your^^\ ■"■■ '* *• ° * SANFORIZED Arrow dealer today. &8jggj&££> ARROW SHIRTS ""K^t/ESTERF/ELD re ln«> mourn Co