■■y' ' ' -. •i'S< . v. ■'jvrrmii JHattr^patrr lEwftttttS 1948 j 'fjjirL be ellfiM* tor eempaaaatlfla Ear Tka Seouta of Troop ^ hia narva coadltloa w lfidi was Police Court caused, his wife atotod, by bomb VeUrana Hospital to datormlna bib | ^ Si’-' tlM Manchaatar Becomes Affisneed M il rambidad to hava their haaabaU detonations at L^avra,- Franca. dlaabUlty, If auck .. , equipment tonight for their ^m j^ Barney W. Daley, o^,-Smlth Ha had bean heapltallaad in On application M 0f ViOage Charm 1 Franca, aha atatod, and came back « ( fiM A|l 7 t ’ to ooBCtado ploni to flntoli Brown, with the aasiatanoe of the continued to ' IFOod Fond drlTO. Mambera of TroCp 47, Boy ing on Buckland street Sunday Probation Officer, Jamea Duffy, to Test arrested by Chief Gordon. Soouta, had an overnight hike aim and was fined 8105 on tha first and Peace Conference ConvcM In Pwi^ |25 on the second charge by Judge. WollOM W. F l*c, o f 19 caunp over the week-end Robert Hutaon and Robert R. R. Bowers. I United States Will • Four Marines lltrM^ai drivo WU diociuurted flidahing a bridge in their uatA Daley, whoee Ucense to operate ^aNAval oorvloo Frtdojr *t tte MeraiiAii Davla and Arthur Buck was imder suspension due to a HAVid Pwrooonol S «p o»tloo Om - are building a lean-to. previous motor vehicle conviction, Icr at XMo Voag lalond. waa arrested at his home 45 min­ HALE'S SELF SERVE Stand by Decision pflm rtli.Oomcll Foot 102, AI Brlatol of Nlchola-Brlatol, utes after a car, which police said Inc., want by plane today to Akron, he was driving, struck the guard 19 Hurt in A m A-----Iran Ufton win have an im­ Thfi Original In New England! portant this cve^ at 8 Ohio, to attend a Goodyear dla- rail on the Buckland cut-off and ffrtoek Charp. n la requaated that tribubora meeting. It ia exproted knocked down five fence posts. a large turnout of member* ba th*t the dlatributora will given Daley had been travelling at ex­ On Peace Treaties aoma idea off what the tire aitM tim cessive speed, Proeecutor Raymond AND HEALTH MARKET la aaint looka like fOr the future by Good­ A. Johnson told thp cou rt year official*. Elmer W. Schneider, 21, of 18 Battle Four lira. Hanrjr KUppell. o f Provi- danca. R. L, waa a waak-and gueat West street RockviUe, waa fined BTTnn ^^IPariw Treaties o f Mr. and Mra. MUton Strong, of Hoaa * Ladder Company No. 1, $10 on a rules of the road charge. TU ESDAY SPECIALS! ferenee AmeiKK WID i 142 HoOlater atraat. of the South’ Mancheater Fire De­ Schneider was arretted after a car 3 0 0 partment, waa caHed at 2:06 yea- driven by the Rockville man crash­ Printed Vinyl Plastic Support Its Reeoiht- Texts Snarled terday afternoon by a atlll o**™* ed into the rear car of two wait iJ W Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales! British Troops Seek W eariai;tm ona« to extinguiah a graaa Are in 8L ing for one-way traffic to pass at mendstions in Eweik Mia* Violet Bungard Co...... lie || Jamea* cemetery off Orlawoid an Oakland street repair Job Fri­ Trestles DraftedfOp- Stato Department Hop­ day night Schneider admitted that street. Mr. and Mra Peter Biingard of 3 0 c and ^ 1_.00 yd. AinlitoA In Corafiil$^ LECLCRC he bad erred in Judgment of dis­ Dos. posed by Two-Tliirds ing 9o . Be Able to Plotters in Tel Aviv Mlaa Jeanette and Misa^Loia 88 North Elm street wish to an­ tance 'when he ran into the car Crown Jar Rings Sfriko i t m t k Panenl Hbsi« Buchanan of 175 Woodland atraat nounce the engagement of their ahead of him waiting for the north­ Checks — Stripes — Florals — and Fruita > Revetd ' Contents doughter, Mias Violet, to Edward O f 1 0 0 left Brainard Field Saturday on a bound traffic to pass. All colors for kitchen and bathroom, drapes, ahower Paris, July 80—(ff^— U* S* Place 28 Mala Street United Airliner for SeatUe, Wash., F. TankowskI, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Rlsley, o f 210 Eld- Secretaiy of State Byrnes 200,000 Resi- Frank Tankowski of 93 North Btl. curtains, etc. WMhlngtoB, July One Major Bills AutomKtic Phone 5269 where they will spend a two weeks’ ridge street pleaded guUty to 23c the Faria peace confer­ ot the most tangled of mai^4iiter- denU o f AU^Jeudsh vacation ^ t h their aunt and uncle, street. Certo charge of intoxication at his home ence today the United States netlonel SNAFU’S la being akn^ Rifles, Gnmadet Mr. and Mra. James Buchanan. No date has been set for, the Sunday and waa fined $15. Riatey Chy Under Virtual Face Death They will make their return trip wedding. would stand by the confer-' UBinaried at. tlw State depart- waa '«rrested by Sergeant John Pkgs. cnees’ recommendations in House Arrest at Daunt Peiping, Ju^ by plane also. * r MeOlinn on a complaint received Sur-Jel 25c ***|ment today through the paHent c f ‘ Rufus Robinson, o f 44 Malh at the station that Risley waa mak­ event It mipoaea by "*®"'forta ^of Ppeaa Officer Lincoln Three hundred CMafiSi^ . The George Pharaa. o f the Princess Filibuster, Dw indling street, won the horseshoe tourna­ ing a disturbance at hia home Sonaweet thirds majority any whito.White , July 30—

— wearing ‘the hlohdi grssn Grill, is spending his annual week’s ment at the annual party of the while intoxicated. H o u s e Attradanee vacation at Niantic. He will re­ peace treaties drafts by the When the laat kink ia atrmlght- British troop* placed the forms of (}oaimiiBis" Dewey-Richman Manchester Dry Cleaners of Welle A continuance of one week uH' Fonlgii Mlalaton ooundL 200,000 residents of the all- at least four U. S. port back' to work next week. street The runner-up^ Raymond der bond of $200 waa granted to Prune Juice Q t. enad out tha department hopes to M ay Halt . Machinery Ginolfl, o f 125 Charter Oak street I b e able------to reveal to the American Jewlsh city of Tel Aviv un­ and wounded 19 George W. Brown o f 258 Hilliard pubUo the full texta of tha peace lost by only two points. street, charged with non-tupport X Byrneo apoke in tha G en^ der virtufu house arrest at Washington. July 80—(ff>—A automatic we*mo^ Co. Havollne aaeembly o4 the conference abort*treatlea------now before the Parla con- of hia wife and six children. dawn today aa they opened a filibuster and dwlndUng attendanoe I Tcnades durfuf i OCULIST Pfc. Walter R. Ferguson, son Iv after the Rulea oommittea bad ferenee. Cleaning Time! Brown waa arreated In Hartford, Q t. oropoeed that all I But looking back on the tribula- prolonged and deliberate threatened today to Jolt legtslativ* our-hour attack on a o f Mr. and Mrs, Ronald H. Fergu­ Saturday when a complaint was Motor Oil 23c PRESCRIPTIONS FILLCfb son o f 257 East Center stre^,. waa oomtSttM meatinga and general tlona involved, aome peopla aeemed roundup aimed at finding the machinery to toe House to a full convoy of lOfi LwOManaaali WASH WINDOWS reglatered with Prosecuting At­ oonferenco aeaalmia be thrown inclined to wonder how the great witneeeee related today. WASH WOODWORK diacharged yesterday from the Air persona who bombdd the stop. A aearch la batog mada - - NEW FRAMES Forces after having served ’18 torney Rasnnond A. Johnson by ooen to tha preaa ot tha worid— powera could ever get together in fang David hotel in Jerusalem deaa, Wax. Poliak Floor* the State Humane Society, vHilch aetm toward the Wilaonian ideal makingmektog peace when they had ao Should that happen, saveral ma­ other Marines, hafleved to h*. LBNS^OUPLICATED months. (InNanktoto raJalae at flie new Bfe our Center Congregational chtuxh an' from hia home for the past two Plums an attempt to have them seated as The alternative, Byrnes well knew, ham, British high commlaataner lean Activities. The prtocipala to giiinlianirf oaa put in the old nual Christmas fair has met and heads of individual delegations. I was that they would be allowed to for the troubled Holy Land, said toe dispute are Repreeentatlvee settle China’s ____ weeks. He said that he under­ Rankin (D-Mlas.) and Marcan- ear. Sea ns today! selected Thursday anl^ Friday, De stood Brown was a machinist and Soviet Foreign Minuter Molo- dribble out in piecemeal fashion, toe-Brltiah had "clear evidence of preosed htoito toot I «■ cember 12 and 13 aa the dates for tor was not present in the hall I Toward the mid of the week the toe existence of terrorlsta to Tel tonlo (Amn. Lab.-N. T.). suited froaa Marta able to earn good money but had Frcfih Peaches when Byrnea made his speech, an British Foreign Office said, sun Avtv and that some If not all of 24 HOUR SERVICE the event not worked and had not made un­ $ 1 .4 7 I Ne Sign *f Break Communist force* answer to French PTeeident B l iwhy '- ’------not;- toe French Foreign office tooee who. took part to toe Jeru- There waa no sign of a break tore* week* and employment relief application. Fresh. Greefi Town Motors Blue Only! dault’a Inaugural addreas of yea- said, okay, but give them out in Decontrol Uni) Mism erim* came from toat town." today. munists have call 4 1 6 6 Brown, in hia own defense, atait- (arday. The Russian delegation. Washington and'toe other Big >ntractor Expected BIghty-aeveu hodica hava been re­ laoorporatad ed that he suffered from a nervous Rankin told reporters h e ___ torn ot 45 West Center Street MANCHESTER TAXI CO. String Beona A beautiful floral pattern printed on an exception­ Which has insisted upon unanimity Four capitals as weU as Paris. covered from to* bombed hotel and prepared to "fi|^ it through to (H* •557 condition resulting from hia war | ally fine fabric. ' of the four principal powers on The Ruaalana maintained a 'oday] 24 persona are mtortng. to* end of congrese,” and Mar- ProprietorBtor AttentionAttentI activitiea and was unable to hold a stony silwsca for awhile then, ac- Te BveiEvery OaB (Not exactly as illustrated). recommendatlona t o the peace ron- Service From Coffee See 2.SM t* S.SSS Arreata cantonio indicatad a stoiUar attt- regular Job due to his nerves. He ferenee, wag. lusded by toe viro eording to reports reaching Wash­ tude. WMPkX IH said that he could remain on a ington, said toe texta should be A high-ranking officer to Jeru­ 10 Lb. Bag foreign mlnlstei; Andrei Viahinaky jExpects to Start ^onj salem said to* worid’o only aB- Backed up behind to* fUlburtar Job Jiut so long, then hia nerves Onions 39c at too moment. pwlltoed provided the points In Ma). Fred J. got the better of him and he would 52x72 Floral and Mexican Patterns disagreement were deleted, Anderjon &y» jpjan Jewito city probably would be un­ Fans, 8. D.. who- WiH BtomI By A g r e e s ^ Big Job Outlined for der toe rigid curfew for * L An voy of blow my top.” He said that he Fresh **Tbe United States WUl stand m ile these negotiations about committee 3 SUES, had been working four days on a Kvlto a i^ e n ^ to thToo’S lw h a t should and * should not be Agency by Congress For $2,500 Given to _ _ _ days wliil* soldiers and Job, the hours of which seemed to ^ »» Bvrnea aakL published t/ere under way to Paris, jmaoaeatried-on toe stei Bchs. Printed Cloths Secreurr Not Cam-| I n N e w F o m l^ h o iu T ^ r c K . %hlaK be aatlafactory for him. Beets or Carrots 2 17c lyaMUogton, July SO — (*» — derirle*,^_____ It waa stated that Brown might paigtt Contribution predioted would result to n Youngstown Steel quickly confirmed by toe Senate, rest o f 2,000 to 8.0M men and they taued to — ^ 2. An antabarttn** biB eon^ Gontrary recommendation, members of toe newly-created Democratic Solons Pro­ en. __ tng ItkooO^OO far OPA, moro than Seigt. J)____West- a t I Green Peppers 2 url 25c Price Decontrol board expect to Wsflhingtoii, July 30—-(/P) The searchers also were beUerad n e e s isad WasI, hsCh. Vnitad States wiU uss its tofluence Plaae Mleaed By Courier pose Income Tax to 82,500,000,000 for OI terminal pay. Kitchen Equipment $2 .6 9 to eecura the adoption of t ^ But aomehow the courier miasad get atarted today on toe big Job —Eivind Anderson, Tacoms, to be seeking anna cache* and and autoortta for to* Atomic Bn- were convoy , recommendation by toe couficiL his plane, or ao it waa saio. outlined for them by Congress. Wash., contractor, testified Pay Old Age ^Pensions clandestine radio transmitters op­ ergy Control conunM on to use Major F tsm. a Large ske printed cloths In colorful Mexican Coral n^igifitihig his abort speech with Thus It waa decided to bring to Roy U 'Ihompson, designated as today that he gave $2,500 in erated hy such JewtMi under- funds of to* Army’s A-bomb pro­ an object Issaon on democracy, toe texts by radio early Saturday. chairman by I^sident Truman, ground organisations aa Irgun « designs. x 1941 to the secretary of Rep. Washington, July SO—(SV-The ject. HEALTH MARKET Byrneasald: But tost was toe peak of toe sun­ planned aa the first step a ” get ae- Zvai Leuml an May Ge4 Osnght In Jnm c6. Byrnaa bad sponsored toe move. various release times were set— Mead is bqard chairman of the fee has caned toe $2,500 a cam­ Then was a po^NUty too that IStalNeAsBeat Tender Beef Steaks Lb. 65c Bynws was loudly applauded S p. m. (e, s. L) Sunday—then Mon who reacAea the age o f SO. (Contlaaed op Page Two) SM NO. HAD) ST. TEU 4148 (Reg. 7»c) paign (xmtribution. toe bill freeaing soeUl seourity Vlekaburg, Mloe.. JM f day—then Tuesday. (Ooattnned on. Page Bight) They put forth their plan an an 10 pkg. 29c Anderaon told toe SenMe War amendment to legiidation making taxes at toetr present level might l eis Meataero ef n lagfl (Oontbmed en Paga Eight) Through toe stinapota, White be­ Inveatlgattog oommlttoe toat he get caught tn toe Jam. R has gan to gSt tha text to disjointed teoad changes to the social .secur­ Liverwurst Lb. 45c Fine quality, twill cotton with Mexican scepes. Ppr did not know whether Coffee re- ity aystem and freezing payroU passed toe Roue* and is sehadulad small kitchen tablM or card tables. dribbles. FinaUy by Ute yesterday etdved any o f the money and bad Russian Urges iror a Senate vote today, hut 8en- 188 afternoon he had most of toe sec­ taxes at the present rate of one tbs Yi Lying Charged not totareated himself to that ques­ per cent on employer and em­ ate diangaa could return It to to* Four Firemen tions dealing with toe -point on tion. House. Unleoe tte me Butter Lb. 71c i which toe Big Four were agreed. ploye. Death Penaky ise. unk "Didn’t you know," ai^ed Sena­ Btoadeaed by Senate Committee aoclal securityty Itaxes------_ _ ,lump — .. * But by tost time it had been de­ In Kilian Case tor Connally'(P*Tex) of toe-oom- from one to two end ims-hslf per Die in Blaze cided toe fun texts, disagreements Tbe House already has passed mlttee, "toot it was a vktUUon o f toe freeae proposal and some ex- cent oa hath employets sad ■teiephone lines are busiest Pork Neck Bones \ h . ide and all, should be released. So law to give hlm-a-olieok for serv­ ludenk^Says Su^h Ver­ lojrees January 1. White kept his staff working into ponsioh of coverage, but toe Sen- tv JW -HAMcoRt Omnsel Opens Defense ices of that chatocter.7” ‘ate Finance eomitottee broadened whether aay of too** roessuree, i 240 Gufsts of San last night trying to get toe Stuff Anderaon replied to toe negaUve. dict Will Satisfy All and scores of minor Nils, will he I ready for release sometime Tues- toat bill to put Federal contiibu- By Cxintention; Rough . AnderMm said toe first time tost tlons for old — age ------assistance, aid Progressive Mankind conaMeisd at all tn tha Heua* be­ 9 ;3 0 '0 v 9 8 c Francisco Hotel Es­ 4lay morning. tween now end flael adjournment | MCanwhUe toe courier finally ar- Policy in Camp Denied he knew there waa anything “ir­ to toe Idtod and help for depend­ Notion Dept. cape After Warning regular” about to* transaction was ent children on a sliding scale. late to 1044 when he was told toat Nuernberg, July 80—(P) — The sn rage BhBrtl for better (I aa rag* Twe) Instead of toe current dmlar-for- Bnliietin! it waa "agotoat public policy to dollar matching provision, the death penalty for toe 22 defend­ Five Dte Is ' Tht San Frandaco, July 80.—(S)— I pay such money. Senate MU would put a top of two ants in toe war Crimea trial was W est Mta and local service call, COM Flro which swept through a dopm-! Bad Neoheim, Oernauiy. July SO—W —Courters were “I did not know it waa a crime Federal dollars for each one put asked today by Lieut Gen. R. A. least flv* |N town hotel early today killed four ] to do what I did," he told toe com­ up by toe state. Papers Show taw bsda firemen before It was brought tm- Prelate Seen flown to tbe Ualtod States, Rudenko, Russian prosecutor, who Bni^and aad Italy today to mittee. ' . The House ducked a vote on told toe International Military at 8 »* m the early fAORNING der control in n thioo-hour batuo that prt>po*ol in an effort to avoid [Walter Bsw by a large concentration of equip­ secure written testimony from Violating Orliolaal low tribunal that such s verdict “will Japs’ Scheme OIL BURNERS ‘Pro-(Jerman’'| six gcaerala and 81 other wlt- Connally. labeling as "influence” a floor fight there pver toe latest [who vtewqd during the afternoon ment and men. * . version of toe Townsend old age be greeted with satisfaction by all SMCt^ag, aoM Installed and Serviced Make Up Your Owtt-Draperies! About 240 guests were warned aesaes In toe trial of two offi- toe aervlcea which Anderson said he prograsaiv* mankind. oen, oocoaed of cruelty to the sought to pay for, declared that "if pension plan. horned ne^flea; I Fnmacea Cleaned before toe flimcs . shot upward. Under this proposal. Pepper said "Speoklhg on behalf *of the U.8. Excerpts from Forei^ from toe Herbert hotel b^meAt, TFowaW P aper U. 8. Army guardhouse at you did toat you were violating a 8.R .," Rudenko said In hia oumma- I Ifiblleiil, Bog. Defease at- I criminal law. a three,per cent tax would he Henry Porent and all were reported to have es-1 ^ .. .. ^ , levied on,ail grosa Income of cor­ tlon, *T conaider all chargea Ministry Files iii , fevi-ki^^uro uSs'-iiiil7.W' eaped, moet of them clad in night Cardinal tornejra for OoL James A. “Ton coiiM be indicted,” he told KUtoa. Rlghtond Park, IIL, porations .and all income of todl- against tjhe defendants as fully Talaphona trafRc k qraotly tneraoMd ovar TelepncMe 2*0185 / dress. Some were ^sted for toe witness, "and to my cq>inion proven, and In to* name o f a ain dence Over ObjeetioM a yaor OQO. Maanwhila, thortagas of mo- Support fCeoser eoatnaodant of the* you ought to ha indicted.” viduals above $100 a month. Froaa ' - e *7 smoke effeeta camp, and OopL Joeoph A. the sum thus raised, everyco* cere love of mankind which In- Ve tariob naadad to moka talaphona aav^Mnant Acting Fire ChlefVMwtoi AndenKm told toe committee rtdree the peoples who consented Tokyo. July 30-( f f ) —Documenta Bbbertsoa, Toledo, a former that “toe purpose of giving this over SO wotdd get hia proportion­ eontinuq. Evarylhing that can ba dona will Xeaina through his office an- Warsaw, July 2»-)—Onmael for Col. Jamto curate idea of how much sixto a man. waa (fragged lacerated and tax would, raise or how much pen­ are now before the court of a South oaaa." eradicat* the "Soviet and strawberry pattern. „ j nnconacloua from hia post and died British aoclety.” A. KUlan. opening his defense menace" to toe north and “to pr^ The piqwr aaaerted editorially Trenaurjr Ralaiiee sioners would receive. progressive mankind—I appeal to We have sample drapes made up of each pattqrn and In an ambuhmoe on toe way to an I against oruelty charges arising While he and his co-sponsors to* tribunal to sentence all to* de­ pore against Britain and America. youta’a emergency hoepltal. I that toe archblahop waa toe “main tpom hia administration of the war­ Over objections of counsel for color. protector” of to* force* of Q^. Washington. July EO-tHF)— The evidently had little hope toe Sen­ fendants, without exception, to the XS OverooaM By Smoke time stockade at Lichfield, Eng­ ate would accept toe plan. Pepper Bx-Premier Hidekl Tojo and 28 4 Kearns said toat at leaat 20 WUulyslAw Anders, commnnder of land, charged that toe prasecu- position of toe Treasury July 26 aupreroe penalty.” Receipts, ISO,788,588.18; expen said he thinks a majority will In 'Tha Russian prosecution sum' otosra. to* proaecutlon submitted I ' a t m m ^ Another Shipment $6** firemen were overcome by toe the Polieh overeeM Army during tlon’a case waa "maliciously fab­ to* excerpts from Japanese For­ smoke and toat aome of them re- to* war. whoae tollower* it * o « i^ ricated.'” dituna, 8112,000,48091; belance. mtd up the defendants Individual $11,064.848.84600. (Ceetleeed *a Pag* IWe) ]y os “ men without honor or con- eign Ministry Alee- Thee* docu­ qulitMl hoepltal treatment. of "creating banditry in Polf®«*- I ' 'The^fitat two defense wltneaaea ments also outlined a tertea of Causa o f toe hlaxe was nndetar* Declaring that toe archbishop sclance, men who had hurlad the testifiad late yesterday that they worid into an abyss of suflaring' plots to separate aorto China prov- tartly In Videne Plastic Film mined, Kearns said, and because had been Inatrumental in collect­ had <>bs4rved no maltreatment of mcM from to* government of of toe heat, flre-fightera wen un- ing money for to* support C. Rudolph E. Warnecke, Nttsrnberg. (Jermany. July 88— only aectiona were being read. Nattito Ooeets to Bvacoate of Cardinal Griffin—toe protector who** addrea was not supplied. Justice Robert H. JaekSOB, TOMORROW NIGHT edge, toala, parto tor qaleb. do- China Dinnerware $ Crack Proof of Anders to Poland." New Yorit,' July lO-HF)— Men 4straiu, but aome of- the area to be Tribunal President t o William Mrs. Mary B. Perry, night man­ Both served at Lichfield luider ’ prospected Is only SO feet deep; chief U. 8. proeecutor, said today Webb overruled a dtmand that to* Madabto; Oaaarator K a n ^ 32 Pieces — Service for Six. ' v ager of toe 180-room hotoL said AaaaSs OatoaSe Clergy in two-ton (HVlng chambers soon OoaM to iw oaaa. aad yoa’B iw Dozena of household uses. Gay colors In red, rose, The paper also aasa^ tlmCato Kilian. An' operator in the chamber win he would leave for to* United documente sheuld be read to toeir ■he noticed smoke fUtartag up Lieut. CoL Raymond E. Ford of will start searching the ocean bot­ be in constant telepboole com­ States late tomorrow and return entirety. us* ef tasa tot aay aaedad Kate Kleo- Solid Colon: Yellow, Green, Ivory, and Blue. blue, green, and dear. through the floor and called toe oUc clwgy to Poland for a lleg ^ I AMERICAN LEGION HOME Irieal aai iina Oaaa • tor • an, 6 Cups, 6 Saucers, 6 D i n ^ PUtes, Interfering with to* Fort Pierce, Fla.. Kilian’* defense tom off Wert Palm Beach, Fla., munication with toe Ship from hero "In the first days of 8^rta>o- A rhinrt* Mtolatry Foreign af- fir* department. Firemen spent cocpiael, declarod to bla opening her” for toe verdict of to* Inter- talrs document told ofjbrlbery Snd Leonard Street laani that top-gmda work aad 6 Bread Plates, 6 Cereal Bowls, Platter and Vegetable Dtah. For draperies, shower curtains, garment bags, Mveral mtoutee attempttog’to lo­ saw regime, and warned: “If tto for oU-^-end uobig rOdor to mark which the chamber la lowered The matartab paova towaat-pitoed, I Church's ropraaanUtlvea wifi ^ statament that toe proaecutlon chamber contains a number of ’nft^w si MlUtary tribunal in to* toreata of vlolenc* ogoinat north aprons, shoe bags, rain wear, bookxcovers, etc. cate to* Maae, then notified guests held an alleged fg ^ Injury to a their find*. . fhtiia government officials. ia the aadi ^ This is the solid color dinnerware jrou have been asking sndi waiting for. Limited to evacuate tM buildtog. Approxi- be'loyaL means will be found which safety devices. war crimes cases. 68ANDSWEEPTAKES toe hottest politlctxtag IdchfiNd priMmer'-aver toe hbads Standard Oa ' Company (New To mark precis* locatloiia 50- Thomsa Dodd, e^ro^Wv* "Since 1933 Japan bos attempt- quantity. P la ce your order now. mstcly panooS wen removed of other defnulanta to order to ed urgently to have Btart- Ohaharj a w r ’ Green Stamps Given With Cash qglsst safely, many by means cf ladders -prtiatoa." Jersey) so noitnead yestentoy the foot radar towers wUl be erected eounsel. and Brig. Om Tsiford MaonwhSe aseurlty poUc* — elicit *^mtfue testtoMoy” about at strategic points and thus Taylor, deputy tolef (rf aad oitoer provinces eraerto Chls* IHIMVIDDAL SEATS I DOOR PRIZBI raiaad to upper floor levels. IKUiaB. * sesr(dt win 6* . eontotfitod by a under her dominattoo,” toa-CM* NORTON HOUSEWARES^ Jack Marshall, operator of to* pended actlvtUee of Vice FromJ«r Bubeidlaiy. .to*'81*1141094 Oil com­ can be located on th* eatoortng will assume Interim duUe# e f to* Etonlatow MIkolaJcxyk’a POlWh CBargea T aaHtoanf Changed ship'a radar aerean. If gaopityatcal S£f W c^ pro.^ naa*'document related, "BapaatSd-.^ BASEMENT hotel, evaluated 'to* property at Re.jContended toat several wit­ pany (Bahamas) Ltd ly they instidated (seal authorttiea] dflt ELECTRICAL $400,000. PoaiaTlf party (PSL) at desxjm on The area oT M ' hunt is aeparst- re p ^ are favprable, over-water will represent the U. 8. proeeeu- w w m it • vIM REGULAR BINGO the Caeehoakn^ border pending nesses, themselves under charges will be arsrtad lator for drill­ to north Chin* to proclaim an-' — INSTRUMENT r , — CORE At 4:80 a. m. bundlreda of spec- , ed from to* JPMfflfia Matalaad by ■ f^nWaned en fymm t w i STARTS AT 8:20 the eomporflOvalT deep' Florida ing tesik tiWIOStlf COMPANY Tb.JWHAL-Cc084 Green Stamps M ANCHiSTiR' C o n n * 1 aa Pace Twm\ tOMrtfanmi ea Paa* Vw*> MANCHBSrm CONM’ > 71 H llll^ St. TeL 4060 Given With Cash Salea! t , T — ?— ------t ',1' '-t-... \ ■ / \ ll^OHCSTEB EVENtoS HBBAIA MANCHBilTBB. OUfllf^ TUKBIJATi iXJhJ VO, !»«• \ MANCHESTER EVENING I, CONN., T t^D A Y , m , I M S

laff K l l t e t t O. Parsell. a guard at ■ m s ® .tlons as soon as possihia Townsend Plan 2atet Brothers, CheaterfleW. 8B4r S a WeOiwnffleld state prison, dur- with Mra. Anna Quinn or British Troops Two States \ 647.12; . _ Get Reprieve t-»o w*k******^i ettempt to es- LUUan Buckmister In order that They Cover the Waterfront i C o l u m b i a Bids for Road *14 R o c k v i l l e a u e * * March 9, 1945. for transportation may ba Seek Plotters In New Form Lay 17,489 fast of gravel • O X O m V o ^ T o d a y A t tlte time, McCarthy and Lewi* d. Joseph Edwin Curran, president. The sailbost racM this punt Bui)- Keilo, Saner and Hofige^ roWm Until OcL 1 zai *l*B U f* terms for murder, Connctl To Meet Work Opened (OsMtaMd^^m Page Om ) day, found an old friend beck In Marlbotougl^ Palaaal 0*14 each im tfa g kilted a grocer during Need Wheels Th e Common Council will uiMt (Oonflnnsd from Pegs One) National MarltiBM Union, (d O ), the winning spot LsVergns WU- COLllMN 885,390.85; i - tu M U O attompta, and TomaaselU this evening st 7 o’clock ^th Lay 1,054 feet o f mariiBna WM bom m Irish Catholic on New alst upon retaining the amend­ Usms returning to the game after Alabanui and’ ArkaiiBaB Griuit^ Three Young was sar*lBg n two to M y e s n term Mayor Raymond E. Hunt presiding. were oeoipted and searched and Several Projects on ment, P oom street, and 21,^| ment ntest SofthaU ^ ths residents of the city were held York's Bast B^B on March 1, Primivy ElectioDi of {ravel surface,.MuUen mlttee as well m all the HquM ed, took first place to the Light­ Bv Hal Bevle ^ There he goes—right acroM the Cross Parkway In- Convicts Sentenced to eustody «h U * *n route to prison. The Pioneers will meet the El­ under curfew for 24 hours. 1906 . . . was n caddy, factory ning class, Mike Wheeler coming ley roads, Enfield, F lington softball team tMa evaning M w « Btey lasMs Horace pcovlsioas. Dfim oerstB L b b I W o r d < \Nuarabsrg, nOsnnany—(fl^wno-, .rm .n v (81 Whf>-' mlddl* ^of the room. Oops! Safe fu T r a r i* ll 41*4 o t injuries suffered worker, office b6y. before going in second. pany, Windsor Locks, , Die Slaying tlbder the terms of the present Among other things, them eluded Utt be was beaten on toe head. Boy Soap Box Derby a t 6:16 p.m. in a Senior League A son, Theodors R oosevelt Jr„ aver coined ths phrsM "quist m a breath. He eees*ee* a ahoe stuffed Lay 8,907 ftot gravel curfew ths residents are not per- to sea in 1922 . . . led rank-and- would: game at tha Recreation Field. was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Theodors Th« AaBodBtBd PrtaB raou^ must hava bad fMthera with new ^per. He climbs up toe Old Farms, Flratown and HJF Hartford, July 30—(F)—In order Contestanta of Rodi;* The AU-8tar goftball team wUl m tta d to go near their windows fUe rebellion in 1986 against Intcr- L Extend survivors Insurance Hartford, July 80—(4V-The protection for three years end with­ R. Bssbs of Wlllimantic road, at ibama cboosM a fWfMtor ana In hte W a . A mouM In a caatte Isstoer slowly, crinkle* around toe Brook roads, Simsbury, J. Faltall*, to allow them to appeal for a re- 88 O P A Heard report to Manager Pat Egan this nor on thmr Iwlcooies and must naUoi^ Has men's Union (AFL), Arkansas votes on a governor to­ SUte ritghway d*partm*ut an­ PlainvUle, $23,138.79; ▼ille Make Plea out charge to families of World Hartford hospital, July 38. Mrs. a te about M noteelsM as a horra in papar and dteappsars Into the toe argument of their case. Governor afternoon at 6:46 p.m. > to go to stay Inside tbsir homes despite the fo m s d N M U . . . denied (1W 9) BMbs WM the former Mabel Phil' day in primary elections when * nounced yeaterday the op*i>lng of Lay 1.922 feet o t concrete side­ Hartford, July 80—(4")—The first Mancheater to play an All-Star sweltering heat on the coastal War n veterans. a cathedral. o f toe ahoe. Baldwin has granted a reprieve im- lips and this ia their first chiM. the Dsmooraric nomlnattons are Then up toe bed he goes, over walk along Routoa 88 and 80 in O P A b a a rin nI inlu Connecticut since RockvtI|i!t July 8 Pair oonunlt&e. fitnn Jsmsalem. The imposition ported war, urged a second front to the electric chair last night but The Florida senator said that impossible for Mm to take bis liaa termed the labor organlaa- berth. p ost A sudden sound o f footsteps toe CroM parkway and about 8,470 Lake,. Me,, Monday w lier* .. thay M rtnr these wheels as a donaUon Flissd of tha curfew meant that Pales- . . . praaldent Greater New York ttona* objectives counter, to their raprive, coming a few hours THE while House members might balk bride so she hM had to return to This mouM isn’t at all Im .. ^ passing outside. He swings hte feet of concrete in Meriden. have been vacationing this indiltl). U the owners have bo further use Walter Leneski, 84, of Malden, tina would be without Hebrew Industrial Oouaett alabs 1940 . . . ''southern traditions.” before the time for their execution, at hiking ths Fodsnl ants to ths her home. with living in a castle built fnm alertly an,d sprains a whlriter toe Ariite brothers of New TOt- Mr. and Mr*. C lyde A. Oerdtaan fo r them to aid boys who are, build­ Mass., a truck driver was fined |12 newspapers fo r some days and all married Chip's stawardCM, 1980; Spsrkman also has been sit- ha T o the mouM the high-priced gilt Well, live and letTlve. Each mouse ter from Suffield and her eon. Ed­ e sommlttss. A hearing has been called for riod o f the search. The principal candidate. To Furnish Pathway Steel Wants To Reargue Cs m D A N IS L S O N ...... TeL 418-2 M B RI p K N ...... 'TeL 8TM Australis, of British father, real to 11-3 por cent each on sraploy(or U ttle MIm Betty Bemitt cele­ and glamor are strictly from noth­ win and wife of W estfield, were Wednesday a t 1:30 p. m. av tha obiecta o f the roundup, officials to hte own w ay o f life. Furnishing structural ,steel for T he State Supreme c6urt already ESSEX (Saybrook) .....7868 MOOBUF ...... *TlL ITS f esUto man, and Irish Chtholle an employs after Jan. 1. brated her ninth birthday Monday. Gov, Ben Lancy of Arkansaa la ing. He would prefer a smaller, He explored two more beds and visitors of Mrs. G. F . Berr Sunday. B ip ie Corps AcHvittes Probate Court in Rockville to act said, ars known and suspected crumbier—bread-crumbler— place. a grade separation structure to has rajected toe appeal of toe trio H A R T F O R D ...... TsL 2-4127 N O R W IC H ...... TW. 8888 MsanwMs Dsmocratto Leader In her honor, her mother, Mrs. ■eeklng Democratic renoralnatlon om a Mrs. Marie Wagner and family iNroee Woman's Relief Corpsupon the .application of the guard­ members of Irgun Zvai Leumi and mother, christened A lfred Bryant another pair of^ |* , bedside carry toe Wilbur CroM parkway from toeir conviction and sentence, MIDDLETOWN ...... TeL 397 ' PDTNAM ...... Tel. 838 Barkley (Ky.) said Im hopes to bb- Henry Bem itt entertained twenty fay a second term in a primary He doesn't waste a glance on the table, not even a loose salted pea- of New Britain spent Sunday With M r*******^ two picnics for Au-ian o f the eetaite o f Oarl R. Aberte ths S tem gang, Jewish under­ Renton Bridges (nary’s nickname) tain s p ^ y action on ths .social se­ children at their home. Betty wai divorced from the congmoslonal nude lady and the ciwlda with over nUlroad tracks and .Connelly but the public defender, who reP* nut lying around, ^ a t are these parkway, Hamden, American Mrs. Wagner's sister and family. resents them, plana to ask permte- ^ th* flrft to be held on. Wed- of Ellington who wishes an order ground organizations. * .. . went to sea early, shipping out curity measure end sU other pend the recipient of many lovely gifts. elections for tbs purpoM of bar­ filmy veils adorning the painted Yoir “Thera is clear evidence of the people living on—hot air? Bridge company. New York, 8157,- Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Loetacher a t •lon to reargue the case. y. August 7 at the home of to eompromise a claim against the of Australia and,‘after 1920, out tng matters before nlgbtf^ in or­ Her mother Mrved delicious re­ ring Negrosa from voting for stats celling? llabM Barstow of Sadd’a Ckmnectlcut Ideranlty Company. existence of terrorists In Tel Aviv H e Just crawled out from Ute M id ’ S mouse-full. \ 64&; .3, Berr avenue. The three were convicted of slay- der to clear ths way for a "cloturs'' freshments to the children foUow- offices. Postmaster Edward F. Charter A hue win leaua tha Town and that soma if not all of those of 8sn Francisco.. . . bseams long­ radiator and te looking for sonie- Robs Front Paws Tbgefher Furnishing structural steel for Pastor On Vacation vote early tomorrow afternoon, Ing an afternoon of games. JsmM M. Malone, a former He nibs hte front paws together. and daughter, Lenore, returned Man a t 1:30 p.m. and M iller’s Rev. and Mrs. Karl Q. Klette and who took part in the Jerusalem shoreman (1922), soon began un­ BsrlilM hloiMlf filed ths psU Harry Chowanee injured a fbi' county Judge, has waged a v ig ­ thing he can put the bite on. It’s a grade separation structure to crime come from that town," You can see hte thoughts. W hat to from their vacation Sunday. Trooery store on Grove street at their son, Vernon will spend their ion orguiiMtion work . . . seven- tion to urait to one hour each ger Monday, when he caught tt in orous campaign against Lansy, rMnlnff UghUy outside but you can carry the Wilbur Cht>M parkway Lieut. Oen. 81r Alan Cunningham, do next? Here It I* “ knight ^ d The next meeting of East Cen­ in s . vacation in August with their son senator's dlseuasion of a bill to a machine while at work at Colt’s. contending uie governor has hear him plainly ten feet away— over Dixwell avenue, Hamdeq, The seeond picnic will taka place yM r fight o f Labor.and Justios Ds- no breakfgat yet What’ll the old tral Pomona Orange will be at FENDER AND at Gary, Indiana and will also visit British bigta commissioner. M id in outlaw the collection of state poll Tendons were cut making a very failed to make promised improve­ aa If he wore go lf shoes. American Bridgie company, 834,- ' ftoefcy fleek on Saturday. Au- psrtmsnts to deport him on lady My? She thlnka food grows' Andover . Aug. 3 at 8 p. m. EUlng- with ralatlvsB in Nsbraaka. During formal statement. toxM In FOderal elections. painful injury. ments in highways and state servr This typewriter doesn’t bother 302.60; BODY WORK 34 wHh a bua leaving the Cunningham referred to the on shoe trees. She oughto get out ton Grange has been Invited to fur­ the month services' st the First grounds of Communist ended with Bsnstor RuassU (D-Oa.) said ClartM King of Westminister, loss. V irgil Green o f Blythe- him a bit. and he roust have fig­ Replace 3.869 feet of concrete r store at 3:16 a.m. and the July 23 bombing o f the King David of that warm nest sometime ana nish part of to® program. Lutheran church will be conducted Supreme Court niling June 18, Bouthsm opponents are confident Vermont ie spending ber vseation vUIs Is ths third gubsmatoriat ured that I am a motue instead of pavement. Routes 6, 6-A and 8, SOLIMENE & FLAGG For Your Dining Pleasure I R a il at S:30 a.m. hotel as a "vila and horrible crime" see how toufeh life in a CMtle real- by student Bmll Haim, of Mount they have ths votM to dsfMt such with her aunt and tmcle, M r. and candidate. a man, etee I would already have Thomaston, Torrington and Water- Any nMmbem wlahing to attend and later as a "ahameful and bar­ 1946, that a deportation order was INC. Airy Scnlnsry. Pblladslpbia, Psnn. a motion. The understanding then Mrs. Harry Chowanee of Cherry Arkansas also will vote

■ / MAWCHES^iEK EVBNIMU nSBALD* MAHUHES-l’E*. CONH- TUHioDAt, JU LI 80,1948 MANCHESTER EVENING HEIIA14#. CONN., TUESDAY, JUL'Y 80,194f > 4 0 1 A 1 0 8 T l» r t o f its general Job o f Jurisdio- iion over removal and reatoratlcn don’t go sny Asking Permit A bakeiy in LoralB,'Ohte, makes wv wUl be of osUinas. M ind Your Suited States Will It was then agreed to take a Helicopter May Fan Away A P i^ Ooart la Effset ‘stuffing bread,’’ . *hich contains In sff eet, the board is an appeal sage, thyme, marjoram, salt and MoTgonson Hurls No HH Run Gm secret ballot and Of Zone Board Stand by Decision Molotov then nomlnatedKaroeij court It wUl hear appeals on de­ Manners pepper, and is for use in. making Sport Slants Farmers’ Insect Worries dressing fee fowl. for vice chairman and Byrnw jmg- cisions of the secretary of agricul­ ByEariW.Yost O n Peace Treaties gested that the Yugoslav be elMi- ture in the ease of foods and other ed by acclamation, which wm done I Resident Cannot Live farm oommoditles, and on ded- On the Road The American fted Cross per- MeanUme a spokesr^ for tee In House He Bought siona of the OPA administrator In Yorms its serviced for members of VM*O m ) Italian delegation said to an in­ the case of non-agricultural prod' Good ante naaaaers oogkt the Armed Forces at the request wwhan ha oppeaaa Riot. Schlndlar la Toniffht Hill Billie Soiit^air t. lOdgnf terview that tee proposed treaty Until He Gets It nets. save lives, at leist spare of the military. oonaidarad topa la tha nation. All Star BaH Game tahM te — •'bowrrer difficult for Italy “practically Preliminary procediure on both aertres aad those of others, aad the Mldgzi ear nciag la tela zrza A women fan waa infonnad that tM tba putlis of lntem«tk>nul economic liquidation of Itkly- „ . of thea general assignments is the Aetaa Life Affiliated in te« BMWt popular Judging United StetM te Lawrence B. Maney ii to ask the BUI bad only ona lag and aha cried - Blanks Legion W “W e are deeply dlitres^ . h* same. It follows this course: polat sot that out, “How can ha uao the gaa, SSSiiIm not to return to a Zoning Board of Appeals at the Plaehnrst win be ready for hy tea capacity crewda teat hare said. '“It is evident that the two Industry committees may petl;, fewer aceideats at all tiroes. clutch and breka with only one poUey oC teolaUon.” memorandums which were sent to meeting Thursday night for per­ tlon OPA or the agriculture de­ jroa at Sm* a. as. Wedaeaday boon on hand at Thompoon. ^Tho Bocrotary of «tate iaid the the Foreign Ministers conference wRh a men* ease Joet ehoek 'S i Sprlngflald, Avon, Want Havan fo o t” AU ca n hava hand brakofi bccb mission to live, for two yearn, in a partment for removal of ceilings and can he seen on the lefthand Local,Sport Chatter D ficW fiB B ffrerffrt F Only UBlted iStrtMUieteted ^ t "tlM^ were not even taken into consldera- on a commodity. The proper agen' of the finest meat avaUaMe and Danbury during tec pant few Pop Gleason Rockville who fought the war ehould make building located bn |(li)istbwn road and prices will be lower on montha. aid# o f the driver’s ssaL AU driv­ In H t t A r " ... cy then holds a hearing. en wheel with one hand, with tee Bob Skinner who performed withf> Pat Murriodi has quite a pttch- the peers Promises Contradicted In a rural xone. Mr. Maney re­ If the agency rejects the petl many Itemo. Manchcater la well up on teo Tha BacMon on Joe’ Ted- Game at Oval| -I h «e that , the delegatee win Citing the cosU of occu^tm. cently purchased this property tlon. In whole or part, the Industry Hat of can with Roy Hagodorn’a other on teo brako. at North End WUmlngton in the Teltacco fitete j !{?« ford's IbAsM roOar to Rod Britt- feel free to eaproeo the of items fo r reparations and the re­ from an East Hartford man in the LAMB PATTIES No. 9. pUoted by Goorga Rico, tea FlaMag Ootloak Brighter Lttg***, Norte Carolina, has ar­ nei> at ahortatop laat mght to Twi committee may appeal to the De­ At a. raoont matting of tee 26lSS?a Nm with tha BA’s in VUcfUi their reopectlve etetee on the pro- call of cturency Issued by tee belief that he could occupy It as a control board within SO days for a 39e pound top car in Now England today. Twi besapatttlon and in Hartford, the zcveBtli Inatog at the Weat lies, he said the treaty contradlrted Board of Park Commlaatonan, It rived homo. Bob quit the club and SMe Oval was reversed by tee p«»d teee^” he ^ded. *No dwelling. It was not until he made review of the decision. If yon want red meat we can Ma) Bariow’a No. 201 and Ar­ has 4ron fonr while loeiiig only ona Twl nation, largo or wnall, can^ be In- tee promises made after the <^e- application for electrical inspec­ offer yon anything yon wtah. In­ mando Morano’a and Hal MeOam- waa voted, to includo a request in AU Proceeds from Geme jT foUowod Manager Mickey Katka- official aconr from a hit to an The board is required’ to conduct tee budget for the oomlng year for AU Star Coach vaek and ZIggy Olbcrt as ths dis- aenaitlve to worid oplmon- bec conference, when "we were told tion that he found it differently. a beiwlng on an appeal petiton “at cluding Pot Roasts aad Bib mon'a No. ITS have an won boat i Ed Kovia* AaMrican Le- error, teufi gtriBg Howla Mor- that the more Italy help^ in the 11,060 for partial atooMng at Cen­ To Enter Accident idayera with the Class D gansoo a no ML no run game. Dapot Square CMB Ihe committee vote on freedom Havering over a herd of cattle, a helicopter equipped with About 18 months ago an East the earliest practlcaUe time.” Ar­ Roasts. “ raCoo around teo tracka In tela akm Junlon will travel to Thomp- British-Americana o f the preae to aU conference pro- common Auiea Allied enu.k,effort, the- - more— I kaatu Killer.” provides a quick aad eSeettve lasectt- ter Springe Pond, for buUding fire- team. The change in decision was conslderaUon be Hartford man secured a permit to guments of both the Industry com­ Freshly Chopped vicinity. A fourth local car. own­ Fund o f L o c b I Loop; iaonviUe tonight for a County RodnrtH# ••oo'aoaoaaa B oeedlnga was tantamount to Its ac- would glven^her “Kelloy*s Kootle KUier, pr»clde dusting. . erect a building on this site claim­ placet and for Increasing the no- made after gaaaa whan Rad mittee and the agency concerned Pinehurst ed by Lenny Brown ' and Bob nation faeUitiea at tha popular ' Lee r ** game. Tho locals will leave Brtttnar. RockriUs shortstop Protti « V JOD eeptaitOe by the General Aaaem* in the treaty.' ing he wished to use it as a place will be heard. Upton will be unveiled cbortly. Pley Starts at 6 :3 0 ■winner has like Olbert dnqipcd tee Weet Bide Roc at 5 o'Oock. rnlSiTiiirtwiifi — 5 T AIT MYs acatoat the Grill. Twl Pneident NB’s l 2 t o 4 ^ pitebtag with tha PA's halted Ops mts^on foil each of the live defeat­ Ing of treaUes for Italy, Romania, led ^th . ^ ”^ ‘2eei?^b ception before being able to use It ide whether subsidies should be Serve Cold Cnts at least one event when be cracked up while amount as Indlreted in the letter Tha locals roster was small at i Nick Angelo atated last night ' Man's Club 1 to 0.- Mnrgsffann. k ed nations involved in the treaties, Hungary, Bulgaria ahd. Finland. craft, the klUer 60 second and can be reloaded as living quarters. revived if ceilings are restored af­ zpinnlng around. The program and it appean that the Center tec time and due to ether business pected. ■_____ A n ^ traliin source said Evatt over tee right on tee farm.” meal each day . . . and yonr former Rookville WOlk pmkto and ^ y . Romania, Hungary, Bpl* ter Aug. ao on meat and mUk. It budget will be sore to stay In laat week-end waa'by far the beet Spring Pond wiU be more poputar tea key men were missing and brother of the jparla and Finland. WM prepared to gx> down the line I parta to itifle the burring of May Save BaUona Is also authorized to fix the rate ^ o f the entire seaaon. A thrill 1 tedn ever next spring and summer other league players fiUsd In. Pound Lou Lesi for Five for his contention that the 17 in-1 and mosquitoes which bninnee. While they Inst, we man. aarvnd’to the Arb*y m e Snportod By Molotov Poulin .says a standard airplane of pajrment PONT steal a parking space. offer Qrote A WelfreTs famous minute waa wltneaaed and enjoy with more fish assured for stock- This has been ovarcome and now three years. Hs has (rtaMsa fiSMI vited nations “have Just os much j threatening herds of catue Major Bills cd by the largeat turnout of the Ruub in First Frame to Byrnes led the light for free­ right to participate In tee final The helicopter made three or dusting fields or cattle is over its Frnnkfnrts. Liverwnrst nnd Manager (7Uff Magnuaon has a Armstrong in ftolahed CM pioeloea aEMfi^ K dom of Information from the first working area only seven seconds PRESSED HAM Campaign. were stocked for tee first total of 28 men to ariect from and Win Second Straight league (day and also American source said his mo­ making of peace as the Big Four four runs over the cattle te Wfl hsppsned to wlinMO Schltid time in Center Bprlnga early tela An themselves.’’ {custom them to tee fijrlng wind' out of every working minute. The Face Death Hospital Notes the locals will be out to square (toe perfonaanor In a tion for open meettags was imme- rest o f the-Ume, because the plane Wednesday Morning ler In action Sunday night at Avon aeaaon by tha Mancbeater Division. the* aeries. The North Bads had not road It was Morgaaaon’s sec "dlately supported hy Vsracreslav More lutoreated In Equality mill, and must make wide turns and travel and fana who have not aecn the With the Ices of Salter’s Pond duo Fireball Pop Gleason will burl Win Over Strunozzo against no setbacks. / 'M- Molotov. Soviet foreign secre­ Other members of tee Australian the herd, releasing (Coattnaed From Page Oae) COLD CUT SPECTALS to ehlorinating the water. Center Ths Hsreld.prtorlto gams time last I much faster. Is used up in mak­ Admitted yesterday: Miss Adrian one-legged star In action, he bolda for Rockville as he did in tee first Rockville to wtontog, cthMfilsff a tary. and Dr. H. V. Bvatt the delegation said frankly that Bvatt draft o f th> ro to r '^ o t the insec­ DuBnone eeveral national midget titlea in Springs may beeoms the No. 1 lUh- night aad as a result did not know ticide to the ground and then ing approach runs Freddo, Andover; Mrs. Mary COc game ‘wbila Magnuaon haa Char­ playoff berth. The Rill BUKen nave Australian minister of foreign af* was not so much interested in tee "We believe,” says Poulin, depends largely on Rankin and LIVERWURST action, wm b# treated Saturday ing spot In Manchoater. that tee enemy pitcher for Nirtwia. swirled it up and around the Marcantonto. clnl, Bolton; Jay Brenner. 68 ley Oovsy, Hippo Oomnti and Bill Corcoran Decisions new won aigbt starts to 18 gneiss felrs. treaties for tee five Hitler Satel "that we have a machine hire 44e pound Mac McGuire to scloet from. Jin Speak* Up Briatol Lou Laat had won hlfi last It was tee Lsgion's BUrteeffite ; It was one of the few times the llte nations as he was In establish' cattle. The disputed resolution, asking Lenox street; Mra Emily Halllday, The sSme plane was used to that will save tee farmer a large llGriswold street; Mrs. Jean Tasty Loaf ...... lb. 49c Magnuaon will probably start Corbett; Kid Boucher 21 statto. They showed him very straight setback. United States and Russian repre- ing the principle of equality among Mandly, Ntchob Win Murach of RockviUo and Oorrentl ProbatiiHi Officer Jimmy little respect when they pounded The- lanky blond southpaw got AMtatives have found themselves the AUies. They added that he was j dry a cherry ^chard which hal Boucher,^ 4 Rogers place; Mrs. Ar­ Veal l A i a f ...... lb. 49c Cards, Bums Impressive; Falcone ^aked. If allowed lari?. loss he suffers every year fronfrom t t f mIS lene Seibert, 86 Wells street; Jo­ We will have Jellied Corned of tee Grill as tee battery. Turk- Duffy while watching Jimmy him to the opening frame for f offt to a ahakyshaky start to umtbs la immediate agreement looking' toward future conferences become rain Holly Mandly and sllmmy runs and than coasted to aa « tog inning wbsn ha tesuad twe fipto:. ,, The Americaa informant quoted when tee treaties with Germany j to dry naturally in the mjn. bugs, weeds, and rodents. Federation of. Constitutional Lib­ hanna Green, 88 Hamim street Beef. Boloynn, Polish Rings nnd ington of Lfe'*. Anniello of the K b ’ s Boye in Third Nichols, famous one-armed golf­ “ We’ll know for sure by Oc plenty of slto^ Bneon. Nichols toamod to defeat Ben Grill, lUlewaki of Jarvis and Ben er to an exhibition of driving 12 to 4 win behind their star tickati and tha Legion w H^otov as saying he favored the and Japan will be written. cherries would have split erties, New, "York, is a matter of Irlene Perry, 86 Jarvis road; Open Series plaea runean oa aaoood and t i M tober.” high privllega^wnd takes prece­ Charles William, 779 Middle ’Turn­ Roman and Bob Boyeo yester­ Orz;^ o f North Ends on tee Inflsld yesterday afternoon at the pitcher, Mickey luibacha. jirtpossl because "there has re- Byrnes won agreement yester­ been rjulned for marketing. Another Budget Saver . . . day afternoon a t, tha, local Jack Armstrong of ths East Country Club remarked. “ I am Tbs North Ibd scored to aO but baJa wim aniy ona 3 ^ e t atUtude toward tee publi­ plete drafts, as prepared by tee House. Rankin can call it up any ^oodbridge street; Gladys CSiris- they hit Led at wUl and in re­ side. Only c m ball was Mt t o ^ lilt 1-Pound Rolls Homers Provide M a r^ tha best score, a 71, with Nich­ Kaoey's In tee outer gardin. Johnny Medlund, coach of tee Billy Strunozzo of Torrington in aim for tee No. 1 hole and break cation of the texts of the draft Big Four, of proposed treaties with time he wants. tensen, Rockville. ols and Mandly tied at 72 and a window to tee clubhouse.” turn, his mates bootod eight ouiflald. Todfordte holet to Bart jtreatles” and that some Soviet pro­ tee five former enemy countries. Force Eight Roll Calls 39c pnnnd In Braves* Victory A loud speaking unit has beeh British Americans, was named the semi-final bout last night at Admitted today; Earl Loveland, Boyce wlth a 76. secured for tee game tonight and This comment came after dianeee behind him. Rubartia set OeCarll In tea fburtt. posals had been reported Inac- The drafts will include clausro on He did so yesterday as acting 149 Spruce street: Leo Schendel Wednesday nt 8:90 a. and coach of tee local Twilight the Red Men’s Arena in the beet tba Oaragamen down to order to Coach Hoeky .eurately in the press. Over Cards; Results will be in operation. 'The diamond Nichols gave a few fancy hook which the Big Four were unable to chairman of the Committee on Un- 218 Main street; Cecil Fulton. 113 up to noon (we close nt 18 League all star team last night by bout on tee card when semi-pro the first and second, eased up to went down ie ‘ Molotov was quoted as sayiiv agree, together wtlh statements of Wednesdays) Pinehurst win has been put Into A-1 condition by boxing was ushered in by tee Ath­ shots. allow oae run to the third then American Activities. ’That com­ West Center street; Peter Plekar tee Park Dept and everything la third, fifth an he belleveo this could be corrected policy on these clauses by Britain. mittee contends Marshall failed to tia 188 Hilliard street; Edward oger in the By Ralph Bodes New York Yankees feU im league officials to handle tee letic Club. held the N.B.’a for tee fourth and the fourth, Baush waa aafikoisJiihb Tf newspaper reporters were ^ r- France, the United States and pro'ride requested toformation. Assoelatod m es Sports Writer ready for a first-elaas contest team in tee . aeries against the *1716 entire card aa a whole waa fifth,frames. Oaborn’s wlda throw to ftlfiL In mltted to attend committee meet­ Homskl, Norwich; Michael * g r o c e r y ffsmes back of tha idle Boston Red Russia. Marcantonio and others opposed Sox by losing In IS Innings to the Etoat Hartford league. good. A prowd estimated at 750 Nichola, Briatol got two to the tea last half of tea saeonte fi Scheutz. 789 Main street; Douglas DEPARTMENT Former St. Louis Cardinal play- Chick Boucher, 115, a local hoy ings. The treaties will be made avail' to te« contempt action forced eight Prior, 126 Well* street. era and graduates of their farm Chicago White Sox, 4-8. The first game will be played was in attendance and seemed to was ths wtansr ovsr Joe Rewola, sixth -and one in tee aaventh but with two outs, Joa Tbdfion < Spaak Elected Chairman able to the pressYoday, for release roll calls, which took 25 minutes Discharged yesterday: Marie Pench Preserve Earl Caldwell, veteran resetM enjoy the fights better than tha they were never to the ball game a Itoar down to Brtttnaff a , Paul Henri Spaak of Belgium Apricot Preserve system have been responsible for H C iV THEY Tuesday evening at the Oval and 114, Springfield; Danny Faleone, -1 at midnight (6 p. m. e.s.t.) each, before the House finally Neron, 338 Oakland street; Elmer a number of defeats suffered by artist, won his own game when teo second on Tuesday, Aug. 13 pro offerings earlier to the season. 116, another Manchester boy gain­ after tea five run outburst by tha tea ban atnaek tea rad h t e ii a m ^ >vas elected chairman of the com­ Meanwhile, controversies were gave up after hours of doing little PIneapple-AprIoot Preserve Local boya hrid tba spotlight and Norte Bndarz to tha first toning. and boundad o ff Ite chsafi to r fi mittee 13 to 7 over Edwktd Kar- Jones, Putnam; Mrs. Anna Bell Plnm Preserve the Red Birds this ssaaon aiid tl)s he singled home Bob Kennedy also St tea Oval. The personnel ed a KO win over Ace Boye. 11*4. shaping up on four questions which but answ'ering names. ^ Boudreau, Rockville. from second boae In the third extra TAND of the local team will be an­ came through in fine stylo winning Opalate. fi. Orgyb, B. Qnyb and bobbte. Ths nsart hatter waa aa aa^r ,delj of Yugoslavia, with one ab- Grape Preserve aspirants for the National LsagiM four, drawing in one and losing Springfield, when tec later waa Sumlalaski aarti got two hits off also caus^ headaches tO'>the Big Opponents forced tee roll calls Discharged today: Mrs. Barbara pennant wUl run into some of their Inning. Hie Yanks tisd ths count Yesterday’s Beenito nounced Shortly. unable to answer the bell for tiM out Mid tea ban gams toM oner. .stention. Spaak was nominated Four—navigation on the Danube by contending that a quorum was Dried Beef In Jan one bouL Last and Opatoeh leat a naat two Thare ware asusral 0taa*;«H3to by BvaU: Kardel] by Molotov. Oleksenskl. 444 Center ‘ street; Kosher DUI Pickles former matef when they open a at tea expense of Orvsl Grove In Eastern third round; Jimmy Brunton, 128. base hit whan ha was callsd out not present Each time after a the th. Caldwell entered the game WlUiamaport 9, Hartford 8 (12). The semi-final found Armstrong with JaekRottarae aavtag fihMfih However. Kardel]. vice premier Donald Griffen, Andover; Barbara Davis Mackerel crucial three-game series with ths 8 at 136, one pound lighter than hia Sprin^eld, snd Jimmy MacBsrnie, for atepijtog out of tha box. roll call produced a quorum, McCormack, 184 New Bolton road; pacs-oetting Brooklsm Dodgers at In the ninth. Wilkes-Barre Binghamton 1 y i8. Torrington, fought an totsr- two tofMd Mts with gftod r In Premier Marshal Tito’s regime, border and Bal- Kmnel and Royal Poddbigs opponent in one of the five, two Al Oowlaa and Hook Brannaa at first tea Mate 'was chosen as vice chairman upon Italian-Yugoslav enough members left the chamber Alma and Emma LaPalme. 27 ITb^ts Fisld tonighL The Washington Senators trim­ ( U ) . I eating bout with Brunton thfi coUactad two hits aadi to a loatag kan reparations. to break the quorum. Albany , Elmira 2. minute round fftain. The local K( aad Pat a suggestion of the United States Charter Oak street; Karl Kehlter, HH,LS Lao Durochor, manager of tee med tee develsnd Indians In a 8 southpaw wraa Stacked against a winner. Carey Mace, 189, of Hart' CftUMa at ID wim «>«»«., These questions wllj come first against concluding separate peace With fewer than 250 House 58 Hemlock street; Itobert doubls haadsr, tahing -tee opensr Utica 20, Scranton 8. ford had too much for Tony Servo, bote and with Soviet backing. COFFEE Brqokfi.jMid a,member of the S t good puncher and as a result in Al Yost won tha dally prise.. ond aad I ’The committee meeUng at which before special commlsSioM deal- treaties with the enemy. members on hand at any . time Fletcher, East Hartford. ' Louis'^ famous 1984 “ Gaa House 2-1 in ten inninss and tee night­ American By The Asaociated Press 140, also of Hsrtfosd, winning on a Nerth Beds (It) We are offering at Washington 2, 8; Cleveland'!, 4. National League the exchangee, Strunoszo had much catebss to 'these actions were taken was clos- ing with individual peace treaties, *dded that Cuba believed the yesterday and 216 required for a .Birth yesterday: A daughter to gang,” has nominated Rube Mel­ cap, 8-4. Buddy Lewis smashed a the better of tee going. KO in .56 of tee second round; I' ah p h no I bang up his pltehtog c ed. so it was not immediately and then before the conference M l kalian people had contributed to A o m ’ Y o u quorum, there was a possibility no I and Mrs. Wilbrod LaFlamme, the old price of home nm In tee tenth off Jittery Detroit 4, Philadelphia 1. Batting—Hopp, Boston, .376; 89e oonnd. another ton, sriib hurled in tee Cards’ chain After two fairly riose rounds. In Bobby Zanetti. 128, of Springfield, MeJe^''^*hl, cf RodnrUto aoond two learned how the national delega- a whole. After the issues are de-1 Allied victory as soon as they quorum might be obtained on | 47 Cumberland street. system to ztart for tee Dodgers. Joe Berry to win the first game, Chicago 4, New York 3 (12). Walker, Brooklyn, .370. whipped Frencby LaCrolx, 128, o f shipment of onr Only games scheduled. Runs—Miisial, St. Louis, 74; tee third tee tempo picked up snd Opalach. 2b fourth toning to hcbak _ tions split on the Spaak-Kardeljl elded, the conference will “ Me I Fascism, and future calls, since many members Births today: X daughter to Mr. Pilot Eddie Dsrer of the Cards, and tee Nats rapped seven runs nesi- tee end o f tee round, tee lo­ Hartford, and Mickey VendriUo, g. Onorb, ss contest its recommendations to the Blg U,,,^ mnsequentlv Italy should be Tell One famous National Mize, Giants, 68. tie en HoUocaa’a slngla, Om are leaving .own dally. 'That would and Mrs. Louis Smith, 28 . 'Stone who trail tee Dodgers by two-and- home In tee third inning of the cal lad fell from exhaustion to the 139, of Manchester, and Chick Lit B. Grayte 8b gaaaon’s The election of Spaak came aft- Four, which is to determine the' entitled to reconstruction . aid Snd lead to adjournment from day to street; a son to Mr. and Mts. Ches­ Hills Brothers finale to enable Early Wynn to Boaton 2, SL Louis 1. Runs ' batted in»-Slaugbter, St. winas, , of Hartford, fought to Coffee one-half games,' hsa sslected Howis Brooklyn 7, Cincinnati 3. Louis, 78; Walker, Brooklyn, 76. canvas and Referee Hughie Dev­ 188 H. O r^ , If Momn's clotesa sr the defeat of a compromise final terms of the treaties, admission to the United Nations. W’hy Black Market day until Friday, when sine die ter Kirka, 149 Spnice Ztreet. PoUst who bolds throe straight Qoast to hia second victory o f tee lin of New London tolled three be­ a three-round draw. Rubaeba, p rtghtfield that Just eluded proposal by Jan Masaryk, foreign (fins!) adjournment Is scjieduled Limit on this wilt he 4 pounds season. Chicago 5, Now York 4(11). Hite—Musial, S t Louis, 134; In Meat Turned Berish to a enstomer. victorlsa over the Brooks, to op­ Only games scheduled. Walker, Brooklyn, 125. fore the bell sounded. Sumialaakl, lb firrt basenUA INto 1 Marcantonto told his colleagues pose Melton. Detroit’s third place Tigers Toe to Toe Exekange Koaak, If. it Riidto Gripe. Phillipsburg. Colo.A wily, Courtromn Spittoons Doubles—Musial, St. Louis. 28; Oteom Ml off tea he was willing to call off the fill YELLOW CORN Brooklyn’s Pistol Pete Reiser, climbed to within two games of In tee fourth, toe to toe ex­ Wtersblekt. e single and Which was rejected 11 to six with Choice ScotS I Lying Charged 300-pound brown bear was cap­ Win Judges’ Decision tee Yanks ss Freddie Hutchinson Standings Hopp, Boston, 22. Vemon aiid Hopp tured .and executed after he had buster If Rsinkln dropped the con­ From Andreo another ex-St. Louis farmhand, Eastern Triples—Musial, St. Louis, 10; changes featured tee bout with Skabacs, rf cut local meat supplies by killing tempt legislation. CONSIDER the pedestrian and who since has been a fixture scattered seven hits in beating the W. L. Pet. GBL Walker, Brooklyn. 7. Armstrong almost helplessly out Lovette, aa Jate HoUoran’a d « ^ The delegates who met around a 1 London, July 80—(AV-T^e In Kilian Case “It’s a question of whether tee St. Louis—(4V-Thelr sympathy 6 cars 33c Philadelphia Athletics, 4-1. Eddie green baize table, took no action cow radio complained today that several steers on tee Jeeter ranch aroused for tobacco chewing jurors in Diirocher’a outfield, figured Scranton ...... 89 23 .750 — Home runs—Mize, New York, on his feet and hia face grimacing Batting Leaders Olekstoaki, 2b gahnon tripled to centerfleii to Communists are going to run this Red Astrnkna prominently in tee victory scored Lake homered. Luther Knerr, who in pain as the Torrington fighter teaaevtoith fitid on On- m the explosive question of wheth- the United Stetes had obtained the and the manner of his capture is and lawyers who looked vainly for Table Apples Albany ....,, . . 81 39 ;567 17 22; Kiner, Pittsburgh, 16. (('.ontiaoed from Page One) one for tee tall tales department. country,” Rankin countered. by tee leaders over Cincinnati yes­ started for Philadelphia, was Wilkes-Barre 47 42 .828 20>i Stolen bases —Reiser, Brook rained riqhta and lofts to the body TbUUa 88 12 U 21 S t horn’s second straiidit Maffla. er a majority or the two- j choice seats at the Paris peace tee container teat wasn’t there, PUlsbury Flour charged with hia 12te loas of the New York. July 29—- 1 1 8 ah r h pn a • the committeeee md«fid not reach ' the“ : the conference as a “clumsy j was so smart teat he evaded traps , Judges Rubey H. Hulen and Inning to overcomo a 8-1 Cincln- Williamsport . . 32 56 .364 35 .760. za with a briated rally teat high­ batting average during the past their testimony “on advice of coun­ set In tee ordinary way but on naU load,- ond tea Dodgon went Browns, along with tho-lted Sox, Binghamton . . 81 89 .344 37 lighted the round. Hooking and Brennan, cf ' 4 0 2 2 Oaborn. 2b 4 I* 2 1 8 1 subject, which was igJsed origin­ game HfsssxlSii(y T n n a v Richard M. Duncan overruled an wMk but the lefteanded hitting lb 4 ' 1 2' Ifi. 9 0 sel” after they were mterrogated some occasions he even seemed to in eeu n g edict from tee Federal Building on to win 1 -8. ware not aehsdulsd. National American League Jabbing with his right and teen first sacker of tes Nats regained wi, p 4 0 1 0 ally by Bvatt m the open full con­ ’The radio said “it struck people’’ clinching gave Armstrong ths fin­ ference session yesterday. teat exceptions had been made for abont the dwth of a Negro sol­ have sprung the traps deliberately Administration in Washington Roltef pitcher Hank Bebnnan W. L. Pet. GBL Batting—Vernon, Waahlngton, tec individual batting leadarshlp Kalsey,^^ 8 0 1 2 OiMo»aBMn.Sb8 1 1 0 2 0 by shoving steers Into teem. Final­ which caused removal of the cus­ held tee Red Legs to one hit over Today’s Eaosea Brooklyn .. . . . 58 86 .617 al round on Devlin’s scorecard. o f the American League while D.Oowtoa,2b' 2 1 0 0 OMMrlL If 8 9 0 1 9 0 PosItUHi_____ Uke Bidault’s some delegations in the seating dier soon after his release from (Oonttnned froro Page One) .356; WilUama, Boston. .355. The decision was unpopular with MonelLn 8 0 1 8 0 0 Bpasdc came to Paris after being arrangements, with the United ly, all tee cattle were removed pidors- seven months ago. the final foiir frames but starter Yastarn SL Louis . . . . 58 38 .591 2Vi Runs—Williams, Boston, 99; Johnny Hopp of the Boeton Braves Prior, lb 8 0 17 Uchfield. from tee ranch, the traps were tee fans and a rematch Is to Itos ArcMvy. rf 8 0 0 0 Brittner. an 8 0 0 1 8 1 charged with the tqsk of shaping I states receiving front row accopao* Mead Paper and Pulp company of Judge George H. Moore, how­ Hal Gregg received credit for tee Hartford at WUlianu^rL Chicago ...... 81 42 .548 6Vi Peaky, Boston, 83. retained first (dace to the Natlon-^ He said this soldier’s death was smeared with honey smd Bruin’s ever. dissented from tea majority Albany at Btmtrfi. " ' Cincinnati . . . . 45 47 .489 12 for one of tea future shows. Funky. If » ® ® ® 5 ® a new government for Belgium. [ Nations “ although this does not Dayton. Ohio.. win. Runs batted in—Williams, Bos­ al League's batting darby. held over the heads of the witneSa- sw’eet-toote betrayed him. opinion and held that sand urns Utica at Scranton. Boston ...... 44 49 .478 18Vi ton, 93; York, Boston, 87. Biny Galas Nfid Vsrnon. who nllnqui|bea tes Totals 80 4 9 21 7 • R oa tS L if 8 0 1 0 9 0 This made his position somewhat correspond to the alphabetical ss. first to “eUcit untrue testimo- Approved Without Dteensslon Pitcher Mort Cooper and out­ Billy Ooreoran, 160, dedlsloasd 8 1 1 8 2 0 0—12 ILMoi^anaon. p 8 1 1 0 8 0 similar to that of Georges Bl- j seating.” I laiA.. to “enforce” such in tee corridors outside his court fielder Carden Gillenwater, former Binghamton at Wilkss-Barro. New York . . . . 42 88 .442 levi Hits—Pesky, Boston, 180; Ver­ lead to Ted Williams of ths Boa­ Norte Ends The Senate confirmed teem in must serve the purpose. SAVE spuee for othen. Nattoual niiladelphia i . 89 51 .483 17 Winston CorbstL . also 160 of NlMwIs, Bristol 0 0 1 0 0 2 1— 4 dault, president and foreign min- (PaL dispatches said that the ?^.!!^v*atIcllian’B triaL Ho said Old, Old Bachelor |12,000-a-year jobs late yesterday, Cardinals now psrtorming wKh non, W aahto^n, 126. ton Red Sox last week, rapped out S t Lyuia at Brooklyn (night) Pitteburgb ■. . . 37 86 .402 20' Doublea—Vernon, Washington, Springfield to ths otepr five round­ nine hits in 28 trips to the plate in Two base Mta: B Totala 80 4 ister of France, durteg tee F^r- alphabetical^em of seating re- ‘^ S id n S tee Hteb- Townsend, Mont.—{/f)—Ireland stamping its approval without dis­ the Boston Bravos, played import­ er. Infighting prevailed t^ugh-. Orayb: baasa on bans; Lnto 8. t o Power Foreign Ministers confer- u. 8. Secretary of SUte born Chris Keenan, Montana gold ant rolos in tea Bravos* l - l win Pollct (12-4) vs. Melton (0-1)^ American 84; Spence, Wsabington, 32. eluding ganMi o f Sunday while cussion and with less than a score Chicago at New York—Chipman W. PcL GBL out tee bout with Gbrbett guilty WilUama eOUected only five safe­ backs 1; Strike outs: LeM 1, toh a - 8h ' James F. Byrnes sitting on the j ipiner and prospector for 80 years of members present over tee Mound City aggregation Triplee — Lewis, Washington, and a bachelor all his life celebrat­ r (8;4) vs. Gee (2-0). Boaton ...... ffFTB .711 — and Edwards, Cleveland, 10. of rabbit punches. It waa a fair ties sppearancas to the plate tea 1; wild pitches: Lest 2; paaaad Bolduc, c The board is sot up under tee under tee light at Boston. Cincinnati at Philadelphia New York . . . . 57 39 .894 11 Vi bout. balls: Cowlsa 2. WianMeM 1: um­ Pltkto, as ister AtUee of Britain, who is serv- ^ ^^let Foreign MlnUter tMtimOTy, ed his lOist birthday with this OPA revival act write final auth­ Oooptr fannetf seven, and allow­ Home rune—Williams, Boston, to Stop from .865 to second with ing in the place of Foreign 8ecre- ^ M. Molotov sitting on‘tee far Bepntetton " Of Being Strict comment on his matrimonial fU' (night) Vandermeer (8 -5 ). va. Detroit ...... 54 40 .574 ISVi 27; Greenberg, Detroit 23. Other bouts found Billy Kenny, iS88,‘ two points behind Vernon’s pires: Stavsnson. Brainard; scorer, gtauas. lb ority on removal and restoration ed hla former mates six bits. In­ Rowe (10-4). . . . 50 45 .526 18 149, Suffield, gaining tee nod over Yost: time. 1:20. Haugh. H taiy Ernest Bevin, sat in the com- { left The U. 8. delegation was Major Holdridge, who was clas­ ture: "I still have hopes.” Mail Y our cluding a ninth inning homo run Washington Stolen bases —Case, Cleveland, .887. nslttee session. sification officer at Lichfield, testi­ of price controls. Pittebunrh at Boaton (night) Cleveland . . . . 46 81 .474 23 21; Btirnwelsa, New York. 14. Bobby March. 150. o f Manchester; Hopp played to only four g ^ c* TsdfOrd. If in tee front row and the Rus­ ’Taking over power teat former­ l y Whltey Kiurowskl, while Gillen- A three-hour argument in tee sians in the eighth row. British fied that Colonel KlUan “had the Sewell (6-7) vs. Sain (10-11). SL Louis .. . . . 40 54 .426 27Vi Pitching— Newhouaer, Detroit Bobby Kelly, 144, o f Meriden dininiT the seven day span, bang< Pratt. Sb Waterborate ly was OPA’s exclusively, the water clouted the gaine-winninY Chl(iCRn . . . 38 87 .400 31 punched out a win over Young MeOulra ef ‘ committee preceded tee election of | representatives were in the fifth general reputation of being very bonur in the- second Inning. Tom­ 20-3 .870; Ferriss, Boston, 16-4 tog out seven btngles in Ig times ’ Spaak as chairman. strict »and o f lnslatnig.that things Honolulu, Hawaii—(ff)—William board is faced write this first big New York at Detroit (twilight) PhUadelphla 27 67 - .287 40Vi .800. Armstrong. 148, of Springfield; at bat to increass bis mark from SporU Sehadida TbggarLp row center.) M. Okamoto, HawaU war veteran, assignment: my Holmes also slugged starter Sevens (11-fi) vs. Trucks (U-fi). ' Polish---- J and UkraUiian delegates I The broadcast, heard in Lon- ■be------done correctly, but if they were Johnny Beasley for a towering .879 to .881. Dixie Walker of teen ha was very good to has developed an amphibious lunch A (ieclslon by Aug. 20 whether Ads To The Herald Boston at Clevsland (night) Brooklyn ousted Ston Musial of SL TeulghI . ^ Totals 88 0 0 81 0 0 »>y tt*® monitor, re- correct wagon — a surplus anqihiblous four-hagger. imder him.' price ceilings should be restored Dobson (10-4) vs. Oromsk (44). from the. nmner-up slot by Rockville vs. Msnchsster Afi Rockville 9 0 0 1 10 1—4 l ^ d e l j I ferred to a British.American j people quarter-ton Jeep—for use along on meats, dairy products, grains, Chleago’a third place Cubs drew Bl^delphls at Chicago (night) Last /Sight *8 Fights Runs batted la: Oteora, HMI»- •formants said. The Soviet repre- "bloc” and said tee speech of Wamecke, former medi­ two points to his mark Star aofteaU Lsagua game. 6:80— ^aentative said Yugoslavia hSd suf- one of Honolulu's canals where cotton seed, soybeans and hun­ to within four games of SL Louis Savage (1-9) vs. Grove (4-t). Cards ’ Stan Musial Picks wbUa Jtuaial dropped seven mark- raa. DaOarfi. Morrall: two bass Herbert V. Evatt, Australian min­ cal officer at the camp, agreed fishing boats and yachts tie up. Somewhere, in or around Manchester, there is someone who and alx-and-one-half of tee Dodg­ Norte BiM. M ei^ more than almost any other dred of products made ftom these Washington at St Louis (night) By The Associated Press ern aad to third place with .862 to wndnsoday. July Si . Mts; HcOoraa, D. Moegaanoa; ister of external affairs, on equal that “Klllan did require discipline” ers ss they nosed out the New Hsefner (9-6) vs. Potter (6-6). teresi bass Mto; a M o ijW W •country during tee war. rights for all 21 nations attend but “ I don’t personally think his items. Clnclanati — Ebony Ezzard Walker’s .367. i IA’s vb. Props, 8:18—OvaL t Greek and Netherlands delegates The Dogcatrtier Dogs A Steer tf the board fails to act by that wants what you have to sell or has for sale something you arc York Olahts. 5-4, in 11 Innings. Chariea, 169, dncinnstl, knocked .Dodgers As Team to Beat Hank Edwards of Clevsland re­ Yhuradsy. Aw . 1 ing tee conference was an "am­ discipline exceeded regulations.” A wild pitch by relitf pitcher Goes On Hitting Binge . Plteia: Mt na supported tee Australian nomina- biguous statement” Under cross-examination. War Peoria, m.—(ff)—Bdwurd F. Ref- time, ceilings automatically wrlU out U c ^ Marshall, .171 3-4, Cleve­ placed Boetos’s Dorn DiMagglo as ItoekvUto, va,' Legion. 9:80— -tiA. New the National League pehnanL but gician with a bat in hla hands.” KsU, & troit. .807; Bobby Deere. 4kMild say one country_ had__ __ con' Paris Peace conference asserting Peoria, 111.—(P)—If and when Yoric and Joey Fermlta, 142, Ta- Stan Musial hasn't ^It teat way Leo Ward of the SL Louis club Boaton. .306: Vern Stsidiens, 8L Real Hiawatha Peoria politicians In tee years on eggs, poultry, tobacco, petrol Rates: 11 cents a line per one insertion, 9 cents a line per three insists that peddling it la tee tritmted more to the total e«Mrt 1 that all signatories of the United eum ahd their products—all of I maqua. Fa., outpointed Bobby since tee kickoff. .300. WE HAVE another. Nations decliuration of Jan. 1, ahead want to go out pn a limb, Cummings, 143, PhUadelphia. (both “The Dodgers are tee outfit,” farthest thing from Sam Brea- Jolting Johnny Mise of the New J. N. B. Hswltt, Smithsonian they'll have a handy tiW A siq>- which are ceiling-free at present. Compromise Defeated 1942, should have been Invited to Controls cannot be re-established insertions, 7 cents a line per six insertions. !»• says tee Big Stick of the Red don's mind. York Giants held on to fourth placo The Czechoslovak foreign min­ participate in drafting treaties. Institution ethnologist, reached ling rooted in a crevice In tee stpo* Brooklyn—Lee Savold. 2034, Birds. "They fight you.” "To my personal knowledge to the Frick circuit with .344. 1 ^ the conclusion that there once masonry is growing over a door of on these items prior to Aug. 20, . 5 0 0 , Mr. Breadon has rejected two re­ A Complete Stodi of Nefw er then proposed'his compromise, The message said that tee hold­ nor at any time thereafter unless Paterson, N. J„ outpointed Johnny The schedule also favors ths ' hind Mise are Ed Stqnky, B r e ^ ing o f a conference to which all lived an Indian hero named Hia- the city h^l. The arboreal decora­ {White, 211, Jersey City, (10). Brooklyns. They wind up tee -cam­ markable offers for ths chain to ggesting two chairman. It was tee board consents. Write advertisement on this Form, placing one wort in each s^ce. Count five • t o ^ lyn, .811; Bid Gordon, New YortL feated 11 to rix. signatories had not been invited watha. Longfellow’s Hiawatha tion la of a type known as “tree kCARS i Phlladslphla—'Tommy 149, paign with two long home stands. more recent ysars," asaerte trav­ J09; Phil CavarretU. Chlcag^ was a mixture of tee real and of Heaven.” The seed a p p a r e n t These are tee special assign­ Invade tee weatern badlands, where eling secretory WaiA After more discussion, the source ^ constituted a violation of tee| ments Congress gave the board as average worts to egch line. Minimum charge— 8 lines. Mail with Check-»- {Youngstown, Ohio, outpointed Cali­ .805; Tommy Holmes, B ^ < ^ J03; Byrnes told the committee: United Nations declaration several other Indian heroes. was deposited by a bird. fornia Jack Wilson, 144 3-4, Los they have bumped into all their Bresdon disposed of his auto­ CARTER CARBURETORS WANTED mobile snd othsr totoreats some Red Schoendienst, St Louis. .301 Money Order or Stamps. - ^ PRICES lAMeIss, (10). trouble, only once -more. The yoUth and Pee Wee Reese, Brooklyn, movement has played .760 ball at time ago. Baseball ia now all he fiB i . . TBL. M / ? c OiieagD—Chuck Hunter, 152if, LANK LEONARD Clovaland, outpointed Jackie Coop­ homo, feast to Philadalphto and baa and he’s crazy about i t He to ,299. _ _ _ _ _ IC K B T F IN N EmbarraasliiK Momenta! owner who really knows the er, 1484, Chicago, (8). Boston. In tee east only tee Giants an Kaocks Out Fish WHk Oar ttx*n.pn«» MANCHESTER havs stirred up headaches. 1 JUST WANT 1 0 •AND 1 WAS W ONPeniNG IP YCXJ'D ) •4- Waabtogton — Herbie (Biff) CARTER REPAIR jKTTS WHY HEUO. / a f c m d HqrMEs.iiOT Jones, 12 5 4 , Washington, out- In addition to tee current ex­ nev? park -ia Mr; Braa- hlfe$.BLOTZ ASK PHIL A HAVe TIM6 TO VISIT MV SlSTeW .. don’s bsby now,’< elucidates Leo Oconomowoc, WlS/—ip)—Haie’fi THEHB'n IN LOS ANGELeS- 1 HAVeN*T i - a m - o n lV ejcpect pototod Petey Virgin, 130, New cursion, tes wtstorn clubs mske a Up to tee fishermen who carry .vou.oiDfrrfifiQf o o A m FAV0ff,Mie6.FINN>| ,. V tee eastern awing once more. Ward. ’’He owns ths property, FOR AIX MODELS HeARP FROM HER IN WIONTHS TO STAY OUT THtm? n {York. (10). all tee necessary equipment to a n y m iN G AT SSt* I N i MV HUSBAND A COUPLE OF DAYS,' Baltimore — Roman Alvarez, Moreover, tee Red Birds and CLAMCT^AnC__ HOTJ J MOW ’ TOLD Me WHAT HB -AND I'M AFRAID GHEV ILL . 5 1 9 1 ISO 1-4, outpolntrt Charley Mll- Wrigleys wind up the campaign ^°“8reu r5 n ‘‘tM^i5rth“M d^ unnoM G Arreie WHO CAM SAID AT CLANCY'S^ I lan, 138 1-4, Baltimore, (10). pla)^g each ‘other seven times to Sioutesu Arenu^ rltet off 5^ Surer Highway, two Mocha aouth | Aliowance Made oa O ldCaAw Fw UMflMB,PIPyOU, THAT B e ? -ABOUT GaNG \ \V I Mitwaukee — Jimmy Sfaerrer. their Isst 10 starts. thp north and south divlalon *Pi®fi • largs fish. Ons o f tlM gato 147, Milwaukee, knoekM out Tom­ Hal Gregg's seirm-hltter en- of the I a knockout blow with an P H tt.? -JUCTASweitell JO c a l if o k n ia J of the city. He’s talktag to ABOUT TO my Lemmon, 181, Milwaukee. (1). sbling tec Bums to sweep tee two- oar. Her companions squeam I Buffalo, N. Y. — Joe Muscato. game set with tee Chkmgos gave of 40.000 seats. Work will start hate err DOWNKK' as quickly ss he can obtain tha about slipper fish. *liP I^ • * {195, Buffalo, outpointed Big Bill the Leo Durocher party a tre­ towel beneath It aqd lifted tt_ \ Weinberg, 2124. Chelsea, Mass.. mendous UfL Gregg, a big right­ material.” __ j northern pike—into the boaL Tha I (10). hander with a beautiful Mlivery, A man ready to build a new measured 44 8-4 toehea aad €OLE nark doesn’t sound like oae eager < Newark, K. J.->C9iartia FuaarL promises to give tea young Flat- weighed 20 pound*- bush staff more help. He waa to to dUpose of the woriiB. , {144, Irvington, N. J , stopped John­ same Breadon ia working oa hla T w r ] ny LovetL 1414. Philadelphia, (8). the dispensary with a aore arm M-nchsaterr. England 7 * B r ^ since May 14. third toUllon. New Orleans—Jimmie Adragna. Singing Ssm docent havs tol Woodcock. IDS'*, togtond. knock- •1 CE|tTEl| ST. 124. Pitteburgb. outpointed Lefty —•LS'c - — everybody else, Stan Mu- \ ed out Albert RsneL ITS, Fraaco. larhanra, laa m,. j«tai considers Dixie Walker tee sell tee Cardinals. l / ’ i 80 OAKLAND ST. MANCHESTER (loi. ^ again haa to top to win‘ He can afford to kaa* I ( 4 1 . V’

i .

•amt. M ■■■ f.'-' ' . ' / XAKCBEfflRR EVENING HERAUp, CONN„ TUESDAY. JULY 80, INB / •wmenneM MANCHESTER,EVENING h e r a l d . MANCHESTER, CONN^ TUESDAY, JULY 80,194« ‘ ■■’A'- «WMlWICRVii.l-E FOI.KB laeotoly Live Stock— Vehicles Hooschold Goods Form mod Load for. Solo ^'WHENEVER YOU SEE THIS MANY MATS ,t H 0 4 Busincao ScrTices Offered Help Wantc4l-«-Feoigle Sense and Nonsense \ Wanted Autos— MANCHESTER — On paved road, Motorcycles WANTED Two women. Excellent Clainfied Journey. Lu th e r l a r k in s ; a l l the RADIO — Electrical Appliance ANTIQUE Empire bureau. Call 55 acre poultry farm, 45 clear, Mre, June W od-D arilag, I know working condition: Apply In per­ GCi D WORKING horee for aale. beet to combat it •MjNfl " t l m fifiy tkat the world to roumk Qaaifiea Service, repaira. picked up and Phone 6058. Rockville 341-2. 20 woodland. One apd qoe-balf ■omelhMg to treahltof p m and y e t X often think Us deUvercd promptly. years son. New Model Laundry. 73 miles from huaineei center. Mod­ want you to tell me what tt to. USED CAR OWNERS . . . By R, LouIm bmiy Your worries am our worriee now. square. experience. John Msloney Phone Summit atraet BUFFET, bed and spring. All em slx-rooijs house, all oonven- AdvertisaiieiiU Mr. June Wed—WsU, dear, g o many little^rts we get from THERE IS A SANTA CLAUS 2-1046. 1 Walnut street othsr artlclsB sultabla fhr sum­ lencee, heated. On beautiful CHRISTMAS Cards. Amazing! 50 Poultry ftiiff SupllHcg 48 tog oeemed to take the, tori r^ :uet had a latter from a girt la ocewors her and there, Advartbements mer cottage. Telephone 2-1808. grounds, two-car garage, three For Rent F o r S mIc r m m<* "OeeOy there to one truth in life, XWe AT ANTIQUES reftnished and repair­ with name 81: 21 card feature amkea her |MUw than •traijit o ff Oeeily, ih e <3)tcago, and rtto'o eutog US 99^ ^ box $1, profit to.50c. Selling plan large henhouaes, running water. "Corinnx, you’re not recarded aw as a sreax-imoeo broaen of promise. found, while joumeylBg Beet For Bant For Sale ed. Rush or splint seats replaced b r o i l e r s , dreased If you want QUALITY Four burner gas range, To Buy ToSeU and see. D oeelt! M smaT" DE CORMIER and saaspisis or approval. Merit, 5,000 laying chickens, roona for |me. Corinns, watch Ceelly! and Weet: Tlcmann. 189 South Main street them. Call Mancbeeter 8661. and two burner oil range. Excel­ flare, C oiim a, yeor feet am an Mg “ No, it d oeea t TbO D o r i o m ^ □StmrtlTwSSld aovor. ^ un 70 WilUaes.atreet Dspt 30, New­ itaore. Six electric brooders, three a ri)Wo to protmfl sgstort d e roy- Cnriertty h t folks to* really wound am To Buy To Sell MOTOR SALES Phone -5643. lent condition. Call 5208. cowA triick and all farming CLASSIKIKI) ADVT. 9’a no wondw jrou trip over of Independence wa* the begu­ thons we love the best ark. N, J. iling of a democracy. A i m o c n ^ Jn Kannapolis,oils. North Cerothto, JAMES MAORI, Gerleral truck­ f o r s a l e —Bed, spring, bureau, equipment Thle property has DKHl. HOURS: tiem!” Della would aay. art Lady's Funeral Home and Wo fjtottor thee* we icarcely knew, CLASSiriBDADVT. WHO IS PAYING A EGGrS—Strictly fresh, delivered Cecily, betag the older, always is a plafte where ao one to better, —n. , _ — ------. WANTED—W em W to help with stand and some chairs. Inquire many poasibilitles. Priced for 8:50 A. M. to 4:45 P. M. Mann’s Drug Store, bat they do era pl—ae the fleeting guest, ing. Range and fuet oils, weekly. Phone 2-1430. Wt ttet it was incumbent on her ^ w ? one etoe. That’s rifly | onto .rtep and OtcHy ^ * 1 1 ^ ^ d e p t . HOUIW: -FORTUNE FOR and rubbish removed. Phons light housework two mornings s quick sale. Oeneral Realty, 254 bustneas for both Maes. The ua- And doal nmny a thoughtless Mow 125 Parker strbet______IP inciruet Corlana. not only on talk from Ceeily." fury and cloppM h*r. _* 8:80 A M. to 4:45 P. M. 4523. Three trucks to serve you. week. Phone 4521. North Main street near Depot ^ ^ e e , and im myc Merecdea itortod from my chair but Cortona dertaker’a name to lady and tha to those we love the best." Ihe fine potato of their dnncei, but GOOD CLEAN CARS BROLERS For Sale, 3 pounds GRAY AND white enamel Glen- Square. Phone 2-1801. was altond ef nto BIto o a m pharmacist’s to Mann. H AVE YOUR sewers thoroughly FULL TIM E salaawoman. Nichols wood gas rsnge in excellent con­ m behnvler in general. I wan not Advice! average. Call 5162. Wanted— Real Batata 77 ilwnya with them during practice they're poor." i at Eerily with the full We buy the Best, and to do cleaned with our power News Shop. 197 North Main dition. Phone 5717. ‘Tboy aren't either wrath and bit her squarely to ^ rabto; Ones upon a time, a a 2f m a mould he popular Hoooeo Sole 72 loun. gometimea Della awed me inffignantiy. **! w m irtks within your Mock Loot and Pound this we must pay the Most! cleaner. Cutting head removes all street. Apply In peraon to Mr. d e l u x e dressed broilara. fryers, for LONG Established Manebastsr J M nm nf" facs, just as Delln re-entered the dow loanad her insuranco m caef t# FOR SALE —Croaiey Shelvador 0 run upetaire and cheer Thome, pooTr are uwy, Aad opoa friendship’s portal^-. roots. Carl Nygrenf plumber, Keith. rossterS. Delivery Wednesday resident must vacate to new Of "eouree not," I ooethod her. a relativa and got It ha<^ electric refrigerator. 0 cubic lomettmse nhe aanf aw Into the mr “knock!',’ l/)tT —Wallet by out-of-town vet­ Save time and bother by driv­ steam fitter, pump mechanic. 15 snd Saturday. Phona 2-0617. SEVEN-ROOM ' houae, .consisting owner. Wiu buy a 6-room slagla "CeeUy my» ^»*»en you have lunged eit Cortona hut ^ eran. Ctonelderable amount of South street Telephone 6497. WANTED—Office or telephone op­ fo o t 3125. Can be seen st 186 of 8 bedrooms, Uqing-room, din­ tltehen to etir up a cake. • > ^ ehild ducked behind Oeeily ^ I Be helpful to your coaummlty< —Frank ICieman. ing to 24 Maple Street in Man­ or double and wait for occu­ “Mama,” Corinna aiUd one night money other people have to money, important paper*. Re­ erator to receive and, transfer North Main, third floor, w est ing-room, kitchQi, knotty pine on you and give you y o w iwqr. 8he wee there before Drtto oould lay A worth-while clttoen to ene whe chester and getting a real telephone calls for a business pancy. WriU Box A, Harald. It bedtime, “have I got.any an- ward. CaU *-1844. ___ _ RADIO need fixing? Have It re­ Articles for Solo 45 den, tile bath and esUar laundry. ■ayv 1 have to do what ehe wanto hands on her. ^ ^ ___ . hrtonga to the constnictien gang Loaal Maa—I’ve eaten meat all deal. paired by experts. Pick-up serv­ man who Is out of town part of W ALNUT BED and dresser, 135; wetonf** m y iWS and rm as strong as an on! Automatic hot water oil heat ga- WANTED—In Mancheater or vi­ because X haven’t got eny m oa». -Did you •** thatT" Della eput- Instead o t the wreektng crew. lO ST—Brown and whit* ICngliah t h r e e t o m m y two sofas. 310 snd 312: five-piece I unfasCensd her pinafore, PYtond—^That’s funny. I'v# al- ice. guaranteed work. Sets check­ the time. State full particulars Armour woods ragt, ahrubb«ry and fruit trees. 1 have too got money. XT tsred. ‘Blie ns'd* a good Meklng, letter, female, in Bolton. Phone TELEPHONE 8854 and write Manchester Herald, Box golf clubs, 885. Lika naw, worth kitchen set, 315; walnut dining cinity, a home in a residential aughini. “Here’f one right behind Why de weeto ham ae marti i waya oaten fish and yet l can’t ed in the home. Car radlosc a No agents. For information tele­ section either single or two-fanw Duddy gave me five dMlarel" that kid!" Open 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. specialty. Manchester Radio BC. 345. Fairfield Grocery, 384 Hart­ suite, 315; odd bureaus and com­ mu," 1 toaeed. "X bit her flret," OscUy acknowl- taiity at this season of the ym m im a strok*. 6038. Reward. phone 4353. lly. Willing to wait for occupancy She turned eapeetaatly but when "Don't pay any attention to Service, 73 Birch street Phone ford Road. ■ • modes. 35 up: large chUferobe, Oeeily," I told my dnughtor. “die I e d | ^ shlelffing Cortona, . when hot weather taka* away ao l o s t —Black kitten with brown if the home la sultablA Cash at dl* enw only me she grew a little 2-0840. 312 50; kitchen cabinet f i t : an­ isn’t eny better than you are and I ^ o u — 7 OkT WeB, you mustn't of the gardaoeris aatMoea Oorraet Ihto Sentence; "And the leather collar in vicinity of l a u n d r e s s to work one day a w a r d s DAIRY fly spray is pric­ tique maple bed with apecial box once. Write Box D, Herald. letulant, , .-43rit laearni ma gnC in so late.” Business Services Offered IS Lota tar ^ala 7S “1 don’t'mean mother*. 1 meeq you donH have to give her her way slap. Buck’s etore. South Main street ALBERT JACOBS—Ashes and week. Call 8083. ed low '. . . yet has "kill’’ and spring. 325; double couch with •■Why doem’t CecUy need a good daughter, *w bocouae wa mople that-algn thingn when you si) the time, elthw." Phone 1-0444. rubbish removed. Ught trucking. “knockdown” equal to any other slip cover. 310: combination writ­ WANTED—By private party, with licking?" X deman(ided. Young Man—Could yoa toata to itart a new country.”^ "That’a what X told her," Tel. 8927. fly spray! Protects animals, helps ing desk and bookcase, 315; floor ample cash, 4 to 6 room single in TJorlmta mu*' have keen ai >v* me? WARM AIR FURNACES WAITRESS Wanted—Apply in BUILDING lot HillUrfl street "The Declaration of independ- Robert’s own child. And^* keep bams sanitary! Will not lamp. $5: folding wall bed com­ quiet neighborhood. WUI pay up Q C ^ f her. •wnat Young TUfig (slglilaf)— lAWN MOWERS sharpened, person. Garden Restaurant. CaU 7727. •nee?” wouldn’t pick t » her dreso eft tte AnnounccMents CLEANED AND REPAIRED taint food or milk! OaUon 31. plete. 325. Can at Oarage, 169 to 810,000. Would conaider good 'That's ne aw iw ." fluddsnly WsU, I toamed shoruaad to tWwe Social Situations repaired, washing machines. flat or duplex. ReaeonaMs occu­ Her face cleared. “That'e it Did floor, either, unfll ehe said ptoM«l" 1 Warda Farm Store, 824-828 Main Middle Turnpike Eaat, after 1:80 “But you must love her,"' X to- was so furious that my subtle wnsks. ICE CREAM to carry ou t Pints VAN CAMP BROTHERS Vacuums, irons repaired, prompt YOUNG woman Or girl to take COVENTRY LAKE—Large build­ pancy required. Writ* Bex K, ( have any aneaetom in itT" complete charge of modern four- street Manchester. ; ' p. m .Wednesday. Free deliveriaa. ing lot on atate-road, three min­ itructed. "Ton don!t have to wait plans went Optra___ “Bh* needs Yhe BMaaMoat A friend atopa in of Treat’s sxtrs rich ice cream, 249 North Main Street pickup and delivery service, work Car* of the Herald. “None that I know of,” 1 con. New Minister—^How do you Uke room apartment. Two in family, utes walk to bathin, beach. Cash on her but you mustn’t start any bt sp a n k ^ ’’ I aaid, "And she s Juat at the dinner hour. You would without sherbet Also sundaes. Telephone 5244 guaranteed The Friendly Flxlt (eased. my ssrmons? oiie Bchool age child and working price 8250. Phone Mancheater 2- Her disappointment waa so oh. quomto. Remsmbor that JL lovo gblng to get spanked!' uiM to ash Mm to stay tor dinner, B&d s&ndwiclicR. BidwcU t ’ Shop.'^lS North Main street SCREEN DOORS. S0’’x80”, 1” DESIRE A Single home, prefera­ f o r SALE — An electric atove. CecUy and I want you Uh‘ \ To every one’s amnsenwnt in­ Old Maid—Splendldl X am but the meal you have mady to a Sods Shop. 527 Main street____ Phone ^ 7 . W. Btimett, ______mother. Laundry aent out Wed­ thick, 35. Phone 7288. 2573. bly in Oreenbrooke dr Greenway rioua that I queatloned, “ W hy?” JOtow what sin was till you eaa nesday ifternoon and evenings Phone 6278.,______.“Cecily's great-grandfather “Well, I will, but she’d better | cluding my own X yanked CecUy vary almiil* eoe. OLD FLOORS SANDED tract. Will pay any rcaeenable c l^ to me, pulled up her sktots AIBK CONDITIONED UNITS off, alternat* Sundays off. Month irrot* his name on it,’’ Corinna be nioe to m*," Corinna answered. Wtmw Way: real that you can­ Laying and finishing, FOR SALE — 35 m.m. Perfex WE HAVE nneat assortments of price and wait up to 90 days for and spatted her round bottom ua- P ersonals Resort Property , for Sale 74 not ask him to stay, and put oS j; B. Jensen, [ot Air Furnaces Installsd of August at Columbia Lake. Ex­ camera, Graf Perftx 2-lnch F.S.6 kitchen linoleums Also Ul* and occupancy. Writ* Box G, Herald. tU she bowled. My etomach aomoamm Tel. Wmimantlc 0928, evenings. and Resat cellent salary. Phone from 9 to lens, buUt-in-ranga finder and ex­ waU coverings. Manchester Floor the aarvlBg o f dinner until he OVARANTEED hand cleaning of FUNNY BUSINESS "How," X said to Dena who had Eavestroughs and Conductors S only. Manchester 3908. posure meter. Speed up to 1-500. Covering Center, 24 Birch. CaU BOL’TON LAKE—WaUr front 4- K>»- rem eating too much leavse. your finest rugs, carpets, uphol- W. SCHUL’TZ and BotUceUi merely stood dumbfouadsd watch- P»® BIgM W hy: Xnvlt* Um to eat All Types Sheet Metal Work. Leather case. Telephone 8902 0888. ______room bungalow and front porch. ato without making a move to stared furniture, right in your P.U.C. Ucense to do Conn, si MANCHESTER W ANTED—Dependable girl, full after 6:00 p. m. Large let on atate road. No mud QUBO tbe food abertogo and mtth you, iscplalaiiig that you am own home. No fuss, no m « , no time. Good wages, good hours. tolerfere, *1 want It undsritcod having just a sim ^ meal. (It to moving, local trucking. A^hes SHEEl flETAL WORKS em conveniences, between 2nd CAR PAINTING that when Corinna comes into this day Inoonvenlence. Qualified experts. and waste removed. / Phone 21 years' expertenca. Phone 5413 Peter’s Chocolate Shoppe, 691 .Machinery and Tools and Srd lakes. Price 32,500 cash U y stomach never aches that asom Important to be boaplUbl* Dean’s Personal Service. Phone Get Onr Ettlnate bouse she to to be received with at the right moment than Impresa 2-1588. Main street. FOR SALE—Standard typewriter Phons Manchester 2-26T8. courtesy. If there’s eny eorreetlag sray. ««0Sor62e0. GARDEN 'TRACTORS, tractor guests with elaborate meals and SEWING MacninSA vacuum clean­ iji good condition. Phone 2-2725. to be done m do it and if there's e v e r g r e e n s . B^bs, hedges ers and small appliances repair­ disc harrows, manure spreaders, SOLIMENB a FLAGG earvlce.) rrwO LADIES from the West any mere stopping by Cecily XTl aboard a Navy tbs and shade trep^ trlm m ed the ed. A.B.C. Appliance and Service Help Wanted— Male S6 A CdL^tBR Keyworth collapsible ' lime sowers in stock. Dublin Trac­ Wanted—Real Estate 77 INC deli^itod with Sids would like ride to Hartford, right way. TeMphone 8597 or carriage. Also a perambulator, whale her agato. CecUy, apologtoe Co., 21 Maple street. Phone tor Company, Wlllimanlicj. •14‘Oenter 83. TbL 9191 to Corinna.'' the : BY EDGARI near Elm and Main atreets. Work­ 6032. John s/W o lco tt ancU Son, WANTED—Boy 18 years or over, both in godd.,conditipn, 91 Clinton Ob tha Beam 2-1575. Pick up and delivery serv­ PROPERTY ( wners—If you are Corinna was crying, too. 'Too One of the Navy offloen b o o t s AND h e r BUDDIES ing hours 8:15 to 5. Call 8167. Inc. / ^ for waiter work. Apply Silk City street. \ L aaTT Forest street, Office 15 Forest brokenly. I beta her tlgbUy. the toe: long, slxty-nlne 2x10— 16’ ..long, Baker— never saw an oven be­ cheater 2-2187. 128 South Main WATERMAN’S Personal errand EXPER'’. REPAIRS of-shingles, street between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. two thousand three hundred forty Wearing Apparel—Furt 57 teal* bumplnk off my cheeks onto service, “Local package deliv­ fore I put on a uniform. I moord atraet Manchi slate, composition and tin roofa feet of 1x7 white pine match WANTED my ban ^ ^ d her hair. I knelt BRIDESMAID'S dress, bjue. with ad myself as a "benkeri* m roy en­ ery.” Light moving and trucking. Rebuilding and repairing of board. Will sell in one lot. Call at I on the ;fIoor and our wvt cheeks All-Around Machinists Girl for Office Work Os? hsH against each othsr. listment papers, ■ but somewhere 24-hour service. TeL 2-0752. chimneys and flaahinga. E. V. 11 Durant street after 6:30 p. m. hat, also evening gown, black and for Sale Tool and—or Die Makers pink, both size 15. Phone.2-2080, Apply NEED A NEW lily, darUng. I loved you along the fine they must have *1.1- APPLIANCES serviced and Coughlin, 390 Woodland street. Phone 7707. I before I ever had Corinii*. You dropped the “n.” rapaired, burners, refrigerators, Cutter Grinders GABARDINB U. S. AvtaUon cov­ 1928^CRRVffLER, four-door sedan, Fuel and Feed 49-A ACE WOOLEN CO. iJOiow that don’t you ?” $175. Uqulre 29 OooUdge street. raagas, waaherx. etc. All work ROOFINO. siding and' new ceU- Grinders (All Types) eralls, Navy, rain coats, blue HlUlnrd St. TeL 4188 MUFFLER? “ 1 love you, tocC’ ehe wept _ BUI took his sweetheart to **# I guaranteed. Metro Sendee Co. Aircraft Sheet Metal Men denim dungarees. Brunner’s, 80 hia favorita football team. The| ^-1017. Ings oqr specialty. Highest qual­ FOR SALE—Fire wood, for fire­ « small. AU work, guaranteed. REAL ESTATE ’ 35-*42 Chrysler .. ...3 6 .4 5 VWTH WNA MBHELPV3U CHIMNEYS rebuilt and repaired. Turret Lathe Operators I ment? half, rtta nudged m i: oviaT H scr WlABiNa lites CHEVROUBT town sedan, Parker Welding Co.. 166 Middle “ We’ ve been on vnttolion quite a while and inarttovc Girl—Come on, lot’s go now. aux-NOuaa Roofing. All work guaranteed. N. Will Find Good-Paying Jobs STANDING HAY. Phone 4084. CASH FOR pianoa or mustca! It That Ton May Osya— ’ 85-*42 Dodge . . . . •. .36.45 Young Man—X think to. They 'KOUR, . 1988 Chevrolet ton and % truck, Turnpike, West. Tel. 3926. O. LaRose.Co. Phone 2-0768. Call atrumenta. regardless of age. e Tour Home little trouble getting to the front doorF I seem to enjoy coming, anyway. This is where we came in. O0>04.' rack body. Craftsman Auto Body. •37-’ 40 F o r d ...... 33.95 any time. At condiUon. Highest possible e Ins-eetoient Property 137 Spruce street. Phone 2-1348. OENERAL 'Concrete,work, retain­ FOR SALE—Kindling wood, most­ prices. The Plano Shop. 6 Pearl »37-*42 Hudson ...... 35.95 CARNIVAL BY/dlCK TURNER |SIDE GLANCBB BY GALBRAITH ing waUs, landscaping and grad­ PRATT & WHITNEY ly used shingles, large load. street Phona 6882. S, * F an m or Bnalneea Proper­ ONE MODEL B Ford, four cylin­ *37-’ 42 Oldsmobile . . . 34.9o ing. Septic tanks instaUed. For Palntlnt—Paperinc 21 AIRCRAFT Phone 2-1172 between 5 and 7 ty der panel truck, new tiraa. A1m> estimates call 2-9195. p. m. MANCHESTER’S oldest dealer's You have your own Ideaa as »37iM 2 Packard .. . . .35.50 OBt 1988 Chevrolet sedan. CaU EAST HARTFORD. CONN. I PROPER*rY ~ owners attention in rags, magazines, paper and to values" tocome derived, ete,, *37-*42 Plymouth . .3o.95 h^waan 5 a ^ 8. p. m. 8779, SHEET METAL WORK Paperhanging and painting, in­ scrap metal* has 3 trucks to irrespective of ontaide or Im­ Pleasant surroundings. Good work­ ’ 3 7 -’ 42 Pontiac . . ...34.9^5 side or outside. Large savings. ing conditions. For complete de­ Household Goods 51 call at your home any time and partial appraisals. 1 IMO PACKARD ftdan. WUl trade Hot Air Furnace Repairing. New block ceUings. Estimates pay you highest prices. Wm. Os- If It Is your deoUIon to naake 19M or '41 car on ’41 Buick con tails apply at our employment WE BUY and sell good used New Hot Air and Air Conditioning furnished free. Phone Apex 7256. office Mondays through Fridays— • trinsky, 182 Bissell street Phone any changee, we stand ready to vartibl*. Will trade any car on Furnaces Installed. furniture, cotoblnatlon ranges, ’40 Buick sedan. Brunner’s, 80 8 A. M. to 4:45 P. M. 5879. serve you. Cash — no Zed tape. BRUNNER'S FURNITURE and metal work re- gas ranges and heaters. Jones' Conaolt ua first! Oakland street. Eaves Trough and Conductor finlshed. Lawn and unpaInted fur­ Furniture Store. 36 Oak. Phone WE WILL buy your ragA news­ 80 Oakland St. Tel. 5i91 Repairing. niture sprayed. Ek|uipped to WANTED—Cook. Apply in per­ 2-1041. papers, magazines and scrap aon. Garden Restaurant, 840 BY MERRILL BLOHBEB CHRYSLER For Sale. Excellent handle Industrial and commercial meUls. Arnold Nelson, 737 Lydall JARVIS FRKf'KI.KS AND HIS KWIKNtW Surpriflc! Surprise!______^______NORMAN BENTZ spraying contracts. Have your Main street. FLOUR problems solved with oaoditlon, 8850. Phone 8925. street Phone 8906. 277 Spruce Street bams and sheds sprayed reaaon- linoleum. . asphalt Ulc. counter. LEE'S U wk RMcid; ( g o m . m rs- iou^ . THis sure ig A Micff PtACM y o u m m WANTED—Third cook, salary de­ R EALTY CO. ______Tel. 8966 ______ible to save cost of rebuilding. Expert workmanship, tree esti­ I. 1984 FORD Coach. Good condition pends on ability and experience. 6 Dover Road or Thomas J. McKinney Paint Shop. mates. Open evenings. Jones Rooms Without Board 59 ESSO S TA TIO N Must sell at once. Richard F. LAWN Mowers, hand and power, Apply to dietitian of Manchester 36 Alexander Street Wald, South Coventry, Conn. sharpened, repaired. Engines 344 Adams street. Phone 2-0106. Furr ' •••* Oak street Phone 110 Center St. . Tel. 4540 Memorial Hospital. LARGE Comfortable front room, Phone 4112 or 7275 Rjr.D. No. 1.______. serviced. Garden tractors repair- 2-1041. PAINTING and Papering. Paper light housekeeping facilities it ad. Knives, shears, hair clippers, FOR SALE—1984 Chevrolet cat- removed by steam. Phone John USED FURNITURE bought and desired. Couple preferred. Cen­ mowing machines and blower Sullivan 2-0884, Help Wanted— M ale^ sold. The Red Shop. 56 Hudson tla truck, ton and one-half. Very knives sharpened. Saws filed and tral. Phone 5308 after 6 p. m. gaed condition. 1980 Itoo farm Or Female 37 street. Moore’s Used Furniture. scL Band saw blades welded and PLACE your order now for out- truhk. Vary good condition. Phone Phone 7251. for sale. Capitol -Grinding Com­ aide- painting with EMdle Theri­ MEN AND women wanted for Wanted to Rent 68 2-1500. pany. Phone 7958. ault, 61 Llnnmore Drive. Phone woodworking 'machines and fin­ NEW VAtnJUM cleaners tor sale. 3555. * ishing. Manchester Toy Manu­ Liberal trade-in allowance. A.B. BUSINESSMAN, four in family, ALL MAKES of sewing machines facturing Company. Apply Oak- C. Applicancr and Service Com­ being transferr^ to Connecticut, Awto AecewoiKB--Tlrtt 9 INTERIOR and exterior decorat­ expertly repaired. Singer Sewing land Mill. ______pany, 21 Maple street Phone wants to rent house or apart­ r Machine Co., 832 Main street. ing, roofing, floor sanding, gen­ Sailboat FOR SALE — Four-wheaP rack 2-1575. ment, wUling to paper and paint . _ . ■ ' eral repairing. Pre-war prices, CALEDONIAN Insurance Com­ trailer. Slxc 5x10. Reasonable. Tel. 8883. and maintain home in A-1 condi­ 47 Autumh street, after 6:80 p. work ^aranteed. Get outside pany, Hartford, require for per­ FUR That new linoleum or asphalt IF YOU have trees to be cut down manent stair dictaphone opera­ tion. Box JO, Herald. m. quotes now. Webster. 6965. tile floor, new counter or count­ or trimmed, call 6077. We also do tors, junior clerks, male and fe­ er repair, call 6759 or 2-0866 and REWARD for rent deaperat*' ti\ KKKI) HAKM AN landscaping, lawn grading, plow­ FIRST-CLASS Painting and male, and assistant proof checker. oui representative will ^ call. RED RIDER NedtUe Party papering and wallpaper. Call “Joe family evicted. No local rela­ FLAT-TOP car trailer. Raason- ing and aaw cordweod. • • Aime Apply in peraon or by letter. Daly’s, Inc., , formerly “Daly, tive* to live with. References. | the painter.” Joseph Murawski. For Salb rUPKKUTKfiWIlW' a l ^ 950. Phona Manchester 5894. LatuUppe. Dougherty A Noonan, Floor n ion e 2-0477. Phone 2-0338. ______THREE OR four persons to take , PAl.niOet. AI irtE covering specialists and contrac­ CitCUS UOlAfiO N|BW ‘TIRES, aaw recaps, used COMMERCIAL ^ names for the aty Directory. WANTED—Five or six-room rent 18>foot jig headed center board sailboat. 78-inch PAIN'TING and Paperhanging, tors. Free estimates. 'iRoixneomio Ursa sad tubas. Expert vulcanls- Temporary work tor 4 to 6 weeks. by 4 adulta, in vicinity "of Man­ interior and exterior decorators, beam. This boat is new and has a hollow Sitka- ^ JAIL RIGHT MOV).' hiil. 8 hours racapptag servlca. REFRIGERATION No selling. Call befoi* 9 or afU r RADIOS—AU types and sizes of chester. WlUlng to pay a year'#] reasonable prices. Call for free Maachaataf Tire sad Recapping 4 at Odd Fellows building. Man­ table and portable combination rent in advance. Write Box U. spruce mast. It is cQuippi^ with Merriman Broth­ estimates. Lesch A Fogit, Msn- me. T. M. wa u. >. Psr;oss, 7 -3 0 GbBMiaay, Broad etiraeL Tele­ SPECIALISTS chester, Price snd Lee Company. bkttery and electrict models for ers bronze winched blocks, sheet t^cks, etc. Sails eowtiwesYSM u avor wr. phone 8869. Open 7 to 7. . chester 5797. immediate delivery. Stromberg- We engineer, aervlce and Nell re-1 are new by AUen-Clark of New York. Equipment **ril be glart^hen you get out of the stock market and PAlNnNO AND Psperhangtng Carlson, Philco and Farnsworth “ I think iieople LIKE a Hltlc exu((fferutioii when you tell frigerating equipment f^ mar- ] Situations Wanted— makes. Watkins Brother*. Inc., included: Compass and binnacle, navigation tite ball teujii ends the season— tlien m ayte vou two can Garages Service— kete, reataurants. datriesj Institu Good work. Ressonsbie rates 38 a story! Don’t you just cat it up when i call you Raymond Flak*. Phone .3384. Female 935 Main street. Phon^ 5171; start enioyiiifi breakfast aitain! Storage 10 lions, taverns, farms etc. HELP lights. Very pistol, Fischer “ Little Captain’* speed- DarlinR* and 'Precious* an,! and ■HiRT?’*stuff? WILL CARE for children 2 years i n t e r i o r and exterior painting. bmeter, bilge pumps, etc. - BY MICHAEL O’ MALLEY and, RALPH LANE FOR RENT—Large bam for ator' WAYNE W. PHILLIPS Also paperbangtng. Prompt serv­ old or over by day or week. Phone FOR SALE — A walnut gateleg yiC FLINT _ _ A I4t^ Tinkering J«d» age, naar Church Comers, East ice. Fair price. Workers compen­ 2-2431. table, good condition. Phone 8819. WANTED! This" boat may be seen at alty time at 210 Pros­ ISSCOAUV Harilord. 981 Main street. In- stock Place Mancbeeter. Conn. fSiarcia llstefiid ffiravaly ^ my ' sation, public liability insurance MALE AND FEMALE pect street, Willimantic, Conn. (Ask for Mr. story about tha Still Murdar Casa. . quira at pramises. PHONE 6761 carried. D. E. Frechette. Phone Sitnatlons Wanted— For Full or Part Time GTeen). t CAR Garage on Cbttage street Night Emergency, 3622 7530. - * ------r- Male . Mr sale, inquire 29 Cottage g r o c e r y c l e r k s BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE .MAJOR HOOPl.E CHIMNEYS and drapiaces expert­ lOTSIDE AND outside palnUng. PART-TtME Joh deelred by ex- OUT OUR WAY street. Reasonable rates. first-class W ANTED MEAT CUTTERS ly cleaned and repaired. Twenty- servicerhen now attondlng achool work. Call Edward R. Price, a n d c o u n t e r m e n two yoara of axperience Well Freed to work afternoons or, eve­ im a &im e a rm 6OIW6.T80 BREAK OLE STRAN(9LCR' - - Matorcycles— Bleyelea 11 raeompaended. Mancheater Chim­ 2-lOOS. nings and all day Saturday and First Class VEGETABLE CLERKS WOMAN! YOUn OP THR OANkS OF BAO COME TO FAN A FRtENDLV ney Experts. Phone 2-24U. im h CALL-*- MB'S "W CMAMP INTERIOR Papering and paint­ Sunday;' 'Have» driver’f license. BOOKKEEPERS AND ACiE PULLINJ& A P C ER.^ S4 THiO PRE-WAR woman’s bicycle. Con­ KIP TRICK UKE Fa m i l y if i h a v e t o SA ^SLE ft O' MN TRIBE ing. Reasonable prices, good, Write Dox SV. Herald. ASSISTANTS dition exceUent. Call a,t 32 Cam­ PEILA’S Refrigeration service, t m a t - p u t t iw ’ a , Pu t c a c t u s s j t h e m / AMf OF TOO FELLEW commercial, domestic,- all stand­ work. Call C. Mlkoleit. 2-2424 PAINTERS TtUBBER CLorTHtft WHY DOM’TTOU LOOK bridge street. Phone 8559 after 6 Apply MALE HELP WANTED WAMTA PRACTICE WITH ard makea repaired, serviced. 38 P e ts — Birds 41 SFRINKLUfl M IM 8A6S. WOT PINCH HIM ? — • 1 Kin TWROiM p. m. 'EM — m u t i l a t in g Birch street. Phone Manchester . BAO O ’ HIM 60ME DAYS, BUT Private Inatmrtlons 28 Jarvis Realty Co. For iocreased mill operation FRorr.' GROCBRlES/ 2-1428! Manchester Public NOT WHEN HE'S , FOR SALE—Cocker Spaniel pup­ Wanted Anton— ELOCUTION — Diction. clear 6 Dover Road FEEUM' ’To u g h .' LAWN and power mowers sharp­ Market, Inc. •FIREMEN Motorcydea 12 speech, vocabulary. Private le»- pies. 26 Linden street. ened and rdbuUt. All gas engines, aon in algebra, geometry, phone­ Telephone 4112 805 klain Street n n r IM>RB CASH Cor!or your ear from outboard motors, garden trae- FOUR Fox Terrier pups, meje Fox •MILLWRIGHTS tics, reading. White Studio (John­ Terrier, ne year old. Farm male ' your Pontiac daalar. Stop in or tora. pumps and electrical ap- son Block). 709 Main street. BY LESLIE TURNER pUancaa repaired Quick depend­ dog. Fox Hound pqp. Zimmer •MAC;h in e t e n d e r s WASH TUBBS ______WhoCpaUThatBa? eqU 4164. Ctol# Matora, Phone 2-1892. euT WHlLf TOU'U able aervlce. Pick up and deliver. mfn'e-. Lqke street Phone 628T. 'jurt wwtr V wBWWi& ao DM FRIffNDl! r m ^ UOUB ACTIONS The Do-All Company. Telephone •BEATER MEN " ? MMWfM0lClff|ir.MOW- PUmUNfi AROUND o v w !m * aatihig 5 ^ powAPoy lyouaoM tYK furyauBnuDio unaojeouNpaMt tOUAIWTHeTRUTil eqr to a a t th o ra aaay- Because 2-2806. 51u8icat— Dramatic 29 NutotAaour I aR.wabov TeuauhwufMa THAT neSlSAMMIO M r. Wtu MOW HU UMRff Uve Stock— Vehicles 42 •DRYER MEN xiu n iw R f ~ ruiCdCTHeiANO wB ar« paying up to $400 for MflMHHO [RAMOBgiMlOMr' aNMcgaUHRORMf , mouTHeae jO l i l l . 9500 Mr 1987, 9?60 for ELECTRIC Motors, repalrlr.g and PIANO TUNING and repairing FOR SALE Mfat fOft toKWNDtWfWMOll 1919. 91.000 for 1989 and from rewinding. All work guaranteed Player plknos specialty. John , •FLOOR MEN • o o o v "•sgr. a«UTf6 SMALL PIGS. Phone 3252- ROOMING HOUSE— 14 rooms. Fully rented. Approxi-. ouTRAaai 1 AIA [NRISTIIL. Oiara on. Oh Boy! Broad Street Ace Electric Motoj Repairs. 221 Cockerham, 28 Bigelow street. malely $2,400 yearly income. Owner leaving town. TOP WAGES — GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS — • a n c ift! TW8NA Motor Sales. Phone 8926. North Main street, opposite De­ Dial 4219. V'wi pot entrance on North School YOl'.MJ JriseV cow, due to fresh­ I*rice(i t» sell inimediatriy. . VACATION WITH PAY - SHIFT DIFFERENTIALS KXCELl.ENT P»sno tuning, re­ to.chut WANTM>— 1984 or 1985 coach or street Phone 5642. en in August. Phone 6532 after 5 pairing' and rebuilding. All work — SIX HOLIDAYS WITH PAY. • sedan in good condition. Any p. in. TWO-F.\MILY—7 rooms each apartment. Large plot BMik* a Ford. What have WOODWORK—Shipshgpe cabinet guaranteed. Eatlmatce cheerfully of land. •■VII conveniences, except heat. Price reduced , M dT CRB at 81 Drtva Bk SUver work designed sod built to your given. T h e Plano Shop, 5 Pearl to sell quickly. Apply At Office, 615 Pgrkfr Street 0^ ^ In n o Hoa|Wi or-2-0798, exact requirements. Call Clint etreet Phone 6382. Open 6 - 9. p. Hendrickson. S-09d8. m. only. On vacation. Will be i X car. 1930 or back July 27. pay top prlco. ALL MAKES of washing ma- JOHN H. LAPPEN, Realtor ehlnea repaired. 10 years' exper­ INSURE Colonial Board Company Ato iri • Y*JP jfTj? why MCTTHEft^ OCl <& |uy - - ience. Call. A. Brewer, 2-0549. Help Wanted— Female 35 with McKINNKY BROTHERS 44 CONE S T f e ” " " ~ .. Vy , ■ W- w a n t e d —Frees operator. New Iff A f f T I . PLUMBING and heating repaira, Rrel Cetete end laeornnce For prompt result.s, list your property hlth this agency! Lydall & Fouldg Paper Co. eaves trough snd cohductor pipe. Model Laundry, 73 Bumnut 505 51A|Nv8'r. T E U ieCO Edward Tanner. Phone 6747. street.


» J W ......