New Book on Revisionist-Zionist Terrorists
New Book on Revisionist-Zionist Terrorists Thomas G. Mitchell, Ph.D., an independent scholar, is an occasional contributor to our blog. His newest books are “Likud Leaders” (McFarland, 2015) and “Israel’s Security Men” (McFarland, 2015). Dr. Mitchell’s review (below), embeds Bruce Hoffman’s new book in an ongoing discussion on how important the terror/guerrilla campaigns of the two Revisionist Zionist undergrounds were in the creation of Israel. Hoffman, as well as Tablet reviewer Adam Kirsch, hedge their bets somewhat, but suggest that these terror attacks were crucial; Tom Segev, who reviewed it for the NY Times, is doubtful. Anonymous Soldiers: The Struggle for Israel 1917-47 By Bruce Hoffman, Alfred A. Knopf, 618 pp. (484 pp. of text), $35 ($25.41 on Amazon). International terrorism expert Bruce Hoffman has chosen to write a book about the exploits of the Irgun Zvai Leumi (the Irgun or Etzel) and Lehi (Stern Group) in driving the British out of Palestine in the 1940s. Why should Hoffman have spent his time researching and writing this book and why should you spend your time reading it? First, Palestine is a classic example of a victorious strategy of urban guerrilla warfare, much like Ireland from 1919 to 1921. From the mid-1950s to the early 1970s, Menahem Begin’s memoir of his life as an underground leader, The Revolt, was almost required reading for revolutionary leaders in British colonies and had a major influence with EOKA in Cyprus and the IRA in Northern Ireland. Second, Hoffman’s book tells the story of the origins of the Israeli- Palestinian conflict, which is still with us today.
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