■■y' ' ' -. •i'S< . v. ■'jvrrmii JHattr^patrr lEwftttttS 1948 j 'fjjirL be ellfiM* tor eempaaaatlfla Ear Tka Seouta of Troop ^ hia narva coadltloa w lfidi was Police Court caused, his wife atotod, by bomb VeUrana Hospital to datormlna bib | ^ Si’-' tlM Manchaatar Becomes Affisneed M il rambidad to hava their haaabaU detonations at L^avra,- Franca. dlaabUlty, If auck .. , equipment tonight for their ^m j^ Barney W. Daley, o^,-Smlth Ha had bean heapltallaad in On application M 0f ViOage Charm 1 Franca, aha atatod, and came back « ( fiM A|l<IW*OII-»«* Troop 25 aoouta will meet at ^ street South Windaor,*^pleaded caaa of Vincent A* * ^ “ ^**[f ’ M* nquested Center church at 8:50 w d ^ w a Manchester nine months ago 28i Kelsey tregt. (Cillk^ tl^D A Y ^ JULY 30,1946 (TWELVE PACRIIB) Manchaater Oreen Troop will meet guilty to the operation of a mo­ much reduced in weight. en tSKS It) MANi ^ A 9 MUI mMtlBV to IM charged with *1**^**?*^” VOL. LXV., NO. 255 at 8i45. tor vehicle while his license was An effort will be made by Oantor street on I Um post IWMBO ot 7 o’clock linderauapenalon and reckless driv­ > 7 t ’ to ooBCtado ploni to flntoli Brown, with the aasiatanoe of the continued to ' IFOod Fond drlTO. Mambera of TroCp 47, Boy ing on Buckland street Sunday Probation Officer, Jamea Duffy, to Test arrested by Chief Gordon. Soouta, had an overnight hike aim and was fined 8105 on tha first and Peace Conference ConvcM In Pwi^ |25 on the second charge by Judge. WollOM W. F l*c, o f 19 caunp over the week-end Robert Hutaon and Robert R. R. Bowers. I United States Will • Four Marines lltrM^ai drivo WU diociuurted flidahing a bridge in their uatA Daley, whoee Ucense to operate ^aNAval oorvloo Frtdojr *t tte MeraiiAii Davla and Arthur Buck was imder suspension due to a HAVid Pwrooonol S «p o»tloo Om - are building a lean-to. previous motor vehicle conviction, Icr at XMo Voag lalond. waa arrested at his home 45 min­ HALE'S SELF SERVE Stand by Decision pflm rtli.Oomcll Foot 102, AI Brlatol of Nlchola-Brlatol, utes after a car, which police said Inc., want by plane today to Akron, he was driving, struck the guard 19 Hurt in A m A-----Iran Ufton win have an im­ Thfi Original In New England! portant this cve^ at 8 Ohio, to attend a Goodyear dla- rail on the Buckland cut-off and ffrtoek Charp. n la requaated that tribubora meeting. It ia exproted knocked down five fence posts. a large turnout of member* ba th*t the dlatributora will given Daley had been travelling at ex­ On Peace Treaties aoma idea off what the tire aitM tim cessive speed, Proeecutor Raymond AND HEALTH MARKET la aaint looka like fOr the future by Good­ A. Johnson told thp cou rt year official*. Elmer W. Schneider, 21, of 18 Battle Four lira. Hanrjr KUppell. o f Provi- danca. R. L, waa a waak-and gueat West street RockviUe, waa fined BTTnn ^^IPariw Treaties o f Mr. and Mra. MUton Strong, of Hoaa * Ladder Company No. 1, $10 on a rules of the road charge. TU ESDAY SPECIALS! ferenee AmeiKK WID i of the South’ Mancheater Fire De­ Schneider was arretted after a car 3 0 0 142 HoOlater atraat. Printed Vinyl Plastic Support Its Reeoiht- partment, waa caHed at 2:06 yea- driven by the Rockville man crash­ iJ W Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales! Texts Snarled terday afternoon by a atlll o**™* ed into the rear car of two wait British Troops Seek W eariai;tm ona« to extinguiah a graaa Are in 8L ing for one-way traffic to pass at mendstions in Eweik Mia* Violet Bungard Co..... ... lie || Jamea* cemetery off Orlawoid an Oakland street repair Job Fri­ Trestles DraftedfOp- Stato Department Hop­ day night Schneider admitted that street. Mr. and Mra Peter Biingard of 3 0 c and ^ 1_.00 yd. AinlitoA In Corafiil$^ LECLCRC he bad erred in Judgment of dis­ Dos. posed by Two-Tliirds ing 9o . Be Able to Plotters in Tel Aviv Mlaa Jeanette and Misa^Loia 88 North Elm street wish to an­ tance 'when he ran into the car Crown Jar Rings Sfriko i t m t k Panenl Hbsi« Buchanan of 175 Woodland atraat nounce the engagement of their ahead of him waiting for the north­ Checks — Stripes — Florals — and Fruita > Revetd ' Contents doughter, Mias Violet, to Edward O f 1 0 0 left Brainard Field Saturday on a bound traffic to pass. All colors for kitchen and bathroom, drapes, ahower Paris, July 80—(ff^— U* S* Place 28 Mala Street United Airliner for SeatUe, Wash., F. TankowskI, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Rlsley, o f 210 Eld- Secretaiy of State Byrnes 200,000 Resi- Frank Tankowski of 93 North Btl. curtains, etc. WMhlngtoB, July One Major Bills AutomKtic Phone 5269 where they will spend a two weeks’ ridge street pleaded guUty to 23c the Faria peace confer­ ot the most tangled of mai^4iiter- denU o f AU^Jeudsh vacation ^ t h their aunt and uncle, street. Certo charge of intoxication at his home ence today the United States netlonel SNAFU’S la being akn^ Rifles, Gnmadet Mr. and Mra. James Buchanan. No date has been set for, the Sunday and waa fined $15. Riatey Chy Under Virtual Face Death They will make their return trip wedding. would stand by the confer-' UBinaried at. tlw State depart- waa '«rrested by Sergeant John Pkgs. cnees’ recommendations in House Arrest at Daunt Peiping, Ju^ by plane also. * r MeOlinn on a complaint received Sur-Jel 25c ***|ment today through the paHent c f ‘ Rufus Robinson, o f 44 Malh at the station that Risley waa mak­ event It mipoaea by "*®"'forta ^of Ppeaa Officer Lincoln Three hundred CMafiSi^ . The George Pharaa. o f the Princess Filibuster, Dw indling street, won the horseshoe tourna­ ing a disturbance at hia home Sonaweet thirds majority any whito.White Jerusalem, July 30—</P>— wearing ‘the hlohdi grssn Grill, is spending his annual week’s ment at the annual party of the while intoxicated. H o u s e Attradanee vacation at Niantic. He will re­ peace treaties drafts by the When the laat kink ia atrmlght- British troop* placed the forms of (}oaimiiBis" Dewey-Richman Manchester Dry Cleaners of Welle A continuance of one week uH' Fonlgii Mlalaton ooundL 200,000 residents of the all- at least four U. S. port back' to work next week. street The runner-up^ Raymond der bond of $200 waa granted to Prune Juice Q t. enad out tha department hopes to M ay Halt . Machinery Ginolfl, o f 125 Charter Oak street I b e able------------------------------------ to reveal to the American Jewlsh city of Tel Aviv un­ and wounded 19 George W. Brown o f 258 Hilliard pubUo the full texta of tha peace lost by only two points. street, charged with non-tupport X Byrneo apoke in tha G en^ der virtufu house arrest at Washington. July 80—(ff>—A automatic we*mo^ Co. Havollne aaeembly o4 the conference abort*treatlea---------- now before the Parla con- of hia wife and six children. dawn today aa they opened a filibuster and dwlndUng attendanoe I Tcnades durfuf i OCULIST Pfc. Walter R. Ferguson, son Iv after the Rulea oommittea bad ferenee. Cleaning Time! Brown waa arreated In Hartford, Q t. oropoeed that all I But looking back on the tribula- prolonged and deliberate threatened today to Jolt legtslativ* our-hour attack on a o f Mr. and Mrs, Ronald H. Fergu­ Saturday when a complaint was Motor Oil 23c PRESCRIPTIONS FILLCfb son o f 257 East Center stre^,. waa oomtSttM meatinga and general tlona involved, aome peopla aeemed roundup aimed at finding the machinery to toe House to a full convoy of lOfi LwOManaaali WASH WINDOWS reglatered with Prosecuting At­ oonferenco aeaalmia be thrown inclined to wonder how the great witneeeee related today. WASH WOODWORK diacharged yesterday from the Air persona who bombdd the stop. A aearch la batog mada - - NEW FRAMES Forces after having served ’18 torney Rasnnond A. Johnson by ooen to tha preaa ot tha worid— powera could ever get together in fang David hotel in Jerusalem deaa, Wax. Poliak Floor* the State Humane Society, vHilch aetm toward the Wilaonian ideal makingmektog peace when they had ao Should that happen, saveral ma­ other Marines, hafleved to h*. LBNS^OUPLICATED months. <Five months of that time FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES , WV.— W 4,-^ -------------------- last weak. jor Mils. Including toosa provid­ ndsatog. Vacaam Clean. Throughout waa spent on duty with the 43rd .had been brought into the case on of a generation ago of "open much trouble getting together on REPAIRS MADE Repair aad laataB Sereen* appeals o f Mra. Brown for food for oovenanta openly arrived aL’’ a preaa releaae. 22-Benr Curfew For City ing-terminal pay for Gla and addi­ Kaor Away Uaflar IPw Fighter Squadron, 8th Air Force, The entire city was placed un­ tional funds for OPA, will die with­ AB Kind* of Odd John in the Panama Canal Zone. her children. ******* I ' One conference hurdle which bafi Trouble Started Week Ago The attaekara lytog to T%ree o f the Brown chlldreiv had Seconds of Reg. $1.98 promleed to be embarraaalng fail­ The trouble atarted a week ago. der a 22-hour-a-day curfew, with out final aeUcHi when Coogreea to coimflMda 85 ndlaa Mrs. John Lloyd, of 188 Oak been taken In charge by the so­ Summer Squash 3 li» .
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