
UPU EDI Compliance project – list of participants

Last updated: 17-September-2021

Designated operators: 171 participants / Country / operator name(1) Country / Country / operator name(1) ope ope code(1) code(1) Country / Country / operator name(1) BS Bahamas FJ Fiji ope BT FR code(1) BW Botswana GA AE United Arab BY Belarus GB of Great Britain AF BZ Belize and Northern Ireland AG Antigua and Barbuda CA Canada GD Grenada AI Anguilla CD Congo Dem. Rep. GE AL CF GH Ghana AM CG Congo, Republic of GM Gambia AO Angola CH GN AR Argentina CI Côte d’Ivoire GR Greece AT Austria CL Chile GT Guatemala AU CM Cameroun GY AW Aruba CN HR AZ CR Costa Rica HT BA CU Cuba HU BAA BiH - BH Post, Sarajevo ID BAC BiH - Croatian Pos Ltd Mostar CV Cabo Verde IE Ireland BB Barbados CW Curaçao IN BD CY IQ BE DJ IR BF DK Denmark IS Iceland BG DM Dominica IT Italy BH DO Dominican Republic JE Jersey BI DZ JM Jamaica BJ EC Ecuador JO BM Bermuda EG JP BN Darussalam ES Spain KE BQ Dutch Caribbean ET Ethiopia KG BR FI Finland KGA (1): the operator code and name are provided only in case there are multiple designated operators in the country Country / Country / operator name(1) Country / Country / operator name(1) Country / Country / operator name(1) ope ope ope code(1) code(1) code(1) State Entreprise "Kyrgyz NG SX Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Pochtasy" NI Nicaragua SZ Kingdom of Eswatini KI Kiribati NL Netherlands TC Turks and Caicos KM NP TD KN St Kitts and Nevis NR Nauru TG KY Cayman Islands NZ TH KZ OM TL Timor-Leste LA Lao People's Democratic PA Panama TN Republic PE Peru TO Tonga LB PF French Polynesia TR LC PG Papua New Guinea TT Trinidad and Tobago LK PH TV Tuvalu LS Lesotho PK TZ LT PL UA Ukraine LU PS Palestine (State of) UG LY PT Portugal UY Uruguay MA PY Paraguay UZ MD QA VC St Vincent & Grenadines MG RS VE ML RU Russian VG Virgin Islands MM RW VN MN SA VU MR SB Solomon Islands WS Samoa MT Malta SC ZA MU SD ZM Zambia MV SG ZW Zimbabwe MW Malawi SK MY SL MX Mexico SN MZ SR NA Namibia SS NC New Caledonia SV El Salvador NE Carriers:

ICAO code IATA code Carrier name AAL AA American Airlines AFR AF Air France AUA OS Austrian DAL DL Delta Air Lines, Inc. DLH LH Deutsche Lufthansa AG KLM KL KLM MSR MS EgyptAir QTR QR (Q.C.S.C.) SWR LX SWISS International Air Lines Ltd

Participating designated operators: map