
Diabetes Care Volume 40, November 2017 1537

Stefan L.C. Geijselaers,1,2,3 The Role of , Simone J.S. Sep,1,2 Danny Claessens,1 Miranda T. Schram,1,2 Resistance, and Blood Pressure in Martin P.J. van Boxtel,4 Ronald M.A. Henry,1,2 Frans R.J. Verhey,4 -Associated Differences in Abraham A. Kroon,1,2 d Pieter C. Dagnelie,2,5,6 Cognitive Performance The Casper G. Schalkwijk,1,2 Carla J.H. van der Kallen,1,2 Maastricht Study Geert Jan Biessels,3 and 1,2 Diabetes Care 2017;40:1537–1547 | https://doi.org/10.2337/dc17-0330 Coen D.A. Stehouwer

OBJECTIVE To study to what extent differences in cognitive performance between individuals with different metabolism status are potentially attributable to hyperglyce- 1 mia, insulin resistance, and blood pressure–related variables. Department of Internal Medicine, Maastricht University Medical Centre+, Maastricht, the PATHOPHYSIOLOGY/COMPLICATIONS RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS Netherlands 2School for Cardiovascular Diseases (CARIM), Maas- We used cross-sectional data from 2,531 participants from the Maastricht Study tricht University, Maastricht, the Netherlands (mean age 6 SD, 60 6 8 years; 52% men; n = 666 with ), all of whom 3Department of Neurology, Brain Centre Rudolf completed a neuropsychological test battery. Hyperglycemia was assessed by a com- Magnus, University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands posite index of glucose, postload glucose, (HbA1c), and 4Department of Psychiatry and Neuropsychology tissue advanced glycation end products; insulin resistance by the HOMA of insulin and School for Mental Health and Neuroscience, resistance index; and blood pressure–related variables included 24-h ambulatory Maastricht University Medical Centre+, Maas- pressures, their weighted SDs, and the use of antihypertensive medication. Linear tricht, the Netherlands 5School for Public Health and Primary Care regression analyses were used to estimate mediating effects. (CAPHRI), Maastricht University, Maastricht, the Netherlands RESULTS 6Department of Epidemiology, Maastricht Uni- After adjustment for age, sex, and education, individuals with type 2 diabetes, versity, Maastricht, the Netherlands compared with those with normal glucose metabolism, performed worse in all Corresponding author: Coen D.A. Stehouwer, cognitive domains (mean differences in composite z scores for memory 20.087, [email protected]. processing speed 20.196, executive function and attention 20.182; P values Received 13 February 2017 and accepted 23 July 2017. <0.032), whereas individuals with prediabetes did not. Diabetes-associated differ- This article contains Supplementary Data online ences in processing speed and executive function and attention were largely at http://care.diabetesjournals.org/lookup/ explained by hyperglycemia (mediating effect 79.6% [bootstrapped 95% CI 36.6; suppl/doi:10.2337/dc17-0330/-/DC1. 123.4] and 50.3% [0.6; 101.2], respectively) and, for processing speed, to a lesser This article is featured in a podcast available at extent by blood pressure–related variables (17.7% [5.6; 30.1]), but not by insulin http://www.diabetesjournals.org/content/ resistance. None of the factors explained the differences in memory function. diabetes-core-update-podcasts. © 2017 by the American Diabetes Association. CONCLUSIONS Readers may use this article as long as the work Our cross-sectional data suggest that early glycemic and blood pressure control, is properly cited, the use is educational and not for profit, and the work is not altered. More infor- perhaps even in the prediabetic stage, may be promising therapeutic targets for mation is available at http://www.diabetesjournals the prevention of diabetes-associated decrements in cognitive performance. .org/content/license. 1538 Worse Diabetes-Associated Cognitive Performance Diabetes Care Volume 40, November 2017

Almost a century ago, Miles and Root (1) The Maastricht Study has been approved Hyperglycemia were the first to report a link between by the institutional medical ethical com- In order to capture the exposure to hy- diabetes and cognitive performance. mittee (NL31329.068.10) and the Minis- perglycemia as completely and accurately Since then, it has become evident that ter of Health, Welfare and Sport of the as possible, we constructed a composite type 2 diabetes, the most common form Netherlands, on the basis of the opinion index of hyperglycemia that included fast- of diabetes, as well as its precursor, pre- of the Health Council (Permit 131088- ing and postload plasma glucose levels as diabetes, are associated with a variety of 105234-PG). measures of short-term hyperglycemia, cognitive changes, ranging from subtle For the current study, cross-sectional and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and tis- cognitive decrements to frank dementia data from the first 3,451 participants sue advanced glycation end product accu- (2). The prevalence of these diabetes- who completed the baseline survey be- mulation (based on skin autofluorescence associated cognitive problems is ex- tween November 2010 and September [SAF]) as representatives of long-term hy- pected to rise dramatically as a result of 2013 were used. We excluded partici- perglycemia. To this end, individual mea- the ongoing diabetes epidemic and the in- pants with types of diabetes other than sures were standardized into z scores and creasing life expectancy of individuals with type 2 (n = 41 [of whom 37 had type 1 averaged. Note that individuals receiving diabetes (3), which highlights the need diabetes]). insulin had no data on postload glucose for preventive strategies. The exact mech- because they were excluded from the Glucose Metabolism Status anisms underlying diabetes-associated OGTT and, therefore, their composite in- A 2-h seven-sample oral glucose toler- cognitive problems remain, however, in- dex of hyperglycemia consisted of fasting ance test (OGTT) was used to determine completely understood, although meta- glucose, HbA , and SAF. For sensitivity the participants’ glucose metabolism sta- 1c bolic and vascular factors are often analyses, we also constructed a com- tus. According to the 2006 World Health considered to be involved (2,4,5). posite index that focused on long-term Organization diagnostic criteria (13), glu- Previous epidemiological studies (6–9) hyperglycemia because fasting and post- cose metabolism status was classified as havefocusedmainlyonwhetherthe load glucose levels were directly used for NGM, , or diabetes. Partici- effects of type 2 diabetes on cognitive the classification of glucose metabolism pants receiving glucose-lowering medica- performance are independent of cardio- status. tion without a prior diagnosis of type 1 vascular risk factors, which was par- Venous fasting and postload plasma diabetes were considered to have type 2 tially the case, and have confirmed that glucose levels were measured by the en- diabetes, regardless of the OGTT results. markers of hyperglycemia, insulin resis- zymatic hexokinase method using auto- For safety reasons, participants receiving tance (IR), and vascular factors, particu- matic analyzers (Beckman Synchron LX20; insulin and those with a fasting glucose larly abnormalities in blood pressure, are Beckman Coulter Inc., Brea, CA; and Cobas level .11.0 mmol/L were excluded from associated with cognitive performance, 6000; Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, the OGTT (14). irrespective of glucose metabolism status Germany) (16). HbA1c was determined (10–12). It is unclear, however, to what Cognitive Performance by ion-exchange high-performance liquid extent these metabolic and vascular fac- Participants of the Maastricht Study are chromatography. SAF was measured with tors also mediate, and thus explain, dia- subjected to a concise (30 min) neuropsy- the AGE reader (DiagnOptics Technolo- betes-associated cognitive decrements. chological test battery (14) that follows gies B.V., Groningen, the Netherlands) Therefore, the current study aimed to ex- recommendations (15) for the assess- (17). amine to what extent differences in cog- ment of diabetes-associated cognitive nitive performance between individuals problems. It therefore includes tests IR with different glucose metabolism status thatareabletodetectsubtledifferences The HOMA-IR, calculated from fasting in- (i.e., normal glucose metabolism [NGM], in cognitive performance. For the current sulin and glucose levels, was used as an impaired glucose metabolism [prediabe- study, to enhance conceptual clarity, raw test index of IR. HOMA-IR is the most widely tes], and type 2 diabetes) are attributable scores were standardized and divided in- used and validated surrogate marker of to hyperglycemia, IR, and blood pressure– to three cognitive domains (i.e., memory func- IR and corresponds reasonably well to related variables. tion, executive function and attention [EF&A], clamp-derived measures of insulin sensi- and information processing speed). As tivity (18). There is, however, a great va- RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS detailed previously (16), the composite riety of surrogate markers available with Study Population z score for memory was derived from no consensus on which marker to use The present analysis was conducted with the verbal learning test by averaging to- (19). Therefore, in sensitivity analyses, IR data from the Maastricht Study, an ongo- tal immediate and delayed recall scores. was based on single fasting insulin mea- ing observational, prospective, popula- The composite z score for information- surements, HOMA-IR calculated with tion-based cohort study that focuses on processing speed was derived from the fasting C-peptide levels rather than insu- the etiology, complications, and comor- Stroop Color Word Test Parts I and II, lin levels, the insulin sensitivity index (ISI) bidities of type 2 diabetes and is charac- the Concept Shifting Test Parts A and B, (20), and a composite index that com- terized by an extensive phenotyping and the Letter-Digit Substitution Test. bined the HOMA-IR and the ISI. Theoret- approach. Individuals eligible to partici- EF&A was assessed by the Stroop Color ically, and demonstrated experimentally pate are those between the ages of Word Test Part III and the Concept Shift- (21), the HOMA-IR calculated with 40 and 75 years who live in the southern ing Test Part C. Where necessary, raw test C-peptide might be a more stable marker part of the Netherlands and are suffi- scores were inverted so that higher scores of peripheral IR because C-peptide is ciently proficient in the Dutch language. indicated better cognitive performance. not cleared by the . Likewise, the ISI care.diabetesjournals.org Geijselaers and Associates 1539

incorporated the response of the body to and smoking behavior) can be found in the change in regression coefficients an oral glucose load but could not be cal- previous reports (14,16,25). Prior cardio- and do not account for the uncertainty culated for individuals receiving insulin vascular disease was defined as a history of the actual regression coefficients therapy because these were excluded of myocardial infarction, stroke, or arte- reflecting the prediabetes- and diabetes- from the OGTT. rial surgery (14). Microvascular disease associated differences in cognitive perfor- Fasting and post–glucose load levels of was defined as the presence of album- mance. Consequently, the estimated insulin and C-peptide were quantified inuria and/or retinopathy. The presence mediating effect may be ,0or.100%, on a Meso Scale custom duplex assay of albuminuria was based on urinary al- especially when there is correlation be- (Meso Scale Discovery, Gaithersburg, bumin excretion in preferably two 24-h tween the independent and potential MD) (16). The HOMA-calculator version urine collections (26). Fundus photogra- mediator factor, which decreases the sta- 2.2.3 for Windows (https://www.dtu.ox phy of both eyes was performed using an tistical power of the mediation analyses .ac.uk/homacalculator) was used to cal- auto fundus camera (AFC-230; Nidek, (29), thereby widening the CIs. We also culate the HOMA indices. The ISI was cal- Gamagori, Japan) to assess the presence analyzed the mediating effects of the culated as suggested by DeFronzo and of retinopathy. The presence of depres- individual components of the composite Matsuda (20), whereby the reciprocal sive symptoms was evaluated with the indices. Collinearity diagnostics (i.e., (i.e., 1/ISI) was used to reflect IR. use of the Mini International Neuropsy- tolerance ,0.1 and/or variance inflation chiatric Interview (27). The occurrence of factor .10) were used to detect multi- Blood Pressure–Related Variables hypoglycemic events over the preceding collinearity between the independent Based on 24-h ambulatory blood pressure year was ascertained by questionnaire variables. data, a composite index was created that (14). Multiple sensitivity analyses were incorporated systolic and diastolic blood performed to test the robustness of pressure and their weighted SDs. Blood Statistical Analyses our findings and that of the composite pressure variability was included because The age-, sex-, and education-adjusted as- indices we constructed. First, we evalu- it is increasingly recognized to be asso- sociations of glucose metabolism status ated whether the extent of mediation ciated with worse cognitive performance with cognitive performance were esti- differed between individuals with (22) and an increased dementia risk (23), mated by linear regression analyses with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes and independent of actual blood pressure. For cognitive performance as the dependent those with a known diagnosis of diabe- the analyses, this composite index was variable. Individuals with NGM served tes at study entry. Second, we explored combined with the use of antihyperten- as the reference group. Linear regression the effects of additional adjustment sive medication in order to account for analyses were also used to analyze the for cardiovascular risk factors (i.e., previous exposure to elevated blood associations between, on the one hand, waist circumference, total/HDL choles- pressure levels. The use of antihyper- the indices used for hyperglycemia, IR, terol ratio, smoking behavior, and his- tensive medication could not be directly and blood pressure, and, on the other tory of cardiovascular disease) and the incorporated in the composite index be- hand, cognitive performance. Next, us- presence of depression, as well as the cause it is a dichotomous variable. For ing multiplicative interaction terms, we mediating effects that these variables sensitivity analyses, we also constructed examined whether these associations themselves had. In a separate analysis, an index that included 24-h pulse pres- differed by glucose metabolism status, we also evaluated the mediating ef- sure rather than 24-h systolic and dia- with age, sex, and educational level as fects of microvascular disease, which stolic blood pressure because arterial covariates. We also tested for pairwise could serve as a pathway through which stiffening has been linked to cognitive statistical interaction among the indices hyperglycemia and blood pressure ab- performance (24). used for hyperglycemia, IR, and blood normalities may affect cognitive perfor- In order to obtain data on blood pres- pressure (e.g., hyperglycemia 3 IR) with mance. Third, to investigate whether sure, participants were requested to un- regard to their association with cognitive the results depended on how the com- dergo 24-h blood pressure monitoring performance. posite indices were constructed, the (WatchBP03; Microlife AG, Widnau, The extent to which hyperglycemia, IR, mediating effects of hyperglycemia Switzerland) (14,25). Average 24-h systolic and blood pressure–related variables me- were reexplored with a focus on long- and diastolic blood pressure, as well as diated the association between glucose term hyperglycemia, those of IR were short-term blood pressure variability, metabolism status and cognitive perfor- reassessed with IR being defined in mul- were determined following the recom- mance was then determined by adding tiple alternative ways, and those of mendations of the British these variables to the initially described blood pressure–related variables were Society as detailed previously (25). The regression models. Both independent reanalyzed without considering the use use of antihypertensive medication was and joint mediation effects were evalu- of antihypertensive medication and with ascertained by a medication interview ated and expressed as the (percentage) a composite index that included 24-h (14). change of the regression coefficients of pulse pressure rather than systolic and Covariates the dummies coding glucose metabolism diastolic blood pressure. Finally, we ex- Educational level, classified as low/ status. Corresponding 95% CI were esti- plored the mediating effects of hypogly- intermediate/high, was ascertained by in- mated with the use of an SPSS macro pro- cemia and reanalyzed the data excluding terview (14). Details on the assessment of vided by Preacher and Hayes (28) (10,000 participants on insulin therapy because cardiovascular risk factors (i.e., waist cir- bootstrap iterations). Note that these the HOMA-IR index has not been vali- cumference, total/HDL cholesterol ratio, bootstrapped CIs were created around dated adequately for individuals receiving 50WreDaee-soitdCgiiePerformance Cognitive Diabetes-Associated Worse 1540

Table 1—Characteristics of the study population Total (n = 2,531) NGM (n = 1,479) Prediabetes (n = 386) T2DM (n = 666) P value for trend* Age (years) 60 6 8586 8626 7636 8 ,0.001 Male sex 1,314 (52.0) 651 (44.0) 207 (53.6) 456 (68.5) ,0.001 Educational level ,0.001 Low 388 (15.3) 151 (10.2) 70 (18.1) 167 (25.1) ,0.001 Middle 1,110 (43.9) 643 (43.5) 165 (42.7) 302 (45.3) ,0.001 High 1,033 (40.8) 685 (46.3) 151 (39.1) 197 (29.6) ,0.001 Fasting glucose (mmol/L) 5.5 [5.1–6.4] 5.2 [4.9–5.5] 6.1 [5.5–6.3] 7.4 [6.7–8.4] ,0.001 2 h after OGTT glucose (mmol/L)† 6.2 [5.1–9.1] 5.4 [4.6–6.2] 8.4 [7.2–9.4] 14.4 [11.9–17.2] ,0.001

HbA1c (%) 5.9 6 0.8 5.5 6 0.3 5.7 6 0.4 6.8 6 1.0 ,0.001

HbA1c (mmol/mol) 41 6 9366 4396 5516 11 ,0.001 SAF (AU) 2.44 6 0.54 2.33 6 0.50 2.47 6 0.51 2.66 6 0.58 ,0.001 Diabetes duration (years) 6.0 [3.0–12.0]‡‡ Glucose-lowering medication, any type 512 (76.9) Insulin 143 (21.5) Oral glucose-lowering medication 480 (72.1) Fasting insulin (pmol/L) 61 [42–92] 53 [38–74] 71 [45–100] 84 [53–127] ,0.01 Fasting C-peptide (pmol/L)‡ 600 [454–824] 538 [418–689] 698 [515–889] 789 [539–1,073] ,0.01 HOMA-IR (AU) 1.2 [0.8–1.8] 1.0 [0.7–1.4] 1.4 [0.9–2.2] 1.7 [1.1–2.6] ,0.001 24-h SBP (mmHg) 119 6 12 117 6 11 120 6 11 122 6 12 ,0.001 24-h DBP (mmHg) 73 6 7736 7746 7736 7 0.173 Weighted 24-h SD of SBP (mmHg) 11 [9–13] 11 [9–13] 11 [9–13] 12 [10–14] ,0.001 Weighted 24-h SD of DBP (mmHg) 8 [7–10] 8 [7–10] 8 [7–10] 9 [7–10] ,0.001 Antihypertensive medication 978 (38.6) 338 (22.9) 169 (43.8) 471 (70.7) ,0.001 Waist circumference (cm)§ 95 6 13 91 6 11 98 6 12 105 6 13 ,0.001 BMI (kg/m2)‡ 26.9 6 4.3 25.6 6 3.6 27.6 6 4.1 29.4 6 4.6 ,0.01 Total cholesterol (mmol/L) 5.3 6 1.2 5.6 6 1.0 5.5 6 1.1 4.5 6 1.0 ,0.001 HDL cholesterol (mmol/L) 1.5 6 0.5 1.6 6 0.5 1.5 6 0.4 1.3 6 0.4 ,0.001 ibtsCare Diabetes LDL cholesterol (mmol/L) 3.1 6 1.0 3.4 6 0.9 3.3 6 1.0 2.4 6 0.9 ,0.001 Total/HDL cholesterol ratio 3.7 6 1.2 3.6 6 1.2 3.9 6 1.1 3.7 6 1.1 0.052 (mmol/L) 1.2 [0.9–1.7] 1.1 [0.8–1.5] 1.4 [1.0–1.8] 1.5 [1.1–2.2] ,0.001 Lipid-modifying medication 879 (34.7) 256 (17.3) 130 (33.7) 493 (74.0) ,0.001 Smoking behavior¶ ,0.001 2017 November 40, Volume Never 870 (35.0) 579 (39.6) 111 (29.2) 180 (27.9) ,0.001 Former 1,304 (52.4) 715 (48.9) 221 (58.2) 368 (57.1) ,0.001 Current 313 (12.6) 168 (11.5) 48 (12.6) 97 (15.0) ,0.001 Prior cardiovascular diseases# 399 (16.3) 173 (12.0) 46 (12.2) 180 (28.3) ,0.001 Current depression** 136 (5.4) 63 (4.3) 16 (4.2) 57 (8.6) ,0.001 Continued on p. 1541 care.diabetesjournals.org Geijselaers and Associates 1541

insulin (18), although it has been sug- gested to be valid (30). All analyses were conducted with SPSS version 22.0 for Windows (IBM, Armonk, NY) at a significance level of 5% except 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 for the tests of interaction effects, , , , , , , , , , where a significance level of 10% was value for trend*

P used. No adjustments were made for multiple comparisons (31). Variables with a skewed distribution were trans- value for trend as determined with

P formed with the natural logarithm prior to analyses. 31.4] 26.1] 70.1] 64.5] 53.0] 16.8] 9 9 – – – – – 3 = 666) – n 6 6 6 RESULTS Study Population

For the Stroop Color Word Test and Concept Shifting Test, From the 3,410 individuals who were

†† initially eligible for the current study, 225 (6.6%) were excluded because they

=2,513. had no or incomplete data on cognitive n performance, mostly because they were = 386) T2DM ( 30.1] 26.5 [22.6 24.1] 22.3 [18.9 62.5]53.2] 61.5 [55.0 48.2 [36.9 48.8] 47.1 [42.2

n unwilling to undergo or were unmoti- – – – – – 16.7] 10.7 [6.0 10 45 10 41 38 – 6 6 6 vated to complete the cognitive assess- =2,454.**

n ment. An additional 654 individuals (19.2%) were excluded because of missing data on the composite indices of hypergly- = 2,487. #

n cemia (n = 220 [of whom n = 176 were missing data on SAF]), IR (n =46),and/or blood pressure abnormalities (n =437[of

=2,528.¶ whom n = 365 had no data on 24-h blood n 27.5] 24.3 [20.2 23.4] 20.2 [17.8 63.3]49.5] 56.6 [51.8 42.3 [35.5 48.5] 44.6 [39.5 948 944 39 – – – – – 13.0] 9.7 [5.2 pressure levels]), leaving 2,531 participants – = 1,479) Prediabetes ( 6 6 6

n for the present analyses. Details on those

=2,529.§ who were excluded from the present anal- n ‡ ysis are provided in Supplementary Table 1. Demographic and clinical characteris- fi = 2,388. tics of the nal study population, strat- n

† ified by glucose metabolism status, are presented in Table 1. Of the 666 individ- 28.9] 23.1 [20.0 24.4] 20.0 [16.7 65.6]54.1] 56.4 [50.9 39.1 [30.7 50.1] 43.2 [39.4 951 – – – – – 14.5] 8.1 [4.6 fi 10 46 310 uals who were classi ed as having type 2 – = 2,531) NGM ( 6 6 6

n diabetes, 103 (15.5%) were newly diag- (%). AU, arbitrary units; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; SBP, systolic blood pressure; T2DM, type 2 diabetes. *

n nosed at study entry. Total ( Glucose Metabolism Status and Cognitive Performance

= 457. Figure 1 shows the age-, sex-, and tests for categorical variables. n

2 education-adjusted mean differences ‡‡ x in cognitive performance between indi- viduals with different glucose metabo- lism status. Despite an overall trend toward lower cognitive performance

SD, median [interquartile range], or with deteriorating glucose metabolism

6 status, statistically significant worse cognitive performance was observed

†† only in individuals with diabetes. De-

†† tailed analyses revealed that these differences were primarily driven by the relatively poor cognitive perfor- Continued

— mance of individuals with previously di- agnosed diabetes. The magnitude of Part B (s)Part C, adjusted for parts A and B (s) 8.8 [4.9 24.3 [20.8 Part A (s) 20.7 [17.4 Total immediate recall (words) 44 Delayed recall (words) 9 Part II (s)Part III, adjusted for parts I and II (s) 41.7 [32.5 57.9 [51.9 Part I (s) 44.5 [40.3 diabetes-associated worse cognitive per- use of one-way ANOVA for continuous variables and Table 1 Data are presented as the mean Letter-digit substitution test (no. of substitutions) 49 longer times indicate worse cognitive performance. Concept Shifting Test Verbal learning test Stroop Color Word Test formance was similar across cognitive 1542 Worse Diabetes-Associated Cognitive Performance Diabetes Care Volume 40, November 2017

Figure 1—Association between glucose metabolism status and cognitive performance. Data are presented as unstandardized regression coefficients (95% CIs), which reflect the between-group differences in cognitive performance. Individuals with NGM were used as the reference group. All analyses were adjusted for age, sex, and educational level. *P , 0.05. KNOWN T2DM, previously diagnosed type 2 diabetes; NEWLY T2DM, newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes at study entry; T2DM, type 2 diabetes. For memory: T2DM vs. PREDIABETES P = 0.035; NEWLY T2DM vs. PREDIABETES P = 0.678; KNOWN T2DM vs. PREDIABETES P = 0.022; KNOWN T2DM vs. NEWLY T2DM P = 0.319. For processing speed: T2DM vs. PREDIABETES P , 0.001; NEWLY T2DM vs. PREDIABETES P = 0.306; KNOWN T2DM vs. PREDIABETES P , 0.001; KNOWN T2DM vs. NEWLY T2DM P = 0.144. For EF&A: T2DM vs. PREDIABETES P = 0.003; NEWLY T2DM vs. PREDIABETES P = 0.917; KNOWN T2DM vs. PREDIABETES P , 0.001; and KNOWN T2DM vs. NEWLY T2DM P =0.023.

domains except for memory function, composite index of hyperglycemia and antihypertensive medication in their as- where the magnitude was less than half performance in the domains of process- sociation with performance in the do- of that observed for processing speed ing speed and EF&A, between IR and per- mains of memory (P for interaction = and EF&A. formance in the domain of EF&A, and 0.009) and processing speed (P for inter- between the index of blood pressure– action = 0.035). Specifically, the presence Hyperglycemia, IR, Blood Pressure– related variables and performance in of the one tended to exacerbate the neg- Related Variables, and Cognitive all of the cognitive domains assessed ative effects of the other (Table 2). The Performance (Table 2). Importantly, these associa- direction of the associations with cogni- After adjustment for age, sex, and educa- tions did not differ statistically signif- tive performance of the individual com- tional levels, across the whole study pop- icantly by glucose metabolism status. We ponents of the composite indices was ulation, statistically significant negative did, however, observe interaction be- similar to that of the respective composite associations were found between the tween hyperglycemia and the use of index (Table 3). care.diabetesjournals.org Geijselaers and Associates 1543

Table 2—Associations between, on the one hand, the indices used for hyperglycemia, IR, and blood pressure–related variables and, on the other hand, cognitive performance Memory Processing speed EF&A Hyperglycemia 20.031 (0.105) 20.132* (,0.001) 20.103* (,0.001) IR 20.031 (0.079) 20.032 (0.062) 20.051* (0.005) Blood pressure–related variables 24-h BP and their SD 0.001 (0.967) 20.018 (0.291) 20.012 (0.515) Use of antihypertensive medication 20.085* (0.017) 20.131* (,0.001) 20.081* (0.009) Individuals using antihypertensive medication Hyperglycemia 20.068 (0.023) 20.162 (,0.001) 20.125 (,0.001) Individuals not using antihypertensive medication Hyperglycemia 0.027 (0.257) 20.064 (0.006) 20.059 (0.016) Individuals with a hyperglycemia level above the mean Use of antihypertensive medication 20.139 (0.015) 20.171 (,0.001) 20.053 (0.305) Individuals with a hyperglycemia level below the mean Use of antihypertensive medication 20.019 (0.696) 20.045 (0.237) 20.040 (0.342) N = 2,531. Data are presented as standardized regression coefficients (P values), except for the use of antihypertensive medication, where unstandardized regression coefficients (P values) are presented. All analyses are adjusted for age, sex, and educational level. Regression coefficients of 24-h BP and their SD are additionally adjusted for the use of antihypertensive medication and vice versa. BP, blood pressure. *P , 0.05.

Mediating Effects of Hyperglycemia, IR, hyperglycemia or by IR or blood pressure– blood pressure tend to increase with the and Blood Pressure–Related Variables related variables. severity of hyperglycemia (data not in Diabetes-Associated Worse Evaluation of the combined mediating shown). Cognitive Performance effects of any combination of hyper- Figure 3 shows the results obtained As shown in Fig. 2, differences in perfor- glycemia, IR, and blood pressure–related when the mediating effects of the individ- mance in the domains of processing variables (Fig. 2) suggested that the me- ual components of the composite indices speed and EF&A between individuals diating effects of hyperglycemia and were considered. Again, diabetes-associated with type 2 diabetes and those with blood pressure are to a certain extent worse performance in processing speed NGM were largely explained by hypergly- additive (i.e., any combination of media- and EF&A was partially explained by fi cemia, with statistically signi cant medi- tors resembled the summed effects of measures of hyperglycemia, with HbA1c ating effects of 79.6% (bootstrapped the individual mediators). At the same being the most important mediator. Like- 95% CI 36.6; 123.4) and 50.3% (0.6; time, as suggested by the multipli- wise, the use of antihypertensive medica- 101.2), respectively. Differences in process- cative interaction that we observed tion and, to a much lesser extent, the ing speed were also partly explained by between hyperglycemia and the use of weighted SD of diastolic blood pressure blood pressure–related variables (mediat- antihypertensive medication, the med- mediated a small part of the diabetes- ing effect 17.7% [5.6; 30.1]), whereas IR iating effects of hyperglycemia appeared associated differences in performance in had no mediating effects on the associa- to be more pronounced among users processing speed and EF&A. For memory tion of type 2 diabetes with either pro- of antihypertensive medication com- function, none of the individual compo- cessing speed or EF&A. Differences in pared with nonusers (data not shown). nents of any of the composite indices memory function were not explained by Conversely, the mediating effects of showed statistically significant mediating

Table 3—Association between individual components of composite indices and cognitive performance Memory Processing speed EF&A (ln) Fasting glucose (mmol/L) 20.026 (0.163) 20.099* (,0.001) 20.072* (,0.001) (ln) Postload glucose (mmol/L)# 20.036 (0.057) 20.069* (,0.001) 20.066* (0.001)

HbA1c (%) 20.008 (0.676) 20.109* (,0.001) 20.082* (,0.001) SAF (AU) 20.014 (0.436) 20.076* (,0.001) 20.074* (,0.001) (ln) HOMA-IR (AU) 20.031 (0.079) 20.032 (0.062) 20.051* (0.005) 24-h Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 20.001 (0.953) 0.005 (0.777) 20.006 (0.751) 24-h Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 20.006 (0.754) 0.027 (0.123) 20.003 (0.865) (ln) Weighted SD systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 0.011 (0.546) 20.019 (0.262) 0.006 (0.730) (ln) Weighted SD diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 20.011 (0.526) 20.076* (,0.001) 20.040* (0.024) Use of antihypertensive medication (yes vs. no) 20.085* (0.017) 20.084* (,0.001) 20.050* (0.008) N = 2,531. Data are presented as standardized regression coefficients (P values), except for the use of antihypertensive medication, where unstandardized regression coefficients (P values) are presented. All analyses are adjusted for age, sex, and educational level. AU, arbitrary units; ln, natural logarithm. *P , 0.05. #n = 2,388. 1544 Worse Diabetes-Associated Cognitive Performance Diabetes Care Volume 40, November 2017

Figure 2—Mediating effects of hyperglycemia, IR, and blood pressure–related variables on the association between type 2 diabetes and cognitive performance. Mediating effects are presented as the indirect effects of type 2 diabetes on cognitive performance through the potential mediators (i.e., hyperglycemia, IR, and blood pressure) in cognitive domain scores (left, y-axis) and percentage of mediation (right, y-axis). All analyses are adjusted for age, sex, and educational level. The dotted red lines indicate a mediation effect of 25%, 50%, and 75%, respectively. The solid red line indicates the mean difference in cognitive domain scores between individuals with type 2 diabetes and those with a NGM, and thus corresponds with a mediation effect of 100%. BP, index that combines 24-h systolic and diastolic blood pressure and their weighted SD with the use of antihypertensive medication; GLY, composite index of fasting glucose, postload glucose, HbA1c, and SAF (advanced glycation end products); INS, HOMA-IR.

effects. Collinearity diagnostics revealed However, the pattern of mediation by 2,292) on the difference in processing no multicollinearity in any of the media- hyperglycemia and blood pressure– speed between individuals with type 2 di- tion analyses (i.e., all tolerance values related variables was comparable to abetes and NGM. On closer examination, $0.206 and variance inflation factors that observed after adjustment for this small mediating effect was mainly #4.843). age, sex, and educational level only explained by albuminuria (5.6% [1.3; (Supplementary Fig. 1). Additional exam- 11.2]) and disappeared once adjustments Sensitivity Analyses ination of the mediating effects of the were made for hyperglycemia (data not Results that were qualitatively similar to cardiovascular risk factors themselves re- shown). those reported above were observed vealed that only waist circumference When the composite index of hypergly- when individuals with newly diagnosed and a history of cardiovascular disease cemia focused on long-term hypergly- type 2 diabetes were analyzed sepa- statistically significantly mediated diabe- cemia, its mediating effects became rately from those with a prior diagnosis tes-related worse performance in mem- somewhat smaller as did their 95% of diabetes or when individuals treated ory function and EF&A, respectively CIs, indicating more accurate estimates with insulin were excluded from the anal- (Supplementary Fig. 2). The presence (Supplementary Fig. 3). Hypoglycemic yses (data not shown). Overall, additional of a depression mediated (albeit margin- events also appeared to have a significant adjustment for prior cardiovascular ally) diabetes-related worse performance mediating effect on differences in EF&A disease, cardiovascular risk factors, and in all the cognitive domains that were (27.1% [bootstrapped 95% CI 4.8; 47.8]; depression reduced diabetes-related assessed (Supplementary Fig. 2). The n = 2,153), although this result should worse cognitive performance (by 62.9% presence of microvascular disease had a be interpreted with caution because for memory function, by 13.4% for pro- small but significant mediating effect hypoglycemic events occur only in indi- cessing speed, and by 1.1% for EF&A). (8.5% [bootstrapped 95% CI 0.4; 17.0]; n = viduals with type 2 diabetes. As in the care.diabetesjournals.org Geijselaers and Associates 1545

Figure 3—Mediating effects of individual components of hyperglycemia, IR, and blood pressure–related variables on the association between type 2 diabetes and cognitive performance. Mediating effects are presented as the indirect effects of type 2 diabetes on cognitive performance through the potential mediators in cognitive domain scores (left, y-axis) and percentage of mediation (right, y-axis). All analyses are adjusted for age, sex, and educational level. The dotted red lines indicate a mediation effect of 25%, 50%, and 75%, respectively. The solid red line indicates the mean difference in cognitive domain scores between individuals with type 2 diabetes and those with a NGM and thus corresponds with a mediation effect of 100%. ANTI-HT, use of antihypertensive medication; FBG, fasting blood glucose; H24DIA, mean 24-h diastolic blood pressure; H24SYS, mean 24-h systolic blood pressure; SD DIA, weighted SD of 24-h diastolic blood pressure; SD SYS, weighted SD of 24-h systolic blood pressure; 2H-BG, postload glucose.

main analysis, IR had no mediating effects cardiovascular risk factors such as waist deficits (34). This, combined with specific when defined in multiple alternative ways circumference and . As characteristics of our population with di- (Supplementary Fig. 4). Results were also such, our findings indicate that it is the abetes (i.e., generally well-controlled very similar when 24-h pulse pressure glycemic load itself, rather than the car- HbA1c level and relatively highly edu- rather than systolic and diastolic blood diovascular context in which diabetes typ- cated), may have limited our ability to pressure was incorporated into the index ically develops, that contributes to the assess the extent to which diabetes im- of blood pressure abnormalities (Sup- differences in cognitive performance be- pacts memory function as did the use of a plementary Fig. 5). Importantly, however, tween individuals with relatively well- single test to assess memory function. blood pressure lost its mediating ef- controlled type 2 diabetes and those Characteristics of the study population fects when the use of antihypertensive with NGM. may also explain the lack of reduced cog- medication was excluded from the index The observed profile of diabetes- nitive performance in individuals with of blood pressure–related variables related differences in cognitive perfor- prediabetes, although we observed a (Supplementary Fig. 6). mance is consistent with that of mild trend of decreasing cognitive abilities differences across multiple domains re- with worsening glucose metabolism. CONCLUSIONS ported in previous systematic reviews We are the first to show that hypergly- In the current study, diabetes-associated (32,33). For memory function, how- cemia largely explains diabetes-associated worse performance in the domains of ever, relatively smaller differences were worse cognitive performance, which is processing speed and EF&A was largely observed than have been previously re- in line with the results of a recent study explained by hyperglycemia and, to a ported. It has been suggested that a di- (35) that demonstrated that SAF partially lesser extent, by blood pressure–related minished ability to process unstructured mediates the association of type 2 diabe- variables, whereas IR had no mediating information is the primary deficit under- tes with reduced gray matter volume. effects. Comparable results were ob- lying diabetes-associated cognitive prob- From a pathophysiological point of tained after adjustment for additional lems and thus may precede memory view, intracellular hyperglycemia induces 1546 Worse Diabetes-Associated Cognitive Performance Diabetes Care Volume 40, November 2017

mitochondrial overproduction of super- diabetes-associated differences in cogni- highlighting the need for preventive strat- oxide(36), which, in turn, activates multiple tive performance. egies and neuropsychological training or pathways through which hyperglycemia Although our data suggest that IR does counseling. We believe that our findings could exert toxic effects on the brain either not contribute to diabetes-related worse suggest that the prevention of diabetes- directly, by triggering neuronal dysfunc- cognitive performance, and, despite the associated decrements in cognitive per- tion and death (37), or indirectly, by fact that this was confirmed through a formance should focus on early glycemic inducing microvascular and/or macrovas- range of sensitivity analyses, this finding and blood pressure control, that is, before cular changes (26,38,39). should be interpreted with some cau- the diabetes becomes apparent. As such, The mediating role of hyperglycemia tion. Apart from the fact that we used our data add fuel to the debate as to that was observed seems to contrast surrogate markers of IR (e.g., HOMA-IR), whether individuals with prediabetes with findings of our recent systematic re- these markers typically reflect hepatic should be monitored and treated more view (40), where we showed that mea- and muscle IR, although it has been sug- intensively. sures of hyperglycemia are only weakly gested that these do not necessarily coin- associated with cognitive performance cide with cerebral IR (43). Consequently, among individuals with type 2 diabetes. we cannot fully exclude the possibility Funding. The research of G.J.B. is supported by This pattern is, however, remarkably sim- of cerebral IR being involved in diabetes- grant 2010T073 from the Dutch Heart Associa- ilar to that observed for some classic com- associated cognitive decrements. tion, andS.L.C.G. and G.J.B. aresupportedbyVidi plications of diabetes in that previous The current study has some further lim- grant 91711384 from ZonMw, The Netherlands studies have shown that glycemic control itations. First, its cross-sectional design Organisation for Health Research and Develop- fi ment. The Maastricht Study was supported by is more closely related to the develop- does not permit us to draw rm conclu- the European Regional Development Fund via ment than to the progression of nephrop- sions about the etiology of diabetes- OP-Zuid; the Province of Limburg; the Dutch athy (41) and retinopathy (42). It is associated worse cognitive performance. Ministry of Economic Affairs (grant 31O.041); possible that hyperglycemia sets the Second, the generalizability of our Stichting De Weijerhorst (Maastricht, the Neth- stage for other (organ-specific) mecha- findings can be questioned because erlands); the Pearl String Initiative Diabetes (Amsterdam, the Netherlands); the Cardio- nisms to exert their detrimental effects, individuals with type 2 diabetes in our co- vascular Center (Maastricht, the Netherlands); an explanation that is supported by our hort were generally well controlled for Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht observation of interaction between hy- their diabetes and comorbid vascular (Maastricht, the Netherlands); School for Public perglycemia and the use of antihyperten- risk factors. Individuals were, however, Health and Primary Care (Maastricht, the Neth- sive medication in their association with not selected on the basis of their glycemic erlands); School for Nutrition, Toxicology and Metabolism (Maastricht, the Netherlands); cognitive performance. Alternatively, one control, and hence we believe our popu- Stichting Annadal (Maastricht, the Netherlands); might argue that the mediating effects we lation is representative of a population Health Foundation Limburg (Maastricht, the observed simply reflect the collinearity that has access to quality diabetes care. Netherlands); and unrestricted grants from between our composite index of hyper- Third, despite the fact that we used sen- Janssen-Cilag B.V. (Tilburg, the Netherlands), glycemia and participants’ glucose me- sitive tests to assess cognitive perfor- Novo Nordisk Farma B.V. (Alphen aan den Rijn, the Netherlands), and Sanofi-Aventis Nether- tabolism status. Collinearity statistics did mance in the domains most frequently lands B.V. (Gouda, the Netherlands). not, however, reveal any problematic reported to be affected in diabetes (33), Note that none of the funders had any role multicollinearity and qualitatively similar we were unable to capture all the cogni- in study design; the collection, analysis, and mediating effects were obtained when tive domains that might be important for interpretation of the data; the writing of the manuscript; or the decision to submit the paper the composite index of hyperglycemia fo- daily functioning and patient well-being. for publication. cused on long-term hyperglycemia. Moreover, as acknowledged above, our Duality of Interest. G.J.B. consults for and receives The current study provides evidence composite z score for memory function research support from Boehringer Ingelheim, con- that abnormalities in blood pressure was based on a single and relatively sim- sults for Takeda Pharmaceuticals, and has received ’ also contribute to diabetes-associated ple memory test. Last, we focused on speaker s fees from Eli Lilly. No other potential conflicts of interest relevant to this article were differences in processing speed, although hyperglycemia but missed data on glu- reported. to a lesser extent than hyperglycemia. cose variability, which is increasingly Author Contributions. S.L.C.G. was involved in Sensitivity analyses, however, showed recognized to be associated with diabe- study conception and design, participated in that these mediating effects were mainly tes complications. data acquisition and cleaning, analyzed and attributable to the use of antihyperten- In conclusion, our findings indicate that interpreted the data, and prepared the manu- script.S.J.S.S.andC.D.A.S.wereinvolvedinstudy sive medication and thus to previous ex- differences in cognitive performance be- conception and design, contributed to the in- posure to elevated blood pressure levels tween individuals with type 2 diabetes terpretation of the data, critically revised the rather than the actual blood pressure. and those with NGM, particularly in the manuscript for intellectual content, and were Conversely, the frequent use of antihy- domains of processing speed and EF&A, responsible for data acquisition. D.C. contrib- pertensive medication among individuals are largely attributable to hyperglycemia uted to the interpretation of the data and critically revised the manuscript for intellectual with type 2 diabetes, which is likely to and, to a lesser extent, to blood pressure– content. M.T.S., M.P.J.v.B., R.M.A.H., F.R.J.V., have contributed to the small differences related variables, whereas IR has no me- A.A.K., P.C.D., C.G.S., and C.J.H.v.d.K. were re- in 24-h blood pressure observed between diating effects. Although the cognitive sponsible for data acquisition and also critically individuals with different glucose metab- decrements we observed are unlikely to reviewed the manuscript for intellectual con- , tent. G.J.B. was involved in study conception and olism (i.e., 5 mmHg), may have limited cause clinically manifest neurocognitive design, contributed to interpretation of the data, our ability to adequately assess the medi- symptoms, they may lead to complaints and critically revised the manuscript for intellec- ating effects of actual blood pressure in of forgetfulness and concentration loss, tualcontent.Allauthorsapprovedthefinalversion care.diabetesjournals.org Geijselaers and Associates 1547

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