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Clinical Experience with Insulin Resistance, Diabetic Ketoacidosis, and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Patients Treated with Atypical Antipsychotic Agents

Clinical Experience with Insulin Resistance, Diabetic Ketoacidosis, and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Patients Treated with Atypical Antipsychotic Agents

David C. Henderson

Clinical Experience With Resistance, , and Type 2 Mellitus in Patients Treated With Agents

David C. Henderson, M.D. © Copyright 2001 Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc. Numerous reports have associated atypical antipsychotic agents with , diabetes mellitus, and diabetic ketoacidosis. Although the mechanisms are poorly understood, clinical experi- ence suggests that these adverse effects are major areas of concern and require attention by the psychi- atric team and primary care clinicians. This article discusses my clinical experience with metabolism impairment related to treatment with antipsychotic medications. (J Clin Psychiatry 2001;62[suppl 27]:10–14)

BLOOD GLUCOSE DISORDERS 8 deaths. The majority of DKA episodes occurred in the One personal copy mayfirst be 6 printedmonths of treatment with . One patient DKA and Mellitus actually developed diabetes immediately following an Recently, case reports have linked clozapine and olan- accidental 500-mg dose of clozapine. This highlights the zapine to diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), diabetes mellitus serious potential risk associated with DM and DKA and (DM), and hyperglycemia.1–14 The reports of DKA with clo- should alert clinicians to be proactive in monitoring and zapine and and possible increased incidence of preventing medical morbidity associated with psycho- type 2 diabetes mellitus may represent 2 separate popula- tropic medications. tions with varying risks. Several cases of DKA associated A recent case report20 described a 42-year-old, white, with clozapine and olanzapine have been reported, with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive man with majority of these cases resulting in partial or complete a history of chronic depression with psychotic features ad- remission when the drug was discontinued.1–3,5,6,8–10,12–18 mitted to the hospital for DKA while taking risperidone, Additionally, several cases of DKA resolved after clozapine fluoxetine, and trazodone. It is unclear whether the patient or olanzapine was discontinued, only to have hyperglyce- received other medications that could impair glucose me- mia return upon reinstitution of the drug. That DKA tabolism. Patients receiving the HIV-1 protease inhibitors patients taken off the drug achieved remission strongly often develop impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes, suggests that insulin secretion is affected in these pa- most likely due to an induction of insulin resistance.21 Ris- tients.1,2,5,6,8,9,12,17 peridone was discontinued, the DKA resolved, and the A group from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration patient was discharged with quetiapine and subcutaneous (FDA) Research program identified 11 reports of exacer- insulin. A recent case report22 described a 42-year-old man bation of existing diabetes and 131 cases of clozapine- with a history of bipolar disorder admitted to the hospital associated new-onset diabetes from the FDA’s Medwatch for new-onset diabetes, requiring insulin, 1 month after surveillance program.19 The Medwatch surveillance pro- beginning treatment with quetiapine. Quetiapine was dis- gram only captures a small percentage of likely cases. continued, and the insulin requirement steadily declined There were 37 cases of probable diabetic ketoacidosis and until it was discontinued 5 months after hospitalization. Additionally, Wilson et al.23 described 14 patients who de- veloped diabetes and DKA (N = 5) while receiving treat- ment with clozapine, olanzapine, or quetiapine. From the Department of Psychiatry and Schizophrenia 15 Program, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard We reported a 5-year naturalistic study to examine, in Medical School, Boston, Mass. 101 clozapine patients with schizophrenia, the incidence Presented at the planning teleconference “Metabolic of treatment-emergent DM in relation to other factors in- Disturbances Associated With Antipsychotic Use,” which was held October 20, 2000, and supported by an unrestricted cluding , lipid abnormalities, age, clozapine educational grant from Janssen Pharmaceutica, L.P. dose, and treatment with valproate. Clozapine dose, use of Reprint requests to: David C. Henderson, M.D., Freedom Trail Clinic, 25 Staniford St., Boston, MA 02114 (e-mail: valproate, and laboratory results were recorded at 6-month [email protected]). intervals. Nineteen patients were eliminated from the

10 J Clin Psychiatry 2001;62 (suppl 27) Diabetic Syndromes and Atypical Antipsychotics study secondary to a preclozapine, or gain and elevated levels of insulin, , and blood lipids the baseline preclozapine glucose values were not avail- as well as insulin resistance, with 3 patients diagnosed as able. Diabetic patients treated with clozapine required having diabetes mellitus. The elevated insulin values nearly a 2-fold increase in insulin requirement or a switch would argue against the role of serotonin antagonism, to insulin from an oral hypoglycemic agent. which theoretically could reduce β insulin production. The mean ± SD age at the time of clozapine initiation We presented preliminary results of a cross-sectional of the 82 patients studied was 36.4 ± 7.8 years and 22 study comparing clozapine-, olanzapine-, and risperidone- (27%) were women. During the 60-month study, 43 (52%) treated non-obese body mass index ([BMI] < 30 mg/kg2) of the 82 patients experienced at least 1 elevated schizophrenia subjects who had a frequent-sampled intra- blood glucose (FBG ≥ 140 mg/dL [7.7 mmol/L]) using the venous using Bergman’s Minimal “old” American© Copyright Diabetes Association 2001 criteria Physicians24 and 55 Model Postgraduate Analysis.28 There were Press, no differences Inc. between the (67%) of 82 patients experienced at least 1 elevated fast- 3 groups for age, sex, race, family history of diabetes mel- ing blood glucose with the “new” American Diabetes As- litus, BMI, percentage of body , and fasting glucose, sociation criteria (FBG ≥ 126 mg/dL [6.9 mmol/L]).25 fasting insulin, , and leptin levels. Preliminary re- Thirty (37%) of 82 patients were actually diagnosed with sults suggest that there is a significant difference between diabetes during the 5-year follow-up. Weight gain, valpro- the 3 groups for the insulin sensitivity index with cloza- ate, and clozapine total daily dose were not significant risk pine and olanzapine exhibiting significant insulin resis- factors for developing diabetes mellitus. Some patients tance. The acute insulin response to glucose (AIR), a mea- gained weight and developed DM, while others did not gain sure examining the initial response of β cells to a glucose weight but also developed diabetes. Also, several patients load, was not impaired. In fact, subjects treated with cloza- developed a cluster of medical disorders similar to meta- pine and olanzapine had a nonsignificant, but greater, AIR bolic syndrome X, which include centralOne personal , hyper- copy maycompared be printed with risperidone-treated subjects, whose values insulinemia, , increase in very-low-density were considered within normal limits. Additionally, dif- lipoprotein (VLDL)- and LDL-cholesterol, ferences between risperidone and olanzapine and risperi- decrease in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, athero- done and clozapine were shown for glucose effectiveness, sclerosis, procoagulant state, and hyperglycemia. suggesting potential impairment of glucose utilization. New patients exhibited abnormal fasting glucose val- Glucose effectiveness represents the ability of glucose, in- ues every 6 months, leading to a diagnosis of DM. It ap- dependent of insulin, to increase glucose uptake and sup- pears that the risk for developing diabetes continues as press endogenous glucose production. This function is long as patients receive treatment with clozapine. independent of glucose transporters. It is possible that ad- ministration of clozapine and olanzapine results in insulin Insulin Resistance resistance and impairs glucose effectiveness, thereby plac- There are a number of potential mechanisms for the ing patients at risk for DM. Combined with other risk fac- association of atypical antipsychotic medications with hy- tors, patients may develop DM in weeks to years after ini- perglycemia. Typically, insulin resistance is an early fea- tiating treatment with atypical antipsychotic agents. ture, which is initially compensated in part by increased production of insulin by pancreatic β cells (i.e., hyperinsu- Risk Assessment and Risk Factors linemia).26 Eventually, as β cells become exhausted, the for Diabetes Mellitus combined effects of insulin resistance and decreased insu- Before placing a patient on an atypical antipsychotic lin production reduce insulin-mediated glucose uptake and agent, it is important to perform a risk factor assessment utilization by muscle cells and prevent insulin-mediated for DM and other metabolic disorders. A risk assessment inhibition of hepatic glucose production. should include baseline serum values, weight, BMI, age,

Antagonism at serotonin (5-HT)1A receptors by atypical race, family history, level of physical activity, and diet. antipsychotic agents may decrease pancreatic β cell re- There are a number of factors that may place someone at sponsiveness to blood sugar levels, resulting in impair- risk for developing diabetes. Elevated plasma glucose and ment of glucose metabolism.10 However, Melkersson et insulin is a risk factor for DM.29 High fasting insulin can al.27 found that olanzapine-treated patients exhibited be considered a reflection of insulin resistance. High BMI higher fasting insulin levels. Eleven (79%) of 14 patients is a well-known risk factor for DM and is associated with were normoglycemic, and 3 showed increased blood glu- insulin resistance. Family history is a significant predictor cose values. Most patients (10/14; 71%) had elevated in- of diabetes and reflects the importance of genetic predis- sulin levels (i.e., above the normal limit). Eight (57%) of position in abnormal glucose-insulin metabolism.30 14 patients had hyperleptinemia, 62% (8/13) had hypertri- Obesity is also a significant risk factor for diabetes mel- glyceridemia, and 85% (11/13) had hypercholesterolemia. litus. Psychotropic medications, in general, may produce (In 1 patient, serum lipid assessments were not per- significant weight gain, and the antipsychotic agents are formed.) Olanzapine treatment was associated with weight no exception.31 In our 5-year naturalistic study,15 we found

J Clin Psychiatry 2001;62 (suppl 27) 11 David C. Henderson that some patients treated with clozapine continued to gain Finally, no studies have examined the diabetic compli- weight for up to 46 months. The risk for diabetes has been cations in the schizophrenia population. The atypical anti- reported to be approximately 2-fold in mildly obese, psychotic agents, with potential higher risk of DM, are 5-fold in moderately obese, and 10-fold in severely obese fairly new, and DM complications often occur after years persons.32 The duration of obesity is a more important de- of hyperglycemia. In time, it is likely that schizophrenia terminant of the risk for developing diabetes. Based on my patients with atypical antipsychotic agent–associated DM clinical experience, patients that develop DM years after will experience the serious complications of hyperglyce- initiating treatment with an atypical antipsychotic agent mia. Comorbidity is of great concern, as many patients had gained a considerable amount of weight that was sus- will also experience obesity, hypertension, and elevated tained. If a patient gains a weight and maintains this serum lipids, all risk factors for cardiovascular disease. weight, his© or Copyrighther risk for developing 2001 DM appearsPhysicians to be Postgraduate Press, Inc. increased. DOSE CHANGES OR SWITCHING AGENTS Age is another significant risk factor for diabetes. Mukherjee et al.33 found in schizophrenic patients the risk Patients who experience an episode of DKA while re- of DM increased with age (over the age of 50 years), and ceiving treatment with an atypical antipsychotic agent we found that, in clozapine patients, the development of should be considered for alternative treatment therapies DM correlated with age.15 immediately. A number of reports in the literature of atypi- Race also appears to be a risk factor for diabetes. A cal antipsychotic agent–associated DKA suggest that when number of populations appear to have reduced glucose the agent is discontinued, the diabetes may resolve com- metabolism and an increased risk of diabetes. This may pletely, which is also highlighted by the fact that when the also be the result of other factors, such as lifestyle, activ- agent is restarted, patients may again suffer hyperglycemia ity, body frame type, and diet. ManyOne of the personal reports showed copy mayand be risk printed another episode of DKA. clozapine-associated DKA to occur in African Americans. Unfortunately, for the true treatment-resistant schizo- In particular, Native Americans, Asian Indians, Australian phrenic patient, there are few options when DKA occurs in Aborigines, Mexican Americans, Hispanics, Polynesians, the context of clozapine use. The trade-off related to and Micronesians appear to be at highest risk for type 2 switching to another antipsychotic agent is the risk of diabetes mellitus, while African Americans appear to be at worsening psychopathology, risk of hospitalization, and moderate risk.34 overall poorer outcomes. We attempted to openly switch Finally, physical activity also plays a major role in glu- clozapine-treated patients to olanzapine.35 Eight (42%) of cose metabolism. expends calories and promotes 19 patients were considered responders. Seven patients leanness while lowering blood glucose and improving in- decompensated seriously enough to require hospitaliza- sulin sensitivity.34 The sedative and fatiguing effects of tion. All 7 of these patients were restabilized on clozapine antipsychotic agents may contribute to reduced activity treatment in the hospital, and olanzapine was discontin- and exercise in schizophrenic patients and thereby nega- ued. In an additional 4 patients, clinical status worsened tively impact glucose metabolism. and clozapine doses were titrated upward while olanza- Medical consequences of diabetes: morbidity and pine was slowly discontinued. Responders had been mortality. The long-term complications from diabetes are treated for a significantly shorter period of time with clo- significant and well documented in the medical literature. zapine prior to the switch compared with nonresponders While the atypical antipsychotic agents appear to improve and were receiving a lower dose of clozapine. Some pa- quality of life and lengthen life expectancy for schizophre- tients, particularly low-dose clozapine responders and nia sufferers, the potential long-term effects of diabetes conventional agent treatment–intolerant clozapine pa- may alter the life-expectancy gains. tients, may be candidates for a switch to an alternative Ophthalmic complications include agent; however, the risks are quite high for others. and diseases of the anterior chamber that affect vision. We presented a case of recurrent DKA in a young His- may present with sensory symptoms panic male that appeared to be dose related.15 After the or deficits, motor abnormalities, or autonomic dysfunc- first episode of DKA, the clozapine dose was lowered tion. may cause proteinuria, hyper- from 400 mg/day to 200 mg/day, and a conventional neu- tension, and a decline in glomerular filtration rate leading roleptic was added. One month later, the clozapine dose to renal failure. Vascular diseases are accelerated in dia- was increased to 300 mg/day because of psychiatric de- betic patients. Severe peripheral vascular disease produces compensation. Within 4 weeks of the increase, he experi- ischemia and predisposes to infections. Macrovascular enced another episode of DKA. Subsequently, the patient disease leads to stroke and myocardial infarction. Diabetic remained stable on 200 mg/day of clozapine, haloperidol enteropathy affects gastrointestinal motility. decanoate 100 mg i.m. q. 4 weeks, and insulin. In this is a manifestation of chronic neuropathy and vascular in- case, the DKA may have been dose related, and at higher sufficiency. doses his risk increased dramatically.

12 J Clin Psychiatry 2001;62 (suppl 27) Diabetic Syndromes and Atypical Antipsychotics

Some of our clozapine patients that developed DM have without complications in schizophrenic patients with co- successfully resolved the DM by lifestyle changes and in- morbid diabetes mellitus.10,38,39 terventions that reduce other contributing factors to the When initiating an atypical antipsychotic agent in a development of DM. These include efforts for a more ap- patient with a history of diabetes, monitoring fasting as propriate diet, , control of hypertension, reduc- well as random glucose is vital to assure patient safety. It tion in serum lipid values, and increasing physical activity. is possible, with the addition of an agent that impacts on However, when these significant lifestyle changes were glucose metabolism, that hyperglycemia will be more dif- abandoned, some patients experienced a reemergence of ficult to control. In addition, an increase in weight and se- DM. If lifestyle changes are effective, they must be fre- rum lipids may make it difficult to maintain glucose val- quently and persistently reinforced to produce a lasting ues at desired levels. The risk of DKA may also increase change and© consistent Copyright improvement 2001 of hyperglycemia. Physicianssignificantly Postgraduate in this population. Press, Inc. When unable to switch agents, an effort to find the low- est effective clozapine dose, while assuring an adequate CONCLUSION clinical response, should be attempted. The addition of an- other antipsychotic agent as an adjuvant may be useful in The psychiatric clinic must take an active role in assist- this situation. Reinstein and colleagues36 reported that a ing the primary care clinicians in monitoring serum glu- combination of quetiapine and clozapine resulted in re- cose values, educating patients, and encouraging appropri- duced weight and an improvement in glucose metabolism ate diabetic diet and exercise. Communication between in the 20% of patients who developed diabetes on cloza- primary care clinicians and the psychiatric treatment teams pine alone. The report suggests that quetiapine may reverse is vital for patient compliance and safety. Some schizo- the complications of weight gain and diabetes secondary phrenic patients have a great deal of difficulty with regular to clozapine. However, upon initiationOne of personalquetiapine, copyclo- maymonitoring be printed of their serum glucose with glucometers. The zapine doses were reduced by 25%, which may have had a psychiatric team should play a role in monitoring and edu- greater impact than quetiapine itself. We have routinely cating schizophrenia patients who develop diabetes melli- added risperidone, as well as conventional agents, to clo- tus. In our clinic, we have a glucometer available to moni- zapine partial responders, which may improve psychotic tor patients and provide education on the appropriate use symptoms while also allowing for a reduction in clozapine of these devices. The psychiatric team must also play an dose.37 However, in my experience, these interventions aggressive role in ensuring medical care for the medically have done little to effectively reverse diabetes mellitus in ill psychiatric patients. A number of cases of atypical anti- clozapine patients. psychotic agent–associated DKA occurred in the context When DM or DKA occurs in the context of other atypi- of other medical conditions such as infections and pancre- cal antipsychotic agents (not clozapine), efforts should be atitis. An elevated white blood cell count in a clozapine- made to switch to other agents. Some patients, because of treated patient should be aggressively pursued to reduce the clinical response, request to continue on their present the risk of DKA. agent. However, patients who experience a DKA episode, Although the majority of reports of atypical anti- because of the risk of mortality, should be immediately psychotic agents have been in schizophrenic patients, we switched to another agent and lifestyle issues addressed. have observed similar patterns in bipolar patients treated with these agents. Additionally, at an affiliate clinic, which TREATMENT OF DIABETES IN THE treats Indochinese immigrants, several patients diagnosed SCHIZOPHRENIA POPULATION with posttraumatic stress disorder developed DM after receiving treatment with olanzapine for mild psychotic The majority of patients with atypical antipsychotic symptoms. This treatment is complicated by the high rates agent–associated DM can be effectively treated with oral of DM in this population in general, but highlights a popu- hypoglycemic agent. However, a percentage of patients lation that may be at greater risk for atypical antipsychotic will require subcutaneous insulin treatment. These pa- agent–associated DM. tients are more likely to have experienced metabolic syn- Psychiatrists must monitor for hyperglycemia with drome X, which includes abdominal or central obesity, fasting serum glucose value in this population, and relying hyperglycemia, hypertension, and elevated serum lipids. on clinical symptoms of diabetes is risky. Patients are not In my experience, these patients gained an incredible likely to report classic symptoms of DM, and either psy- amount of weight (up to 100 lb [45 kg] or more) after chiatrists are unlikely to ask about them or symptoms are treatment with the antipsychotic agent. Occasionally, interpreted as medication side effects. Finally, the symp- weight reduction and nutrition programs may reduce or toms of DM may be masked by common side effects of eliminate the insulin requirement, and patients can be psychotropic medications. switched to oral hypoglycemic agents. Additionally, ris- In my experience, schizophrenia patients are capable of peridone has been reported in the literature to be used complying with fasting glucose measurements provided

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