Autumn 2017 Atmospheric Circulation Newsletter of the Atmospheric Sciences Department

Studying the effects of Southern African biomass burning on clouds and climate: The ORACLES mission

by Professor Robert Wood, Michael Diamond, & Sarah Doherty

iny aerosol particles, emitted by Fires, mainly associated with dry season Teverything from tailpipes to trees, float agricultural burning on African savannas, above us reflecting sunlight, seeding clouds and generate smoke, a chemical soup that absorbing solar heat. How exactly this happens includes a large quantity of tiny aerosol – and how it might change in the future particles. This smoke rises high in – is one of the biggest uncertainties the atmosphere driven by strong in how humans are influencing surface heating and then is climate. blown west off the coast; it In September 2016, three then subsides down toward University of Washington the cloud layer over the scientists took part in a southeastern Atlantic large NASA field campaign, Ocean. The interaction Observations of Aerosols between air moisture and Above Clouds and their smoke pollution is complex Interactions, or ORACLES, and not well understood. that is flying research planes Southern produces around clouds off the west coast almost a third of the Earth’s of southern Africa to see how smoke biomass burning aerosol particles, particles and clouds interact. yet the fate of these particles and their ORACLES is a five year program, with influence on regional and global climate is three month-long aircraft field studies, and is poorly represented in climate models. led by Dr. Jens Redemann from NASA Ames The ORACLES experiment is providing Research Center in California. Department of multi-year airborne observations over the Atmospheric Sciences professor Robert Wood complete vertical column of key parameters serves as deputy principal investigator for the that drive aerosol-cloud interactions in the Rob Wood acts as flight scientist on a Sept. program, and spent a month in Namibia in SE Atlantic, an area where there are large 6 flight, coordinating between scientists and September 2016. Also participating from the inter-model differences in how aerosols crew and deciding where to fly next. Photo: UW are Dr. Sarah Doherty, a research scientist impact the Earth’s radiative budget. In this Sarah Doherty/University of Washington. with the UW Joint Institute for the Study of the region, there are three key ways in which Atmosphere and Ocean, and graduate students the presence of biomass burning aerosol ORACLES — Continued on page 12 Michael Diamond and Hans Mohrmann. particles can impact radiation. First, particles

Numerous agricultural fires (red dots) over central southern Africa generate a dense plume of aerosol particles (seen in the yellow-red curtains sampled by the CALIPSO spaceborne lidar). This smoke travels westward over the southeastern , where an extensive deck of low clouds is situated (white colors below the aerosol layer). The first year of airborne sampling took place based out of Walvis Bay, Namibia in September 2016. The second phase, during August 2017, will be based out of the small island nation of São Tomé and Príncipe.

1 Department of Atmospheric Sciences

Alumni News over steep 2-D orography. He joined NASA to leave atmospheric sciences. He knows Dean Buzz Bernard (’63 B.S.) retired from the Goddard in 1997 and has primarily worked on Churchhill (‘88 Ph.D.) has left the field too. U.S. Air Force, where he finished out his career hurricanes, including many field campaigns. He still loves to watch and read about hurricane as the senior Reserve weather officer in Air He co-led the Genesis and Rapid Intensification research. After he retires, if he is still healthy, Combat Command. He later retired from The Processes (GRIP, 2010) experiment and was PI of he WILL return to atmospheric sciences, self- Weather Channel in Atlanta as a lead forecaster. the Hurricane and Severe Storm Sentinel (HS3) funded. He didn’t remain retired (twice-retired?) for experiment (HS3, 2010-2015). Bob Houze was Ioana Dima-West (‘05 Ph.D.) is currently long. He embarked on a late-life profession as involved in both of those campaigns and it was working for a Reinsurance Broker, Willis Re, in a novelist. He now has five published novels, great working with him on them. Scott also had London UK, where she heads up a team called including a number-one best seller on Amazon’s Deanna Hence (’11 Ph.D.), Anthony Didlake “Model Research and Evaluation.” The team is Kindle. Not surprisingly, most are weather- (’12 Ph.D.), and Jen DeHart (’17 Ph.D.) focused on validating, comparing and eventually themed thrillers: EYEWALL (the best seller), involved in HS3. He was Project Scientist for the adjusting catastrophe models, the main tools PLAGUE (not weather themed), SUPERCELL, Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) of estimating risks from natural catastrophes BLIZZARD, and CASCADIA (not weather from 2008-2017. He is currently the Project (storms, earthquakes, flood) in the insurance/ themed, but set against the Cascadia Subduction Scientist for the Time-Resolved Observations of reinsurance industry. She is married to Jason Zone--He used a couple of UW profs as tech Precipitation structure and storm Intensity with a West, a teacher/musician, and together they have advisors). He is currently at work on novel Constellation of Smallsats (TROPICS) mission, two boys, Paul (8) and Nico (5). number six, FIREWIND, an historical thriller which will use a constellation of Cubesats with Garth Ferber (‘86, B.S., ‘90, M.S.) will with a backdrop of Oregon’s 1933 Tillamook microwave imagers/sounders to study tropical retire at the end of 2017 after 30 years of federal Burn. There’s a big weather component in this cyclones (expected to launch in late 2019 or in service in Seattle at the National Weather Service drama. 2020). The mission is led by MIT/Lincoln Labs and at the Northwest Avalanche Center. Katie Boyd (‘07 B.S.) received a master’s and is funded by NASA’s Earth Venture Program Brian Garcia (‘03 B.S.) has been promoted degree from Colorado State University (CSU) (see to Warning Coordination Meteorologist (WCM) in 2011 in Atmospheric Science (working with tropics-mission-implementation). Scott is also a with the National Weather Service in Monterey Christian Kummerow; thesis subject was on NASA deputy project scientist for the GOES-R California, as of early 2016. In this capacity he effects of aerosols on clouds and precipitation). program. NASA builds and launches this new is responsible for partnering with area Federal, Following that, she became more interested generation of GOES satellites, NOAA operates State, and Local agencies to ensure they have and involved in educational outreach and them once fully checked out. weather data and an actionable interpretation science communication. She then went back Bonnie Brown (‘14 Ph.D.) was hired as the of the data. This move from operational to school in an interdisciplinary program at Course Development Program Coordinator at the meteorologist to WCM has come with a large CSU and received a second master’s degree National Disaster Preparedness Training Center learning curve and significant amounts of travel. in 2016. Her second degree was in in Honolulu, HI. In her new position she develops That said, this is likely the best position he has (the Graduate Degree Program in Ecology), FEMA-certified course material on recognizing, held in weather. It allows him to engage with but since it was interdisciplinary, she focused assessing, and understanding natural hazards the stakeholder community and learn first- on education research and studied an outreach for emergency managers, first responders, hand the impacts of weather prediction and program developed by a professor in the government employees, utility operators, and communication on their partner’s operation. Atmospheric Science department; specifically, operations managers across the nation. Steve Ghan (‘79 B.S.) is still developing and how he communicated about science through Thomas Cheng (‘81 Ph.D.) is still employed applying global climate models at the Pacific this program and the impacts on student even though he is eligible for civil service Northwest National Laboratory in Richland understanding of the nature of science. She retirement, but unfortunately he has left the Washington, where he’s worked since 1990. In is currently working at the Exploratorium in field of atmospheric sciences, not because he September 2016 he stepped down from JGR- San Francisco as a Research & Evaluation no longer loves this field, but primarily because Atmospheres after ten years as an Editor and four Coordinator. of family situation and the great difficulty in years as Editor-in-Chief. He’s also volunteering Scott Braun (‘95 Ph.D.) was an NCAR seeking long term position in his geographical with Citizens Climate Lobby; he chaired the 2017 Advanced Study Program postdoc (1995-1997), area, Washington DC. He is now a linguist for Regional Conference in Seattle. He is a steward and worked with Richard Rotunno and Joseph the Department of Justice. He made a six figure for a five mile section of the Pacific Crest Trail. income, but he really hates to have been forced Klemp on idealized modeling of fronts moving Alumni News — Continued on page 6

Chair’s Column than ever. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Please continue to send us news about your current family or activities that we can share in ll of us in atmospheric science know next year’s edition of Atmospheric Circulation. Athat forecasting is hard. My long- Another exciting part of the chairship is range forecast from June 2012, when I stepped the chance to encourage new and innovative down after serving 5 years as chair of the changes in the department. A great example department turns out to have been a bust. Much of such changes, organized under the previous to my surprise, as Greg Hakim completed his chair, is the recent intensive instruments course 5-year term as chair and returned to the regular (see p. 3) developed by Bob Houze and Lynn professorial ranks, I found myself back in the McMurdie in concert with scientists at the chair’s office. My new long-range forecast is Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in that I will not be in this office for a full 5-year Richland. This new class was made possible by term – we’ll see how that works out. funds contributed by donors to our department. Among the pleasures that come with the We are extremely grateful for their support and office of chair is the chance to meet with our for all the donations we have received from our alumni and hear about their lives. I’m really alumni and friends. Your help this past year has pleased that so many of you have sent us made a tremendous difference. We hope we can updates this year. The alumni news section of count on you again this year. this year’s Atmospheric Circulation is larger Dale Durran

2 Atmospheric Circulation Meeting of the Minds: UW and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Join Forces for an Innovative Course by Katie Dorsey PNNL, Lynn McMurdie, and Robert A. Houze Jr., UW Atmospheric Sciences

hile doing research at Pacific Northwest WNational Laboratory and teaching at the University of Washington, Bob Houze saw great potential in a possible collaboration between the atmospheric sciences departments at those institutions. Early this fall, Houze’s vision finally became a reality. Thanks to the generosity of a few donors to the department, ten UW Atmospheric Sciences students received funding to travel to Richland and take a two-week instrumentation short course taught by PNNL scientists and engineers. Focusing on themes such as calibration and accuracy, the instructors developed lectures on ground and airborne instrumentation and measurements, data management, atmospheric chemistry and cloud microphysics. The participating students came from a wide- range of research interests and expertise, but they all shared a desire to learn more about state-of- the-art, research-quality instrumentation that they may potentially use in their own research or future careers. “To actually see the insides of some of these instruments and what all goes into obtaining the Group picture taken on the last day of class. From bottom row left: Wei-Yi Cheng, Laura actual measurement was extremely rewarding,” Riihimaki, Qiaoyun Peng, Megan McKeown, Nitin Bharadwaj, Robert Houze, Lynn said Robert Conrick, a third-year graduate student McMurdie, Rachel Atlas, Kelly Balmes, Andrew Geiss, Gourihar Kulkarni, Bradley Isom, focusing on weather model evaluations. John Shilling, Robert Conrick, Jessica Haskins, Samuel Pennypacker, Ian Kraucunas, Eliza This unique and creative course on atmospheric instrumentation was made possible by the generous Dawson, Alla Zelenyuk-Imre, Rob Newsom. support of donors to the UW Department of Atmospheric Sciences fellowship funds including “I feel much more confident to conduct a field people who operate, build, and process that the Hobbs Quality Enhancement Fund, Hamilton experiment after the course, as I absorbed a lot from data every day.” Student Support Fund, Warren Endowed Graduate the practical experience and theoretical foundations Those kinds of responses have Houze Fund, Businger Endowed Fellowship, Fleagle that the PNNL scientists have instructed us during believing that similar PNNL-UW courses Support Fund, and Leovy Endowed Graduate Fund. this intensive two weeks,” Qiaoyun Peng, a second- could be just as successful in the future. These departmental fellowships covered the lodging year graduate student said. “We’d love to do this every two years,” and transportation expenses for the students and Jessica Haskins, a fourth-year graduate student he said. instructors during their visit to PNNL. who uses aircraft instrument data in her research, For more information on how to support Laura Riihimaki of PNNL’s Atmospheric called the class an “unprecedented opportunity.” vital educational opportunities like this Sciences and Global Change Division assisted Profs. “This course was by far the one I’ve learned the one, please contact the Department of Houze and McMurdie in organizing the course. most from in graduate school,” Haskins said, “and Atmospheric Sciences’ Advancement Riihimaki recruited fellow PNNL scientists to serve I’m so thankful for the partnership between the UW liaison, Gerald Cournoyer, at gcourn@ as course instructors. and PNNL that was able to allow us to learn from the or 206-221-0562. These instructors reinforced their lectures through experiments, demonstrations, computer activities, or—in the case of aircraft instructor Jason Tomlinson—close examination of the Gulfstream-1 aircraft that PNNL operates for the U.S. Department of Energy. The plane helps collect airborne measurements in and out of clouds for field campaigns of the Department of Energy Atmospheric Radiation Measurement user facility. “I wanted the students to get an idea of the whole end-to-end process from sticking an instrument out in the field to bringing in the data, doing the data quality, looking at what it really means, and then how would you archive it so that people can use it in With the the future,” Riihimaki said. Gulfstream 1 This course provided practical experience and aircraft in the theoretical foundations in how observations are background, made and to see what it would be like to work in a national lab. The students will receive credit for the Jason Tomlinson course and each student is currently following up by (left) explains completing a project under the guidance of a PNNL making aircraft scientist that highlights one of the topics of study measurements to using research data available from PNNL. the UW students.

3 Department of Atmospheric Sciences Spotlight on Erika Navarro (PhD ‘16) Undergraduate and by Faculty Research Jennifer DeHart The following undergraduate students and faculty members worked together this year:

Daniel Ahrens, Jacob Hendrickson / Cliff Mass: High-Resolution Ensemble-Based Regional Climate Modeling Kallista Angeloff, Jonathan Chriest, Thomas Lamb / Dargan Frierson: The effect of SST gradients on midlatitude storm intensity Daniel Barnes, Ben Celsi, Louis Dinh / Dargan Frierson: EarthGames: Explaining environmental science concepts with interactive digital media David Bonan / Dargan Frierson: The Role of Topography in Keeping ’s Temperatures Warm Eliza Dawson / : Investigating the impact of land surface properties on the climate system / Dargan Frierson: Southern African orography impacts on low clouds and the Atlantic ITCZ in a coupled model Mason Friedman, Jamin Rader / Dargan Frierson: Analysis of a Coupled Atmosphere- Ocean GCM Julia Goldblatt / Lyatt Jaegle: Observed trends in acid wet deposition over the arlier this summer, Hurricanes “work[s] closely with other team members Jonathan Kuehn, Edward O’Brien / EHarvey, Irma, and Maria left trails and weather producers to create a coherent Nicholas Bond: Solar Irradiance Monitoring: of devastation along the Gulf Coast and in story.” Her experience in graduate school Measurements and Applications the Caribbean. If you tuned into the Weather was great preparation for preparing forecasts, Eric John Page / Daehyun Kim: Process- Channel’s coverage, you were unlikely to communicating uncertainty, and letting the oriented diagnosis of tropical cyclones in high- miss Erika Navarro (PhD ‘16), who spent science be interesting without exaggerating it. resolution GCMs numerous long days updating viewers with But the quick pace of television poses unique Thomas Schuldt, Kenneth Wohl / Lynn the latest observations and forecast. Deftly challenges. “Sometimes I think I’m going to McMurdie: The modificationand enhancement managing weather data, interviews with field be talking about one thing,” Erika reveals, of precipitation as midlatitude cyclones from reporters, and updates from local officials, “but then either during the commercial the Pacific Ocean encountered the Olympic Erika’s poise shone through each broadcast. break or ... in the middle of my segment, Mountains using precipitation and radar data Erika’s unconventional journey from something changes.” There is no time to dwell collected during the Olympic Mountains graduate student to on-air expert began with a on mistakes and she has learned to trust her Experiment (OLYMPEX) fortuitous meeting. A friend introduced her to knowledge of synoptic . Chris Warren, a meteorologist on the Weather Erika’s work so far has brought her the Channel, which led to a conversation with admiration of colleagues and executives, senior hurricane specialist Bryan Norcross but she says the messages from friends have and the offer of an unpaid internship. With been some of the most gratifying. “It’s been the support of her advisor, Prof. Greg Hakim, incredibly rewarding to have seen a dream Consider joining Erika spent two summers behind the scenes come true, and realize just how many people in Atlanta supporting on-air meteorologists. ... have helped me throughout the years,” says “Huskies@Work” Near the end of graduate school, she was Erika. “I can look back now and appreciate the offered a permanent job and began working difficulty and the struggle and enjoy where I ou can help out a Husky student as an on-camera meteorologist and expert in am and what has been given to me.” Ywith Huskies@Work, UWAA’s job late 2016. shadowing program. Being part of Huskies@ In contrast to the constant routine of Work is easy, requiring just a few hours or a graduate school, her new schedule can day of your time. Local and non-local alumni be unpredictable, especially if inclement are invited; we’ll match you with a student weather is in the forecast. Additionally, even interested in your field, and together you’ll find though a typical day might only include a a time to connect in person or virtually. couple hours on air, her day is packed with You can give back — on your schedule meetings, show preparation, and helping and on your terms. Our next Huskies@Work out around the newsroom. Her on-air duties opportunity is in May 2018; applications will encompass everything from forecasts to be available in April. To learn more, visit: in-depth yet accessible descriptions of meteorological concepts (e.g., orographic huskiesatwork enhancement). While she determines how the science is communicated, Erika says she

4 Atmospheric Circulation First Year Student, Brian Zimmerman, receives Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Fellowship for 2017-2018 Academic Year

by Lynn McMurdie

RCS Foundation Seattle is part of a studies to pursue permaculture design and - a large, multi-national project based in the Anational, non-profit, volunteer, women’s organic food production, living and working Sierra de Cordoba mountains of Argentina to organization that supports the advancement of on several farms in Costa Rica, Canada and study convective initiation and upscale growth science and technology in the United States the United States. He returned to University of mesoscale convective complexes - the most by providing financial awards to academically of Wisconsin, Madison, to complete his BS in severe and damaging type of storms seen in the outstanding US citizens studying to complete Civil Engineering, and continued on to earn mid-latitudes. degrees in science, technology, engineering, two master’s degrees: one in Civil Engineering The Seattle Chapter of the ARCS Foundation and mathematics (STEM). The Seattle Chapter (Water Resources) and one in Atmospheric and will celebrate 40 years of advancing science in of ARCS Foundation was founded in 1978, and Oceanic Sciences. In his most recent project, he 2018. to date has supported 1,167 fellows with awards combined his love for sustainable agriculture Several students in our graduate program totaling more than $16.3 million. The UW and science through prototyping a low-cost, low have received ARCS fellowships; they include: Atmospheric Sciences department is proud that power, open source microclimate monitoring 2016 Lucas Vargas Zeppetello (Advisor: incoming student, Brian Zimmerman, is one of system for a local Wisconsin orchard, with the Battisti) this year’s recipients of an ARCS fellowship. long-term goal of creating a frost-potential map 2015 Casey Hilgenbrink (Advisor: Hartmann) Brian has already been involved in a diverse for the orchard. Here in Atmospheric Sciences 2014 Jessica Haskins (Advisors: Thornton & array of research and community projects. at University of Washington, Seattle, Brian Jaeglé) He joined Engineers Without Borders in his will be working with Prof. Lynn McMurdie 2013 Ana Ordonez (Advisor: Bitz) and Andre freshman year and by sophomore year was a and Dr. Angela Rowe on the Remote Sensing Perkins (Advisor: Hakim) project manager, working with a rural Kenyan of Electrification, Lightning and Mesoscale/ 2011 Maximo Menchaca (recently received his community to improve their agricultural and microscale Processes with Adaptive Ground PhD under Prof. Durran and is now working at water systems. He took several years off from Observations (RELAMPAGO) field campaign Vaisala).

A Learning Exchange on Climate Impacts in Pohnpei, Micronesia

by Lauren Schmeisser

he plane started descending gently, and I and Learning (PREL), we were to lead an Tglanced out my window to see if we were educational workshop on climate variability arriving. Minutes passed, and I still couldn’t for highly motivated Pohnpeian teachers and see anything but the deep blue Pacific reaching community leaders. in every direction. The water was approaching The climate of the Pohnpeian islands is quickly, with no land in sight, and my heart fascinating. Pohnpei (6.8N, 158.3E) experiences began to race. An impossibly thin strip of sand typical tropical heat, and is one of the rainiest and trees eventually came into view, and, with a places on Earth, receiving more than 160 inches sigh of relief, we landed on a solid sliver wedged of rain annually on average- some places on the between infinite turquoise waters. Sitting there islands receive upwards of 300 inches of rain a on the tarmac in Majuro, Marshall Islands, a year. That is, until an El Niño shifts local rainfall mere 6 feet above sea level, the waves lapped at patterns and the Pohnpeian islands experience the runway and it was easy to see how this nation drought conditions (typically defined by local and others around it were so vulnerable to the meteorologists as monthly rainfall totals of less impending rising waters associated with climate than 5 inches). El Niño creates difficult living change. This was my first insight of the trip into conditions for the islanders, as the increased the starkly urgent matters of climate impacts in temperatures and decreased precipitation the Pacific Islands. negatively impacts crop yields, decreases Majuro was only one pit stop of many on the availability of drinking water, and diminishes island hopper bound for our final destination- fresh water quality which increases occurrence the island of Pohnpei in the Federated States of waterborne diseases. of Micronesia. I was traveling with my fellow Local Pohnpeians told us stories of IGERT (NSF Integrative Graduate Education environmental stresses felt on the island due to Landing in Majuro, Marshall Islands en route and Research Traineeship) fellowship cohort anthropogenic , and how these to Micronesia members- an interdisciplinary group of graduate impacts were further compounded by El Niño- students working together for months planning related droughts and La Niña-related floods. this trip. We had traveled this great distance from For these islands, internal and externally-forced Seattle to learn from Pacific Islanders about the climate variability is delivering a one-two punch challenges they face due to impacts from climate of difficulties that are becoming extremely taxing Learning Exchange — Continued on page 8 variability. Additionally, in collaboration with to local economies and public health outcomes. the local NGO Pacific Resources for Education It is one thing to read in IPCC reports about

5 Department of Atmospheric Sciences Alumni News...continued

Jack Herring (‘94 Ph.D.) is Dean of currently hopes to fly C-17s. whole university. Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies William K. M. Lau (‘77, Cert.) worked for Charanjit Pabla (‘12 B.S.) has acquired at Western Washington University, and Roxane NASA for over 30 years. He has been retired a job as a radar (research) meteorologist Ronca (‘95 M.S.) is Project Director of NextGen since 2015 and moved to U. of Maryland, where with NASA Wallops Flight Facility in STEM Teacher Preparation, an NSF-funded he is senior scientist at ESSIC, and Adjunct Wallops Island, VA. After doing operational effort to improve K-12 teacher preparation in Professor at the Department of Atmospheric forecasting, he started to miss working with Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Oceanic Sciences. His research is on climate radar, radar data, and precipitation physics. So (STEM) throughout Washington State. They’re dynamics, tropical convection, aerosol-monsoon far, he is loving this job there. still happily married, perhaps a little creakier, climate interactions. He published a profile article Kristen Rasmussen (‘14 Ph.D.) was but overall doing well. Two teenagers keep them on why there are more prolonged droughts and an Advanced Study Program Postdoctoral busy and humble. wildfires worldwide in the supposedly warmer Fellow at the National Center for Atmospheric Aaron Hill (‘12 B.S.) continues graduate and wetter climate in Scientia (UK equivalent Research (NCAR) from 2015-2016 and studies at Texas Tech under another UW alum, of Scientific American): http://www.scientia. became an Assistant Professor at Colorado Brian Ancell (‘06 Ph.D.) and Christopher Weiss. global/professor-william-lau/. He was also State University in the Department of He is evaluating the usefulness of ensemble- included in a manga (Japanese comic) book from Atmospheric Science in October 2016. based observation targeting methods for high- NASA, which features a cartoon version of him Jack Scheff (‘14 Ph.D.) is starting a faculty resolution simulations of severe storms for talking to Mol (a popular idol for Japanese girls) job in the Department of Geography and Earth eventual applications in adaptive sampling and her robotic dog about Asian monsoon and Sciences at UNC Charlotte this summer, with UAS aircraft. He has also jumped head climate change, which can be found at https:// where he joins Brian Magi (’06 Ph.D.) among first into the land of observations, taking on other atmospheric scientists. Funding will be a maintenance/technician role of “StickNet” Camille Li (‘07 Ph.D.) has been “settled” available for a couple of good M.S. students observing platforms in the Vortex-SE project. He (more or less) in Bergen, Norway since 2011, starting in 2018. aims to take his qualifying exam this summer and first as an Assistant Research Scientist and Jim Steenburgh (‘95 Ph.D.) received graduate by the end of 2018, with an eventual now as an Associate Professor in atmospheric the Charles L. Hosler Alumni Scholar Medal goal to join academia. On a personal note, he dynamics at the University of Bergen. She sits in from the Penn State University College of married his wife approximately 9 months ago the Geophysical Institute, which was the home Earth and Mineral Sciences for outstanding and they bought a house, so life has been quite of the Bergen School of Meteorology. Her areas contributions to the development of science busy personally and academically! of interest are large-scale midlatitude dynamics through research, teaching, and administrative Joanne Swanson Kagan (nee Bottoms) and climate variability; she still keeps a foot in leadership. He has been a Professor of (‘84 B.S.) worked part time in the Cloud and the paleoclimate world and has expanded to the Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Aerosol Research Group, and went on to a long Arctic (an inevitable development when you live Utah since 1995 and is author of the book and successful career in the National Weather where she does). Secrets of the Greatest Snow on Earth. Service. Starting in Seattle as an intern, she Jeremy MacDonough (’16 B.S.) was hired Roland Stull’s (‘75 Ph.D.) free book journeyed in Great Falls, MT, then moved to by XOJET, a private jet charter company, in June “Practical Meteorology: An Algebra-based Camp Springs, MD to work at the National of this year. He will be applying his knowledge Survey of Atmospheric Science,” was updated Meteorological Center (now the National Centers of meteorology while flying the Challenger 300, in summer 2017 to be i n color. In the year for Environmental Prediction). Then, she was a super midsize category business jet capable of and a half that the original version has been program manager for various programs at NWS flying at 45,000 feet at .83 mach with a range of available as free pdfs online, over 33,000 Headquarters, including NOAA Weather Radio, 3000 nautical miles. It’s a blast! downloads of chapters were made by over ASOS, and others. She then worked at NOAA Brian Magi (‘06 Ph.D.) was promoted 9,500 users in 121 countries (1,808 cities). Headquarters on a detail, before returning as the to Associate Professor with tenure in the You can find his book at https://www.eoas. Chief of Staff (Executive Director) for NWS. Department of Geography and Earth Sciences Joanne transferred to the Strategic Planning and at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Ryan Torn (’07 Ph.D.) is currently an Policy Office in 2007, where she was heavily Socorro Medina (‘05 Ph.D.) currently works Associate Professor in the Department of involved in the National Academy of Public for Seattle Public Utilities managing one of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences at the Administration study of NWS operations, then Seattle’s recycling education programs. University at Albany, SUNY (since September guided the Operations and Workforce Study Maximo Menchaca (‘17 Ph.D.) was recently 2008). His primary research interests remain effort to a successful launch before retiring hired as a software engineer at Vaisala in Seattle, predictability and dynamics; however, his from public service late in 2015. Her husband WA. research interests have expanded into tropical and she now live in Santa Fe, NM, where she Philip Mote (‘94 Ph.D.) picked up additional cyclones and midlatitude convection. He has is looking at research of the North American responsibilities as Associate Dean for Strategic participated in three different field projects Monsoon and hoping to become involved in Initiatives in the College of Earth, Ocean, and since 2010 (PREDICT, MPEX, and SHOUT), local weather and climate studies. They are also Atmospheric Sciences, a half-time position. all of which each had a predictability busy establishing the Jack Kagan Foundation in A highly respected researcher who works at component. He has been married to Heather honor of her father-in-law who passed away in the intersection of science and society, Dr. since 2004 and they have three children, 2014. She often ponders pursuing an advanced Mote is the current director of the Oregon Makena (born 2009), Isabel (born 2011) and degree now that she has a little time, though they Climate Change Research Institute and the Isaac (born 2014). are purchasing horses and with the Foundation Oregon Climate Service, and was recently Reid Wolcott (‘10 M.S.) was promoted their time is filling up rapidly. She has been a elected as head of the American Geophysical to Senior Meteorologist with the National member of AMS for decades, and has wonderful Union’s Global Environmental Change Section. Weather Service in Las Vegas, NV in October memories of working with and learning from Dr. Mote’s considerable organizational and 2016. Now in his 7th year with the NWS, Dr. Houze, Dr. Hobbs, Dr. Hegg, Dr. Mass, Dr. consensus-building talents will be dedicated to he serves as the Program Manager for the Reed, and so many others. leading a strategic planning process that includes Decision Support Services, HAZMAT, and Bailey Kilmer (‘15 B.S.) graduated UW a self-study, external review, and development of Web Services programs at the office.Reid and atmos on the climate track. After he graduated a roadmap for CEOAS’ future. his wife Melissa (‘06 B.S. ESS) welcomed he hiked 250 miles of the PCT with his dad in the Gretchen Mullendore (‘03 Ph.D.), currently their first child, Killian Pike Wolcott, to the Sierra Nevadas. He commissioned into the Air Associate Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at world on August 9th, 2017. Force and is currently a pilot training in Enid, the University of North Dakota, was honored this Oklahoma. He just finished Phase 2 flying the year with the 2017 UND Faculty Scholar Award, T-6A Texan and tracked to fly the T-1A Jayhawk which recognizes outstanding achievement in all for Phase 3 which will last just over six months, three areas of research, teaching, and service. then he will be assigned a heavy aircraft. He Only one of these is given each year for the

6 Atmospheric Circulation Congratulations to droplets and cloud condensation nuclei Holton Departmental Award Scholarship: through collision-coalescence (Wood) Emily Tansey Stephanie S. Rushley, Examining changes to Graduates the Madden-Julian Oscillation in a warmer Hobbs Departmental Award Scholarship: climate using CMIP5 models (Kim) Doctor of Philosophy Ashly A. Spevacek, Dependence of tropical Stephanie Bradshaw precipitation on changes in cross-equatorial IGERT Fellowship at IPOC: Pao Baylon, Impact of Stratospheric Intrusions, atmosphere and ocean heat transport in Regional Wildfires, and Long-Range global warming simulations (Frierson) Lauren Schmeisser Transport Events on Air Quality in the Hsiu-Hui ‘Shelly’ Tseng, Tropical tropopause Western United States (Jaffe) layer cirrus and its relation to tropopause McNair Scholar: Cheng Dang, Effect of snow grain shape (Fu) Jacob Hendrickson and impurities on snow and its P. Trent Vonich, Hurricane kinetic energy parameterization: China, spectra from in situ aircraft observations NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship: and the Arctic (Fu/Warren) (Hakim) Jennifer DeHart, Orographic Modification Michael Diamond Nicholas J. Weber, Evaluating CFSv2 Ajda Savarin of Precipitation Processes in a Tropical Subseasonal Forecast Skill with an Cyclone Moving over a Continental Emphasis on Tropical Convection (Mass) NSERC Graduate Fellowship: Mountain Range (Houze) Jonathan A. Weyn-Vanhentenryck, Karl E. Lapo, Constraining the Surface Energy Predictability of idealized deep convection: Marysa Lague Balance of Snow in Complex Terrain Influence of error scale and amplitude in Jeremy McGibbon (Lundquist) various environments (Durran) Maximo Menchaca, The Influence of an Wei Zhao, The Diurnal Cycle of Clouds and NDSEG Fellowship: Orographic Feature on a Mid-Latitude Precipitation at the ARM SGP Site (Fu/ Casey Hilgenbrink Cyclone (Durran) Marchand) Erika L. Navarro, Idealized Numerical Mindlin-Reed-Caldwell Scholarship: Modeling Experiments of the Diurnal Cycle of Tropical Cyclones (Hakim) Bachelor of Science Eliza Dawson Stephen Po-Chedley, On the structure of Kelsie Knowles Bentley Barker atmospheric warming in models and Doctoral Fellowship Abroad from Peru: observations: Implications for the lapse Daniel Burke rate feedback (Fu) Tasha Del Pozo Yakelyn Ramos Jauregui Yusuke Ishiguro Master of Science Austin Kleinert-Strand Jonathan Kuehn Megan Chaplin, Microphysical Mechanisms Mingyang Lee in Stratiform Precipitation as Observed in OLYMPEX (Houze) Jeffrey Liu Lexie Goldberger, Reactive Nitrogen Justin Luk Welcome to New Multiphase Chemistry and Chlorine Teddy O’Brien Activation on Authentic Biomass Burning Eric Page Graduate Students for Aerosol (Thornton) Tim Pancho Alex Haugstad, Investigating the dependence Matson Pothier 2017–2018 of radiative feedbacks on patterns of forcing Isaac Renfrow and surface temperature change (Armour/ Thomas Schuldt Ben Barr, University of Texas, Austin Battisti) Kenneth Wohl (Chen) Jessica Haskins, Inorganic chlorine budget and Stephanie Bradshaw, Carthage College, gas-particle partitioning in the winter lower Wisconsin (McMurdie/Rowe) troposphere over the northeast United States (Jaegle/Thornton) Claire Buysse, College of Saint Benedict Isabel L. McCoy, Identifying Meteorological Scholarships and Awards and Saint John’s University, Minnesota Controls on Open and Closed Mesoscale (Jaffe) Cellular Convection Associated with ARCS Fellowship: Brittany Dygert, Seattle Pacific University Marine Cold Air Outbreaks (Wood) (Hartmann) Jeremy James McGibbon, Skill of ship- Brian Zimmerman Litai Kang, Landzhou University, China following large-eddy simulations in College of the Environment Scholarship: (Marchand) reproducing MAGIC observations across Edoardo Mazza, University of Edinburgh, Jefferson Donovan the Northeast Pacific stratocumulus to Scotland (Chen) cumulus transition region (Bretherton) Brandon McClung, Air Force Institute of Conor J. McNicholas, Advanced Approaches DAAD Fellowship for research in Germany: for the Collection, Quality Control, and Eliza Dawson Technology, Ohio (Mass) Bias Correction of Smartphone Pressure Yakelyn Ramos Jauregui, Universidad Observations and Their Application in EPA Fellowship Nacional Agraria la Molina, Peru (Chen/ Numerical Weather Prediction (Mass) Jessica Haskins Zhang) Johannes K. C. Mohrmann, Investigating Ajda Savarin, University of Miami (Chen) Marine Boundary Layer Aerosol Budgets Fulbright New Zealand Award: Spencer Tangen, University of Utah (Mass) and Variability (Wood) Andrew Pauling Emily Tansey, University of Bremen, Pornampai “Ping Ping” Narenpitak, Cloud Germany (Marchand) Feedbacks in Limited-Area and Near- Graduate Opportunity Program Award: Global Cl oud-Resolving Simulations of an Andrew Pauling, University of Otago, New Aquaplanet in SAM (Bretherton) Brian Zimmerman Zealand (Bitz/Steig) Brian Zimmerman, University of Kuan-Ting ‘Andy’ O, Ultraclean layers and GSFEI Top Scholar Award: optically thin clouds in the stratocumulus Wisconsin-Madison (McMurdie/Rowe) to cumulus transition: depletion of cloud Claire Buysse Shuting Zhai, Peking University, China Andrew Pauling (Alexander)

7 Department of Atmospheric Sciences Learning Exchange...continued

reduced fishery yields, failing crops, sea level rise, coral bleaching, negative health impacts, and increasing heat waves in the Pacific Islands. It is an entirely more real experience to look into the concerned eyes of a fellow human being as they recount the struggles they feel trying to adjust their lifestyles and get by in the face of rapidly changing environmental conditions that are straining their natural resources. Climate change is making life in Pohnpei difficult, and ENSO-related extremes episodically add to that burden. Though the observed climate change and ENSO-associated impacts on Pohnpei are grim, the local population is highly motivated to find solutions. The teachers and community leaders that attended our educational workshop on climate variability came eager to learn. Our IGERT team presented the best scientific knowledge we have on ENSO and climate change in the Pohnpei region, and provided the teachers with learning materials and hands-on demonstrations that they can take back to the classroom to share with their students. Most The IGERT Group with Pohnpeian teachers showcasing climate impacts posters made for importantly, our team worked to connect the local classrooms (Photo Credit: Z. Koehn) teachers and community with local resources, including the local offices of NOAA, EPA, and robust agricultural techniques adapted for perspective to the impacts they feel on the USDA and the Pohnpei Conservation Society. changes in climate. On a local scale, teachers are island. As an aspiring climate scientist, I was These organizations, and many more, are enthusiastically teaching students about the drivers certainly offered an intimate and compelling actively progressing climate science in Pohnpei, of climate variability and what can be done to avoid narrative to motivate my work in the climate and are developing attainable solutions for the worst impacts. sciences. Our ability to understand and predict local families and schools. National initiatives The impetus and tenacity of the Pohnpeian the climate system is more important now than are being launched on water conservation people are inspiring to me. As our IGERT cohort ever if we want to help avoid the worst climate strategies during times of drought, coastline continues to work with the group of Pohnpeian impacts for our friends in the Pacific Islands. adaptation, sustainable fisheries practices, teachers, I hope we have provided a useful scientific Hurricane Maria: a story from a Puerto Rican far away from home by Ángel F. Adames-Corraliza

y interest in our planet’s atmosphere only has it been an extremely active hurricane made headlines as it became the second category Mstarted from a young age with old books season, but it has also affected me at a personal 5 hurricane of the season. Despite the National that my dad used to buy at my hometown’s level. A few months ago, a friend reached out Hurricane Center (NHC) forecasting a threat for flea market. Among those books was a 1950s to me suggesting I should create a page where PR many days in advance, many people on the weather book that described all sorts of weather I could communicate my knowledge of tropical island were unaware of the threat, or ignoring it on phenomena. It described ice storms, tornadoes, weather to people on the island. Being Puerto the basis that “it wasn’t coming.” I started doing blizzards, and more. For someone growing up in Rican and having a PhD would be a welcomed live feeds on Facebook and was baffled by the rural Puerto Rico, it was merely a dream to be able resource with a familiar background. Most people questions people had. I got asked “Should I leave a to experience anything other than an afternoon can’t distinguish the difference between official window open when the hurricane comes?”, “When thunderstorm. As a kid, it is difficult to understand sources and amateur sites, so I could guide people should I be back at my house?” and the seemingly what extreme weather events mean for the people towards official resources. obvious “When is this hurricane coming?” It’s that live through it; you’re just amazed at how Within a week of creating the page hurricane not that sources of information didn’t exist, it’s beautiful mother nature is. A sobering reality Irma threatened the island, a category 5 hurricane that people either didn’t know about them or came in 1998 when hurricane Georges made on the Saffir-Simpson hurricane scale. Major outright didn’t trust them. These Q&A sessions landfall on the island. A category 3 hurricane, weather prediction models were predicting eventually led to interviews from local radio it brought extensive wind damage and floods to possible impacts in Puerto Rico and the islands stations and newspapers. I couldn’t stress enough the island. No book, TV show or internet article of the Lesser Antilles. In spite of this threat, major how dangerous this hurricane was, that this was can fully describe what it is to be without power news networks were focusing on the potential going to be like nothing people currently living on and drinking water for weeks. This event led me threat to Florida instead. I denounced this on a post the island have ever experienced. I wanted to be to pursue a career in atmospheric sciences, which that quickly became popular on social networks. wrong, but knew I was right. ultimately led me to obtain a PhD from UW in This eventually got into the hands of BBC news, Hurricane Maria made landfall in PR on 2016. which interviewed me about the hurricane threat. Wednesday, September 20, 2017 as a high-end I have followed every Atlantic hurricane A bigger threat came shortly afterwards: category 4 hurricane. Saying that the hurricane season since 1998, but 2017 was different. Not hurricane Maria. A rapidly intensifying storm, it devastated the island would be an understatement.

8 Atmospheric Circulation UW WxChallenge Forecasting Team 2016-17 Recap by Joe Zagrodnik

he 2016-17 UW forecasting team had Tanother successful season competing in the WxChallenge national collegiate forecasting competition. The 22-member team consisted of a mix of undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, and alumni competing against atmospheric sciences programs across the US. The team finished in 11th place nationally after forecasting the high and low temperature, maximum sustained wind speed, and precipitation for 10 different cities over a 20-week period. Peter Brechner was the top individual forecaster on the team with an outstanding fourth place overall finish out of over individual 1,000 competitors (second place in the Junior/Senior category). Lynn McMurdie and Joe Zagrodnik also qualified for the postseason tournament for their excellent forecasting overall. Several team members were awarded trophies for excellent individual forecasting at various cities. Peter Brechner won three individual trophies: first place in the Junior/Senior category at Kodiak, AK and Nashville, TN and second place in the Junior/Senior category at Harrisburg, PA. Jonathan Weyn finished in first place in the graduate student category at Kodiak, AK. Kevin Tu finished third in the alumni category at Dallas/Fort Worth, TX. The 2017-18 season is currently underway with our largest and most experienced team to date. The team is open to all members of the department. Contact Joe Zagrodnik ([email protected]) to join for the spring 2018 season. Hurricane Maria...continued

Electric power, communication and drinking unrecognizable. In spite of this, I think we were and this is a much bigger problem than what water was lost throughout the island. Many major lucky, we were all alive and safe. we realize. There are many groups, particularly rivers experienced historic levels of flooding. As the weeks passed I was left to wonder “Did underrepresented minorities, which do not have Many historic sites were severely damaged. The I make any difference?” All this stress along with the resources or the knowledge to prepare for Arecibo Observatory, a landmark of the island, several sleepless nights felt like a futile attempt mother nature’s deadliest forces. Local and was heavily damaged. El Yunque, the U.S.’s only at being heard. Shortly afterwards I started national news networks are not enough when tropical rainforest, was completely defoliated. getting messages from individuals. Many said it comes to this. More often than not, providing Roads and landslides made passage to many they wouldn’t have known what to do had I (and the proper information will be in the hands of towns impossible. And more important, many many others) informed them. So I did make a individuals that communities trust. Out of the people perished, and many more are missing. difference, small as it may have been. It comes many lessons we can learn from hurricane Maria While millions were struggling to put their to show you that accurate forecasts are essential is that there is a need for increased and improved lives back together, some were emphasizing on but not sufficient for public safety. Informing the communication, outreach and the need for a more the economic crisis the island had prior to the public also requires adequate communication diverse science workforce. hurricane. Many were commenting on how lucky the island was for having such a small death toll, ignoring the fact that many were without food, drinking water, medical attention, or just hanging on to dear life. I kept asking myself: “Would this catastrophe be covered differently had it occurred on the mainland?” Because of this it was more important than ever to continue communicating about the crisis. This led to a second interview with BBC, where I talked about not knowing about the whereabouts of my family and stressed that the island was desperate for immediate help. After nearly two weeks without knowing about my family, I heard from my brother. He told me the immediate family was safe and they were working on cleaning up. My parents’ house suffered some minor damage, although the yard was completely decimated. Trees that had been there for generations were uprooted and even the mighty mango trees were left in shambles. My hometown was declared a disaster zone and the pictures that I’ve seen of it are almost Picture from outside the author’s parents’ house during the passage of hurricane Maria. Picture courtesy of Ángel R. Adames-Corraliza (Ángel R. is the author’s younger brother)

9 Department of Atmospheric Sciences

Donor Recognition The Department of Atmospheric Sciences gratefully acknowledges the donors who have generously supported us during the past fiscal year July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017.

Individual Donors Janice Fox Michelle Mauro Gary Stebbins Michael Freeman Michael McClintock Zachary Stednick & Anna Thomas & Linda Ackerman Renee & David Freiboth William McJohn Sherwood Andrew Ackerman Thomas & June Frey Michael Miller Avril Steele Jeff Adams Melvin Fry III Justin Minder Carol & John Stoner Audra & Eric Adelberger Qiang Fu & Muyin Wang Elizabeth Muench Kimbal Sundberg & Debra Janet Alderton Mark Gaponoff Steven Mullen & Rita Clausen Clif & Janice Alferness Josh Gilbert Jackson-Mullen Jordan Sutton Sheal & Phyllis Anderson Pierre Grand Wendy & Peter Mullen Abigail Swann Anonymous GIfts-Friends Judith Gray Gretchen Mullendore & Gregory Timothy Swast ANONYMOUS-MATCHING- Christopher & Amy Gulick Ostermeier Caroline Teal FRIEND Gregory Hakim Jim & Michele Murphy Robert Thompson Jr. Kyle Armour Lorraine & Dennis Hartmann Louisa Nance Frances Thompson Henry & Linda Baddley Jr. David Haugen Susan Nelson John Thurlow David Battisti & Lynn McMurdie Karen Healy Daranee Oakley & Jacob Graves Laura Tiefenbruck Lawrence Baum Robert Henry Janice Obuckowski Jesse Tobiason Lois Bauman Sarah Hinckley Michael O’Connell Steve Upton Christopher Beck Edward Hindman Neal & Lisa Oman Al Vaskas Robert Berkovitz Peter Hobbs (D) Charles Orwig Kimberly Viebrock & Michael Harold Bernard Jr. & Christina Sylvia Hobbs Kathy Paris Nesteroff Hilland-Bernard James & Alma Holcomb Clayton Paulson Carol & William Viertel Dave Billenness Margaret Holton Michael Pearson Susan Wallace Thomas & Carol Borda Yolanda & Robert Houze Susan Petty John Walling Mark & Diana Borges Lucia Humphrey Leonhard Pfister Tim Walsh Cornelius & Catherine Borman Nicolas Irving Alexander Polsky Jonathan Weil John Bosche Lesley Jacobs Jon & Deborah Preston Albert Werner Shirley & Janet Boselly III Richard & LaVonne Johnson Sowoon Pyo Robin Werner Carolyn Bowman Michael Johnson Paul Racz Sue Ellen White & John Goertzel Richard Brintzenhofe Kristina Katsaros Lawrence & Jamie Radke Richard Wieland Charles & Mary Brock Liz & Ronald Keeshan Vernon & Laurel Redecker William & Carole Wieland Barbara Broderick Nathan Kellogg Robert & Britt Reeves Thomas Wilkenson David Bruce Larry Kingsbury Richard Regan Susan Willard & Carl Magee Sally & Thomas Cahill Thomas & Laura Kleespies John Rehr & Susan Thompson Marsha Williams Paul Campbell Stephen Klein Lee & Katherine Reinleitner Matthew Winberry William Carlson & Constance Paul Klemond Jeffrey & Susan Renner Michael Winton & Gretel LaVieri Harrington Kevin & Sheri Kodama Jacob Ribnik Frank Wirtz & Jessica Thompson Edward & Terry Carr Eileen Koven & John Leen Sarah Richards Chuck Wolber John Carrier William Kreuter & Judith Blinder Monte Robinson Marvin Wolf Debra Cauthers Terence Kubar Steven Robinson Deryckx Woody Alan Charlesworth James Labbe Ruben Rodriguez Mareena Wright Jingyang Chen Robert Laing & Marcia Kline Dale Rogers Dennis Wulkan Dean & Shervin Churchill Lois & Richard Lamb Katherine Root Ming-Jen Yang William Clugston Robert & Bonnie Landen Karen Rosenlof Jill Zarnowitz & Mark Huff Victoria Compton Sandra Lane Todd Bemis Rosin Lixin Zeng Jim Corkey Chris Langston Judy Rossman & Arthur Rangno Xiaoli Zhu & Juan Liang Gerald Cournoyer Peggy Le Mone & Peter Gilman Curt Russell Xun Zhu & Wei Liu Marlan Crosier John Leathers Janet & Donald Schmitt Marc Zocher David Cuthbert Jonell & Christopher Lee Sally Schoenberg & William Zoe Zoe Eric da Rosa John Leer Poteet Todd & Tamara Dankers William Levering III & Susan Eric & Anna Schoening Bill Davidson Hert John Schwabacher Judith & Raymond DeBuse Hang Li & Yun Kao Blaise Selby Corporate, Foundation, Clara Deser Mario Lopez David Sellers Organization Donors Denise Draper Jennifer Loveridge Bryna Shane Dale Durran & Janice Tervonen Janet Lowry Maggie Sharkey American Meteorological Society Imke Durre Mark Lutz Amanda & Parikhit Sinha Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Charles Egerton Peter & Linda Machno Jr. D. Zane Smith & M. Ann ConocoPhillips Company David Esterl Lisa & James Magnusson Newman-Smith Google Inc. William & Barbara Evans John & Hanna Mahlum David Smith KING Broadcasting Company Marcela Ewert Sarmiento Paul Maier Jr. Grier Smith Microsoft Corporation Brad Ferrier & Linda Tom Manley Scott Smith Salesforce.Organization Carter-Ferrier John Marshall Stanley Smith The Boeing Company James Flint Caroline & Clifford Mass Olivia Spear Weather Services International

10 Atmospheric Circulation Department News Outstanding Student Paper Award from the AGU Public Lectures Fall Meeting in December. This is a prestigious elcome to Professor Shuyi Chen. Her Prof. from the University of award granted to the top 5% of student participants research interests include understanding California, Berkeley visited the department W (graduate and undergraduate) for quality research in extreme weather events (e.g., hurricanes and winter as the Graduate Students’ Distinguished the geophysical sciences. storms) and sub-seasonal variability such as the Visiting Lecturer. Prof. Fung gave a public Graduate Student Judy Twedt won a Husky Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) that affects lecture on April 6, 2017 entitled “Trust Green Award, recognizing sustainability leadership the global weather and climate system, and on but Verify: the Science of Climate Treaty at the University of Washington. Judy also won improving their prediction. Verification.” this year’s College of the Environment Award for Also welcome Research Associate Professor The sixth Peter V. Hobbs Memorial Outstanding Community Impact. Lynn McMurdie. Her research interests include Endowed Lecture in Experimental Graduate student Marysa Laguë was selected the structure, predictability, and observations of Meteorology will be given on February 15, as one of the Husky 100 this year. The annual synoptic-scale mid-latitude storm systems with 2018 by Prof. Bart Geerts from the University Husky 100 recognizes 100 UW undergraduate and a primary interest in oceanic and North America of Wyoming, at 7:30 p.m. in Kane 220. graduate students from Bothell, Seattle and Tacoma west coast cyclones, as well as west coast weather For more information on our lectures, in all areas of study who are making the most of their analysis and forecasting. please visit our lecture website at http://www. time at the UW. Faculty Awards and Honors—Professor The following graduate students earned student shtml. Cecilia Bitz was recognized for being a significant prizes at the 2017 American Meteorological contributor to the success of the UW Astrobiology Society (AMS) Annual meeting for poster or oral Alumni Event at the AMS Program, especially for her efforts with the program presentations: Michael Diamond, Karl Lapo, and in helping to support interdisciplinary research Hans Mohrmann, Kuan-Ting (Andy) O, and Plans have been made for a department alumni within the College of the Environment and across Stephanie Rushley. reception during the 2018 Annual Meeting of the the UW campus. The UW Astrobiology Program, Outreach—The Outreach Video Group American Meteorological Society, taking place in founded in 1998, is the longest running astrobiology completed several more UW Atmos Outreach Austin, TX. The reception will take place at the graduate program and is considered to be the most videos, including its four-part film noir series about Residence Inn by Marriott Austin Downtown/ rigorous and best of its kind in the world. El Niño addressing why, if hot air rises, it is cold Convention Center, 300 E. 4th Street, on Monday, Student Awards—Undergraduate Jacob at the top of a mountain. To watch this and other January 8 from 6:30-8:30 in the Gatehouse Lounge Hendrickson was awarded a UW McNair videos, visit their channel at by the lobby. To ensure your email invitation is Fellowship. This program fosters the transition of com/channel/UCbEmigxpSICZIscdtX46KMw. sent to your current address, you can update your undergraduates from underrepresented minorities Staff news—Welcome to Alice Cheung, who contact information by going to www.washington. into Ph.D. programs. started as our Budget Fiscal Analyst in January, edu/alumni/subscribe/address-change.html or Undergraduate Eliza Dawson won an 2017. contacting the department at [email protected]. Giving to the Department of Atmospheric Sciences Please consider supporting the activities of the Department of Atmospheric Sciences. Your gift strengthens the core of the UW through recruitment and retention of world-class students and faculty. Your support of undergraduate and graduate students helps to create the next generation of scientific leaders. Help us to ensure that the department continues to be a leader in weather, climate andquality. Yes, I want to support the Department of Atmospheric Sciences! I have enclosed $______to support Friends of Atmospheric Sciences Fund Atmospheric Sciences Graduate Education Fund Richard and Joan Reed Atmospheric Sciences Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship Fund James Holton Endowed Graduate Support Fund Visa Mastercard American Express Card Number ______Expiration Date (mm/yyyy) ______Signature______Name (First, Last) ______Address______City, State, Zip ______Home Phone No.______Work Phone No. ______This is a matching gift (Enclose matching form) This is a joint gift

Your gift is tax-deductible as specified in IRS regulations. Pursuant to RCW 19.09, the University of Washington is registered as a charitable organization with the Secretary of State, state of Washington. To make your gift by phone, please call 1-877-UW-GIFTS (1-877-894-4387). Please send your check, payable to the “University of Washington” to: Wanjiku Gitahi, Assistant to the Chair, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington, Box 351640, Seattle, WA 98195-1640 To make your gift online, log onto or Appeal Code: ASN17

11 Department of Atmospheric Sciences

Contact Us Department of Atmospheric Sciences University of Washington Box 351640 Seattle, Washington 98195-1640 Phone (206) 543-4250 Fax (206) 543-0308

Dale R. Durran, Chair Wanjiku Gitahi, Editor

Atmospheric Circulation is published annually for alumni, friends, and members of the University of Washington Department of Atmospheric Sciences. This is the seventeenth issue.

Please send alumni news, comments, questions, corrections and address updates to [email protected] or call (206) 543-4250.

Giving questions can also be referred to: Gerald S. Cournoyer Assistant Director for Advancement College of the Environment 206.221.0562 / [email protected]

ORACLES...Continued also lead to changes in cloud structure and can the world, and how changes in air quality and suppress precipitation formation. global warming will act together on regional can interact directly with solar radiation, Two NASA research aircraft participated weather patterns. scattering some of the solar energy back to in ORACLES in 2016. A P-3 Orion aircraft Roughly 100 scientists are involved in space, thus providing a cooling effect. Second, collected comprehensive data by flying in the ORACLES, including the Namibia University because agricultural burning tends to be rather aerosol plume and clouds, while the NASA of Science and Technology and Namibia’s inefficient, fires do not fully combust biomass ER-2 aircraft flew at 20 km (60,000 ft) altitude Gobabeb Research & Training Centre. “This all the way to carbon dioxide but instead emit and served as a remote sensing platform, in is a fantastic opportunity to interact with and considerable amounts of elemental carbon essence a steerable satellite. learn from scientists not only from across the (also known as “black” carbon), which absorbs “We still have a lot of pretty fundamental United States, but also from Namibia and South solar radiation in addition to scattering it. questions unanswered, such as whether the Africa,” Diamond said. This absorption warms the atmosphere and smoke and cloud layers are clearly separated, or, In August 2017, the P-3 research aircraft the regional heating pattern can drive changes alternatively, if smoke particles end up mixing travels to São Tomé and Príncipe, a small in cloud cover. Finally, aerosol particles from into the cloud deck and changing the clouds’ island nation off the west coast of equatorial fires also serve as effective nuclei for the properties,” said Michael Diamond, a graduate Africa. Together with the Namibian sampling, formation of cloud droplets, thereby increasing student in Wood’s group who is participating in this will allow scientists to survey the entire the number of droplets in the extensive marine the campaign. cross section of the smoke plume over the stratocumulus clouds in the region. This can Observations could help understand, for southeastern Atlantic. brighten the cloud, resulting in more solar example, how forest fires burning inland radiation being reflected to space, but it can affect the coastal cloud layer in other parts of

NASA’s P-3 research aircraft, here pictured at Walvis Bay in Namibia, collected in-situ and remote sensing observations of aerosol and cloud particles during the month-long effort in Namibia. Photo: Robert Wood/University of Washington.