2003 Annual Report MBLWHOI Library Woods Hole, MA 02543
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WHOI Contributions to the Scientific Literature 2003 Annual Report MBLWHOI Library Woods Hole, MA 02543 2003 Publications Received as of January 1, 2004 Entries are listed by department. Where appropriate, the Institution Contribution number appears at the end of the entry. Earlier publications not listed in prior Annual Reports are listed here. Compiled by Ann Devenish; edited by Colleen Hurter. Reprint requests should be directed to the journal of publication, by contacting one of the authors directly or through MBL/WHOI Interlibrary Loan. Note: Access to online articles may be limited to the Woods Hole scientific community Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering Abbot, P., S. Celuzza, I. Dyer, B. Gomes, J. Fulford, J. Lynch, G. Gawarkiewicz, and D. Volak. Effects of Korean littoral environment on acoustic propagation. IEEE J.Oceanic Eng., 26:266-284, 2001. Anderson, Erik J., Alexandra Techet, Wade R. McGillis, Mark A. Grosenbaugh, and Michael S. Triantafyllou. Visualization and analysis of boundary layer flow in live and robotic fish. In: Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena--1 : First International Symposium, September 12-15, 1999, Santa Barbara, California. Sanjoy Banerjee and John K. Eaton, eds. New York: Begell House, :945-949, 1999. Badiey, M., Y. Mu, J. Lynch, J. Apel, and S. Wolf. Temporal and azimuthal dependence of sound propagation in shallow water with internal waves. IEEE J.Oceanic Eng., 27:117-129, 2002. Baldwin, K. C., J. D. Irish, B. Celikkol, M. R. Swift, D. Fredriksson, I. Tsukrov, and Michael Chambers. Open ocean aquaculture engineering. Oceans '02, :111-120, 2002. - 1 - Ballard, Robert D., Lawrence E. Stager, Daniel Master, Dana Yoerger, David Mindell, Louis L. Whitcomb, Hanumant Singh, and Dennis Piechota. Iron Age shipwrecks in deep water off Achkelon, Israel. Am.J.Archaeol., 106:1-18, 2002. Bartol, Ian K., Morteza Gharib, Daniel Weihs, Paul W. Webb, Jay R. Hove, and Malcolm S. Gordon. Hydrodynamic stability of swimming in ostraciid fishes: Role of the carapace in the smooth trunkfish Lactophrys triqueter (Teleostei: Ostraciidae). J.Exp.Biol., 206:725-744, 2003. Link to online article Bartol, Ian K., Malcolm S. Gordon, Morteza Gharib, Jay R. Hove, Paul W. Webb, and Daniel Weihs. Flow patterns around the carapaces of rigid-bodied, multi-propulsor boxfishes (Teleostei: Ostraciidae). Integr.Comp.Biol., 42:971-980, 2002. Link to online article Beaulieu, Stace E. Accumulation and fate of phytodetritus on the sea floor. Oceanogr.Mar.Biol., 40:171-232, 2002. 10529 Beaulieu, Stace E. Resuspension of phytodetritus from the sea floor: A laboratory flume study. Limnol.Oceanogr., 48:1235-1244, 2003. 10711 Benfield, Mark C., Andone C. Lavery, Peter H. Wiebe, Charles H. Greene, Timothy K. Stanton, and Nancy J. Copley. Distributions of physonect siphonulae in the Gulf of Maine and their potential as important sources of acoustic scattering. Can.J.Fish.Aquat.Sci., 60:759-772, 2003. 10922 Bingham, B. S., D. A. Mindell, D. R. Yoerger, B. Foley, and W. Seering. Acoustic multipath identification with expectation-maximization. Oceans '03, :2388-2396, 2003. Blackwell, S., J. Case, S. Glenn, J. Kohut, M. Moline, M. Purcell, O. Schofield, and C. Von Alt. A new AUV platform for studying near shore bioluminescence structure. In: Bioluminescence & Chemiluminescence: Progress & Current Applications. Philip E Stanley and Larry J Kricka, eds. Riveredge, NJ: World Scientific, :197-200, 2002. Bowen, Melissa, and W. Rockwell Geyer. Salt transport and the time-dependent salt balance of a partially-stratified estuary. J.Geophys.Res., 108(C5),3158,doi:10.1029/2001JC001231, 2003. Link to online article - 2 - Bradley, Albert M., Alan R. Duester, Stephen P. Liberatore, and Dana R. Yoerger. Extending the endurance of an operational scientific AUV using lithium-ion batteries. In: Proceedings UUVS (Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Showcase) 2000 Conference. London: Spearhead Publications, 9 pp., 2000. 10292 Bradley, Albert M., Michael D. Feezor, Hanumant Singh, and F. Yates Sorrell. Power systems for autonomous underwater vehicles. IEEE J.Oceanic Eng., 26:526-538, 2001. Carey, Willaim M., Peter G. Cable, William L. Seigmann, James F. Lynch, and Ilya Rozenfeld. Measurement of sound transmission and signal gain in the complex Strait of Korea. IEEE J.Oceanic Eng., 27:841-852, 2002. Chu, Dezhang, Kenneth G. Foote, and Lawrence C. Hufnagle, Jr. Measurement of multibeam sonar directivity patterns. Oceans '02, :1411-1414, 2002. 10807 Chu, Dezhang, Kenneth G. Foote, Lawrence C. Hufnagle, Jr., Terence R. Hammar, Stephen P. Liberatore, Kenneth C. Baldwin, Larry A. Mayer, and Andrew McLeod. Calibrating a 90-kHz multibeam sonar. Oceans '03, :1633-1636, 2003. 10986 Chu, Dezhang, J. Michael Jech, and Andone Lavery. Inference of geometrical and behavioural parameters of individual fish from echo-trace-analysis. Deep- Sea Res.I, 50:515-527, 2003. 10708 Link to online article Chu, Dezhang, Peter H. Wiebe, Nancy J. Copley, Gareth L. Lawson, and Velmurugu Puvanendran. Material properties of North Atlantic cod eggs and early-stage larvae and their influence on acoustic scattering. ICES J.Mar.Sci., 60:508-515, 2003. 10666 Link to online article Coco, Giovanni, T. K. Burnet, B. T. Werner, and Steve Elgar. Test of self-organization in beach cusp formation. J.Geophys.Res., 108(C3),3101,doi:10.1029/2002JC001496, 2003. Link to online article Delaney, J., P. Beauchamp, M. McNutt, C. Barnes, A. Chave, and J. Madden. Project NEPTUNE: An interactive regional cabled ocean observatory in the northeast Pacific. Oceans '03, :1038-1042, 2003. Doherty, K. W., C. D. Taylor, and O. C. Zafiriou. Design of a multi-purpose titanium bottle for uncontaminated sampling of carbon monoxide and potentially of analytes. Deep-Sea Res.I, 50:449-455, 2003. 10465 Link to online article - 3 - Doherty, Kenneth W., Terence R. Hammar, and Kenneth G. Foote. Transducer mounting and rotating system for calibrating sonars in a sea well. Oceans '02, :1407-1410, 2002. 10805 Duda, Timothy F., and Chris R. Rehmann. Systematic microstructure variability in double-diffusively stable coastal waters of nonuniform density gradient. J.Geophys.Res., 107(C10),3144,doi:10.1029/2001JC000844, 2002. 10515 Link to online article Edson, James B., Alan C. Chave, Manhar D. Dhanak, and Fred D. Dunnebier. Guest editorial. IEEE J.Oceanic Eng., 27:145, 2002. Elder, Robert A. A cruise with the ROV Jason. In: Proceedings From INMARTECH ’98, International Marine Technician Symposium, October 20–22, 1998, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California USA. Woody Sutherland, ed., :111-122, 1999. 9948 Elder, Robert L., Brent G. Huntington, and George T. Kotula. State-of-the-art telemetry upgrade for the ROV Jason. In: Oceanology International 2002, London, March 5-8, 2002. Surrey, UK: Spearhead Exhibitions, 10 pp., 2002. 10613 Elgar, Steve, B. Raubenheimer, and T. H. C. Herbers. Bragg reflection of ocean waves from sandbars. Geophys.Res.Lett., 30(1),1016,doi:10.1029/2002GL016351, 2003. 10826 Link to online article Eustice, Ryan, Oscar Pizarro, Hanumant Singh, and Jonathan Howland. UWIT: Underwater image toolbox for optical image processing and mosaicking in MATLAB. In: Underwater Technology, 2002 International Symposium, 16-19 April 2002, Tokyo, Japan. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 5 pp., 2002. 10640 Feddersen, Falk, E. L. Gallagher, R. T. Guza, and Steve Elgar. The drag coefficient, bottom roughness, and wave-breaking in the nearshore. Coastal Eng., 48:189- 195, 2003. 10286 Link to online article Feddersen, Falk, and R. T. Guza. Correction to “Observations of nearshore circulation: Alongshore uniformity” by Falk Feddersen and R. T. Guza. J.Geophys.Res., 108(C3),3076,doi:10.1029/2003JC001801, 2003. 10594A Link to online article - 4 - Feddersen, Falk, and R. T. Guza. Observations of nearshore circulation: Alongshore uniformity. J.Geophys.Res., 108(C1),3006,doi:10.1029/2001JC001293, 2003. 10594 Link to online article Flierl, Glenn, and Dennis J. McGillicuddy. Mesoscale and submesoscale physical-biological interactions. In: The Sea. Allan R. Robinson, James J. McCarthy, Brian J. Rothschild, eds. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 12:113-185, 2002. 10281 Foote, Kenneth G. Pilot census of marine life in the Gulf of Maine: contributions of technology. Oceanol.Acta, 25:213-218, 2003. 10681 Link to online article Foote, Kenneth G., and David T. I. Francis. Acoustic scattering by swimbladdered fish: A review. Bioacoustics, 12:263-265, 2002. Francis, David T. I., and Kenneth G. Foote. Acoustic excitation of the fish swinbladder. Bioacoustics, 12:265-267, 2002. Fredriksson, David W., James D. Irish, M. Robinson Swift, and Barbaros Celikkol. The heave response of a central spar fish cage. J.Offshore Mech.Arct.Eng, 125(4):242-248, 2003. Freitag, Lee, Milica Stojanovic, Matthew Grund, and Sandipa Singh. Acoustic communication for regional undersea observatories. In: Oceanology International 2002, London, March 5-8, 2002. Surrey, UK: Spearhead Exhibitions, 10 pp., 2002. Fries, J. Stephen, and John H. Trowbridge. Flume observations of enhanced fine-particle deposition to permeable sediment beds. Limnol.Oceanogr., 48:802-812, 2003. 10674 Frisk, G., J. Merrill, D. Bradley, J. Caldwell, G. D'Spain, J. Gordon, M. Hastings, D. Ketten, J. Miller, D. Nelson, A. Popper, and D. Wartzok. Ocean Noise and Marine Mammals. Committee on Potential Impacts of Ambient Noise in the Ocean on Marine Mammals. Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 192 pp., 2003. Link to online article Frisk, George V. The relationship between low-frequency phase rate and source-receiver motion in shallow water: Theory and experiment. In: 17th International Congress on Acoustics, Rome, Italy, September 2-7, 2001. New York, NY: ICA, 2:20-21, 2001. - 5 - Frye, Daniel, Nelson Hogg, and Carl Wunsch. Design and operation of a long-duration mooring for ocean observations. Oceans '02, :78-84, 2002. Frye, Daniel, Uri ten Brink, Walter Paul, Kenneth Peal, and Keith von der Heydt. Real-time seismic data from the coastal ocean. Oceans '03, :81-85, 2003. Goldman, J. C., and D. J. McGillicuddy, Jr. Effect of large marine diatoms growing at low light on episodic new production.