Herald of Holiness Volume 49 Number 38 (1960) W
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Olivet Nazarene University Digital Commons @ Olivet Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today Church of the Nazarene 11-16-1960 Herald of Holiness Volume 49 Number 38 (1960) W. T. Purkiser (Editor) Nazarene Publishing House Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, History of Christianity Commons, Missions and World Christianity Commons, and the Practical Theology Commons Recommended Citation Purkiser, W. T. (Editor), "Herald of Holiness Volume 49 Number 38 (1960)" (1960). Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today. 869. https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh/869 This Journal Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Church of the Nazarene at Digital Commons @ Olivet. It has been accepted for inclusion in Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Olivet. For more information, please contact [email protected]. HOLINESSNovember 16, 1960 Official Organ of the Church of the Nazarene The Regions Beyond— Copenhagen, Denmark General Superintendent Powers “The regions beyond” seemed to be a phrase that haunted the Apostle Paul. The spirit of the pioneer was in him; spiritual adventure in soul winning constantly challenged him. He never was satisfied with the status quo. Distant places constantly called to him to preach the gospel. The love of Christ con strained him to seek and find ways and means to take the message of salvation to those who had never heard. He always stood ready to support every sound, forward move that would give the gospel to nations unevangelized. With great faith and a commitment of all he was and all he possessed, he stood ready to respond to the leadership of the Spirit. While a ship riding at anchor, or a camel train heading into some little- known land, or the line of distant blue hills might beckon some to commerce or some selfish pursuit, for the apostle they represented a possible opportunity to preach where the message had not been heard. Something of this spirit must characterize the Church of Jesus Christ today. One year ago as we passed through the city of Copenhagen, Denmark, God laid the burden upon our hearts to take the message of full salvation through the Church of the Nazarene to this beautiful Scandinavian city. The Board of General Superintendents and the Department of Home Mis sions have decided to enter the city immediately with a series of services, looking toward the permanent establishment of the work of the church there, the first Scandinavian city entered by the Church of the Nazarene. We have splendid workers in Rev. and Mrs. Orville H. Kleven. The work will be under the direct supervision of Rev. Jerry Johnson in West Germany. Won’t you join in prayer for the success ol this project, and give generously in the Thanksgiving Offering and through your General Budget so that this first work of the Church of the Nazarene in Scandinavia may become firmly established? ANNOUNCEMENT The 1960 edition of the M an dhmlcltffotlHess ual of the Church of the Nazarene is now ready for W N ovem ber 16, 1960 distribution; and from the date of this issue of the H erald of After pastoring Calvary Church in Vol. 49, No. 38 W hole N um ber 2534 H oliness all of its provisions Joplin, Missouri, for five years, Rev. are in effect in accordance with Jack C. Leatherman is now pastoring paragraph 603 of the 1956 edi the church at Green Rock, Illinois. I The Regions Beyond—Copen tion of the M anual. hagen, Denmark, General Su- perintendent Powers BOARD OF GENERAL After serving four years as pastor of SUPERINTENDENTS 3 Windows in Heaven, A. J. HUGH C. BENNER, Secretary the church in Brantford, Ontario, Rev. Lown Ross R. Cribbis has resigned to accept 4 Holiness and Unily, Walter E. the pastorate of the church in Oxford, I sen hour Nova Scotia, Canada. 5 Work Now—Rest Later! Don ald K. Ballard Help us to know when to compel and when to lead softly. May we be enlight Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Hobza, active G A Certain Rich Man, James members of the Church of the Nazarene W. Tharp ened to recognize each man’s spiritual key, for we have learned that some spirit for over thirty-seven years, will be cele 7 The Highway of Holiness: brating their golden wedding anniver Are You on It? Arthur W. ual opportunities become real only as sary on Thanksgiving Day. Mr. Hobza Fisher we unlock them. Yet we confess that we was ordained by the late Dr. J. 15. Chap This Holy Way, Marian L. do not know how to unlock except Thou man at the district assembly held at Knorr grant that wisdom which is from above. Sioux Falls, South Dakota, in 1932. He 8 Your Moment of Truth, H. M. Im part to us this day the gift of pastored churches in North Dakota, von Stein humility, that we will shrink to lift up Minnesota, and Idaho, did evangelistic Pray for a Revival in Ger our supposed saintliness, and rather seek work, and in recent years has been many, O. Joe Olson to glorify the lifted-up Lord of life. taking an active part in First Church, 9 Thy Will—, Belle Chapman We would be so filled with the Spirit Nampa. Their children are arranging Morrill today that our demeanor and words for an open house in their honor, at tire Revivals Are Big Business, will point to the Lamb of God. Evangelist Forrest McCul Save us from being mere machine Fellowship Hall, on the evening o£ lough Thanksgiving Day. Rev. and Mrs. oilers, and make us soul-winning toilers. 10 Beyond the Call of Duty, Hobza live at 915 Sixteenth Avenue, Help us to keep at bay the devil of Dean Wessels South, in Nampa, Idaho. They enjoy discouragement by constant contempla 11 From One Grain of Wheat, fairly good health and continue to live tion of the truth that some plant and Clyde Golliher happy, productive lives. Dear Child of God, Don’t some water, but God gives the increase. Worry So! Alice I f an sc he Through Jesus Christ our Lord, we Pastor Harold Runyan sends word Mortenson pray. Amen.—Neii, E. Hightower, Pas from Charleston, West Virginia: “Grace A Hindu’s Prayer tor, College Park Church, Maryland. Church, South Charleston, has had the 12 Editorials, W. T. Purkiser greatest revival in the church's five- year history, with 100 souls bowing at HERALD OF HOLINESS: W. T. Purkiser, our altar. New members were added to Editor in Chief; Velma I. Knight, Office Ed itor. Contributing Editors: Hardy C. Powers, SHEKINAH GLORY the church, with 240 present for the last G. B. Williamson, Samuei Young, D. I. Van- Sunday morning service. We praise God derpool, Hugh C. Benner, V. H. Lewis, Gen eral Superintendents, Church of the Nazarene. B y F. W. DAVIS for a revival in our day. The special Published every Wednesday by the NAZA workers were Rev. Ralph Sexton and RENE PUBLISHING HOUSE, M. A. Lunn, How blessed to live in the presence of Manager, 2923 Troost Avenue, Box 527, God, the Harrison Trio.” Kansas City 41, Missouri. Subscription price, $1.50 per year, in advance. Second-class And to feel His sweet Spirit each hourI postage paid at Kansas City, Missouri. He lightens our burdens, and blesses with Rev. R. D. Bredholt writes, “After Printed in U.S.A. seven years of serving our church in peace, Benton Harbor, during which time God And fills us with glory and power. gave us a good ministry, we received a The thrill of His presence xvill banish unanimous call to return to a former the night, pastorate at the church in New Lothrop, A nd drive all the shadows away, Michigan.” A Soul-Winner's Prayer: Till there’s music and song down deep in our souls, VYV\\\WVV\\W\\VV\V\V\\VYWUVW\\\WV\\VV\V\W\\VWV\VV\AYYV Our Heaxenly Father, we come to And we’re happy in Jesus each day. Thee in the name of Jesus, the eternal "Is the Lord Jesus Christ the sure Sower of salvation's seed. Oh, thanks be to God, our Father and Foundation of your life, or is He a Stone Help us this day to be alert to every King, of Stumbling? What makes the differ opportunity for witness that comes our Who brightens our pathway of life! ence? Peter tells us clearly (1 Peter 2: way. Help us to perceive the door of He foils all the powers of Satan and hell 7-S) : it is our attitude toward Him and spiritual hunger that is set ajar, be it And eradicates evil and strife. our response to His teaching. To those ever so slightly, by the will of a needy To Him be the honor, all glory and who believe on Him, He becomes heart. Give us wisdom that we may praise, precious; and to those who obey Him, know how to grasp the handle and walk For the light and joy He has given. He becomes 'the head of the corner.’ He softly, but confidently, into the sin- Someday we shall dwell in that city of is, indeed, the inescapable Christ. Let cluttered life. God, us be wise and make the right response to Teach us how to recognize the hidden Where the Lamb is the glory of the divine encounter."—Selected. tenderness behind a hardened exterior. heaven. 2 (918) • HERALD OF HOLINESS Windows in Heaven B y A. J.